






01 景 区 概 况 Overview of the scenic spot
02 景 区 历 史 History of scenic spots
03 主 要 景 点 Main attractions
04 旅 游 攻 略 Tourism strategy
① ②
马仁奇峰旅游景区位于长江南岸的铜陵、南陵、 繁昌三县交界处。合福高铁“铜陵北站”距景区 20公里;“南陵站”距景区25公里;宁安高铁 “繁昌西站”距离景区15公里,方便快捷。
景区门楼左侧有马仁土菜馆,可同时接待300 人就餐。这里的所有菜肴都是从附近乡村的菜 园里现摘的,不打农药、不施化肥的绿色食品。 其中“小葱炒本鸡蛋”是经济实惠的一大土菜; 而“黄瓜烙”则清翠欲滴,吃起来又脆又香又酥; 蕨菜烧土鸡又是一道美味,蕨菜是山中珍品, 鸡是农家土鸡,菜香肉嫩;“红烧山猪肉”,也 是一绝。
马仁奇峰“绝壁天梯玻璃栈道”位于景区雄伟的主峰悬 崖峭壁之上。栈道为全透明玻璃组建,长200米,垂 直高度180米。宛如一条巨龙,盘桓在峭壁之上,欲 腾云冲天。置身“绝壁天梯玻璃栈道”,远可观峰峦叠 嶂、神工鬼斧,近可赏楠林拥翠,万紫千红。
马仁奇峰丛林穿越分为成人线路和儿童线路两个部分。 马仁奇峰丛林穿越成人线,全长130米,挑战难度为 成人中高等级,包含丛林大脚板、丛林高跷、丛林吊 柱、蜘蛛侠、跷板桥、轮胎桥等项目。项目高度一般 在4—6米,适合人群在1.4米以上,体重100公斤以下。































孔子曾经说过“有朋自远方来不亦乐乎?” 所以能够与大家相识我感到三生有幸。
















马仁奇峰山体南北走向,山脊线呈W型,景区分门楼、马仁寺、太阳山、月亮山、楠木林等五个景段,风格各异,景色秀丽. 位于马仁竹海之中的马仁寺,建于唐贞元11年(795年),与建于宋代的乌霞寺(又称乌霞洞,处于龙首峰南向的峡谷之中),遥遥相对,马仁寺几经兴衰,至今已有1200多年历史. 马仁寺山门上高悬的“马仁寺”匾额,为原中国佛教协会会长赵朴初先生题写。







2.1.2: Maren peakMaren peak, which is subtropical monsoon climate, has a mild climate all year round, the average annual temperature is about 15.9℃. It boasts abundant animal and plant resources, including rare animal like eagle, ring-necked pheasant, river deer, deer, megalobatrachus, white fox, pangolin, squirrel, as well as scores of natural plants. Maren peak is a north-south mountain; the ridge line just like the English letter W. the whole area can be divided into five parts: the outside gateway, maren temple, sun hill, moon hill, namu forest, which present different characters and beautiful scenery.Maren temple, surrounded by bamboo, built in zhenyuan 11 years in tang dynasty, which facing wuxia temple in song dynasty at a distance. With a history of more than 1200 years, it has undergone many ups and downs. The maren temple plaques hanged high on the gate, written by zhaopuchu, the prime president of the Buddhist of china. In the temple, t here is the great Buddha’s hall. Guanyu temple, hexiangu temple and an iron tripod were built behind the maren temple. A white jade dripping guanyin (With a height of 8 kilometers) and figure of weituo Buddha in foreyard, Mahabouddha temple stands in the bamboo sea.The red army museum belongs to Hui style architecture, it cover 800 square meter as a whole, and 400 square meters inside of the museum. The museum shows thousands of Mao Zedong badges, as well as books and portraits of predecessors of proletarian revolution; all this was donate by Gongshilin, who collect them for more than 40 years. Mao Zedong badges are carefully made by 23 different kinds of material, such as gold, silver, copper, iron, aluminum, porcelain and so on. In addition, the museum leaves a space to introduce the legend of general Tang Zhenlin, who led the third detachment of the new forth army to combat Japanese troops. The abundantcontent represents great achievement of predecessors of proletarian revolution. Now the museum is the biggest red army museum.。




























平遥古城英语导游词Ladies and gentlemen, this time we are going to visit the famous Pingyao County. Pingyao County is one of the cultural heritages of the world heritage list. Please keep the floor clean during the tour. If you have any questions, you can ask me.We first came to the first tourist spot: South Street. The composition of Pingyao County is crisscrossed four streets, eight small streets, seventy-two winding streets, and now we come to the South Street of four Avenue. You see, on both sides of the street, old and famous shops are flourishing traditional commercial streets. During the Qing Dynasty, South Street controlled more than fifty percent of the financial institutions in the country.West Street is known as "the first street of Finance in Qing Dynasty", and it is a main street directly connected with East Street. And the East Avenue North and South Street intersection, North Street is to the west central street.Eight small streets and seventy-two lanes are named in the nearby buildings or marked signs; some are named in the temple temple; some are named in a city in the city; and some streets and lanes have been unable to explore the source of the name.There are many beautiful legends in Pingyao County, such as sleeping aunts and drug wives, and burning T own God's Temple. Please take a good tour of this beautiful ancient city.各位旅客,本次我们将要游览着名的平遥古城。






























