


、常与 一般现在时 连用的时间状语: 1、副词: always

often never sometimes usually

2 、短语: every day / week / month / year once a week hardly ever

every ten minutes 每十分钟 every other ten minutes 每隔十分钟

now and then

不时 from time to time 不时

另: 客观事实、客观真理只用一般现在时 eg: He always stud ies very hard. They sometimes go to school on foot. Ken

doesn 't clean his teeth

every day .

The No. 2 bus pass es here every fifteen minutes .

、常与 一般过去时 连用的时间状语: 1、副词: yesterday

2、短语: last week / month / year / night

last Monday

yesterday morning / afternoon / evening last May

、常与 现在完成时 ( has / have done ) 连用的时间状语: 1、副词: already yet just ever before never recently

2、短语: how long for + 一段时间 these five years by far so far since + 时间点 how many times in these / those days

Did you meet him

the other day


left here at 8:00

Andrew ' s father

went t o Australia

in 1978 .

He went to sleep after he finished his homework. I

didn ' t hear from him

a week ago

Mr. Smith

came to see our teacher The sports meet began on September 20

Do you visit your uncle

now and then

just now = a moment ago two days ago the day before yesterday the other day


已过去的)某年 / 月


at (已过去的)几点钟 前几天

(已过去的)某天 与某些从句连用

eg: He always stud

ied hard last year

yesterday afternoon


has lived in Syd ney since 1986

have arrived here two days before . 比较: They arrived here two days

Have you found one


How long have you worked as a doctor

四、常与 现在进行时(is / am / are doing )


1、 副词:now

2、 某些警示性动词如: look liste n

eg: Look! They are play ing football. He

isn ' t reading


now. 五、常与 过去进行时(was / were doing ) 连用的时间状语: at this / that time yesterday; at 10:00 last ni

ght; from 7:00 to 8:00 yesterday morning; whe n / while 从句 eg: I

was doing my homework at this time yesterday evening. Were you watching TV at 8:00 . last Friday

He was n' t doing his sums whe n I came to his house. They

watched me while I was making a cake.

六、常与 一般将来时(will / shall / be going to do )

Our school will build

another library in 2004 .


will leave for Beijing 「

after 9: 00 o ' clock

at 9: 00 o

How soon will you write to Anne

eg: He They


have ever bee n to Guan gzhou but I

have n ever bee n to HK.


hasn ' t lived here for four mon ths


词: tomorrow

2、短语: next Sun day / week / month / year

how soon

in + 时间段/ (将来的)某年 / 月

after +

on ( 将来的)某天

in the future eg: We will have an En glish Evening tomorrow .




He' ll be back in two hours

She will be ten years old on Saturday next week.

七、常与过去完成时(had do ne)连用的时间状语: by the end of last …; before / after 从


by yesterday / last Monday




一般过去时则强调A) 过去某一具体动作,可配过去的具体时间 B )过去某一时间内经常发生的动作一般现在时强调现在时间内经常发生的动作或客观事实

.: I have done all my homework.

I did my homework last night.

I often did my homework before dinner last month.

I often do my homework before dinner.

He works as an engineer in a company.

It never snows in Hainan Island.


I. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the following words:

