ASUS RT AC66U 用户使用手册




亞旭電子科技股份有限公司ASUS RT-N66U無線AP操作手冊目錄 - Contents文件控制– Document Control ............................... 错误!未定义书签。

目錄 - Contents (2)一、使用者...................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

二、使用時機.................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

三、流程說明(圖)................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

四、操作說明.................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

一、使用者二、使用時機三、流程說明(圖)N/A四、操作說明(一)快速配置:第一次使用打開流覽器就會進入N66的歡迎頁面,按照流覽器的語言自動識別為中文介面提示修改密碼智慧檢測網路接入方式雙頻WIFI,可以分別設置SSID以及password進入主介面(二)基本配置:因公司使用AP模式,所以選擇“系統管理”-“Access Point”操作模式不選擇自動取得內網IP地址,改為手動指定,設定無線網絡可以選擇“無線網絡”--“一般設置”,更改無線網絡的基本配置選擇“無線網絡”—“無線訪問控制”,可以“允許”或“拒絕”指定的MAC地址使用無線網絡。

























05进角调整备注:1. KV值为电机空载,设为默认进角并将电调设为零进角时测得的数值。

2. 请注意不要让电机过热,如果电机太热会对性能造成一定影响,需等其冷却后方可再次测试。

3. 最大输出功率点输入电流对于负载配置及电调选择具有一定的指导意义,强烈建议不要让负载配额大于最大功率输出点(即使用重负载后,使输入电流大于最大输出功率点电流)。

03产品规格零件清单0807装配说明V10 G4电机结构设计牢固、拆卸简单,易于维护。




(注:拆卸时的顺序相反)前端盖组件 x1 Pcs转子组件 x1 Pcs定子组件 x1 Pcs霍尔组件 x1 Pcs尾盖 x1 Pcs端盖组件固定螺丝 x3 PcsM2x41.3mm后端盖 x1 Pcs尾盖与霍尔组件固定螺丝 x2 PcsM2.5x6.0mm04安装和连接1. 安装电机该电机安装螺丝规格为M3,螺丝孔可锁入深度为4mm,建议采用不长于7mm的M3螺丝安装电机到模型车上。

2. 电机连接电机与电调相接时,请注意所标识的A B C三相位置,确保电调和电机三相线A-A, B-B, C-C一一对应相连,否则无法正常运行,甚至损坏电调电机。


3. 检查开启电调电源前,请再次仔细检查电机安装可靠性及所有连线的正确性。

· 当更换电机输入线时,焊接时间控制在5秒以内,防止由于部件过热可能对产品造成的损害。

华硕 笔记本电脑 用户手册说明书

华硕 笔记本电脑 用户手册说明书

目录版权和商标声明 ............................................................................................................1-4修订 ..............................................................................................................................1-4FCC-B 频道干扰声明....................................................................................................1-5FCC 规定......................................................................................................................1-5CE 规定 ........................................................................................................................1-6电池规范 .......................................................................................................................1-6WEEE 声明...................................................................................................................1-6化学物质法规................................................................................................................1-7升级和保修 ..................................................................................................................1-7购买备件 .......................................................................................................................1-7安全指南 .......................................................................................................................1-8产品中有害物质的名称及含量.....................................................................................1-10MSI 特殊功能 .............................................................................................................1-11简介 ...............................................................................................2-1打开包装 .......................................................................................................................2-2产品检视 .......................................................................................................................2-3顶盖开启检视图 .......................................................................................................2-3前端检视图 ..............................................................................................................2-5右端检视图 ..............................................................................................................2-6左端检视图 ..............................................................................................................2-7后端检视图 ..............................................................................................................2-8底部检视图 ..............................................................................................................2-9如何使用键盘..............................................................................................................2-11Windows 键 ...........................................................................................................2-11快速启动按键.........................................................................................................2-12开启或关闭触摸板..................................................................................................2-13进入睡眠模式.........................................................................................................2-13切换显示器 ............................................................................................................2-13使用多个监视器 .....................................................................................................2-13调整显示器的亮度 .................................................................................................2-14调整扬声器的音量..................................................................................................2-14调整键盘背光 LED 灯的亮度(选择性配置) ........................................................2-14应用程序:True Color (选择性配置) ......................................................................2-15产品规格 .....................................................................................................................2-16使用者手册如何使用入门 .................................................................................3-1开始使用笔记本电脑 .....................................................................................................3-2如何舒适地使用笔记本电脑 ..........................................................................................3-3如何使用电源供应器 .....................................................................................................3-4电源适配器 ..............................................................................................................3-4电池 .........................................................................................................................3-4如何在 Windows 10 下设置一个电源计划设定 .............................................................3-6选择或自定义电源计划 ............................................................................................3-6创建自己的电源计划 ................................................................................................3-9如何使用触摸板 .........................................................................................................3-11了解一般硬盘和固态硬盘............................................................................................3-12了解 M.2 固态硬盘插槽...............................................................................................3-12如何连接 Internet........................................................................................................3-13无线网络 ................................................................................................................3-13有线网络 ................................................................................................................3-15如何设置蓝牙连接.......................................................................................................3-20开启蓝牙连接.........................................................................................................3-20如何连接外部装置.......................................................................................................3-23视频:如何使用 RAID 功能 ........................................................................................3-24如何在 BIOS 中选择 Boot Mode.................................................................................3-25视频:如何在 MSI 笔记本电脑上恢复 Windows 10 操作系统.....................................3-26视频:如何使用 MSI 一键安装 ..................................................................................3-27版权和商标声明Copyright © 微星科技股份有限公司所有。



