Language study (spoken or written) 语言学习,口头语言和书面语言比较学习

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●Focus: Medium of literature---- a source of standards of linguistic excellence with permanence and authority (esp. before 20th century)
Supporters' opinions
Language Study--Spoken or Written
1. About spoken and written language 2. The contrasts between spoken and written language 3. Spoken language supreme 4. Writing supreme 5. Compromise
Ferdinand de Saussure Leonard Bloomfield
It is rather as if people believed that in order to find out what a person looks like it is better to study his photograph than his face. Saussure
Direct phonemic correspondence of phoneme ≠ alphabetic letter
Twin domains with complementary functions: spoken --- dynamic; written --- static
Not rejecting the phonemic principle
adverse conditions.
Spoken language People centered
Written language Topic centered
Spoken language Context dependent
Written language Context reduced
Influence spoken language
●A means for children to extend spoken vocabulary ●Words through written medium
●The whole of a language from written form (Latin) ●Source of modern spoken language (Hebrew)
An identical spoken and written language would be practically intolerable. If we spoke as we write we should find no one to listen; and if we wrote as we speak we should find no one to read. The spoken and written language must not be too near together, as they must not be too far apart. ---T.S.Eliot
Prof. Douglas Biber founder of the Multi-dimensional Analysis (MDA) approach professor at Northern Arizona University. manager of international project team who produced the "Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written English" (Longman, Douglas Biber: 1999).
Further explanations
●More formal & more likely to provide the standard that society values ●Allowing repeated reading and close analysis for its permanence ●Useful & valuable for some sophisticated purposes ●Displaying several unique features
Spoken precedes written chronologically There exist non-literate language communities. Written forms hinder understanding of “actual speech”.
Written language of this method of control The use unquestionably leads to safer and Grammatically compact and lexically faster trains running in the most dense
●Eric Havelock--- words about the nature of written language ●Linnea C. Ehri (1985)--- the influence of print on our language perception is similar to that of calendars and clocks on our perception of time
speech and writing : a stylistic continuum. (≠two discrete entities)
(e.g. a personal letter)
Spoken language supreme
Speech is the primary medium of communication among all peoples, it should therefore be the primary object for linguistic study.
Written Language
●Definition of written language
●Broad sense of written language
(manuscript, print)
Writing supreme
●A means of communication across space and time ●Origin: For over two millennia
Spoken language can exploit intonation and voice pitch to convey information Written language: read “between the lines”
Spoken language: Both participants are present, and the speaker has a specific addressee (or group of addressees) in mind. Written language: The producer is distant from the recipient-- and, often, may not even know who the recipient is.
●Two different & equal systems of language (William Haas) ●Complement each other in functions (Josef Vachek) ●A related view with Vachek (H.J.Uldall)
●Keeping a balance between the two forms (M. A.K. Halliday)
Written signs are not secondary in nature Different but equal Graphemes ≠signs of phonemes Carrying a message independently

You can control the trains this way Spoken language you do that you can be quite and if sure that they will be able Loosely structured grammatically to run more safely and more quickly than lexically sparse could otherwise no matter they how bad the weather gets. .
Writing provides an easy option for linguistic study, therefore, is a dangerous red- herring for linguistics.
The art of writing is not part of language, but rather a comparatively modern invention for recording and broadcasting what is spoken.
●Fondacaro & Higgins (1985)--- social cognitive consequences of communication tend to be greater for written than for oral communication
… the alphabet converted the Greek spoken tongue into a artifact, thereby separating it from the speaker and making it into a ‘language’, that is an object available for inspection, reflection, analysis
A language and its written form are two distinct systems. The written form was not part of the language but a means of making manifest the sound system.
Written language : mountain permanent, clearly delineated, and available for inspection
The contrasts between spoken and written language
Spoken language: phonic substance Written language: graphic substance
Spoken language: an efficient way for social or phatic communication
Spoken language: ocean mutable, shifting, and difficult to capture and define
Written language: an efficient way for spreading the knowledge
The unit of content is expressed in two ways Little account of the differences in the nature of the two forms