1. Mary usually ___________ (get) up early in the morning.

2. We _______ already ___________ ( have ) supper.

3. I ___________________ (call) him in half an hour.

4. Sue _____________________ ( not do ) any washing last year.

5. Listen! Someone _______________________ (knock) at the door.

6. They ________________________ (swim) in the river at this time yesterday.

7. He ______________________ (not book) the court yet.

8. Lucy and Lily ____________________ (not come) to my party tomorrow evening.

9. My pencil ____________ (break) while I _____________________ (draw) a horse.

10. They ____________________ (play) football when I ____________ (see) them.

11. He told the child that the sun ___________ ( go ) down in the west.

12. What will he be when he ___________ (grow) up

13. We won't begin our work until he _________ (come).

14. Sue ________________ (join) the match of next July.

15. How long ____________ he ____________ (arrive) at the station

16. How soon ________ he ___________ (arrive)

17. My father ______________ (work) as a doctor ten years ago.

18. He never ___________ (tell) a lie when he __________ (be) a child.

19. Sometimes last year, my parents __________ (come) home very late.

20. The baby ____________ (drink) water every two hours.

21. He ______________ (call) me every other twenty minutes yesterday.

22. It _____________ (snow) heavily on the morning of last Saturday.

23. By the end of last year, they _________________ (write) five songs.

24. He __________ just _____________ (draw) a map.

25. They _____________________ (not hand) in their homework the other day.

26. He _______________________ (not come) here since last month.

27. Next week, I _____________________ (stay) with my aunt for two days.

28. Peter and Tim ____________________________ (not have) class at nine yesterday.

29. I _______________________ (return) you the book in three days.

30. Look! They __________________________ (not clean) the windows at all!

II. Multiple choice:

1. What ____ you _____ at this time last Sunday

A. did...do

B. have...done

C. were...doing

D. are...doing

2. He said the train ____ faster than any man.

A. run

B. runs

C. ran

D. is running

3. How long ___ he __ in Shenzhen

A. did..e

B. has...arrived

C. will...reach

D. has...been

4. Many people often ___ rice for supper in south China.

A. have

B. has

C. had

D. are having

5. She ___ always ___ angry with nothing.

A. is...being

B. will...be

C. is.../

D. /...is

6. I didn ' t know a word of English until I ____ here.

A. came

B. have come

C. had come

D. was coming

7. I ___ you about that many times.

A. told

B. tell

C. have told

D. am telling

8. Water ___ at 100 0 C.

9. Ken ___ up at 6:30 in the morning.

A. got

B. get

C. gets

D. is getting

10. How many English words __ you ____

A. do...learn

B. has...learned

C. have...learned

D. will...learn

11. I ___ him just now.

A. see

B. saw

C. have seen

D. am seeing

12. He ___ his best to learn English well.

A . doesn ' t B. hasn 't done C. do D. doesn 't do

13. Her new shoes _______ under the bed.

A. is

B. are


was D. am

14. Where

___ you

__ ___ I 've looked for you the whole morning

A. have...gone

B. did. .go to

C. are...going

D. have...been

15. I ___ him but I __ __ to


A. see...didn ' t speak

B. saw...spoke

C. have seen...haven 't spoken


saw...didn ' t speak



1.He ___ swimming in the river every day in summer. (go)

are right. ( seem )

, the children ______ basketball on the playground. ( play )

the radio when I came in, ( listen )

is very cold .I think it _____ . ( rain )

6. I need some paper . I _____ some for you . ( bring )

cant find my pen . Who _____ i t ( take )

said that he _____ back in five minutes . ( come )

didnt meet him. He ______ when I got there. ( leave )

bike, so I have to walk to school. ( lose ) and began to read his newspaper. ( sit )

A. boils

B. is boiling

C. has boiled

D. boiled

is very hungry. He ________ anything for three days. ( not eat )

you if I have time . ( go )

will go to the cinema if it ____ fine . (be )

will tell her the news when she ____ to see me next week. (come)

16. When you _____ the car In 1998 . ( buy )

friends since we met at school . (be)at five yesterday afternoon (do)bike is nice . How much _____ i t _____ (cost)


()go swimming if the weather ______ fine tomorrow.

A. is C. will be going to be

()years since he has left for Beijing.

A. was

B. has been going to be

()dont leave the office until your friend _______ back.

come come

()the end of last year he _______ about 1500 English words.

A. learns learning learned

()! Someone ______ in the next room .

crying cried

()must tell him the news as soon as you _____ him.

see seeing

()told me that he _______ t o see us the next day.

B. came

C. will come

D. would come

()cant find him anywhere . Perhaps he _______ home.

A. is going

B. went

C. has come

D. would come

()teacher told us that the sun ______ bigger than the earth.

A. is

B. was

C. has been be

()you tell me where the railway station _______

A. was

B. is

C. will be

D. would be

()the Great Wall several times.

A. go

B. were going

C. have gone been

()seemed that the old man _______ for something over there.

A. looks

B. looked

C. was looking

D. has looked

()was sure that he ________ his wallet in the office .

