ISO22716 化妆品国际标准体系及咨询简介




ISO22716化妆品—良好生产规范(GMP)准则标准号ISO 22716:2007目录介绍 (1)1范围 (1)2术语和定义 (1)3员工 (4)4厂房 (6)5设备 (8)6原料和包材 (10)7 生产 (11)8 成品 (14)9实验室质量控制制 (15)10不合格品的处理 (17)11废弃物 (17)12 外包 (18)13 偏差 (19)14投诉和召回 (19)15变更控制 (19)16 内审 (20)17 文档 (20)介绍这份准则为化妆品良好生产规范做出指导,是适合化妆品行业并考虑了行业的具体要求,在人员,技术和影响产品质量的综合因素方面提供了系统性的和实际性的建议。




文件是 GMP 不可或缺的一部分。




















Doc center 文控
Doc center 文控
Management 质量管理
Assurance 质量保证
Quality Assurance 质量保证
POLE 产前试线
RM lab 原料试验室
UP1 & UP2 Lab Coloration Skincare 车间实验室
Procedures 程序
Working instruction 作业指导书
Describes processes Processing 工艺 Control testing 方法 Release…. 放行
Describes the general organization rules PF control testing 成品控制方法 organization… 组织架构
质量体系SQI - ISO22716
Raw materials and
Packaging materials
• 采购
• 物料接收至车间线

• 生产用水
实验室检测 放行
Raw materials and Packaging materials 原料和包材
• 采购 • 物料接收至车间线
质量体系SQI - ISO22716
Internal Audit内审
质量体系SQI - ISO22716
Documentation 文件
• 活动需要被记录 • 文件管理
– 文件类型 – 编辑,批准和发行 – 升版 – 归档
质量体系SQI - ISO22716



3 人员(续)
4 厂房

4.1 准则 4.1.1 厂房在选址,设计,结构使用上应: a) 确保保护产品 b) 允许有效清洁,必要时,消毒及维护保养 c) 降低产品,原料,包材的交叉混杂 4.1.2厂房设计应根据化妆品的种类,现有条件,方便清洗必要 时进行消毒 4.2 区域类型 指定区域进行存储,生产,质量控制,辅助,洗手及如厕 4.3 空间 提供足够的场地方便货物接受,存储,生产等 4.4 流向 规定厂房的人流,物流使其不会混合发生污染
4 厂房(续)
4 厂房(续)

4.10 清洁消毒 4.10.1 厂房应保持干净 4.10.2 应进行清洗消毒以保护产品 4.10.3 使用的清洗消毒剂必须指定且有效 4.10.4 应针对每个区域的特殊需要指定相应的清洗消毒程序 4.11 维护保养 厂房应维护良好 4.12 用于厂房的一些耗费品不能污染产品 4.13 虫害控制 4.13.1厂房在设计,结构及维护保养上应达到严格控制虫害的要 求 4.13.2应制订适合厂房的虫害控制程序 4.13.3 应采取措施防止厂房外部虫害聚集
6 原料和包装材料

6.1 原则 购买的原料及包材应满足产品质量相关的可接受标准 6.2 采购 原料及包材的采购应建立在: a) 挑选评估供应商 b) 建立技术合同条款(挑选的类型,接受标准,不合格情况的规 定或更改,等等) c) 确定供应商之间的关系和贸易方式(调查表,协助,审计等) 6.3 接收 6.3.1 订单,提货单及货物需一致 6.3.2 应检查原料及包材货运包装完整性,必要时,要附加检查运 输的数据
5 设备(续)



iso22716质量管理体系对应的国标【原创版】目录1.ISO22716 质量管理体系的概述2.ISO22716 在中国的推广与应用3.ISO22716 与国标的关系4.我国相关国标的具体内容5.企业实施 ISO22716 质量管理体系的好处6.结论正文一、ISO22716 质量管理体系的概述ISO22716 是由国际标准化组织(ISO)制定的美容化妆品行业质量管理体系标准,旨在为化妆品生产企业提供一个统一的国际标准,以确保产品安全、有效和符合法规要求。


二、ISO22716 在中国的推广与应用随着国内化妆品市场的快速发展,越来越多的企业开始关注和实施ISO22716 质量管理体系。

在我国,ISO22716 的推广与应用得到了政府和行业协会的大力支持。

国家认监委(CNCA)负责认证机构的资质认可和监管,鼓励企业导入 ISO22716 标准,提高产品质量和品牌形象。

三、ISO22716 与国标的关系在我国,ISO22716 被视为国际先进标准的一种,与国内的相关标准存在很多相似之处。

为了更好地与国际标准接轨,我国在化妆品行业也采用了 ISO22716 质量管理体系标准,并在此基础上制定了一系列国标,如GB/T 27716-2011《化妆品生产质量管理规范》等。

