


Cues: What is it? How long have you had it? Why cannot you live without this thing?
A17Describe a sports event that you watched.
Cues: What was the event? Where was it? Explain how you felt about this event.
Cues: What is the name of the movie and the character? When did you know this character? Why does it impress you?
B08Describe a brave thing you did.
Cues: What is it? When did you do it? What are the benefits of doing this?
A09Describe something you own which is valuable to you.
Cues: What is it? How did you own it? Why do you think it is valuable?
A10Describe a person from your academic life.
Cues: Where is it? When did you make this visit? Why do you think it is perfect?
B14Describe a TV program which you watch regularly.
Cues: What is it? What is it about? Why do you watch it regularly?



第十四届“沪江”杯翻译竞赛原文(英语组)Jane Austen : Galloping Girl ( excerpt )Freya Jorhnson Jane Austen wrote fast and died young . Her life on paper may have spanned three decades , but all six of her celebrated novels made thei r public appearance between 1811 and 1817. The phrase “ tell- tale co mpression ”, self - consciously applied by the narrator towards the end of Northanger Abbey (1817), captures somethingof Austen’s authorial career , too . Indeed , in her case it is appropriate that thew ord “ career ” can mean a short gallop at full speed , as well as the pot entially slower progress of an individual ' s working life . Novelist s are more usually seen aslong distance runners than as sprinters , and Austen’s mature fiction has been cherished for the gradual emergence into co nsciousness of its heroines’ thoughts and feelings Yet speedy progress - described in Em Т a (1815) as the “ felicities of rapid motion”一 rema ined central to this writer’s craft from start to finish .Two hundred years ago , on St Swithun’s Day in 1817, Austen , near death, dictated an odd poem about horse racing to her sister Cassandra . From her sick bedinWinchester , she i magined how the festivities outside her window had comeinto being . The poem opens like this :When Winchester races first took their beginningIt is said the good people forgot their old SaintNot applying at all for the leave of Saint SwithinAnd that William of Wykeham ’ s approval was faint .The races however were fixed and determinedThe company came and the Weather was charmingThe Lords and the Ladies were satine ’ d and erminedAnd nobody saw any future alarming .Austen died three days later , on 18th July 1817.Imagining, in her las t known literary composition , the origins of a horse race and the fatal allure of the “ charming” she was also excavating the origins of her writ ing life . That her Winchesterpoem concerns how the dead are mostly ( even in the saintliest of cases ) forgotten has perhaps also to do with h er sense of a future abruptly foreclosed , and of authorial work leftund one . Not only undone , but largely overlooked : Northanger Abbey and Persuasion appeared together in four volumes , posthumously , at the very end of 1817, in aprint run of 1,750 copies ; three years later ,282 remained unsold .Austen , depicted by her immediate family as a covert , dutiful , and domesticallyminded writer , has since her death been serially reackage d by critics and imitatorsasa conservative and a radical , a prude and a saucepot , pro and anti - colonial , a feminis a downright bitch . Perhaps this fluidity and adaptability spring from her reluctance pigeonholed . After al , Henry Tilney in Northanger Abbey warns that “ from politi w as an easy step to silence .” But facing down such overt discourageme nt , many from the 1970s to the present have discerned in Austen a wri ter who was far apolitical .During Austen ’ s time of apprenticeship , radical novelists typicaly p resented heroes and heroines as the victims of a rotten system , Conse rvative writers of f tended , by contrast , to treat their protagonists as si nners in need of correctior redemption , The late Marilyn Butler was th e most forceful proponent of the line Austen belonged in the second c amp , and to insist that her brand of conserva Anglican and Tory , wou ld have been understood as such by early 19th- century rea Read in th is light , her heroines contrive to endorse the status quo through com mitment to duty and self - sacrifice . Writing as a Christian moralist , A usten , often claimed , duly presents a view of society that conforms to religious principle respects tradition .An opposing school of Austen criticism has sought to present her a s sympathe radical politics , seeing her novels as an attempt to challen ge or at least to revis established order , especialy patriarchy . Several decades ago , Edward Said attention to the simultaneous presence of and silence about empire and slave Mans field Park , a line of enquiry t hat has most recently been pursued ( with diff conclusions ) in HelenaKelly ’ s Jane Austen : The Secret Radical , published last Austen is und oubtedly concerned with the precarious economic position of womer t herefore , more broadly , with power and inequality . Her fiction could not posses shape or emphasis that it does without the glaring injustice of 18th and 19th- ce inheritance law . Time and again , she foregroun ds the ignorance of women den formal education , the psychological a nd emotional fragilityof mothers , daugl sisters , wives and widows , the exploitedpoverty and dependency of spinsters , an boredom of aimless , well - t o - do ladies .Critics of Austen too often forget that she was primarily a writer and d efe of fiction , not a polemicist . To say this does not mean we have to bleach her of historical purchase , topicality , or partisanship . But it do es entail acknowle that her commitment was to everything that novels might be and do , rather t any political cause . In her beguiling ability t o convey sympathy , mea information and suggestion through the faul ty , shifting perspectives o characters , we come to know , and learn ho w to judge , a little of the world w in . That does not mean we arrive at an understanding of everything about h behaviour , or of what motivat es it .Recognising the necessarily incomplete business of such disclosure ma y , how be good cause for something other than grief and vexation . Austen ’ s fictions set mislead us , and none more so than Emma , a nov el full of tricks and impositions . games and wordplay crop up through out this book , which is in a broader sense what it means to toy with ot her people . Mischievous little clues , at the le individual words , open u p wider moral vistas and show Austen playing with her rea to0. As she wrote to Cassandra in 1813, echoing Walter Scott ,“ I do not write fo dull Elves / As have not a great deal of Ingenuity the mselves .”We dull elves need to remain on the lookout . Almost a century ago , Vi Woolf described the double bind of anyone trying to get to grips wit h Au “ First … of all great writers she is the most difficult to catch in the act of great second … there are 25 elderly gentlemen living in the neig hbourhood of Londor resent any slight upon her genius as if it were an insult offered to the chast their aunts .”By March 1817, Austen ’ s complexion changed for the worse . As s he wrote niece , shades of “ back and white and every wrong colour ”had passed across her One of the many strange things about Austen ’s rapid and fatal illness is that it sha many traits with what happens to c haracters in her childhood stories . Her abbre career possesses a freaki sh circularity , in which Austen ’ s literary beginnings app forebode how she herself would end . The brief , hysterically brilliant teenage wor litt ered with sick and dying women , and with girls whose faces are 一 according to who surround them 一 the wrong colour , either too white or to0 red .The dashing teenage works are brutally funny studies in ugliness , vi ol sickness and death , including suicide and murder . Pace and timing are neces different in the longer works of fiction , as is the sense of nati onal and per history . For al the hard - won patience of her final compl eted novel , as reade Austen we should perhaps , in this bicentenary ye ar , take more seriously tha are encouraged to do the last words of So phia to Laura in “ Love and Friend(1790):“ Run mad as often as you chuse ; but do not faint 一.”。



