
2.2 功率因数补偿节能无功功率不但增加线损和设备的发热,更主要的是功率因数的降低导致电网有功功率的降低,大量的无功电能消耗在线路当中,设备使用效率低下,浪费严重,由公式P=S×COSФ,Q=S×SINФ,其中S-视在功率,P-有功功率,Q-无功功率,COSФ-功率因数,可知COSФ越大,有功功率P越大,普通水泵电机的功率因数在0.6-0.7之间,使用变频调速装置后,由于变频器内部滤波电容的作用,COSФ≈1,从而减少了无功损耗,增加了电网的有功功率。

频器 )易操 作 、免 维护 、控制精 度 高 ,并 可 以实 现高 功能化 等特点 ,采用 变频 器驱动 的方案 开始 逐 步取代风 门、挡板 、阀 门的控制方 案。 变频调 速技 术的 基本原 理是根 据 电机转速 与 工作 电源输人频 率成正 比的关 系 : = O ( - )p n6 f 1s /,
(- ) OU ( -) Q ’ H
. 二 /
(4O 0
负荷 ,1 h 运行 在5 %负荷 ;运 行时 间在3 0 。 3 0 0 d
l —
图 l 阀 门调 节 功 耗
图 2 变速 调 节 功 耗
图1 为水 泵用 阀 门控 制 时 ,当流 量 要求 从 Q1 减 小 到Q2 ,必须 关小 阀门 。这时 阀 门的磨擦 阻力 变 大 ,管路 曲线 从R移 到R ,扬 程 则从 Ha , 上升 到
删 蟪 I ' t
新疆 化 工
4 3
配 备 电机功 率 :7 K ,额 定 电流 :1 8 5W 3 A, 额定 电压 :3 0 8 V,转速 :17 r n 4 7/ ,为上 海 江宁 mi
电机厂制 造 。
● 酗
I h
水 泵连 续2 h 行 ,其 中每天 1h 行在 9 % 4运 运 l 0
下 降 到H 。 。 根 据离 心泵 的特 性 f 线公式 : H 1
N=R QH/12 0q
根据 图3 计算 ,则 每年 的节 电量 为 :
W17 x ×(10 -7 % )x 3 0 720 W h
W2 7 x 3 ( 5 - 2 % )x 0 = 1 3 5 W ’ = 5 1x 9 % 0 30 29 7k h

变频调速技术在工业风机、水泵中的节能应用发布时间:2021-12-15T06:40:52.898Z 来源:《福光技术》2021年20期作者:马国强[导读] 当前,我国社会发展进入了新时代,各行各业蓬勃发展,焕发出前所未有的生机。
山东爱普电气设备有限公司山东济南 250101摘要:当前,我国社会发展进入了新时代,各行各业蓬勃发展,焕发出前所未有的生机。

1.变频调速技术什么叫变频调速技术,根据异步电动机转速公式n =60f(1-s)/p,从式中可知,当转差率s变化不大时,异步电动机的转速n基本与电源频率f成正比。
这种变频调速方法由于调节同步转速n0 ,故可以在变速时保持有限的转差率,效率高、调速范围大,能够使电动机平稳的运行。

阀、截止阀等节流设备进行流量 、压力 、水位等信 号的控制 。这样 ,不仅造成大量的能源浪费 ,管
路、阀门等密封性能的破坏 ;还加速 了泵腔、阀体 的磨损和汽蚀 ,严重时损坏设备、影响生产、危及
21年第3 00 期
速 一压力关 系 曲线如 图 1 示 。 所
河 北 煤 炭
电机 节省 的功耗 为 A、 p。 O、 、
电机 磁极 对 数) ;通 过改 变 电动 机工 作 电源 频 率达
到改 变 电机转 速的 目的。变频 器就是 基 于上述 原理
1 综 述
通常 风机设 备主要 用于 锅炉燃 烧系统 、烘 干系 统 、冷却 系统 、通风 系统等 场合 ,根据生 产需要 对 炉 膛压力 、风速 、风 量 、温 度等 指标进行 控制 和调 节 ,以适 应工艺 要求 和运行 工况 。而最 常用 的控制 手段 则是 调节风 门、挡板开 度 的大小来 调整受 控对
河 北 煤 炭
21年第3 00 期
变 调 技 在 泵风 应 中节分 频 速 术 水 和机 用的 能 析
祁 雪来 ,乔矿 生
( 中能源 井矿集团公司 ,河北 石家庄 冀 000 5 10)
摘 要 :主要介 绍 了风机 、泵 类设备利用 变频调速 技术节 能 降耗 的分 析及 应用情况 。
|e’ 。 b | l | U
得 出 。其 中 , 尸 p、 H 、 、
统压力 升高到 鼠 ,这将对管路和阀门的密封性 能形 成 威 胁 和破 坏 ;而转 速 调节 时 ,系 统压 力 只 将 随泵 转 速 刀的降低 到 鼠 ,因 此 ,不 会 对 系 统 产 生不 良影响 。与此相 类似 的 ,如 果 采用变 频调 速技 术改变 泵类 、风机类设 备转 速来 控 制现 场压力 、温 度 、水位等其它过程控制参量 ,同样可以依据系统 控制特 性绘制 出关 系 曲线得 出上 述 的 比较 结果 。亦

