Extended Reading(Animals)拓展阅读课

初中英语拓展性阅读教案一、教学目标1. 让学生通过拓展性阅读,提高英语阅读理解能力,增加词汇量。
2. 培养学生对英语阅读的兴趣,提高学生的英语综合素质。
3. 通过阅读,使学生了解不同文化背景,拓宽视野。
二、教学内容1. 选择适合初中生阅读的英语文章,难度适中,激发学生的阅读兴趣。
2. 文章内容涵盖不同主题,如:人物传记、科普知识、文学作品、社会现象等。
3. 每篇文章后附有阅读理解题目,帮助学生检验阅读效果。
三、教学方法1. 任务型教学法:教师为学生设定阅读任务,引导学生主动寻找答案。
2. 互动式教学法:教师与学生就文章内容进行讨论,提高学生的参与度。
3. 小组合作学习:学生分组阅读文章,共同完成阅读任务。
四、教学步骤1. 导入:教师简要介绍文章主题,激发学生阅读兴趣。
2. 自读:学生独立阅读文章,理解文章大意。
3. 检查:教师提问,了解学生阅读情况,解答学生疑问。
4. 讨论:学生就文章内容进行讨论,分享阅读心得。
五、教学评价1. 学生阅读理解题目的完成情况,检验学生的阅读效果。
2. 学生参与讨论的积极性,评价学生的课堂表现。
3. 学生阅读笔记和心得体会的质量,评估学生的阅读能力。
六、教学策略1. 引入图片、视频等多媒体资源,增强阅读材料的趣味性。
2. 提供词汇辅助工具,如词典、电子翻译软件等,帮助学生克服阅读障碍。
3. 定期举办阅读分享会,鼓励学生展示自己的阅读成果。
4. 结合课程内容,设计与文章相关的写作任务,提高学生的综合运用能力。
七、教学资源1. 英语原著书籍、简易英语读物、英语杂志、英语新闻等。
2. 网络资源,如英语学习网站、在线英语阅读平台等。
3. 英语学习软件,如英语听力、阅读APP等。
4. 英语阅读资料包,包含各类文章、阅读理解题目及答案解析。
八、教学进度安排1. 每周安排一节拓展性阅读课,保证学生有足够的时间进行阅读和讨论。
2. 每节课阅读一篇篇文章,确保学生充分理解和吸收文章内容。

中学英语拓展阅读教学设计教学目标:1. 培养学生阅读理解能力,提高学生的英语听说读写能力。
2. 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生的阅读习惯和学习策略。
3. 培养学生的文化意识和跨文化交际能力。
教学步骤:Step 1: 课前导入 (Pre-reading)为了增加学生的兴趣和积累相关词汇,可以选择一段与文章主题相关的短视频、图片或者引用名言作为课前导入。
Step 2: 阅读任务 (Reading Task)2.1 分发阅读材料给学生,让学生阅读一遍,了解文章大意。
2.2 提问学生一些关于文中细节以及主旨的问题,鼓励学生自由讨论和交流,以激发学生的思维能力和口语表达能力。
2.3 为每段文章设置一个主题或难点,让学生进行小组合作讨论,搜集相关信息,提高学生的合作能力和信息处理能力。
Step 3: 理解与分析 (Comprehension and Analysis)3.1 教师介绍阅读材料的背景信息,帮助学生更好地理解文章内容。
3.2 教师引导学生学习和运用一些阅读策略,如文中关键词标记、上下文推测等。
3.3 提供一些有关词汇和语言点的练习,巩固学生的词汇知识和语言表达能力。
Step 4: 拓展阅读与扩展 (Extended Reading and Extension)为了提高学生的拓展阅读能力和跨学科学习能力,教师可以根据学生的兴趣和需要,提供一些相关的阅读材料或推荐书籍。
Step 5: 总结与评价 (Summary and Evaluation)5.1 教师引导学生对整堂课进行回顾总结,复习文章中的重点内容。