笔译大赛试题及答案试题一:请将以下英文段落翻译成中文:"In the realm of artificial intelligence, machine learning stands out as a pivotal technology that enables computers to learn from experience and improve their performance over time without being explicitly programmed to do so."答案一:在人工智能领域,机器学习作为一种关键技术脱颖而出,它使得计算机能够从经验中学习,并在没有明确编程的情况下随着时间的推移提高其性能。



”答案二:"With the continuous advancement of globalization, cross-cultural communication is becoming increasingly important. To promote understanding and respect between different cultures, we need to learn each other's languages and cultures."试题三:请将以下英文句子翻译成中文:"The rapid development of technology has brought about significant changes in the way we live and work."答案三:技术的快速发展已经改变了我们生活和工作的方式。




(每小题2分,20分)1. It is a long lane that has no turning.A. 只有不会拐弯的巷子才是长巷子。

B. 即使是长巷子也会拐弯。

C. 天无绝人之路。

2. She could get away with anything, because she looked such a baby.A. 她能渡过任何风险,因为她看上去简直还像是个娃娃模样。

B. 她能渡过任何风险,因为她看上去如此的单纯。

C. 因她看上去简直是个娃娃,所以什么麻烦也落不到她头上。

3. A Southwest Airlines Boeing 737 carrying 142 people overshot the runway on landing at Burbank airport on Sunday, hitting a car with a woman and child in it before coming to rest at the edge of a gas station, officials said.A. 官方人士称,一架载有142人的西南航空公司的波音737飞机,星期日在Burbank机场降落时冲出跑道,撞到了一辆准备停在加油站边的小车,车里有一个妇女和一个孩子。