A. left

B. would leave

C. had left

D. has left

( ) must study hard if you _______ want to fail the exam. A. wont

B. dont

C. havent

D. hadnt

( ) 15. Im afraid you cant sit here . Sorry , I ________ k now. A. dont B. wont C. cant D. didnt

( ) 16. As she ______ t he newspaper , Granny _____ a sleep. A. read , was falling B. was reading fell C. was reading , was falling fell ( ) 17. Jim is not coming tonight .

But he ______ !

A. promises (许诺)

B. promised

C. will promise ( ) 18. Whats her name

I _______ .

A. forget

B. forgot

C. had forgotten


( ) often _______ his clothes on Sundays. A. washing B. washes C. has washed D. wash

) Chinese. Where ______ from A. do you come B. you are coming C. you come

D. are you coming

( ) school.

A. never walks

B. is never walking

C. walk never

D. never is walking

( ) will start as soon as our teacher ________ . A. comes

B. will come

C. come

D. is coming

( ) long ago ________ p laying football A. have you stopped

B. had you stopped

C. did you stop

D. do you stop

( ) hard when I left my house . A. is raining

B. rains

C. was raining

D. will rain

( ) think this question ______ to answer. A. easy

B. is easy

C. was easy

D. will easy

( ) 8. Dont talk so loudly . Your father ______ . A. sleeps B. is sleeping C. slept

D. had slept

( ) many people does the doctor know who ______ of the disease (

疾病 )

D. had promised

D. am forgetting


与各种时态连用的时间状语 一、常与一般现在时连用的时间状语: 1、副词:always often never sometimes usually 2、短语:every day / week / month / year once a week hardly ever every ten minutes 每十分钟every other ten minutes 每隔十分钟 now and then 不时from time to time 不时 另:客观事实、客观真理只用一般现在时 eg: He always stud ies very hard. They sometimes go to school on foot. Ken doesn’t clean his teeth every day. The No. 2 bus pass es here every fifteen minutes. Do you visit your uncle now and then? 二、常与一般过去时连用的时间状语: 1、副词:yesterday 2、短语:last week / month / year / night last Monday yesterday morning / afternoon / evening last May just now = a moment ago two days ago the day before yesterday the other day 前几天 in (已过去的)某年/ 月on (已过去的)某天 at (已过去的)几点钟与某些从句连用 eg: He always stud ied hard last year. Mr. Smith came to see our teacher yesterday afternoon. Did you meet him the other day? They left here at 8:00. Andrew’s father went to Australia in 1978. He went to sleep after he finished his homework. I didn’t hear from him a week ago. The sports meet began on September 20. 三、常与现在完成时( has / have done )连用的时间状语: 1、副词:already yet just ever before never recently 2、短语:how long for + 一段时间these five years by far so far since + 时间点how many times in these / those days 次数eg: He has lived in Sydney since 1986. They have arrived here two days before. 比较:They arrived here two days ago. I have ever been to Guangzhou but I have never been to HK. Have you found one yet? Anne hasn’t lived here for four months.