四、我国相关国标的具体内容我国相关国标在 ISO22716 的基础上,结合国内实际情况,对化妆品生产企业的质量管理体系提出了更具体、更明确的要求。


五、企业实施 ISO22716 质量管理体系的好处1.提高产品质量:实施 ISO22716 质量管理体系可以帮助企业建立一套完善的质量控制体系,确保产品安全、有效和符合法规要求。

2.增强企业竞争力:通过 ISO22716 认证的企业,可以向消费者和市场展示其产品质量和信誉,提高品牌知名度和竞争力。



iso22716化妆品良好生产规范画册, 挑战随着社会经济、人民生活质量的飞速发展,化妆品的进出口贸易正在快速增长。





, ISO22716简介标准化组织(ISO)2007年11月制定了“ISO22716:2007”标准:化妆品——良好操作规范(Cosmetics-Good Manufacturing Practices)。



, ISO22716与GMPC的区别两个都是化妆品的认证标准,但两者的区别是:ISO22716是针对欧盟最新法规(EC)NO 1223/2009 面向欧洲市场可以做的认证标准,而GMPC分为三个版本,即GMPC(US)美标, GMPC(EU)欧标, GMPC(ASEAN)东盟标,三个版本的标准监管机构不同,分别为美国FDA,欧盟委员会和东盟委员会。

两者内容都大同小异, GMPC是一个良好操作规范,比较细化到每一步的要求,而ISO22716除了细化要求外,更从一个系统性来强调整个体系,每一步鼓励流程化。




ISO22716化妆品—良好生产规范(GMP)准则ISO22716化妆品—良好生产规范(GMP)准则标准号ISO 22716:2007目录介绍 (1)1范围 (1)2术语和定义 (1)3员工 (4)4厂房 (6)5设备 (8)6原料和包材 (10)7 生产 (11)8 成品 (14)9实验室质量控制制 (15)10不合格品的处理 (17)11废弃物 (17)12 外包 (18)13 偏差 (19)14投诉和召回 (19)15变更控制 (19)16 内审 (20)17 文档 (20)介绍这份准则为化妆品良好生产规范做出指导,是适合化妆品行业并考虑了行业的具体要求,在人员,技术和影响产品质量的综合因素方面提供了系统性的和实际性的建议。




