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精心收集了有关购物英语情景剧对话,供大家欣赏学习!有关购物英语情景剧对话1John:Do you like to shop online?你喜欢在网上购物吗?Lily:Yeah. It's really convenient to shop from home. It also saves time.喜欢。


John:I worry about identity theft online. It is easy for theives to steal my account number and password online.我总是担心网上支付的安全问题。


Lily:That's not a problem as long as you use your own computer and only visit encrypted sites.用自己的电脑在信誉好的网站买东西,就不会有问题的。

John:What about counterfeit goods?网上卖的东西会不会有假的?Lily:Well, some places sell them. So you have to be careful where you shop.有的是。


有关购物英语情景剧对话2lily:hello, customer service.你好,客服中心。

john:hello. i bought the book "home" from your website, but it misses some pages.你好,我从你们网站买了一本《家》,但是页码不全。

lily:could you tell me your order number?请问您的订单号是多少?john:4-4-9-8-3-2-6-7-6.四四九八三二六七六。

lily:ok, the title of the book is "home", right? all the copies of this book have already been sold, but we can still offer you a refund.哦,是《家》对吗?这本书已经卖完了,不过我们可以给您安排退货。

lily:if you want, we can shop online together. i want to buy a cd.如果要买,我们可以一起在网上买。


john:i've never shopped online before. how do you go about doing so?我从没在网上买过东西。

你怎么买?lily:it's very simple. we need to register at a trusted retailer website and then follow their instructions for making purchases.非常简单。


john:how do you pay?怎么付款呢?有关购物英语情景剧对话4John:Do you accept returns?可以退货吗?Lily:We accept returns up to seven days after purchase but we do not cover shipping and handling.可以,七天内都可以退换货,但是运费需要您来承担。

John:Do you accept CODs?能不能货到付款?Lily:Sorry, we only accept Alipay or a bank transfer.不好意思,小店只支持支付宝或者银行汇款。

John:How much does it cost to expedite something to Wangjing?快递到望京多少钱?Lily:For parcels under two kg, it will be five RMB.两公斤内五块。

有关购物英语情景剧对话5john:hi. do you have this t-shirt?你好,请问一下这件衣服有货吗?lily:hi. yes. what size do you want?你好,有货。

你要多大号的?john:large. do you have any other colors?大号。

还有别的颜色吗?lily:it comes in three colors: red, black and white. but the only size we have left in white is large.有红色、黑色和白色三种颜色。


john:the white is ok…can you lower the price a little bit?白色也不错。