各种时态常用的时间状语 Name

各种时态常用的时间状语Name______ 一、一般现在时态常用的时间状语 ①句中有often,always[C:l5weiz],usually[5ju:V[li], sometimes[5sQmtaimz],never[5nev[]hardly ever,seldom(助后实前) ②句末有in sping/summer/autumn/winter(in+季节) ③句末有at+3:30 ,in the morning/afternoon/evening , on Monday(s), on Sunday afternoon , every day/morning, at this time of day, five days a week, once a month , from Monday to Friday, after school/supper , in the middle of the day,at noon ④句末有at home ,at school,in a factory/shop,on a farm, (介词+the+工作场所) ⑤状态动词常用一般现在时态,而不用现在进行时态 二、现在进行时态常用的时间状语 ①句首有look,listen, 句末有now ②句前有It's 3:00. , Don't talk.Don't make so much noise(别吵) . Hurry up(Be quick. Come on)(快点) ③句末有…there/over there /all the time ④句前有一个句子,如Those are...../ This is..../Where be sb? It's+时刻. 则后个句子中的动词用现在进行时态 ⑤谈论图片中的人物动作常用现在进行时态 三、一般过去时态常用的时间状语 ①last +过去时间:last year(去年),last Monday(上周一), last January (去年1月),last week(上周),last month(上个月),last term(上学期) ②yeaterday(昨天), the day before yesterday(前天) ③一段时间+ago: an hour ago(一个小时前), half an hour ago (半个小时前),three das ago(三天前), two years ago(两年前) ④just now(刚才)= a moment ago ⑤in the past(在过去) ⑥in+月,年(过去),in +年(过去),in +月(过去),on +月日,年(过去),on the morning /afternoon/evening of +月日,年(过去) ⑦when Sb be(was/were) num.(数词) years old==at the age of + num.(数词) 当某人...... 岁时,when Sb was/were a child(当某人是个小孩时) when I was 5 years old=at the age of 5 在我5岁时, when I was a child当我是个小孩时, 四、一般将来时态常用的时间状语 ①tomorrow(明天),the day after tomorrow(后天)(其前不用介词) ②next+时间名词:next week(下周),next year(明年),next month(下个月), next term(下学期),next Friday(下周五),next April(明年四月), ③in+一段时间,in an hour(一个小时以后),in three days(三天后), in ten years(十年后)(对in+一段时间提问用how soon) ④in+将来的时间(月/月,年/年), in December(在12月), in December,2008(在2008年的12月),in 2010(在2010年) ⑤on+将来的时间(月日,年) on December 25th(在12月25日), ⑥on the morning /afternoon/evening of +将来的时间(月日,年) on the morning of December 25th(在12月25日的上午), on the afternoon of December 25th,2008(在2008年的12月25日的下午)


初中英语语法总结各时态时间状语 1.一般现在时(do /does , am /is /are 被动:am/is/are done ) every day/ week , on Sundays, on/ at weekends(在每周末), ever,always ,usually, often, sometimes, seldom(很少) , hardly(几乎不), never .once a week. twice 3 months . 2.一般过去时(did , was / were 被动:was/were done ) yesterday , the day before yesterday , last (year,, night, month…), , an hour ago ,the other day , just now = a moment ago , in the past(过去) , that day , from then on (从那时起) ,in 2008, in the old days ,once upon a time(从前), when I was 5 years old , at the age of 5 , long long ago(很久很久以前), used to do. 3.一般将来时(will/ shall do , am/is/are going to do 被动:will/ shall be done , am/is/are going to be done) tomorrow ,this evening , next week , soon , at once , right away, in three minutes , just a moment, in the future, sometime, in 2020, some day, one day, another day. in ten years. by 2020(到…为止) 4.过去将来时(would/ should do , was/were going to do 被动:would/ should be done, was/were going to be done) the next day ,after three years ,three years later ,soon ,right away . (这些时间状语用于间接引语) 5.现在进行时(am /is /are doing,被动:am /is /are being done) now , just now , at the moment ,at present , always (带有感情色彩) 现在进行时常见的动词有:look, now, listen 6 过去进行时(was /were doing , 被动:was /were being done) at six yesterday evening ,from 7 to 9 yesterday evening ,at that time . this morning, the whole morning, all day, yesterday, when, while,at this time yesterday. 7 现在完成时(have /has done , 被动:have /has been done) since 2000 , since 2 days ago, for some years ,ever, never , already ,yet, just , before, recently , so far , up till now , in the past few years , before, recently, lately, in recent years. 8 过去完成时(had done , 被动:had been done ) by +过去时间, three years before , up to the end of last year 从句by the time + 一过 ,主句过完。by the end of last year(到去年末为止)


