
Before visiting Japan you want to learn a bit Japanese. But your school has no professors of Japanese. What will you do?
That just sign up for the language course online offered by a school in another district or city is good idea.
1976 Gore began his political career in the House of Representatives as a congressman from Tennessee. During this term, he introduced a bill calling for the construction of a “data highway”.
Related Information
3. Telecommunications and Two Trends
Telecommunications, from Greek, means “communications at a distance”. The first trend: the incredible increase in the processing power of digital computers, namely, dramatic decreases in physical size, dramatic increases in complexity, speed and capacity. The second trend: the explosive growth in transmission capacity through the widespread use of optical fiber across continents and under oceans.

❖Telecommunications, from Greek, means “communications at a distance”.
❖ The first trend: the incredible increase in the processing power of digital computers, namely, dramatic decreases in physical size, dramatic increases in complexity, speed and capacity.
❖ 无线传播系统
systems (L. 9)
❖ the Information Age (L.10) ❖ 信息时代
a spider’s web of digital and wireless communication links
一个蜘蛛网般的数字和无 线通信网络
(L. 11) 2
Proper names
❖Optical fiber (or “fiber optic”) often refers to the medium and the technology associated with the transmission of information as light pulses(光脉 冲) along a glass or plastic wire or fiber. Optical fiber carries much more information than conventional copper wire and is in general not subject to electromagnetic电磁的 interference and the need to retransmit signals. Most telephone company long-distance lines are now of optical fiber.
新视野大学英语4 unit 4 ppt

Information Superhighway
• A name first used by former US vise-president AL Gore for the vision of a global,high-speed communication network that will carry voice, data, video ,and other forms of information all over the world, and that will make it possible for people to send e-mail ,get up-to-the-minute news, and access business ,government and educational information.
• •
• Compare that with the mainland of China. Over the next decade, it plans to pour some $100 billion into telec omm unica tio ns equipm e nt. I n a way, China's backwardness is an advantage, because the expansion occurs just as new technologies are becoming cheaper than copper wire systems. By the end of 1995, each of China's provincial capitals except for Lhasa will have digital switches and high-capacity optical fiber links.This means that major cities are getting the basic infrastructure to become major parts of the information superhighway superhighway, allowing people to log on to the most advanced services available.

1. it’s very convenient for us to communicate with everyone and make various friends to help each other.
2.Properly playing some games can stretch our brain.
optical fiber cable:
An optical fiber cable is a cable containing one or more optical fibers that are used to carry light. The optical fiber elements are typically individually coated with plastic layers and contained in a protective tube suitable for the environment where the cable will be deployed. Different types of cable are used for different applications, for example long distance telecommunication, or providing a high-speed data connection between different parts of a building.
There are two main types of material used for optical fibers: glass and plastic. They offer widely different characteristics and find uses in very different applications. Generally, plastic fiber is used for very short range and consumer applications, glass fiber is used for short/medium range (multi-mode) and long range (single-mode) telecommunications. Optical cables transfer data at the speed of light in glass. This is the speed of light in vacuum (真空) divided by the refractive index (折射率)of the glass used, typically around 180,000 to 200,000 km/s, resulting in 5.0 to 5.5 microseconds(微秒) of latency per km. Thus the round-trip delay time for 1000 km is around 11 milliseconds(毫秒).
新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说教程4 Unit 4

to society.
• Water and air pollution affects the health of humans,
animals and plants, resulting in cancer, death, birth
defects, severe genetic change, etc.
The signs and symptoms of depression include ...
To get a good grade in the writing course,, firstly …; Secondly, …,
Thirdly, ...
When we hear the underlined phrases above, we can know that
supporting details.
For example:
Three reasons why students did not score high on this test are as

Short Answer Questions
2. What do you think of the relationship betweenman and nature?
Tips Man has the “blood ties” with nature. Mankind has to depend on nature for his food, medicine, shelter, clothing and other necessities to be able to survive. However, due to industrialization and economic development, man does not live in harmony with nature anymore. While transforming nature for his own sake, man has been over exploring and using the natural resources, resulting in such problems as global warming, soil erosion, shortage of fresh water, and sandstorms. Man has suffered a lot from the problems.
Section A
Achieving sustainable environmentalism
Warming-up Activities Text Study Language Application Summary
Section A
Achieving sustainable environmentalism