“ 十一五”规划建设目标是实现单位GDP能耗下降20%,主要途径有三个,包括结构节能、推进技术节能及管理节能。
一、节电原理调速节电1.1 改造项目介绍矿石破碎除尘离心风机,取水离心水泵,浮选机组(特性与水泵相似)。
1.2 运行工况分析(以风机为例说明)在实际运行时,由于采用进风门挡板调节,大部分的能量都被消耗在挡板上了,且挡板的开度越小则耗能就更多。

关键词:变频调速;节能;流量;频率;功率Abstract: Based on the basic principle of variable frequency and speed regulation, this paper discusses the relationship between the motor and energy conservation. And an analysis is made combining with large amount of fans and pumps in production and the experimental data, pointing out that variable frequency and speed regulation can help save energy and other advantages, An explanation of the economic benefits brought by the frequency conversion technology is given by combining with relevant examples.Key words: variable frequency and speed regulation; energy saving; flow; frequency; power1. 引言我国的能源供应还很紧张,最大限度的利用能源是一种客观要求。

和 变 速 调 节 各 自所 消耗 的 功 率
假定 水
往 往 采 用 调 整 阀 回 流 阀 截 止 阀等节 流
、 、
泵 效率
1 1=
0 6
设 备进行流量
水位 等 信 号 的 控
在工 业 生 产和产 品加工 制造业 中
这 样 不 仅 造 成 大量 的 能源 浪 费 管
风 机 泵 类 设 备应 用 范 围广 泛 其 电能 消
H = 15
代 风 门 挡板 阀 门 的 控制方案
、 、
为 :N
0 9 8 1 0 x 1 5 x 6 6/ 6 x 3 6 0 0 x 1 0 0 0 = 0 5 k W
通 常在 工 业 生 产
变频 调 速 技术 的 基 本 原 理 是 根 据 电 产 品加工 制造 业
可 见 变速 调 节 比节 流 调 节 经 济 因
越 的调 速性 能 显 著 的节 电效 果 改 善 现
时 常 出现 泵 损 坏 同 时 电机 也 被烧 毁 的 现
』醣 W
象 近 年来 出 于 节 能 的 迫 切需 要 和 对 产
( 1 )节 流 调 节 由 上 图 知 :流 量 为 6
有设 备 的运 行 工 况
提 高 系统 的安 全 可
牵变所电容选 引电蓄池量择
() 2 电压校正 结论 :
1 2 7
表1 环境温度对可用容量的影响关系