洲文化,但比起欧洲,美国更现代和商业化。著名的 人文景观又自由女神像,白宫,林肯纪念馆,好莱坞 以及拉斯维加斯。科罗拉多大峡谷和尼亚加拉瀑布士 世界有名的自然景观。即使游客曾看过有关的图片和 录像,亲临现场时同样会被大自然的气魄和美丽所感 动。由于经济优越,美国的旅游接待设施和服务质量 担任不让地占据了世界第一把交椅。
1. 增译:增添必要的历史文化信息。
e.g. 石上有苏东坡手书“云外流春”四个大字。 On the rock are four big Chinese characters “YunWai Liu
Cheng” written by Su Dongpo, the most versatile poet of the Northern Song Dynsaty. 2. 删减:对诗歌的翻译,取其义,去其形 e.g. 观光层高达263米,真有“登泰山而小天下”之感。 The ovservation deck, which is 263 meters high, brings us the feeling that the world is belittled. 3. 改写:调整句子结构,诗词句的改写
1. Sth. features A, B, and C.
= Sth. mainly includes A, B, and c.
2. A, B and C characterize Sth.
Sth. is characerized by A, B, and C. 地坑院((the underground courtyard))距今以有四千年的历史 ,见证了人类“穴居”史的发展,具有防风、抗寒、坚固耐用 (rugged reliability )和冬暖夏凉等特点。 Through 4,000 year history, DeKeng Yuan, (the underground courtyard), which is characterized by wind-proof, cold resistance, rugged reliability , warmth in winter and coolness in summer, witnesses the development of human cave living.