1. long for: have an intense desire for
(Title) The whole nation longed for peace after many years of war. 经过多年战争后,全民族都渴望和平。 The children are longing for the holidays. 孩子们盼望放假。
2. be supposed to: (Para. 1)
1)be generally believed or expected to be or do
2) be expected or required to do or be sth. according to a rule, a custom, an She’s supposed to have five hundred pairs of shoes. arrangement, etc. 据信她有500双鞋。 You’re supposed to buy a ticket, though not many people do. 尽管没有多少人买票,但你应该买。 It’s supposed to be a great movie. 据说这部电影不错。 You’re supposed to ask the teacher if you want to leave the classroom. 如果你要离开教室,得跟老师说。
Part I
General images of welfare clients and welfare caseworkers under the present system.
Main Ideas
Welfare clients are believed to cheat more money out of the present welfare system.(Para.1) There are welfare clients who choose to live a life of complete honesty. (Para.2) The relationship between welfare clients and caseworkers is tense. (Para.3)

Ⅰ. Reading Skills: Recognizing Paragraph Patterns (I)
In our New Horizon College English series, we have been analyzing every Passage A from Unit 1, Book 1 up to now. This kind of practice has three purposes: 1. coming to a better understanding of the main ideas of the reading passages; 2. understanding text structure; 3. helping us construct well-organized paragraphs or short compositions.
Ⅰ. Reading Skills: Recognizing Paragraph Patterns (I)
What is the main idea of the paragraph? Wireless demand and usage have exploded across the entire Latin America. What are the reasons to support this main idea? Wireless phone service providers are making a lot of money out of information technologies.
Recognizing Paragraph Patterns (I) Practice

satellite telephone & mobile phone digital TV radio Internet and email
Telecommunications Telecommunications, from Greek, means “communications at a distance”. The first trend: the incredible increase in the processing power of digital computers, namely, dramatic decreases in physical size, dramatic increases in complexity, speed and capacity. The second trend: the explosive growth in transmission capacity through the widespread use of optical fiber across continents and under oceans.
Different from other countries, wireless phone service providers in Latin American countries are making money.
Answers Conditions in the Six Countries and Regions Thailand (Para. 9)
Conditions in the Six Countries and Regions
Russia (Para. 4)