文件是 GMP 不可或缺的一部分。












一、ISO22716培训课件的内容1. 标准概述:课件的第一部分将介绍ISO22716的背景和目的,以及标准的适用范围和要求。


2. 质量管理体系:第二部分将介绍ISO22716要求的质量管理体系。



3. 生产设备和环境:第三部分将介绍ISO22716对生产设备和环境的要求。



4. 原材料和成品:第四部分将介绍ISO22716对原材料和成品的要求。



5. 人员培训和意识:第五部分将介绍ISO22716对人员培训和意识的要求。



二、ISO22716培训课件的重要性1. 提高产品质量:ISO22716要求企业建立和维护一个有效的质量管理体系,确保产品的质量和合规性。


2. 保障产品安全:ISO22716要求企业对生产设备、环境、原材料和成品进行严格的控制和管理,以确保产品的安全性。

ISO22716:2007 化妆品良好生产规范

ISO22716:2007 化妆品良好生产规范

Reference number ISO 22716:2007(E)© ISO 2007INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 22716First edition 2007-11-15Cosmetics — Good ManufacturingPractices (GMP) — Guidelines on Good Manufacturing PracticesCosmétiques — Bonnes Pratiques de Fabrication (BPF) — Lignes directrices relatives aux Bonnes Pratiques de FabricationCopyright International Organization for Standardization--``,,``,,``,,`,``,``,`,,,,`,,`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ISO 22716:2007(E)PDF disclaimerThis PDF file may contain embedded typefaces. In accordance with Adobe's licensing policy, this file may be printed or viewed but shall not be edited unless the typefaces which are embedded are licensed to and installed on the computer performing the editing. In downloading this file, parties accept therein the responsibility of not infringing Adobe's licensing policy. The ISO Central Secretariat accepts no liability in this area.Adobe is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.Details of the software products used to create this PDF file can be found in the General Info relative to the file; the PDF-creation parameters were optimized for printing. Every care has been taken to ensure that the file is suitable for use by ISO member bodies. In the unlikely event that a problem relating to it is found, please inform the Central Secretariat at the address given below.COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT© ISO 2007All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the address below or ISO's member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright officeCase postale 56 • CH-1211 Geneva 20 Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11 Fax + 41 22 749 09 47 E-mail copyright@ Web Published in Switzerlandii © ISO 2007 – All rights reservedCopyright International Organization for Standardization --``,,``,,``,,`,``,``,`,,,,`,,`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ISO 22716:2007(E)© ISO 2007 – All rights reservediiiContents PageForeword............................................................................................................................................................iv Introduction........................................................................................................................................................v 1 Scope......................................................................................................................................................1 2 Terms and definitions ...........................................................................................................................1 3 Personnel................................................................................................................................................4 4 Premises.................................................................................................................................................6 5 Equipment ..............................................................................................................................................8 6 Raw materials and packaging materials ...........................................................................................10 7 Production............................................................................................................................................11 8 Finished products................................................................................................................................14 9 Quality control laboratory...................................................................................................................15 10 Treatment of product that is out of specification.............................................................................17 11 Wastes ..................................................................................................................................................17 12 Subcontracting.....................................................................................................................................18 13 Deviations.............................................................................................................................................19 14 Complaints and recalls .......................................................................................................................19 15 Change control.....................................................................................................................................19 16 Internal audit ........................................................................................................................................20 17 Documentation. (20)Copyright International Organization for Standardization --``,,``,,``,,`,``,``,`,,,,`,,`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ISO 22716:2007(E)iv © ISO 2007 – All rights reservedForewordISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2. The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. ISO 22716 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 217, Cosmetics .Copyright International Organization for Standardization--``,,``,,``,,`,``,``,`,,,,`,,`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ISO 22716:2007(E)© ISO 2007 – All rights reservedvIntroductionThese guidelines are intended to provide guidance regarding Good Manufacturing Practices for cosmetic products. These guidelines have been prepared for consideration by the cosmetic industry and take into account the specific needs of this sector. These guidelines offer organizational and practical advice on the management of the human, technical and administrative factors affecting product quality.These guidelines have been written to allow them to be used following the flow of products from receipt to shipment. Additionally, in order to clarify the way this document reaches its objectives, a ‘principle’ is added to each major section.Good Manufacturing Practices constitute the practical development of the quality assurance concept through the description of the plant activities that are based on sound scientific judgement and risk assessments. The objective of these GMP guidelines is to define the activities that enable you to obtain a product that meets defined characteristics.Documentation is an integral part of Good Manufacturing Practices.Copyright International Organization for Standardization --``,,``,,``,,`,``,``,`,,,,`,,`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---Copyright International Organization for StandardizationINTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 22716:2007(E)© ISO 2007 – All rights reserved1Cosmetics — Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) — Guidelines on Good Manufacturing Practices1 ScopeThis International Standard gives guidelines for the production, control, storage and shipment of cosmetic products.These guidelines cover the quality aspects of the product, but as a whole do not cover safety aspects for the personnel engaged in the plant, nor do they cover aspects of protection of the environment. Safety and environmental aspects are inherent responsibilities of the company and could be governed by local legislation and regulation.These guidelines are not applicable to research and development activities and distribution of finished products.2 Terms and definitionsFor the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. 