B. 一架载有142人的西南航空公司的波音737飞机,星期日在Burbank机场降落时冲出跑道,撞到了一辆准备停在加油站边的小车,车里有一个妇女和一个孩子,官方人士称。



4. Casualties, were taken to several hospital in southwestern Georgia, some of which operated on backup generators.A. 伤亡人员被送往佐治亚州西南部的几所医院里,其中有几家医院是靠备用发电机维持运作的。



2022外国语翻译大赛试题及答案2022年海南大学外国语学院第?届翻译大赛英汉互译(笔译)试题+答案+评分标准第一部分:句子翻译(每题3分,共30分)1. How can you expect your children to be truthful when you yourself tell lies?假如你自己讲假话,怎么能期待你的孩子说真话呢?2. We know that a cat, whose eyes can take in many more rays of light than our eyes, cansee clearly in the night.我们知道由于猫的眼睛比人的眼睛能吸收到更多的光线,所以猫在黑夜也能看得很清楚。

3. Next door, a large-than-expected audience of 300 attended the Fifteenth InternationalConference on Laser Atmospheric Studies.隔壁大厅里,参加第十五届国际激光大气研究会议的人数竟达300名之多,这真是出乎意料之外/出乎意外。

4. Next Edison turned his inventive genius to another ambitious project – the invention ofa means of lighting streets and buildings by electricity instead of by gas: the invention of an electric-light bulb.然后爱迪生把其创造天才转向另一项宏大的计划——发明用电来代替煤气以照明街道和建筑物的方法,即要设法制造电灯泡。

5. The big problem of comprehension of the English text and the bigger problem of how toexpress it in rich, present-day Chinese which ranges from the classical to the colloquial both have to be solved in the course of translation.了解英语原义是一个大问题,而现代汉语既然是文言口语兼收并蓄,怎么用这样丰富多彩的文字来表达英语原文是一个更大的问题,这两个问题在翻译中都要得到解决。



Longing for MotherhoodMy first marriage was a childless one that ended ten years ago. Now 41, I married my second husband Gary, who was eight years my senior. Although neither of us had brought up the topic of a child before we tied the nuptial knot, I knew I had to take immediate action if I did want one. After turning over all the scenarios, we came up with one advantage: allowing me to experience motherhood, an advantage set off by a list of disadvantages: high risk of childbirth for me, sagging energy that would make us pant while chasing a toddler, possible financial difficulties after retirement, and even the embarrassment to hear someone say “Your grandson is really cute”. I would turn 48 when my child entered the first grade and 60 if I was to see h is high school diploma. Gary’s numbers would look even more disheartening. With all the extra work and stress coming from the anticipatable and the unforeseeable, we might not be fit enough to attend our child’s college graduation. When Gary and I made the sad but practical decision to stick just to each other, I was torn in half in a graveyard silence that followed. Gary had to arrange a trip to the east coast to help ease my disappointment.We were two hours into the deep ocean on a whale watch tour in Boston when a huge humpback suddenly jumped out and flipped over in the air before it dropped belly up, causing tons of water to explode. But before my widened eyes could blink, the creature leaped out a second time, accompanied by a baby whale. Then the bodies went down while the tails shot up, making one spattering after another. The crowd went crazy; and I was mesmerized, not as much by the fantastic sighting as by the closeness of this whale family. My eyes began to swim, and my heart ached.The mother whale must be teaching her baby, and she must be brimming with pride. Gary was busy videotaping, but I wiped my eyes with the back of my hand and started wondering if some common sense was worth questioning. How incomplete I would feel for the rest of my life!I wouldn’t have the opportunities to hear the first baby cry, to be enchanted by the sweet babbling and constant leg kicks, to witness the first roll over, the first effort to stand up, the first step, let alone the wedding, the blessing of being a gr andma… I would pay to be torn with birth pain; I would pay to have sleepless nights so that my baby could sleep in lullaby; I would pay to parent a teenager; I would pay to…That night I didn’t take my pill, and I made love with passion. That night I had a dream: I flipped over the ocean with ecstasy, and I wasn’t alone.1。



中华笔译大赛试题及答案一、单句翻译1. 请将下列中文句子翻译成英文。

- 随着互联网的普及,人们获取信息的方式发生了巨大变化。

- 他总是把工作放在第一位。

2. 请将下列英文句子翻译成中文。

- With the widespread use of the internet, the way people access information has undergone tremendous changes.- He always puts his work first.二、段落翻译1. 将以下段落从中文翻译成英文。