Important NoticesImproper handling of a vehicle , especially while raised and supported by jack stands, ramps or other mechanical means, can cause serious bodily injury or even death. It is strongly rec-ommended that a trained, experienced mechanic, with proper equipment, do the installation.The seller nor the manufacturer assumes no liability, expressed or implied, for the improper installation or use of this product or its components. Before using, the user shall determine the suitability of the products for it’s intended use. The user assume all responsibility and risk in connection there within.It is the buyer’s responsibility to have all suspension, drivetrain, steering, and other compo-nents checked for proper tightness and torque after the fi rst 100 miles and every 3,000 miles by a qualifi ed professional mechanic.Extreme care should be taken while operating your vehicle to prevent vehicle rollover or loss of control. Both can result in serious injury or death. Do not add or modify parts to this kit or use outside it’s intended purpose. Follow all safety regulations and warnings per state and federal laws.Note: Final fi tment of the wheel to caliper is the responsibility of the customer.Note: It is important to read and understand this ENTIRE installation manual, before starting the installation.Kit Contents1 Pair of calipers w/pads2 Rotors2 Retaining plate2 Preload spacers (C-clip applications)4 Caliper bolts8 T-bolts8 Nuts2 Disc brake mounting plate assembly (1 Left and 1 Right)1 stainless steel brake line kitTools and Equipment That May Be RequiredDifferent models and years of vehicle use different-sized fasteners, and every effort has been taken to correctly identify the proper sized tool for each step of the installation. Occasionally, however, manufacturers use alternate fasteners, so it’s advisable to check that each tool cor-rectly fi ts the fastener before loosening or tightening it. The following tools and equipment may be needed:9/16” socket wrench12mm socket14mm wrenchTorque wrenches capable of 10-148 lb-ft settingsSeveral ragsSmall funnel or suitable means of fi lling master cylinder reservoirBrake bleed bottle1 pair of jack stands or other means of supporting vehicleHydraulic pressPair of PliersStep 1-Remove WheelsWARNING - Brake fl uid will damage most painted surfaces. Immediately clean spilled brake fl uid from any painted surfaces. Be sure the cap is securely installed on the master cylinder. If the cap is loose or removed, it is likely more fl uid willdrip.Note: All Photographs Show Left Side Installation, unless noted otherwise.Break loose the lug nuts on both rear wheels before jacking up the car.Refer to the Owners Manual for the correct location when jacking up the vehicle. Jack up the vehicle and secure on a pair of jack stands. Never leave any vehicle supported with only a jack - always use jack-stands.After securing the vehicle at a convenient height, remove the rear wheels.Note: If you remove the bottom lug nut last while holding the bottom of the tire, it will lessen the chances of the wheel tilting on it’s own and make removal easier.Step 2 -Removal of Drum Brakes and AxleRemove brake drums from thebrake assembly.Remove the hard line from thewheel cylinder attached to thebacking plate.For c-clip applications- Removethe differential cover, unbolt thecross shaft and remove it from thevehicle. See factory service manualfor additional information.Using a 9/16” socket, remove thefour nuts that hold each axle shaftinto the axle and remove the axleshafts from the axle. Some leakagemay occur.Remove the backing plate from theaxle housing.Wipe clean grease and contami-nants from all surfaces.For semi-fl oat applications- Pressthe old bearings and seals fromthe axle shafts. C-clip applicationsdo not need the removal of the oldbearings and seals unless parts areneeded to be replaced.Install the disc brake mounting plate onto the axle flange with new supplied retaining bolts. The mounting plate is directional, insurethat the plate is installed on the correct side.Step 3 -Install Disc Mounting PlateIn order to install this kit, remove the factory bolts from the axle fl ange. If installing on a C-clip application do not remove the fac-tory bolts.Install the supplied bolts (longer than factory bolts) in the axle fl ange.Adjust the internal parking brake shoes with the adjuster until there is just enough room to slide the ro-tor over the shoes. Refer to the fac-tory service manual for additional information.STEP 4 -Install Axle ShaftsApply grease to the outside of the bearing seal assembly and slide the preload spacer onto the seal. The grease will help hold the spacer in place.Slide the axle shaft into the axle housing by hand, lining it up with the differential. The axle shaft should not be forced, damage mayoccur.On C-clip retained axles, slide the axles all the way into the axle hous-ing using care to avoid damage to the splines or the bearing surface. Reinstall the C-clip and the cross shaft. Ensure that all old silicone is cleaned from the differential hous-ing and the differential cover, and reinstall the differential cover using a new gasket or silicone. Fill thehousing with new oil.Using a hydraulic press, press the new bearing and retaining collar onto the axle shaft. Refer to the factory service manual for more details.Grease the shaft where the axle shaft seal will be installed, theninstall the seal.Install the retaining plate and new preload spacer on axle shaft. Notice the direction the preload spacer is facing in the photo to the right. The chamfer side faces inboard.STEP 5 -Install the Rotor and CaliperInstall the rotor on the axle.Install the brake pads in the caliper.Using a 12mm socket wrench in-stall the caliper onto the mounting plate. Torque the bolts to 15-18 ft-lbs.Line up the access holes located on the axle shafts with the retainer bolts. Using a 9/16” socket wrench tighten the four nuts to 25 - 30 ft-lbs.STEP 4 -(Continued)Install Axle ShaftsSTEP 6 -Install Stainless Steel Brake LinesInstall the caliper end of the stainless steel brake line by fi rst placing a copper crush washer on either side of the banjo fi tting.Insert the banjo bolt into the caliper using a 14mm wrench or socket to tighten it. Insert the stainless steel brake line fi tting through the chassis bracket, and screw it onto the hard line fi tting by hand a few turns, to ensure that it is properly engaged. Tighten the hard line fi tting.Check to ensure that the brake line is not binding in any way, nor interfering with any suspension component.Note that you will need to purchase shorter metal brake lines from an automotive pats supplier.If the brake line is not properly routed, a catastrophic failure could occur. If you are unsure that the line is routed properly and safely, do not drive the car. Please call our Tech Support Dept. for assistance if you have any doubt as to the brake line routing.Install the emergency brake cable at the mounting plate and adjust, refer to the factory service manual.If realignment is necessary, loosen the banjo bolt, and realign the brake line, or loosen the inboard end of the line, and slightly re-clock the fitting.Weld the brake line mounting tab onto the axle tube. Install the brake line through the tab and install the c-clip to secure the line.STEP 7-Bleed BrakesComplete installation on both sides of the vehicle before bleeding the system. Note: The calipers and lines will need to fi ll with fl uid, quickly draining the master cylinder reservoir. Keep a close watch on the fl uid level when initially bleeding the system. Do not allow the master cylinder reservoir to run dry and draw in air. Doing so may require the brake system to be serviced by a certifi ed brake technician.Refer to owners manual for torque used on bleed screws.After initially bleeding the system, gently tap the caliper body with a non-marring mallet or hammer to dislodge any small air bubbles and re-bleed.After bleeding, apply a constant pressure to the brake pedal and check all connections, including bleed screws, and both ends of the line for leaks.Brake fl uid will damage most painted surfaces. Immediately clean spilled brake fl uid from any painted surface, including the caliper. Though caliper paint is designed to resist harsh chemicals, prolonged exposure will damage the fi nish.STEP 8-Reinstall wheelsCheck wheel to caliper clearance before installing wheels!Reinstall the wheels and torque the lug nuts to your wheel manufacturer’s specifi cations. It may be necessary to snug the bolts before lowering the vehicle and then torque the wheels when the car is on the ground. Alternatively, an assistant may depress the brake pedal while you tighten the wheel nuts to the proper torque setting.Carefully test-drive the vehicle in a safe area at low speed to insure all components are working correctly.。

华硕 ASUS 笔记本电脑系列产品说明书

华硕 ASUS 笔记本电脑系列产品说明书

03安装和连接安装和连接时请注意以下几点:· 采用不长于7mm的 M3螺丝安装电机到模型上。

· 连接/焊接电子调速器(ESC)的动力线时,请注意ESC标记,确保ESC和电机上的端子一一对应,即: ESC电线A与电机A相匹配,ESC电线B与电机B相匹配,ESC电线C与电机 C相匹配。

· 如果您要使用有感ESC,务必确保感应线是干净的、未损坏的,并注意感应线的方位,将感应线按正解的方位分别连接在电机和ESC的接线口上。

· 开启电源前,请再次仔细检查所有连接的正确性。

01D10电机提供了超宽的机械进角调节范围,以下为进角调节方法和原则:· 通过松动电机后盖的两颗螺丝来调节电机的进角,根据后盖上的刻度调节您所需要的进角角度,调节完成,需扭紧后盖螺丝。