2.1acceptance criterianumerical limits, ranges, or other suitable measures for acceptance of test results2.2 auditsystematic and independent examination to determine whether quality activities and related results comply with planned arrangements and whether these arrangements are implemented effectively and are suitable for achieving objectives2.3 batchdefined quantity of raw material, packaging material or product issued from one process or series of processes so that it could be expected to be homogeneous2.4batch numberdistinctive combination of numbers, letters and/or symbols, which specifically identifies a batch 2.5bulk productany product which has completed manufacturing stages up to, but not including, final packaging2.6calibrationset of operations that establish, under specified conditions, the relationship between values indicated by a measuring instrument or measuring system, or values represented by a material measure, and the corresponding known values of a reference standardCopyright International Organization for Standardization --``,,``,,``,,`,``,``,`,,,,`,,`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ISO 22716:2007(E)2© ISO 2007 – All rights reserved2.7change controlinternal organization and responsibilities relative to any planned change of one or several activities covered by the Good Manufacturing Practices in order to ensure that all the manufactured, packaged, controlled and stored products correspond to the defined acceptance criteria2.8cleaningall operations that ensure a level of cleanliness and appearance, consisting of separating and eliminating generally visible dirt from a surface by means of the following combined factors, in variable proportions, such as chemical action, mechanical action, temperature, duration of application 2.9complaintexternal information claiming a product does not meet defined acceptance criteria2.10contaminationoccurrence of any undesirable matter such as chemical, physical and/or microbiological matter in the product 2.11consumablesmaterials such as cleaning agents and lubricants that are used up during cleaning, sanitization or maintenance operations2.12contract acceptorperson, company or external organization carrying out an operation on behalf of another person, company or organization2.13 controlverification that acceptance criteria are met2.14deviationinternal organization and responsibilities relative to the authorization to deviate from specified requirements due to a planned or unplanned and, in any case, temporary situation concerning one or several activities covered by the Good Manufacturing Practices2.15finished productcosmetic product that has undergone all stages of production, including packaging in its final container, for shipment2.16in-process controlcontrols performed during production in order to monitor and, if appropriate, to adjust the process to ensure that the product meets the defined acceptance criteria2.17internal auditsystematic and independent examination made by competent personnel inside the company, the aim of which is to determine whether activities covered by these guidelines and related results comply with planned arrangements and whether these arrangements are implemented effectively and are suitable for achieving objectivesCopyright International Organization for Standardization --``,,``,,``,,`,``,``,`,,,,`,,`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ISO 22716:2007(E)© ISO 2007 – All rights reserved32.18major equipmentequipment specified in production and laboratory documents which is considered essential to the process 2.19maintenanceany periodic or unplanned support and verification operations designed to keep premises and equipment in proper working condition2.20manufacturing operationset of operations from the weighing of raw materials to the making of the bulk product 2.21out-of-specificationexamination, measurement or test result that does not comply with defined acceptance criteria2.22packaging operationall packaging steps including filling and labelling, which a bulk product has to undergo in order to become a finished product2.23packaging materialany material employed in the packaging of a cosmetic product, excluding any outer packaging used for transportationNOTE Packaging materials are referred to as primary or secondary according to whether or not they are intended to be in direct contact with the product.2.24 plantlocation for production of cosmetic products2.25premisesphysical location, buildings and supporting structures used to conduct receipt, storage, manufacturing, packaging, control and shipment of product, raw materials and packaging materials 2.26productionmanufacturing and packaging operations2.27quality assuranceall those planned and systematic activities necessary to provide confidence that a product satisfies given acceptance criteria2.28raw materialany substance going into or involved in the manufacturing of a bulk product2.29 recalldecision made by a company to call back a product batch that has been put on the marketCopyright International Organization for Standardization --``,,``,,``,,`,``,``,`,,,,`,,`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ISO 22716:2007(E)4© ISO 2007 – All rights reserved2.30reprocessingre-treatment of all or part of a batch of finished product or bulk product of an unacceptable quality from a defined stage of production so that its quality may be rendered acceptable by one or more additional operations2.31 returnsending finished cosmetic products which may or may not present a quality defect back to the plant 2.32 sampleone or more representative elements selected from a set to obtain information about that set 2.33samplingset of operations relating to the taking and preparation of samples2.34sanitizationoperation, used to reduce undesirable micro-organisms on inert contaminated surfaces depending on the objectives setNOTEIt is the action of reducing generally invisible contaminants from a surface.2.35shipmentset of operations relative to the preparation of an order and its putting in a transport vehicle2.36 wasteany residue of a production operation, transformation or use, any substance, material, product that its holder intends for disposal3 Personnel3.1 PrinciplePersons involved in the implementation of the activities described in these guidelines should have appropriate training to produce, control and store products with a defined quality.3.2 Organization3.2.1 Organization chart3.2.1.1 The organizational structure should be defined in order that the organization and functioning of the staff of the company be understandable. It should be appropriate for the size of the company and the diversity of its products. Each company should ensure that there are adequate staffing levels in the different scope of activity, according to the diversity of its production. The organization chart should show the independence, from the other units of the plant, of each quality unit, such as quality assurance unit and quality control unit. The quality assurance and quality control responsibilities can be undertaken by a separate quality assurance unit and a quality control unit, or they can be undertaken by a single unit.Copyright International Organization for Standardization --``,,``,,``,,`,``,``,`,,,,`,,`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---© ISO 2007 – All rights reserved53.2.2 Number of peopleThe company should have an adequate number of properly trained personnel with regards to the defined activities in these guidelines.3.3 Key responsibilities3.3.1 Management responsibilities organization should be supported by the top management of the company. The implementation of Good Manufacturing Practices should be the responsibility of top management and should require the participation and commitment of personnel in all departments and at all levels within the company. Management should define and communicate the areas in which authorized personnel are allowed to access.3.3.2 Responsibilities of personnel All personnel should:a) know their position in the organizational structure; b) know their defined responsibilities and activities;c) have access to and comply with documents relevant to their particular responsibility scope; d) comply with personal hygiene requirements;e) be encouraged to report irregularities or other non-conformities which may occur at the level of theirresponsibilities; f)have adequate education training and skills to perform the assigned responsibilities and activities.3.4 Training3.4.1 Training and skillsPersonnel involved in production, control, storage and shipment should have skills based on relevant training and experience acquired, or any combination thereof, that are appropriate to their responsibilities and activities.3.4.2 Training and Good Manufacturing Practices3.4.2.1 Appropriate Good Manufacturing Practices training relative to the defined activities of these guidelines should be provided for all personnel. The training needs of all personnel, regardless of level or seniority in the company, should be identified and a corresponding training programme should be developed and implemented. Considering the expertise and experience of the respective personnel, training courses should be tailored to be appropriate to the jobs and responsibilities of individuals. According to the needs and in-house resources available, training courses may be designed and executed by the company itself or with the help of expert external organizations, if necessary.Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISOLicensee=Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ/9976803100 Not for Resale, 09/19/2009 22:03:41 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS--``,,``,,``,,`,``,``,`,,,,`,,`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---6© ISO 2007 – All rights reserved3.4.2.5 Training should be regarded as a constant and on-going process that is subject to regularupdates.3.4.3 Newly recruited personnelBesides basic training on the theory and practice of Good Manufacturing Practices, newly recruited personnel should receive training appropriate to the duties assigned to them. 3.4.4 Personnel training evaluationsKnowledge accumulated by personnel should be evaluated during and/or after training.3.5 Personnel hygiene and health3.5.1 Personnel hygiene3.5.1.1 Hygiene programmes should be established and adapted to the needs of the plant. These requirements should be understood and followed by every person whose activities take them into production, control and storage areas. should be instructed to use hand washing facilities. Every person entering production, control and storage areas should wear appropriate clothing and protective garments to avoid contamination of cosmetic products. Eating, drinking, chewing, smoking or the storage of food, drink or smoking materials or personal medication in the production, control and storage areas should be avoided. Any unhygienic practice within the production, control and storage areas or in any other area where the product might be adversely affected should be forbidden. 