计算机专业英语期末复习大纲I. Match the following two columns (20%: 1 point for each)考察范围:课文中的词汇和表达。
II. Match the words or expressions in the left column with those in similar meaning in the right column. (20%: 2 points for each)考察范围:课后练习中的词汇练习部分III. Tell whether the following statements are true or false. Write T for the right,F for the wrong on the answer sheet. (20%: 2 points for each)考察范围:课后练习中的判断正误题Ⅳ. Read the following passages and choose the best answer (20%: 2 points for each)考察范围:从课外出V. Translate the following sentences into Chinese (20%: 4 points for each)考察范围:课后练习中的翻译练习各章大纲Chapter 1( 第一章) Computer Hardware Fundamentals教学内容:•CPU•Memory Devices•Input and output教学要求:•掌握计算机系统硬件组成涉及的主要英文词汇及其缩写形式(如中央处理器CPU 、内存Memory 等)•能够阅读并理解涉及计算机硬件的简单英文文章(篇幅在500~800 词之间,生词不超过3% ,阅读速度达到每分钟40~50 词)•初步认识有关计算机硬件组成的英文科技文章的风格Chapter 2( 第二章) Operating Systems教学内容:•The Definition of Operating System•PC Operating System•Introduction to Windows XP教学要求:•掌握计算机操作系统软件涉及的主要英文词汇及其缩写形式(如操作系统OS ,进程Process 等)•能够阅读并理解涉及计算机软件的简单英文文章(篇幅在500~800 词之间,生词不超过3% ,阅读速度达到每分钟40~50 词)•初步认识有关计算机系统软件的英文科技文章的风格Chapter 3( 第三章) Application Software教学内容:•The Definition of Application Software•Miscellaneous Application Software•Introduction to Microsoft Word教学要求:•掌握计算机应用软件涉及的主要英文词汇及其缩写形式•能够阅读并理解涉及计算机应用软件的中等难度英文文章(篇幅在800~1200 词之间,生词不超过5% ,阅读速度达到每分钟40~50 词)•进一步认识涉及计算机应用软件的英文科技文章的风格Chapter 4( 第四章) Database System教学内容:• A Brief Introduction to Database systems•Types of Database Software•Introduction to SQL Server教学要求:•掌握数据库系统涉及的主要英文词汇及其缩写形式•能够熟练阅读并理解涉及数据库的中等难度英文文章(篇幅在800~1200 词之间,,生词不超过5% ,阅读速度达到每分钟50~60 词)•熟悉涉及计算机专业的英文科技文章的风格,了解和掌握其中的常见语法和表达方式Chapter 5 (第五章) Programming and Design教学内容:•Introduction to Programming•Programming Languages•Introduction to Visual Basic教学要求:•掌握程序设计方面涉及的主要英文词汇及其缩写形式•能够阅读并基本理解涉及程序设计的较长篇幅英文文章(篇幅在1200 词以上,生词不超过5% ,阅读速度达到每分钟50~60 词)•能够比较准确、通顺地翻译简单的计算机专业英文文章( 篇幅在300~500 词之间,生词不超过3%)Chapter 6( 第六章) Software Engineering教学内容:•Introduction to Software Engineering•Object-Oriented Software Development•Software Testing教学要求:•掌握软件工程涉及的主要英文词汇及其缩写形式•能够熟练阅读并基本理解涉及软件工程的较长篇幅英文文章(篇幅在1200 词以上,生词不超过8% ,阅读速度达到每分钟50~60 词)•能够比较准确、通顺地翻译中等难度但篇幅较短的计算机专业英语文章(篇幅在500 词以内,生词不超过5% )Chapter 7( 第七章) Computer Networks教学内容:•Fundamentals of Networking System•Internet•Introduction to TCP/IP Protocol教学要求:•掌握计算机网络涉及的主要英文词汇及其缩写形式•能够熟练阅读并基本理解涉及计算机网络的较长篇幅英文文章(篇幅在1200 词以上,生词不超过5% ,阅读速度达到每分钟50~60 词)能够比较准确、通顺地翻译中等难度但篇幅较短的计算机网络文章(篇幅在500 词以内,生词不超过5% )Chapter 8( 第八章) Computer Application Systems教学内容:•Management Information System•Electronic Commerce System•Multimedia System教学要求:•能够熟练阅读并基本理解涉及计算机综合应用的英文文章(篇幅在1200 词以上,生词不超过5% ,阅读速度每分钟60 词左右)•能够翻译中等难度、中等篇幅的计算机专业英文文章(篇幅在500 词~800 词之间,生词不超过5% )•初步具有阅读英文原文,获取新知识的能力Chapter 9( 第九章) Extended Topics of Computer Application教学内容:•Data Warehouse•Computer virus•Network Security Basics教学要求:•能够熟练阅读并理解涉及计算机综合应用的英文文章(篇幅在1200 词以上,生词不超过5% ,阅读速度每分钟60 词以上)•能够翻译中等难度、中等篇幅的计算机综合文章(篇幅在500 词~800 词之间,生词不超过5% )•具有一定的阅读英文原文,获取新知识的能力。
计算机专业英语》考核说明一. 考核说明《计算机专业外语》是软件开发与应用专业(专科)的一门统设必修课程,总学时为72 学时,4 学分。
(二)考核依据:本课程所用教学大纲为2003年7 月审定通过并下发执行的、电大理工科类软件开发与应用专业专科生《计算机专业英语课程教学大纲》;所用文字教材为穆志纯主编的2004 年出版的《计算机专业英语》。
课程总成绩为百分制,60 分为合格。
解析计算机等级七级操作系统大纲计算机等级考试(Computer Application Technology Level Examination,简称CAT)是由教育部主管,中国计算机教育与在线教育发展中心(CCIT)负责组织实施的具有权威性的国家级考试。
大纲主要分为以下几个方面的内容:1. 操作系统的基本概念:介绍操作系统的定义、功能、特点以及作用,并阐述操作系统在计算机系统中的重要性。
2. 操作系统的发展历程:从早期的批处理系统到现代的分时操作系统和网络操作系统,概述了操作系统的发展历史和趋势。
3. 操作系统的组成和体系结构:详细介绍了操作系统的组成部分,包括处理器管理、存储器管理、文件管理、设备管理等,以及操作系统的体系结构和各个组成部分的功能和作用。
4. 进程管理:涵盖进程的定义、状态、创建与终止、进程调度以及进程同步与互斥等内容,重点讲解进程调度算法和进程同步机制。
5. 存储器管理:包括内存管理和虚拟存储器管理,介绍了内存的分段、分页、分区等管理方法,以及虚拟存储器的基本原理和实现技术。
6. 文件管理:讲解文件系统的组织结构、文件的逻辑结构、文件的物理结构,以及文件的读写和保护等内容。
7. 设备管理:包括设备的分类和特点、设备的分配和释放、设备的控制和驱动等,重点讲解设备分配算法和设备的中断处理。
8. 操作系统的安全性和保护机制:介绍操作系统的安全性问题、常见的安全威胁,以及操作系统的保护机制和安全技术。
二、大纲解析1. 操作系统的基本概念在这一部分,考生需要了解操作系统的基本定义,即操作系统是一种管理计算机硬件和软件资源的系统软件。
三、考核基本要求及分值Chapter1 Information Technology, the Internet, and you本章授课4学时,考核所占分值12~15分,考核基本要求如下:1. 掌握:计算机系统五大部件的含义;识别四种类型的计算机和四种类型的微型机;计算机的硬件部分;关键术语。
2. 理解:系统软件和应用软件的区别;基本应用软件和专业应用软件的区别;三类系统软件程序;计算机的连通性,无线网络和Internet。
3. 了解:信息技术方面的职业;展望信息技术的未来;技术的应用。
Chapter2 The Internet,The Web, and Electronic Commerce本章授课4学时,考核所占分值12~15分,考核基本要求如下:1. 掌握:如何通过providers和browsers来访问Web;E-mail和instant messaging的相关知识;如何使用search tools来获取资源;一些Web实用套件;关键术语。