各时态常用时间状语 一般现在时 1 every day/week/month/hour/ten minutes, every other day(每隔一天)=every second day=every two days; every three days(第三天,即每隔两天),every few days 2 in the morning/afternoon/evening, at night 3 once a week, twice a year… 4 often, usually, frequently, always(也会出现于现在进行时,表示过于频繁), sometimes, at times(时不时), from time to time, every now and then(时不时), frequently, once in a while(时不时) never(它也会出现于现在完成时),seldom(很少),hardly 5 on Sundays(=every Sunday) 6 right now(此刻, 目前) 现在进行时: now, at the moment, at present, for the time being(现在) right now(此刻, 目前)(也可用于一般现在时) always(表示过于频繁发生) 现在完成时: 1 for + 段时间(可用于各种时态), since+点时间(表示段时间)(ever since, since then) (注意这两个时间状语要求句中谓语动词是可延续性的) 2 in/over the past 30 years(注意只用in the past是一般过去时) 3 lately, recently, just (刚刚), these days(根据情况有时也可用于一般现在时) 4 so far, by now, up to now; up until now(直到现在) 5 ever(肯,疑); never(否); 6 already(肯); yet(否,疑) 一般过去时: 1 现在+过去,(即一般现在时的时间状语+一个过去的时间, 如every day last year, on Sundays last year) 2 yesterday, ...ago, just now(刚才), the other day(前几天) 3 last year/night/month... 4 in the past 5 由when 引起的时间状语从句中.(I was watching TV when he came in)(见后常用句型) 过去进行时: 1 一点时间+过去(3 o'clock yesterday; this time last month) 2 由when 引起的句中.(I was watching TV when he came in)(见后常用句型) 3 参照上下文 4 while两端都用进行时


一、一般现在时 用法:1、表示现在经常性的动作或现在存在的状态。常与表示频度或现在经常性的时间状连用。如:always=all the time=forever=for ever 、often usually、every day(week, month, year, spring, summer, autumn, winter, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday), sometimes=at times= from time to time. at seven(six)、seldom, never, in the morning( afternoon、evening,) on Sunday(Monday 、Tuesday、Wednesday、Thursday、Friday、Saturday) once a year(month、week、) three times a day twice a day, all the year around=all over the year, all day long, day and night, all day and all night, in the day=in the day time, in the middle of the day= at noon, at night, at midnight=in the middle of the night等。 二、一般过去时 用法: 表示在过去时间里发生的动作和存在的状态。常与过去时间状语或过去经常性的时间状语连用如:yesterday、the day before yesterday, last night(week, month, year, spring, summer, autumn, winter, September, Spring Festival) an hour ago、a year ago, three years ago, once, once upon a time, long, long ago,…https://www.360docs.net/doc/7634264.html,ter, Long before the other day、in 1988、before liberation, just now,a moment ago, 以及由when, before, after, as soon as等引导的状语从句表示过去的时间状语。 三、一般将来时 表示从现在看来将要发生的动作和存在的状态。常与表示将来的时间状语如tomorrow, next week(month year,spring, summer, autumn, winter, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, century), the day after tomorrow,in the future, some time next week等连用。 四、过去将来时 表示从过去某一时间看来将要发生的动作和存在的状态。常与the next week,=the following day, the next year连用 .由would (should)+动原构成或was(were) going to+动原构成。 五、现在进行时


不同时态的时间状语: 一般将来时next…, tomorrow, in+时间, 一般现在时every …, sometimes,at …, on Sundays, once a week, always, usually, often, never. 现在进行时now, Listen! Look! these days. 一般过去时yesterday, last week(year, month, day...), (an hour, a few minutes...) ago, the other day, in 1982, just now, after, later, before. when 引导的表示过去的时间状语从句,状语从句中的“主将从现” 原则。 过去进行时At +过去时间点(that time, 5 o’clock...), yesterday afternoon(morning...) , this morning, the whole morning, all day, yesterday, from nine to ten last evening… when, while引导的表示过去的时间状语从句. 现在完成时for, since, ever, already, just, yet, never, till/until, up to now, in past years, so far,recently 一、一般现在时 概念:经常、反复发生的动作或行为及现在的某种状况及自然界的客观真理。 时间状语:often,usually,always,sometimes,every week(day,year,month...),once a week,on Sundays,etc. 基本结构:①be动词;②行为动词否定形式:①am /is /are +not;②此时态的谓语动词若为行为动词,则在其前加don't,如主语为第三人称单数,则用doesn't,同时还原行为动词。一般疑问句:①把be动词放于句首;②用助动词do提问,如主语为第三人称单数,则用does,同时,还原行为动词。 二、一般过去时 概念:过去某个时间里发生的动作或状态;过去习惯性、经常性的动作、行为。时间状语:ago,yesterday,the day before yesterday,last week(year,night,month...),in 1989,just now,at the age of 5,one day,long long ago,once upon a time,etc. 基本结构:①be动词;②行为动词否定形式:①was/were +not;②在行为动词前加didn't,同时还原行为动词。一般疑问句:①was或were放在句首;②用助动词do的过去式did 提问,同时还原行为动词。 三、现在进行时 概念:表示现阶段或说话时正在进行的动作及行为。 时间状语:now,at this time,these days,etc. 基本结构:am/is/are +doing 否定形式:am/is/are +not+doing 一般疑问句:把be 动词放在句首 四、过去进行时 概念:表示过去某段时间或某一时刻正在发生或进行的行为或动作。


