第八章 标书翻译
INSTRUCTION TO TENDERERS 投标者须知NOTE These Instructions to TENDERERS(IT) wilL not be part of Purchase order and will cease to have effect once the Purchase Order is sig ned and issued. 注意:投标者须知不属于订购单的一部分,在签发订购单后失效A general总体概况IT1 Scope of Te nder & Source of Funds 招标范围和资金来源1.1scope of Te nder 招标范围C .E .O GENCO 一II TPS GUDDU(hereinafter cabled "The Employer" wishes to receive tender for Hiring of Intern ati on ally reputed and experie need in depe ndent engin eer(s) to determ ine the Benchmark Performanee Parameters of Heat rate,Annual Availability. Dependable Capacity,Reliability and the baseline multi-year tariff of all blocks of Thermal Power Station ,CudduCEO GENCO-II TPS GUDDU (下文称为招标者)面向国际知名工程师,给Guddu热电厂机组的热容量,年可用小时数,可靠容量,安全性,多年费用基线等性能参数做评测1.2Source of Funds 资金来源The Employer has arran ged the funds from PEPCU'S own resources of Foreig n Excha nge allocated to G.M.(Thermal)for Hiring services for major overhauling.招标人已得到隶属于通用公司的PEPCO公司的国际交易资金,用于付这次大修的服务费用IT2 Eligible Ten derers 投标资格Tendering is open to all firms who are bona-fide Specialists consultants.The firm should have proper equipme nt and a team of qualified &experie need world renowned experts to carry out such services mentioned in SCHEDULE TO TENDER/SCOPE OF WORK.本次投标面向本行业的各资深专家顾问,投标公司应拥有能提供在招标行程及工程范围里提到的各项服务的设备及资深专家团队。
1. 投标书Tender1.1 投标人应完整地填写招标文件中提供的商务投标书、技术投标书、投标一览表和投标报价表(包括投标报价汇总表和分项报价表)。
Among the tender documents, tenderers shall fill out completely the Business Tender, Technical Tender, Tender List and Tender Quotation. The Quotation (all items in the Quotation shall be filled out except for the prices) and three copies (one Original and two Duplicates) of the Instructions to Quotations as well as the letter of guarantee from the bank of tenderers must be sealed separately, and be submitted together with the tender documents.1.2 在投标文件澄清后提交的附件6价格表部分正、副本应用信封单独密封,封面上注明项目名称、招标编号、投标人名址、“正本”“副本”字样及“分项价格”和“保密”字样。
The Attachment 6 to be submitted after the tender documents have been clarified the Original and Duplicate copies of the Quotation must be sealed separately in different envelops, on which the item names, tender codes, tenderer addresses, words o f ‘Original’, ‘Duplicate’ and ‘Item Price’ and ‘Confidential’ must be written. An e-version of the Quotation (in WORD format) that is separately sealed must be furnished at the same time.标书翻译2. 投标报价Tender Offers2.1 投标人应在投标报价汇总表和投标分项报价表上标明本合同拟提供货物的单价(如适用)和总价。
例如:履约保函Performa nee Security英文:Within 28 days of receipt of the Letter of Aeeeptanee, the successful tenderer shall furnish to the Employer a security for the due performa nee of the Con tract, i n accorda nee with the Con diti ons of Con tract. The form of performa nee security provided in the ten derdocume nts may be used, or some other form acceptable to the Employer.中文:在收到接受证书后28天内,成功投标者应按合同条款向业主提交一份保函,保证将执行合同。
如:采购Procureme nt 投标资格预审Pre-qualificati on投标资格预审文件Pre-qualificatio n docume nts 投标资格后审Post-qualify标前会Pre-bid meeting 招标文件Bidding Documents 投标邀请函Invitation For Bids谈判采购Negotiat ing Bids 联营体Joi nt Ven ture例1投标人应完整地填写招标文件中提供的外贸投标书、技术投标书、投标一览表和投标报价表(包括投标报价汇总表和分项报价表)。
译国译民翻译公司—中国十大翻译公司1. 投标书Tender1.1 投标人应完整地填写招标文件中提供的商务投标书、技术投标书、投标一览表和投标报价表(包括投标报价汇总表和分项报价表)。
Among the tender documents, tenderers shall fill out completely the Business Tender, Technical Tender, Tender List and Tender Quotation. The Quotation (all items in the Quotation shall be filled out except for the prices) and three copies (one Original and two Duplicates) of the Instructions to Quotations as well as the letter of guarantee from the bank of tenderers must be sealed separately, and be submitted together with the tender documents.1.2 在投标文件澄清后提交的附件6价格表部分正、副本应用信封单独密封,封面上注明项目名称、招标编号、投标人名址、“正本”“副本”字样及“分项价格”和“保密”字样。
The Attachment 6 to be submitted after the tender documents have been clarified the Original and Duplicate copies of the Quotation must be sealed separately in different envelops, on which the item names, tender codes, tenderer addresses, words of ‘Original’, ‘Duplicate’ and ‘Item Price’ and ‘Confidential’ must be written. An e-version of the Quotation (in WORD format) that is separately sealed must be furnished at the same time.标书翻译2. 投标报价Tender Offers2.1 投标人应在投标报价汇总表和投标分项报价表上标明本合同拟提供货物的单价(如适用)和总价。
3)合同订立过程的审查:如审查招标人是否有规避招标行为和隐瞒工程真实情况的现象 :投标人是否有串通作弊、哄抬标价或以行贿的手段谋求中标的行为;招标代理机构是 否有泄露应当保密的与招标活动有关的情况和资料的行为,以及其他违反公开、公平、 公正原则的行为。任何单位和个人不得将依法必须进行招标的项目化整为零或者以其 他任何形式规避招标。依法应当招标而未招标的工程合同无效。
4)合同条款号及内容。审查表中的条款号必须与被审查合同条款号相同。被 审查合同相应条款的内容是合同分析研究的对象,可从被审查合同中直接摘 录该被审查合同条款到合同审查表中来。
5)条款说明。这是对该合同条款存在的问题和风险进行分析研究。主要是具 体客观地评价该条款执行的法律后果及将给合同当事人带来的风险。这是合 同审查中最核心的问题,分析的结果是否正确、完备将直接影响到以后的合 同谈判、签订,乃至合同履行时合同当事人的地位和利益。因此,合同当事人 对此必须给予高度重视。
3)分析评价每一合同条款执行的法律后果及风险,为合同谈判和签订提供决策依 据。
4)通过审查还可以发现: ① 合同条款之间的矛盾。
② 不公平条款,如过于苛刻、责权力不平衡、单方面约束性条款等。 ③ 隐含着较大风险的条款。
④ 内容含糊、概念不清或未能完全理解的条款。
对于一些重大工程或合同关系与合同文本很复杂的工程,合同审查的结果应经律 师或合同法律专家核对评价,或在其指导下进行审查,以减少合同风险,减少合同 谈判和签订中的失误。
1)谈判目的。这是必须明确的首要问题,因为不同的谈判目的决定了谈判方式与 最终谈判结果,一切具体的谈判行为方式和技巧都是为谈判的目的服务的。因此, 首先必须确定自己的谈判目的,同时要分析揣摩对方谈判的真实意图,从而有针对 性地进行准备并采取相应的谈判方式和谈判策略。
第八章 招投标文本翻译
必要或不当的干扰造成任何损害赔偿费、损失和开支(包括法律费 用和开支)的损害。
分析:例中的“fees and expenses”(费用和开支)及 “unnecessary or improper”(不必要或不当的), 这些相近词语的 叠加使用能很好地表达招标人对承包商对不当干扰行为的约束和造 成后果的赔付,投标人也清楚自己在中标后执行合同过程中需要注 意的问题,避免产生纠纷。
demonstrate in compliance with the requirements of the bidding document.
The system shall be in accordance with the details stated in the bidding
document. The Employer shall be entitled to audit any aspect of the
招投标文件是招标和投标文件的简称。招标文件一般 包括投标邀请、投标须知、货物要求、技术规格、合同条 款、合同格式和附件;投标文件是投标人根据招标文件的 要求编制或填写的文件,它必须清楚地表明投标人愿意按 什么条件(须受招标文件规定的条件制约)向招标人提供 服务、货物或工程和劳务。
二、招投标文本的文体特征 招标是买方发出的询盘,而投标则是卖方报出的实盘
分析:因为这是招标方对投标方的硬性规定,所以翻译时语气要 强。那么“shall”在这里要翻译为“必须”。而招标方在谈到自己须 履行的某种义务时,总是极力淡化自己的语气,或减弱语言的强度 ,这时应避免选择含“强制性”含义的“shall”或“must”,而选用 “will”、“should”或“may”,表“可以、愿意”。
第二册(另行装订) VolumeTwo(BoundSeparately)
1.资金来源1. SourceofFunds
英文投标书模板篇一:标书(英文版)样本及常用词汇标书中英文样本及常用词汇1. Tender1.1 Among the tender documents, tenderers shall fill out pletely the Business Tender, Technical Tender, Tender List and Tender Quotation. The Quotation (all items in the Quotation shall be filled out except for the prices) and three copies (one Original and two Duplicates) of the Instructions to Quotations as well as the letter of guarantee from the bank of tenderers must be sealed separately, and be submitted together with the tender documents.1.2 The Attachment 6 to be submitted after the tender documents have been clarified the Original and Duplicate copies of the Quotation must be sealed separately in different envelops, on which the item names, tender codes, tenderer addresses, words of‘Original’, ‘Duplicate’ and ‘Item Price’ and‘Confidential’ must be written. An e-version of the Quotation (in WORD format) that is separately sealed must be furnished at the same time.2. Tender Offers2.1 On the tender offer summary sheet and the item tender offer sheets, tenderers shall indicate clearlythe unit price (if applicable) and the total price of the goods planned to be provided according to the Contract.2.2 Prices on the item tender offer sheet shall be filled out in the following manner:2.2.1 Goods p rovided from the People’s Republic of China:1) Price of delivering goods to the site, inclusive of the EXW (inclusive of VAT), transportation cost from factory to site, insurance premium, costs generated because of the delivery of goods, as well as other incidental expenses.2) Cost for technical services and trainingsThis item includes:A) Cost for technical service provided by theSeller’s personnel:Expenses for on-site installation instruction, debugging, and inspectionB) Expenses for training the personnel of the Buyer3) In the tender price sheet, tenderers shall include the unit prices of the attached parts and ponents, special tools and instrumentations that are listed in the Technical Specifications. The price of these goods shall be included into the tender sum, and shall be deliberated at the tender evaluation.4) Tenderers shall list separately parts and ponents that satisfy the remended three years’ normal operation, and quote their prices. The owner has the option to purchase these goods, and their expenseswill be referred to at the tender evaluation.2.2.2 Goods provided outside the People’s Republic of China:1) Shanghai CIF berth terms (the price is inclusive of the packaging cost of equipments and documents, as well asunloading expenses in the destination). When offering, tenders may obtain insurance services from an eligible country of origin that is to the satisfaction of the People’s Republic of China or the Buyer.2) Expenses for technical services and trainingsThis item includes:A) Expenses for technical services provided by the Seller: costs for on-site project installation instruction, debugging, and testingB) Training expenses for the BuyerThe above A) and B) clauses refer to the expenses of the Seller itself and do not include the cost for Buyer’s personnel for traveling abroad.Tenderers shall list and offer separately after the item tender offer sheet the cost per person per dayfor Buyer’s personnel to attend designing municationmeetings and factory inspection outside China and to receive trainings from Seller outside China. Expenses of the above three items will serve as references for Buyer when the Contract is signed, but will not be included into the tender sum. It is to make it convenient for Buyer to pare and choose from the binations of the final contract price. It does not restrict the rights of Buyer to choose one quotation or the bination of several quotations to sign the Contract.3) In the tender price sheet, tenderers shall list the unit price of the required parts, ponents, special tools andinstrumentations that are listed in the Technical Specifications. The prices of these goods shall be included in the tender sum for tender evaluation.4) Tenderers shall list and quote separately parts and ponents that satisf y the three years’ remended normal operation. The owner has the option to purchase these goods, the price of which will serve as reference for Tenderee at tender evaluation.2.3 Ex works (EXW), CIF, ‘carriage and insurance paid to’ (CIP) and other technica l terms shall be construed according to the 2000 Paris version of International Chamber of Commerce Terms (Incoterms 2000).2.4 According to Clause 2.2 of the Notice, tenderers shall divide the tender price into several parts, thesole objective of which is to make it convenient for Tenderee and Buyer to pare the tender documents, but will not restrict Buyer’s rights to conclude the Contract according to any of the above