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收稿日期:2007209206 修回日期:2008204216


庞伟鸿,刘红杏,陈 忠


中图分类号:R698.2 文献标识码:A 文章编码:100622084(2008)1021558203



Exper im en t a l D evelpom en t of Sper m Functi on Tests i n M a le Genesi ology PANG W ei2hong,L I U Hong2xing,CHEN Zhong.(D epart m ent of D oci m ology,Zhanjiang Central People′s Hospital,Zhanjiang 524037,China)

Abstract:Human s per m functi on test has such an essential r ole on the eti ol ogic diagnosis of male infer2 tility that it attracts more and more attenti on.Many tests have offered indis pensable app r oaches t o diagnose the male infertility such as s per m move ment character,mor phol ogical analysis,survival test in vitr o,integrity of s per m me mbrane,acr os om ic status,interacti on bet w een s per m and cervical mucus and s o on.To evaluate the s per m functi on,comp rehensive test is critical.

Key words:Male rep r oducti on;Sper m functi on;I nfertility










1 精子运动特征的检测






2 精子形态学分析