可以通过 调整电机的进角可改变动力输出区间和特性, 达到最佳的性能。

· 调大进角将增加电机的转速,同时电机的温度上升和效率降低。


· 当设置您的电机进角时,请确保您的电子调速器(ESC)设置正确。


· 调整进角后,请确保一组电池用完后电机不会过热。


如果电机太热,需等电机冷却后方可再次测试;若还是过热,请把进角调小,或 把 齿比调大(即:换用更少齿数的小齿或更多齿数的大齿)04进角调整易耗品及升级件07部件编码可零售部件品名特性30820430适用电机10.5T, 13.5T XERUN-D10-Rotor-L1-7-12.2*24.1-BUT 磁性弱,10.5T标配转子零件清单0605装配说明D10电机结构设计牢固、拆卸简单,易于维护。




(注:拆卸时的顺序相反)后端盖组件 x1 Pcs前端盖组件 x1 Pcs 转子组件 x1 Pcs定子组件 x1 Pcs 后端盖固定螺丝 (M2×43.5mm ) x3 PcsD10电机零部件包含如下:前端盖组件 x1 Pcs转子组件 x1 Pcs定子组件 x1 Pcs后端盖组件 x1 Pcs后端盖固定螺丝 ×3pcs M2×43.5mm使 用 说 明 书。










故障现象解决方法可能原因1、电池电压没有输入到电调;1、检查电池与电调是否连接可靠,如有焊接不良,请重新焊好;上电后电机无鸣音,指示灯也未闪亮06编程设定说明08电调状态指示灯(LED)说明09保护功能说明10故障快速处理01声明Seaking Pro 120A • Seaking Pro 160A船用无刷电子调速器使用说明书· 调试请将船模架起,确保船桨不会碰到人或其他物体,以免发生安全事故。

