



Because if there's one thing I've learned along the way, it's that all our personal successes shine a little less brightly if we fail at family. That's what matters most. When I look back on my life, I won't be thinking about any particular legislation I passed or policy I promoted. I'll be thinking about Michelle, and the journey we've been on together. I'll be thinking about Sasha's dance recitals and Malia's tennis matches – about the conversations we've had and the quiet moments we've shared. I'll be thinking about whether I did right by them, and whether they knew, every day, just how much they were loved.That's what I think being a father is all about. And if we can do our best to be a source of comfort and encouragement to our kids; if we can show them unconditional love and help them grow into the people they were meant to be; then we will have succeeded.Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there, and have a great weekend.President Obama Delivers His Second Inaugural Address John Roberts: Please raise your right hand and repeat after me.(美国最高法院首席大法官)John Roberts:请举起你的右手,随我一起宣誓。



奥巴马父亲节演讲稿(中英)hi, everybody. this fathers day inutes talking about etimes my hardest, but alymost rey father around. he left y sister and i other and caring grandparents to raise us, i felt his absence. and i y life y oy job haskept me a home more often than i liked, and the burden of raising tetimes fall too heavily on michelle.这就是为什么我要如此竭尽所能地去成为自己孩子的好父亲。



but bety oy ongoingefforts to be the best father i can be, ive learned a feost from their parents.从我自己的成长经历和尽力成为称职父亲的经验中,我对孩子最需要从父母处得到什么的问题,有了更深的心得体会。

first, they need our time. and more important thanthe quantity of hours is the quality of those hours. maybe its just asking about their day, or talking a allest moments can have the biggest impact.首先,孩子们需要我们花时间与之相处。





奥巴马的演讲稿3篇hi, everybody. sunday is father's day. if you haven't got dad a gift yet, there's still time. just barely. but the truth is, what we give our fathers can never match what our fathers give us.i know how important it is to have a dad in your life, because i grew up without my father around. i felt the weight of his absence. so for michelle and our girls, i try every day to be the husband and father my family didn't have when i was young. and every chance i get, i encourage fathers to get more involved in their children's lives, because what makes you a man isn't the ability to have a child – it's the courage to raise one.still, over the past couple years, i've met with a lot of young people who don't have a father figure around. and while there's nothing that can replace a parent, any of us can do our part to be a mentor, a sounding board, a role model for a kid who needs one. earlier this year, i launched an initiative called my brother's keeper – an all-hands-on-deck effort to help more of our young men reach their full potential. and if you want to be a mentor to a young man in your community, you can find out how at /mybrotherskeeper.now, when i launched this initiative, i said that government can't play the primary role in a young person's life. taking responsibility for being a great parent or mentor is a choice that we, as individuals, have to make. no government program can ever take the place of a parent's love. still, as a country, there are ways we can help support dads and moms who make that choice.that's why, earlier this week, we brought working dads from across america to the white house to talk about the challenges they face. and in a few weeks, i'll hold the first-ever white houseworking families summit. we've still got too many workplace policies that belong in the 1950s, and it's time to bring them up to date for today's families, where oftentimes, both parents are working. moms and dads deserve affordable child care, and time off to care for a sick parent or child without running into hardship. women deserve equal pay for equal work – and at a time when more women are breadwinners for a family, that benefits men, too. and because no parent who works full-time should have to raise a family in poverty, it's time for congress to follow the lead of state after state, get on the bandwagon, and give america a raise.dads work hard. so our country should do what we can to make sure their hard work pays off; to make sure life for them and their families is a little less stressful, and a little more secure, so they can be the dads their kids need them to be. because there's nothing more precious in life than the time we spend with our children. there's no better feeling than knowing that we can be there for them, and provide for them, and help give them every shot at success.let's make sure every dad who works hard and takes responsibility has the chance to know that feeling, not just on one sunday, but every day of the year.thanks everybody, happy father's day, and have a great weekend.第1篇:奥巴马演讲稿“我们在这里,怀念29 位美国人:卡尔·阿克德、杰森·阿金斯、克里斯多佛·贝尔、格利高里·史蒂夫·布洛克、肯尼斯·艾伦·查普曼、罗伯特·克拉克、查尔斯·蒂莫西·戴维斯、克里·戴维斯、迈克尔·李·埃尔斯维克、威廉·i.格里菲斯、史蒂芬·哈拉、爱德华·迪恩·琼斯、理查德·k.雷恩、威廉姆·罗斯威尔特·林奇、尼古拉斯·达利尔·麦考斯基、乔·马克姆、罗纳德·李·梅尔、詹姆斯·e.姆尼、亚当·基斯·摩根、雷克斯·l.姆林斯、乔什·s.纳皮尔、霍华德·d.佩恩、迪拉德·厄尔·波辛格、乔尔·r.普莱斯、迪华德·斯科特、加里·考拉斯、格罗佛·戴尔·斯金斯、本尼·威灵汉姆以及里奇·沃克曼。