ENGLISH ON CAMPUS2022年18期总第614期以拓展性阅读培养学生思辨能力的教学实践摘 要:思辨能力对高中生思维品质的培养具有重要作用,目前在高中英语拓展性阅读教学中,提升学生的思辨能力已得到高度重视。
为此,本文通过名篇散文Of Friendship(《论友谊》)的课堂教学实践,探讨英语拓展性阅读课堂培养学生思辨能力的有效途径。
关键词:拓展性阅读;思辨能力;教学实践作者简介:许沪霞(1964.10-), 女, 江苏泰州人,泰州学院外国语学院,副教授,研究方向:英语课程与教学论。
一、拓展性阅读综述(一)拓展性阅读的定义“拓展性阅读”英语表述为:Extended reading。
查阅《朗曼英语词典》和新版 《韦氏大学英语词典》可知,动词“extend”与学习、认知等抽象事物相关的释义有“to advance, to further”如,“ to extend human knowledge”“to increase the scope, meaning, or application of”等,意在认知上的“推进”,或对某一事物在“视角、意义方面的拓宽或提高其知识的运用等。

关键词:高中英语;拓展性阅读教学;译林版译林版教材对单元板块设置进行了调整和优化,增加了拓展阅读板块(Extended Reading),这是对教材主阅读文本的延展与补充,是课内阅读的拓展与深化.序言里,编者这样描述:在拓展阅读板块中,学生将进行拓展阅读,并通过表达自己的看法等活动,深入探究主题意义,获得对有关主题的新的理解.这为拓展阅读板块的教学提供了方向.一、拓展性阅读的必要性拓展阅读的目的是提高学生的思维水平。

新目标八年级上Unit 7 Will people have robots?Section B 2a-2e说课稿第二师36团中学曹燕燕尊敬的各位老师:大家好!我是36团中学的曹燕燕,很高兴有机会与大家分享我的教学理念。
今天我说课的内容是人教版新目标英语八年级上册Unit 7Section B部分2a—2e的机器人。
3、教学重难点重点1) 掌握本课时出现的生词及表达方式。
2) 阅读短文,获得相关信息,提高学生们的综合阅读能力。
难点1) 阅读2b部分的短文并完成相关要求。
2) 能掌握一定的阅读方法。
Unit 1 Extended Reading 课文讲解课件 高中英语牛津译林版选择性必修第三册

What did they see in these places?
desert camp
narrow mountain roads with sharp bends
unending sand dunes noisy goats yellow roadside sign the burning sun the blue sky
当夕阳的余晖洒在沙地上时,我们终于抵达了沙漠营地。星 星已经在黑沉沉的天空中闪闪发光。随着夜幕降临,天也渐 渐变冷了。三只骆驼跪着休息,慢吞吞地嚼着东西,饶有兴 致地注视着我们的到来。
"So, which one of you lucky animals will be my ride tomorrow?” I said out loud as I grabbed my bag and headed towards the warm campfire.I was starving and rushed to put a steak on the barbecue.
What they saw and did Who they met How they felt
What they learnt
Morocco 30 June
kenya 3 July
30 June,Morocco My parents and I had just driven down the narrow mountain road from Marrakesh, with all its sharp bends, and had finally arrived at Merzouga.Before us stretched the unending sand dunes that marked the beginning of the Sahara. A small boy walked past with a group of noisy goats as I took a long look at the yellow roadside sign that told us we were entering a “fragile natural environment".

Unit 1 Lights, camera, action!Extended Reading 教案教材分析:本课时是拓展阅读。
教学策略与设计说明:采用任务型教学法(Taskbased language teaching),布置活动任务,设置活动目的,引导学生完成相关任务,达成各教学步骤设计目的。
教学目标:在本课学习结束时,学生能够:1.语言能力上,正确理解文中的重点短语和词汇,如“pull up, recall, despite, event”等;欣赏并理解文章采用的修辞手法,例如明喻(simile);能够进行角色扮演演绎剧本。
教学过程:备注:Ss: Students T: TeacherIW: Individual work GW: Group work CW: Class work教学反思:1.学生通过本课时学习,能否厘清电影剧本的结构框架,赏析电影台词的修辞手法。
译林版高中英语必修一Unit1 Extended Reading 教案(雅礼)