十六种时态和句子中常出现的时间状语 1.一般现在时(do /does ) every day, every week , always ,usually, seldom ,never . 2.一般过去时(did ) yesterday , last week , ago ,the other day , just now, in the past , that day , from then on (不到现在) 3.一般将来时(will do ) Tomorrow ,this evening , next week , soon , at once , right away, in three minutes , just a moment. 4.过去将来时(would do ) the next day ,after three years ,three years later ,soon ,right away . (这些时间状语用于间接引语) 5.现在进行时(am /is /are doing) now , just now , at the moment ,at present , always (带有感情色彩) 6 过去进行时(was /were doing ) at six yesterday evening ,from 7 to 9 yesterday evening ,at that time . 7 现在完成时(have /has done ) since , for some years , already , just , before, recently , so far , up till now , in the past few years , the last ten years . 8 过去完成时(had done ) by +过去时间, three years before , up to the end of last year 9 现在完成进行时(have /has been doing ) these days , all the morning , all day long ,all the year round 10 过去完成进行时(had been doing ) in those day , all day (这些时间状语用于间接引语) 11 将来进行时(shall/will be doing ) at 8 tomorrow morning , from 2 to 3 tomorrow afternoon 12 过去将来进行时(should /would be doing ) at 8 the next morning ,from 7 to 8 the next morning 13 将来完成时(shall /will have done ) by 2008 14 过去将来完成时(should /would have done ) by +将来时间(用于虚拟语气或间接引语), by the end of the next year 15 将来完成进行时(shall /will have been doing ) all tomorrow morning , all next week . 16 过去将来完成进行时(should /would have been doing ) all the next day , all the next week


一、一般现在时 1.表示经常习惯的动作(频率词) It often snows here. He gets up at 6 every day. 2.表示主语现在的特征或状态 He loves sports. We are in the same class. 3.表示永恒不变的真理和事实或格言警句 Knowledge is power. The sun rises in the east. 特殊用法: 1.按计划(时间表/时刻表/日程表)将要发生,句中有时有将来的时间状语,但不用将来时,要用一般现在时 1.Look at the timetable. Hurry up! Flight 4026 _A_ off at 8:20. (06四川) A. takes B. took C. will be taken D. has taken 2.The train _leaves_ at three this afternoon. 2.状语从句“主将从现”…时间、条件、方式、让步状语从句中用现在时表示将来“主将从现” if/when/until/as soon as/though... 一般现在时:表示将要发生的动作现在完成时:表示将来已经完成的动作 1.If their marketing plans succeed, they _A_ their sales by 20

percent. (2008全国2) A. will increase B. have been increasing C. have increased D. would be increasing 2.I _C_ leave at the end of this month. Really? I don’t think you should leave until you __ another job. A. am going to, find B. will, will found C. am going to, have found D. will, had found 二、一般过去时 1.表在过去发生的和现在没有联系的动作或状态 明示:yesterday, ago, last …, just now, in 1990 暗示:when I was a little girl, when he put on his coat 2.描述过去的情况 言外之意:只有过去如此现在并非如此 Edward, you play so well. But I __ you played the piano. (2009全国I) A. didn't know B. hadn't known (A) C. don't know D. haven't known 三、一般将来时 1.表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态 I’ll return you the book next week. She’ll be twenty years old next