马仁奇峰1. 引言马仁奇峰是位于中国四川省九寨沟县境内的一座山峰,位于青海藏族自治州和甘肃省的交界处。



2. 地理位置2.1 位于四川省九寨沟县马仁奇峰位于中国西南部四川省九寨沟县,地理坐标为纬度32°49′23″N,经度103°58′42″E。


2.2 地势和气候马仁奇峰的海拔高度达到5588米,是中国西部地区的高峰之一。




3. 自然景观3.1 雪峰奇景马仁奇峰是中国西部地区最具代表性的雪山之一。



3.2 天然瀑布和溪流马仁奇峰周边有许多天然的瀑布和溪流,其中最有名的是梦幻瀑布。



3.3 物种多样性马仁奇峰及其周边地区拥有丰富的生物资源。




4. 历史背景4.1 文化遗迹马仁奇峰及其周边地区拥有丰富的历史文化遗迹。




4.2 文化习俗马仁奇峰的周边地区居住着藏族和羌族等少数民族。




导游考试天游峰英文导游词(共五则范文)第一篇:导游考试天游峰英文导游词The heaven tour peakGood morning everyone.welcome to muntain wuyi ,welcome to china.I ammuch honored to have chance to give all of you this trip-guiding of Mountain.wuyi.My name is Lin Aiping, who is a tourguide from Wuyi sunny day travel agency.The drive next to me is Mr.cheng,who has more than ten year’s experience in driving, so he will makes our trip a safe and pleasant one.His bus number is 闽H123456.If you needs any help please don’t hesitate to let us know.We will try our best to serve you in the next few days.We really appreciate your understanding and dies and Gentlemen, Mountain wuyi is located in the northern part of Fujian Province.At first,let me introduce Fujian province to you.Fujian lying in the southeastern coast of China and bordering Zhejiang , Jiangxi and Guangdong Province, As one of the earliest cities opening to the outside world in China, Fujian geographical conditon is superior.Beacause of the long history,beautiful scenery ,splendid culture and the close relationship with T aiwan and overseas Chinese,Fujian become a very special tourist area.The mountain wuyi that we will tour next is one of the top ten unique tourism brand of Fujian.Mountain Wuyi was honored as “World Cultural and Natural Heritage”,the scenic spot is 70square km in acreage,the average height of peaks is about 350 meters.Mountain wuyi is famous for its green water and red mountains.For example the nine-bent stream is known as the most beautiful stream in china.And there are 36 peaks.among them,the Jade goddess peak,the Great king peak andthe heaven tour peak are more famous.the Jadegoddess peak is a beautiful peak just like a beautiful unique girl,While the Great king peak just like a strong man.As the old saying goes on, “ Don't go to the Great Wall non-good brave fellow”, go to wuyi mountain not to ascend the heaven tour peak, as if go to peking not to visit the great wall similar,which is ca n't imagine.Don’t worry,today I will take you to climb the heaven peak first.Fellow friends, we have reached the heaven peak scenic spot now.The pavilion in front of us is shuiyue pavilion.It is known to us all,there is only one moon in the sky,but when you drink under the pavilion in the evening,you will find four moons.Does anyone know the reason?ok,let me tell you answer,one is in the sky,the other is in the water,the remaining are in our cup and heart.OK,now look at the rock please,this is fuhu rock.The writing was written by Cheng xing ,which means that he is just like a strong tiger with much energy while is tied in unknown moutain wuyi.The word express the author’s depressed.This is many ancient scholars’gernaral emotion in our country.In the right of the fuhu rock is the quadrate bamboos.Thoese bamboos are very unusual,they looks round but touches quadrate.Maybe youcan try to touch,ok,let’s stop touching or they will ture quadrate to round.Fellow friends,please fellow me to go up.this is tea cave,where the tea is quite famous.from now to yilan terrace are total 826 footsteps.ok,now let’s begin to go moutain-climing.now we have arrived to yilan terrace, Ladies and Gentlemen you must be very tired by now,let’s have a rest.looking into the distance by the railing on here,you can see mountain peaks floating on a sea of clouds and the nine-bent stream winding its way among the mountain peaks.Go straight,the building in front of us is heaven tour taoisttemple.during the following time ,you can look around and take some photos.Twenty minutes later ,we will gather at the foot of the heaven tour peak for departure.ok,today’s tour of heaven tour peak has finished.Thank so much to your cooperation and collaboration.At last I hope that your visit to heaven tour peak will be a memorable experience.Thank you!第二篇:导游考试天游峰英文导游词The heaven tour peak Good morning everyone.welcome to muntain wuyi ,welcome to china.I am much honored to have chance to give all of you this trip-guiding of Mountain.wuyi.My name is Lin Aiping, who is a tourguide from Wuyi sunny day travel agency.The drive next to me is Mr.cheng,who has more than ten year’s experience in driving, so he will makes our trip a safe and pleasant one.His bus number is 闽H123456.If you needs any help please don’t hesit ate to let us know.We will try our best to serve you in the next few days.We really appreciate your understanding and dies and Gentlemen, Mountain wuyi is located in the northern part of Fujian Province.At first,let me introduce Fujian province to you.Fujian lying in the southeastern coast of China and bordering Zhejiang , Jiangxi and Guangdong Province, As one of the earliest cities opening to the outside world in China, Fujian geographical conditon is superior.Beacause of the long history,beautiful scenery ,splendid culture and the close relationship with Taiwan and overseas Chinese,Fujian become a very special tourist area.The mountain wuyi that we will tour next is one of the top ten unique tourism brand of Fujian.Mountain Wuyi was honored as “World Cultural and Natural Heritage”,the scenic spot is 70square km in acreage,the average height of peaks is about 350 meters.Mountain wuyi is famous for its green water and redmountains.For example the nine-bent stream is known as the most beautiful stream in china.And there are 36 peaks.among them,the Jade goddess peak,the Great king peak and the heaven tour peak are more famous.the Jade goddess peak is a beautiful peak just like a beautiful unique girl,While the Great king peak just like a strong m an.As the old saying goes on, “ Don't go to the Great Wall non-good brave fellow”, go to wuyi mountain not to ascend the heaven tour peak, as if go to peking not to visit the great wall similar,which is can't imagine.Don’t worry,today I will take you to climb the heaven peak first.Fellow friends, we have reached the heaven peak scenic spot now.The pavilion in front of us is shuiyue pavilion.It is known to us all,there is only one moon in the sky,but when you drink under the pavilion in the evening,you will find four moons.Does anyone know the reason?ok,let me tell you answer,one is in the sky,the other is in the water,the remaining are in our cup and heart.OK,now look at the rock please,this is fuhu rock.The writing was written by Cheng xing ,which means that he is just like a strong tiger with much energy while is tied in unknown moutain wuyi.The word express the author’s depressed.This is many ancient scholars’gernaral emotion in our country.In the right of the fuhu rock is the quadrate bamboos.Thoese bamboos are very unusual,they looks round but touches quadrate.Maybe you can try to touch,ok,let’s stop touching or they will ture quadrate to round.Fellow friends,please fellow me to go up.this is tea cave,where the tea is quite famous.from now to yilan terrace are total 826 footsteps.ok,now let’s begin to go moutain-climing.now we have arrived to yilan terrace, Ladies and Gentlemen you must be very tired by now,let’s have a rest.looking into the distance by the railing on here,you can see mountain peaks floating on a seaof clouds and the nine-bent stream winding its way among the mountain peaks.Go straight,the building in front of us is heaven tour taoist temple.during the following time ,you can look around and take some photos.Twenty minutes later ,we will gather at the foot of the heaven tour peak for departure.ok,today’s tour of heaven tour peak has finished.Thank so much to your cooperation and collaboration.At last I hope that your visit to heaven tour peak will be a memorable experience.Thank you! 第三篇:导游考试商丘英文导游词Good morning Ladies and gentleman!it's with great pleasure that l welcome all my distinguish guests to Henan province.Please allow me to introduce my team first, my name is Mary Lin your local.guide from Henan China international travel service.You can just call me Mary or xiao Lin.this is Mr.Lee our driver.Now on behave of our company, we would like to warmly welcome you again to Henan province.During your stay in Henan we will try our best to make your trip more enjoyable and memorable.I hope you have a very pleasant stay here in Henan.Thank you very much!For most of you l suppose it is the first time to visit Henan.so, l'd like to take this opportunity to give you a brief introduction about it!Henan province, also called “Yu” for short, for ove r 4000 years ago China was divided into nine states.Henan was called “Yu state”, which was located in the middle of the nine states, hence ,Henan is also named “central plain” or “central state”.Now it is situated right in the heart of China, covering an area of 167,000 square kilometers, with a total.population of 97 million, which is the largest of all provinces in China.Henan province is famous for the ancient culture and has been playing a very important role both in China and orient culture.A greatnumber of history books and excavations have proved that 8000 years ago.Chinese ancestors started the civilization here.besides Henan is also pretty rich in natural tourism resources, all of this have made Henan a fantastic and distinctive place to visit.After hearing my instruction, l believe that you are very expecting to our sightseeing.now, let me announce the itinerary for together: this morning, we are going to visit the ancient city of shangqiu, we are going to take three hours in this scenic area.then we will have a lunch stop at local restaurant while taste local cuisines.In the afternoon we will visit Huamulan's tomb.After that we will go back to our hotel and have dinner here.Now,Ladies and gentlemen we're