美国总统奥巴马2014年父亲节讲话第一篇:美国总统奥巴马2014年父亲节讲话美国总统奥巴马2014年父亲节讲话Hi, everybody.Sunday is Father’s Day.If you haven’t got Dad a gift yet, there’s still time.Just barely.But the truth is, what we give our fathers can never match what our fathers give us.大家好。





I know how important it is to have a dad in your life, because I grew up without my father around.I felt the weight of his absence.So for Michelle and our girls, I try every day to be the husband and father my family didn’t have when I was young.And every chance I get, I encourage fathers to get more involved in their children’s lives, because what makes you a man isn’t the ability t o have a child –it’s the courage to raise one.我深知你们一生中有个父亲是何等重要,因为我从小到大没有父亲。





奥巴马父亲节演讲第一篇:奥巴马父亲节演讲Hi, everybody.This Sunday is Father’s Day, and so I wanted to take a moment to talk about the most important job many of us will ever have –and that’s being a dad.大家好。


Today we’re blessed to live in a world where technology allows us to connect instantly with just about anyone on the planet.But no matter how advanced we get, there will never be a substitute for the love and support and, most importantly, the presence of a parent in a child’s life.And in many ways, that’s uniquely true for fathers.今天我们有福气生活在技术使我们能随时与地球上任何人交流的世界上。



I never really knew my own father.I was raised by a single mom and two wonderful grandparents who made incredible sacrifices for me.And there are single parents all across the country who do a heroic job raising terrific kids.But I still wish I had a dad who was not only around, but involved;another role model to teach me what my mom did her best to instill – values like hard work and integrity;responsibility and delayed gratification – all the things that give a child the foundation to envision a brighter future for themselves.我从来没有见过我的父亲。




奥巴马父亲节演讲稿范文篇1Of all the rocks upon witch we build our lives, we are reminded today that family is the most imortant. And we are called to recognize and honor how critical every father is to that foundation. They are teachers and coaches. They are mentors role models. They are examples of succeand the men who constantly push us towared it.今天我们要记起来的是,在我们缔造生活所依赖的基石中,家庭是最重要的。




I say this knowing that I have been an imperfect father—knowing that I have made mistakes and will contiue to make more; wishing that I could be home for my girls and my wife more than I am right now . I say this knowing all of these things because even as we are imperfect ,even as we face diffcult circumstance ,there are still certain lessons we must strive to live and learn as fathers —whether we are black or white , poor or rich.我讲这些话时,心里明白我并非一个尽善尽美的父亲——我知道我犯过错误,并且还可能会犯更多错误;我希望我能比现在有更多的时间在家里陪伴我的女儿和太太。



2022父亲节美国总统奥巴马的英语演讲稿20xx父亲节美国总统奥巴马的英语演讲稿Hi, everybody. Sunday is Father's Day. If you haven't got Dad a gift yet, there's still time. Just barely. But the truth is, what we give our fathers can never match what our fathers give us. I know how important it is to have a dad in your life, because I grew up without my father around. I felt the weight of his absence. So for Michelle and our girls, I try every day to be the husband and father my family didn't have when I was young. And every chance I get, I encourage fathers to get more involved in their children's lives, because what makes you a man isn't the ability to have a child – it's the courage to raise one. Still, over the past couple years, I've met with a lot of young people who don't have a father figure around. And while there's nothing that can replace a parent, any of us can do our part to be a mentor, a sounding board, a role model for a kid who needs one. Earlier this year, I launched an initiative called My Brother's Keeper – an all-hands-on-deck effort to help more of our young men reach their full potential. And if you want to be a mentor to a young man in your munity, you can find out how at Now, when I launched this initiative, I said that government can't play the primary role in a young person's life. Taking responsibility for being a great parent or mentor is a choice that we, as individuals, have to make. No government program can ever take the place of a parent's love. Still, as a country, there are ways we can help support dads and moms who make that choice. That's why, earlier this week, we brought working dads from across America to the White House to talk about the challengesthey face. And in a few weeks, I'll hold the first-ever White House Working Families Summit. We've still got too many workplace policies that belong in the 1950s, and it's time to bring them up to date for today's families, where oftentimes, both parents are working. Moms and dads deserve affordable child care, and time off to care for a sick parent or child without running into hardship. Women deserve equal pay for equal work – and at a time when more women are breadwinners for a family, that benefits men, too. And because no parent who works full-time should have to raise a family in poverty, it's time for Congress to follow the lead of state after state, get on the bandwagon, and give America a raise. Dads work hard. So our country should do what we can to make sure their hard work pays off; to make sure life for them and their families is a little less stressful, and a little more secure, so they can be the dads their kids need them to be. Because there's nothing more precious in life than the time we spend with our children. There's no better feeling than knowing that we can be there for them, and provide for them, and help give them every shot at success. Let's make sure every dad who works hard and takes responsibility has the chance to know that feeling, not just on one Sunday, but every day of the year. Thanks everybody, happy Father's Day, and have a great weekend.。



