2019~2020学年广大附中上学期初三十月月考试卷 带答案

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1. He has never ridden a horse before, ________?

A. does he

B. has he

C. hasn’t he

D. doesn’t he

2. --- Have you seen ________ book? I left it here a moment ago.

--- Is it ________ new English book? I saw it was taken away by John.

A. a, a

B. a, the

C. the, the

D. the, a

3. ________ exciting news it is!

A. How

B. What a

C. What an

D. What

4. L et’s do something to protect our environm ent, ________?

A. will you

B. shall we

C. won’t you

D. don’t you

5. His mother lets him ________ computer games once a week, but asks him ________ play so long.

A. play, not to

B. plays, not to

C. to play, don’t

D. play, don’t

6. Mr. Smith is ________ teacher ________ all the students like him very much.

A. so a kind, that

B. a very kind, and

C. so kind a, and

D. such a kind, that

7. --- Bill seems ________ ill. A re you sure it’s ________.

--- Yes. Take some medicine and have a good rest, then he’ll be OK.

A. Terribly, nothing serious

B. terrible, nothing serious

C. Terribly, serious nothing

D. terrible, serious nothing

8. --- What do you often have for breakfast, Lin Hua?

--- I often have some ________, but sometimes I have some ________ and ________.

A. Noodle, porridge, cake

B. noodles, porridge, cakes

C. noodles, porridges, cakes

D. noodle, porridge, cakes

9. There’s ________ meat at home. Would you please go and buy ________?

A. some, a little

B. a little, any

C. little, some

D. little, any

10. She is not tall enough to put up the picture. She needs a chair ________.

A. to stand

B. to be stood

C. to be stood on

D. to stand on



During summer vacations,I would volunteer at the vet's,so I’d seen a lot of dogs.Minnie was by far the funniest-looking dog I had seen.Thin curly hair barely11her sausage-shaped body. Her big eyes always looked12,And her tail looked like a rat's tail.

She was brought to the vet to be put to sleep13her owners didn't want her any more.

I thought Minnie had a sweet14, though.”No one15judge her by her looks,"I thought.So instead of16her to sleep,the vet and I gave her the chance to17. by someone else. I advertised Minnie in'the local paper: Funny-looking dog,well behaved, needs a 18family."

When a young man called,I warned him19Minnie was strange looking.The boy on the phone told me that bis grandfather's20dog had just died.They wanted Minnie no matter what.I gave Minnie a good bath.Then we waited for

them to arrive.

At last, 21old car drove up in front of the vets.Two kids ran to the door.They took Minnie to their grandfather,who22in the car.I hurried behind them to see his reaction(反应)to Minnie.

The grandfather carried Minnie23his arms and touched her soft hair.She licked(舔) 24face.It was love at first1ick. She’s perfect!The old man said25I was happy that Minnie had found the good home that she deserved(应得).

That's when I saw that the grandfather's eyes were a milky white color---- he was blind.

11.A.cover B.covered C.was covered D.have covered

12.A.surprise B.surprisedly C.surprised D.surprisingly

13. A.so B.if C.because D.unless

14.A.person B.people C.personal D.personality

15. A.can B.will C.should D.need

16.A.put B.putting C.to put D.have put