heading for the ancient city of Shangqiu.Shangqiu located in the east part of Hennan Province.As one of the cradle lands of Chinese civilization, shangqiu boasts a long history and splendid culture.A lot of historical remains has proved that it is in shangqiu the ShuiRenShi invented how to make fire that Chinese ancestors started the earliest merchandise trade that emperor Gaozu of han dynasty cut a snake as a symbol of uprising.In addition,shangqiu is also the birthplace of outstanding heroine HuaMuLan ,brilliant philosopher Zhuangzi and talented writer HouFangYu.If you look outside the window Ladies and gentleman, you will see a big red statue which is a character of “shang” in the written form of inscription on bones and tortoise shell.This statue is a landmark of shangqiu which was built in 1996.the ancient city of shangqiu located in suiyang district the south part of shangqiu.As one of the most well-preserved ancient city It is named as national historical and cultural city by the state council in 1986.OK,here we are the parking lot of ancient city of shangqiu.it's time to get off the bus,but before you go please take care of your personal belongings.I have to remind you that we are going to take three hours in this scenic area,our blue bus is parking at the second parking space and the number of the bus is A12345.Look!Our tour guide flag is red with the CITS on it.Please remember my phone number ***, ***.Please feel free to ring me up in case you are in need of my help.I'll appreciate your understanding and cooperation.Now, let's start our visit.Now, ladies and gentlemen, we are at the ancient city of shangqiu a national AAAA level scenic spot which is built in the period of zhengde of Ming dynasty and has a history of more than 500 years.The main tourism area of the ancient city are historical sites, which combines cultural landscape with natural scenery.This city was designed strictly according to Chinese traditional geomancy theory and forms three main features, that is ,the eight diagrams city the aquatic city and the overlapped city.The unique style of architecture can be reputed as the model of ancient city in China.The exterior of the city is in the circle form, while the interior is in the form of square, the whole form of the city looks like an ancient coin.The landform of the inner city is in the shape of turtle shell, high in the middle and low in the vicinity,and slightly inclining to the south.If you look at the left side of the road ladies and gentlemen, you can see the Zhangxun temple.Zhangxun was a general of Tang dynasty who fought against 130 thousand forces with thousands of people in protecting suiyang district battle.Although zhangxun bravely sacrificed in this battle, his spirit of patriotism was spread from generation to generation.Now, ladies and gentlemen ,we arrive at the Yingtian Academy.The Yingtian academy was the most influential academy in northern Song dynasty along with Songyangacademy in Dengfeng city Henan province, Bailudong academy in Jiangxi province and Yuelu academy in Hunan province are known as four greatest ancient academies in China.Among ancient academies yingtian academy is the only one upgraded to the Imperial College Academy.As one of the highest educational institution of song dynasty, Yingtian academy attracted and cultivated a great number of talented people, Fanzhongyan, a well-known statesman and man of letters, once lectured here.As we are walking this way ladies and gentlemen, we could see the city moat surrouding the city, has a total length of 5 km and a width of 0.5 km.A few more steps will bring us to the ancient walls of Guidefu prefecture.In 1996, the walls were awarded the reputation of the national key cultural relic protection unit, and one of the key tourism areas in Henan province.The walls have a total length of 4355 meters and 6 meters high.There are four gates of the inner city , south Gongyang gate , north Gongchen gate, east Binyang gate, west Zhize gate.Now we are at the Gongyang gate Let’s go through the 21 meters gateway to admire the lifestyle of Ming and Qing dynasties.Entering the inner city just like having a time travel, streets in the ancient city still kept the architectural style of Ming and Qing dynasties.the main constructions of folk houses in the inner city are Siheyuan a typical traditional Chinese courtyard houses.please follow me to visit one of the most representative architecture of the inner city, Zhuanghuitang, it is the former house of Houfangyu, a talented writer and a man of letter.The construction of zhuanghuitang looks solemn and elegant, its fantastic design and exquisite craftsmanship manifest the high architectural level of qing dynasty.Too much for my introduction, now you have 30 minutes to wander around and take some photoes If youlike.Please be aware that we will meet at the parking lot at 11:30.please be there on time and don't forget me phone number.thanks for your cooperation!wish you have a good time! 第四篇:英文导游全程导游词English for Tourism................................................................................................................ ......1.Meeting Guests at the Airport.......................................................................................Procedures.... eful expressions.......................................................................................................2.Welcome Speech...........................................................................................................A typical welcome speech............................................................................................3.On the Bus to Hotel.......................................................................................................Have a brief introduction to the city............................................................................4.Make an introduction to the hotel.................................................................................An brief introduction to Shiner Hotel Lijiang..............................................................5.Hotel eful Sentences.......................................................................................................... Dialogue............................................................................................................. ..........6.Helping Tourists Enjoy the First Meal..........................................................................Procedures..................... ...............................................................................................A typical introduction speech.......................................................................................Toasting........................................................................................................................7.Helpin g Tourists Enjoy the breakfast............................................................................A brief introduction to Chinese breakfast...................................................................8.On the coach to destination...........................................................................................Proced ures.. (9).Sightseeing....................................................................................................... ...........Procedures.............................................................................................. ....................a vivid explanation of the scenic spot........................................................................10.Activities on the coach..............................................................................................11.Watchin g performances.............................................................................................12. Shopping............................................................................................................ .......Offering service in shopping......................................................................................13.Seeing the tour group off...........................................................................................Farewell speech..........................................................................................................Eng lish for Tourism International tourism is the world's largest export earner and an important factor in balance of payments for many nations.Tourism has become one of the world 's most important source of employment.This article is about the main procedures when a local guide named Liu Siyu from China International Travel Service lead a tour group from America to visit Lijiang.1.Meeting Guests at the Airport Meeting guests at the airport is the first step in the cycle of receiving services of the local guides.As the initial step, the guides shall remember that fist impression is the critical to the success of the trip, as “A goodbeginning is half done.” Procedures ●Come to the airport at least 30 minutes in advance;check the arrival terminal to confirm the actual arrival time and arrival gate.●Walk to the gate, establish a meeting site for the group, and note the location of the baggage claim area.●Receive the group and offer a friendly greeting, inquire about their trip, and give brief but clear instructions as to the immediate procedures.●Help tourists when they collect their luggage, and remind them to check if there is any damage.And then transfer the luggage to the vehicle.