2. 理解:对Web上获取的信息进行评估;;电子商务的模式。
3. 了解:Interne和Web的起源;网管;展望未来。
Chapter3 Basic Application Software本章授课4学时,考核所占分值12~15分,考核基本要求如下:1. 掌握:四大应用软件(Word Processors、Spreadsheets、Database Management Systems、Presentation Graphics)的使用;关键术语。
2. 理解:应用软件的特征。
3. 了解:软件套件的含义;计算机培训师的工作;展望未来。
Chapter4 Specialized Application Software本章授课2学时,考核所占分值5~7分,考核基本要求如下:1. 掌握:图形软件的使用;多媒体软件的使用;关键术语。
2. 理解:Web编辑器的使用;3. 了解:音频和视频编辑器的使用;人工智能的应用;展望未来。
国家计算机四级考试大纲实用1份国家计算机四级考试大纲 1上机测试内容1、计算机操作能力。
无锡商业职业技术学院《计算机英语》课程教学大纲课程代码:xx3181 教育层次:专科层次学制:3 年适用对象:初中起点高职□中职起点高职□高中起点高职■课程教学时数:30 学分数:2制订或修订执笔人:张云系(部)教研室主任审核意见系(部)教学主任审核意见完成日期:审核小组:院教学工作委员会审核日期:签发人:沈苏林签发日期:无锡商业职业技术学院《计算机英语》教学大纲课程名称:计算机英语课程代码:xx3181 建议课时数:30 学分:2适用专业:计算机网络技术一、课程性质与任务课程性质:《计算机英语》课程是计算机网络技术专业开设的一门素能拓展课程。
[教学内容]一、计算机专业英语的特点二、计算机专业词汇的构词法分析三、计算机专业资料的阅读与翻译四、专业英语中的常用语法知识第2章Hardware knowledge[教学目的与要求]1.掌握本单元出现的专业词汇,如:hardware, computer, printer等;2.能在规定的时间内快速阅读完文献资料。
考试范围课本Unit 1 to Unit 16 的Section A以及Unit 8 Computer Network的Section B: A Guide to Network TopologySection C: Network Connecting Devices考试题型一、Vocabulary(词汇)(30分)(一).Translate the following words and expressions into Chinese(写出下列词组的汉语)(共10分,每题1分)(二).Fill in the blanks with the corresponding English.(根据汉语写出相应的英语。
) (共10分,每题1分)(三). Fill in the blanks(填空题,每空1分,共10分).二、Comprehension(阅读理解,40分)(一)Fill in the blanks with suitable words or expressions from the list given below, and change the form where necessary. (从下面方框中选择合适的词或表达,以其适当的形式填空。
)(10分, 每空1分)Software testing, which is defined as the execution of aprogram to find its(), is a vital part of the software(). There are different types of testing, mainly, they are()or functional testing, which tests whether the()is the expected result with the ()input; and()(or glass box testing) which is performed to()problems with the()structure of a program . Debugging is the process of analyzing and locating bugs whensoftware does not behave as expected. Software testing is a muchmore()means of identifying software (). Therefore, debugging supports testing other than replacing testing.(二)Tell whether the following statements are true(T)or false(F) according to the passage A.(根据上文的内容判断下列句子的正误)(10分,每题2分)1. During initial days of the development of software, everything was done in discipline.()2. The definition of software engineering is "the application of systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approaches to the development, operation, and maintenance of software." ()3. For developing a software product, you need design, coding andtesting.()4. software engineering is the application of engineering to software .()5. Software engineering only covers the technical aspects of buildingsoftware systems.()(三)、choose the best answer according to the passage B.(根据上文的内容选择正确的答案。
2024年甘肃专升本考试大纲计算机英语全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Magical World of Computer EnglishHi there, my friends! Today, we're going to explore the fascinating world of computer English. It's a special language that helps us communicate with computers and understand how they work. Imagine being able to talk to machines and make them do incredible things! Isn't that super cool?In the land of Gansu, there's a special test called the Professional Course Upgrade Examination. It's like a big adventure game where you get to prove your skills in computer English. If you pass, you'll earn a special badge that opens up new opportunities for learning and growing.Now, let me tell you about some of the exciting things you'll learn in computer English. First, there are these things called "keywords." They're like magic words that computers understand. For example, if you say "print," the computer will know you want it to display something on the screen. Isn't that amazing?Then, there are "commands." These are like instructions that you give to the computer to make it do specific tasks. It's like telling your friend what to do, but instead of a person, you're talking to a machine. With the right commands, you can make the computer do all sorts of cool things, like playing games, creating art, or even solving math problems.But wait, there's more! Computer English also teaches you about "programming languages." These are like different dialects that computers speak. Some popular ones