美国总统奥巴马2023父亲节英语演讲稿:家庭团结与聚会的演讲Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, and fellow Americans,Thank you all for being here today to celebrate Father's Day and reflect on the importance of family unity and gatherings. It is truly an honor to stand before you as the former President of the United States and an advocate for strong familial bonds.Before I begin, I would like to extend my warmest wishesto all fathers across America, whether they are biological fathers, stepfathers, adoptive fathers, or those who act as father figures in the lives of their loved ones. Your love, dedication, and sacrifices are deserving of our deepest gratitude.Today, as we gather to celebrate Father's Day, it is imperative to recognize the critical role that family unity plays in shaping our society. Families are the cells thatmake up the fabric of a prosperous nation. They provide uswith the love, support, and guidance needed to become successful individuals and productive citizens.As the world continues to evolve at an unprecedented pace, the demands and pressures we face have increased, sometimesleading to the erosion of family values. Busy work schedules, technological distractions, and the fast-paced nature of modern life can often cause us to overlook the importance of spending quality time with our loved ones.However, it is during these challenging times that the significance of family unity becomes even more apparent. In times of hardship, it is our families who stand by our side to provide unwavering support and strength. They are our pillars of resilience and the primary source of comfort when we face adversity.Family gatherings hold a special place in the hearts of each one of us. These occasions provide us with an opportunity to reconnect with our roots, reinforce our bonds, and create lasting memories. Whether it is a Sunday dinner, a summer vacation, or a holiday celebration, these gatherings rejuvenate our spirits and remind us of the connections that truly matter.Throughout my presidency, I witnessed firsthand the transformative power of strong families and the impact they have on our nation. The love and dedication exhibited in our homes echo in the communities we live in and reverberate in the decisions we make as a society. When families come together, we foster a sense of belonging and empathy thattranscends our differences and strengthens the very foundations of our democracy.Moreover, family unity does not only benefit individuals; it acts as a catalyst for growth and progress. Research consistently shows that children raised in supportive and nurturing family environments tend to excel academically, emotionally, and socially. When families unite to support each other's dreams and aspirations, our nation thrives on their achievements.In light of the challenges we face today, it is more crucial than ever that we prioritize family unity andactively seek opportunities to gather and strengthen our familial bonds. We must make a conscious effort to disconnect from the distractions of the digital world and reconnect with those who matter most in our lives.Let us make it a priority to put our smartphones down during family dinners, engage in meaningful conversations, and participate in activities that foster unity and togetherness. Let us revive the tradition of sharing stories, passing down family recipes, and engaging in activities that promote intergenerational bonding.In conclusion, as we celebrate Father's Day today, let us remember that family unity and gatherings are not just annual celebrations, but ongoing commitments that require our time,effort, and love. By prioritizing our families and fosteringan environment of togetherness, we not only strengthen the bonds between our loved ones but also contribute to a stronger, more compassionate society.Thank you all for being here today to celebrate fathers and family unity. May we all take this opportunity to reflect on the importance of family, and may we dedicate ourselves to nurturing the bonds that keep us connected, united, and thriving.Happy Fathers' Day to all!God bless you, and God bless the United States of America.。