●Escort the tourists to their motor eful expressions(L: Liu Siyu H: Mr.Hunt)L: Excuse me, but are you Mrs.Hunt? H:Yes, I am.L: Welcome to China, Mr.Hunt.My name is Liu Siyu , your local guide from China International Travel Service.H: Glad to meet you, Mrs.Liu.Thank you for coming to meet us.L: Glad to meet you, too.Mr.Hunt.Did you enjoy your trip? H: Yes, we had a nice trip.L: That's fine.Nevertheless, it's a long trip.You must be tired.H: I'm rather.But I'll be all right by tomorrow and be ready for sightseeing.L:You have a group of 30, right? H:Yes.L: Is everybody here?H: Oh, let me see.Yes, everyone is here.L: How many pieces of luggage do you have? H: 32 altogether.And here are the luggage checks.L: Good.I'll ask the porter to take care of them.H: Thank you.L: Now, Shall we go then? Our coach is outside.H:Yes, I think so.L: Attention please , everyone.Please follow me to the coach.2.Welcome Speech A good speech at the beginning of a trip can impress the tourists and set a good tone for the company an the whole trip.A typical welcome speech Ladies and gentleman : Good morning!Welcome to Lijiang.Please sit back and relax.Your luggage will be sent to the hotel by another bus,soyou don't have to worry about that.Firstly on behalf of China International Travel Service and myself ,welcome everyone come to Yunnan province.I’m very pleased to be your guide during your stay in Yunnan province.Now please allow me to introduce myself.My name is Liu Siyu,you can call me Effy,the man sitting beside me is our driver Mr Li ,he has more than ten year's experience in driving ,so he will make sure that our trip is safe and pleasant.We will always be using the same bus while we are here in Lijiang , so I recommend that you write down the number on our license plate.It is A00786.There will be a lot of tour buses at the scenic spots we visit.If you happen to get separated Lijiang's tourism also boomed, and travellers from around the world flooded in;although many locals fear that due to much of the development, the old town of Lijiang will lose its appeal.Recently, the government has started to develop additional “old city” sections adjacent to the site of the original old city.This is to accommodate the large number of tourists, particularly Han Chinese, who walk the cobblestone streets(cars are not allowed in the old city), typically as part of package tours.Evenings in the old city can be particularly rowdy, not least due to the many outdoor bars, where boisterous groups of tourists try to “out sing” other groups.Lijiang is a beautiful shining jewel on the Northwest Yunnan Plateau neighboring the southeast side of the Tibetan Plateau which is considered to be the “Roof of the World”.It is impressive because of its scenery and lush vegetation.Lijiang boasts of breath-taking wonderful sights such as Jade Dragon Snow Mountain and its modern maritime glacier, the only one of its kind in the southern end of the Northern Hemisphere;Tiger Leaping Gorge;the worldThe Chinese Restaurant and Specialty Restaurant could have acapacity of 400 guests at the same time.The Chinese Restaurant serves characteristic Sichuan Cuisine, Dian Cuisine and Huaiyang Cuisine, and Specialty Restaurant serves Western-style Buffet and A La Carte.In the evening, chefs from Hong Kong and Guangdong provide you cozy Night Dim-sum and serve you with delicious deserts and local flavor foods.To meet the needs of your business and leisure, we attached to Multi-functional Conference Room, Business Center, Sports Bar, Chess Room, Footbath Centre and many other facilities.The Multi-functional Conference Room, with a capacity of 240 people and complete audio-video system,can meet all kinds of needs.Located in the Shangri-La scenic spots, Shiner Hotel Shangri-la is surrounded by mysterious Shika Snow Mountains and Haba Snow Mountains with snow all the year round and picturesque natural scenery.Convenient transportations ensure the easy access to nearby beautiful scenic spots.The hotel was designed and built with a traditional Tibetan style and possesses equipped facilities and the best service, which make our hotel become your best choice to stay.The hotel has one Chinese Restaurant and 6 characteristic private dining rooms, which can cater 300 people at the same time.It is the ideal place of private party and business gathering.You could experience the traditional Chinese dishes and Western food here.We possess Multi-functional Conference Rooms, Business Centre, Sports Bar, Chess Rooms and Footbath Centre etc., which can meet your needs of meeting and entertainment.You could enjoy various kinds of cocktails and beverages in the Sports Bar.It will make you feel relaxed after a long journey or an exhausted meeting.The world nature heritage sites of Three Paralleled Rivers, Yangtze River Bay, Tiger Leaping Gorge, Pudacuo National Forest Park and Tibetan Buddhism Songzanlinsi are nearby ourhotel.It is really convenient to access to all these beautiful scenic spots, including the unconquerable MeiLi Snow Mountain.5.Hotel Check-in Useful Sentences(1)I made a reservation at your hotel for 30 people ,now we 'd like to check in.(2)Shall we get the room cards now ?(3)The registration forms have been finished.(4)Do you have any single rooms with a bath available for tonight ?6frying and quick stir frying, the food is fried over a hot fire and stirred quickly without using another pan.For example, it takes about one minute to stir fry liver and kidney to keep it tender, soft, delicious, and fresh.breakfast.In the morning it is very convenient to get various inexpensive and hot breakfast foods from street vendors.Porridge or congee made of rice is a common Chinese breakfast food.Almost everything for breakfast is hot, including soybean milk, which comes in different flavors.8.On the coach to destinationProcedures●introducing the scenery along the way and answering questions from tourists.●giving a sketch of the destination scenic spotToday I will bring you to the Lijiang Dayan Town.Maybe you are more familiar with the name “the ancient town of Lijiang”.We will get there in a few minutes.So now I will give you a brief introduction of Lijiang.It is located in Lijing Prefecture in the Northwest of Yunnan province.The population of Lijiang Prefecture is over 1 million involving 21 nationalities, for example, the Naxi, Yi, Lisu, Pumi,etc.And later you will see the houses of Naxi people in the ancient town.Lijiang Prefecture is the major developing tourist area of Yunnan Province.It contains beautiful natural scene, unique minority amorous feelings, age-oldminority cultures, and rich tourist resources.The scenic spots are mainly scattered in Lijiang County and Ninglang County.We can conclude them into:“ two mountains, one town, one lake, one river, one culture and one folk custom.”.Two mountains refer to Yulong Snow Mountains and Laojun Mountains, one town is Dayan T own, one lake refers to Lugu lake, one river is Jinsha river, one culture is Dongba Culture and one folk custom refers to the Moso people's custom, which we call the “Aixa”.What does that mean? I will leave it to you to discover.So you see Lijiang, with its rich resources in plants and animals, the natural beauties and the amazing minority folk customs, attracts more and more tourists from home and abroad.Soon we will get the the Ancient town of Lijiang, it has a history of almost a thousand years.The scenes are unique and unconventional.It is one of the best-historical, cultural cities at the state level in China.It consists of three parts: Dayan、Baisha、Suhe.So why is it called Dayan? Because it is in the middle of Lijiang basin, and the Lijiang basin looks like a big inkstone, and in Chinese the pronunciation of that is “yan”.The Old Town of Lijiang was first built in Southern Song Dynasty and in 1253, Kublai(the first emperor of the Yuan Dynasty)was stationed here on his march into the south.In Ming and Qing dynasties, it became much larger.Lijiang is world renowned as an ancient city built in a simple and artistic style and scientifically laid out.There is a square in its center.It was listed as a national historical and cultural city in 1986.The Old Town of Lijiang is surrounded by Lion Mountain in the west and by Elephant and Golden Row Mountains in the north.These mountains in the northwest shelter it from the cold wind.In the southeast, there are fertile fields, which are dozens of kilometers long.The city is favored with plentiful sunlight, an east wind and clear springwater which flows in three streams and reaches every family.The streets are paved with the local stone slabs, which do not get muddy in the rainy season and are free of dust in the dry season.Many stone bridges and arches in the city were built during the Ming and Qing dynasties.Orderly roads and lanes extend to four directions from the central square.Residential houses are made of timber;most have a screen wall in front and some have a quadruple courtyard.Local people plant flowers in their courtyards.The ancient traditional culture of the Naxi ethnic group is the Dongba culture, which is based on the Dongba religion.Most believers are skilled in medicine and the culture is passed on through literature and art.The Dongba language has more than 1,300 separate words, which are written in primitive pictographic characters.There are more than 1,400 types of Dongba scriptures written in these characters and they take up 20,000 volumes.The scriptures cover religion, philosophy, history, local customs, literature, art, astronomy, medicine, the calendar, geography, flora, fauna, dancing, painting and music.Lijiang has many historical relics.The Old Town of Lijiang is the most complete ancient town in China.Black dragon Pool, Wufeng Building and Lijiang mural paintings are very famous in China.Lijiang is the home of murals which were painted by people from Han, Tibetan and Naxi ethnic groups in the Ming Dynasty.They cover a total area of 139.22 square meters on 55 walls of Dabaoji Palace, Liuli Hall, Dabao Pavilion and other buildings.The largest is 2.07 meters by 4.48 meters and contains 600 figures.There are many traditional festivals for Naxi people, such as Sandu Festival, Torch Festival and Stick Festival on the 15th day of the first month of the lunar year, etc.The Old Town of Lijiang was included in the UNESCO world heritage list in。