03产品特色· 轻量化设计,适合竞赛要求。

· 出色的防水性能(160A电调采用塑封工艺,120A电调采用纳米镀膜工艺),一般情况下无需做防水处理即可直接使用(注:使用后请将电调插头吹干,以免锈蚀)。

· 内置超强开关模式BEC,持续电流达到4A,瞬间达到8A,且支持 6V和7.4V 切换,轻松驱动各种强力舵机及高压舵机。

· 采用好盈专利铜片导热技术,配合水冷模块和极低热阻的内部MOSFET,使得电调的耐流能力及可靠性大大增强。

· 使用顶级竞赛核心程序,具有一流的操控手感及丰富的调节选项,适应各种比赛环境。

· 行业首创的超速功能(即:开启Turbo进角),让马达瞬间释放更强动力,轻松超越竞争对手。

ASUS ROG GR8 游戏控制台PC说明书

ASUS ROG GR8 游戏控制台PC说明书

PUNCHING ABOVE ITS WEIGHTPortable 2.5L PC packed with an Intel® Core™ i7 processor, NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 750Ti graphics, and a maximum of 16GB DDR3L memory for unstoppable gaming performanceA GAMING BEAST IS BORNWith outstanding SupremeFX audio, Gigabit Ethernet and GameFirst III intelligent network optimization for lag-free networking, ROG GR8 is hardcoded for gamingInstant additional 2.5” HDD/SSD expansion and SO-DIMM upgrades EASY-ACCESS, SLIDE-OFF PANELStream HD Content wirelessly from Android devices or Windows 8.1 PC.BUILT-IN MIRACAST RECEIVERIntel, the Intel logo, Intel Core and Core Inside are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and other countries.ASUS recommends Windows./sgCONSOLE SIZE. PC POWER. GAMING REDEFINEDROG GR8 Console PCBased on 2014 PCMag Readers’ Choice*Most Recommended Windows Desktop BrandPRODUCTGUIDEAPRIL-JUNEROG Series PC the most powerful gaming desktop with autodetection side-opening chassis for over-clocking systems. Anew mechatronic thermal solution is integrated.The RT-AC66U did thrill us with its zippy throughput on the 5GHzband when it was coupled with another 802.11ac bridge. On thecontrary, its 2.4GHz performance was rather disappointing.RT-AC66U Dual Band Wireless-AC1750 Router“For a long-distance test through flooring and walls, Asus’sstability here is outstanding.”“Only Asus manages nearly flawless reliability.”“The company simply out-engineered its competition and cameup with a best-in-class feature set.”+2011SINGAPORE2012 AUGHARDWARE ZONEIf you have a compatible device with Wireless-AC connectivity, the newASUS RT-AC68U comes highly recommended.SINGAPORENOV 2013, HARDWARE ZONE2012 OCTGood Design Award 2012JAN 2013TOM’S HARDWAREEDITOR’S CHOICE HWM+ HARDWAREZONETECH AWARD 2011EDITOR’S CHOICE HWM+ HARDWAREZONETECH AWARD 2013Best 802.11n Wireless Router24/5ASUS ROG GR8 this PC console is more affordablethan a good gaming laptop and it has option forexpansion. ASUS’ inclusion of it’s ROG-brandedmechanical keyboard and mouse makes it even morevalue for money.SINGAPOREDEC 2014,THE STRAITS TIMES, DLSINGAPOREMARCH 2015,HardwareMag4/5Cheap, fast, and stable, the ASUS Chromebox is greatfor users who simply want to access the internet forwork and entertainment.SINGAPORESEP 2014,THE STRAITS TIMES, DLROG GR8 Console PC4/5The first Wave 2 802.11ac router in the market is forthe early adopter.Strong performance across both 2frequency bands and all testedranges.SINGAPORENOV 2014,THE STRAITS TIMES, DLRT-AC87U Dual BandWireless-AC2400 RouterRT-AC87U Dual BandWireless-AC2400 RouterRT-AC66U Dual Band Wireless-AC1750 RouterRT-N566U Dual Band Wireless-N600 Router RT-AC66U Dual Band Wireless-AC1750 RouterRT-AC66U Dual Band Wireless-AC1750 Router ROG Gaming Desktop PCSINGAPOREAPR 2014, HARDWARE ZONEWhether you're a businessman who always goesaround conducting presentations and therefore needs apersonal portable projector, or a home user looking foran option to get a reasonably big screen in a confinedspace to play your mobile games, the ASUS P2B is wellworth considering if you're willing to part with S$739.P2B Portable LED ProjectorSINGAPORESEP 2014, HARDWARE ZONEThat said, ASUS’ ROG products have always been aboutthe best of the best, and the ROG Swift PG278 isarguably the best 27-inch QHD gaming monitor in themarket right now, especially if your rig is powered by acompatible NVIDIA GPU.Best 802.11ac Wireless Router.The RT-AC66U is perfect for bandwidth demanding tasks like 3D HDvideo streaming and multiplayer gaming.ROG SWIFT PG278Q MonitorSINGAPORENOV 2014,HARDWARE ZONEIn fact, if you are an enthusiast who demands thelatest and greatest in technology and want a routerthat will remain relevant for the foreseeable future,the RT-AC87U is a fine pick and has set a very highmark of other routers in this class to beat.RT-AC87U Dual BandWireless-AC2400 Router Chromebox4/5At $319, the thin, lightweight and portable AsusMB168B+ offers road warriors an extra display at areasonable cost.SINGAPOREJUN 2014,THE STRAITS TIMES, DLMB168B+ Portable MonitorProduct images are for reference only & bonus gifts whilst stocks last. Specifications are correct at the time of printing. ASUS reserves the right toamend any specification &/or promotion without prior notice. All efforts have been duly made to check for any mistake and ASUS will not be liable for any inadvertent error which may occur in editorial, typography or photography in this flyer. Logos and company names used in this flyer are copyright or trademarks of their respective owners and may not be reproduced for any purpose whatsoever without the prior written permission from the copyright/trademark holder. For more information, please visit /sg.3ASUS recommends Windows.43Y EARSO N-S IT E W A R R A N T Y ROG GR8CONSOLE SIZE. PC POWER. GAMING REDEFINED• Intel® Core™ i7-4510U Processor(4M Cache 2.0GHz Turbo Boost up to 3.1GHz)• Windows 8.1• NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 750Ti (2GB GDDR5)• 8GB 1600MHz DDR3 / 1TB 7200rpm HDD• USB 3.0 / Ultra HD 4K Support (30Hz)* / Audio Support(ROG SupremeFX 5.1channel+Sonic Studio+Sonic RadarII) /Dual-band Wireless (802.11ac) with Miracast Receiver /FREE Kaspersky 1 Year Full License• 3 Years On-Site Local WarrantyOptionalASUS VX238H 23” Full HD Monitor / 1ms Fast Response Time Panel ($249)Pre-packed M801 Mechanical Keyboard |& ROG Gladius Optical MouseFREE$1,599($1,848 with monitor)4KUltra