领域 普 遍 ; 电 能 耗 损 和 譬 如 阀 门 、 扳 有 关 配 置 的 节 流 亏 损 以 及 如 下 关 系 : 其 档
保 护 、 理 花 费 占 到 制 造 工 本 的 7 2 % 。 一 笔 非 常 大 的 制 造 花 费 修 %一 5 是 花 销 。随 着 财经 改 制 的不 停 深 人, 业 经 济 的市 场 竞逐 的不 停 加 重 ; 商
4 9
7 . 29 5 2 L
3 . 43
风 机 水 泵 控 制 设 备 现 状
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
在 各 种 工 业 用 风 机 、 泵 中 。 锅 炉 鼓 、 风 机 、 井 、 心 泵 水 如 引 深 离 等 , 部 分 是 额 定 功 率 运 行 , 机 流 量 的 设 计 均 以 最 大 风 量 需 求 来 大 风 设 计 , 调 整 方 式 采 用 档 板 , 门 、 流 、 停 电 机 等 方 式 控 制 。 法 其 风 回 起 无
形 成 闭 环 控 制 , 很 少 考 虑 省 电 。水 泵 流 量 的 设 计 同 样 为 最 大 流 量 , 也
6 0 5 0
6 0 5 0
3 6 2 5
2 . 16 l. 2 5
压 力 的调 控 方 式 只能 通 过 控 制 阀 门 的大 小 、 机 的启 停 等 方 法 。 电 电
由上 表 可见 : 需 求 流 量 下 降 时 , 节 转 速 可 以节 约 大 量 能 源 。 当 调 例 如 : 流 量 需 求 减 少 一 半 时 , 通 过 变 频 调 速 , 理 论 上 讲 , 需 当 如 则 仅 额定 功 率 的 1 5 , 可 节 约 8 . % 的能 源 。 2.% 即 75 四 、 泵 变 频 调 速 控 制 系 统 的 设 计 水

图1水泵(风机)的H-Q 关系曲线如上图所示,曲线R2为水泵在定转速下满负荷时,阀门全部打开运行的阻力特性图。
在水泵和风机的使用中,在应用阀门进行控制的时候,流量从Q2减少到Q1,阻力从R2移动到R1,风压从HA 移动到HB 。
如图2所示,在水泵和风机的使用中,流量Q1时,阀门的控制功率为PB ,而通过变频调速控制的时候,功率为PC 。

二、三相异步电动机的作用和特性:1. 三相异步电动机的作用:通过三相异步电动机运转(正转或反转)来带动其它设备做各种各样的机械运动。
2. 三相异步电动机的特性:1) 运转方式:靠旋转磁场来带动电动机转子额定电流为约等于其功率的二倍额定电流为约等于其功率的二倍V/F控制变频器力矩力电机力力转。
2) 接线方式:有星形(Y形)和三角形(△形)两种,Y形接线时,电动机的电流小,但力矩也小,三角形(△形)接线时电动机的电流大,但力矩大;3) 变速:n=60f (1-K)/pn—电动机转速60—常数p—极对数f —电源频率k—滑差系数公式说明:只要改变电源频率“f”或极对数“p”,就可以改变电动机转速。

变频调速技术在主通风机、主排水泵中的应用赵前诗;贠彦章【摘要】In view of the current situation in China that taking energy efficiency improvement as the core, enterprises as the subject of implementation, vigorously adjusting and optimizing the structure, accelerating the energy-saving technology progress, to form a stable and reliable and energy saving ability as soon as possible so as to lay the solid foundation for the realization of the national energy saving target, this paper introduces the energy saving application of variable frequency speed regulating device of the main ventilator and main drainage pump in Huating Coal Group. It shows that the implementation of variable frequency speed regulation technology in the main ventilator and main drainage pump not only brings remarkable energy saving effect, but also can optimize the control performance of the entire power transmission system. On the premise of ensuring system security and stability, combined with the actual running situation, it can improve the motor system energy saving effect. It is expected to establish a good design for motor system energy saving application model to discuss the energy-saving application and development in China's motor system.%鉴于目前国内以提高能源利用效率为核心,以企业为实施主体,大力调整和优化结构,加快推进节能技术进步,尽快形成稳定可靠的节能能力,为实现国家节能目标奠定坚实的基础。