The heaven tour peakGood morning everyone.welcome to muntain wuyi ,welcome to china. I am much honored to have chance to give all of you this trip-guiding of Mountain.wuyi . My name is Lin Aiping, who is a tourguide from Wuyi sunny day travel agency. The drive next to me is Mr.cheng ,who has more than ten year’s experience in driving, so he will makes our trip a safe and pleasant one. His bus number is 闽H123456.If you needs any help please don’t hesitate to let us know. We will try our best to serve you in the next few days. We really appreciate your understanding and cooperation.Ladies and Gentlemen, Mountain wuyi is located in the northern part of Fujian Province.At first,let me introduce Fujian province to you. Fujian lying in the southeastern coast of China and bordering Zhejiang , Jiangxi and Guangdong Province,As one of the earliest cities opening to the outside world in China, Fujian geographical conditon is superior. Beacause of the long history,beautiful scenery ,splendid culture and the close relationship with Taiwan and overseas Chinese,Fujian become a very special tourist area.The mountain wuyi that we will tour next is one of the top ten unique tourism brand of Fujian.Mountain Wuyi was honored as "World Cultural and Natural Heritage",the scenic spot is 70square km in acreage,the average height of peaks is about 350 meters. Mountain wuyi is famous for its green water and red mountains.For example the nine-bent stream is known as the most beautiful stream in china.And there are 36 peaks.among them,the Jade goddess peak,the Great king peak and the heaven tour peak are more famous.the Jade goddess peak is a beautiful peak just like a beautiful unique girl,While the Great king peak just like a strong man.As the old saying goes on," Don't go to the Great Wall non- good brave fellow", go to wuyi mountain not to ascend the heaven tour peak, as if go to peking not to visit the great wall similar,which is can't imagine.Don’t worry,today I will take you to climb the heaven peak first.Fellow friends, we have reached the heaven peak scenic spot now.The pavilion in front of us is shuiyue pavilion.It is known to us all,there is only one moon in the sky,but when you drink under the pavilion in the evening,you will find four moons.Does anyone know the reason?ok,let me tell you answer,one is in the sky,the other is in the water,the remaining are in our cup and heart.OK,now look at the rock please,this is fuhu rock.The writing was written by Cheng xing ,which means that he is just like a strong tiger with much energy while is tied in unknown moutain wuyi.The word express the author’s depressed.This is many ancient scholars’gernaral emotion in our country.In the right of the fuhu rock is the quadrate bamboos.Thoese bamboos are very unusual,they looks round but touches quadrate.Maybe youcan try to touch,ok,let’s stop touching or they will ture quadrate to round.Fellow friends,please fellow me to go up.this is tea cave,where the tea is quite famous. from now to yilan terrace are total 826 footsteps. ok,now let’s begin to go moutain-climing .now we have arrived to yilan terrace, Ladies and Gentlemen you must be very tired by now,let’s have a rest .looking into the distance by the railing on here,you can see mountain peaks floating on a sea of clouds and the nine-bent stream winding its way among the mountain peaks.Go straight,the building in front of us is heaven tour taoist temple. during the following time ,you can look around and take some photos.Twenty minutes later ,we will gather at the foot of the heaven tour peak for departure. ok,today’s tour of heaven tour peak has finished. Thank so much to your cooperation and collaboration.At last I hope that your visit to heaven tour peak will be a memorable experience. Thank you!。











