terms.2.5 A tender price offered by a tenderer shall remain unchanged during the performance of the Contract, but shall not be modified because of any reasons. According to Clause 2.4 of the Notice, tender documents containing any adjustable prices will be rejected as non-responsive tenders.3. Tender CurrencyGoods and services to be provided by tenderers shall be quoted in the currency of US dollar.4. Tender bond4.1 Tenderers shall submit a tender bond that is no less than 2% of the total sum of the tender offer. It shall be part of the tender.4.2 Tender bond is designed to protect Tenderee and Buyer from losses because of any actions of tenderers. In caseTenderee and Buyer suffers any losses because of any actions of tenderers, the tender bond will be confiscated according to Clause 15.7 of the Notice.4.3 The tender bond shall be in the tender currency and shall be in the following form:A bank that enjoys good reputation in or outside the People’s Republic of China issues a letter of guarantee and anirrevocable stand-by letter of credit in the form provided by the tender invitation documents or in a form that is acceptable to Tenderee, the valid period being thirty (30) days more than the valid period of the tender;4.4 Tenders to which a tender bond is not attached according to Clause 15.1 and 15.3 of the Notice shall be rejected as non-responsive tenders according to Clause 24 of the Notice.4.5 Tender bonds of tenderers who fail in the tender will be returned to tenders in full amount as soon as possible and no later than thirty (30) days after the expiration of the valid period of the tender as provided in Clause 16 of the Notice.4.6 The tender bond of the successful tenderer will be returned after the tenderer signs the Contract according to Clause 34 of the Notice and submits the performance bond according to Clause 35 of the Notice.4.7 Tender bond will be confiscated in case:1) Tenderers withdraw their tenders within the valid period of the tender as provided in the tender invitation documents; or2) The successful tenderer fails to sign the Contract within the prescribed period according to Clause 34 of the Notice; or3) The successful tenderer fails to submit the performance bond within the prescribed period according to Clause 35 of the Notice.5. Valid period of tender5.1 According to Clause 19 of the Notice, a tender remains valid within the 180 days after the prescribed tender opening date. Tenders with an ineligible valid period shall be rejected as non-responsive tenders.6.Termination of Contract for Buyer’s Convenience6.1 Buyer may send a written notice to Seller at any time for its own convenience to terminate all or part of the Contract. The termination notice shall indicate clearly that it is for Buyer’s convenience that the Contract is terminated, the scale to which the Contract is terminated, as well as the effective date of the termination.6.2 Buyer shall receive according to the original contract price and terms goods that Seller has pleted and prepared for shipping within thirty (30) daysafter it receives the termination notice. For the rest of goods, Buyer may:1) Accept only part of goods according to the original contract price and terms; or2) Cancel the purchase to the remained goods, and pay Seller the amount agreed by both parties for part of the goods and services pleted as well as materials and parts Seller has purchased.7. Dispute Settlement7.1 Both parties shall aim to settle any disputes concerning the Contract or the execution of the Contract through consultation. In case any dispute cannot be settled within 60 days after theconsultation begins, it shall be brought to arbitration.7.2 Arbitration shall be held in Beijing or some other place within China by China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Committee (CIETAC) according to its arbitration rules and procedures. Except where both sides otherwise agree, the official language for arbitration shall be English.7.3 The arbitration award shall be final and has legal binding forces to both sides.7.4 The cost for arbitration shall be borne by the losing party if it is not otherwise ruled by the arbitration authority.7.5 During arbitration, except for the parts of the Contract that is under arbitration, other parts of the Contract shall continue to rule.8.Contract languages8.1 Except where both sides otherwise agree, the Contract languages shall be Chinese and English, and the Chinese version shall prevail. Correspondences between both sides concerning the Contract shall be written in the Contract languages.9.Applicable lawThe Contract shall be construed according to laws of the Peo ple’s Republic of China标书常用词汇:报价 quotation、采购 procurement、撤标 withdrawal of bid、承包商 contractor、澄清要求 requests of clarification、迟到的标书 late bid、采购代理procurement agent、采购公告 procurement notice、采购计划 procurement plan、采购决定 procurement decision、付款方式 methods of payment、工程范围 scope of works、工程量清单 bill of quantities、工程量清单报价 pricedbill of quantities、工期 days for construction、公开招标 open tendering、固定总价 fixed lump sum、分包商subcontractor、封标 sealing of bid、货物清单 list of goods、计划完工日期 intended pletion date、每投标人一标 one bid per bidder、评标标准 evaluation criteria、潜在的投标人 potential bidder、施工机械 construction equipment,construction plant、实质性响应 substantial response, be substantially responsive to、事后情况说明debriefing、事后审查 post review、事前审查 prior review、适用法律 applicable law、授予合同 award of contract、替代方案 alternative solution、替代建议alternative proposal、两步法招标 two-stage bidding、履约保证金 performance security、合格标准 eligibility criteria、合格的投标人 eligible bidder、合同价格contract price、合同金额 contract amount、核标examination of bid、初步描述 preliminary description、初步设计 preliminary design、错误纠正 correction of error、单一招标或局限性招标 single or restricted tendering、通用条款 general terms and conditions、土建承包商 civil construction contractor、完工日期 date of pletion, pletion date、完税后交货 Delivered Duty Paid, DDP、违约赔偿 liquidated damages、现场参观 sitevisit、现场查勘 site survey、现场管理人员 site management personnel、现场技术人员 site technical personnel、响应性responsiveness、项目评估文件 Project Appraisal Document, PAD、项目时间表,项目计划 project schedule、修改标书 modification of bid、选择性招标 selective tendering、询价采购 shopping、银行保函 bank guarantee、应标 response to the bidding documents、有限国际招标 Limited International Bidding, LIB、招标代理 bidding agency、招标附录 appendix to tender、招标公告 notification of bidding, tender notice、招标号bidding no., tendering no、招标文件澄清 clarification of bidding documents、招标文件修改 amendment of bidding documents、招标资料表 bidding data sheet, tendering data sheet、招投标范围 scope of bid、争端解决 settlement of dispute、政府采购法 government procurement law、政府采购协议 government procurement agreement、政府采购指令 government procurement directives、直接签订合同 direct contracting、中标标准award criteria、中标通知 notification of award, award of tender、注册地点 place of registration、专用条款special terms and conditions、准备投标书 preparation of bid, preparation of tender、资金来源 source of fund、资质信息 qualification information、自营工程force accounting、技术规范 specifications、监理supervisor、建筑工程 construction works、交货时间delivery time、接受函 letter of acceptance、截止时间deadline、截至日期 deadline、解释要求 requests of explanation、局限性招标 limited tendering、开标 bid opening, tender opening, opening of tender、开标地点place of bid opening、开工日期 date of mence、联营体joint venture、投标保证金 bid security, tender security、投标保证金 bid security、投标费用 cost of bidding、投标函 bid letter、投标价格 bid price、投标书澄清 clarification of bid、投标书的提交 submission of bid, submission of tender、投标书有效期 validity of bid、投标书有效期延长 extension of validity of bid、投标书语言 language of bid、投标书组成 documents prising the bid、投标邀请 invitation for bids, invitation to tenders、投标有效性 bid availability、投标人合格性eligibility of bidder、投标人须知 instruction to bidders, instruction to tenderers、投标人资质qualifications of the bidder、投标书 bid, tender篇二:标书中英文翻译样本及常用词汇西安标书翻译:标书中英文翻译样本及常用词汇发布时间:2010-7-29 阅读次数:699 字体大小: 【小】【中】【大】西安标书翻译:标书中英文翻译样本及常用词汇1. 投标书Tender1.1 投标人应完整地填写招标文件中提供的商务投标书、技术投标书、投标一览表和投标报价表(包括投标报价汇总表和分项报价表)。
投标价表格编号工作描述估价(卢比)人民币引用数字比例1 计划表"A1"-part-ITPWS 轨旁设备-实施3,23,83,334 4533666.76% above/below/at par2 计划表"A1"-part-II信号发送-实施1,69,24,600 2369444% above/below/at par3 计划表"B1"TPWS 轨道地面设备-供应53,05,53,145 74277440.3% above/below/at par4 计划表:A2TPWS 车载设备-实施3,93,72,666 5512173.24% above/below/at par5 计划表:B2TPWS 车载设备-供应55,77,14,793 78080071.02% above/below/at par 总估价117,69,48,538 164772795.3注:1. 投标者的投标价应该在上面表格各项总价的1% 。
2. 有条件的投标将立即被拒绝。
3. 投标者不应投任何附加计划表的标价,如果投标的话,投标者将被拒绝。
4. 标价应该包含所有税收,但不包括ED。
英文的标书及翻译Page Number Item页数序号项目Earthworks2-27ExcavationsExcavation in earth not exceeding 2m1Trenches2Holes3Soft rock4Hard rockSundires2-285Sides of trench and hole excavations not exceeding 1.5m deep 6Keeping excavation free of waterFilling7Surplus material from excavations and/or stock piles on site to a dumping site to be located by the contractorG7 quality filling supplied by the contractor compacted to 95% Mod AASHTO density in 150mm layers8Backfilling to trenches,holes,etc9Backfilling to trenches,holes,etcG7 quality filling supplied by the contractor compacted to 95% Mod AASHTO density in 150mm layers10Under floors,steps,pavings,etcCoarse river sand filling supplied by the contractor11under floors,etcCompaction of surfaces12Compaction of ground surface under floors and footings etc including scarifying for a depth of 150mm,breaking down oversize material,adding suitable materialwhere necessary and compacting to 93% Mod AASHTO density2-2913Compaction of ground surface under floors and footing etc including scarifying for a depth of 150mm,breaking down oversize material,adding suitable materialwhere necessary and compacting to 93% Mod AASHTO density 14"Modified AASHTO Density"test15"DCP"tests16Under floors etc,including forming and poisoning shallow furrows against foundation walls etc, filling in furrows and ramming 17To bottoms and sides of trenches,etc under perimeter walls only3-32Concrete,Formwork and reinforcement15MPa/20mm concrete1Surface blinding under footings and basesUnreinforced concrete25MPa/20mm concrete2Step,shower trays cupboard platforms,etcReinforced concrete cast against excavated surfaces25MPa/20mm concrete3Strip footings4Bases5Surface beds on waterproofing6Aprons on waterproofing7Ramps on waterproofing8Extra over surfacebed for thickening average 250mm wide x 250mmdeep along external edge including all necessary excavations,formwork,etc9Extra over apron for thickening average 100mm wide x 150mm deep alongexternal edge including all necessary excavations,formwork,etc 10Extra over ramp for thickening average 100mm wide x 250mm deep along external edge including all necessary excavations,formwork,etcReinforced concrete25MPa/20mm