T: Are there any other differences between school life in the UK and in China? Students watch different slides in the PPT and their answers vary.Step 2: Fast ReadingHave students read the article and answer the following questions.•What is the school life like as an exchange student in the UK?•What aspects might be introduced?Listen and check the aspects mentioned.Step 3: Detailed ReadingListen to the recording of the text and decide whether the following statements are true or false by discussing:1. I stayed in Britain with a host family whose son is called David.2. The host family were friendly to me and we got on very well.3. The British school day starts at 8:00 am and finishes at 5:00 pm.4. There are about 50 students in each class in British school.5. I found Math quite challenging because the material was more advanced in the UK than in China.6. I couldn’t make much contribution in class discussion because I was too shy.7. There were lots of options in the dining hall.8. The club that most interested me was basketball club.Answers: F, T, F, F, F, F, T, F.Read the text carefully and answer these questions.1. What challenges did John come across?2. How did he overcome them?Possible answer:1. He wasn’t able to express himself clearly in English.2. Fortunately, his teachers and classmates were always helpful and gave him a lot of encouragement. His language skills improved over time.Further readingHow does John like the school life in the UK?Possible answer: He is glad to have the opportunity to experience this different way of life.Step 4:Understanding the textWhat is the type of the article, a narration, an argumentation, or an exposition? Answer: A narration is a story or account of events.Analyze the structure of the narrationStep 5:SummarySummarize the main idea of the article with about 50 words.Requirement: Include those 5 elements in your summary: who, when, what, where, how.Possible answer:John Li, who studied at a British secondary school as an exchange student a year ago, introduces to us different aspects of the school life in the UK, including timetable, subjects, classes and so on. He also talks about the challenges he faced and feels glad to experience the life.Step 6:Free talkWhat is your dream school like?Requirement:•Include at least 2 of the aspects talked about in this period.•List some qualities you expect from the students and teachers.。

详细内容:教师通过展示一幅校园生活的图片,引导学生用英语描述图片内容,激活学生已有知识,然后提出本节课的主题“School Life”,接着引入Unit 1-2的外刊阅读文章,让学生预测文章内容。
Unit 1-2的外刊阅读拓展主要围绕“School Life”和“Environmental Protection”两个主题展开,以下是本节课的知识点梳理:
-现在进行时:描述正在进行的动作或当前的状态,如“The students are cleaning the classroom now.”
-疑问句:用于提问,如“What do you usually do after school?”
-否定句:用于表达否定意义,如“I don't like reading books.”
- School Life: on campus, participate in, make friends, learn from, look forward to, etc.
- Environmental Protection: protect the environment, reduce waste, save energy, raise awareness, etc.
译林牛津必修二Unit2 Extended Reading公开课课件

2)Draw a graph to show the change of the author’s interest in tai chi.
2.Read paragraph 4 and fill in the chart
Essence of taichi
Chinese philosophy of (1)__y_i_n__a_n__d__y_a_ng
(5)____u_p__a_n_d__d_o_ wn (6)__l_e_f_t _a_n_d__r_i_g_ht
breathing in and breathing out
3.What are the benefits of practicing tai chi?
One year lpahtyesr,icIacl abnenheofintsestly say it has had a huge effemctenotnal mbeenepfhityssically and mentally (para.1)
sleep better at night
feel happier and more confident
feel energetic during the day
relax in mind
stay cool in stressful situations
Step 3 Read for appreciation
stay cool in stressful situations (para5)...
physical balance and mental peace (para4)
Step 4 Conclusion and critical thinking
Unit6 Birdwatching Extended Reading课件

Detailed reading
Read para. 3 and find:
Why have tigers been in danger of disappearing?
Because some people hunt and kill them for money. lose their lives
(When you’re having a discussion, you can write down your ideas.)
Thank you!
context 上下文语境
/drɒp/ v. 减少
Context/ formation 上下文语境/ 构词
Why do the volunteers hope to save the tigers?
✓ Because the number of tigers in the wild has dropped to a few thousand.
✓ Because the number of tigers in the wild is quickly decreasing.
past: around 100 000 past: more than 400 000 now: a few thousand now: about 900
past: 100 now: 300
past: 1114 now: 1864
TThheennuumm_bbe_er_r_oof_f_h_t_ai_gs__e_dr__es_chrhaeasassdededec/crreienaacssreedda/stienodc_art_eof_a_e_sw_e__d_t_h_t_oo_.u__s__a__n_d__. .