are Python, Java, and C++. Each language has its own set of rules and vocabulary, kind of like how different countries have their own languages.When you learn a programming language, you can write special codes called "programs." These programs are like recipes that tell the computer exactly what to do, step by step. It's like giving the computer a set of instructions to follow, and if you write the code correctly, the computer will do exactly what you want it to do. Isn't that incredible?Now, you might be wondering, "Why do I need to learn computer English?" Well, my friends, computers are everywhere these days. They're in our phones, our TVs, our cars, and even in some of our toys. Learning computer English means you'll beable to communicate with these machines and make them do amazing things.Imagine being able to create your own video games, build robots, or even design websites. With computer English, the possibilities are endless! You could become a programmer, a software developer, or even a computer scientist. These are all exciting careers where you get to work with computers and technology every day.But don't worry; learning computer English isn't as difficult as it might sound. It's like learning a new language, but instead of speaking to people, you're communicating with machines. And just like any language, the more you practice, the better you'll get.So, my friends, get ready for the Gansu Professional Course Upgrade Examination in 2024. Study hard, practice your computer English skills, and who knows, you might just become the next big computer whiz in town! Remember, with determination and a love for learning, anything is possible. Good luck, and may the computer force be with you!篇2The Big Important Computer English Exam for 2024Hey there, kids! Are you excited to learn all about the huge computer English exam happening in Gansu province next year?I know, I know, exams can be super boring. But this one is going to be a real doozy, so you better listen up!First off, what even is this exam? Well, it's called the Gansu Academic Degree Admission Exam, but we'll just call it the Big Exam for short. It's a massive test that students have to take if they want to go from a junior college to a regular four-year university. Crazy, right?Now, you might be wondering, "Why do I need to know about some exam for college kids? I'm just a little squirt!" Fair point, my friend. But this Big Exam has a very important section all about computers and English. Yeah, you read that right - computers AND English! Two things you probably think have nothing to do with each other. But in today's world, they're like two peas in a pod.You see, almost everything these days involves computers in some way. From the games you play to the movies you watch, it's all run by tiny little computer chips. And English? Well, that's the language that a lot of the biggest computer programs and websites use. So if you want to be a computer whiz when you grow up, you gotta know your English too!The computer English section of the Big Exam is going to test you on all sorts of crazy stuff. Like basic vocabulary for parts of a computer, common phrases used in programs, and even reading comprehension for technical manuals and guides. It's gonna be like trying to decode secret spy messages, but for nerdy computer stuff instead!Now, I know what you're thinking: "This all sounds way too hard for a kid like me!" And you're absolutely right, it is pretty darn difficult. That's why the students taking this exam have to study their little bottoms off for months and months. They'll be cramming information into their brains about everything from data structures to programming languages. It's almost enough to make your head spin!But you know what? Learning about computers and English can actually be a ton of fun, especially if you start young. Who knows, maybe one day you'll be the one writing the codes that make all the cool apps and games! Or translating computer guides into dozens of languages for people all around the world. The possibilities are endless when you combine the power of computers with the global language of English.So, even though the 2024 Gansu Big Exam seems like a massive deal for the college kids, don't be too intimidated. Payclose attention in your computer and English classes, and who knows? You might just become a computer English whiz kid yourself! Then you can show those college students how it's really done.What do you say, are you ready to start learning about the wonderful world of computer English? It's gonna be one heck of an adventure! Let's get started, partner!