concrete11Stub columns3-33Test Cubes12Making and testing 150 x150mm concrete strength test cubeConcrete SundriesFinishing top surface of concrete smooth with a power float 13Surface beds,slabs,etc to falls14Ramps,etc to falls35MPa non-shrink grout15Bedding approximately 20mm thick under 200x200mm base plate, including chamfered edges all roundRough FormworkRough Formwork to sides16Rectangular stub columns17Edges,risers ends and reveals not exceeding 300mm high or wide Movement Joints,EtcSaw cut joints183x50mm Saw cut joints in top of concretewith the top 25mm incresed to 6mm wideButt construction joints through concrete,including necessaryformwork and cement slurry to one face19Surface beds not exceeding 300mm thickExpansion joints with 12mm bitumen-impregnated softboard between20Not exceeding 300mm high to edges of surface beds3-34Reinforcement(Provisional)High tensile steel reinforcement to structure concrete work 2112mm Diameter barsFabric reinforcement22Type 193 fabric reinforcement in concrete aprons,etc23Type 193 fabric reinforcement in concrete ramps,etc24Type 245 fabric reinforcement in concrete surfacebeds,etc 25Type 395 fabric reinforcement in concrete footings,etc4-36MasonryFoundationsBrickwork of 14MPa concrete bricks in class2 mortar1One brick wallsBrickwok SundriesBrickwork reinforcement2150mm Wide reinforcement built in horizontally in foundations5-37WaterproofingDampproofing of walls and floorsOne layer of 250micron"Consol Plastics Gunplas USB Green" or similar approvwaterproof sheeting sealed at laps with "Gunplas Pressure Sensitive Tape"Or s1Under surface bedsJoint Sealants,etc2-Component elastomeric polysulphide sealing compound 26x10mm In saw cut joints in floors312x10mm In expansion joints in floors including raking out expansion joint filler as necessary6-38Roof Coverings,EtcStraight CuttingDescriptions of all roof covering are deemed to include for all straight cuttingHot dipped galvinised screws to be usedItems deemed to be fixed with hot dipped galvinised screws Profiled metal sheeting and accessories0.6mm IBR profile Z275 spelter galvanised steel troughed sheetingwith "Chromadek" or similar approved finish on one side,in single lengths fixed to panels and 0.6mm galvanised steel accessories with "Chromadek" or similar approved finish on one side1Roof covering with pitches not exceeding 25 degrees2Ridge capping,400mm girth4Roof end flashing,200mm girth5Narrow and broad flute closers 150mm girthRoof Partitions PannelsPanels are manufactured by laminating an inner and outer layer of Z200"Chromadek"or similar approved steel on to an insulated polystyrene core.Panels are roll formed to a male/female section to connect and seal the panels.This also aids in the rigidity of the construction.6-39InsulationMedium density(16kg/m3),fire retardant polystyren core.Polystyrene conforms to the Expanded PolystreneAssociation ofSouthern Africa(EPSASA)"Chronmadek"or similar aprroved coatingPre-Painted Alu-Zinc(AZ100) Pre-Painted standard nominal20 micron coating applied onto Alu-Zinc coating nominal15 micron on steel substrate baseFixingAll panels,angles,flashings,cappings,etc. are fixed with pop rivits,screws,nails,bolts,etc. as per manufacturers spesifications75mm Thick "Chromadek"or similar approved insulated sandwich roof paneland 0.6mm galvanised steel accessories with "Chromadek"finish on both side6Roof partition panels 5.50m wide7Ridge capping,200mm girth850x75x2mm U-capping95.5mm Diameter x 160mm long roof screw with bonded washerRoof Ventilators"Windmaster" or similar approved10"Supper 500 industrial"wind and convection roofventilator fixed Through "Zinkalume"roof sheeting to steel purlins,includingflashing,closers sealing strips,etc7-42Ceilings,Partitions and access flooring50mm Thick "Chromadek"or similar approved insulated sandwich panel fixed tosurfacebed and roof and 0.6mm galvanised steel accessories with "Chromadek"finish on both side1Wall Partitaion Panels 2.10m high3Wall Partitaion Panedls 3.25m high4Gable wall partition panels 2.4m to 3.4m high5External lower flashing,150mm girth6External corner flashing,200mm girth730x50x2mm U-capping82.5mm Z-channel anchord to surfacebed with bolts(surfacebed and bolts measured elsewhere)9M7 Rawl boltsAluminium flashings1038x38x3mm Aluminium anglePurpose made "Chromadek"or similar approved insulated sandwichpanel doors,huge to aluminium frames1150mm Thick panel door 0.76x1.95m high and capped with aluminiumedging all around edges(Ironmongery measured elsewhere) 1250mm Thick panel door 0.81x2.03m high and capped with aluminiumedging all around edges(Ironmongery measured elsewhere) 8-44IronmongeryHinges.Bolts,Etc"Union" or similar approved1"Al8722AS"Rubber tipped hat and coat hook"Lu-Cast"or similar approved2"FSC"Chrome fanlight catch and keep3250mm "FR/60" chrome fanlight roller stayHandles"Union" or similar approved4"6C45" Cedar lever handle with cancealed fixing backplate(Set of two)5"AL6C45-73SA" Cedar lever handle with cancealed fixing backplate(Set of two)Locks6"2226-78SS" Bathroom WC upright lock with matching stainless steel strike plat7"7661-1/2x810NP" Narrow stile euro profile double cylinder upright lock casewith matching stainless steel strike plate8"L-22315-76SS/2x810NP" Euro profile double cylinder upright lock casewith matching stainless steel strike plateLetters,Nameplates,etcGeneral building signs:"Union" or similar approved brass,satin chromed engraved sign,"AL5066-06AS" and engraved with pictogram as shown and fixed to doors/walls9152x152x2mm "E10"brass plate with male pictogram10152x152x2mm "E11"brass plate with female pictogram3mm Thick perspex key tags11Labled tags1225x50x2mm Door numbersPush plates and kicking plates2mm natural anodised finish aluminium plates counter sunk screwedalong edges at not exceeding 200mm centres13817x150mm Kick plateBlinds88mm Wide verical blinds"Classic"or similar approved woven strongcanvas material fixed to soffits14Blinds 1300x1300mm highBathroom fittings"Kimberly Clark" or similar approved15Double toilet roll holder "405597" wall mounted"Chairman Industries"or similar approved1632mm DL2 stainless steel side grab rail,plugged1732mm SR2 stainless steel rear grab rail around cistern,pluggedSundries"Union" or similar approved18"87001SS"Stainless steel floor mounted door stops,pluggedPinning Boards,writing boards,projection screens,etc"Vitrex"or similar approved supplied by Retief Sales(061-218610)19Felt pinning board with aluminium edge trim size 1200x1500mm high plugged9-49Glazed Aluminium Windows and Doors1Window 1100x1100mm high(W01)2Window 500x500mm high(W02)3Overall 1830x2400mm high with double door size 1830x2100mm high overall,including all ironmongery(D01)4Door frame 760x2100mm high5Door frame 860x2360mm high with openable fanlight(glass measured elswhereAluminium glazing beads,coupling transoms,coupling mullions,etc612x12mm standard glazing beadsSteel Welded Gates,etc7Overall 1800x2575mm high with double gate size 1780x2070mm high,including frame and panels(G01)10-52Structual steelwork(Provisional)Steel columns and beams1160x80x3mm Rectangular hollow section rafter276x38x2.5mm rectangular hollow section fixed to inside of panels(Panels meansured elsewhere)3200x200x12mm Base plate four times holed for bolts(bolts elsewhere measuredanchor plate cast into concrete11-53PlasteringScreeds on concrete130mm Thick on floors and landingsGranolithicUntinited granolithic on concrete230mm Thick on floors and landingsexternal plasterCement plaster on brickwork3On plinths12-54Tiling1On floors and landings2Skirtings 100mm high13-57Soil DrainageuPVC pipes1110MM Pipes vertically or ramped to cleaning eyes etc(no excavation)2110MM Pipes laid in and including trenches not exceeding1m deep3160MM Pipes laid in and including trenches not exceeding 1m deep4160MM Pipes laid in and including trenches exceeding 1m and not exceeding 25160MM Pipes laid in and including trenches exceeding 2m and not exceeding 3Extra over uPVC pipes for fittings6110mm Bend7110mm Junction8110mm Long radius bendPrecast concrete circular manhole(covers elsewhere)9Manhole 1200mm diameter and not exceeding 1000mm deep internally10Manhole 1200mm diameter and exceeding 1000mm and not exceeding 1500mm11Manhole 1200mm diameter and exceeding 1500mm not exceeding 2000mm de12Manhole 1200mm diameter and exceeding 2000mm not exceeding 2500mm de Covers,etc13600mm Diameter "Securex Z-600-D"or similar approved manhole cover and fra 13-58PVC gulleys14110mm Gulley not exceeding 750mm deepSundries15Unreinforced concrete encasing to horizontal pipe16Unreinforced concrete thrust blocks including excavations formwork,concrete et17100mm Cast iron"ABC" or similar approved cleaning eye 18Extra over excavation in earth for pipe trenches, chambers,etc. for excavation in19Extra over excavation in earth for pipe trenches, chambers,etc. for excavation inand connect new 110mm pipe including inserting 110mm channel junctionand making good concrete benching, backfilling,etcSanitary fittings"Franke" or similar approved211500x650mm "Citimetal S1"Stainless steel single end bowl catering sink comple with two 25mm square stainless steel gallow brackets22510x405mm "Hibiscus 7023" white vitreous china rounded basin withthree semi-punched tapholes on classic floor mounted pedestal "7150"23"Aquasave 750152" low level WC suite comprising 90° outletopen rim washdown pan with matching 6/3 liter push-flushing cisterncomplete with heavy duty solid wooden seat and lid lacquered white,fitments an13-5924"Protea Paraplegic 750246" low level Wcsuite comprising 90° outlet back inlet p with matching 9 litre cistern "710631" complete with heavy duty solid wooden sand lid lacquered white, fitments and flushpipe25"Lavatera 705426" wall hung bowl urinal,top flush entry with 38mm diameter chromium plated domical grating,supprted on and including concealed hangerbrackets fixed to wall(flush valve elsewhere)Waste unions,etc"Cobra Watertech" or similar approved2632mm "301"CP basin waste union complete with plug,chain,stay and backnut2740mm "310"CP heavy pattern slotted sink waste union with backnut,plug and ch Traps, etc"Spazio" or similar approved28"Spazio 1/301151" 1 Bowl plumbing kit"Marley" or similar approved2950x50mm PVC basin "P" trap with 37mm sealTaps,Valves etc"Cobra Watertech" or similar approved3015mm "KM 2.100" Basin pillar tap3115mm "504-21B" Pillar tap with elbow action3215mm "Star 166-041" Swiviel sink mixer wall mounted33FJ6.000CP "Flushmaster Junior" Urinal flush valve with Castle FJT 5.5 tail Pipe13-60341/2x 3/8 Inch"7105" angle