- 中国的传统节日春节,又称为农历新年,是最重要的节日之一。


2. 将以下段落从英文翻译成中文。

- The traditional Chinese festival, Spring Festival, also known as the Lunar New Year, is one of the most important festivals. During the Spring Festival, people set off firecrackers, paste couplets, and have a family reunion dinner to celebrate the arrival of the new year.三、篇章翻译1. 请将以下篇章从中文翻译成英文。

- 中国的茶文化源远流长,茶不仅是一种饮品,更是一种文化象征。



2. 请将以下篇章从英文翻译成中文。

- The tea culture in China has a long and storied history. Tea is not only a beverage but also a symbol of culture. In China, the art of tea is considered an art form, and drinking tea is an enjoyment. People cultivate their character and refine their sentiments through the act of drinking tea.四、翻译理论简答题1. 简述翻译中的直译与意译的区别。





(每题2分)1.When it came to reading, they were as good as blind.A,来读书时,他们和瞎子一样好。


C, 说到读书,他们可都是瞎子。

2.They did not reopen the Pando ra’s Box they had peeked into in 1972.A,他们在1972年曾挖掘过这些丑事了,如今却不要开这个潘多拉的盒子。



3.The United Nations is no stronger than the collective will of the nations that support it.A,联合国没有支持它的各成员国的集体意志强大。



4.In some poverty-stricken areas now, not a few people are found failing to achieve food security.A,现在在一些贫困地区,还有相当多的人被发现未达到食物安全。



5.Watching television, of course, is an evening ritual for people throughout the world.A,晚上看电视当然已成了人们的习惯,全世界都如此。






















1Record Today, Resist Forgetting【1】Forgetfulness is prone to plague us. There are those who, with unwavering diligence, chronicle their daily affairs in diaries, every word and sentence an evocative trigger for memories of a certain day in a certain year as they flip through the pages in days to come. Others are blessed with prodigious memories, able to recount events from years ago with astonishing clarity. But what about the vast majority of us? I, for one, attempted to keep a diary, only to see my entries dwindle from daily to every other day, and then to sporadic, until I finally sealed it away in a secluded corner of my writing desk drawer. I also endeavored to recall with a friend the precise moment, location, and occasion of our first encounter, but we were both lost in a fog.【2】Such a state of forgetfulness and the ensuing fog-bound befuddlement are par for the course.【3】Life, for the most part, takes on fragmented forms. We may find ourselves here today and there tomorrow, amidst a flurry of complexity that isn’t always easy to commit to memory. Just as we begin to recall the tumultuous ocean tides, the roaring rivers rush to our ears. Once the mighty rivers’ thunderous roar seeps into our memory, the distant din of chatter resounds in our ears. The current of hot topics seems to flow incessantly, with even fashion and trends surging and receding at breakneck speed, each one clamoring for our attention. Nevertheless, new memories unfailingly turn the page on the old, while forgetting sneaks up on us unnoticed amid our shifting attention and meandering movements.【4】More often than not, life feels like a cycle of repetition, as even the anci ents recognized, remarking that “flowers are similar year in and year out.” It is those very similar flowers and leaves that prove most difficult to distinguish, leaving us with faintly familiar shadows in our memory. Topics once discussed resurface, past logical reasoning requires reevaluation, and even the tales we’ve heard before catch echoes of their likeness recounted from the far reaches of the earth. As an ancient Chinese poem states, “the immortal laurel’s branches break and renew each year.”If the branches still shy away from the wind, and their fruit bears the same scars, who then can discern the year or month that saw the planting of the tree?【5】To claim that everything in the world is mere repetition is too bleak a notion. And yet, to assert that the sun rises anew each day is to overestimate the average person's sense of fulfillment. We traverse through light and shadow for years on end. But there comes a moment when we pause and create a special mark to set apart a day from the long procession of time, a moment for us to reflect on the past and gaze toward the future as an act of self-care. In times when meaning is doubted or diminished, such a moment of solemnity allows us to turn inward and unearth our own sense of history amidst the tumult and trivialities of life, which might be deemed a form of awakening.2Embossing the Present, Resisting OblivionBy Yu JinxingTrans. by Cai Qingmei(蔡清美)【1】We recognize our tendency to forget. Those mindful among us persist in maintaining a journal, capturing moments on paper, day byday. As we revisit these pages, every word and phrase can rekindle a forgotten memory. Some among us are blessed with prodigious memory, recounting intricate details of experiences from years past with astonishing precision. But what about the majority? There was a time I maintained a diary, gradually transitioning from daily entries to every other day, until eventually, gaps of weeks appeared between entries. Eventually, the diary found a quiet corner in a drawer at my writing desk. I’ve tried to recall with friends the moment of our first encounter, only to be greeted with mutual bewilderment.【2】Such perplexity, this mutual bewilderment, is not particularly unusual.【3】The larger part of life tends to be fragmented. Moments fleet from one to another, creating a tapestry too intricate to remember easily. Our attention dances from the tumultuous tides to the echoing roar of grand rivers, from the towering waves and thundering rivers to the distant hum of human voices. One trend follows another, each seemingly at its zenith. Yet, the fresh memories continue to eclipse the old ones, and oblivion manifests subtly amidst these shifting focuses.【4】Frequently, life manifests itself in cycles of repetition. Even the ancients noted, “Every year the flowers resemble the previous ones.” Similar flowers, similar leaves, they are always the hardest to differentiate. We retain in our memories only an echo of familiarity. Topics once discussed are revisited, logic previously deduced is reconsidered, and familiar stories are heard again, told with different flavors in different locales. As the sweet osmanthus blooms each year, if the orientation of the branch remains unchanged, even the scars on the hanging fruits resemble each other. Who could then discern in which year and month the tree was planted?【5】To say that everything in the world is repetitive might be too pessimistic. Yet, to claim that each day brings a new sun might overstate our ability to appreciate the nuances of the mundane. We traverse through a world of light and shadows over time. There are days when we pause, mark a special moment, carving it out from the continuum of our journey. It’s a time to reminisce about the past and gaze into the future—a form of self-care. In times when our sense of purpose is questioned or seems to dissipate, such solemn moments of introspection allow us to seek our sense of history amidst the din and trivialities. It’s a form of awakening.。