篇3The Super Awesome Computer English Test for Big Kids!Hey there, little buddies! Are you ready for the most exciting adventure of your life? Get pumped because we're going to talk about the coolest test ever - the 2024 Gansu Academic Proficiency Test for Computer English! I know, I know, tests don't sound like a lot of fun, but trust me, this one is going to be a blast!First things first, let's talk about what this test is all about. You see, in the magical land of Gansu, there are lots of big kids who want to become even bigger kids and go to an awesome college or university. But before they can do that, they have to prove that they're super smart and can handle all kinds ofchallenging subjects, like math, science, and of course, our favorite - Computer English!Now, you might be thinking, "Computer English? What's that all about?" Well, let me tell you, it's like the coolest combination ever! Imagine learning all about computers, the amazing machines that let us play games, watch movies, and even talk to our friends from far away. And at the same time, you get to learn English, the language that helps you communicate with people from all over the world!So, what kind of cool stuff will you need to know for this test? Well, buckle up because it's going to be a wild ride! You'll learn about computer hardware, like the different parts that make up a computer and how they all work together. You'll also dive into computer software, which are like the secret codes that tell the computer what to do. And get this, you'll even learn about computer networks, which are like the highways that connect all the computers in the world!But that's not all! You'll also get to flex your English skills by reading and writing about all sorts of computer-related topics. You'll learn new vocabulary words, like "algorithm" and "debugging," and you'll practice your grammar and sentencestructure. It's like learning two awesome subjects at the same time!Now, I know what you're thinking, "But studying for a test sounds so boring!" Well, fear not, my little friends, because we're going to make this the most fun you've ever had! Imagine playing computer games that teach you about programming languages or watching educational videos that make learning English as exciting as your favorite cartoon.And the best part? When you pass this test, you'll be one step closer to becoming a real-life computer whiz or an English language master (or maybe even both!). You'll impress all your friends and family with your mad skills and be on your way to the coolest college or university ever!So, what do you say? Are you ready to embark on this incredible journey? Study hard, stay focused, and most importantly, have a blast! Remember, learning can be the greatest adventure of all, especially when it involves computers and English. Just wait until you see what other amazing things are in store for you in the future!Now, who's ready to conquer the 2024 Gansu Academic Proficiency Test for Computer English? Let's do this, little buddies!篇4Gosh, Can You Believe the Gansu Exam is Coming Up?Hey friends! It's me again, little Xiao Ming from Lanzhou. I'm writing because the big Gansu Academic Qualification Exam for getting into university is happening next year in 2024. Crazy, right? I'm only 10 years old but I've been studying like crazy to get ready. My parents really want me to do well so I can go to a great school later on. I figure I better tell you all about what I've been learning for the English and Computer sections. It's a lot to remember!For the English part, we've been doing tons of vocabulary. My teacher says knowing lots of words is super important for doing well on the test. We've learned words like "diligent", "persevere", "ambition" and "acquire". Using bigger words makes you sound smarter I guess! We've also practiced reading