valve body with 10x300mm chrome tube "049700699 and 15mm chrome valve capnut set "R10204"Sanitary PlumbingHeavy duty uPVC pipes(Surface Mounted)3550mm Pipes36110mm PipesExtra over uPVC pipes for fittings3850mm Access bend3950mm Access junction40110MM Bend41110mm Access bend42110mm Junction43110mm Access junction44110x50mm Reducing junction45110mm Pan connector46110mm Two-way vent valveSundries47Testing waste pipe systemWater suppliesClass 9 uPVC pipes4832mm Pipes laid in and including trench13-614950mm Pipes laid in and including trenches5063mm Pipes laid in and including trenchesExtra over uPVC pressure pipes for fittings with rubber ring joints 5132mm Tee5250mm Tee5332mm Bend5450mm Bend5563mm Bend5650x32mm Reducer5763x50mm ReducerExtra over uPVC pipes for cast iron pressure fittings5832x22mm BSP Upvc/Cu adaptorValves,taps,etc.5932mm "Saunders" or similar approved type KB diaphragm valve6050mm "Saunders" or similar approved type KB diaphragm valve6163mm "Saunders" or similar approved type KB diaphragm valveSundries62880x880mm Water meter box not exceeding 500mm deep internally (cover and63450x600mm Type 9C cast iron cover and frameSundries64Unreinforced concrete thrust blocks including excavations fromwork,concrete et 13-6265Extra over excavation in earth for pipe trenches,chambers,etc.for excavation in 66Extra over excavation in earth for pipe trenches,chambers,etc.for excavation in Internal water reticulationClass 0 copper pipes(Surface mounted)6715mm Pipes6822mm PipesExtra over Class 0 copper pipes for brass compression fittings 7022mm FittingsValves,taps,etc.7115mm Hose bib tap “Cobra 208-15"or similar approved complete with hose unio,hose tail,connection,complete Testing72Testing water pipe systemElectric water heaters"Stiebel Eltron" or similar approved73"SHU 5 Sli" Comfort under counter pressurised water heaterWater supplies to fire appliancesGalvanised steel pipes(Surface mounted)7425mm PipesExtra over galvanised steel pipes for steel fittings7525mm Fittings13-63"Chubb"or similar approved76"Everyway" hose reel with 30m rubber hose,chromium plated stopcock, shut-off nozzle and wall bracket779Kg Dry chemical powder fire extinguisher14-65GlazingGlazing to aluminium with clip-on beads(beads elsewhere) 4mm clear float glass1Panes not exceeding 0.1m2Tops,shelves,doors mirrors,etc2Mirror 450x600mm high3Mirror 450x900mm high15-67Paintwork,etc to new work onFloated plaster surfaces withOne universal undercoat and two coats "Plascon Wall and All" paint on1External plinthsSmooth concrete surfaces withTwo coats approved epoxy floor paint on2FloorsMetal surfaces with3Gates16-69External workssite clearance1Digging up and removing rubbish,debris,vegetation,hedges,shrubsand trees not exceeding 200mm girth,bush,etcRemoval of trees,etc2Tree stump exceeding 200mm and not exceeding 500mm girth3Tree stump exceeding 500mm and not exceeding 1000mm girthBulk earthworksSelected earth filling supplied by the contractor compacted to98% mod AASHTO density in 150mm layers4Over sitecompaction of surfaces5Compaction of ground surface under pavings etc including scarifying for a depth breaking down oversize material,adding suitable material where necessaryand compacting to 93% Mod AASHTO density6"Modified AASHTO Density" test7"DCP" testsPaved walkwaysG5 quality filling supplied by the contractor compacted to 95% Mod AASHTO density in 150mm layers8under floors,steps,paving,etcEarth filling supplied by the contractor compacted to 95%Mod AASHTO density in 150mm layers9under floors,steps,paving,etcPavers 40MPa Precast concrete paving blocks complying withSABS 1058 laid with butt joints on 25mm thick river sand bed with sand swept in1060mm Thick paving in stretcher bond to falls, including edge blocks Standard precast concrete kerbs finished smooth on exposed surfaces,including bedding,joins on 25mm thick river sand bed with sand swept into joints 11Barrier road kerb with 150x150x300mm unreinforced concrete haunching at bac each joint including excavation,back filling,etcSoil insecticide for ants and plants12under pavingCompaction of surfaces13Compaction of ground surface under pavings etcincluding scarifying for a depth breaking down oversize material,adding suitable material where necessaryand compacting to 95% Mod AASHTO density14"Modified AASHTO Density" test15"DCP"testsStormwater DrainageClass 75D concrete pipes16150mm Pipes laid in and including trenches not exceeding 1m deepItem Requirements Unit 项目单位土方开挖开挖不超过2米沟m3洞m3软岩石-可能需要在软岩石开挖沟,洞的面积m3硬岩石-可能需要在硬岩石开挖沟,洞的面积m3杂项沟边沿和洞的开挖不超过1.5米深m2开挖远离水回填开挖出来的东西堆积在工地某个被m3指定为堆积垃圾的地方150mm的回填层,回填压实的密度达到G7 Mod AASHTO 95%回填沟洞m3回填沟洞m3 150mm的回填层,回填压实的密度达到G7 Mod AASHTO 95%地板,台阶,道砖下m3填入粗糙的河沙地板下m3压实表面压实位于地板和地基处的地表,包括翻松150mm m2的深度,打碎过大的石块,适量的增加需要的材料压实达到93%的密度Mod AASHTO的标准下压实位于地板和地基处的地表,包括翻松150mm m2的深度,打碎过大的石块,适量的增加需要的材料压实达到93%的密度Mod AASHTO的标准下改进AASHTO密度测试No DCP测试No在地面以下,包括基础墙浅沟清理,喷药水m2,填平浅沟夯实沟的底部和两侧,只在围墙下面m2混凝土,模板和加固15兆帕/20mm的混凝土基础下的表面碎石子m3无钢筋混凝土25兆帕/20mm的混凝土楼梯,浴盆,橱柜的平台m3钢筋混凝土浇筑在开挖的地表25兆帕/20mm的混凝土条形基础m3基础m3防水表面m3护床防水m3斜坡防水m3额外的浅床沿着外部的边缘平均增宽250mm,深250mm,包括所有必要的开挖,模板工作m3额外的护床沿着外部的边缘平均增宽100mm,深250mm,包括所有必要的开挖,模板工作m3额外的斜坡沿着外部的边缘平均增宽100mm,深250mm,包括所有必要的开挖,模板工作m3钢筋混凝土25兆帕/20mm的混凝土短柱m3测试块制作测试150x150mm的混泥土承力测试块No 混泥土杂项混凝土表面用机动模板抹平浅床,楼板m2斜坡m2 35兆帕防缩水泥浆在200x200mm的底板下的基床大约20mm厚No 包括周围的斜切边缘粗糙的模板周边粗糙的模板矩形短柱m2边缘,楼梯竖版末端,窗侧不超过300mm高和宽m 活动接头锯痕接缝3x50mm锯痕接缝在混凝土的顶面m 距顶部25mm开始增加6mm的宽度水泥施工缝对接,包括必要的模板和水泥浆浅床不超过300mm的厚度m 伸缩接缝处放置12mm浸了沥青的软板在垂直的水泥和砖的表面不超过300mm高到浅床的边缘m钢筋用高强度钢筋完成混凝土结构12mm直径的钢筋t 钢筋架构用193号钢筋建造混凝土护墙m2用193号钢筋建造混凝土斜坡m2用245号钢筋建造混凝土浅床m2用395号钢筋建造混凝土底脚m2砖石基础一层砖墙m2砌砖杂项砌砖钢筋150mm 宽的钢筋水平的建造在基础里m防水墙和地板的防潮一层250微米厚的Consol Plastics Gunplas USB Green牌或相似的防水带密封Gunplas Pressure Sensitive Tap在浅床下m2接缝密封材料6x10mm地板上的锯痕接头m 12x10mm 地板伸缩接头包括必要的清理伸缩缝填缝材料m屋顶屋顶用不超过25度的沥青覆盖m2屋脊盖瓦400mm周长m屋顶边缘的防雨变200mm 周长m窄槽闭合 150mm周长m al the panels.crews,nails,boltson both side屋顶隔墙板5.5M 宽m2屋脊瓦200周长m50x75x2mm U型封顶m5.5mm 直径x160mm 长度的屋顶螺丝和组合垫片m"工业500强"屋顶换气扇穿过"Zinkalume"屋顶瓦固定在钢檩条上No包括防水板,闭合密封条panel fixed to"Chromadek"隔墙板2.1m高m2隔墙板3.251m高m2山墙隔板2.4m 到3.4m高m2外部下面遮雨板150mm 围梁m 外部角落遮雨板200mmw围梁m 30x50x2mm U型封顶m 2.5mm Z型槽钢用螺栓固定在浅床mM7披露螺栓No 铝合金遮雨板38x38x3mm铝合金角m 50mm 厚的门板0.76x1.95m高用铝合金包边No 50mm 厚的门板0.81x2.03m高用铝合金包边No 五金"AL8722AS" 这个型号的衣帽钩NoFSC 扇形窗No 250mm"FR/60"扇形窗滚轴No把手"6C45"Cedar牌子的杆式手柄No "AL6C45-73SA"Cedar牌子的杆式手柄No 锁"2226-78SS"浴室厕所用的竖锁配以不锈钢的捎板No "7661-1/2x810NP"型号的双开锁配以不锈钢的捎板No"L-22315-76SS/2x810NP"型号的双开锁配以不锈钢的捎板No 152x152x2mm "E10"男厕所的黄铜名牌No 152x152x2mm "E11"女厕所的黄铜名牌No号牌No25x50x2mm门牌号No817x150mm 踢脚板No 百叶窗百叶窗1300x1300mm高No"Kimberly Clark" 牌"405597"型号镶在墙上的手纸盒No32mm DL2不锈钢侧边的扶手杆No 32mm SR2不锈钢后面水箱的四周的扶手杆No 杂项"87001SS"不锈钢门停No 插接板配以铝合金的边缘护件1200x1500mm 高No光滑的铝合金窗户和门1100x1100mm高的窗户(W01)No 500x500mm 高的窗户(W02)No 总高1830x2400mm 双开门1830x2100mm高包括所有的五金(D01)No门框760x2100mm高No 门框860x2360mm高带一个可开的扇形窗No 铝合金镶玻璃条,连接门窗的横梁/气窗,连接门窗的竖框12x12mm标准的镶玻璃条m铁焊的大门1800x2575mm双开门1780x2070mm包括门框和面板(G01)No钢结构钢柱和钢梁160x80x3mm矩形空心钢t 76x38x2.5mm矩形空心钢固定在里面的面板上t200x200x12mm底板为螺栓开4倍的洞No长锚定板浇筑在混凝土里抹灰混凝土砂浆层铺30mm 厚在地板和楼梯平面m2人造石铺面混泥土上的人造石铺面铺30mm 厚在地板和楼梯平面m2外部的抹灰砌砖上水泥抹灰柱基m2铺瓷砖在地板和楼梯平面m2踢脚线100mm 高m土壤排水uPVC管110mm 管垂直的或是倾斜的安置清理空(无开挖)m 110mm 管铺设在包括沟在内不超过1米深的位置m 160mm 管铺设在包括沟在内不超过1米深的位置m 160mm 管铺设在包括沟在内1米到2米深之间的位置m 160mm 管铺设在包括沟在内2米到3米深之间的位置m 额外的uPVC管的配件110m的弯头No 110m的直接No 110m的长半径弯头No 预制混凝土圆形的检查孔检查孔1200mm直径内部不超过1000mm深No 检查孔1200mm直径内部在1000mm到1500mm之间No 检查孔1200mm 直径内部在1500mm到2000mm之间No 检查孔1200mm直径内部在2000mm到2500mm之间No600mm直径的"Securex Z-600-D"牌或者类似的检查孔盖No 和支架PVC集水口110mm 集水口不超过750mm深No 杂项无钢筋混凝土包裹水平管m3无钢筋混凝土的推力轴承包括开挖,模板,混凝土m3 100mm铸铁“ABC”或是相似的批准的清理孔No 额外的在软岩石上开挖铺管沟,槽m3额外的在硬岩石上开挖铺管沟,槽m3的管子,包括插入110mm的通道连接,做好回填,混凝土台阶式卫生洁具1500x650mm "Citimetal S1"牌不锈钢单端洗碗槽No 配以25mm方形不锈钢承架支架510x405mm "Hibiscus 7023"白色瓷质陶瓷圆形的台盆No 配以三个半打三孔型经典立柱型号"7150""Aquasave 750152"马桶包含90度出口直冲式池No 配以6/3升的冲厕水箱和实木的马桶坐垫,马桶盖喷以白色的油漆,配件和冲水管"Protea Paraplegic 750246"牌的马桶包含90度No 出口直冲式池,配以9升的冲厕水箱"710631"和实木的马桶坐垫,马桶盖喷以白色的油漆,配件和冲水管"Lavatera 705426"镶在墙上的小便斗,上端冲水进口38mm No 的直径,电镀的格子板,包括隐藏的挂衣钩按照在墙上32mm"301"CP 废水池包括塞子链子拉索支承螺母No 40mm"301"CP 有沟槽的水槽包括塞子链子支承螺母No 存水弯"Spazio 1/301151" 一个碗装的水管装备No 50x50mm PVC 水池 "P" 型的存水弯带以 37mm 封条No15mm "KM 2.100" 水池的柱式水龙头No 15mm "504-21B" 柱式水龙头肘状的No 15mm "Star 166-041" Swiviel 牌水槽的水龙头安装在墙上的No FJ6.000CP "Flushmaster Junior"牌子的小便斗冲水阀配以Castle FJT 5.5 的尾管No1/2x 3/8 Inch"7105" 角阀体10x300mm 镀铬管"049700699"No 和15mm 镀铬阀螺母 "R10204"卫生管道50mm 管m 110mm 管m。
Unit 8 Preparation of Bids(工程管理专业英语)
工程采购标准招标文件 the World Bank 世界银行
Key Structures
the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development [IBRD] 国际复兴开发银行 the International Development Association [IDA] 国际开发协会
successful bidder unless otherwise forfeit vt vt
中标人 除非另…
没收,丧失 供应,提供;陈设,布置
Key Structures
in the event of
discrepancy prevail vi 普及;成功 indelible adj n
English for Construction Project Management
Unit Eight Preparation of Bids
Words and Expressions
投标,出价; vt 投标,命令,宣布 投标函
Letter of bid
English for Construction Project Management
Unit Eight Preparation of Bids
Supporting documents and printed literature that are part of the Bid may be in another language provided they are accompanied by an accurate translation of the relevant passages in the language specified in the Bidding Document, in which case, for purposes of interpretation of the Bid, such translation shall govern.
翻译: 该培训将提供给每个终端站的招标人操作人员。(厦金海缆技术部分--培训)
•2.原文中的主语翻译成成宾语 原 文 : The Invitation to Tender documents shall not be altered by the Tenderer. 翻译:投标人不得更改招标文件。 •3.常用的被动句型的翻译: It is reported that 据报 It must be admitted that 必须承认 It has been illustrated that 据图示
但是在本次招标过程中由于涉及到敏感问题,再者考虑到翻译的简洁宗旨, 故翻译为xx海缆 RFI ( Request for Information ) 字面意思是:信息请求在招标这个背景下 翻译为: 招标预告通知书 或者 招标书 BAFO (Best and Final Offer)最佳及最终报价 ITT ( Invitation to Tender) 招标邀请书 MOU ( Memorandum of Understanding)谅解备忘录 C&MA ( Construction and Maintenance Agreement) 建设与维护协议
救措施的权力。 (原文引自xxx招标文件商务部分第二章)
敬事乐群 务本知新
国际招投标文件的翻译过程中应注意的问题:词 汇-3专业词汇
3使用了大量的专业词汇,而且涉及了法律、贸易、专业技术等多个领 域。如:
Liquidared damage margin of preference mobilization fee : 损害赔偿金 :优惠幅度 : 准备费
标书翻译相关术语:3. 投标货币Tender Currency投标人提供的货物和服务用美元货币报价。
Goods and services to be provided by tenderers shall be quoted in the currency of US dollar.4. 投标保证金Tender bond15.1 投标人应提交金额为不少于投标报价总价2%的投标保证金,并作为其投标的一部分。
Tenderers shall submit a tender bond that is no less than 2% of the total sum of the tender offer. It shall be part of the tender.15.2 投标保证金是为了保护招标机构和买方免遭因投标人的行为而蒙受损失。