翻译考试题库及答案一、单选题(每题2分,共20分)1. 翻译中“直译”和“意译”的主要区别在于:A. 直译更注重原文的字面意思,意译更注重原文的深层含义B. 直译更注重原文的深层含义,意译更注重原文的字面意思C. 直译和意译没有区别,都是翻译方法D. 直译和意译是同一种翻译方法的不同称呼答案:A2. 在翻译过程中,遇到文化差异导致的障碍时,应采取的策略是:A. 直接忽略文化差异,按照原文直译B. 完全按照目标语言的文化习惯进行调整C. 寻找文化共性,进行适当的文化适应D. 保持原文不变,让读者自行理解答案:C3. 翻译中的“忠实性”原则指的是:A. 忠实于原文的字面意思B. 忠实于原文的风格和语气C. 忠实于原文的内容和形式D. 忠实于原文的作者意图答案:C4. 下列哪个选项不是翻译中的常见问题?A. 语言障碍B. 文化差异C. 技术限制D. 信息过载答案:D5. 翻译中“等效性”原则主要强调的是:A. 译文与原文在形式上的相似性B. 译文与原文在内容上的相似性C. 译文与原文在效果上的相似性D. 译文与原文在风格上的相似性答案:C6. 在翻译中,如何处理专业术语?A. 直接使用原文中的专业术语B. 根据目标语言的习惯进行适当调整C. 忽略专业术语,使用通用词汇替代D. 创造新的词汇来描述专业术语答案:B7. 翻译中的“动态对等”理论是由哪位学者提出的?A. 尤金·奈达B. 彼得·纽马克C. 约翰·卡特福德D. 莱昂纳多·达·芬奇答案:A8. 在翻译中,如何处理原文中的双关语?A. 直接忽略B. 寻找目标语言中的对应双关语C. 保持原文不变,让读者自行理解D. 用注释的方式解释双关语的含义答案:B9. 翻译中的“功能对等”理论主要强调的是:A. 译文与原文在形式上的对等B. 译文与原文在功能上的对等C. 译文与原文在内容上的对等D. 译文与原文在风格上的对等答案:B10. 在翻译中,如何处理原文中的隐喻?A. 直接翻译成目标语言的字面意思B. 寻找目标语言中的对应隐喻C. 保持原文不变,让读者自行理解D. 用注释的方式解释隐喻的含义答案:B二、多选题(每题3分,共15分)11. 翻译中可能涉及的领域包括:A. 文学翻译B. 法律翻译C. 科技翻译D. 旅游翻译E. 以上都是答案:E12. 翻译中常见的错误类型包括:A. 语法错误B. 词汇错误C. 逻辑错误D. 风格错误E. 以上都是答案:E13. 翻译中常用的技巧包括:A. 增译B. 减译D. 直译E. 以上都是答案:E14. 翻译中可能遇到的挑战包括:A. 语言差异B. 文化差异C. 技术限制D. 个人偏好E. 以上都是答案:E15. 翻译中常用的工具包括:A. 词典B. 翻译软件D. 专业术语库E. 以上都是答案:E三、判断题(每题1分,共10分)16. 翻译是一种语言活动,与文化无关。




