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2.1 Concept and classification of process
2.1.1 Concept of process defects
(1) What are the process defects? 在材料加工成型过程中,经常会出现
某种或某些不合乎质量要求的appearance defect, property defect and organization defect 和更为严重的internal geometric defect(如 cracks、 pores、inclusions等)。我们把这些 “metallurgical factors 、 structural factors and technological factors”导致的产品质量不 符合相关参考标准的各类缺陷统称为工艺缺陷。
② The relativity of defect evaluation
standards——The relativity of waste standards. As for the same of various parts, the quality requirements are different due to the different working conditions. Therefore, the waste standards are also different.
(2)Dialectical analysis of process defects
①The absoluteness of defect generation——In
actual production, the acquirement of the products without any defects is quite difficult; It is not economical or even impossible to make the products produced in batches without any defects.
• 再如:sand inclusion on the surface of casting,可以通过repair welding来修复。
• 特别指出,考虑到焊接接头组织和性能的恶 化,某些产品的welding repair不允许超过2 次!所以,应该注意formulate a rigorous repair process ,否则就会造成Economic loss!
② Shape and size defects——如deformation 、 inconformity of the width of bead、Excessive reinforcement、collapse、spill-over、overlap 等等;
③ Geometric discontinuous defect—— 如焊件中的裂纹、孔洞、夹杂、未熔合、 未焊透,铸件中的缩孔、疏松、裂纹等 等;
2.1.2 Classification of process defects
工艺缺陷种类繁多,产生原因也相当复杂。 为了便于分析和处理工艺缺陷、制定检验工艺、 方便技术交流,有必要对其进行分类。
(1)按technical connotation大体分为:
① Manufacturing and assembly defects——如 焊件groove angle、assembling gap不均匀, unfitness过大等;
④ Microstructure and performance defect——如机械性能不良、耐腐蚀性 下降、过热组织、脆性组织、偏析等等;
⑤ Other process defects—— 如spatter 、 scratch on surface、arc scratch、gouge、
grindFra Baidu bibliotekng defect
(2)按process technique分为: ①Welding defect——因实施焊接工艺而引起 的缺陷;
②Casting defect——因实施铸造工艺而引起 的缺陷;
③Forging defect——因实施锻造、冲压工艺 而引起的缺陷;
Some defects can be repaired in time, and some defects may not be repaired which must be sentenced to waste.
• 比如: Excessive reinforcement,属于焊缝 形状不良,严重时可以Grinding;必要时 grinded the reinforcement smooth。
③ Formulation principle of waste standards:
Generally speaking, the higher the product quality level is, the greater the risk after failure will be, and the control of defects should be more strict. Therefore, It is necessary to pay attention to the implementation and reference to the relevant standards, which is also called the principle of fitness for purpose.
④ Repair of process defects:
Minor defect that do not affect the application can be tolerated.
Serious defect that do not meet the requirements must be treated.