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1.2.1 大量使用被动语态(>1/3及物动词)
一方面是因为科技文体反映的是客观事实及据此作出的科学推论 ,语言运用要求体现客观性和普遍性,避免使用人称作主语以免 主观臆断,更少有主观色彩; 另一方面是因为科技文体描述的是科研的对象、手段、过程,使 用被动语态更能说明需要论证的对象,更能使其位置鲜明、突出 。
Unit 1 The Basic Knowledge of English for Professional Purpose
1.1 The characters of Language 1.2 The characters of Grammar 1.3 The characters of Words and Expressions 1.4 The characters of the Structure
1.1 The characters of Language
1.1.3 Clarity 清晰:清晰主要是强调逻辑严谨、 概念清晰、关系分明、句子连贯。
提出问题 分析问题
总结 归纳
语气转折 逻辑顺序 表示限制 表示假设
because, because of , due to, owing t as a result of, caused by, for
but, however, nevertheless, yet, otherw
so, thus, therefore, furthermore, more in addition to only, if only, except, besides, unless suppose, assuming provided, providing
Unit 1 The Basic Knowledge of English for Professional Purpose Unit 2 The translation of English for Special Purpose Unit 3 Reading Comprehension and Translation of English for Agricultural Resources and Environment Unit 4 Writing of Scientific and Technical Papers
(3)Writing of Scientific and
Technical papers (4)Share Ideas, Experience and
Description of the Course
The nature of the curriculum: Compulsory course Antecedence courses: English、Soil science、Plant nutrition Reference books:《English Course for Science of Resources and Environment》许宏修主编;《环境科 学与工程专业英语》彭举威主编;《英汉科技翻译教程》 韩其顺主编;《英语科技论文写作精要》辜嘉铭编著; Duration of course: 36 hours Types of activities: learning-based classes, case study, workshop, translation exercise, watching video related to environmental issue. Test mode: attendance(20%); Performance in class(50%); housework(30%)
1.1.1 Accuracy 准确:表达上不使用模棱两可的词。
e.g. Water supply and Drainage Engineering offers a particular challenge because almost every process of wastewater treatment that is designed and built by engineers is unique. One process rarely duplicate another exactly.
1.2 The characters of Grammar
e.g. During this oxidation process, pollutants are broken down into carbon dioxide (CO2), water (H2O), nitrates, sulphates and biomass (micro-organisms). e.g. By optimizing the oxygen supply with socalled aerators, the process can be significantly
1.1 The characters of Language
1.1.2 Brevity 简洁:避免不必要的润饰和重复,但不 排除长句的使用。
e.g. Be strict to the examination and approval of the new projects in HuaiHe River basin, and carry out the environment influence assessment system. The projects which are not in accord with the Tenth-Five-year plan should not be approved. e.g. Metals expand when heated and contract when
English for Agricultural Resources and Environment
Why ?
We need it!
(1)Literature searching (2)Translation skills