High-Definition2.5LITERSPUNCHING ABOVEITS WEIGHTEASY-ACCESS,SLIDE-OFF PANELBUILT-INMIRACAST RECEIVER4K* / UHD RESOLUTIONSUPPORT4/5Intel, the Intel logo, Intel Core and Core Inside are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. *DisplayPort 1.2 with max. resolution 3840x2160@30Hz / 3200x2000@60Hz.HDMI 1.4a with max. resolution 3840x2160@30Hz / 2560x1600@60HzROG GladiusROG GR8Gaming MouseConsole PC$119Connectivity : Wired USB 2.0Tracking Resolution : 6400dpi optical sensorResponsiveness : 1000Hz polling rateDimensions : 126 x 67 x 45mmWeight : 116g (without cable)Warranty: 2 Years Local WarrantyIntel, the Intel logo, Intel Core and Core Inside are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and other countries.Pre-packed ASUS Wireless Keyboard & MouseFREE4/55ASUS recommends Windows.Intel ® Celeron ® 2955U Processor (2M Cache 1.4Ghz)Chrome OSIntel ® HD Graphics2GB 1600MHz DDR3 / 16GB M.2 SSDUSB3.0x2 / Dual Band Wireless-N / Bluetooth 4.03 Years Carry In WarrantyASUS MX239H 23” Frameless Full HD LED Panel ($389)CPU OSGRAPHICSRAM / STORAGE FEATURES WARRANTY OPTIONAL MONITORCN60Intel® Celeron ® 2957U Processor(2M Cache 1.4Ghz)Windows 8.1Intel ® HD Graphics2GB 1600MHz DDR3 / 2.5" 500GB 5400rpm HDD Vivo DualBay / USB3.0x4 / USB2.0x2 / Bluetooth 4.0 /Dual Band Wireless-AC / VESA Mount / Built-in Speaker 3 Years Carry In WarrantyASUS MX239H 23” Frameless Full HD LED Panel ($389)CPUOS GRAPHICS RAM / STORAGE FEATURES WARRANTY OPTIONAL MONITORCPUOSGRAPHICSRAM / STORAGE FEATURESWARRANTYOPTIONALMONITOR VM42Intel® Core ™ i3-4030U Processor (3M Cache 1.9Ghz)Windows 8.1NVIDIA ® GeForce ® 820M Optimus ™4GB 1600MHz DDR3 / 2.5" 500GB 5400rpm HDD Ultra HD 4K Support* (30Hz) / Vivo DualBay / USB3.0x4 /USB2.0x2 / VESA Mount / Bluetooth 4.0 /Dual Band Wireless-AC / Built-in Speaker3 Years Carry In Warranty ASUS MX239H 23” Frameless Full HD LED Panel ($389)CPUOSGRAPHICSRAM / STORAGE FEATURES WARRANTY OPTIONAL MONITOR VM62N$799VivoPCChromebox*DisplayPort 1.2 with max. resolution 3840x2160@30Hz / 3200x2000@60Hz.HDMI 1.4a with max. resolution 3840x2160@30Hz / 2560x1600@60Hz.$339($728 with monitor)$859($1,248 with monitor)Intel ® Core™ i5-4210U Processor(3M cache 1.7Ghz, Turbo Boost up to 2.7Ghz)Windows 8.1Intel ® HD Graphics 44004GB 1600MHz DDR3 / 64GB mSATA SSDUltra HD 4K Support* (30Hz) / USB3.0 x2 /Bluetooth 4.0 / Dual Band Wireless-AC 3 Years Carry In Warranty ASUS MX239H 23” Frameless Full HD LED Monitor ($389)UN62VivoMiniAvailable Colors$419($808 with monitor)CPUOSGRAPHICSRAM / STORAGE FEATURES WARRANTYOPTIONAL MONITORIntel ® Celeron ® 2957U Processor(2M Cache 1.4Ghz)Windows 8.1Intel ® HD Graphics 2GB 1600MHz DDR3 / 32GB mSATA SSDUSB3.0 x2 / Bluetooth 4.0 / Dual Band Wireless-AC 3 Years Carry In WarrantyASUS MX239H 23” Frameless Full HD LED Monitor ($389)UN42($1,188 with monitor)$399($788 with monitor)NEW! NEW!Based on 2014 PCMag Readers’ Choice*Most Recommended Windows Desktop Brand6Battle in True 4K with Every Detail and Real 10-bit Color3840 x 2160 UHD resolution, 157 pixels per inch and 1.07 billion possible colorsWin with the Fastest 4K Gaming Experience1ms GTG response time with60Hz refresh rateControl Every Aspect ofYour SetupErgonomic tilt, swivel, pivot and height adjustments with wall-mount capability4K Detail. Combat-Ready Response Time.3Y EARSO N -SI T E W A R R A N T YPB287Q True 4K UHD Monitor28”PB287Q 28” TRUE 4K LED MONITOR• MAX. RESOLUTION: 3840x2160 @ 60Hz (Display Port) 3840x2160 @ 30Hz (HDMI)• BRIGHTNESS: 300cd/m 2• RESPONSE TIME: 1ms (Gray to Gray)• SMART CONTRAST RATIO: 100,000,000:1• FEATURES: HDMI, Display Port, 3.5mm Mini-jack, Build-in SpeakerHDMI Cable (Inside the Box)FREE$999$78924”PA248Q24.1” IPS Full HD LED MONITOR• MAX. RESOLUTION: 1920x1200• BRIGHTNESS: 300cd/m 2• RESPONSE TIME: 6ms (Gray to Gray)• SMART CONTRAST RATIO: 80,000,000:1• FEATURES: HDMI, Display Port, DVI-D, D-sub, 3.5mm Mini-jack, USB 3.0 Port1 YearZBDWarrantyHDMI CableFREE$535NEW!HDMI CableFREE27”PB278Q27”WQHD PLS LED MONITOR•MAX. RESOLUTION: 2560x1440• BRIGHTNESS: 300cd/m 2• RESPONSE TIME: 5ms (Gray to Gray)• SMART CONTRAST RATIO: 80,000,000:1• FEATURES: HDMI, Display Port, DVI-D, D-sub,3.5mm Mini-jack, Build-in Speaker 1 YearZBD WarrantyASUS received 4,326 awards in 2014Professional Series1 YearZBDWarranty7GAMING SERIES$599$499HDMI CableFREEHDMI CableFREEHDMI CableFREEHDMI CableFREE27” Full HD 1080P LED MONITOR• MAX. RESOLUTION: 1920x1080• BRIGHTNESS: 300cd/m 2• RESPONSE TIME: 2ms (Gray to Gray)• SMART CONTRAST RATIO: 50,000,000:1• FEATURES: HDMI, D-Sub, Dual-link DVI-D (support NVIDIA 3D Vision) / 3.5mm Mini-jack /Built-in SpeakersVG278HE27”24” Full HD 1080P LED MONITOR• MAX. RESOLUTION: 1920x1080• BRIGHTNESS: 350cd/m 2• RESPONSE TIME: 1ms (Gray to Gray)• SMART CONTRAST RATIO: 80,000,000:1• FEATURES: HDMI, DisplayPort, Dual-link DVI-D (support NVIDIA 3D Vision) 3.5mm Mini-jack /Built-in SpeakersVG248QE24”HDMI CableFREEVS239HV23” IPS Full HD 1080P LED MONITOR• MAX. RESOLUTION: 1920x1080• BRIGHTNESS: 250cd/m 2• RESPONSE TIME: 5ms (Gray to Gray)• SMART CONTRAST RATIO: 80,000,000:1• FEATURES: HDMI, DVI-D, D-Sub, 3.5mm Mini-jack$26923”23”MX239H23” IPS Full HD 1080P LED MONITOR• MAX. RESOLUTION: 1920x1080• BRIGHTNESS: 250cd/m 2• RESPONSE TIME: 5ms (Gray to Gray)• SMART CONTRAST RATIO: 80,000,000:1• FEATURES: HDMI x2, DVI-D, D-sub,3.5mm Mini-jack, Built-in Speakers (Audio by Bang & Olufsen ICEpower®)$389$31924” Full HD 1080P LED MONITOR• MAX. RESOLUTION: 1920x1080• BRIGHTNESS: 250cd/m 2• RESPONSE TIME: 2ms (Gray to Gray)• SMART CONTRAST RATIO: 50,000,000:1• FEATURES: HDMI, DVI-D, D-Sub, 3.5mm Mini-jackVS248H24”23” Full HD 1080P LED MONITOR• MAX. RESOLUTION: 1920x1080• BRIGHTNESS: 250cd/m 2• RESPONSE TIME: 1ms (Gray to Gray)• SMART CONTRAST RATIO: 80,000,000:1• FEATURES: HDMI x2, HDMI-DVI, D-sub, 3.5mm Mini-jack, 1Build-in