英语美文集锦 专题二

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Too many computers? 太多电脑?

I think with my fingers! That’s how I feel when I have to write a text. And I’m not alone. We’re so used to typing on keyboards that it seems the thoughts don’t flow流畅when we have to pick up a pen and a notepad. Something similar is happening when we have to do sums. No electronic calculator, no arithmetic. Sometimes I think it’s a shame一个遗憾.

But our reliance依赖on machines does not end there. I read on the news that a generation of geeks电脑迷are more comfortable with relationships online than face to face. In Japan, some young men are carrying around ‘a girlfriend’ who is actually a computer game called Love Plus. It comes as a small portable tablet.

Do you spend too much time on your computer too?

We might end up feeling lonely even with all the new ways of keeping in touch. Maybe we should spend more time actually meeting friends, in person, than just interacting交流互动digitally.

What about you? Are you hooked on迷恋于your computer too?

Playing Father Christmas is not fun 圣诞老人的角色可不好扮演呢!

If you came across an alien from outer space, what would you give it for Christmas? That question keeps popping up浮现inside my head as I walk hesitantly迟疑不决地along the aisles of the kids’ section in the department store here in London looking for gifts for nephews and nieces.

The mood气氛outside is festive; tinsel金属箔装饰is everywhere, Christmas trees stand proudly at every street corner, and seasonal music plays in the shops, but inside I am in turmoil忐忑不安。Children these days are much more demanding than those of my generation. And I don’t have children of my own to observe and learn from. I’m left at the mercy无能为力,只能受…支配of the toy industry which goes into overdrive加大力度at this time of the year.

(Which gift could please a creature from Planet Pancake?)It sounds better in English英语听起来更好!

•Computers were still prohibitively expensive价格离谱的in my early teens. By then I was bored with dolls, though I was not keen on makeup or fancy outfits quite yet. My mother used to give me board games图板游戏,棋类游戏,桌上游戏like Monopoly and draughts, to play with my brother and me. The neighbour’s kid was a sports fanatic and had balls of all shapes and sizes for every field activity invented by man.

But that was long ago, and I’m still standing in the department store wondering what to buy. Perhaps you could help me? What gift could I give a child? Give me your suggestions in English, please!

I love movies, especially those with good-looking长得好看的stars in them. I learnt elementary English at school, like many of you. But my learning really took off开始腾飞when I became a teenager. The internet wasn’t so accessible容易得到的back then, so I couldn’t just type my