导游资格考试英语导游词:⽯林旅游景点 导游词的'考试中,与英语也是密切相关的,下⾯是店铺整理的导游资格考试英语导游词:⽯林旅游景点,欢迎来参考! The Stone Forest lies about 80 miles to the southeast of Kunming. A geological phenomenon, the Stone Forest was a vast expanse of sea during the Paleozoic era——some 270 million years ago. Later, the movement of tectonic plates altered the earth’s crust, causing the sea to recede and its limestone bottom to appear, thereby forming land.Due to the constant seeping ofrain through the cracks in the limestone, some of the stone formation dissolved and the fissures broadened, producing a group of great sculptures of different shapes, all molded by nature. In the midst of the forest, there is a huge rock screen on which two words——Stone Forest——are engraved in official script (in a calligraphic style typical of the Han Dynasty, 206 B.C.-220 A.D.). Among the scenic sights is the "Sword Peak Pond" with jadeite-colored water so clear that one can see the bottom of the pond. Other astonishing sights include "Figure of Ashima," "Shi Ba Xiang Song" (its name originating in the Chinese love story, "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai"), and "Lotus Peak." The splendor of the Stone Forest is enhanced by the local customs of the native Sani people (who are part of the Yi minority). Sani people are industrious and hospitable——and unconstrained. Sani women are expert at spinning, weaving, and embroidering. They like to wear rainbow-colored headgear and bright-colored dresses. The young people especially are very good singers and dancers. Every day at sunset, under the moonlight, boys and girls gather at the village platform. While the boys play the three-stringed plucked instruments, the girls clap their hands and dance the strong-rhythmed traditional "A’Xi (Ah-shi) Dance in the Moon" with great enthusiasm. If you happen to witness the event, you will be invited to join in the festivity. Note that every lunar year, on June 24th, the Sani people celebrate their national festival——the Torch Festival. On that day, the entire Stone Forest is permeated with a celebratory atmosphere. There are traditional performances of wrestling and bull-fighting. Finally, when the land is enveloped in the curtain of night, the young men (holding torches in their hands) run after the young women to propose marriage in the light of colored lanterns. Notes: 1. Stone Forest ⽯林 2. Sword Peak Pond 剑峰池 3. Figure of Ashima 阿诗玛像 4. Lotus Peak 莲花峰【导游资格考试英语导游词:⽯林旅游景点】。