奥巴马2016年父亲节演讲稿【篇一:奥巴马2013年6月15日父亲节演讲稿中英文版】奥巴马2013年6月15日父亲节演讲hi, everybody. this father’s day weekend, i’d like to spend a couple minutes talking about what’s sometimes my hardest,but always my most rewarding job – being a dad.大家好!这个周末是父亲节,我想花点时间与大家交流下做父亲的感想。


i grew up without my father around. he left when i was two years old, and even though my sister and i were luckyenough to have a wonderful mom and caring grandparents to raise us, i felt his absence. and i wonder what my life would have been like had he been a greater presence.从小父亲就不在我的身边。





that’s why i’ve tried pretty hard to be a good dad for myown ki ds. i haven’t always succeeded, of course – in the past, my job has kept me away from home more than often i would like to, and the burden of raising two young girls sometimes would fall too heavily on michelle.因此,当有了自己的孩子后,我便加倍努力,让自己成为一个好爸爸。



奥巴马的父亲节演讲篇一:奥巴马父亲节演讲稿Obama Father’s Day SpeechHi, everybody. This Sunday is Father’s Day, and so I wanted to take a moment to talk about the most important job many of us will ever have – and that’s being a dad. 大家好. 本周日即将是父亲节, 我想借此机会谈谈我们大家终将面临的最最重要的工作: 做一个父亲.Today we’re blessed to live in a world where technology allows us to connect instantly with just about anyone on the planet. But no matter how advanced we get, there will never be a substitute for the love and support and, most importantly, the presence of a parent in a child’s life. And in many ways, that’s uniquely true for fathers.今天我们很有幸生活在一个能瞬间可和地球上的任何一个人联系的科技时代. 但无论科技如何发达, 都没有任何东西可以取代一个家长在孩子生活中的出现, 爱和支持. 在许多方面, 对父亲而言尤为如此.I never really knew my own father. I was raised bya single mom and two wonderful grandparents who made incredible sacrifices for me. And there are single parents like my mom all across the country who do a heroic job raising terrific kids. But I still wish I had a dad who was not only around, but involved; another role model to teach me what my mom did her best –values like hard work and integrity; responsibility and delayed –all the things that give a child the foundation to envision a bright future for themselves.我从来不真正地了解我自己的父亲. 我是由单亲妈妈和两个和蔼的祖父母带大, 他们为我做了不可想象的牺牲. 全国有很多的单亲父母做着同样伟大的带大孩子的工作. 但我仍然希望我能有一个父亲不仅在我周围, 而且参与我的生活; 作为另一个榜样来告诉我我的母亲尽了她全力所给了我的那些价值, 如努力工作, 品行端正, 责任, 不贪图享乐, 所有这些价值都给一个孩子去设想自己的美好未来的基础. That’s why I try every day to be for Michelle and my girls what my father was not for my mother and me. And I’ve met plenty of other people, dads and uncles and men without a family connection – who are trying to break the cycle and give more of our young peoplea strong male role model.因此我努力每天都和太太和两个女儿在一起, 这是我的父亲所没有做到的. 我也见过许多其他人, 父亲, 叔叔, 或没有家庭联系的男人, 他们都在试图去打破常规并给我们的年青人一个强大的男人的榜样.Being a good parent—whether you’re gay or straight, a foster parent or a grandparent—isn’t easy. It demands your constant attention, frequent sacrifice, and a of patience. And nobody’s perfect. To this day, I’m still figuring out how to be a better husband to my wife and father to my kids.做好的父母亲,不管是同性恋或是异性恋,养父母亲或是祖父母都不容易。