Tender bond is designed to protect Tenderee and Buyer from losses because of any actions of tenderers. In case Tenderee and Buyer suffers any losses because of any actions of tenderers, the tender bond will be confiscated according to Clause 15.7 of the Notice.15.3 投标保证金应用投标货币并采用以下形式:The tender bond shall be in the tender currency and shall be in the following form: 由一家在中华人民共和国国内或国外信誉好的银行用招标文件提供的格式或招标机构接受的其他格式出具的银行保函、不可撤销的备用信用证,其有效期应超过投标有效期三十(30)天;A bank that enjoys good reputation in or outside the People’s Republic of China issues a letter of guarantee and an irrevocable stand-by letter of credit in the form provided by the tender invitation documents or in a form that is acceptable to Tenderee, the valid period being thirty (30) days more than the valid period of the tender;15.4 凡没有根据本须知第15.1和15.3条的规定随附投标保证金的投标,应按本须知第24条的规定视为非响应性投标予以拒绝。
ContentPart 1 Overall Description of the Tender (3)Part 2 Construction Organization Planning (3)2.1 Description (3)2.2 Equipment Identification (6)2.3Electric and Gauges Demolition (7)2.4 Pipeline Demolition (10)2.5 Dismantlement of the Equipment (12)2.6 De-rust and anti-rust (19)2.7.Packaging Engineering (21)2.8. Organization (23)2.8.1. Organizational Chart (23)2.8.2. Key management personnel (24)12.8.3. resume of Project manager and key management personnel (25)2. 9. Guarantee Measures (27)2. 10. Quality assurance measures (28)2.11. Safety Conduct Measures (31)2.12. Labor Distribution Plan (38)2.13. Construction Schedule (39)2.14. Main Machines and Tools will be Used in Construction (40)2.15 Construction Measures in Rainy seasons and at Night (42)2.16. Reasonable Construction Measures (43)Part 3 Equipment Packaging Scheme (45)Part 4 Terms of Payment (48)Part 5 Qualification Documents (48)2Part 1 Overall Description of the TenderPart 2 Construction Organization Planning2.1 DescriptionWith an annual capacity of 120,000 tons of bamboo pulp, the pulp board production line of Sichuan Jin’an pulp co. ltd can date back to the beginning of the 1990s. We have a 3200 pulp machine produced by Xi’an Weimeide papermaking machinery factory, which has a net paper width of 32mm, a speed of 40-80m/min, DC converters, pulp supply system as well as a complete set of online cutter. The main equipment include pulp selecting machine, open headbox, fourdriniersection, , grooved press, high impulse press, hydraulic bundling press, diluted oil supply system, vacuum equipment and simple sound insulation board room, wet loss mixing equipment, dry damage mixing equipment, pumping unit, transformer, electric control device, DC speed control system equipment, instrumentation, pipeline, cable bridge, QCS system(excluding the movement and transport of radioactive source within the scan head) and operation maintenance platform.Content of machine dismantling:Apart from the bridge crane, in dismantling of all the devices mentioned above (including foundation embedded plate) in the pulp board workshop, only the workshop and the concrete equipment are reserved.3Requirements of the duration of the machine dismantling: the dismantling of the indoor equipment will be finished within 65 days after the contract takes effect and within 90 days all the work will be completed.2.1.1 Technical preparation for the constriction.(1) Organize technical management personnel of the construction to carefully review the relative drawings and materials of machine dismantling.(2) In view of the condi tions of the construction site, we’ll further refine the various construction plans in the construction organization plans to make them more specific and feasible, making sure that the technical work is done before the construction and the constructio n is smoothly carried out.(3) Organize project management personnel and work out phase control plan according to the schedule of the construction organization.(4) Educate the construction personnel on security and technology.(5) Make an identification scheme for the pulp machine equipment, determine the identification numbers of the equipment and make a numbered list.2.1.2 Preparation of the construction site.(1)Before dismantling, the construction group which took on the project should invite relevant personnel of the other side to jointly inspect the working conditions and the appearance of the equipment and the construction side should take relevant pictures and ask releva nt responsible officers on both sides to sign the materials and pictures together.4(2) We’ll not carry out the dismantling until we have actively and carefully cooperated with relevant parties to make a good coordination between equipment, electric identification, technology and electricity, had a good grasp of the operation and contro l principle of the existing equipment.(3) We’ll make equipment identification card according to the identification number and ensure that every piece of equipment and every part of the equipment are well identified.2.1.3 Labor forces equipped with the constructionPrinciples of the labor forces for the construction: first, the skill level of the labor force. The team of skilled workers is composed of skillful workers of our company who have engaged in execution of the paper machine. Second, the number of workers will meet the demands of the duration of the construction. According to the development of the project, our company will equip the project with abundant labor force and according to the demands of the labor force in the construction site we’ll organize w orkers in time. You can learn the detail of our work force distribution in the plan of work force.2.1.4 Construction machines and toolsAccording to the demands of the project and the duration of the construction, our company will provide machines with intact performance which meet the demands of the construction. Based on the actual needs of the project, the project department will work out plans for distributing machines and equipment, which will then be submitted to the equipment division. After that they will be responsible for distributing the tools and equipment. At the same time, there are full-time machine administrators who are in charge of the mechanical equipment. You can see the detail of the distribution of the machine and tools in the plans for construction equipment and tools.2.1.5 Detailed construction plan52.2 Equipment Identification2.2.1OverviewEquipment identification is directly related to dismantle and reinstall.According to the annotation scheme, each part of the device identification should be implemented by profession. If some parts are not identified, they must be recorded and marked again after removing machine but before packaging.In principle, this work should mark many times in the device in order to prevent the identification number to be lost or clear in the process of packaging and cleaning.2.2.2Device and identifier⑴Prepared Pulp ScreenerThe main identifier: SThe identifiers are S1、S2、S3 and so on by handicraft system, and the pipes and devices which connect with them should be S1-1, S1-2 etc.⑵Pulp MachineThe main identifier: PM①Open Headbox number: PM-HB. The corresponding headbox is used as the initial letter and the device which is one-to –onecorrelation to the figure should be PM-HB-1、PM-HB-2、PM-HB-3.6②fourdrinier section number: PM-WS. Use the homologous wire section as the initial number of coding and each part whichcorrespond to the figure should be PM-WS-1、PM-WS-2、PM-WS-3,for example, Guide roll should be coded as PM-WS-GR-1、PM-WS-GR-2etc.③Press section number: PM-PS. The rest is of the same.④Drying cylinder number: PM-AC. The rest is of the same.⑤Final section{ lath cutter、pulp board conveyor、hydraulic bonding press、package tying machine etc. number:PM-ES. The restis of the same.⑶Appertain number: PM-AP. To code as handicraft system, they are PM-AP 1、PM-AP 2、PM-AP 3, and the pipes and devices which areconnecting with it should be PM-AP 1-1、PM-AP 1-2、PM-AP 2-1、PM-AP 2-2. For example, the vacuum system should be PM-AP- V acuum-⑷Electrical Instrumentation number E&I⑸ Handicraft pipe number: Pipe. When process the pipe number, the upstream device should be used as the initial number. The number should be corresponding to the upstream device, such as the line number which is out of the vacuum system should be PM-AP- Vacuum-P.⑹ The supporting parts of machinery should dismantle or incase into the woven bags and be packaged in order. The number should be corresponding to the equipment or component.2.3Electric and Gauges Demolition2.3.1Project Profile7The main equipments should be dismantled of this project are transformer, high and low voltage ark, drive ark, high and low voltage motor, electric bridge, high and low voltage cable, transmission system, etc. Instrumentation engineering is constituted mainly by temperature instruments, pressure gauge: flow meters, liquid level instrumentation, control valve and QCS and DCS control system, etc.2.3.2Construction Procedures of Electric and Instrument Demolition2.3.3Technical Measures of Electric and Instrument Dismantlement(1)Because of this project is through the QCS, MCS system to control, and adopts intelligent instrument on the spot, so there are many8connecters, and we should be careful and cautious in the process of demolition.(2) In order to avoid environmental factors on the instrument equipment causing adverse effects, we set up special instrument storage warehouse on the construction site, making warehouse ventilated and dry and range of temperature is smaller. In the demolition work close to complete, we will be according to the original identification numbers block for packaging, and the same process system of the instrument or the same dish cabinet will be put in together.(3) Electric and instrument embedded laying cable protection tube, connecting pipe a wall, beam, across the floor and reserve hole protection tube, instrument and disc ark of embedded support, etc., can be arranged after equipment demolition comple ted, with other professional embedded parts removed together.(4) Cable dismantling : according to electrical, instrumentation branch system construct, and the dismantling cable places at the designated position, taking protective measures. Afterwards, we will arrange professional persons to classy the cable according to specifications, and ultimately it will be bundled and packed.(5) Many parts of electric and instrument belong to the valuables, therefore, we will set a special person to care of them on t he site. To the equipments which dismantled completely and the quantity of material, it will be made a inventory and formed records. We will deliver in to party A’s professional person who will autograph for confirmation.(6) Requirements of cable tray demolition:①The connection of cable bridge uses brice with square neck bolt connection.Dismantled without bolt rust damage or the influence of operating position inconvenience, cable bridge would be dismantled from joint twist off bolt.