2. 交通心理与行为研究方法

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traffic lanes for 5 minutes . 5) Observe safety belt use for 50 minutes. 6) Count all target vehicles on all designated
traffic lanes for 5 minutes.
1) Count up the total number of target vehicle occupants using safety belts.
1: Answer three questions. 2: Select the places where you will look for safety belt use. 3: Schedule when to go out and look for safety belt use. 4: Find and train the people who will look for safety belt use, 5: Go out and see who is using their safety belt. 6: Figure out your community's frequency of safety belt use. 7: Figure out what it all means. 8: Tell everyone about your community's safety belt use.
在实际道路交通情境中,研究者有目的、有计划地 对道路使用者的行为表现进行观察和记录,然后 进行分析的研究方法。可以直接观察正在发生的 行为,也可以采用摄影或摄像设备记录而后再行 观察。
直接性:直接记录交通参与者的行为,不需要依赖 对行为的间接解释。
真实性:在自然条件下进行,观察者不改变被观察 者正常的交通活动条件,对其行为也不加任何干涉, 能保持被观察者心理表现的自然性和客观性,使观 察的结果比较真实、可靠。
当年12月在密歇根州抽取的191个交叉口展开,对 各类车辆、不同性别、年龄、种族的驾驶人和前 排乘客(统称为乘员)佩戴安全带情况进行了调 查。结果表明,密歇根州的总体安全带使用率为 93.6%,相比2011年仍有所下降,其中男性和轻型 货车的安全带使用率较低。
调查活动的组织 观察地点的选择 编制调查进度表 自然观察数据的采集 社区安全带使用率的估计
1) Figure out the number of observation sites to include in your survey.
2) Get a good map that shows all the roads within the survey area, 3) Draw a grid pattern onto a transparent sheet of plastic. 4) Select the locations of the observation sites. A) Choose a random grid square. B) See if there is an intersection inside the grid square. 5) Determine where an observer should stand at each observation
3) Take observers to example intersections and practice data collection procedures.
1) Determine if the site can be surveyed, 2) Fill out the site form. 3) Find the proper standing location. 4) Count all target vehicles on all designated
1) Figure out how groups of sites you will have in your survey. 2) Determine the number of sites to be observed within each
group. 3) Group together the observation sites and number them. 4) Pick a random day for the group of sites to be observed. 5) Randomly pick the time of day for each site within the group to
1) Why do you want to know the safety belt use in your community?
2) What will be your survey area? 3) What vehicles will be include in the survey?
Biblioteka Baidu
2)研究的交通行为能否通过视觉观察准确和可靠地 判断?
一、观察法(自然观察现场技术) ------应用领域
1)行人和骑车人行为特征 2)汽车驾驶人遇到行人和骑车人时的反应特性。 3)驾驶注意力分散的研究:通过观察驾驶时吃东西、
吸烟、聊天、打手机、看导航设备等问题,以确定 这些行为对驾驶注意力分散的影响程度。 4)定期获得系安全带和佩戴头盔的情况。 5)不安全驾驶行为研究,如评价闯红灯、超速等自 动执法装置的安装效果。
be observed.
1) Gather together the materials needed for observing safety belt use.
2) Bring the observers to a classroom and discuss survey procedures.