在今后的旅途中,如果有什么地方我讲的不清楚,欢迎大家提出来,我将努力讲清楚???最后,祝大家一路快乐、双喜临门、三阳开泰、四季平安、五谷丰登、六六大顺、七星高照、八方来财、九九归一,旅途生活十分美好~(掌声) 今天呢,我们要游览的景点是素有“皖南张家界,江滨小黄山”美誉的马仁奇峰风景区,马仁奇峰坐落在芜湖境内的南陵、繁昌以及铜陵三县交界处,现为国家4A级旅游景区,国家森林公园。





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Hello, very welcome to Ma ren qifeng forest tourist areas. I am a tour guide Xiao Xiao, here I'll introduce you to the Anhui provincial forest parks, national "AAA" class tourism--Ma Yan qifeng scenic area in Wuhu.The South Bank of the Yangtze River in Tongling, Wuhu to the fanchang,, has a June show strange mountain, Ma Renshan. This mountain in the Central Highlands, rocks, strange, fengyan waiting, stagger lofty, screen, like battlements of the city, such as mounting the jade, as Lance. Taiyangshan, Moon Hill, one washed away, the Sun, the Moon, looking out. Catalpol papyrifera acres in the mountain woodlands, forest, more domestic rare wood forest, with lush bamboo sea, mountain home. Mountain Lake, Lake of the Moon, India two mountains into the Lake, the landscape one, fascinating.Ma Renshan, formerly known as Ma Renshan, late into the night after, mountain horse demon whinny people panic, a fairy came to this mountain by boat, draw one ' s sword "off its first" villagers ' gratitude for its jenteh, change the name of this Hill Ma Renshan. Poetry of the ancients said: "the peak back to nine sons pick, Tico, sacrifice and the odd bucket-blue hole. Remember that man Ming Ma roared night and banners La La autumn wind. ”Ma Yan qifeng scenic spots with "Ma Yan six odd-" absolutely, here we come to introduce the six odd--one in "grotesque peak".In addition to the preceding peak of Lu Xun, the following will give you some information about beautiful peaks. Beautiful peak to the left temple of Ma yan, lay on one of the hills, beautiful, ladylike girl, speaking of this mountain, there is a beautiful legend.Legend has it that in ancient times, the Hill has a rich man called Mauron, Mo Ying look if his daughter Angel, and talented, she and the cowboy of the village mutual love, pledge to marry without the permission of parents. Village has a noble young man Mo Ying Yang Ye have long coveted beauty, trustee talk about a marriage, Mauron fear the forces of the Yang family, had promised, don't miss dead refused, the last multilateral consultation, throwing balls marry into and live with one ' s bride ' s family.Marry into and live with one ' s bride ' s family day, crowded under the mountain, Yang Ye has people crowded around a decorated Archway, won balls, Niu Gur firecrackers went straight to the decorated Archway stood suddenly, when young families by surprise, Miss balls thrown to Niu Gur, cow catcher ran, half way to the Yang family killed, and regain the ball. That night, Mo Ying braved squally rain, escaped from the Mozambican, found at the foot of Niu Gur's body, after breaking down and weeping, commit suicide to scissors, Mo Ying died, her grave has turned into the mountain, people called this peak is beautiful peaks.You then look up this huge wall, Fanchang County it is one of the ten, the name "Ma yan, Cliff" this wall of cool stone of a headless horse, high wall baizhang, extraordinary momentum. This independence between wind among Mountain Pines in front of Kinte column that is "Ma Yan six strange", one of the "pillar and odd", others South of this column, known as "Wuhu to the first pillar".At Sun Hill's leak months of Sun and moon mountain cave, foster, the corresponding theory into delightful aspect, it's called "six-Chi", "the strange hole.Sun mountain cave was born in the Sun, to Sunrise, the Sun through this hole, dazzling and unpredictable, dizzying, and confusing.Pinnacle Moon cave is located in the mountains of the Moon, this hole shape of the meniscus, and through this hole, Sun Mountain beauty of glance. Moonlight boarding here, through the conceptof months, you will see the cave of spirits of Ma Yan moonlight."Odd housing" is Ma Renshi housing, for "horse Jen six odd" one, stone housing high about 30 m, although by three block claimed of giant stone composition, but indoor bright, can wind cover rain, and rain again big also not leak, is for a odd; to has summer, people entered stone housing, meal sense breeze rinses, feel good all over cool, is for erqi; station in hole in the looked up and visible "people" Word days, that is by two block giant stone of gap composition, "people" Word hectic strong, can be described as specially Word days into, was takes the, is for sanqi;Stone housing Middle vertical has a root God column, high more than 20 more m, diameter about 1.2 m around, God column mellow smooth, stone pillars Middle has a crack, this also has paragraph legends, year this God column to daily ten feet of speed Shang long, at Temple, retinue fear stone pillars endanger heaven, sent Lei Gonglei mother will its-click broken, formation now this looks, this for four odd.If your visit to hut along the right of the stone house Lane, in a cutting out under giant rock, a stone mortar, speaking of the stone mortar, there is also a small story. When General Tan Zhenlin Ma yan in mountain village, conducted the famous "five-five-Jet" "fanchang battles", in a battle, several soldiers and dabudui separated, sheltering here, inquiries sent to rice in Shan Ha Tsuen, farmers, soldiers drilled a stone mortar used with entirely. This ride, find dabudui, this is another odd stone house."Ma yan and six Qi" the last odd thing rocks. Ma Yan Shilin, different stand people like beast, lifelike. By a strange rock formation nearly, more famous day Moon, double Xiong Dengfeng, immortal ferry, golden rooster Crow deep love, mother and child, Maitreya study on lecture, Dragon King, Dragon Tiger beads, drunken Li Bai, Noah's Ark, the 18 Arhats in the South China Sea, and so on, today will no longer describe until you have the opportunity to come to the horse when Jen qifeng and savor.。
