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Determination of sodium chloride in saline


Learning Silver nitrate standard solution preparation and calibration methods

Master Fajans method for the determination of chloride ions principle


In the PH value of 7-10.5, with fluorescent yellow as indicator, titration with AgNO3 standard chloride solution.Fluorescent yellow first dissociation in solution

HFIn ==== H++FIn−

Before the end of excess chloride ions, chloride ions adsorbed silver chloride precipitation, the negatively charged surface, the equivalence point of excess silver ions to precipitate silver ions adsorbed positively charged surface. Precipitation of positively charged anion adsorption fluorescent yellow indicator dissociated, the configuration time change colors green and yellow to pink.

AgCl ·Ag+ + FIn−===== AgCl ·Ag+· FIn−Laboratory instruments and reagents

Instruments and Materials:Acid burette(50ml), conical flask(250ml), volumetric flasks(100ml), pipettes25ml,10ml), graduated

cylinders(100ml,10ml), beakers(100ml), brown reagent bottles(500ml), analytical balances, scales.

Reagents and Drugs:Silver nitrate (analytical grade) sodium chloride (AR), saline, fluorescent yellow - starch indicator

Experimental Procedure

1.Take 25.00ml silver nitrate(C=0.07064mol/L) standard solution in

250ml volumetric flask, diluted with water to volume, shake, spare 2.Take the test specimen 10.00ml saline solution plus water in a conical

flask 50ml, fluorescent yellow indicator 3 drops of 5% starch solution 5ml, was diluted to the above standard solution of silver nitrate

titration, yellow-green to orange as the end point, measured parallel Third, calculate the mass density of the brine solution of sodium

chloride in the sample solution and the relative average error. Experimental data and processing

ρ1=C(AgNO3)V(AgNO3)M(NaCl)/10=0.07064×22.68×58.44/10=9.363g/L ρ2=9.371g/L ρ3=9.367g/L Averageρ=9.367g/L

dr=2.667×10-3Average dr=0.028%


Why the preparation of silver nitrate solution to be stored in a brown bottle and placed in the dark to save?

Explain:Silver nitrate precipitates metallic silver when exposed to light, so you need to save in a brown bottle.
