The Polar Express

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他昨晚一直工作到12点钟。 He worked until 12 o’clock last night. 否……until…… 直到……才
I didn’t go to bed until I finished my homework. 他直到你回来才离开。 He won’t leave until you come back.
当小孩子长大后回忆起儿时在这个一年当中最重要的 夜晚,心中的兴奋与期盼,或许也想起年幼心灵第一次 的疑虑,这才发现长大之后,可能会失去珍贵又难以意 会的童贞;这是大人无法定义、却又曾经感同身受的感 觉。
希望人们长大之后不会变得太愤世嫉俗,什么事都不相信了。 圣诞节的初衷是给人温馨和无私的感觉,而圣诞老人是圣诞节的 象征,可是不必相信他的存在就能感觉到了。" 剧中的小男孩与那个多才多艺的小女孩看到一个孤独的小小 的身影站在北极特快车的车箱尽头,空中隐约传来了一阵悦耳的 歌声。两个小朋友循声找去,小女孩和那个孤单的小男孩合唱了 When Christmas Comes to Town。
Christmas presents Christmas
Father Christຫໍສະໝຸດ Baiduas
dress up
Father Christmas
star Father Christmas
4. On the morning of Christmas Day children wake up their parents very
early and say “___________”.
A. Good morning! B. Merry Christmas! C. Best wishes to you!
5. On Christmas day, people often ______ to each other.
A. give presents
B. ask for money
C. ask for presents
Language focus
a. He fills each of the stockings with Christmas presents. Means:He puts Christmas presents into each of the stockings fill ……with….… 用…..把…...装满 I filled my schoolbag with books. 他把篮子里装满了苹果。 He filled the basket with apples. be filled with be full of…….. 里装(填)满
On Christmas Eve 圣诞夜 go to sleep
kind- hearted 好心肠 come down be asleep dress up (in) wake up each other
入睡 打扮 叫醒 互相
What do you know about Santa Claus? White beard
Choose the right answer.
1.Christmas Eve is _________.
A. the night before December 24 C. the night of December 24 B. the night of December 25
2.Father Christmas often puts the presents________.
小男孩冲出门外,身上只穿著睡衣 和拖鞋,列车长似乎正在等着他。 列车长说:"你要不要上车?" "去 哪里?" "这不是废话吗?当然是 去北极啊!这是北极特快列车啊! "
小男孩坐上列车之后,认识了许多其它的小朋友, 每个人的情况各异,可以彼此互相学习。这列神奇火车 上的每个小孩,都有自己的人生历程,也都要找到个人 所缺少的一部份。其中有个小女孩非常多才多艺,而且 精力充沛又聪明,她是个绝佳的领导人才,可惜她欠缺 自信心;还有一个不懂又爱装懂的小孩,欠缺的是谦卑 的心;还有一个小男孩,是一个"孤单男孩",他成长在 一个没有爱的环境里,需要学习相信别人。 就这样一个心存疑虑的小男孩,搭乘着非比寻常的 列车来到了北极 ,展开一段发现自我的冒险之旅,证明 了只要信念坚定,生命的奇迹就永远不会消失。 小男孩在列车停在家门口的时候坐上去的那一刻就 证明他的心胸是开敞的,正应了列车长最后所说的充满 智慧的那一句话:“列车要往哪去并不重要,重要的是 你要不要坐上去。”
Christmas card
Christmas presents
Pre-reading questions
When is Christmas Eve ?
What do children put at the end of their beds before they go to sleep ?
1. I'm wishing on a star and trying to believe that even though it's far, he'll find me at Christmas Eve. 这个句子很长,结构很复杂。可是我们如果能认真分析就会发 现这句话并不难理解。 首先这句话的主语是“I”,谓语是由and 连接的两个并列谓语, 即be wishing on… and trying to…中文的意思是:我向星星许愿, 并努力相信…… believe 后边是一个宾语从句:由that引导的even though it's far, he'll find me at Christmas Eve 中文的意思是:即便路途遥远,他 (圣诞老人)也会在圣诞前夜找到我。细心的同学已经发现了,由 that引导的宾语从句实际上包含一个由even though引导的让步状语 从句,即even though it's far。 2. Santa = Santa Claus 圣诞老人(亦作:Father Christmas)。
What kind of person is Father Christmas ?
How does Father Christmas come into the house?
What does Father Christmas do when he gets into the house? Do you think there is really a Father Christmas in the world? who is Father Christmas in Jim and Kate’s house? What do people say to each other on Christmas
He is no longer a student .
He isn’t a student any longer.
Christmas Day 圣诞节 at the end of 在……的末端 Father Christmas 圣诞老人 on top of 在……的顶端 fill…with… 把……装满 go into 进入 no longer 不再 Merry Christmas 圣诞快乐
c.The children are no longer young . Means:The children aren’t young any longer . She no longer likes English. She doesn’t like any longer. 他不再是一个学生了。
A. into children’s hats C. into children’s shoes B. into children’s stockings
3. Father Christmas comes into the house through the _________.
A. window B. front door C. chimney
Find out answers to the following questions
When is Christmas Eve ? It’s the night of December 24 What do children put at the end of their beds before they go to sleep ? They put stockings at the end of their beds before they go to sleep. What kind of person is Father Christmas ? He is kind hearted .
My stocking is filled with Christmas presents.
This bottle is filled with milk.
b. He waits until the children are asleep. Means : He doesn’t fill the stockings with Christmas presents until the children are asleep. 肯……until…… 直到……为止 He will stay with you until your mother comes back.
When Christmas comes to town
在一个雪花漫天飞舞的圣诞夜里, 有个小男孩躺在床上,兴奋得睡 不着觉。 周围出奇地寂静,几 乎毫无动静,他一直等待着。 他在倾听一个声音,也就是他担 心自己可能永远听不到的声音 ──圣诞老人雪橇上的铃声。 再 过五分钟就到午夜十二点了。 剎那间,这个小男孩被轰隆巨响 给吓了一跳,他把窗户玻璃上的 雾气擦干净,看到了最不可思议 的景象──闪烁着亮光的黑色列 车就停在他家门口:巨大引擎冒 出来的蒸汽,在夜空中发出了嘶 嘶声,而四周尽是纷纷飘落的雪 花。
这首歌是由汤姆•汉克斯(Tom Hanks)配音的《极地特快》 (The Polar Express)中的电影插曲。《极地特快》于2004年 11月10在北美上映。整个影片是由3D制作,耗资巨大——据说 有2.5亿美元。 电影是由Chris Van Allsburg创作的同名故事The Polar Express改编的。自从1985年该书出版, 就深深打动了亿万读者 的心,无论老少。不管是在书籍上还是在电影中,《极地特快》 都是一个温情的故事,讲述着信念的力量,引起了不同文化、 不同年代人们的共鸣……
How does Father Christmas come into the house?
He comes down the chimney into the house.
Find out answers to the following questions
What does Father Christmas do when he gets into the house? He fills each of the stockings with Christmas presents. Do you think there is really a Father Christmas in the world? No, I don’t think so . who is Father Christmas in Jim and Kate’s house? Mr Green is . What do people say to each other on Christmas Day ? They say: “Merry Christmas.”