SpeakerVX238H23”19.5”19.5” LED MONITOR• MAX. RESOLUTION: 1600x900• BRIGHTNESS: 200cd/m 2• RESPONSE TIME: 5ms (Gray to Gray)• SMART CONTRAST RATIO: 80,000,000:1• FEATURES: D-Sub$149VS207DE HDMI CableFREE$249$399HDMI CableFREEHDMI CableFREE$249HDMI CableFREE$519MX279H• 27” IPS Full HD LED MONITORAlso Available • 1ms / 80,000,000:1 / Build-in Speaker21.5”21.5” Full HD 1080P LED MONITOR• MAX. RESOLUTION: 1920x1080• BRIGHTNESS: 250cd/m 2• RESPONSE TIME: 5ms (Gray to Gray)• SMART CONTRAST RATIO: 50,000,000:1• FEATURES: HDMI, DVI, D-Sub$209VS228HR21.5”21.5” Full HD LED MONITOR • MAX. RESOLUTION: 1920x1080• BRIGHTNESS: 200cd/m2• RESPONSE TIME: 5ms (Gray to Gray)• SMART CONTRAST RATIO: 50,000,000:1• FEATURES: DVI, D-Sub $185VS228NE15.6”MB168B+15.6 Full HD 1080P LED MONITOR• MAX. RESOLUTION: 1920x1080• BRIGHTNESS: 250cd/m 2• RESPONSE TIME: 11ms (Gray to Gray)• CONTRAST RATIO: 600:1• FEATURES: USB Port 3.0 / ASUS Smart Case • 2 Years Limited Local Warranty Carry-InWORLD’SUSB MONITOR 4/527”ROG SWIFT PG278Q $1,25927” WQHD LED MONITOR• MAX. RESOLUTION : 2560x1440• BRIGHTNESS : 350cd/m 2• RESPONSE TIME : 1ms (Gray to Gray)• SMART CONTRAST RATIO: 100,000,000:1• FEATURES : Display Port, 2X USB 3.0 Ports, Wall MountableDisplay Port Cable (Inside the Box)FREERefresh Rate Refresh Rate Refresh RateIPS SERIESLED SERIESSHARING YOUR WORLD.MAGNIFYING THE FUN.B1MLIGHT SOURCE / LIFESPAN: eco-LED / 30,000 Hours (max)TRUE RESOLUTION: WXGA 1280 x 800LUMENS: 700 Lumens DYNAMIC CONTRAST RATIO: 3500 : 1SHORT THROW PROJECTION: 51” at 1 meterWIRELESS CONNECTIVITY: YES (Wireless Projection Ready)FEATURES:D-sub, HDMI, Wi-Fi Dongle, 3.5mm Mini Jack, Built-in Speaker, Built-in SD Card Reader, USB Port, Lens Cover, Remote Control WARRANTY: 2 Years Limited Local Carry-In Warranty$799$999$649$8998Up to 1.5 Hour / 2950 mAh eco-LED / 30,000 Hours (max)TRUE RESOLUTION: WXGA 1280 x 800LUMENS: 350 Lumens (with AC) / 300 Lumens (with Battery)DYNAMIC CONTRAST RATIO: 3500 : 1SHORT THROW PROJECTION: 42” at 1 meter FEATURES: D-sub, HDMI, MHL, 3.5mm Mini Jack, Built-in Speaker, Built-in SD Card Reader, USB Port, Remote Control WARRANTY: 2 Years Limited Local Carry-In WarrantyP2MLIGHT SOURCE / LIFESPAN: eco-LED / 30,000 Hours (max)TRUE RESOLUTION: WXGA 1280 x 800LUMENS: 500 Lumens DYNAMIC CONTRAST RATIO: 3500 : 1SHORT THROW PROJECTION: 42” at 1 meter FEATURES: D-sub, HDMI, MHL, 3.5mm Mini Jack, Built-in Speaker, Built-in SD Card Reader, USB Port, Remote Control WARRANTY: 2 Years Limited Local Carry-In WarrantyR/G/B LED / 30,000 Hours (max)LUMENS: 200 Lumens DYNAMIC CONTRAST RATIO: 1000 : 1SHORT THROW PROJECTION: 41” at 1 meter FEATURES: HDMI, MHL, 3.5mm Mini Jack, Built-in Speaker, USB Port x1 (Power Charge Usage)WARRANTY: 2 Years Limited Local Carry-In Warranty2Y EARSL O C A L W A RR A N T YP2B Portable LED ProjectorBEST SELLING & MOST AWARDS WINNING MOTHERBOARD & GRAPHICS CARD BRAND9Unleash your gaming instinctsSTRIX GAMING HEADSETS AND PERIPHERALS$119$239$189$209$32.90• Luxurious fine-weave fabric: Fast gliding movement (Glide Speed)• Premium heavy-weave fabric: Accurate controlled movement (Glide Control)• Works with all sensor types and sensitivity: Pixel-precise tracking • 1 Year Limited Local Warranty• Full mechanical switches: Lightning-fast response and ultra-durable lifespan of up to 50-million keystrokes • N-Key Rollover (NKRO) over USB: Never miss an action for precise control • 21 easy-to-reach macro keys: Ultra-fast combo commands and on-the-fly macro recording• Thunderous 60mm drivers: Precise positioning and immersive game audio • Plug-and-play USB audio station: Intuitive in-game audio controls • Environmental noise cancellation: Clear in-game communication• Four game-audio spectrum profiles: Brilliant immersion for first-person shooter (FPS), racing and action/role-playing games (RPG)Strix DSP gaming headset and audio station• DPI optical sensor: Precision controlwith 1:1 tracking and angle-snap-free movement• Agile DPI control: On-the-fly DPIadjustments plus instant DPI clutch button • Designed for all grip styles: Japanese-made Omron® D2F-01F switches and engineered right-hand ergonomicsStrix Pro gaming headsetStrix Claw optical gaming mOUSEStrix Tactic Pro mechanical gaming keyboardStrix Glide Speed mouse pad• Thunderous 60mm drivers: Precise positioning and immersive game audio • Environmental noise cancellation: Clear in-game communication• Cross-platform flexibility: PC, Mac, PS4, smartphone and tablets compatible • Foldable ear cups: Travel-friendly design4/5* Price, specification and availability are subject to change without notice. Please check with your supplier for exact offers. Products/features may not be available in all markets.YEARS WARRANTY*LOCAL332.4Ghz & 5Ghz Data Rates up to 600Mbps/1734Mbps (Concurrent Download Speed)Wireless-AC2400 Gigabit Router• Fastest 2.4GHz & 5GHz Wireless at 600/1300Mbps Speed Wireless-AC1900 Gigabit Router802.11n Wireless-N300 Router/AP/Range Extender802.11n Wireless-N150 Router/AP/Range Extender802.11n Wireless-N300 Router/AP/Range ExtenderRT-AC66U802.11ac Dual-band Wireless-AC1750 Gigabit Router802.11n Dual-band Wireless-N900 Gigabit RouterRT-N66UWireless-N 2.4GHz & 5GHz up to 450Mbps (Concurrent)802.11n Dual-band Wireless-N600 Gigabit RouterWireless-N 2.4GHz & 5GHz up to 300Mbps (Concurrent) 2x USB2.0 Ports for Device Sharing & 1x Gigabit WAN Support 24/7 Non-Stop Download Master Support All-in-One Printer Server ApplicationWireless-N900 Ethernet Adapter802.11n All-in-OneWireless-N Pocket RouterWireless-AC1900 PCI-E AdapterWireless-AC750 Range ExtenderPCI-E Adapter802.11n Wireless-N150 802.11n Wireless-N300USB-N10 NanoUSB-N14 Expandable storage with 802.11ac Dual-bandWireless-AC1300 USB AdapterUSB 3.0 / Built-in External AntennaSpeed up to 867Mbps/400Mbps11PRODUCT GUIDEAPRIL - JUNE。


















