大学英语第六册 改错

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your parents are busy and they asked us to bring you. 1. so he can ran toward the school's gym, which he knew other student s… 2. the couple followed him, but fled until he reached the gym. 3. before it was late and knew what to do. 4. kidnapping by a stranger is a relatively frequent crime, but it… 5. many children were reported missed in Malaysia last year. 6. in Malaysia that teaches children how to avoid become crime victims. 7. even though in low-crime Singapore, authorities are taking the …8. what to do to prevent crime and protect them. Says Chan. 9. indeed, when children are taught what to do for an early age they…10.

Unit 2

If there are a million technical civilizations in the Milky Way galaxy,

the average separation from civilizations is about 300 light-years. Since a 1. light year is the distance that light travels in one year (a little under 6

trillion miles), this implication that the one-way transit time for an 2. interstellar communication from the nearest civilization is some 300 years. The 3. time for a query and a response would be 600 years. This is the reason why interstellar dialogues are much more likely - particularly around the time of 4. first contact - than interstellar monologues. In first sight,it seems 5. remarkably selfless that a civilization might broadcast radio messages with

no hope of knowing, at least in the immediate future, they have been 6. received and what the response to it might be. But human beings often 7. perform very alike actions as, for example, burying time capsules to be 8. covered by future generations, or even in writing books, composing music

and create art intended for posterity. A civilization that had been aided by 9. the receipt of such a message in its past might wish similarly benefit from 10. other emerging technical societies.

Unit 3

when the neighbors offered me food, I refused, already shameless that (1)

I had been prevailed upon to eat I would eat as little possible. 2 taken away. That pained me to think that other children 3 were wondering that I was hungry. 4 I wanted food, I would say no, even I was starving. 5 I had to face things lonely. I withdrew into myself. 6 in the afternoon and gradually my health improving. The uneasy days and (7)

as soon as I was old to support myself. 8 I was not that they were unkind, and that they did not have money enough (9)

mere looking at her was painful 10

is a poor means of maintain self-esteem, 1 work of house keeper and mother somehow implies being cut from the full 2 membership in the larger society and an almost indispensable symbolic of 3 the woman with a paid job, how poorly paid it may be 4 feels that she no longer has to be total dependent on the will and whim of a 5 man . No longer is she too obliged, because she is trapped in a status of 6 total dependency, to stay with a satisfactory marriage. 7 our society- a pay job. 8 divorce and are solely responsible to high divorce rates. 9 do not choose divorce because they are able to find work, and fin d work (10)

Unit 5

Edison was so famous for an inventor that (1)

as he could produce inventions like magic 2 and how most of his 3 the world's most leading inventor for sixty years 4 his discovery of the photo 5 received many glories during his life 6 the united states gave him his highest award 7 Edison never consider him a brilliant man. 8 American people turn on all power 9 have created chaos 10

Unit 6

from his malicious wife with help of the Zeritskys, and intentions were 1 himself away for a like period. In a TV dramatization rather pessimistically 2 entitling You Can't Get Away, the husband described his sensations upon 3 being defrosted after 15 years, only find his wife waiting for him 4 she was as perfectly as I was. He said, any irritating habit,,, 5 another story came down from the daughter of a (6)

the chances of his lasting until the next election was not good 7 he decided on a 20year stay because, in his own words, as the 8 Republicans can't get into the White House in 20 years, I give up. Of his return 9 his daughter described him as utterly baffling by the new world. 10