1(原文:I told my wife a white lie saying that she looked fabulous in her new clothes.译文:我对太太撒了个______c________,称赞她穿上新衣好看极了。

A(白色的谎言B(不会造成伤害的谎言C(善意的小谎2(原文:Dr. Lee is a very famous scientist but literature is all Greek to him.译文:李博士是位著名的科学家,____b__________________。

A(但文学对他来说就像希腊语一样B(但对文学却一窍不通C(但对文学却没有一点兴趣3(原文:Alex is the black sheep of the family.译文:亚力克斯是________a______。

A(不肖之子B(家里的黑羊C(家里的害群之马4(原文:Jack has had five jobs within three years! A rolling stone gathers no moss.译文:杰克在三年内换了五份工作~_______a________________________。

A(这样浮游不定,难成大器B(真是水往高处流啊C(这样便不会对同一工作产生厌倦或惰性了5(原文:English is going to the dogs.译文:________________c________。




1. 足球是世界上最受欢迎的运动。














意大利获得了1934、1938、1982和2006年四届冠军,而最伟大的世界杯队伍是巴西队,巴西已经获得了五届世界杯冠军,分别是1958, 1962 ,1970,1994 and 2002年。

2. Staying healthy 保持健康Eat right.吃的正确For good health,it's important to eat a balanced diet, which includes a lot of fuits and sugars.为了健康,平衡膳食很重要,它包括许多水果和糖This can help you keep at a healthy weight.这样能保持一个健康的体重Be active.多活动Children should try to get at least 60 minute of exercise a day.孩子们应该每天至少锻炼60分钟Activities such as riding abike,jumping rope and using the stairs can help you stay fit.例如骑车,跳绳,爬楼梯可以帮你保持健康。

2015年第十四届中学生古诗文大赛文言文翻译 (2015-08-05)

2015年第十四届中学生古诗文大赛文言文翻译 (2015-08-05)

2015年第十四届中学生古诗文大赛专辑文言文翻译(2015-08-05 131932)1多言何益【译文】子禽问老师:“多说话有好处吗?”墨子答道:“蛤蟆、青蛙,白天黑夜叫个不停,叫得口干舌疲,可是没有人去听它的。













































初中翻译大赛试题及答案1. 将下列中文句子翻译成英文。

- 我每天骑自行车上学。

- 他喜欢在周末去图书馆。

- 她经常帮助老人过马路。

- 我们计划明天去公园野餐。

2. 将下列英文句子翻译成中文。

- I enjoy reading books in my free time.- She is good at playing the piano.- They decided to go to the beach for vacation.- The teacher asked us to write an essay about our hometown.3. 阅读下面的短文,并将其翻译成中文。

- Once upon a time, there was a little girl who loved to dance. She would dance every day, no matter the weather. One day, she saw a beautiful butterfly and decided to follow it. The butterfly led her to a magical forest where she met a wise old owl. The owl told her the secret to becoming a great dancer. From that day on, she practiced every day and eventually became a famous dancer.4. 阅读下面的短文,并将其翻译成英文。

- 从前,有一个小男孩,他非常喜欢画画。








大学生英语竞赛A类翻译专项强化真题试卷14(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1.1.因为人们有各自不同的兴趣和爱好,所以他们所喜欢的电视节目也各不相同。

正确答案:Since/As people have different interests and hobbies, the TV programs they like vary.解析:此句考点是原因状语从句的翻译。



(next to)正确答案:Water is essential to us, next only to oxygen in importance.解析:(next to仅次于。


(make a mark)正确答案:He’s only been at the company for a year, but he’s really made a mark with all the hard work he’s done.解析:(注意时态的用法。