方式运行 的陈 旧模式 , 使得 电动机及其拖动 负载在无 须任何 改动的 情况下即可 以按照生产工艺 要求调整 转速输出 , 而降低 电机功耗 从 达 到 系统 高 效 运 行 的 目的 。 八十年代末 , 技术引入我国并得到推广。现 已在 电力、 该 冶金 、 石油 、 化工 、 造纸 、 食品 、 纺织等 多种 行业 的 电机传 动设 备 中得 到实
《 . l
方法 , 由一 个 简 单 的 与 门组 成 , 大 降 低 了 时钟 脉 冲 发 生 器 的 资 它 大 源 占用 率 。 图 5 b) 沿 时 钟 脉 冲 发 生 器 的 结 构 图 : ( 为双 双 沿 时 钟 脉 冲 发 生 器 的 复 杂 程 度 较 单 沿 时钟 脉 冲 发 生 器 基 本 相 同 , 是 对 时 钟 的利 用 率 却 是 后 者 的 2倍 ; 但 而且 给 时 钟 带 来 的 负 载也基本相 同, 因此 , 双沿时钟脉 冲装 置的应用更广 泛。 2 性 能 、 比较 观察前 面除 了
等优点随着应用领域的不断扩大而得到充分的体 现。
二 、 述 综
在煤 矿企业中 , 风机 、 泵类设备应用范围广泛 ; 电能消耗和诸 其 如 阀 门 、 板 相 关设 备 的 节 流 损 失 以 及 维 护 、 修 费 用 占 到 生 产 成 挡 维 本 的 7 ~ 5 , 一笔 不小 的生 产 费 用 开 支 。随着 经 济 改 革 的 不断 % 2% 是 深入 , 市场竞争 的不断加剧 ; 节能降耗业 已成 为降低生产成 本、 提高 产 品质 量 的重 要手 段 之 一 。