comprehension by going over sample passages and answering questions about the main ideas and details. Some of the passages were pretty hard with obscure words I'd never heard before. But my teacher keeps saying "context clues, context clues!" to help us figure them out.The writing section seems really tough. We have to be able to write a whole essay responding to a prompt or question they give us during the test time. Can you imagine? My teacher makes us outline and draft our essays very carefully, making sure we have a clear thesis statement, topic sentences, and sufficient examples or evidence to support our main points. She's a stickler for good organization with an intro, body paragraphs and a conclusion too. No going off on bunny trails! We've gone over proper essay formatting, transitions between ideas, varied sentence structure and all that. Phew, there's a lot to remember!As for grammar, we've reviewed tons of rules forsubject-verb agreement, verb tenses, articles, pronoun cases, modifiers and more. I thought I knew English pretty well, but there are so many nitpicky exceptions my head spins sometimes. My teacher says grammar is one of the biggest things they'll test though, so we can't slack on it. She keeps saying "The key is noticing errors and correcting them!" Another thing we've drilled a lot is idioms and phrasal verbs, like "piece of cake", "pull someone's leg", "beat around the bush" and "hit the sack". Gotta get those idiomatic expressions down pat.For the listening part, we've practiced over and over with audio clips of conversations, lectures, news reports and more.We have to be able to understand details as well as the main points and infer things like a speaker's attitude or purpose based on tone and context. Some of those accents were really hard for me at first, but I'm getting better at catching what they say. Taking good notes while listening is crucial too.Okay, time to switch gears to the computer section! I've actually been looking forward to this one since I'm a total computer whiz kid. Well, maybe not a whiz yet, but I love anything computer-related. We've covered topics like computer hardware vs. software, different operating systems, input/output devices, storage and memory, and data security stuff like encryption and passwords. Remembering all the acronyms is a headache - ROM, RAM, USB, CPU, PDF, QWERTY, you name it. But I think they're pretty cool once you get what they mean.For software, we've learned about word processing, spreadsheets, presentation apps, graphics and multimedia programs. Kinda boring studying their menus and toolbars if you ask me, but we have to know the basics of popular ones like Microsoft Office for the exam. We also did coding and programming concepts like data types, variables, loops, conditionals, functions and algorithms. Now that part was fun! I made my own simple programs and games. My teacher let meexplore more advanced coding languages a bit too. I'm leaning toward maybe studying computer science when I get to university.The sections on computer networks, the internet and digital security were fascinating. Learning how networked systems and cloud computing operate with servers, routers, protocols and packets of data whizzing around was an eye-opener. And all the crazy cybersecurity risks like malware, viruses, hacking, identity theft and cyber attacks was mind-blowing. Definitely need to stay safe out there in cyberspace!We covered other techy topics too, like database fundamentals, Boolean logic for searches, website design and development using HTML and CSS. I thought the parts on emerging technologies like artificial intelligence,virtual/augmented reality, blockchain, quantum computing and more were super cool. That's the kind of cutting-edge stuff I want to study more!Phew, that's a LOT of material we've had to learn and master for this huge exam. I don't know if I'm quite ready for it all yet. But my parents keep encouraging me, saying "Where there's a will, there's a way! You've got this Xiao Ming if you stick with it!" Isure hope they're right. Wish me luck, friends! I'll let you know how it all goes after I take the Gansu exam. Studying time calls!