(brighten)正确答案:Proverbs are wise popular sayings that brighten people’s talk.解析:(brighten有“使生色;为……增辉添彩”的意思。

popular除了“流行的,受欢迎的”之意,还可以指“通俗的,大众化的”,因此“通俗话语”可以翻译为popular sayings。


(facilitate)正确答案:Technology not only facilitates trade,but also enhances people’s ability to make a living andmanage their finances.解析:(facilitate促进;使容易。



湖北省第十三届外语翻译大赛英语专业组初赛试题I. Choose the one best translation of the Chinese phrases:(每题2分,计20分)(1)弱肉强食原指动物中弱者被强者吞食。


B. the weak are the prey of the strong(2)如鸟兽散形容溃逃的样子。

A. flee helter skelter(3)深文周纳歪曲或苛刻地援引法律条文,想尽办法陷人以罪。

D. convict sb by deliberately misinterpreting the law(4)首鼠两端歪曲或苛刻地援引法律条文,想尽办法陷人以罪。

D.shilly-shally(5)师直为壮A. an army fighting for a just cause has high morale(6)文不加点指写文章迅速,不加涂改就写成。


B. have a facile pen(7)殊深轸念非常悲痛地怀念C. express deep solicitude for(8)余勇可贾尚有未用尽的勇力可以使出来。

B. with strength yet to spare(9)纵横捭阖以辞令测探、打动别人,在政治和外交上运用联合或分化的手段为“纵横捭阖”。

C. maneuver among various political groupings(10)责有莜归Responsibility to have YouD. responsibility rests where it belongsII. Choose the best version among the four given.(每题2分,计40分)11.她是一个坚强的女人,在体格上、在精神上都是如此,我每天都从她身上吸取精神食粮。

She is a strong woman, in the physical, the spirit is so, every day I learn from spiritual food from her body.12.他相识不久就想动手动脚。



翻译中文考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共10分)1. 以下哪个选项是“翻译”的英文表达?A. TranslationB. InterpretationC. TransliterationD. Transformation答案:A2. “一带一路”倡议的英文全称是什么?A. One Belt, One RoadB. Belt and Road InitiativeC. Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st Century Maritime Silk RoadD. Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st Century Maritime Silk Road Initiative答案:B3. “可持续发展”的英文表达是?A. Sustainable DevelopmentB. Continuous DevelopmentC. Enduring DevelopmentD. Steady Development答案:A4. “人工智能”的英文表达是什么?A. Artificial IntelligenceB. Artificial WisdomC. Synthetic IntelligenceD. Mechanical Intelligence答案:A5. “全球化”的英文表达是?A. GlobalizationB. GlobalizationC. InternationalizationD. Universalization答案:A二、填空题(每题2分,共10分)1. 请将“和谐社会”翻译成英文:__________。

答案:Harmonious Society2. “中国梦”的英文表达是:__________。

答案:Chinese Dream3. “创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享”的发展理念的英文翻译是:__________。

答案:Innovation, Coordination, Green, Openness, Sharing4. “人类命运共同体”的英文表达是:__________。

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1.原文:I told my wife a white lie saying that she looked fabulous in her new clothes.译文:我对太太撒了个______________,称赞她穿上新衣好看极了。

A.白色的谎言B.不会造成伤害的谎言C.善意的小谎2.原文:Dr. Lee is a very famous scientist but literature is all Greek to him.译文:李博士是位著名的科学家,______________________。

A.但文学对他来说就像希腊语一样B.但对文学却一窍不通C.但对文学却没有一点兴趣3.原文:Alex is the black sheep of the family.译文:亚力克斯是______________。

A.不肖之子B.家里的黑羊C.家里的害群之马4.原文:Jack has had five jobs within three years! A rolling stone gathers no moss.译文:杰克在三年内换了五份工作!_______________________________。

A.这样浮游不定,难成大器B.真是水往高处流啊C.这样便不会对同一工作产生厌倦或惰性了5.原文:English is going to the dogs.译文:________________________。


a. A Chinese puzzle;b. Achilles’s heel;c. add salt to the wound;d. bite off more than one can chew;e. born in the purple;f.build castles in Spain;g.catch somebody red-handed;h.cry wolf;i. face the music;j. go west;k. hot potato;l. make bricks without straw;m. milk the bull;n. take the bull by the horns;o. the apple of one’s eye1.原文:他生于贵族之家,所以自幼所受的教育,有异于常人。