Frequency conversion transfer speed technology application of airblower, pump type analyzeIn industrial production and processing and manufacturing industry of the products, air blower, pump apparatus are in extensive application range; Its electric energy is consumed to account for with throttle loss and safeguarding, maintenance cost such as valve, relevant apparatus of guard 7%~25% of the production cost, it is a sum of big production expenses. With the deepening constantly of economic reform, the constant aggravation of the market competition; saving energy and reducing the cost has already become and reduced the production cost, raised one of the important means of product quality.And the frequency conversion that developed at the beginning of the eighties adjusts speed technology, it is exactly the requirement for complying with development of industrial production automation, open a brand-new intellectual electrical machinery era. Change the outmoded mode that the ordinary motor can only be operated by way of making the speed, make motor and pull load can according to produce technological requirement adjust rotational speed export on condition that needn't have any change, thus reduce the consumption of the electrical machinery and achieve the goal that the system is operated high-efficiently.At the end of the eighties, this technology was introduced to our country and popularized. Have already got practical application in the electrical machinery transmission apparatus in many kinds of trades such as the electricity, metallurgy, petroleum, chemical industry, papermaking, food, textile now. At present, frequency conversion adjusts a main developing direction that speed technology has already become modern electric transmission technology. Remarkable adjusting speed performance, prominent result of economizing on electricity, improve the operation operating mode of the existing equipment, improve systematic safe reliability and utilization rate of equipment and installations, lengthen advantages such as the service life of apparatus, etc. and get abundant embodiment with constant enlargement of the application.Usually used mainly in the boiler and burn occasions such as system, drying system, cooling system, ventilating system, etc. in the industrial production, apoplexy machine apparatus of processing and manufacturing industry of products, control and regulate indexes such as pressure of burner hearth, wind speed, wind amount,temperature, etc. so as to meeting the needs of craft and operation operating mode according to the need of producing. The most frequently used control means is to regulate the air door, size of making degree of guard to adjust the controlled target. In this way, no matter the demand size of production, the air blowers should all operate at full speed, but the change of the operation operating mode makes energy consume with the throttle losses of air door, guard. In process of production, not only control the precision and is limited but also cause a large amount of energy to waste losing with the apparatus. Thus lead to the fact the production cost increases, the service life of apparatus is shortened, the plant maintenance, maintenance cost can not be ranked.The pump apparatus has broad application space on the production field too, propose water pump station, pond store pot give system of arranging, industry water circulatory system, hot exchange system use centrifugal pump, axial-flow pump, gear wheel pump, column fill in apparatus such as the pump Moreover adopt, adjust according to different production demand valve, reflux valve, stop valve, etc. reduce expenditure apparatus carry on flow, pressure, water level control of signal often. In this way, not merely cause a large number of energy to waste, the destruction of sealing properties such as the pipeline, valve, etc.; also accelerate wearing and tearing and vapors of the pump, body of valve and lose, damage the apparatus, influence production, jeopardize product quality when being serious.Most of air blower, pump apparatus adopt the way in which the asynchronous motor drive directly and run, store in and start the electric current greatly, machinery is assaulted, protect the bad shortcoming of the characteristic electrically. Not only influence by apparatus service life, but also not at load can twinkling of an eye movement protect by apparatus, often present the pump and damage the phenomenon that the electrical machinery is burnt too at the same time.In recent years, for the energy-conserving urgent need and requirement for improving constantly in product quality, in addition the adoption frequency conversion governor (abbreviated as the frequency converter) is easy to use, non-maintaining and controlling the precision high, and can realize the high functional characteristic; Therefore the scheme of adopting the frequency converter and driving begins to replace the control scheme of air door, guard, valve progressively.The basic principle of adjusting speed technology of frequency conversion is toimport the relation that frequency is directly proportional to according to rotational speed and working power of electrical machinery: n =60f (1-s) / p, (n, f, s, p show the rotational speed, input frequency, electrical machinery and transfer to difference rate, electrical machinery magnetic pole logarithm respectively in type); Achieve the goal of changing the rotational speed of the electrical machinery through changing the motor working power frequency. The frequency converter is on the basis of principle described above adopts handing in - straight - hand in the power and vary technology, electric electron, microcomputer are controlled, etc. the comprehensive electric products that technology is all over.Can know through the hydro mechanical philosophy: Air blower, pump apparatus belong to the torque load of square, its rotational speed n and flow Q, pressure H and power P of axle have the following relations: Q ∝ n, H∝ n2, P∝ n3;I.e., the flow is proportional to rotational speed, the pressure is proportional to the square of rotational speed, the axle power is proportional to the cube of rotational speed.Take a water pump as an example, its export presses the head for H0 (export presses the quiet pressure difference that the head i.e. entry to the pump and pipeline exports), the specified rotational speed is n0, it is r0 that the tube when the valve is made completely hinders the characteristic, under the specified operating mode and its corresponding pressure is H1, it is Q1 to export the flow.In controlling at the scene, usually adopt the water pump to operate and export the valve to control the flow rapidly definitely. When the flow reduces 50% to Q2 from Q1, valve turn on degree reduce, make pipe network drag characteristic turn r0 into r1, systematic operating point order, move, order along direction me from original A to B; The pressure H1 of function reduced expenditure by it turns into H2. Water pump axle power actual value can by the formula: P =Q* H/ (η c* η b) *10-3 is obtained. Among them, P, Q, H, η c, η b express the power, flow, pressure, water pump efficiency, transmission device efficiency respectively, transmit as 1 directly. Suppose the total efficiency (η c* η b) 1, water pump order, move, order work, from A to B then, consumption that electrical machinery save for AQ1OH1 and area of BQ2OH2 bad. If adopt and adjust rotational speed n that the speed means changes the water pump, when the flow is reduced from Q1 by 50% to Q2, pipe network drag characteristic the same curve r0 then, systematic operating point order, move, orderalong direction II from original A to C, the operation of the water pump is also more rational. All open in the valves, there are only pipe networks.Under the situation of resistance, the system meets the flow requirement of the scene, energy consumption certainly will be reduced. At this moment, the consumption that the electrical machinery saves is bad for the area of AQ1OH1 and CQ2OH3. Degree is regulated and the rotational speed of water pump is controlled to relatively adopt the valve to be driven, obviously use the rotational speed of the water pump to control more valid and more reasonable, have prominent energy-conserving results.In addition, valve make systematic pressure H rise regulate, this transform to pipeline and sealing property of valve into, threaten and destroy; And when the rotational speed is regulated, the systematic pressure H will be reduced with reducing of the rotational speed n of the pump, so will not exert a bad influence on the system.It is easy to obtain from the comparison above: When demand for the flow of the water pump is dropped from 100% to 50% at the scene, adopt the rotational speed to regulate and regulate the power size corresponding to save BCH3H2 than the original valve, the energy-conserving rate is above 75%.Similar to this, adopt frequency conversion transfer speed technology change pump type, air blower apparatus rotational speed come, control on-the-spot pressure, temperature, water level, etc. other course control the parameter, can control the characteristic and draw out the curve of relation and obtain the comparative result described above according to the system too. Namely adopt frequency conversion transfer speed technology change electrical machinery method of rotational speed, than adopt valve, guard regulate economic for energy-conservation, the apparatus operation operating mode will be obviously improved too.变频调速技术在风机、泵类中的应用分析在工业生产和产品加工制造业中,风机、泵类设备应用范围广泛;其电能消耗和诸如阀门、挡板相关设备的节流损失以及维护、维修费用占到生产成本的7%~25%,是一笔不小的生产费用开支。