篇5Yay, Computers and English!Hi friends! Today I'm super excited to tell you all about the really cool computer and English test that university students in Gansu Province have to take this year. It's called the 2024 Gansu Associate's Degree Entrance Exam, and it has sections on computers and English. Those are two of my favorite things!I love playing games and doing fun activities on the computer. My mom lets me use it sometimes when I've finished my homework and chores. The computer part of the test sounds like a lot of fun to me. I can't wait to learn more about it!English is another subject I really enjoy. I think it's neat to learn different languages. My English teacher says that knowing English can help me make friends from all over the world someday. How cool is that? I'm going to work really hard so I can ace the English part too.Okay, let me tell you what I found out about the computer section first. From what I understand, it covers all the basics of using a computer and important programs. Things like:• Using the mouse and keyboard• Opening and closing programs• Typing and word processing• Making presentations• Browsing the internet• Sending emailsThose all seem pretty straightforward to me. I can already do most of that stuff! Though I definitely need to get better at typing without looking at the keyboard. I tend to hunt and peck a lot still. Maybe I'll ask my parents for a typing tutor program to help practice.The computer part also tests your knowledge of hardware - so the physical components that make up a computer system. That includes the monitor, CPU, memory, storage drives, ports, and peripherals like printers and scanners. Knowing how it all works together is important.There's also a big focus on common software applications like operating systems, office suites, graphics and multimedia programs, and development tools. You have to understand things like file management, sharing and collaboration, internet security, and troubleshooting too. Sounds like they really want to make sure students know how to use computers for practical tasks and problem-solving. Makes sense to me!Now let's talk about the English part, which has me really excited! I love learning new words and phrases. The English section covers all the key skills - reading, writing, listening, and speaking.For the reading part, you have to be able to understand different types of passages like articles, stories, advertisements, manuals, and more. There are questions that test your comprehension, ability to make inferences, identify main ideas and details, and analyze the author's perspective or technique. Sounds challenging but fun!The writing tasks look really interesting too. You might have to write essays, summaries, reports, emails, or other professional documents. The exam wants to see if you can clearly express your ideas, use proper grammar and vocabulary, organize yourwriting logically, and adapt your tone and style for different purposes and audiences. I can't wait to become a master writer!Listening and speaking are probably the hardest English skills for me personally. For the listening part, you have to understand conversations, lectures, announcements, and other audio materials. You get tested on things like identifying main ideas, making inferences, and noting details. Speaking requires you to have conversations, give presentations or instructions, and respond to questions or prompts. I need to work on my pronunciation and fluency for sure.Wow, I've learned so much already just researching this exam! It seems like it covers all the essentials for computers and English that any university student would need to know. I can understand why they test on this stuff. Technology and English proficiency are super important in our modern world.I'm feeling really motivated now to keep practicing my computer and English skills. I may be a kid but I'm determined to ace tests like this one when I'm older. Who knows, maybe I'll be a computer programmer who travels the world someday! For now, I'm off to play some educational games and read some fun English books. Study hard friends, but remember to take breaks and have fun too! Knowledge is power!