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Language Comprehension 语言理解
We store a great deal of information about the properties of words in our mental lexicon, and retrieve this information when we understand language. Frequency of exposure determines our ability to recall stored instances. Similarity and frequency both play important roles in processing and comprehending language, with the novel items being processed based on their similarity to the known ones.
Judgment / Comparison
1. There’ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ a cat [figure] on the mat
[ground]. 2. We [trajector] went across the field [landmark].
Perspective / Situatedness(位置) Situatedness(位置)
The Psychological Approach
It looks at language from the perspective of relatively general cognitive systems ranging from perception, memory, attention to reasoning.
Cognitive linguistics 认知语言学
It is based on human experiences of the world and the way they perceive and conceptualize the world. It has addressed the structuring within language of such basic conceptual categories as those of space and time, scenes and event, entities, and processes, motion and location, and force and causation.
Chapter Six
Language and Cognition
What is Cognition?
Mental processes of an individual, with particular relation to a view that argues that the mind has internal mental states (such as beliefs, desires and intentions) and can be understood in terms of information processing, especially when a lot of abstraction or concretization is involved.
Judgment / Comparison
To distinguish between static and dynamic figure / ground relation, Langacker used the term trajector for a moving figure and landmark for the ground of a moving figure.
Cognitive linguistics 认知语言学
“认知”译自英语名词cognition或形容词 认知”译自英语名词cognition或形容词 认知 cognition cognitive。老的译名就是“认识” cognitive。老的译名就是“认识” 。传统 上把心理活动分为三类:认识、情感和意志。 上把心理活动分为三类:认识、情感和意志。 认知语言学主张从人的内部和心理认知过程 来研究语言使用。 来研究语言使用。 它是一门综合学科, 它是一门综合学科,涉及计算机自然语言理 人工智能、语言学、心理学、 解、人工智能、语言学、心理学、系统论等 多种学科 认知语言学不是语言学的分支学科, 认知语言学不是语言学的分支学科,而是当 代语言学的一个学派
Construal Operations
Construal operations are conceptualizing processes used in language process by human beings. They are the underlying psychological processes and resources employed in the interpretation of linguistic expressions.
It is the process of classifying our experiences into different categories based on commonalities and differences. basic level superordinate level(上位范畴) (上位范畴) subordinate level(下属范畴) (下属范畴)
Basic Level
1. It refers to those that are most
culturally salient and are required to fulfill our cognitive needs the best. 2. This is the level where we perceive the most differences between “objects” in the world. 3. It is also the most economical ones in that it is at this level that you can find the most relevant information. (p.145)
Perspective / Situatedness(位置) Situatedness(位置)
1. My bike is in front of the car. 2. My bike is behind the car.
Deixis /`daiksis/ 指称 1. this 2. that
Categorization(范畴化) Categorization
Construal(识解) Construal(识解) & Construal Operations
Construal is the ability to conceive and portray the same situation in alternate ways through specificity, different mental scanning, directionality, vantage(优势) point, figure-ground 优势) segregation(分离) etc. 分离)
We view a scene in term of our situatedness. Perspective depends on 1) where we are situated in relation to the scene we’re viewing. 2) It depends on how the scene is arranged in relation to our situatedness.
Attention / Salience Salience(凸显)
1. We drove along the road. 2. She ran across the road. 3. The building workers dug through
the road.
1. He cleaned the window. 2. He opened the window.
It is the study of psychological aspects of language; it usually studies the psychological states and mental activity associated with the use of language.
1. 2. 3.
the formal approach the psychological approach the conceptual approach
The formal approach
It addresses the structural patterns exhibited by the overt aspect of linguistic forms, largely abstracted away from or regarded as autonomous from any associated meaning. It includes the study of morphological, syntactic, and lexical structure.
What is Cognition?
The mental process or faculty of knowing, including aspects such as awareness, perception, reasoning, and judgment.
Approaches to the Study of Language and Cognition
Attention / Salience(凸显) Salience(凸显)
It has sth. to do with our direction of attention towards sth. that is salient to us. We activate the most relevant concepts more than concepts that are irrelevant to what we’re “thinking about”. In that sense, we direct the attention towards the relevant concepts.
Judgment / Comparison
It has sth. to do with judging sth. by comparing it to sth. else. Figure-ground(图形 背景) 背景) (图形-背景 alignment(排列) applies to space (排列) with the ground as the prepositional object and the preposition expressing the spatial relational configuration 布局) (布局).
The Conceptual Approach
It is concerned with the patterns in which and the processes by which conceptual content is organized in language.
Psycholinguistics 心理语言学
Language Acquisition 语言习得
1. holophrastic stage 单词句阶段(1218 months) 2. two-word stage (183. stage of three-word utterances 4. fluent grammatical conversation stage (36 months)