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变频调速技术的基本原理是根据电机转速与工作电源输入频率成正比的关系:n =60 f(1-s)/p,(式中n、f、s、p分别表示转速、输入频率、电机转差率、电机磁极对数);通过改变电动机工作电源频率达到改变电机转速的目的。
通过流体力学的基本定律可知:风机、泵类设备均属平方转矩负载,其转速n与流量Q,压力H以及轴功率P具有如下关系:Q ∝n ,H∝n2,P∝n3;即,流量与转速成正比,压力与转速的平方成正比,轴功率与转速的立方成正比。
水泵轴功率实际值(kW)可由公式:P =Q·H/(η c·η b)×10-3得出。
其中,P、Q 、H、η c 、η b 分别表示功率、流量、压力、水泵效率、传动装臵效率,直接传动为1。
假设总效率(η c ·η b)为1,则水泵由A点移至B点工作时,电机节省的功耗为AQ1OH1和BQ2OH2的面积差。
Frequency conversion transfer speed technology application ofair blower, pump type analyzeIn industrial production and processing and manufacturing industry of the products, air blower, pump apparatus are in extensive application range; Its electric energy is consumed to account for with throttle loss and safeguarding, maintenance cost such as valve, relevant apparatus of guard 7%~25% of the production cost, it is a sum of big production expenses. With the deepening constantly of economic reform, the constant aggravation of the market competition; saving energy and reducing the cost has already become and reduced the production cost, raised one of the important means of product quality.And the frequency conversion that developed at the beginning of the eighties adjusts speed technology, it is exactly the requirement for complying with development of industrial production automation, open a brand-new intellectual electrical machinery era. Change the outmoded mode that the ordinary motor can only be operated by way of making the speed, make motor and pull load can according to produce technological requirement adjust rotational speed export on condition that needn't have any change, thus reduce the consumption of the electrical machinery and achieve the goal that the system is operated high-efficiently.At the end of the eighties, this technology was introduced to our country and popularized. Have already got practical application in the electrical machinery transmission apparatus in many kinds of trades such as the electricity, metallurgy, petroleum, chemical industry, papermaking, food, textile now. At present, frequency conversion adjusts a main developing direction that speed technology has already become modern electric transmission technology. Remarkable adjusting speed performance, prominent result of economizing on electricity, improve the operation operating mode of the existing equipment, improve systematic safe reliability and utilization rate of equipment and installations, lengthen advantages such as the service life of apparatus, etc. and get abundant embodiment with constant enlargement of the application.Usually used mainly in the boiler and burn occasions such as system, drying system, cooling system, ventilating system, etc. in the industrial production, apoplexy machine apparatus of processing and manufacturing industry of products, control and regulate indexes such as pressure of burner hearth, wind speed, wind amount,temperature, etc. so as to meeting the needs of craft and operation operating mode according to the need of producing. The most frequently used control means is to regulate the air door, size of making degree of guard to adjust the controlled target. In this way, no matter the demand size of production, the air blowers should all operate at full speed, but the change of the operation operating mode makes energy consume with the throttle losses of air door, guard. In process of production, not only control the precision and is limited but also cause a large amount of energy to waste losing with the apparatus. Thus lead to the fact the production cost increases, the service life of apparatus is shortened, the plant maintenance, maintenance cost can not be ranked.The pump apparatus has broad application space on the production field too, propose water pump station, pond store pot give system of arranging, industry water circulatory system, hot exchange system use centrifugal pump, axial-flow pump, gear wheel pump, column fill in apparatus such as the pump Moreover adopt, adjust according to different production demand valve, reflux valve, stop valve, etc. reduce expenditure apparatus carry on flow, pressure, water level control of signal often. In this way, not merely cause a large number of energy to waste, the destruction of sealing properties such as the pipeline, valve, etc.; also accelerate wearing and tearing and vapors of the pump, body of valve and lose, damage the apparatus, influence production, jeopardize product quality when being serious.Most of air blower, pump apparatus adopt the way in which the asynchronous motor drive directly and run, store in and start the electric current greatly, machinery is assaulted, protect the bad shortcoming of the characteristic electrically. Not only influence by apparatus service life, but also not at load can twinkling of an eye movement protect by apparatus, often present the pump and damage the phenomenon that the electrical machinery is burnt too at the same time.In recent years, for the energy-conserving urgent