商务英语翻译8.2 被动语态的翻译[精]

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6. 常用被动句型的习惯译法
在英语常用被动句型“It+被动语态+that”中,it是 形式主语,that引导出的是主语从句。 汉语译文习惯上采用主动语态,有时还需要增译 出泛指性的主语,有时也可译成无主句并酌情加 上“根据”或“据”。
6Hale Waihona Puke Baidu 常用被动句型的习惯译法
1. It must be pointed out that only if quality is improved can more outlets for export be found and expects be increased. 必须指出的是,质量好了,才能打开出口渠道并扩 大出口。
the company. 公司开除了她,是因为她违反了公司的规定。
有些英语被动句并未在句中出现表示行为主体的 词或词组,在翻译这类句子时,可适当增添一些 不确定的主语,如,“人们”、“有人”、“大 家”、“我们”等。
1. He was known as a kind man. 大家都知道他是个善良的人。
2. 保留原主语, 译成主动句
1.The first partial goods will be shipped on the first available steamer at the beginning of June. 第一批货物将于6月初装在第一艘订到的船上。
2. An agreement was never reached for the simple reason that neither side wants to give in. 协议没有达成的原因很简单,那就是双方都不 让步。
为了符合汉语的表达习惯,在英汉被动语态的翻 译中经常需要灵活处理的技巧:英语被动句译成 汉语无主语的主动句,或保留英语的主语,译成 汉语主动句,或把英语中的主语译为汉语的宾语, 或在汉语中增加主语,把英语被动句译成主动句, 或把英语中的被动句译成汉语的判断句。
1. 译成无主语的主动句
汉语和英语的一个重要区别是汉语被动语态的使 用频率远远低于英语。因此,在英汉翻译中如何 处理被动语态显得极为重要。有些英语被动句着 重被动的动作,翻译时为了突出被动意义,可以 译成汉语表示被动的“被”字结构或相似结构, 如,“受、遭、叫、让、给、由、把、得到、受 到、加以、得以、为……所、由……来”等。
1. Efforts should be made to promote the economic development. 应努力促进经济发展。
2. Two days are given to her for repairing this car. 给了她两天时间来修这辆车。 3. She ate less and less in the evening so that her weight may be decreased. 她晚上吃的越来越少,为的是减肥。
6. 常用被动句型的习惯译法
常用的类似结构还有:It is reported that... 据报道;It is well recognized that...人们公认……:It is supposed that... 据推测It cannot be denied that…无可否认 … … ; It is expected(hoped) that…人们希望 … … ; It is understood that…不用说(谁都知道)……;It is well known that …大 家知道(众所周知)……;It is said that…据说……;It is estimated (predicted, calculated) that…据估计(预计) … … It is learned that…据闻(悉) … … ; It may be confirmed that…可以肯定 … … ; It is generally(usually); accepted (agreed) that…普遍(一般、通常)认为……;It is believed that …有人(人们、大家)相信……;It will be seen from this that …由此可见……;It must (should) be admitted that…必须(应该)承认 … … ; It is rumored that…据谣传……。
3. It may be said without fear of exaggeration that the newly-devised microcomputer can act as a guide to a blind person.
可以毫不夸张地说这种新设计的微型计算 机能够充任盲人的向导。
1. Our price has already been closely calculated. 我方价格是经过精密核算的。
5. 译成汉语判断句
2. The plan for the next five years is made by the managers.
2. Marketing is seen as the task of finding and stimulating buyers for the firm’s output.
人们认为营销就是为某个公司的产品寻找买主 ,并鼓励购买。
5. 译成汉语判断句
有些英语被动句并不突出强调被动动作,而着重对 事物的状态、过程和性质等加以描述,其作用与系 表结构类似。因此,翻译这种英语被动句,经常采 用“是……的”判断句式。
3. The financial information provided by an accounting system is needed by managerial decision market to help them plan and control the activities of the economic entity. 会计系统提供的金融信息对于帮助管理层决策人 员制订计划和控制该经济实体的活动而言是不可 或缺的。
2. It is generally agreed that organizations that with effective manages will likely be successful, whereas organizations with poor managers will likely fail. 人们普遍认为,拥有高效胜任的管理人员,公司成 功的可能性更大,而管理人员能力低下的公司则大 多会失败。
3. 把原文中的主语译为宾语
2. This contract was made by and between the buyer and the seller in Hangzhou last summer.
去年夏天买卖双方于杭州签订了本合同。 3. She was rejected as she violated the rules of