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Section 1Forced labour强迫劳动1.1Contracts合同

1.1a a. Do all workers have a contract of employment detailing their rights and obligations as well as notice and grievance procedures.所有的员工有雇佣合同详细描述其权利义务以及注意事项和申诉程序.

1.1b b. Can workers voluntarily leave their employment after reasonable notice.理由合理的员工可自如离职吗?

1.1c c. Is there a process in place for workers to receive their final salary payment if they do not return e.g., after Chinese New Year.是否有一个程序/处理方式保证员工能够收到他们最后的薪水如果他们不再返岗,比如春节后.

1.1d d. Are there any clauses in contracts that would restrict workers leaving.合同中有没有条款限制员工离职?

1.1e e. Are there any financial arrangements e.g. loans which would restrict workers leaving.有没有经济纠纷比如借款限制了员工的离职?

1.1f f. Are there clauses in the contract / job description for security guards which allow them to restrict worker movements?合同条款中有关门卫的职位描述有没有限制员工的行动的?

1.1g g. Are workers free to leave at the end of their shift and not unreasonably delayed by e.g. security checks.员工下班后可自由离开,不会被不合理的要求延时,比如保安检查.

1.2Personnel files个人档案

1.2a a. Do employers keep only copies of ID’s and Right to Work checks.雇主只有保存员工身份证复印件和工作检查的权利.

1.2b b. Whether originals are returned to workers.原件是否返还给员工?

1.2c c. If it is a legal requirement to retain original documents, do workers give their written consent and can they retrieve their documents at any time.如果法律要求保留原始档案, 有员工书面同意书吗, 并且员工可以随时要回他们的档案吗?

1.2d d. Where there are loans to workers are they covered by a signed agreement from both parties and do they detail repayments, terms and conditions.当员工借款时会签署双方同意的协议吗, 协议中明确规定了还款条件?

1.2e e. Is there a procedure in place to either re- assign any outstanding loan to a new employer or a process for early repayment, such that a loan does not prevent a worker leaving employment?是否有适当的程序或者是重新分配未偿贷款到一个新的雇主或者是提前还款, 使得不会因为贷款阻止员工离职?

1.2f f. Is there a process for preventing worker debt from e.g. recruitment fees, and how is this checked.是否有阻止员工因为例如招募费产生的欠款的程序以及怎么被检查?

1.3Wage deductions, any deposits or withholdings (other than mandatory e.g. tax and social insurance) to establish:工资扣减, 任何保证金或押金(非强制的如税收和社会保险)的设立

1.3a a. That there is a written agreement to the deduction, signed by the worker.有员工签署的书面扣款协议吗?

1.3b b. That deductions are reasonable and meet the law.这种扣除是合理的,符合法律要求的?

1.3c c. That any deductions do not reduce wages to below minimum legal wage.任何扣除不会使工资低于法定最低工资?

1.3d d. Whether deductions are for disciplinary reasons and whether this is legal.扣除是否因为纪律原因, 这种扣除是否合法?

1.3e e. That deposits are not taken for workplace essentials such as PPE.押金不能是工作场所必需品如PPE的.

1.3f f. That deposits are not a compulsory condition of gaining employment.押金不会作为就业的强制条件.

1.3g g. That any agreed (by the worker) and withheld deposits / withholdings are returned to the worker as appropriate.所有经员工同意的押金或者扣缴款返还给员工吗?

1.3h h. That there are no other deductions when commencing, during, or as a condition of employment.没有其他扣款在工作开始,期间或者作为雇佣的条件.

1.4Where there is any prison labour (legally required in some countries), the auditor must record the details of such employment checking:如果有监狱劳工(一些国家法律要求的), 审核员必须详细记录这种雇佣检查.

1.4a a. That any prisoners are working voluntarily.所有囚犯是自愿工作?

1.4b b. That the work is under the control of the legal authority.这种工作是在法律控制下.

1.4c c. Pay and hours meet the law.报酬和工作时间符合法律要求.以下为员工访谈内容