篇6The 2024 Gansu Computery English Exam ThingyHey there, kids! Are you ready for a totally awesome adventure? Get ready to blast off into the world of computers and English with the 2024 Gansu Computery English Exam Thingy! It's gonna be so much fun, you won't even realize you're learning!First things first, what exactly is this Exam Thingy? Well, it's like a big test that grown-ups have to take if they want to study computers and English at a really cool school called a "university." But don't worry, it's not as scary as it sounds. It's just a way for the grown-ups to show how much they already know about these subjects.Now, let's talk about the computer part of the exam. Computers are like these amazing little boxes that can do all sorts of crazy things! They can play games, watch movies, and even help you with your homework (but don't tell your teacher I said that!). The exam will test how well the grown-ups understand how computers work and how to use them.But wait, there's more! The exam also has an English part. English is this really cool language that people all over the worlduse to talk to each other. It's like having a secret code that lets you communicate with people from different countries! The exam will check if the grown-ups can read, write, and speak English properly.Now, I know what you're thinking: "But I'm just a kid! Why should I care about this exam?" Well, let me tell you a little secret: the more you learn about computers and English now, the easier it will be for you when you grow up and have to take the exam yourself!Imagine being able to build your own video games or create websites filled with funny cat videos. Or how about being able to chat with your friends from other countries without needing a translator? That's the kind of awesome stuff you can do if you master computers and English!So, how can you get ready for the exam? Well, first things first, you gotta practice, practice, practice! Play educational computer games, watch movies or shows in English, and try to use English words whenever you can. It might seem hard at first, but trust me, it gets easier and easier the more you do it.And don't forget to ask your parents or teachers for help. They're like superheroes when it comes to learning new things,and they'll be more than happy to guide you on your journey to becoming a computery English whiz kid!But enough about the exam, let's talk about the best part: the rewards! If you do well on the exam, you'll get to go to a university and learn even more cool stuff about computers and English. You'll make new friends, go on field trips, and maybe even get to build your very own robot!Can you imagine how awesome that would be? You'd be like a real-life Tony Stark from Iron Man, but way cooler because you'd know English and computers inside and out!So, what are you waiting for? Start practicing today and get ready to conquer the 2024 Gansu Computery English Exam Thingy! Remember, with a little hard work and a lot of fun, you can achieve anything you set your mind to. Now go out there and show the world what you're made of!。
福建省高等院校学生计算机应用水平等级考试二级(Visual FoxPro语言)考试大纲
福建省高等院校学生计算机应用水平等级考试二级(Visual FoxPro语言)考试大纲I、考试目的本考试考查考生以下知识与能力:1.掌握关系数据库技术的基础知识;2.掌握Visual FoxPro的基本操作与应用;3.具有使用SQL语言进行查询的能力;4.具有结构化程序设计的能力;5.基本了解面向对象的概念6.具有数据库程序设计的初步能力;7.具有使用VFP控件、设计与生成工具快速建立和修改应用程序的初步能力;8.具有综合运用以上知识分析问题和解决问题的初步能力。
四、表与数据库的基本操作1.表的基本操作(识记):数据库表和自由表,表的创建、表结构的修改,在记录浏览窗口中实现记录的输入、浏览、编辑、定位、删除;2.表的索引(识记):索引的类型,利用表设计器创建索引、筛选记录、查看索引结果;3.数据库的基本操作(领会):利用数据库设计器新建表、添加表、移去表、创建表间的永久关系,利用数据库的表设计器对字段选项卡、索引选项卡的属性进行设置;4.多表操作(识记):工作区的概念、利用数据工作期建立表间的临时关系;5.表的操作命令(领会):Visual FoxPro命令的一般结构,表的操作命令(CREATE,USE,LIST/DISPLAY,APPEND,INSERT,BROWSE,DELETE,PACK,REPLACE,GO,SKIP,INDEX,SET ORDER TO)的使用。
2024年全国计算机等级考试四级大纲全国计算机等级考试(National Computer Rank Examination,简称NCRE)是经原国家教育委员会(现教育部)批准,由教育部考试中心主办,面向社会,用于考查应试人员计算机应用知识与技能的全国性计算机水平考试体系。
其中,四级是 NCRE 考试的最高级别,对考生的计算机专业知识和综合应用能力有较高的要求。
以下是 2024 年全国计算机等级考试四级大纲的详细内容。
一、考试科目2024 年全国计算机等级考试四级共设五个科目:1、数据库工程师2、信息安全工程师3、嵌入式系统开发工程师4、移动互联网应用开发工程师5、云计算工程师考生可以根据自己的兴趣和专业背景选择其中一个科目报考。
二、考试形式四级考试采用无纸化考试形式,考试时长为 90 分钟。
5、数据库新技术(1)了解数据库领域的新技术和发展趋势,如大数据、数据仓库、NoSQL 数据库等。
计算机类专业考试大纲1.掌控Visual Basic集成开发环境及基本操作、编程机制和编程步骤;娴熟掌控vb的基本概念。