NHCE-BIV-Unit 4 The TelecommunicationsRevolutionNHCE-BIV-Unit 4 MENUI. ObjectivesII. PreviewIII. Leading-inIV. Section A-TextV. Answers to ExercisesVI. Extensive TasksVII. Testing YourselfVIII. HomeworkObjectivesStudents would:• 1. be able to successfully finish listening, speaking, reading and writing tasks related to the theme –telecommunications revolution, with the help of themevocabulary.• 2. improve the accuracy of their spoken and written output, thanks to theme words and expressions.• 3. improve the fluency of their spoken output during the completion of the chains of tasks.• 4. grasp terms on telecommunications.MENU1. Familiarize the possible telecommunications tools!MENU2. Discuss with your partner and list as many high-tech products as possible!in the old society:驿(Horse), 钟鼓(drum)、烟火(smoke, fire)、鸽子(pigeon)、旗语(flag signal)、狼烟、letters, postoffice,in the modern society:电报(telegram) 、电话(telephone)、电子邮件(e-mail)、短信(instant-messaging)、电视电话会议(teleconference)、手机(mobile phone)、BP机、电脑(computer)、传真(fax)discussionMENUTopic: Discuss with your partner the advantages and disadvantages of those old and moderntelecommunications tools!tips:the old tools: slow, inefficient, cost a lot of time,labor, energy, easy to be lost, insecure,the modern ones: quick, fast, make people closer,make the world small,MENU3. The telecommunications revolution has madestaying in ___ with family and friends a continentaway easier.A. touchB. lineC. connectionD. contrastin touch with 联系,接触in line with 与...一致,与...相符合in connection with 关于,与...有关in contrast with/to 与...对比起来,与...形成对比MENUMENUITPCPDAISPICP BBS 4. What are the words those abbreviations represent?Information Technology Personal Computer Personal Date Assistant Internet Service Provider Internet Content Provider Bulletin Board System 信息技术个人电脑个人数字助理互联网服务提供商互联网内容提供商电子公告牌系统5.Modern telecommunications terms小灵通彩信智能手机第三代移动通信技术码分多址Personal Access Phone Multimedia Messaging service Smartphone3rd GenerationCode-Division Multiple Access小灵通是无线市话的特定称谓,是固定电话的补充和延伸;彩信M MS, 意为多媒体信息服务;智能手机原于手机功能的日益强大、无线因特网的引入以及操作系统的逐渐智能化;第三代移动通信技术能够处理图像、音乐、动画等多媒体信息;CDMA手机具有低辐射、话音清晰、掉线率低、保密性好、手机待机时间长等诸多优点MENU6. Further discussion:Mobile phones is a quick and modern way to communicate with others as well as e-mails. Written Letters begin disappearing in the world, do you think letters should not exist in the world? Why?Tip:yes, it’s old, time-consuming, paper-consumingno, it may enhance people’s relationship; it is a way to express one’s true feeling with a written letter; e-mail is of impersonality.MENUNHCE-BIV-Unit 4 The TelecommunicationsRevolutionWatch and talk1.Listen to the short introduction and tell the main idea!2. Do you like that system? Why?3. what are the advantages high-tech brings us?listenMENUreferences1.children use their fingerprints to pay for the meal!2.like it,convenient,quick,useful,save a lot of time!3.make our life more comfortable,widespread access to the world,know latest information!MENU•Telecommunications boostdumbutilityparadezoneleap overcondenseintensivean advantage overbe stuck withdesperateweighdate from/ back to lickstrategicpump(money) into sth.be stuck inrecessionscratchin a waylogpeakleasereliableusage disposalmake use ofragekeep pace withlag/ fall behindpersist • 1. A transformation is occurring that should …2. Places that until recently weredeaf and dumb are rapidlyacquiring up-to-datetelecommunications that will…3. By installing optical fiber,digital switches,…4. Widespread access toinformation technologies, …5. Many experts think Viet nam isgoing too far by requiring that …6. For wireless phone serviceproviders, nowhere is businessbetter than in Latin America 7.BellSouth Corporation, withoperations in four wirelessmarkets, estimates its …8. Despite a per person income ofjust $220 a year, …MENUNHCE-BIV-Unit 4The TelecommunicationsRevolutionMENU This part puts forward a question for consideration: How fast to develop telecommunications technologies in developing countries?This part deals with how 6 different countries or regions carry out their telecommunications transformation. Each of them tries to seek different ways out of its own problems.Advanced telecommunications will boost living standards in the developing world, speed its step into Information Age, and accelerate the rate of its economic development, etc. 1. Structure of TextPara.1-2Para. 3Para. 4-10Para. 11Developing countries can catch up with Americans and Western Europeans in telecommunications technologies if they persist in their efforts.MENU Reference Words:The living standards in the developing world will be greatly improved. 2. Questions to Comprehension1) what would happen if the transformation under discussion takes place? (Para.1)MENU Reference Words:The places that lack of up-to-date communications, have little communications with the outside world2) What does “deaf and dumb”mean ?(Paras.1)MENU Reference Words:They see them as a way to leap over whole stages of economic development.3) What do developing countriessee advanced communications.(Paras.2)MENU Reference Words:Sell part of its stake; build and operate the most advanced digital mobile phone systems.4) What has Hungary done to quicken its steps into the modernworld?(Paras.7)MENU Reference Words:Latin America5) For wireless phone service providers, in which country is business the best ? (Paras.8)MENU Reference Words:Because mobile phones make it possible for them to keep contact with each other even when they are caught in the traffic jams.6) Why are mobile phones popular among businesspeople in Thailand parents? (Paras.9)MENU Reference Words:It plans to add annually 300,000 lines.7) What does Vietnam plan to do? (Paras.10)3. Key WordsutilitycondensedesperatelogstakeleasedisposalpersistMENUMENU 1) utility:He serves for a public utility providing local transportation.他从事提供本地运输的公用事业.When abroad he bought a utility knife;. 在国外时他买了一把多用途小刀。

Quick - witted as he was, he was stumped by this question.
他虽然机智, 竟被这个问题弄得哑口无言.
e.g. He's quick - witted and does things efficiently.
Fill in the blanks
• Medical ethics __ (don’t/doesn't) permit the doctor to do that.
• Ethics __(are/is) a branch of philosophy.
3. quick-witted
do in such a situation? Some time ago a British
car manufacturer was accused of operating a
fund to pay bribes, and of other questionable
We'll stand by you through thick and thin. 不管多么艰难困苦,我们都要支持你们。
You cannot stand by and allow such a thing.
8. in practice
在实践中, 实际上
19. be on the take
He always seems be on the take.
It is illegal for an official to be on the take.