译文:He has not been raised like an ordinary child for he was _____________________.2.原文:警察遇到突发事件时,必须当机立断。

译文:A policeman must ___________________ when he meets a crisis.3.原文:彼得有很好的机会取胜,但他的致命弱点就是太粗心大意。

译文:Peter should have a good chance of winning but his _____________ is his carelessness. 4.原文:埃里克尝试做不可能的事;他竟想做一种无本放债的生意!译文:Eric tried to ________________; he tried to start a money-lending business with no money! 5.原文:劳拉在期末考试中作弊被当场揭发,必须接受处分。


译文:Jimmy is already very upset now he knows that he has failed the test. You should not __________ by teasing him.7.原文:在昨天的教师会议中,校长提出了一个棘手的问题:我们该用英语还是汉语教学呢?译文:In yesterday’s staff meeting, the headmaster passed around ____________: should we use Chinese or English as the medium of instruction?8.原文:你升职无望了。

译文:Your chance of promotion __________________.9.原文:这数学测验极为深奥,看来我不会及格了。

译文:This Maths exam is _____________ to me! I don’t think I am going to pass.10.原文:我劝你不要好高骛远,放弃参加选美比赛吧。

译文:I advise you not to join the beauty contest. Don’t ____________________________.II.句子翻译:从A、B、C三个选项中选出与原句对应的最佳译文。

(每小题2分,40分)A.英译汉1. Most commonly we come to books with blurred and divided minds, asking of fiction that it shall be true, of poetry that it shall be false, of biography that it shall be flattering, of history that it shall enforce our own prejudices.A. 最起码我们该带着明确的、分类的目的去阅读不同的书籍。


B. 开卷之初,我们往往是思绪繁杂,固守歧见,逢小说便要求真实,逢诗歌便追求虚幻,传记自然要工于吹捧夸耀,而历史则须附会个人固有之成见。

C. 开卷之时,我们常常思想模糊,思维割裂,苛求小说真实,认定诗歌造作,视传记为美化,期望史书认同一己之见。

2.The group factor also influences crowd behaviour through the security which anindividual feels when he is part of the mass.A. 当一个人与一群人融为一体时,他就会有一种安全感。


B. 群体因素也是通过一个人在一群人中感觉到的安全感来影响人群行为的。

C. 同样,群体因素通过个人在群体中获得的安全感来影响人群的行为。

3. You were born to run. And we were born to help you do it better. You’ll find usanywhere smart sports people buy their shoes. Adidas, the all sports people.A. 你生来就是要奔跑的。




B. 奔跑是你的天性。




C. 你为奔跑而生。




4. He raised his mournful eyes towards the deep blue sky, where the stars werefloating like white lilies on the surface of a clear calm lake.A. 他抬起悲哀的双眼望向幽蓝深邃的天空。




C. 他抬起双眼,把悲哀的目光投向蓝幽幽的天幕。


5. For the best part of twenty years, Alan Greenspan has been a symbol of thestupidity of ageism.A. 在过去20年的大部分时间里,艾伦·格林斯潘代表了一种形象,他不断证明了“人老不中用”的说法是多么愚蠢。

B. 在过去20年的大部分时间里,艾伦·格林斯潘一直是证明“衰老主义愚蠢性”的代表。

C. 在过去20年最辉煌的时期中,艾伦·格林斯潘艾伦·格林斯潘代表了一种形象,他不断证明了“人老不中用”的说法是多么愚蠢。

6. I am lonely only when I am overtired, when I have worked too long without a break, when for the time being I feel empty and need filling up.A. 在我过度劳累的时候,长时间没有间隙的工作之后,当我暂时感到饥肠辘辘而需要补充能量之时,我的孤独感才会产生。

B. 我感到孤独的时候只是在我过度疲劳时,在我工作太长时间却没有休息时,在我感到囊中羞涩,需要用钱来填满之时。

C. 只有在我疲劳过度的时候,在我长时间工作而没有休息的时候,或是在我感到心头空虚而需要充实的时候,我才感到孤独。

7. Of course it is out of the question to expect that we could achieve complete success in this week.A. 显然期待我们在本周内取得完全成功是不成问题的。

B. 当然了期望我们在本周内取得完全成功是不可能的。

C. 当然目前还不是考虑在本周内取得完全成功这个问题的时候。

8. It’s widely known in a small circle that I make a mean tomato sauce.A. 在我的社交圈里,我以会做番茄酱而出名。
