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Unit 5 Where is your book?
• 1. 3, 1, 4, 2 [ Tapescript: (1)chair (2)red (3)table (4)blue ] • 2. a.table;b.chair;c.red [ Tapescript: (a)table (b)chair (c)red ] • 3. 书 — 桌子, 铅笔 — 书包, 钢笔 — 椅子, 橡皮 — 书桌 (Tapescript: —— Where is your book? —— Where is your pencil? —— It's on the table. —— It's in the bag. —— Where is your pen? —— Where is your eraser? —— It's on the chair. —— It's on the desk.) • 4. 给书包涂蓝色, 给椅子涂红色, 给书桌涂蓝色 (Tapescript: My bag is blue. My chair is red. My desk is blue.)
Review 2
• 1. 略 • 2. a.teacher;b.pupil;c.colour • 3. 第一组:图1 第二组:图2 第三组:图1 (Tapescript: five apples eight eggs seven desks) • 4. 3, 1, 5, 2, 4 [ Tapescript: (1)How many apples are there? (2)Is that your ruler? (3)What colour is your bag? (4)There are eight eggs. (5)Where is your eraser? ]
Unit 2 Let's play a game!
• 1. 图1 — eye, 图2 — nose, 图3 — ear, 图4 — mouth • 2. 第一组:图1 第二组:图1 第三组:图2 第四组:图1 (Tapescript: Touch your moຫໍສະໝຸດ Baiduth. Touch your nose. Touch your eye. Touch your ear.) • 3. 2, 1, 4, 3 [ Tapescript: (1)Good morning! (2)How are you? (3)I'm fine, thanks. (4)Let's play a game. ]
• 5. table, chair, blue, red, desk • 6. on, in • 7. 第一组:图2 第二组:图1 (Tapescript: —— Where's your book? —— Where's your bag? —— On the table. —— It's on the chair.) • 8. 画一本蓝色的书, 画一支黄色的钢笔, 并且书和钢笔都在一张书桌上 面。 • 9. 略 • 10. 给橡皮涂蓝色, 给书涂红色 (Tapescript: —— Andy, what colour is your eraser? —— My eraser is blue. —— What colour is your book? —— My book is red.) • 11. 略
Unit 7 How old are you?
• 1. 图1 — cake, 图2 — card, 图3 — basketball, 图4 — beautiful • 2. 3, 1, 4, 2 [ Tapescript: (1) —— Happy birthday! (2) —— Let's draw a birthday card.—— Thank you! —— OK. (3) —— How old are you? (4) —— This is for you. Happy birthday! —— I'm ten years old. —— Thanks, it's beautiful! ] • 3. 第一组:图1 第二组:图2 第三组:图2 第三组:图1 (Tapescript: —— How old are you, Wang Li? —— How old are you, Li Xiao? —— I'm eleven. —— I'm twelve years old. —— Amy, how old are you? —— How old are you, Andy? —— I'm ten. —— Look at my cake. … nine, ten, eleven.)
• 4. c, b, a • 5. d, a, c, b • 6. 图3 (Tapescript: Ted, let's play a game. Touch your mouth.) • 7. 画一只眼睛, 画一只耳朵, 画一只鼻子, 画一张嘴 • 8. H — h, M — m, I — i, K — k, L — l, N — n, J — j • 9. c, b, a • 10. 略
Review 1
• 1. 1, 6, 5, 4, 2, 3 [ Tapescript: (1)Zhou Lin (2)Ms Li (3)Ted (4)Wang Li (5)Amy (6)Li Xiao ] • 2. a.bag, pencil;b.eye, nose;c.book, panda;d.leg, ear [ Tapescript: (a)bag, pencil (b)eye, nose (c)book, panda (d)leg, ear ] • 3. 1 — one — ONE, 2 — two — TWO, 3 — three — THREE, 4 — four — FOUR • 4. 第一组:图2 第二组:图1 (Tapescript: —— What is this? —— Nice to meet you. —— It is Zhou Lin's eraser. —— Nice to meet you, too.)
Unit 1 Nice to meet you!
