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1. Patients will be given the choice of buying drugs from hospitals or retail pharmacies.

1. 病人将有权选择从医院或零售药店购买药物。(直译)此被动句译为主动句,理由是:汉英主语保持一致。此被动句的使用目的是回避消息的施动者,即政府机构。

2. For every regime that sponsors terror, there is a price to be paid, and it will be paid.

2. 赞助恐怖行动的每一个政权,,是会付出代价的,也必将承受其代价。(直译)此被动句译为主动句。此被动句的使用目的是强调动作的接受者,即每一个赞助恐怖行动的政权。

3. “This cannot be ignored… Civilization itself, the civilization we share, is threatened.” he said.

3. “我们共享的文明本身正受到威胁,这不容忽视…。”他说。(直译)此被动句的使用目的是回避动作的施动者即人类的恶行。

4. “Details of the visit are being discussed and will be officially announced as soon as a decision is made.” the spokesman said.

4. “正在讨论访问细节,并将尽快通过官方途径宣布决定。”这位发言人说。(直译)此被动句的使用目的是回避动作的施动者,即正在讨论细节的政府工作人员,以避免公众的不适感。

5. The extradition case was political, the court was told.

5. 有人在法院出庭作证,引渡案件是政治性案件。(直译意译交互)此被动句使用目的是保护消息来源,即保护这一出庭作证人的隐私及人身安全。

6. His condition is unknown, as officials have refused to release his details to staff.

6. 官员以其情况未知拒绝向工作人员透露细节。(直译)将两个单句整合为一句。


1. The use of force has been- and remains- our last resort. Yet all can know, friends and foe alike, that our nation has a mission: We will answer threats to our security, and we will defend the peace.

1. 所有人,朋友和敌人也一样,都明白我们的国家有这样一个使命:我们将回应那些我们安全的威胁,我们将捍卫和平。使用武力,仍是我们最后的手段。(直译)


2. Tokyo was facing the prospect of its first blackouts in nearly two decades yesterday after the city’s main power company shut down the last of its 17 nuclear reactors for safety checks, after a series of damaging scandals.

2.昨日东京正面临近20年来因进行安全检查主要电力公司关闭了去年的17座核反应堆之后的第一次停电,且在这之后发生的一系列的破坏性的丑闻的景象。(直译)句子结构的分析:Tokyo是主语,was facing是谓语部分,the prospect 是宾语,其后都是修饰宾语的定语。

3. Shanghai Disney Resort opened its gates in a trial run last week in preparation for its official opening on June 16, but some guests complained about high prices at various facilities, the Beijing Youth Daily reported on Thursday.


4. The school system still lacks any comprehensive sexuality education, let alone any mention of gender diversity. However, around 10% of the respondents reported receiving gender diversity education at school, mainly in their undergraduate studies and above.


5. On Sunday (Oct. 30), Park Geun-hye carried out a partial reshuffle of her secretariat, accepting the resignation of eight key aides in a bid to regain the trust of the public.

5. 周日(10月30日),为了挽回公众信任,朴槿惠秘书处进行部分人事改组,接受八个主要助手的辞职,。(直译)调整句子语序,表明事件发起人想要达到的目的。


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