need and requirement for improving constantly in product quality, in addition the adoption frequency conversion governor (abbreviated as the frequency converter) is easy to use, non-maintaining and controlling the precision high, and can realize the high functional characteristic; Therefore the scheme of adopting the frequency converter and driving begins to replace the control scheme of air door, guard, valve progressively.The basic principle of adjusting speed technology of frequency conversion is toimport the relation that frequency is directly proportional to according to rotational speed and working power of electrical machinery: n =60f (1-s) / p, (n, f, s, p show the rotational speed, input frequency, electrical machinery and transfer to difference rate, electrical machinery magnetic pole logarithm respectively in type); Achieve the goal of changing the rotational speed of the electrical machinery through changing the motor working power frequency. The frequency converter is on the basis of principle described above adopts handing in - straight - hand in the power and vary technology, electric electron, microcomputer are controlled, etc. the comprehensive electric products that technology is all over.Can know through the hydro mechanical philosophy: Air blower, pump apparatus belong to the torque load of square, its rotational speed n and flow Q, pressure H and power P of axle have the following relations: Q ∝ n, H∝ n2, P∝ n3;I.e., the flow is proportional to rotational speed, the pressure is proportional to the square of rotational speed, the axle power is proportional to the cube of rotational speed.Take a water pump as an example, its export presses the head for H0 (export presses the quiet pressure difference that the head i.e. entry to the pump and pipeline exports), the specified rotational speed is n0, it is r0 that the tube when the valve is made completely hinders the characteristic, under the specified operating mode and its corresponding pressure is H1, it is Q1 to export the flow.In controlling at the scene, usually adopt the water pump to operate and export the valve to control the flow rapidly definitely. When the flow reduces 50% to Q2 from Q1, valve turn on degree reduce, make pipe network drag characteristic turn r0 into r1, systematic operating point order, move, order along direction me from original A to B; The pressure H1 of function reduced expenditure by it turns into H2. Water pump axle power actual value can by the formula: P =Q* H/ (η c* η b) *10-3 is obtained. Among them, P, Q, H, η c, η b express the power, flow, pressure, water pump efficiency, transmission device efficiency respectively, transmit as 1 directly. Suppose the total efficiency (η c* η b) 1, water pump order, move, order work, from A to B then, consumption that electrical machinery save for AQ1OH1 and area of BQ2OH2 bad. If adopt and adjust rotational speed n that the speed means changes the water pump, when the flow is reduced from Q1 by 50% to Q2, pipe network drag characteristic the same curve r0 then, systematic operating point order, move, orderalong direction II from original A to C, the operation of the water pump is also more rational. All open in the valves, there are only pipe networks.Under the situation of resistance, the system meets the flow requirement of the scene, energy consumption certainly will be reduced. At this moment, the consumption that the electrical machinery saves is bad for the area of AQ1OH1 and CQ2OH3. Degree is regulated and the rotational speed of water pump is controlled to relatively adopt the valve to be driven, obviously use the rotational speed of the water pump to control more valid and more reasonable, have prominent energy-conserving results.In addition, valve make systematic pressure H rise regulate, this transform to pipeline and sealing property of valve into, threaten and destroy; And when the rotational speed is regulated, the systematic pressure H will be reduced with reducing of the rotational speed n of the pump, so will not exert a bad influence on the system.It is easy to obtain from the comparison above: When demand for the flow of the water pump is dropped from 100% to 50% at the scene, adopt the rotational speed to regulate and regulate the power size corresponding to save BCH3H2 than the original valve, the energy-conserving rate is above 75%.Similar to this, adopt frequency conversion transfer speed technology change pump type, air blower apparatus rotational speed come, control on-the-spot pressure, temperature, water level, etc. other course control the parameter, can control the characteristic and draw out the curve of relation and obtain the comparative result described above according to the system too. Namely adopt frequency conversion transfer speed technology change electrical machinery method of rotational speed, than adopt valve, guard regulate economic for energy-conservation, the apparatus operation operating mode will be obviously improved too.。