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Wireless Network Card SeriesUser’s GuideVersion 2.1Federal Communication Commission Interference StatementThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one of the following measures:- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.-Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.FCC Caution: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate this equipment.IMPORTANT NOTE:FCC Radiation Exposure Statement:This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20cm between the radiator & your body.This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.SparkLAN declares that WL-611GS/WL-660GS ( FCC ID: MXF-C940720G/MXF-C940531G ) is limited in CH1~CH11 for 2.4 GHz by specified firmware controlled in U.S.A.Copyright statementNo part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, whether electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior writing of the publisher.May 2005Contents1. Introduction (5)2. Wireless LAN Basics (6)3. Installation for Windows platform (7)3.1. Installation Overview (8)3.2. Install Procedure for Windows (9)3.3 Uninstall Procedure (14)4. Configuration Utility (15)4.1 Link Information (16)4.2 AP List (18)4.3 Profile Setting (19)4.4 About (23)5. Appendix (24)1. IntroductionThank you for purchasing your Wireless LAN Adapter. This User’ s Guide will assist you with the installation procedure.The package you have received should contain the following items:•Wireless LAN Adapter•Quick Installation Guide•CD containing Wireless network adapter utility & drivers and User’s GuideNote: if anything is missing, please contact your vendorNote: This manual is valid for all Wireless LAN adapters, such as PC Card, USB, mini-USB, PCI adapter, mini-PCI…etc.2. Wireless LAN BasicsWireless LAN (Local Area Networks) systems offer a great number of advantages over a traditional, wired system. Wireless LANs (WLANs) are more flexible, easier to setup and manage and often more cost effective than their wired equivalence.Using radio frequency (RF) technology, WLANs transmit and receive data over the air, minimizing the need for wired connections. Thus, WLANs combine data connectivity with user mobility, and, through simplified configuration, enable movable LANs.With wireless LANs, users can access shared information without looking for a place to plug in and network managers can set up or augment networks without installing or moving wires. Wireless LANs offer the following productivity, convenience and cost advantages over traditional wired networks:•Mobility - Wireless LAN systems can provide LAN users with access to real-time information anywhere in their organization. This mobility supports productivity and service opportunities not possible with wired networks.•Installation Speed and Simplicity - Installing a wireless LAN system can be fast and easy and can eliminate the need to pull cable through walls and ceilings.• Installation Flexibility - Wireless technology allows the network to go where wires cannot go.•Reduced Cost-of-Ownership - While the initial investment required for wireless LAN hardware might be higher than the cost of wired LAN hardware, overall installation expenses and life-cycle costs will be significantly lower. Long-term cost benefits are greatest in dynamic environments requiring frequent moves, adds, and changes.•Scalability - Wireless LAN systems can be configured in a variety of topologies to meet the needs of specific applications and installations. Configurations are easily changed and range from peer-to-peer to full infrastructure networks, also allow roaming over a broad area.3. Installation for Windows platformThe following section will assist you in installing wireless LAN Adapter successfully. You will first install software (Utility) and then insert / attach the Wireless LAN Adapter to your system, and finally set the network properties to accommodate resource sharing and select the type of wireless network that you wish to install. The Wireless LAN card can easily be installed and used, without bothering to connect cables for keeping your computer to use network resources.3.1. Installation OverviewHere are some steps you will perform in establishing your wireless network connection:z Install the Access Point at first. AP is needed in case of Infrastructure network mode.z Install the software using the Install CD.z Install the Wireless LAN Card.z Install the network protocol(s) required to communicate on your network. Most likely you will need the TCP/IP protocol.3.2. Install Procedure for Windows1. Insert the given Installation CD in the CD-ROM, then browse the CD content and find a file whichbe named Setup.exe, double click it for beginning the installation.Follow the instruction to finish the installation.2. After complete the procedure, insert your WLAN card into PCMCIA/PCI slot or USB connector of your system, and then system will detect new hardware.Select “Install the software automatically (Recommended) ”, and then click Next to continue.Once your system detected the driver, Microsoft will show a warning message as below.Click “ Continue Anyway ” for next step.After copy the file to your system, then the setup is finish.3. Insert your wireless network card into your computer.Note: If the wireless network card is PCI interface, then you should shut down your computer first and power on your computer after you complete the card insertion.4. Click the right button of mouse on My Computer Æ Manage Æ Device Manager.Check whether it has WLAN adapter in one of the sockets or not. If you find WirelessComboCard in one of the sockets, it means the card is detected properly.If you cannot find this card on device manager, please click the ActionÆScan for hardware changes for research again. If this card is shown with yellow exclamation mark, please remove it and click the ActionÆScan for hardware changes for research this hardware again for proper hardware installation.5. Click StartÆ SettingsÆ Network Connections or right click mouse on the My Network Places (Network Neighborhood) for TCP/IP setting.6. Click Properties from the pop up menu. Select the Internet Protocol(TCP/IP) and click Properties button.7. You can select either Obtain an IP address automatically or Use the following IP address setting. If your choice is the second one then entering the IP address, Subnet mask, Default- gateway and DNS. After setting these parameters appropriately, click OK to return to back menu.3.3 Uninstall ProcedureStep 1:If you want to uninstall the WLAN adapter, just simply click Start ÆProgram Æ Wireless Network UtilityÆ Uninstall It shall uninstall all related programs.Step 2:Restart your Computer.4. Configuration UtilityWireless network adapter uses its own management software. All functions controlled by user are provided by this application. Usually this application starts automatically,or click icon from Start Menu to start the Utility application.A new icon - should appear in your Icon tray if your WLAN adapter is working properly. If the icon is in red color, it means that WLAN adapter is under poor signal or the connection is unavailable.User can navigate through “sheets”, by clicking tabs. “X” button will minimize window.To provide more information, click “More…” button. Below description explains the usage of this utility.4.1 Link InformationConnected To Network--This field is used to display the current status of connection. The state shows “Connected to Network“ means normal flow of operation in Infrastructure mode. The PC is connected to access point. Networking is available.A state of “Scanning” means that the node is searching for available Access Point within effectiverange. This field will also display an error message for some reason if the driver fails to initial.♦Network TypeInfrastructure Mode - The driver will scan all available channels continuously until it findsone or more Access Points that match its SSID. At that point it will try and authenticate andassociate with the Access Point.Peer to Peer Mode - The driver will scan for 5 seconds looking for an existing Ad Hoc network using the same SSID.♦ChannelThe current channel that be used for this WLAN adapter will be shown in this field.♦EncryptionAll encryption status will be shown in this field.♦Link SpeedThe current transmit rate will be shown in this field.♦Signal StrengthThe signal strength bar graph is only active when the node is in infrastructure mode. The bar graph displays normalized signal strength as reported by the radio, averaged over all frames over 100 bytes long that are received from the AP.♦Link QualityThe Link Quality bar graph is only active when the node is in Infrastructure Mode. The bar graph displays the quality of the link between the node and Access Point.4.2 AP ListThe Connections Tab shows current status of available APs within the network.User may select profile or ESSID from above list, click “Connect” to connect with the AP.Click “Refresh” to rescan the network, this utility with site survey function, it will detect and list all available AP’s within network.4.3 Profile SettingProfile Setting allows user to create profiles for different network environments.Click “Add” button to create new profiles.“Edit” for editing current exist profile.Click “Delete” button if you wish to delete profiles.♦Network NameThe name of Profile, users can define it by themselves.♦Network TypeThis field allows you to select from a list of supported Network “Modes”. The modes displayed will have two values: “Peer to Peer” and “Access Point”.Peer to Peer - This is 802.11 peer-to-peer mode. In 802.11 Ad Hoc, only one wireless “cell” is supported for each different SSID. All communication is done from Client to Client without the use of an Access Point. 802.11 Ad Hoc networking uses the same SSID forestablishing the wireless connection.Access Point - This mode of operation requires the presence of an 802.11 Access Point.All communication is done via the Access Point,which relays packets to other wirelessClients in the BSS as well as to nodes on a wired network such as Ethernet.♦Transmit Rate - The transmission rate at which client of AP transmits the data packets. You may set this to fixed 1Mbps, fixed 2 Mbps, fixed 5.5 Mbps or higher or Automatic for 802.11 AP.♦Authentication Mode - You may desire an additional measure of security on your WLAN which can be achieved by using WEP or WPA encryption.This panel allows to entry for 64/128-bit encryption according to WEP function select. To be written to the driver and registry, such as Hexadecimal format, each key must consist of hex digits, which means that only digit 0-9 and letters A-F are valid entries. If entered format is incorrect, the utility will not accept it.WPA pre-shared key is one advanced security for wireless network. There are 2 types algorithm could be supported – one is TKIP, and the other is AES.To use WPA Pre-Shared Key, enter a password in the WPA Shared Key field between 8 and 63 characters long.To enable IP Setting function, please select enable.Please define if the current Profile IP setting will be assign by a DHCP Server or just assign by a fixed IP that is determinate by the Network Administrator.When the DHCP Status is Enable, the TCP/IP information will be assigned by a DHCP Server. Or otherwise please fill up with the correspondence data of the IP settings.4.4 About“About” tab shows the product version including the detail of Driver, Application and firmware versions. Users must use this version number when reporting their problems to technical support.5. Appendix5.1Using WinXP Wireless Zero configuration for WPA setupStep1:Check and make sure that the Wireless Zero Configuration service is running.Click Start Æ Settings Æ Control Panel Æ Administrative Tools Æ ServicesSince WPA security standard has been defined after Windows XP lunch date, then you should also update your current Wireless Zero Configuration utility version to the latest. In order to do so, you must run the patch file which be included the CD or please visit the following website for download it./downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en&familyid=009D8425-CE2B-47A4-ABEC-274845DC9E91Once the above steps are complete, please proceed to the following page.Step2:Open the Wireless utilityClick Advanced and the following screen will appear. Over the Wireless Networks tab, click Configure.Step3:Verify that the Network Authentication is WPA and the Data encryption is TKIP or AES. (The encryption type should match the WPA setting of your Access Point.)Step4:Click Authentication tab to select EAP type. (The EAP type should match the authentication server before access the authenticated network.)After clicking OK, the Wireless workstation will be able to associate with the AP previously get authentication by an authentication Server.。