② All bridges between Seminal plasma and plasma handjack use the bridges that are galvanized steel sheet spray PVC coating bridge.9The bridge is cut off by the hand hacksaw or wheel cutter, and it is strictly prohibited to use gas cutting cutting.(7) Disk tank dismantled: the first step, to dismantle the bolt inter the disc ark and the base (If there is welding site should be grainded withelectric tool.); The second step, to dismantle the bolt which connects two tanks. Then, dismantling from the first tank (screen), and dismantling the other arks one by one; The third step, to dismantle disk tank base.(8) Requirements of transformer dismantled:① First of all, we should check wherther the bus bridge and busbar is already release completely or not.②Rigging must be checked qualified,when transformer is hoisting. Wire rope must be tied in the hook of oil box, besides, rings oftransformer upper plate's can only be hanging core, not use this rings lifting the whole strong transformer.③Transformer should be carried by rigger who gives priority to operation, and coorperate with electrician. Crane and car are the bestchoices of carrying.2.4 Pipeline DemolitionThe demolition project pipeline includes vacuum pipe, water pipe, liquid pipe, steam pipe, lub rication hydromantic pneumatic system pipe, and heating and ventilation and air cushion outdoor heat recovery system pipe etc.Key demolitions: Insulation materials should be all moved to expose the equipment and pipe. All the dismantled bolts and scre ws should be twisted to the original screw or hung to the nut. After the flanged equipment being cut from the flange of pipeline, the doub le flanges should be kept in the device. Pipe cutting should be in the weld and no more than 10 meters in length.2.4.1 Handicraft pipe demolition10⑴ Carbon steel pipe should be cut by manual gas cutting tool, while stainless pipe should be cut by plasma cutting machine or power tool. The pipe connecting by flange should collect the bolts and nuts one by one in case loss when it is under demolition.⑵ Valve demolition: Take the equipment demolition as reference, and the identification number should be corresponding to the number of equipment and pipe within the system. Lubrication hydraumatic pneumatic pipe demolitions⑴ The demolition of lubrication hydraumatic pneumatic pipe must use the electric cutting machine or junior hacksaw. The other tools are not allowed.⑵As the diameter of the system’s pipe is too small and try not to destroy the pipe hoop, the overall removal method is preferr ed. pipe demolitionsAir pipe of air conditioning system in the workshop is made of galvanized steel plate, and air heat recovery pipe is made of stainless steel and carbon steel.⑴ Heating ventilation tube demolition: Remove the flanges in the air tube and connect them with the bolts, stacking separately according to each air tube. Because of the larger size and small wall thickness of air hose, more attention must be paid to prevent it fro m damaging when hoisting.11⑵Air heat recovery tube demolition: This part of air hose is of larger specification, so it is very complicated to dismantle. The corresponding solutions and measures should be made at the same time. The air hose made by carbon steel should be dismantled from the flange. The removal port of stainless steel air hose is arranged on the welding seam cutting by dynamoelectric tool.⑶ After removing the air heat recovery pipe and finishing installment, it must be transported to the designated locations and i t’s necessary to arrange the professional construction personnel to do demolition insulation layer.2.5 Dismantlement of the Equipment2.5.1 OverviewEquipments in need of dismantle include prepared pulp screener , open headbox, fourdrinier section, lath cutter,p ulp board conveyor,hydraulic bundling press, p ackaging binding equipment. Accessories: vacuum system equipment, simple-equipped sound insulation portable housing(about 90 m²), wet broke mixer, torn broke mixer, dry broke pool, pump, new fan unit, water chiller unit, air cushion outdoor heat recycle air conveying system, etc.The requirement of dismantle: top priority will be given to the convenience of packing and transportation. The weight of a single unit may not exceed 10 tons, except for some non-detachable units. The cutting of equipment (including bolt) may not be allowed.2. 5.2 The dismantle of the fourdrinier section122.5.2.1 Dismantle procedure: and make sure the wirings of the electric instruments are disconnected before the fourdrinier equipments are to be dismantled. Importance should be attached to the protection of the surface of the rollers. They should be shield with protective layer during the process of dismantlement. Fourdrinier equipments which are welded when installed onto longitudinal and cantilever beam should be ground apart with electric tools, such as saveall tray、water-receiving groove.132.5 .2.5 Scraper and supporting axle are generally designed to be eccentric, so when dismantle is conducted, one should be careful for a sudde n flip-over. When bund and hoisted, the Blade frame of the scraper should not bear the weight, in case of deformation.2.5.3. The dismantle of the press2.5.3.1 the dismantle procedure2.5.3.2 Check and make sure the wirings of the electric instruments are disconnected before the fourdrinier equipments are to be dismantled. When being bund and hoisted, the spare parts attached to the equipment, such as pips and electric instruments should not be damaged and balance should be kept during the lifting. Importance should be attached to the protection of the surface of the rollers. They should be shield with protective layer during the process of dismantlement.2.5.4. Dismantle of the drying equipment2.5.5. Air cushion dryer(without such equipment) dismantle procedure16172.5.5.2 When the bellows is under dismantlement, the workers should only be permitted to pass the mouth of the bellows on board, set on the bellows ahead of time. During dismantle, bellows will be marked with different color and piled in two layers, one above the other. Draught fan and motor installed in the wind turbine tower should be dismantled after the wind turbine tower is dismantled. Fasteners taken off from the bellows should be sorted and packed.2.5.6. Finale work of the equipment dismantlementFinish the dismantlement of equipments including lath cutter、Pulp board conveyor、hydraulic bundling press、Packaging bindingequipment,etc. Special attention should be attaché to the work of hydraulic bundling press.The dismantlement procedur e of hydraulic bundling press: Hydraulic pips→ Hydraulic oil tank→ portable packing box→ Pressure Plate on the hydraulic shafts of the oil tank→ lower platen at the lower part of the bundling press →the oil tank on the bundling press→ the body part of the bundling press. The position of the rams within the master cylinder should be fixed as the cylinder is dismantled.2.5.7. The dismantlement of the prepared pulp screener and its accessoriesPrepared pulp screener consists of decker machine, desander, mixer, pump, etc. Dismantlement should only be conducted till confirmation is made that the wiring of electric instrument and pips is disconnected. When dismantle the decker machine, filter bag should also be removed.2.5.8. The dismantlement of the soleplate and the baseAfter the dismantlement of all the major equipments is done, mechanical equipment like Pneumatic Hammer will be prepared for the final dismantlement work of the soleplate and the base(such as: air cushion and so on).182.6 De-rust and anti-rustBesides the application of the air cushion blow case with dry air cushion into all the disassembling engineering, the electric steel brush must be equipped to all the devices for derusting and also the two layers of anti-rust primer are required .all the installing aided layer, the roll surfaces of the metals, the surface of the dryer, the open gear and the surface of the track must be painted with anti-rust grease and wrapped in craft paper after the rust cleaning(except the pipeline, the Galvanized components and Aluminum products) .corrosion engineering includes all the finish of the metal structure of the equipment ,the pipeline, the subsidiary platform ,the ladder and the pipe support and hangers required in the disassembling engineering.2.6.1.Anti-corrosive construction2.6.1.1 Technical requirements:familiarity with both the technical disclosure and the requirements; knowledge of de-rust and anti-rust procedure of devices, platforms, ladders, handrails, jars and line papers. Execute to HGJ229-91: Code for construction and acceptance of anticorrosive engineering or industrial equipment and pipeline. .Construction manual: consider of the complication of the structure of the antirusting,according to the requirements of construction techniques and combining with the practical situation of each construction part, the construction manual is drafted as follows. Scaffolding Project:Scaffolding must comply with different landforms and the needs of anti-rusting of the jars, platforms, ladders, handrails and the structures of the steel. Furthermore, it must be reinforced. After the acceptance by the Security Department, can we initiate the derusting and anti-rusting construction. Power tools for the derusting of the jar, the structure of steel, the platform, and the ladder the handrail and the pip-line: First scrape the corrosive anticorrosion coating with the alloy steel scraper. If it doesn’t work very well in some parts, then pound with copper hammer. If the parts are severely corrosive, then the anticorrosion coating must be totally scraped off, meanwhile use the electric angle grinder to drive the copper wire to rush out all the impurity including the rust to meet the demands of part A, that is, Grade ST3. Sand blasting: choose an air compressor of nine cubic meters,then use the high-pressured spray gun to spray the chosen sands onto the surface of the iron and steel to make them present their original colors to meet the demands of part A, that is, Grade Sa the painting of anti-corrosive primer:After the clearance of rust and self-checking and the acceptance of the Party A, wipe off the dust on the surface of the steel and iron with clean cotton yarn. Before the primer painting, use the cover to cover other parts which are not anti-corrosively required to avoid being painted. Finally