available at a(n) __d_i_s_c_o_u_n_t__and are unpleasantly surprised to find a higher price. 4. The European Union is made up of 27 nations with _d_i_s_ti_n_c_tcultural, linguistic and economic roots.
9. We believe it's possible to _s_u__s_ta__in__growth
through the use of different kinds of energy that will allow for lower carbon emissions. 10. The people loved her so much that they nicknamed her "Evita", and long after her
2. To some of our problems there was more than one right answer, so we were looking at the students’ reasoning as to how they got it and if they
Book Four
Book Four
4. As far as I can remember, this was their mother_a_t_h__e_r _w_o_r_s_t_ : Her voice was strident (刺耳的), and she was ready to be angry at anyone.

Listen to a short passage concerning global warming.
If energy use per person and technology remain the same, total energy use and greenhouse gas _e_m_i_s_s_io_n_s_ (mainly, CO2) will be 42% higher in 2050. But that’s too low, because societies that grow richer use more energy. We need economic growth unless we _c_o_n_d_e_m_n__ the world’s poor to their present poverty and freeze everyone else’s living standards.
the environmental issues?
Tips These pictures remind us more of the environmental problems we human beings are encountered with at present, including air pollution (hazy weather), water pollution, deforestation, wild animals extinction and so on.
Warming-up Activities
Pre-reading Activities
Cultural Background
Short Answer Questions