指向深度学习的高中英语拓展阅读教学评析作者:徐静芳来源:《江苏教育·中学教学版》2024年第04期【关键词】高中英语;深度学习;非故事类文本拓展阅读【中图分类号】G633.41 【文献标志码】C 【文章编号】1005-6009(2024)15-0039-02【作者简介】徐静芳,江苏省无锡市教育科学研究院(江苏无锡,214001)高中英语教研员,正高级教师。
施晓明老师以 2023 年江苏省高中英语优质课比赛一等奖的课堂教学——译林版高中英语教材选择性必修第二册Unit 4 Extended reading板块Virtual reality为例,探索了指向深度学习的高中英语非故事类文本的拓展阅读教学。
译林版高中英语教材中的新增板块——拓展性阅读(Extended reading),是单元主题语境下主阅读(Reading)板块在主题意义上的拓展和延伸,能够帮助学生拓宽视野,丰富对单元主题的认识,发展思维品质。
首先,教师通过单元主题“Living with technology”创设情境——教师自制运用VR技术云游学校的视频,引出主题,并借助计算机技术,让钱学森先生的照片“开口说话”,介绍VR技术在中国的发展,激发学生的学习兴趣,建立已知和新知的关联,自然导入本节课关于VR技术的非故事类文本阅读内容。
Unit 4 Animals Reading 课件 -优质公开课-重大版高中必修4精品

• Guess the meaning of the new words in the sentences and then practise it. 1) By gathering the flower powder, the bees can produce honey. 2) Internet is the most important source for you to search for some information. 3) By constant hard working, he made great progress finally. 4) I have had unexpected accident in the classroom and broke my cup. 5)When I comb your hair, please stand still.
Put the following sentences in the correct order.
1 3 The honey guide gives a loud cry that attracts the ____ attention of both animals and people. 2 The honey guide looks for someone to help it. ____ 4 The follower reaches in to get at the delicious honey ____
Para 1
Para 2 Para 2 Para 2
Para 3
People, especially tribesmen from Africa, are very grateful _______to a small bird called the honey guide, because it unexpected is regarded as a (an) _________helper to find the source _____of honey in the wilderness. When the honey guide finds a suitable bees’ nest, it cries loudly. Any passing curious animals or people may be ______about the sound and come closer to the nest. Then the honey guide waits constantly patiently for the falling of some honey ________and ________ and wax to the ground when the animals or people are trying to get them out from the nest. Scientists believe share that the honey guide isdetermined ________to get a good_______ digest of the honeycomb, though it is hard for it to _____the wax. The tribesmen in Africa also believe that the honey revenge if the bird got nothing. guide would take________

初中英语阅读教学教学设计教学目标:通过本节课的阅读教学,学生能够:1. 掌握阅读理解的基本技巧和策略;2. 培养对英语阅读的兴趣和阅读能力;3. 学会应对不同类型的阅读素材。
教学准备:1. PowerPoint展示文档;2. 阅读材料:一篇关于环保的英文短文。
教学过程:引入(Introduction):1. 利用图片、视频或问题等方式引发学生对环保的思考;2. 引入本节课的阅读材料,并告诉学生将通过阅读短文来了解环保的重要性。
阅读理解(Reading Comprehension):1. 教师指导学生快速浏览短文,了解大意;2. 学生自主阅读短文,并标记重要信息或难点;3. 教师引导学生进行细读,提问学生关于短文的细节、主旨以及推理等问题;4. 学生讨论并互相解答问题,教师扩展学生的回答,引导学生更深入地理解短文。
词汇与句子(Vocabulary and Sentence):1. 教师选取短文中的关键词汇和句子,进行解释和示范;2. 学生模仿教师的示范,并进行朗读和讨论。
阅读技巧与策略(Reading Skills and Strategies):1. 教师介绍不同类型的阅读题目,如主旨题、推理题、细节题等;2. 学生进行课堂练习,使用不同的阅读技巧和策略解答问题;3. 教师提供反馈和评价,指导学生改进阅读技巧和策略。
拓展阅读(Extended Reading):1. 教师指导学生选择一篇与环保相关的英文短文进行阅读;2. 学生用所学的阅读技巧和策略阅读短文,并进行相应的理解和分析;3. 学生编写一篇短文摘要,分享自己的阅读体会和收获。
总结与评价(Summary and Evaluation):1. 教师引导学生回顾本节课的内容,总结所学的阅读技巧和策略;2. 学生进行自我评价,思考自己的阅读进步和需要进一步提高的方面。