evenly paint the readily made zinc primer on the surface with hairbrush. the painting of intermediate coat:After the interval of eight hours of primer painting, evenly paint the readily madeintermediate coat on the surface of the primer. the painting of the finish:after the painting of primer and the intermediate coat, if the intervals between the finish painting andthe intermediate coat painting lasts too long, then before the finish painting(or spraying with spraying coater) ,it is a must to hack with the20abrasive paper 0# and wipe off the dust with clean cotton yarn. When the first finish has been totally dried, paint the second finish. As for the parts which are mildly corrosive, paint the first finish after the qualification of the hacking and the second finish after the dryness of the first finish.2.7.Packaging EngineeringPackaging requirements:2.7.1Packed in wooden caseIt is applicable to all rollers and electric instrument parts packaging. We could use one box packaging one roller, but the maximum weight shall not be more than twenty tons. We use two roller bearings as the support, then underlying woods. If cargo weight is above 20 tons, bottom support wood should not less than 180 x 180 ㎜.If Cargo weight is between 20 tons and 5 tons, bottom support wood should not less than 140 x 140 mm. If cargo weight is between 5 tons and 3 tons, bottom support wood should not less than 120 x 120 ㎜If Cargo weight is between 3 tons and 1 ton, bottom support wood should not less than 100 x 100 ㎜.The side of the box should use 10 mm multi-layer boards or 15 mm pine wood. All packaging cases should have cover. in crate21It is applicable to other goods, such as motor, switch cabinet ( panel area is more than 1 square meter) ,box, pump and valve. The requirements of the bottom support wood a re same to above Base bearingIt is applicable to equipment`s rack and base plate`s bearing which would be fasten with base by iron wire or iron band. Nude packagingIt is applicable to air cushion drying box, pedal, maintenance platform, cable tray. But they must be securely fastened. Carton case (carton box) packaging is suitable for light and small valuables. Carton case (carton box) will be put into large wooden box after loading.2.7. 1.5. When we packaging a lot of parts, we should follow the principle of that heavy and firm goods should under the light and loose ones avoiding damage them.2.7. 2. Dryer cylinder packaging requirement is rust removal and rust prevention. After packed by paper and waste wool cloth (our part provide), we should use chassis to support two sides (surface arc length are no less than 400 mm and width are no less than 150mm) then use iron wire or iron band to fasten(total 8).2.7.3. We should package all parts, accessories and bolts separately. Do not package them in one case.2.7. 4. We should use plastic film to wind all the electrical control cabinet and switch cabinet. Then package them as above222.7. 5. We should extract and consolidate all cables and pipelines, then tag the labels. We also should make a specification and quantity list. The anticorrosion engineering include these metal paint like equipment, pipeline and subsidiary platforms, ladders, support and hanger in disassemble process.2.8. Organization2.8.1. Organizational Chart2.8.2. Key management personnel2.8.3. resume of Project manager and key management personnel2. 9. Guarantee MeasuresIn order to successfully realize the project at due time, we take the measures as follows:1. After receiving bid-winning notice, we immediately set up a project management department, quickly get ready for construction to guarantee the project can be started on schedule.2. A comprehensive planned management is implemented during construction. The plan is scientifically carried out by days, weeks and months according to the construction aims.3. In order to make sure the whole process of the project construction efficient and orderly, it is managed by computer to realize reasonable arrangement of the construction processes.4. The builders participating in this project are all from Sichuan Jin'an Pulp Co.ltd. Having done many constructions on papermaking projects, we are familiar with the structure of papermaking equipment, adept in technical requirements of equipment installation, and rich in construction management experience and proficient operating skills, thus being able to giving reasonable proposal to the proprietor, to guarantee the process of the construction is carried out on schedule.5. With excellent technical equipment and well-equipped construction team, the project can realize mechanized construction process at a maximum degree, and guarantee the due construction process. The material transportation is provided with devices as carrier vehicle and truck crane to improve the mechanical level of operation and work efficiency.6. The double-shift work system is adopted during the construction peak, festivals and holidays are of no exception.7. Our company will sign a letter of responsibility to make sure the project is done at due time, on condition of guaranteed quality and safety.8. Before starting up the construction, the technical leader of the project will organizes the builders of all aspects to make up a detailed construction scheme, and make the construction team familiar with the construction techniques to let all members of the construction well-prepared.2. 10. Quality assurance measuresAccording to our company's ISO9001 quality system requirements, the quality assurance measures of this project ensure the whole construction process control.1. The quality objectiveUnder the contract items,the whole project should reach the standard of the disassemble technology.2. Quality policy2.1 Objectives: Regulating the quality of this project, guarantying the quality of engineering products in order to meet the contract requirements and customer needs.2.2 Quality policy: meticulous construction, achieve excellently and efficiently, strictly abide by the contract, with the most sincere services. The contents of thequality policy are: During the construction process, we strictly inspect and control every step in process. Each construction personnel in own position should satisfy the customers needs as our responsibility, depending on scientific management, reasonable distribution of resources and standardized quality to ensure the implementation of the policy.3. Management responsibilities3.1Quality assurance systemIn order to ensure the quality of the project , attain the quality management objectives of inspection pass rate is over 100%, establish the quality assurance system(refer construction organization), once we win the bid, the person who are directly responsible for the quality assurance should in place to perform their duties immediately.3.2 principle of construction project quality managementIn line with an emphasis on prevention, we will shift the quality management attention from the management result to management factors, and effectively prevent the production of the unqualified products (substandard material, unqualified process), so as to lower the cost and reduce the wastage.3.2.2 We lay the stress on the process management and control the various factors that affect the quality of the project, try to reduce and eliminate the chance of quality defects.3.2.3 Combined with the project characteristics, we require add the complement of the uncovered technical specification, at the same time the quality functions should be distributed to relevant professional engineer.3.2.4 We will meet the owners of the demand for quality and ensure the protection to establish the level of trust in project quality management.4. Process control4.1 The technical leads of the project department should carefully examine the construction materials of the project, participate the technical disclosure that。
翻译界 - 翻译资源- 资料列表人才信息提示:× 6年软件项目工作经验承接各类物流系统、人事系统、财务预算报账系统等软件项目。
网站首页●翻译职场●翻译学习●翻译人生●翻译资源●公示语区●美文赏析●译界动态●翻译笑话●翻译文化●翻译论坛今天日期: 2010年4月13日星期二晚上好您的位置:翻译界 >> 翻译资源 >> 篇章 >> 笔译类用户名密码标题内容【返回】推荐文章标书翻译常用的中英对照来源:翻译界浏览次数:720 添加时间:2008-4-191. 投标书Tender10.1投标人应完整地填写招标文件中提供的商务投标书、技术投标书、投标一览表和投标报价表(包括投标报价汇总表和分项报价表)。
Amongthe tender documents, tenderers shall fill out completely the Business Tender, Technical Tender, Tender List and TenderQuotation. The Quotation (all items in the Quotation shall be filled out except for the prices) and three copies (oneOriginal and two Duplicates) of the Instructions to Quotations as well as the letter of guarantee from the bank of tenderers must be sealed separately, and be submitted together with the tender documents.10.2在投标文件澄清后提交的附件6价格表部分正、副本应用信封单独密封,封面上注明项目名称、招标编号、投标人名址、“正本”“副本”字样及“分项价格”和“保密”字样。
机电产品采购国际竞争性招标文件(第一册)机电产品采购国际竞争性招标文件(第一册)中华人民共和国对外贸易经济合作部机电产品进出口司编机电产品采购国际竞争性招标文件第一册第一章投标人须知第二章合同条款第三章合同格式第四章附件第二册第五章投标邀请第六章投标资料表第七章合同条款资料表第八章货物需求一览表及技术规格目录第一章投标人须知6一、说明71. 资金来源72. 机电产品国际招标代理机构及合格的投标人73. 合格的货物和服务74. 投标费用8二、招标文件85. 招标文件构成86. 招标文件的澄清87. 招标文件的修改9三、投标文件的编制98. 投标的语言99. 投标文件构成910. 投标书911. 投标报价1012. 投标货币1113. 证明投标人合格和资格的文件1114. 证明货物的合格性和符合招标文件规定的文件1115. 投标保证金1216. 投标有效期1317. 投标书的式样和签署13四、投标文件的递交1418. 投标文件的密封和标记1419. 投标截止期1420. 迟交的投标文件1421. 投标文件的修改与撤回14五、开标与评标1522. 开标1523. 投标文件的澄清1524. 投标文件的初审1525. 转换为单一货币1626. 投标的评价1627. 最终评标价的确定1928. 与招标机构和买方的接触19六、授予合同2029. 资格后审2030. 合同授予标准2031. 授标时更改采购货物数量的权力2032. 接收和拒绝任何或所有投标的权力2033. 中标通知书2034. 签订合同2135. 履约保证金21 第二章合同条款221. 定义232. 适用性233. 原产地234. 标准245. 使用合同文件和资料246. 专利权247. 履约保证金248. 检验和测试259. 包装2610. 装运标记2611. 装运条件2612. 装运通知2713. 交货和单据2714. 保险2815. 运输2816. 伴随服务2917. 备件2918. 保证3019. 索赔3020. 付款3121. 价格3122. 变更指令3123. 合同修改3224. 转让3225. 分包3226. 卖方履约延误3227. 误期赔偿费3228. 违约终止合同3329. 不可抗力3330. 因破产而终止合同3331. 因买方的便利而终止合同3432. 争端的解决3433. 合同语言3434. 适用法律3435. 通知3436. 税和关税3537. 合同生效及其他35 第三章合同格式36 第四章附件381. 投标书392. 投标一览表413. 投标分项报价表424. 货物说明一览表445. 技术规格偏离表456. 商务条款偏离表467. 投标保证金保函格式478. 法人代表授权格式489. 资格证明文件49 格式9-1 资格证明50 格式9-2 制造商资格声明51 格式9-3 作为代理的贸易公司资格声明54 格式9-4 制造商授权书格式56 格式9-5 证书5710. 履约保证金保函格式5811. 预付款银行保函格式5912. 信用证样本60第一章投标人须知投标人须知一、说明1. 资金来源1.1 “投标资料表”中所述的业主已获得一笔资金/贷款。
unit 8商务合同翻译
法律合同用副词的翻译 商务合同属于法律性公文,通常使用一套惯用的古体 英文副词,起到结构严谨、逻辑严密、言简意赅的作用。 例如: hereafter, 从此以后; thereafter, 从那以后; thereon /thereupon,在其上 thereunder 在其下; hereto 对于这个; hereinabove, 在上文; hereinafter 在下文 thereinbefore, 在上文中; thereinafter 在下文中。
(2)英译起止时间时,常用双介词来限定准确的时间 例:自9月20日起,甲方已无权接受任何定单或收据。 译文: Party A shall be unauthorized to accept any orders or to collect any account on and after September 20. 例:我公司的条件是,3个月内,即不得晚于5月1日,支付现金。 译文:Our terms are cash within three months, i.e. on or before May 1.