NHCE-BIV-Unit 4 The TelecommunicationsRevolutionNHCE-BIV-Unit 4 MENUI. ObjectivesII. PreviewIII. Leading-inIV. Section A-TextV. Answers to ExercisesVI. Extensive TasksVII. Testing YourselfVIII. HomeworkObjectivesStudents would:• 1. be able to successfully finish listening, speaking, reading and writing tasks related to the theme –telecommunications revolution, with the help of themevocabulary.• 2. improve the accuracy of their spoken and written output, thanks to theme words and expressions.• 3. improve the fluency of their spoken output during the completion of the chains of tasks.• 4. grasp terms on telecommunications.MENU1. Familiarize the possible telecommunications tools!MENU2. Discuss with your partner and list as many high-tech products as possible!in the old society:驿(Horse), 钟鼓(drum)、烟火(smoke, fire)、鸽子(pigeon)、旗语(flag signal)、狼烟、letters, postoffice,in the modern society:电报(telegram) 、电话(telephone)、电子邮件(e-mail)、短信(instant-messaging)、电视电话会议(teleconference)、手机(mobile phone)、BP机、电脑(computer)、传真(fax)discussionMENUTopic: Discuss with your partner the advantages and disadvantages of those old and moderntelecommunications tools!tips:the old tools: slow, inefficient, cost a lot of time,labor, energy, easy to be lost, insecure,the modern ones: quick, fast, make people closer,make the world small,MENU3. The telecommunications revolution has madestaying in ___ with family and friends a continentaway easier.A. touchB. lineC. connectionD. contrastin touch with 联系,接触in line with 与...一致,与...相符合in connection with 关于,与...有关in contrast with/to 与...对比起来,与...形成对比MENUMENUITPCPDAISPICP BBS 4. What are the words those abbreviations represent?Information Technology Personal Computer Personal Date Assistant Internet Service Provider Internet Content Provider Bulletin Board System 信息技术个人电脑个人数字助理互联网服务提供商互联网内容提供商电子公告牌系统5.Modern telecommunications terms小灵通彩信智能手机第三代移动通信技术码分多址Personal Access Phone Multimedia Messaging service Smartphone3rd GenerationCode-Division Multiple Access小灵通是无线市话的特定称谓,是固定电话的补充和延伸;彩信M MS, 意为多媒体信息服务;智能手机原于手机功能的日益强大、无线因特网的引入以及操作系统的逐渐智能化;第三代移动通信技术能够处理图像、音乐、动画等多媒体信息;CDMA手机具有低辐射、话音清晰、掉线率低、保密性好、手机待机时间长等诸多优点MENU6. Further discussion:Mobile phones is a quick and modern way to communicate with others as well as e-mails. Written Letters begin disappearing in the world, do you think letters should not exist in the world? Why?Tip:yes, it’s old, time-consuming, paper-consumingno, it may enhance people’s relationship; it is a way to express one’s true feeling with a written letter; e-mail is of impersonality.MENUNHCE-BIV-Unit 4 The TelecommunicationsRevolutionWatch and talk1.Listen to the short introduction and tell the main idea!2. Do you like that system? Why?3. what are the advantages high-tech brings us?listenMENUreferences1.children use their fingerprints to pay for the meal!2.like it,convenient,quick,useful,save a lot of time!3.make our life more comfortable,widespread access to the world,know latest information!MENU•Telecommunications boostdumbutilityparadezoneleap overcondenseintensivean advantage overbe stuck withdesperateweighdate from/ back to lickstrategicpump(money) into sth.be stuck inrecessionscratchin a waylogpeakleasereliableusage disposalmake use ofragekeep pace withlag/ fall behindpersist • 1. A transformation is occurring that should …2. Places that until recently weredeaf and dumb are rapidlyacquiring up-to-datetelecommunications that will…3. By installing optical fiber,digital switches,…4. Widespread access toinformation technologies, …5. Many experts think Viet nam isgoing too far by requiring that …6. For wireless phone serviceproviders, nowhere is businessbetter than in Latin America 7.BellSouth Corporation, withoperations in four wirelessmarkets, estimates its …8. Despite a per person income ofjust $220 a year, …MENUNHCE-BIV-Unit 4The TelecommunicationsRevolutionMENU This part puts forward a question for consideration: How fast to develop telecommunications technologies in developing countries?This part deals with how 6 different countries or regions carry out their telecommunications transformation. Each of them tries to seek different ways out of its own problems.Advanced telecommunications will boost living standards in the developing world, speed its step into Information Age, and accelerate the rate of its economic development, etc. 1. Structure of TextPara.1-2Para. 3Para. 4-10Para. 11Developing countries can catch up with Americans and Western Europeans in telecommunications technologies if they persist in their efforts.MENU Reference Words:The living standards in the developing world will be greatly improved. 2. Questions to Comprehension1) what would happen if the transformation under discussion takes place? (Para.1)MENU Reference Words:The places that lack of up-to-date communications, have little communications with the outside world2) What does “deaf and dumb”mean ?(Paras.1)MENU Reference Words:They see them as a way to leap over whole stages of economic development.3) What do developing countriessee advanced communications.(Paras.2)MENU Reference Words:Sell part of its stake; build and operate the most advanced digital mobile phone systems.4) What has Hungary done to quicken its steps into the modernworld?(Paras.7)MENU Reference Words:Latin America5) For wireless phone service providers, in which country is business the best ? (Paras.8)MENU Reference Words:Because mobile phones make it possible for them to keep contact with each other even when they are caught in the traffic jams.6) Why are mobile phones popular among businesspeople in Thailand parents? (Paras.9)MENU Reference Words:It plans to add annually 300,000 lines.7) What does Vietnam plan to do? (Paras.10)3. Key WordsutilitycondensedesperatelogstakeleasedisposalpersistMENUMENU 1) utility:He serves for a public utility providing local transportation.他从事提供本地运输的公用事业.When abroad he bought a utility knife;. 在国外时他买了一把多用途小刀。
新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说教程4 Unit 4ppt课件

Listening to the world
5 Watch Part 4 and check the true statements.
☐ 2 (He believes in a progressive system of taxation, which means he thinks that tax should be related to a person’s income.)
3 What is she going to talk to people about? Money and happiness.
Listening to the world
3 Watch Part 2 and match the statements.
Listening to the world
defects, severe genetic change, etc.
• Climate change or global warming can cause more
drought and flood, permanently changing the land
and water supply that humans depend on for life.
Listening to the world
2 Watch Part 1 and answer the questions.
1 What does Val do? She is a producer for the BBC.
新视野第四册(第三版)unit4 PPT

有e效co利no用m(izve.) co巩n固so(livd.a)te
Video Watching
Text Reading Extr. & App. Essay Writing Further Dev.
B. Topic-centered Study of New Words and Their Use
incompatible allege
deplete economize
1. One message after another from him came to touch the right __c_h_o_r_d__in her.
8. His success in life has little __c_o_r_re_l_a_ti_o_n_ with his birth.
9. The key to your success lies in how to _c_o_n_s_o_l_id_a_te__ all the positive factors into a driving force behind your aspiration.
Productive Pattern — X is as required Y as is Z.
Context I
自信心如同钢中的碳一样,是你 成功中不可或缺的决定性组成部 分。
► In this context, X = “self-confidence”, Y = “a decisive ingredient in your success”, and Z = “carbon in steel”. So the new declarative knowledge arises as follows:

Enriching your vocabulary
Read the sentences carefully and guess the meaning of the italicized term in each sentence according to the context and your own experiences.
• The cabin was built of logs. 原木
• The captain described the accident in the ship's log. 航海日志
• Traffic reached a peak between 8 and 9 in the morning. 高峰
• The lease runs out in two years‘ time. 租约
• We walked along the narrow mountain ridge to reach the summit. 脊
• My car is seven years old but it‘s still fairly reliable. 可靠
• Be careful not to scratch yourself on the roses. 扎伤
• Marketing is within the province of the sales department. 职权范围
• The war has badly damaged the
country‘s infrastructure from electricity
• The company has appointed a new marketing director to broaden its strategic expertise. 战略规划
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Telecommunications What telecommunications devices are available in your life? What does telecom mean to you?
Conditions in the Six Countries and Regions
Hungary (Para. 7)
To overcome the problem of funding and to speed the import of Western technology, Hungary sold a 30% stake in its national phone company to two western companies, which Hungary finds worthwhile. Latin America (Para. 8)
Fillvantages Problems Solutions Results
Russia China
Latin America Thailand
Detailed Reading
…should greatly boost living standards… (L. 1) 提高生活水准
People in Thailand are happy to accept the new technologies as they can make better use of all the time they spend stuck in traffic with mobile phones.
Vietnam (Para. 10)
Vietnam plans to invest more in optical fiber digital switches, and transmission systems to keep pace with anyone in Asia in new tech for decades.
optical fiber Optical fiber (or “fiber optic”) often refers to the medium and the technology associated with the transmission of information as light pulses(光脉 冲) along a glass or plastic wire or fiber. Optical fiber carries much more information than conventional copper wire and is in general not subject to electromagnetic电磁的 interference and the need to retransmit signals. Most telephone company long-distance lines are now of optical fiber.
satellite telephone & mobile phone digital TV radio Internet and email
Telecommunications Telecommunications, from Greek, means “communications at a distance”. The first trend: the incredible increase in the processing power of digital computers, namely, dramatic decreases in physical size, dramatic increases in complexity, speed and capacity. The second trend: the explosive growth in transmission capacity through the widespread use of optical fiber across continents and under oceans.
Conditions in the Six Countries and Regions
Russia (Para. 4)
Russia needs to invest in information technology a huge amount of money to update its ancient telephone system but it is unlikely due to a poor economy. The mainland of China (Para. 5~6) China, taking advantages of its backwardness, invests a huge amount of money to become major parts of the information highway, and Shanghai plans telecom networks as powerful as those in Manhattan.
Information Age When we say that we live in the information age, we mean that we live in a time when information is very important and easy to get. The information age is an era of fundamental and global change in intellectual, philosophical, cultural and social terms. Today’s information age began with the telegraph. It was the first instrument to transform information into electrical form and transmit it reliably over long distances. New techniques of encoding and distributing digital information are pacing the spread of the information age throughout society.
Proper names
the information superhighway (L. 39) log on (to)/ log out/off (L. 40) the electronic data (L. 42) /electron (L. 73) paperless trading (L. 43) radio tower (L. 53) string lines across mountain ridges (L. 53) wireless call (L. 55) fixed lines (L. 56)
Information superhighway
A name first used by former U.S. Vice President Al Gore for the vision of a global, high-speed communications network that will carry voice, data, video, and other forms of information all over the world, and that will make it possible for people to send e-mail, get up-to-the-minute news, and access business, government and educational information.
Different from other countries, wireless phone service providers in Latin American countries are making money.
Answers Conditions in the Six Countries and Regions Thailand (Para. 9)
Global Reading
Text Analysis
Introduction + Question + Sample Solutions + Conclusion
Global Reading
Text Analysis
Fast Reading Part I (Para. 1~2) A New Technology and Its Advantages • What’s the new technology? • What are its advantages? (6 advantages) Part II (Para. 3) What’s in Suspense • What’s the problem developing countries are facing? Part III (Para. 4~10) What’s in Certainty • Communications will be a key factor separating the winners from the losers. • What are the conditions in the six countries and regions? Russia, the mainland of China, Hungary, Latin America, Thailand, Vietnam. (one-sentence summary only) Part IV (Para. 11) A Brilliant Prospect 10