3.5.2 Personnel healthSteps should be taken to ensure, as far as is practicable, that any person affected by an apparent illness or having open lesions on the exposed body surface should be excluded from direct contact with product until the condition is corrected or determined by medical personnel that the quality of cosmetic products will not be compromised.3.6 Visitors and untrained personnelVisitors or untrained personnel should preferably not be taken into production, control and storage areas. If this is unavoidable, they should be given information in advance, particularly about personal hygiene and the prescribed protective clothing. They should be closely supervised.4 Premises4.1 Principle4.1.1Premises should be located, designed, constructed and utilized so as:a) to ensure protection of the product;b) to permit efficient cleaning, if necessary, sanitizing and maintenance;c) to minimize the risk of mix-up of products, raw materials and packaging materials.Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISOLicensee=Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ/9976803100 Not for Resale, 09/19/2009 22:03:41 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS--``,,``,,``,,`,``,``,`,,,,`,,`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---© ISO 2007 – All rights reserved 74.1.2 Premises design recommendations are described in these guidelines. Design decisions should be based on the type of cosmetic product produced, existing conditions, cleaning and, if necessary, sanitizing measures used.4.2 Types of areaSeparate or defined areas should be provided for storage, production, quality control, ancillary, washing and toilets.4.3 SpaceSufficient space should be provided to facilitate operations such as receipt, storage and production.4.4 FlowFlow of materials, products and personnel through the building or buildings should be defined in order to prevent mix-ups.4.5 Floors, walls, ceilings, windows4.5.1 Floors, walls, ceilings and windows in production areas should be designed or constructed for ease of cleaning and, if necessary, sanitization and be kept clean and in good repair.4.5.2 Windows should be of non-opening design where ventilation is adequate. If windows are opened to the outside environment, they should be properly screened.4.5.3 New construction of production areas should incorporate considerations for proper cleaning and maintenance. Design of new construction should include smooth surfaces if appropriate and these surfaces should allow for resistance to corrosive cleaning and sanitizing agents.4.6 Washing and toilet facilitiesAdequate, clean, washing and toilet facilities should be provided for personnel. The washing and toilet facilities should be differentiated from, but accessible to, production areas. Adequate facilities for showering and changing clothes should be provided when appropriate.4.7 Lighting4.7.1Adequate lighting, that is sufficient for operations, should be installed in all areas.4.7.2 Lighting should be installed in a manner to ensure containment of any debris from potential breakage. Alternatively, measures should be taken to protect the product.4.8 VentilationVentilation should be sufficient for the intended production operations. Alternatively, specific measures should be taken to protect the product.4.9 Pipework, drains and ducts4.9.1 Pipework, drains and ducts should be installed in such a manner so that drip or condensation does not contaminate materials, products, surfaces and equipment. 4.9.2Drains should be kept clean and should not allow back flow.Copyright International Organization for StandardizationProvided by IHS under license with ISOLicensee=Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ/9976803100 Not for Resale, 09/19/2009 22:03:41 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS--``,,``,,``,,`,``,``,`,,,,`,,`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---8© ISO 2007 – All rights reserved4.9.3 Design considerations should be given to the following:a) exposed overhead roof beams, pipes and ducts should be avoided;b) exposed pipes should not touch walls, but be suspended from or supported by brackets, sufficientlyseparated to allow thorough cleaning; c) alternatively, specific measures should be taken to protect the product.4.10 Cleaning and sanitization4.10.1 Premises used for activities described in these guidelines should be maintained in a clean condition. 4.10.2 Cleaning and, if necessary, sanitization should be carried out to achieve the objective of protecting each product.4.10.3 Cleaning and, if necessary, sanitizing agents to be used should be specified and effective.4.10.4 There should be cleaning and, if necessary, sanitization programmes corresponding to specific needs of each area.4.11 MaintenancePremises used in activities described in these guidelines should be maintained in a good state of repair.4.12 ConsumablesConsumables used for premises should not affect the quality of the product.4.13 Pest control4.13.1 Premises should be designed, constructed and maintained so as to restrict access to insects, birds, rodents, pests and other vermin.4.13.2 There should be a pest control programme appropriate for the premises.4.13.3 Measures should be taken to control the exterior of the premises to prevent attracting or harbouring pests.5 Equipment5.1 PrincipleEquipment should be suitable for the intended purpose and capable of being cleaned and, if necessary, sanitized and maintained. This clause applies to all equipment within the scope of these guidelines. If automated systems are introduced into activities described in these guidelines, they should take into account the application of the given relevant principles.5.2 Equipment design5.2.1 Production equipment should be designed to prevent contamination of the product.5.2.2Bulk product containers should be protected from air contaminants, such as dust and moisture.5.2.3 Transfer hoses and accessories that are not in use should be cleaned and, if necessary sanitized, kept dry and protected from dust, splash or other contamination.Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISOLicensee=Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ/9976803100 Not for Resale, 09/19/2009 22:03:41 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS--``,,``,,``,,`,``,``,`,,,,`,,`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---© ISO 2007 – All rights reserved95.2.4 The material used in the construction of equipment should be compatible with products and the cleaning and sanitizing agents.5.3 Installation5.3.1 The design and the installation of equipment should ease its drainage in order to facilitate cleaning and sanitization.5.3.2 Equipment should be placed so that movement of materials, mobile equipment and personnel do not pose a risk to quality.5.3.3 Reasonable access under, inside and around equipment should be provided for maintenance and cleaning. 5.3.4Major equipment should be readily identifiable.5.4 Calibration5.4.1 Laboratory and production measuring instruments that are important for the quality of the product, should be calibrated regularly.5.4.2 If results of calibration are out-of-acceptance criteria, measuring instruments should be appropriately identified and removed from service.5.4.3 An out-of-calibration condition should be investigated to determine if there is any impact to the quality of the product and appropriate steps taken based on this investigation.5.5 Cleaning and sanitization5.5.1 All equipment should be subject to an appropriate cleaning and, if necessary, sanitization programme. 5.5.2Cleaning and sanitizing agents should be specified and effective.5.5.3 Where equipment is assigned to continuous production or production of successive batches of the same product, equipment should be cleaned and, if necessary, sanitized at appropriate intervals.5.6 Maintenance5.6.1 Equipment should be regularly maintained.5.6.2 Maintenance operations should not affect the quality of the product.5.6.3Defective equipment should be identified accordingly, excluded from use and isolated if possible.5.7 ConsumablesConsumables used for equipment should not affect the quality of the product.5.8 AuthorizationsEquipment or automated systems used in production and control should be accessed and used by authorized personnel.5.9 Back-up systemsAdequate alternative arrangements should be available for systems which need to be operated in the event of a failure or breakdown.Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISOLicensee=Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ/9976803100 Not for Resale, 09/19/2009 22:03:41 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS--``,,``,,``,,`,``,``,`,,,,`,,`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---。