3.1 合同用词的翻译
合同英语的用词极其考究,翻译通常需要注意以下几个方面: (1)情态动词may, shall, may not, must 的翻译 may 旨在约定当事人的权利(可以做什么),shall 约定当事人的义 务(应当做什么),must 用于强制性义务(必须做什么),may not 用于禁止合同句式的翻译 例(3)支付:不可撤销即期信用证转船前30天开到卖方。 译文:Payment: By the irrevocable L/ C at sight reach the sellers 30 days before the time of shipment. 例(4):如果买方向卖方提出索赔(包括换货),并出具 了相应的检验证明,卖方将支付全部费用。 译 文 : The Buyer shall make a claim against Seller (including the replacement ) by the further inspection certificate )and all the expenses incurred there from are borne by the seller.
投标书中英文翻译模板Bidding Document TemplateSection 1: Introduction1.1 PurposeThe purpose of this bidding document is to provide potential suppliers with detailed information about the bidding process and requirements for a specific project.1.2 ScopeThis bidding document covers the translation services required for [Project Name]. Suppliers interested in participating in the bidding process must carefully review and complete all sections of this document.Section 2: Instructions to Suppliers2.1 Eligibility CriteriaTo be eligible for the bidding process, suppliers must meet the following criteria:- Hold a valid business license- Have prior experience in providing translation services- Possess sufficient resources and qualified staff- Provide relevant references from previous clients2.2 Bidding ProcessThe bidding process consists of the following steps:- Suppliers are required to express their interest in participating by submitting a written request to the Project Manager.- The Project Manager will provide the suppliers with the necessary documents, including this bidding document and any additional information.- Suppliers must submit their bids in a sealed envelope, clearly indicating the project name, their contact details, and the submission deadline.- Bids received after the deadline will not be considered.- The evaluation committee will review all submitted bids and select the most suitable supplier based on predetermined evaluation criteria.- The winning supplier will be notified in writing and required to sign a formal contract.Section 3: Technical Specifications3.1 Description of ServicesThe translation services required for this project include:- Translation of documents from English to Chinese and vice versa- Proofreading and editing of translated materials- Cultural adaptation to ensure accurate and appropriate translations3.2 Project TimelineThe project is expected to commence on [start date] and conclude on [end date]. Suppliers should provide a detailed timeline for completing the translation work, including milestones and deliverables.3.3 Quality AssuranceSuppliers must demonstrate their commitment to delivering high-quality translations by:- Assigning qualified translators with expertise in the specific subject matter- Conducting thorough proofreading and editing processes- Implementing quality control measures to ensure accuracy and consistency- Adhering to any industry standards or certificationsSection 4: Financial Proposal4.1 Pricing StructureSuppliers must provide a detailed breakdown of their pricing structure for the translation services, including:- Hourly rates for translation, proofreading, and editing- Word count rates for translation- Any additional fees for rush orders or specialized services4.2 Payment TermsSuppliers should outline their preferred payment terms, including the percentage payable upon signing the contract and any installment payments based on project milestones.Section 5: Bid SubmissionSuppliers must submit their bids in a sealed envelope, clearly labeled with the project name and their contact details. The bid should include the following documents:- Completed and signed bid submission form- Valid business license- Relevant references from previous clients- Any additional supporting documents or certificationsSection 6: Evaluation CriteriaThe evaluation committee will assess the bids based on the following criteria:- Compliance with the technical specifications- Price competitiveness- Supplier's experience and qualifications- Quality assurance measures- Adherence to project timelineSection 7: Contract AgreementThe selected supplier will be required to sign a formal contract that outlines the terms and conditions, including:- Scope of work- Payment terms- Intellectual property rights- Confidentiality obligations- Dispute resolution mechanismsConclusionThis bidding document provides potential suppliers with all the necessary information and guidelines for participating in the bidding process. Interested suppliers should carefully review and complete all sections before submitting their bids. The evaluation committee will assess the bids basedon the outlined criteria and select the most suitable supplier for the project.。
商务翻译实务_第八单元 产品说明翻译
3. 避免储存于日光下和温度超过50度的地方。请 勿将本品给小孩玩。
译文: Do not expose to sunshine or temperature over 50 degrees centigrade. Do not let your children play with it.
always busy with work and never seem to have the
time to vacuum your floors regularly? Then we have the solution for you.”这种产品能够帮助消费者解决定期 清洁地板的问题,这是消费者购买该产品的原始动力。
1.服用本品未见有任何毒性或副作用。 译文:Neither toxic nor side effect has been
observed after taking this medicine. 2. 成人每日用量:每次2—3片,每日2—3次。15
日为一疗程,疗效不明显时可继续服用第二疗程。 译文:The average daily dose for adults is 2 to 3
§ PART TWO 热身练习
Task I 请翻译药品Asverin(安嗽灵)的说明书。
1.Asverin is an entirely new and patented cough medicine.
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例如:履约保函Performance Security英文:Within 28 days of receipt of the Letter of Acceptance, the successful tenderer shall furnish to the Employer a security for the due performance of the Contract, in accordance with the Conditions of Contract. The form of performance security provided in the tender documents may be used, or some other form acceptable to the Employer.中文:在收到接受证书后28天内,成功投标者应按合同条款向业主提交一份保函,保证将执行合同。
如:采购Procurement 投标资格预审Pre-qualification投标资格预审文件Pre-qualification documents 投标资格后审Post-qualify标前会Pre-bid meeting 招标文件Bidding Documents 投标邀请函Invitation For Bids谈判采购Negotiating Bids 联营体Joint Venture例1投标人应完整地填写招标文件中提供的外贸投标书、技术投标书、投标一览表和投标报价表(包括投标报价汇总表和分项报价表)。
译文:Among the tender documents, tenderers shall fill out completely the Business Tender, Technical Tender, Tender List and Tender Quotation. The Quotation (all items in the Quotation shall be filled out except for the prices) and three copies (one Original and two Duplicates) of the Instructions to Quotations as well as the letter of guarantee from the bank of tenderers must be sealed separately, and be submitted together with the tender documents.原文中术语“外贸投标书、技术投标书、投标一览表和投标报价表”分别译为“the Business Tender, Technical Tender, Tender List and Tender Quotation.”2.2 措词精当如同所有的法规性文件一样,招投标文件在情态动词的选用上特别慎重:shall、will、should、may、must各司其职,翻译时不可混淆。
显然此shall 并不是单纯表示未来的助动词,而是表示命令的情态动词:应该。
译文:Bidders shall state the guaranteed performance or efficiency in response to the technical specification.例3投标人应将满足设备正常运行的推荐性三年备品配件单独列出并报出单价。
译文:Tenderers shall list separately parts and components that satisfy the recommended three years’ normal operation, and quote their prices.例4采购方在适当时可以全部或部分终止合同,但必须向供货方发出书面通知。
译文:The Purchaser, by written notice sent to the Supplier, may terminate the Contract, in whole or in part, at any time for its convenience.2.3 文体正规招投标文件文体属正规文体,倾向于使用一些书面用词,甚至不惜使用一些冷僻古旧用词,以体现其庄重严肃。
如in the nature of 代替like along the lines of 代替like例5合同实施或与合同有关的一切争端应通过双方协商解决。
译文:Both parties shall aim to settle any disputes concerning the Contract or the execution of the Contract through consultation. In case any dispute cannot be settled within 60 days after the consultation begins, it shall be brought to arbitration.例6若有分歧,原件为准。
译文:In the event of any discrepancy between them, the Original shall govern.例7投标文件还包括按条款八在开标前发布的附件和按条款十六召开的标前会议的会议纪要。
译文:Tender documents shall include any addenda issued prior to the closing date of tenders in accordance with Clause 8 and any minutes of pre-tender meetings issued in accordance with Clause 16 of these Instructions to Tenderers.2.3.2笨重动词代替轻灵动词例8中标人的投标保证金,在中标人按本须知第34条规定签订合同并按本须知第35条规定交纳了履约保证金后予以退还。
译文:The tender bond of the successful tenderer will be returned after the tenderer signs the Contract according to Clause 34 of the Notice and submits the performance bond according to Clause 35 of the Notice.例9买方可在任何时候出于自身的便利向卖方发出书面通知全部或部分终止合同,终止通知应明确该终止合同是出于买方的便利,并明确合同终止的程度,以及终止的生效日期。
Buyer may send a written notice to Seller at any time for its own convenience to terminate all or part of the Contract. The termination notice shall indicate clearly that it is for Buyer’s convenience that the Contract is terminated, the scale to which the Contract is terminated, as well as the effective date of the termination.2.3.3大量使用(here-, there-)复合词例10外币与当地货币需求及附录中详细说明需要的外币和当地货币数量。
投标者应说明如何使用这些货币,用于但不限于下列方面:译文:Foreign Currency and Local Currency Requirements, and the annex thereto, Tenderersshall describe the manner in which such foreign and local currencies are expected to be used, relating specifically, but not limited to:例11应一律使用本文件卷三中的表格,工程量表和目录表。
(除了按同样格式延长目录表和按条款十四(二)的规定使用可供选择的投标保证书格式)译文:The Forms, Bill of Quantities and Schedules provided in Volume 3 of these documents shall be used without exception (subject to extensions of the Schedules in the same format, and to the provisions of Clause 14.2 hereof regarding the alternative forms of tender security).2.3.4有意识地使用抽象名词代替动词在翻译中文动作意义较强的动词时,一般采用动词对应的名词表达。