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Module 4 New Technology
• 写作主题: 写出如何使用科技产品的文章,让 大家理解这种科技产品。 • 写作要求:现在手机越来越流行,手机已成 为人们进行交流的新的方式。结合实际情况, 说说手机给我们的生活带来的好处。要求叙 述清晰,条理清楚。参考词汇: advantage(好处), get online, listen to music, short message, communication
• Suddenly I saw a visitor throwing food to the monkeys . I ran to stop him and told him, "Visitors are not allowed to feed the animals. They must eat proper food. Animals are our good friends, so we must take good care of them." That man said "sorry" to me. I felt very happy today.
• I also like sports. Playing football is my favourate . I often play with my friends on the playground. I hope to be a football player in the future. Taking exercise keeps me happy and healthy.
Our school has a radio station that has just opened. It has got two newsreaders and several editors. The first programme of the radio starts at seven in the morning. At five in the afternoon it will close down.There are many radio programmes. We can listen to English, news, stories, music and sports. We write the articles in person. It is so interesting that all of us love it. Thanks to the radio station, we get a lot of knowledge from it.
写作思路:把手机的优点简单明 了的介绍出来,使用一些连词使 文章显得逻辑性强。
• 1. Now mobile phone has become more and more popular. • 2. Thanks to the mobile phone, our life has become more meaningful. • 3. Nowadays, mobile phone has become a new day of communication. • 4. Whatever you are, you can make calls to your relatives or friends at any time. • 5. In a word, mobile phone is very helpful to us. • 6.First/Firstly·· ·Second/Secondly· · Then·· · Last· ·
Module 1 Hobbies
• 写作要求:每个人都有自己的爱 好。 • 要主题写作:学会简单介绍自己 以及别人的爱好。求语句通顺, 符合逻辑。 • 写作思路:先总的介绍,然后在 展开叙述。同时要注意句子的失 态和结构。
Fra Baidu bibliotek
• 精彩好句 • 1. I started reading when I was five. • 2. I have many hobbies, such as reading and sports. • 3. Reading can help me not only learn lots konwlege but also open my mind. • 4. Taking exercise keeps me happy and healthy.
Module 2 Friendship
• 主题写作:能掌握故事的写作方式, 介绍自己的经历。 • 写作要求:根据中文提示用英文写一 篇日记。你和你的同学李华参观了北 京动物园。那里的动物很多,十分有 趣,人见人爱。当你看到有位游客在 向猴子投向喂食动物市,就上前阻止 并说··· ···
• 写作思路:介绍自己的经历时,失态用 一般过去时,同时文章必须符合日记格 式。 • 1. The animals there were so interesting that all the people loved them. • 2. Animals are our good friends ,so we must take good care of them. • 3. There are many animals at the zoo, such as tigers, lions ,monkeys and beautiful birds.
写作思路:本文为介绍日常情况的记叙文, 使用一般现在时。写作过程中的注意提示信 息的完整,并根据需要适当补充内容。适当 使用以前所学短语句型,为文章曾加亮点。
• 1. The radio programmes begin at seven in the morning and close down at five in the afternoon. • 2. Then we will listen to some music, such as pop music, folk music and so on. • 3. Our school has a radio station that has just opened. • 4. It is so interesting that all of us love it. • 5. Thank you the radio station, we get a lot of knowledge from it.
Sundays, May 3rd Fine It was a fine day today and the sun shone brightly. I visited Beijing Zoo with my classmate, Li Hua. There are many animals at the zoo,such as tigers, lions ,mokeys and beautiful birds. they were so interesting that all the people loved them, We were enjoying ourselves.
Module 3 On the radio
• 主题写作:以广播为话题,简单介绍一下 校园广播站的情况。 • 写作要求。根据内容提示,以记叙文的形 式,写出意思连贯,意思清晰的英文。字 数:80左右。 • 你们学校有一个校园广播站,它刚成立 不久,有两名播音员和几名编辑。每天早 上七点开始广播,下午五点停止。广播的 节目有很多,例如英语,音乐,故事等。同 学们都很喜爱校园广播,同时也学到了很 多知识。
• Nowadays,mobile phone has become a new way of commuicatiom. Most people have one. It offers us a lot of advantages. Firstly,it is very convenient. Whatever you are, you can make telephone calls to your relatives or friends at any time. Secondly, we can send shoit message to greet each other. When others receive our messages , they feel our love and friendship. Last, we can use a mobile phone to get onoline. Throug it, we can read the weather report and news, chat online and watch TV. • In a wold, mobile phone is very helpful to us.
• My Hobby I have many hobbies,such as reading and sports. I love reading books. I became interested in it when I was a child. I often read books in the evenings. And I have read hundreds of books.Reading can help me not only learn a lot of knowledge but also open my mind. It is useful to me.