四 ISO22716全员推行
化妆品卫生安全的主要风险因素 1、化妆品原料的卫生安全---卫生安全风险的主要来源 2、生产过程的卫生安全 3、使用方式方法
四 ISO22716全员推行
公司实施ISO22716的目的是: 制度化要求让公司更加注重产品安全,保持产品生 产的稳定性,降低风险,敦促公司切实将质量安全落实在 产品上。
Байду номын сангаас
一 ISO22716:2007简介
2007年11月15日国际标准化组织(ISO) 正式颁布化妆品良好生产规范 (ISO22716:2007)
在2008年5月,欧洲标准化委员会 将此文本作为国家标准下发到欧洲 各国
ISO22716:2007 简介

ISO22716是专为提供和化妆品有关的 良好生产规范的指南,是为考虑到化妆 品产业特殊要求而制定的。对于影响产 品质量的人员,技术和管理等要素的管 理方面,提出了编制和实践上的建议
厂房设施 设备的授权和备用 原料的标识和状态 废弃物的管理 召回 偏差和变更管控
三 推行ISO22716:2007的好处
可以证实企业满足全球化妆品行业GMP标准要求 可以证实企业安全产品管理的受控状态,具备稳定提供符合客户质量 标准要求的能力 可以规范企业管理,降低管理风险,提高产品安全水平
Cosmetics-Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)Guidelines On Good Manufacturing Practices



生产的每一步骤都应预防污染 污染的途径:粉尘、蒸汽、挥发、喷雾、设 备内残留物、虫害、微生物乃至员工的衣着 采取适当的预防措施防止交叉污染,并对预 防效果做定期检查确认 婴儿类或眼部用化妆品还应定期监控微生物 指标
生产区或生产线应清理干净以防材料或产品相互 混淆-应有书面的并经批准的清洁程序 按照要求对工艺条件和环境条件进行设定 生产容器使用前应做清洁 对设备连接部件和管道进行检查以确保正确传送 产品 测量工具,称量器具,记录仪及其它控制设备应 按照预定的频率校正并记录
灭鼠药,杀虫剂或清洁材料 防止污染 一切皆有可能!
香精:储存温 度11~25o C
生产设备要清洁 不同产品的生产要分开不同的时间 或-分开不同的区域以防止交叉污染; 或-临近操作要有物理隔离 限制无关人员出入生产区 基于批准的书面程序或指导处理材料和产品,根 据要求做记录
材料应该储存在合适的条件下-监 控并记录
应满足经批准的技术标准并有供应商的检 验证明 不同批次同时到货的处理
不符合要求的材料立即隔离存放并按照程 序处理。
只有质量部门可以有权限 有效的库存管理系统,遵守: 先入先出, 或 先失效先使用
待验 待验
Date Received Signature
Expiry Date Date
Name of Material Internal Code Batch No. Status Expiry Date
批号/ 收货号 质量状态 有效期 收货日期