• 1. 略 • 2. 图2, 图4 (Tapescript: bag, pen) • 3. A — a, G — g, C — c, D — d, B — b, F — f, E — e • 4. 图3 (Tapescript: —— Hi. I'm Andy. Nice to meet you! —— I'm Wang Li. Nice to meet you, too!) • 5. Zhou Lin — 钢笔, Li Xiao — 书包, Wang Li — 铅笔, Andy — 书 (Tapescript: It's Zhou Lin's pen. It's Li Xiao's bag. It's Wang Li's pencil. It's Andy's book.)
• 6. monkey, book, panda, leg, ear, pen, nose, arm • 7. a.small;b.long;c.toy;d.guess • 8. (1) 画一只玩具熊猫, 有一个大脑袋、一张小嘴和一只鼻 子, 有两只大眼睛。 (2) 画一只玩具猴子, 有长胳膊、长腿, 有两只大眼睛, 有一张 大嘴。 • 9. 4, 3, 2, 1 [ Tapescript: (1)What' s in it? (2)It has long arms. (3)What's in your bag? (4)It has a big mouth. ] • 10. 略 • 11. 略
Unit 6 How many apples?
• 1. 图1 — egg, 图2 — apple, 图3 — green, 图4 — yellow • 2. 2, 1, 3 [ Tapescript: (1)Good evening. (2)Goodbye. (3)Good morning. ] • 3. 给三个苹果涂绿色, 给两块橡皮涂黄色, 给四把椅子涂红 色 (Tapescript: three green apples two yellow erasers four red desks) • 4. seven, eight, five • 5. 第一组:一共有五个苹果, 其中三个苹果涂绿色, 两个苹 果涂红色 第二组:一共有四本书, 其中一本书涂红色, 三本书涂蓝色
• 6. 第一组:图1 第二组:图2 第三组:图2 (Tapescript: There are five turtles. There are seven eggs. There are six desks.) • 7. 第3、5、6、8 节车厢 (Tapescript: three five six eight) • 8. a, c, d, g (Tapescript: —— What's on the shopping list? —— An eraser, five apples, two pens, a toy turtle.) • 9. 给树上的苹果涂红色, 给小草涂绿色, 给花朵涂黄色 • 10. a.eight;b.red • 11. 略
Unit 3 It has two big eyes.
• 1. 2, 4, 1, 3 [ Tapescript: (1)arm (2)panda (3)monkey (4)leg ] • 2. 第一组:图1 第二组:图2 第三组:图2 (Tapescript: —— What's in it? —— What's in it? —— What's in it? —— A toy panda. —— A toy turtle. —— A toy monkey.) • 3. panda, leg, arm, monkey • 4. 第一组:a pen, a book 第二组:a toy turtle • 5. O — o, P — p, Q — q, R — r, S — s, T — t
Unit 4 Is this your pen?
• 1. 图1 — ruler, 图2 — desk, 图3 — eraser, 图4 — teacher • 2. 第一组:√ 第二组:× 第三组:× (Tapescript: —— Is this your desk? —— Is this your eraser? —— Yes, it is. —— No, it isn't. —— Is this your ruler? —— No. It's Zhang Jia's.) • 3. Andy — 橡皮, Yu Li — 尺子, Ms Xu — 书桌 (Tapescript: —— Is this your eraser? —— Ms Xu, is this your desk? —— Yu Li, is this your ruler? —— No. It's Andy's. —— Yes, it is. —— Yes, it is.)
• 4. this, that • 5. 画一把尺子, 画一张书桌, 画一块橡皮, 画一位老师 • 6. 第一组:图2 第二组:图1 (Tapescript: —— Is that your desk? —— Is this your eraser? —— Yes. —— No. It's Amy's.) • 7. desk, ruler, eraser, teacher • 8. U — u, V — v, W — w, X — x, Y — y, Z — z • 9. 第一组:she, Ms Xu 第二组:he, Mr Liu • 10. 第一组:图1 第二组:图2 (Tapescript: —— Who is she? —— Who is he? —— She is Yu Li. —— He is Mr Liu. He is our teacher.) • 11. 略
• 6. a, c, d, b • 7. 画一支钢笔, 画一个书包, 画一支铅笔, 画一本书 • 8. 2, 1, 4, 3 [ Tapescript: (1)Goodbye. (2)Nice to meet you! (3)My name is Zhou Lin. (4)Hello. ] • 9. pen, bag, pencil, book • 10. c, a, d, b • 11. 略