轮机英语教学课件(12) Marine Medium Speed Diesel Engine I

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compression plate? n. How to support the crankshaft when
it is moved outside the engine?
2. Useful Vocabulary & Special Terms
q. Be made from close-grained cast iron
r. Reverse the direction of motion s. Lead to wear promoting conditions t. Be of a porous nature u. To provide an oil-retaining surface
j. Why does the upper part of the liner bore suffer the greatest wear?
k. How will the wear be reduced? l. Why are new cylinder liner made
slightly rough? m. What is the function of the
2. Useful Vocabulary & Special Terms
i. Bending moment j. Be in good alignment k. Be withdrawn from l. Cylinder assembly m. Grind- ground- ground n. Compression plate o. Be interposed between p. Compression ratio
Lesson 12 Marine Medium Speed Diesel Engine (I)
1. Main Contents of the Text 2. Useful Vocabulary & Special Terms 3. Detailed Analysis of Difficult Sentences 4. Review Questions 5. Some Relevant Multiple Choice Exercises
3. Detailed Analysis of Difficult sentences
a. In some designs the force produced by the reaction of the cylinder heads to the gas pressure in the cylinders is transmitted from the top of the cylinder block directly to the crankshaft main bearings by through bolts. 缸头对于缸内气体的反作用力 从气缸体顶 部直接通过贯穿螺栓传递到曲柄销轴承.
4. Review Questions
a. What does “ medium speed” meHale Waihona Puke Baidun? b. Can you give a general introduction
of marine medium speed diesel engine? c. Say something about the cooling of medium speed diesel engine? d. Where is the crankcase? What is the crankcase door used for?
g. What is the compression plate used for? h. What is the cylinder liner made from? i. What is the rubber ring at the lower end of
the liner used for?
4. Review Questions
1. Main contents of the text
a. A general introduction of the marine medium speed diesel engine;
b. Cylinder and crankcase; C. Crankshafts; d. Connecting rods; e. Cylinder liners
对于V形主机来说,机架的顶部成两个斜面.气 缸体位于两斜面上,并与之成一定的角度。
3. Detailed Analysis of Difficult sentences
c. The upper part of the liner bore where the top piston ring reaches the top of its travel suffers the greatest wear. 缸套的上部,即活塞顶环到达其行程顶部 的地方承受最大的磨损。
3. Detailed Analysis of Difficult sentences
b. For Vee-form engines the top of the column is shaped to give two-sloping surfaces on which the cylinder blocks are placed at correct relative angle to each other.
Crankweb and connecting rod
2. Useful Vocabulary & Special Terms
a. Marine medium speed diesel engine b. Be of the trunk piston type c. Be transmitted from… to … d. To give maintenance access to e. Connecting rod large end bearing f. A multi-throw shaft g. To avoid (from) doing sth. h. Impose … on
4. Review Questions
e. How should we handle the crankshaft inside and outside the engine?
f. Why is it more usual for the piston and connecting rod to be withdrawn upwards from the cylinder?