GMPC-化妆品出口认证标准(ISO22716)讲师简介–黄珍海ISO22716:2007 标准简介讲师:Roger Huang 职务: GMP Manager 电话: 150********Tel: 150******** QQ: 578197970IATCA高级审核员 QSA 注册ISO 9000主任审核员 ISO14001审核员 RvA注册HACCP主任审核员, GMP经理 ISO22000主任审核员IRCA认可之质量体系内审员及主任审核员课程的认可讲师BRC注册讲师 ISO9001, GMP, HACCP,ISO22000讲师Skype: Rzhhuang E-Mail: Roger.zh.huang@/doc/69654cbe1a37f111 f1855b15.htmlIntertek ,您的全球质量与安全伙伴!Knowledge CenterCopyright Intertek. All Rights Reserved.1Knowledge CenterCopyright Intertek. All Rights Reserved.2内容大纲Intertek 简介最新信息欧盟的(EC)No.1223/2009号法规最终于2009年11月30日获得通过,并于2009年12 月22日刊登在欧盟官方公报中。



ISO22716:2007简介GMPC(US & EU)简介BRC CP 简介Knowledge CenterCopyright Intertek. All Rights Reserved.3Knowledge CenterCopyright Intertek. All Rights Reserved.4责任人从2013年7月11日起,只有指定了“责任人” 的化妆品才可以投放到欧洲共同市场。

ISO22716 执行标准化妆品良好操作规范GMPC标准及内审员培训教材

ISO22716 执行标准化妆品良好操作规范GMPC标准及内审员培训教材
3.4 培 训
3.4.1 培训及技能 员工(从事生产,质量控制,存储, 运输等)应具有与其职责相应的技能, 此技能可由相关的培训或已有经验获 得
3.4.2培训及 GMP 应为所有员工提供适合的 GMP 培训。 应确定员工的培训需求,不管级别资历,并制订相应的培训计划
2.1 接受标准:对测试结果的可接受性给予 数字化的限值,范围及其他使用的措施。
2.2 审核:一个系统的、独立的、文件化的 过程,即由审核证据获得客观的评估以确定是 否满足既定的安排,及确定满足的程度。
2.3 批:从某个或多个操作获得的、认为是 一致的特定数量的原料,包材或产品
2.4 批次:单个数字,字母,或字母和数 字结合的,用来指定识别一批产品的代码.
ISO22716 执行标准化妆品 良好操作规范GMPC标准及内审
2.35 运输:操作中涉及准备订单货物及将其放入运输工具的一系列活动 2.36 垃圾:生产,使用中的残留物及用于处理的物料产品等
三、人员 3.1 原则
3.2 组织结构



解 析 :标 准在 条 款 3.2.1“组 织 架构 ” 中同 时
标 准 进 行 确认 ” 即 :质 量 控 制 为 质 量 确保 提 供 要 求 了组 织 架 构 明细 到 不 同 活 动 区 域 的 人 员 架
依 据 .质 量控 制 和质 量确 保 的工 作 相 辅 相成 ,密 构 .并 在 条款 33.2 “人员 职 责 ” 中要 求所 有 人员
的定 义是 “为产 品 满足 允 收标 准 提供 信 心 所进 行 积 累应 在培 训 后评 估 新 进 员 工根 据 其 工作 岗位
的 .经 策 划 的 和 系 统 性 的 所 有 必 需 活 动 ” 标 准 需 求接 受 GMP理论 和操 作 的基本 培训 。
对 于 “Control控 制 ”的定 义 是 “对 是 否符 合允 收
职工作 中贯彻 实施
标准 要求 简述 :不鼓 励 将来 访 者 和 未培 训 人
3、标 准 条 款 3.4 “培 训 ” 标 准 要 求 简 述 :不 论 其 在 组 织 中 的 职 位 高 低 ,与 生产 、控 制 、仓 储 和 装货 活 动 相关 的人员
员 带 到 生产 、控 制 和仓 储 等 与产 品质 量 紧密 相关 的区 域 ,如果 实 在 不可 避 免 ,需 要 在 密切 监督 并 预先 告 知其对 产 品的卫 生 防护要 求下 活动
不 可分 .质量 负责 人 可 以 同时兼 任 质 量确 保 部 门 都 清楚 了解 自己在 组织 架 构 中 的位 置 、相 应 的 工
和 质量控 制部 门负 责人 。
作 和 职 责 这就 为人 员 培 训需 求 的 识 别 明确 了 方
质量 部 门独 立性 规 定 的重要 性 .笔 者将 在 标 向 .即不 同 岗位 人 员工 作 和 职责 要 求不 同 ,其应



iso22716质量管理体系GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices)质量标准,是全球范围内一种质量控制体系,它涉及到药品研发、生产、检测、储存、包装、运输和使用,和后续产品安全维护等过程,GMP管理体系是构成质量管理体系的一部分,也是质量控制体系的核心,是预防劣质药品的最有力的手段。