8 时态与时间状语 时间状语

8 时态与时间状语时间状语 一般现在时every day , sometimes, usually ,always often, on Sunday 一般过去时yesterday(morning ,afternoon)last week, an hour ago, the other day, in 1982, just now 一般将来时next, week /month /year ,tomorrow, in two days , in2016 现在完成时for, since, so far, ever, never, just, yet, till/until, up to now, in past years, always, recently 过去进行时this morning, the whole morning, all day, yesterday, from nine to ten last evening…when, while 将来进行时soon, tomorrow, this evening, on Sunday, by this time, tomorrow, in two days, tomorrow evening过去完成时before, by, until, when, after, once, as soon as 动词时态巩固练习50题 1. There _______ no hospitals in my hometown fifty years ago. A. is B. are C. was D. were 2. --- Who sings best in your class? --- Jenny _______. A. do B. did C. does D. has done 3. --- _____ the young girl _____ the old man clean his room every day? --- Yes, she does. A. Does; help B. Has; helped C. Did; help D. Do; helps 4. --- Can I go to Beijing for my holiday, Dad? --- You can when you _______ a bit older. A. will get B. get C. are getting D. got 5. --- What does Linda often do in the evening? --- She often _______ her homework, but on the evening of March 12 she _______ TV. A. does; watches B. is doing; watched C. does; watched D. is doing; was watching 6. Our geography teacher told us yesterday that the earth _______ around the sun. A. was moving B. moved C. has moved D. moves 7. If he _______harder, he will catch up with us soon. A. study B. studies C. will study D. studied 8. --- Don’t forget to ask him to write to me. --- I won’t. As soon as he _______, I’ll a sk him to write to you. A. will come B. came C. comes D. is coming 9. --- Do you like this silk dress? --- Yes, I do. It _______ so soft and comfortable. A. is feeling B. feels C. has felt D. is felt 10. Oh, it’s you. I’m sorry I _______ know you _______ here. A. don’t; are B. didn’t; are C. didn’t; were D. don’t; were 11. Mr Lu Xun died in 1936. He _______ a lot of famous novels. A. wrote B. was writing C. has written D. would write 12. --- Your telephone number again? I _______ quite catch it. --- It’s 2567321. A. can’t B. couldn’t C. don’t D. didn’t 13. --- How was your weekend on the farm? --- Great! We _______ with the farmers. A. enjoy ourselves B. went fishing C. will work D. make friends


1. —I don’t understand why you come so late? -Sorry, I ________ that you ________ for me. A. don’t realize, are waiting B. haven’t realized, have waited C. hadn’t realized, had waited D. didn’t realize, were waiting 2. We _________ in the forest for more than two days when it became obvious that we needed a guide. A. had not been B. were not C. have not been D. would not be 3. —Are you going to Emma’s party? —I don’t know. It_______. - We might go away that weekend. A. all depend B. all depends C. is all depended D. all is depending 4. — When is the meeting supposed to start? —It is _______. A. about to begin B. to begin C. already begun D. about beginning 5. — You seem to have a lot of work at your office. You ______ late. -That’s true, but it’s no bother to me. A. stay always B. are always staying C. were always staying D. had always stayed 6. I’d _________ if you’d mail these letters for me. A. very appreciate it B. fairly appreciate C. quite appreciate D. appreciate it very much 7. We _________ successes so far, but the successes _________ in one day. A. have won, haven’t been won B. won, weren’t won C. had won, hadn’t been won D. have won, weren’t won 8. When you go by train; make sure you ________ train that stops at all the stations. A. will get B. would get C. get D. should get 9. -She _______ but that young man dived in and saved her just in time. -How brave of him! A. had drowned B. drowned C. was drowned D. was drowning 10. This tape recorder is easy to work. Watch how I_______ it. I switch it on, press this button and it starts. A. have done B. do C. would do D. was doing 11. He asked the crowd if they _______ that she __________ a lie. A. had thought, told B. thought, was telling C. were thinking, told D. were thinking, was telling 12. More middle-aged people suffer from heart trouble than _______. A. general belief B. generally believed C. believing generally D. to believe generally 13. No wonder those flowers ________. They ________ any water for long. A. are dy ing, haven’t had B. died, didn’t have C. had died, haven’t had D. have died, hadn’t had 14. -How long have you been here? -Only about five minutes. Henry and Simon ____ with me. A. have walked B. were walking C. had walked D. walked 15. -You mean your gas and electricity bill isn’t correct._______you still __________ it?