2018父亲节美国总统奥巴马的英语演讲稿hi, everybody. sunday is father's day. if you haven't got dad a gift yet, there's still time. just barely. but the truth is, what we give our fathers can never match what our fathers give us.i know how important it is to have a dad in your life, because i grew up without my father around. i felt the weight of his absence. so for michelle and our girls, i try every day to be the husband and father my family didn't have when i was young. and every chance i get, i encourage fathers to get more involved in their children's lives, because what makes you a man isn't the ability to have a child – it's the courage to raise one.still, over the past couple years, i've met with a lot of young people who don't have a father figure around. and while there's nothing that can replace a parent, any of us can do our part to be a mentor, a sounding board, a role model for a kid who needs one. earlier this year, i launched an initiative called mybrother's keeper –an all-hands-on-deck effort to help more of our young men reach their full potential. and if you want to be a mentor to a young man in your community, you can find out how at /mybrotherskeeper.now, when i launched this initiative, i said that government can't play the primary role in a young person's life. taking responsibility for being a great parent or mentor is a choice that we, as individuals, have to make. no government program can ever take the place of a parent's love. still, as a country, there are ways we can help support dads and moms who make that choice.that's why, earlier this week, we brought working dads from across america to the white house to talk about the challenges they face. and in a few weeks, i'll hold the first-ever white house working families summit. we've still got too many workplace policies that belong in the 1950s, and it's time to bring them up to date for today's families, where oftentimes, both parents are working. moms and dads deserve affordable child care, and time off to care for a sick parent or childwithout running into hardship. women deserve equal pay for equal work – and at a time when more women are breadwinners for a family, that benefits men, too. and because no parent who works full-time should have to raise a family in poverty, it's time for congress to follow the lead of state after state, get on the bandwagon, and give america a raise.dads work hard. so our country should do what we can to make sure their hard work pays off; to make sure life for them and their families is a little less stressful, and a little more secure, so they can be the dads their kids need them to be. because there's nothing more precious in life than the time we spend with our children. there's no better feeling than knowing that we can be there for them, and provide for them, and help give them every shot at success.let's make sure every dad who works hard and takes responsibility has the chance to know that feeling, not just on one sunday, but every day of the year.thanks everybody, happy father's day, and have a great weekend.美国总统奥巴马第二任就职演讲稿奥巴马竞选美国总统英语演讲稿“美国总统奥巴马在上海与中国青年对话”演讲全文。



高中英语奥巴马父亲节演讲中英对照版(5篇)第一篇:高中英语奥巴马父亲节演讲中英对照版奥巴马父亲节演讲中英对照版Barack Obama and his family celebrated Father's Day by attending Sunday services at the Apostolic Church of God on Chicago's South Side, where Obama gave a speech highly critical of absent black fathers.He urged them to remember their filial responsibilities and be more engaged in raising their children.Obama reminded the congregation of his own experience growing up without a father, saying that if he could be anything in life, he would be a good father to his daughters.巴拉克奥巴马一家在芝加哥南部的“使徒”教堂庆祝了父亲节,奥巴马在此发表的演讲强烈批评了失职的黑人父亲。



Read Obama's speech below.奥巴马的演讲内容如下:Good morning.It's good to be home on this Father's Day with my girls, and it's an honor to spend some time with all of you today in the house of our Lord.早上好。




下面是小编为大家整理收集的奥巴马在父亲节上的演讲稿,欢迎大家阅读!奥巴马2016年6月15日父亲节演讲Hi, everybody. This Father’s Day weekend, I’d like to spend a couple minutes talking about what’s sometimes my hardest, but always my most rewarding job ?C being a dad.大家好!这个周末是父亲节,我想花点时间与大家交流下做父亲的感想。


I grew up without my father around. He left when I was two years old, and even though my sister and I were lucky enough to have a wonderful mom and caring grandparents to raise us, I felt his absence. And I wonder what my life would have been like had he been a greater presence.从小父亲就不在我的身边。





That’s why I’ve tried pretty hard to be a good dad for my own kids. I haven’t always succeeded, of course ?C in the past, my job has kept me away from home more than often I would like to, and the burden of raising two young girls sometimes would fall too heavily on Michelle.因此,当有了自己的孩子后,我便加倍努力,让自己成为一个好爸爸。