ISO22716:2007是美国FDA GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices)的标准化版本,也是约束欧美国家合规的要素之一。










该标准主要包括以下几个方面:1. 生产环境管理:化妆品生产企业应该建立和维护一套完整的生产环境管理体系,确保生产环境的卫生、安全和稳定性。

2. 人员管理:化妆品生产企业应该建立和维护一套完整的人员管理体系,确保员工的素质、技能和安全。

3. 设备管理:化妆品生产企业应该建立和维护一套完整的设备管理体系,确保设备的安全、稳定和有效。

4. 原材料管理:化妆品生产企业应该建立和维护一套完整的原材料管理体系,确保原材料的质量、安全和合规。

5. 生产过程管理:化妆品生产企业应该建立和维护一套完整的生产过程管理体系,确保生产过程的安全、稳定和有效。

6. 产品管理:化妆品生产企业应该建立和维护一套完整的产品管理体系,确保产品的质量、安全和合规。



在实施化妆品执行标准22716的过程中,化妆品生产企业需要注意以下几个方面:1. 加强内部管理:化妆品生产企业应该建立和完善内部管理体系,加强对生产过程和产品质量的监督和管理。

2. 严格执行标准:化妆品生产企业应该严格执行化妆品执行标准22716,确保生产过程和产品质量符合标准要求。

3. 加强员工培训:化妆品生产企业应该加强员工培训,提高员工的素质和技能,确保生产过程的安全和有效。

4. 加强与监管部门的沟通:化妆品生产企业应该加强与监管部门的沟通,及时了解和掌握相关政策和法规,确保生产过程和产品质量符合法律法规要求。





iso22716质量管理体系对应的国标1.引言i s o22716质量管理体系是化妆品行业中非常重要的管理标准,它涉及到化妆品生产、储存、分销等环节的质量管理。

本文将介绍i so22716质量管理体系所对应的国标,帮助读者更好地了解和应用这一体系。

2. is o22716质量管理体系概述i s o22716质量管理体系是一种基于风险管理的体系,旨在确保化妆品生产企业按照规定的标准和要求进行操作,达到产品质量控制的目标。


3.国标GB/T 29673-2013《化妆品良好制造规范》国标GB/T29673-2013《化妆品良好制造规范》是我国对is o22716质量管理体系的国家标准。

该标准在制定时参照了is o22716标准,结合我国化妆品生产实际做出了一些相应的修改和补充。











ISO 22716:2007化妆品良好生产规范1 范围本标准规定了化妆品生产过程中机构和人员、厂房、设施和设备、原料和包装材料管理、生产过程、成品储运、验证、品质管理、合作方管理、文件和记录管理等方面的要求。

本标准适用于中华人民共和国境内的化妆品生产2 规范性引用文件下列文件中的条款通过本标准的引用而成为本标准的条款。



生活饮用水卫生标准化妆品卫生监督条例化妆品生产企业卫生规范 2007年版化妆品卫生规范 2007年版ISO 22716:2007(E) 《化妆品良好生产规范指南》3 定义本标准采用以下定义。

3.1 化妆品 (Cosmetics): 以涂擦、喷洒或者其它类似的方法,散布于人体表面任何部位(皮肤、毛发、指甲、口唇等),以达到清洁、消除不良气味、护肤、美容和修饰目的的日用化学工业产品。

3.2 物料 (Material):原料、包装材料等。

3.3 生产区 (Production Area):需要对人员及物料的进出进行控制的、满足生产制程对场地、卫生、品质要求的生产操作区域。

3.4 洁净现场(区) (Clean Area):根据需要,对空气中尘粒(包括微生物)、温度、湿度等进行控制的密闭现场(区域)。


3.5 验证 (Validation):证明任何程序、生产过程、设备、物料、活动或系统确实能达到预期结果的有文件证明的一系列活动。

3.6 生产制程规程 (Manufacturing Process):是控制生产过程的一个或一套文件,它规定生产一定数量成品所需的原料和包装材料的数量,以及制程、加工说明、注意事项等。

3.7 标准操作规程 (Standard Operation Procedure):经批准用以指导操作的通用性文件或管理办法。

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标准化组织(ISO)2007年11月制定了“ISO22716:2007”标准:化妆品——良好操作规范(Cosmetics-Good Manufacturing Practices)。




ISO22716:2007化妆品良好生产规范(Cosmetics-Good Manufacturing Practices)是国际标准化组织