2.娴熟掌控Visual Basic语言编程基础:包括数据类型、常量与变量、运算符与表达式、基本语句、程序掌握结构、数组、过程与函数和错误处理;3.娴熟掌控应用程序窗体设计,包括窗体的属性、方法、事项、对话框和设计多文档界面应用程序;4.娴熟掌控Visual Basic标准控件的属性、事项、方法;5.了解多媒体程序设计方法;掌控图像控件和图像框控件的属性、方法;6.掌控为应用程序添加菜单和工具栏;7.掌控文件的管理与访问;8.了解Visual Basic数据库程序设计方法;9.了解Visual Basic自带的打包程序制作安装程序。
二、复习内容与复习要求〔一〕Visual Basic运用基础1.掌控VB集成开发环境;2.掌控VB编程步骤与编程机制;3.理解VB工程与模块;4.掌控对象的概念,对象的属性、方法和事项。
〔二〕Visual Basic编程语言1.掌控基本数据类型;2.娴熟掌控常量与变量;3.娴熟掌控标识符命名规章;4.娴熟掌控Print语句;5.娴熟掌控语句格式;6.娴熟掌控赋值语句;7.了解说明语句;8.娴熟掌控结束语句;9.娴熟掌控表达式与运算符;10.娴熟掌控If语句;11.娴熟掌控Iif函数;12.娴熟掌控Select语句;13.娴熟掌控For循环语句14.娴熟掌控While循环语句;15.娴熟掌控Do循环语句;16.理解数组的概念;17.娴熟掌控数组的定义;18.娴熟掌控数组的初始化;19.娴熟掌控数组的清除;20.娴熟掌控数组的访问;21.掌控通用过程;22.掌控事项过程;23.掌控参数的传递;24.娴熟掌控常用内部函数;25.了解格式输出函数;26.掌控自定义函数;27.理解VB程序错误种类;28.掌控VB程序错误处理。
计算机专业英语复习提纲(注意:加粗单词为重点词汇)第一章1 The Invention of the ComputerENIAC---the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer,It was developed by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly at the University of Pennsylvania. The project began in 1943and was completed in 1946.ENIAC--- 电子数字积分计算机。
它是由宾夕凡尼亚大学的J. Presper Eckert 和John Mauchly 研制的。
2 Computer Generations1. First-Generation Computers: 1951~1958First-generation computers were characterized by the use of vacuum tubes as their principal electronic component. V acuum tubes are bulky and produce a lot of heat, so first-generation computers were large and required extensive air conditioning to keep them cool. In addition, because vacuum tubes do not operate very fast, these computers were relatively slow.第一代计算机的特色是使用真空管为其主要电子器件。
如何缴纳报名考试费? 考试报名时,考生必须缴纳报名考试费,具体 金额由各省(自治区、直辖市)考试承办机构 根据考试需要和当地物价水平确定,并报当地 物价部门核准。上次考试仅其中一项考试成绩 合格的考生,本次考试报名时只需缴纳未通过 项考试的报名考试费。考点不得擅自加收费用。
发布时间:2009-02-25 考试中心 来源:教育部
笔试 笔试
注: (1)计算机 职业英语(一 级)在北京、 天津、辽宁、 安徽、湖北、 湖南等省市开 考。 (2)四级三 个科目考试仍 只有笔试,上 机考核要求在 笔试中体现。
所有上机考试科目均在Windows XP环境下 进行(考试机)。 一级MS Office及一级B两个科目的上机考试 使用MS Office2003替代MS Office2000; 二级Access数据库程序设计科目的上机考试 使用Access2003。
2009年全国计算机等级考试 科目考试大纲
◆ 基本要求
1.熟悉 Visual C++ 6.0 集成开发环境。 2.掌握结构化程序设计的方法,具有良好 的程序设计风格。 3.掌握程序设计中简单的数据结构和算法 并能阅读简单的程序。 4.在 Visual C++ 6.0 集成环境下,能够编 写简单的C程序,并具有基本的纠错和调试 程序的能力
二级均为90分钟 二级均为90分钟 二级均为90分钟 二级均为90分钟 二级均为90分钟 二级均为90分钟 二级均为90分钟 三级、四级为120分钟 三级、四级为120分钟 三级、四级为120分钟 三级、四级为120分钟 三级、四级为120分钟 三级、四级为120分钟 三级、四级为120分钟
计算机英语 考试复习范围(肇庆学院)
1.缩写写完整并翻译2.汉语翻译英文3.翻译英文4.标点写英文Lesson 1IEEE: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 美国电气和电子工程师协会AGP:Accelerated Graphics Port 加速图形接口CMOS:Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor 互补金属氧化物半导体USB:Universal Serial Bus 通用串行总线DSL:Digital Subscriber Line 数字线用户PCI:Peripheral Component Interconnect 外部设备连接总线DVD-ROM:Digital Versatile Disc,Read-Only Memory 只读数字化视频光盘并行接口:Parallel Interface主板:Motherboard虚拟内存:Virtual Memory商业软件:Business Software局域网:Local Area Network1.On many machines ,the BIOS displays text describing such data as the amount of memory installed in your computer and the type of hard disk you have.对许多计算机来说,BIOS显示文本信息,这些信息描述如计算机中安装内存的数量和硬盘类型这样的数据。
2. Now that you are familiar with the parts of a PC, Let’s see what happens in a typical computer session, from the moment you turn the computer on until you shut it down.A. You press the "On" button on the computer and the monitor.B. You see the BIOS software doing its thing, called the power-on self-test (POST). 既然已经熟悉了PC仲的部件,就让我们看看在一个典型的计算机运行期间(从打开电源到关机)中发生了什么:A、按下计算机和显示器上的“On”按钮。
上海市高等学校计算机等级考试(二级)《 Visual Basic程序设计》考试大纲一、考试性质上海市高等学校计算机等级考试(原名:上海市普通高校学生计算机应用知识与应用能力等级考试)是上海市教育委员会组织的全市高校统一的教学考试,是检测和评价高校计算机应用基础知识教学水平和教学质量重要依据之一。
二、考试目标Visual Basic是当前流行的,简单易学、功能强大的程序设计语言,特别适合非计算机专业学生学习和应用。
《 Visual Basic程序设计》的考试目标是测试考生掌握Visual Basic基本知识的程度和综合运用Visual Basic进行程序设计。
考试时间为 120分钟。
四、试卷结构参考样式五、考试内容、要求要点和考点六、几点说明1.建议学时数64学时,其中32学时为实验课2.建议计算机配置计算机硬件基本要求:中央处理器 Pentium III 550MGHz以上内存 128MB以上硬盘 20GB以上计算机软件基本要求:操作系统 Windows 98第二版以上编程环境 Visual Basic VB 6.0以上3. 考试环境(1)建立FTP服务器,用于发布考试卷和接收考生上传的答案。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
1. 考试科目:新增一级永中office科目以及一级MS Office、一级WPS Office、一级B(部分省市开考)。
2. 系统环境:一级科目中操作系统为中文版Windows _P,MS Office版本为中文专业版Office 20__,WPS Office版本为20__教育部考试专用版。
3. 考试形式:完全采取上机考试形式,各科上机考试时间均为90分钟。
4. 考核内容:三个科目的考核内容包括微机基础知识和操作技能两部分。
一级B 在现有基础上增加对因特网知识的考核;一级B没有演示文稿部分。
1.考试科目:语言程序设计(包括C、C++、Java、Visual Basic、Delphi)、数据库程序设计(包括Visual Fo_Pro、Access)。
程序设计部分的比重为 70%(70分),主要考查考生对程序设计语言使用和编程调试等基本能力。
2.系统环境:三级PC技术上机考试为汇编语言,编程环境为MASM4.0/LINK(或TASM/TLINK);三级其它科目上机考试仍为C语言编程,上机环境为Visual C 6.0。