RT-AC68U 快速使用指南说明书

RT-AC68U 快速使用指南说明书
02 AiMesh 節點
原廠預設狀態。設定 AiMesh 系統時,請保持路 由器處於通電及待機狀態。
1-3 公尺間
AiMesh 節點
AiMesh 路由器
03 AiMesh 路由器
1 請參照「一台路由器的設定步驟」章節連接您的 AiMesh 路由器和電腦、數據機,然後登入網頁圖形介面(web GUI)。
3/23/2018 1:35:14 AM
重置按鈕 此按鈕可重置或回復系統至其初始設定。
WPS 按鈕 電源按鈕 電源插孔 (DCIN)
WAN LED 開啟 / 連接埠 關閉按鈕
Wi-Fi 開啟 / 關閉按鈕 USB 3.0/2.0 連接埠
LAN 1-4 連接埠
LED 指示燈說明
WAN 連接埠 使用網路線將無線路由器連接至數據機。
LAN 1-4 連接埠 將另一根網路線的一端插入無線路由器的 LAN 連接埠,另 一端插入電腦的網路插孔。
LAN 1-4 連接埠
WAN USB 3.0 2.4GHz 5GHz 電源 連接埠 USB 2.0 連接埠
02 準備設定 AiMesh Wi-Fi 系統
1 準備兩台華碩無線路由器(欲了解支援 AiMesh 的華碩無線路由器型號,請造訪 /tw/AiMesh/)。
A: 支援。您可以選擇將您的 AiMesh 路 由器設定為路由器模式或無線存取點模 式(AP Mode)。 請至網頁圖形介面 (web GUI ),並 前往【系統管理 > 運作模式】介面進行 設定。
Q2 我可以在 AiMesh 路由器間設定有線骨幹(Ethernet Backhaul,乙太網路骨幹)嗎?
** 若您無法搜尋到任何 AiMesh 節點,請查看「疑難解 答」部分的內容。
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
பைடு நூலகம்
放置您的路由器........................................................................................................... 8 系統需求.......................................................................................................................... 9 設置您的無線路由器.............................................................................................. 10 有線連接.......................................................................................................10 無線連接.......................................................................................................11 安裝支架....................................................................................................................... 12 開始設置之前............................................................................................................. 13 A. 關閉代理服務器. ...................................................................................13 B. 設 置 TCP/IP 自動獲取 IP 地址......................................................14 C. 關閉撥號連接. ........................................................................................16

使用 FTP 共享服務..................................................................................35 使用其它設置..............................................................................................37 高級設置....................................................................................................................... 38 設置 DHCP 服務器...................................................................................38 固件升級.......................................................................................................40 恢復 / 導出 / 上傳設置. ..........................................................................41 網絡打印機設置........................................................................................................ 42

包裝內容物..................................................................................................................... 5 您的無線路由器........................................................................................................... 5
偵測設備(Device Discovery). ........................................................................ 46 固件升級(Firmware Restoration)............................................................... 47
C7415 第一版 2012 年 5 月發行
版權說明 ©ASUSTeK Computer Inc. All rights reserved. 華碩電腦股份有限公司保留所有權利。 本用戶手冊包括但不限於其所包含的所有信息都受到著作權法的保護,未經華碩 電腦股份有限公司(以下簡稱“華碩”)許可,不得有任何仿造、複製、摘抄、轉 譯、發行等行為或為其它利用。 免責聲明 本用戶手冊是以“現狀”及“以目前明示的條件下”的狀態提供給您。在法律允 許的範圍內,華碩就本用戶手冊,不提供任何明示或默示的擔保及保證,包括但不限 於商業暢銷性、特定目的適用性、未侵害任何他人權利及任何使用本用戶手冊或無法 使用本用戶手冊的保證,且華碩對因使用本用戶手冊而獲取的結果或通過本用戶手冊 所獲得任何信息的準確性或可靠性不提供擔保及保證。 用戶應自行承擔使用本用戶手冊的所有風險。用戶明確瞭解並同意華碩、華碩的 被授權人及董事、管理層、員工、代理商、關聯企業皆無須為您因本用戶手冊、或因 使用本用戶手冊、或因不可歸責于華碩的原因而無法使用本用戶手冊或其任何部分而 可能產生的衍生、附帶、直接、間接、特別、懲罰或任何其它損失(包括但不限於利 益損失、業務中斷、資料遺失或其它金錢損失)負責,不論華碩是否被告知發生上述 損失之可能性。 由於部分國家或地區可能不允許責任的全部免除或對上述損失的責任限制,所以 上述限制或排除條款可能對您不適用。 用戶知悉華碩有權隨時修改本用戶手冊。本產品規格或驅動程序一經改變,本用 戶手冊將會隨之更新。本用戶手冊更新的詳細說明請您訪問華碩的客戶服務網http:// ,或是直接與華碩電腦客戶關懷中心 400-620-6655 聯繫(不能 撥打 400 電話的用戶,請撥打技術支持電話 021-34074610)。 對於本用戶手冊中提及的第三方產品名稱或內容,其所有權及知識產權都為各產 品或內容所有人所有且受現行知識產權相關法律及國際條約的保護。 當下列兩種情況發生時,本產品將不再受到華碩的保修及服務: (1) 本產品曾經過非華碩授權的維修、規格更改、零件替換或其它未經過華碩授權 的行為。 (2)本產品序號模糊不清或丟失。
RT-AC66U Dual Band
3x3 802.11AC 千兆無線路由器
擁有典雅菱格紋外觀的� ��������� RT-AC66U �������������� 為第一款採用全世界最新、最快 速 Wi-Fi 802.11ac 技術的無線路由器。不僅能同時運行� ������� 2.4GHz 與� �� 5GHz 雙頻連接,其在 �������� 2.4GHz ������� 與 �� 5GHz ����� 頻段的理論傳輸速度分別高 ������������ 達 450Mbps 與 1.3GHz,由此提供無與倫比的同步無線高清晰影音 串流。RT-AC66U 也為第一台搭載華碩雲端“AiCloud”技術的路由 器,通過華碩獨家研發的手機 app,您的 iPhone、Android 手機可隨 時隨地輕易地遠程訪問、同步、觀賞或安全共享連接到 RT-AC66U 設備上的任何文件。
登錄網頁圖形界面................................................................................................... 17 設置網絡連接............................................................................................................. 18 網絡設置嚮導(QIS)(含自動偵測功能)....................................18 無線網絡安全設置................................................................................................... 22 管理您的網絡客戶端.............................................................................................. 24 監控您的 USB 設備. ................................................................................................ 25 創建您的客戶網絡................................................................................................... 27 使用 Traffic Manager............................................................................................. 28 使用服務質量 (QoS) 管理帶寬......................................................................... 28 監控流量 .....................................................................................................29 使用 USB 擴展 ........................................................................................................ 29 使用 AiDisk 共享文件..............................................................................30 使用 UPnP 媒體服務器. ..........................................................................33 使用網絡共享 (Samba) 服務. ................................................................34