英语中八种常见时态常用时间状语归纳 一、一般现在时 1. 概念:表示现阶段经常发生的动作或现在的某种状况,也表示客观事实、客观规律或客观真理。谓语动词要用原形,主语是第三人称时,谓语动词要用第三人称单数形式。 2. 常见时间状语标志:always, often, sometimes, usually, every day, on Sundays, once a day / week / month等。 例如: I do some exercise every day. 我每天做一些锻炼。 She knows French and German besides English.除英语外,她还懂法语和德语。 The sun rises in the east. 太阳从东边升起。 二、一般将来时 1. 概念:表示将来发生的动作或存在的状态,以及打算、计划或准备做某事。 2. 常见时间状语标志:tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next day / week / month / year…, this week / month / year, soon, in + 时间状语(如in one hour / in a few minutes等),in the future, in future等。 例如: I’ll take you there tomorrow. 我明天带你去那儿。 Next month we will have our school open day. 下个月我们将迎来学校开放日。 The Talent Show is coming in two weeks’ time. 新秀选拔演出还有两周时间就要到了。 三、一般过去时 1. 概念:表示在过去的某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态,也表示过去习惯性、经常性的动作。谓语动词要用过去时。 2. 常见时间状语标志:yesterday, the day before yesterday, last night / week / month, 时间词+ ago (如three days ago), in / on + 过去的时间词(如in 2010), just now, at that time, in those days, one day, long long time ago, once upon a time等。 例如: Two years ago she bought an expensive mountain bike.两年前,她买了一辆昂贵的山地自行车。 Last year, however, nearly twenty billion tons of rice was produced. 然而,去年的稻谷产量接 近200亿吨。


常见的八种英语时态详解 时态(Tense)是表示行为、动作和状态在各种时间条件下的动词形式。因此,当我们说时态结构的时候,指的是相应时态下的动词形式。英语时态分为16种 1. 一般现在时 基本结构:①be动词am/is/are;②行为动词原形或单数第三人称。 否定形式:①am /is /are +________;②此时态的谓语动词若为行为动词,则在其前加_________,如主语为第三人称单数,则用___________,同时还原行为动词。 一般疑问句:①把be动词放于句首;②用助动词do提问,如主语为第三人称单数,用does,同时,还原行为动词。 提示词:always , everyday , often , once a week (month , year , etc.) , sometimes , seldom , usually 1) 描述当前时间内经常出现、反复发生的动作或存在的状态。 She doesn't often write to her family, only once a month. It seldom rains here .这儿很少下雨。 2)仅为了描述状态、性质、特征、能力等等。 这里的目的是为了"描述现阶段的动作或状态",其重点"不是强调动作发生的时间、或进行的状态"。例如:

He can speak five foreign languages . Changjiang River is one of the longest rivers in the world. 3) 陈述客观事实、客观真理。 The earth goes around the sun .地球绕着太阳转。 4) 根据英文语法规定,当主句的谓语动词是一般将来时,那么时间或条件状语从句的谓语动词只能用一般现在时来表示将来要发生的动作。例如: I'll tell him the news when he comes back. 他回来时,我将告诉他这个消息。 If you take the job , they will talk with you in greater details. 5)现在时的特殊用法:一般现在时表过去 1. 用于某些动词(tell, say, hear, learn, gather等)表示不确定的过去时间。如: I hear that he got married last month. 我听说他上个月结婚了。 Mary says you told her to come over here. 玛丽说是你让她到这儿来的。 2. 当要陈述一个客观事实时,有时即使有过去时间状语也可用一般现在时。如: The story is set in the summer of 1937. 故事的背景是1937年夏天。 The story begins in the year 1937. 故事开始于1937年。 练习 1)He always _____ ( get)up early. 2)Mary often ______(do)some shopping on Sundays 3).I’ll go with you as soon as I_______(finish)my homework. 4)If he _______(come) here, I will tell you 5)The earth ________( move) round the sun. 6)Tom sometimes ________(have) lunch at school. 7)Lily usually ________(fly) kites on weekends.