英语演讲原文:奥巴马演讲 庆祝父亲节

英语演讲原文:奥巴马演讲 庆祝父亲节

奥巴马演讲庆祝父亲节Hi, everybody. This Father’s Day weekend, I’d like to spend a couple minutes talking about what’s sometimes my hardest, but always my most rewarding job – being a dad.I grew up without my father around. He left when I was two years old, and even though my sister and I were lucky enough to have a wonderful mother and caring grandparents to raise us, I felt his absence. And I wonder what my life would have been like had he been a greater presence.That’s why I’ve tried so hard to be a good dad for my own children. I haven’t always succeeded, of course – in the past, my job has kept me away from home more often than I liked, and the burden of raising two young girls would sometimes fall too heavily on Michelle.But between my own experiences growing up, and my ongoing 1 (不间断的) efforts to be the best father I can be, I’ve learned a few things about what our children need most from their parents.First, they need our time. And more important than the quantity of hours we spend with them is the quality of thosehours. Maybe it’s just asking about their day, or talking a walk together, but the smallest moments can have the biggest impact.They also need structure, including learning the values of self-discipline and responsibility. Malia and Sasha may live in the White House these days, but Michelle and I still make sure they finish their schoolwork, do their chores(杂务,零工) , and walk the dog.And above all, children need our unconditional 2 love –whether they succeed or make mistakes; when life is easy and when life is tough.And life is tough for a lot of Americans today. More and more kids grow up without a father figure. Others miss a father who’s away serving his country in uniform. And even for those dads who are present in their children’s lives, the recession 3 has taken a harsh 4 toll 5 . If you’re out of a job or struggling to pay the bills, doing whatever it takes to keep the kids healthy, happy and safe can understandably take precedence over(优先于,高于) all else.That’s why my administration has offered men who want to be good fathers a little extra support. We’ve boosted 6community and faith-based groups focused on fatherhood, partnered with businesses to offer opportunities for fathers to spend time with their kids at the bowling 7 alley 8 or ballpark(棒球场) , and worked with military chaplains(牧师) to help deployed 9 dads connect with their children.We’re doing this because we all have a stake in forging 10 stronger bonds between fathers and their children. And you can find out more about some of what we’re doing at .But we also know that every father has a personal responsibility to do right by our kids as well. All of us can encourage our children to turn off the video games and pick up a book. All of us can pack a healthy lunch for our son, or go outside and play ball with our daughter. And all of us can teach our children the difference between right and wrong, and show them through our own example the value in treating one another as we wish to be treated.Our kids are pretty smart. They understand that life won’t always be perfect, that sometimes, the road gets rough, that even great pa rents don’t get everything right.But more than anything, they just want us to be a part oftheir lives.So recently, I took on a second job: assistant coach for Sasha’s basketball team.On Sundays, we’d get the team together to practice, and a coup le of times, I’d help coach the games. It was a lot of fun – even if Sasha rolled her eyes when her dad voiced his displeasure with the refs.But I was so proud watching her run up and down the court, seeing her learn and improve and gain confidence. And I was hopeful that in the years to come, she’d look back on experiences like these as the ones that helped define 11 her as a person – and as a parent herself.In the end, that’s what being a parent is all about – those precious moments with our children that fill us with pride and excitement for their future; the chances we have to set an example or offer a piece of advice; the opportunities to just be there and show them that we love them.That’s something worth remembering this Father’s Day, and every day.Thanks, and Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there. Have a great weekend.■文章重点单词注释:1ongoingadj.进行中的,前进的参考例句:The problem is ongoing.这个问题尚未解决。





igrewupwithoutmyfatheraround.Heleftwheniwastwoyearsold,andeventho ughmysisterandiwerelucky enoughtohaveawonderfulmomandcaringgrandparentstoraiseus,ifelthisabs ence.andiwonderwhatmylifewouldhavebeenlikehadhebeenagreaterpresen ce.从小父亲就不在我的身边。





That’swhyi’vetriedprettyhardtobeagooddadformyownkids.ihaven’talwayssucceeded,ofcourse–inthepast,myjobhaskeptmeawayfromhomemo rethanofteniwouldliketo,andtheburdenofraisingtwoyounggirlssometimesw ouldfalltooheavilyonmichelle.因此,当有了自己的孩子后,我便加倍努力,让自己成为一个好爸爸。
























































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but between my own experiences growing up, and my ongoingefforts to be the best father i can be, i’ve learned a few things about whatour children need most from their parents.
that’s why i’ve tried so hard to be a good dad for my ownchildren. i haven’t always sueeded, of course – in the past, my job haskept me away from home more often than i liked, andthe burden of raising twoyoung girls would sometimes fall too heavily on michelle.
first, they need our time. and more important thanthe quantity of hours we spend with them is the quality of those hours. maybe it’s just asking about their day, or talking a walk together, but thesmallest moments can have the biggest impact.
hi, everybody. this father’s day weekend, i’d like tospend a couple minutes talking about what’s sometimes my hardest, but always mymost rewarding job – being a dad.
and life is tough for a lot of americans today. moreand more kids grow up without a father figure. others miss a father who’saway serving his country in uniform. and even for those dads who arepresent in their children’s lives, the recession has taken a harsh toll. if you’re out of a job or struggling to pay the bills, doing whatever it takesto keep the kids healthy, happy and safe can understandably take precedenceover all else.
they also need structure, including learning the values ofself-discipline and responsibility. malia and sasha may live in the white housethese days, but michelle and i still make sure they finish their schoolwork, dotheir chores, and walk the dog.
i grew up without my father around. he left when i was twoyears old, and even though my sister and i were lucky enough to have awonderful mother and caring grandparents to raise us, i felt his absence. and i wonder what my life would have been like had he been a greater presence.
and above all, children need our unconditional love –whether they sueed or make mistakes; when life is easy and when life istough.