一下三单元教学拓展及阅读辅助材料英文版Unit 1: AnimalsIn this unit, students will learn about different animals and their habitats. To expand on this topic, teachers can introduce a mini research project where students choose an animal to research and present to the class. Additionally, teachers can provide reading materials related to conservation efforts for endangered species.Unit 2: FoodDuring this unit, students will explore different types of food and learn about healthy eating habits. To supplement this unit, teachers can organize a cooking activity where students can prepare a simple dish together. Furthermore, teachers can provide reading materials about food sustainability and the impact of food waste on the environment.Unit 3: TransportationIn the transportation unit, students will learn about different modes of transportation and their uses. To enhance this unit, teachers can organize a field trip to a local transportation hub, such as a train station or airport. Additionally, teachers can provide reading materials about the history of transportation and the future of sustainable transportation.教学拓展及阅读辅助材料第一单元:动物在这个单元,学生将学习不同动物及其栖息地。
Extended reading板块教学设计

Extended reading板块教学设计
1.以大概念为核心的Extended reading板块群文阅读教学设计
2.在Extended reading板块教学中培养学生思维品质——新版牛津译林教材探究
拓展性阅读板块的教学实践与思考--以译林新版高中《英语》第五册Unit 2 Extended reading板块为例4.交际性活动在高中英语拓展阅读教学中的应用探究——以Unit 1 Extended Reading板块Forrest Gump为例5.螺旋式上升3B教
学法在高中英语Extended Reading板块教学设计中的应用--以一节市级公开课为例
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1. 总结揣测短文中生词意思的方法。 总结揣测短文中生词意思的方法。 2. 完成一篇阅读短文。 完成一篇阅读短文。 3. 用英语另写一篇有关动物的小短文,至少 句话。 用英语另写一篇有关动物的小短文,至少5句话 句话。
Guess:What animal am I?
We are very strong. There is a character “ 王” on my head.
1. Can we go into the zoo at 7:30? 2. Can we can buy tickets at 17:00? 3. Can we leave the zoo at 18:30?
2. Read Notice to visitors√) and judge (× or
1. Please do not give food to the animals.
( × ) 1. We can give food to the animals.
outside of the zoo.
2. Please leave your bikes and skateboards
Hello, boys and girls. I’m Mary, your guide today. Welcome to Nanjing Hongshan Forest Zoo. There are a lot of animals here. They live in different places. Now let me tell you our plan for today. First, let’s go to the Panda Park. I think you like pandas very much. What do they like eating? They like eating bamboos. Then we will visit the Lion and Tiger Park. Lions are very ( ) ( the tigers are the king of(the animals. After visiting the Lions ) ) fierce and and tigers, we will watch the giraffes. Then we go to the Monkey Park. There are a lot of clever and lovely monkeys. After that we walk to the Bird World. You can see many kinds of birds there. At last we will visit a famous place, the Kangaroo Park. Where are the kangaroos from? They are from Australia. What do they have. Yes, you’re right. They have pockets to put their babies in them. There is another animal from Australia, do)you know? ( ( ) ( )
their parents. 6. You can take pictures in the zoo. 5. Children under 12 years old must stay with
(√ ) 6. We can take photos of the animals.
3. Read and put the places into correct orders.
Metro Line 1
Olympic Centre - Xiaohang - Andemen - Zhonghuamen - Xinjiekou -Xuanwumen - Xin Mofan Road - Nanjing Railway Station - Hongshan Zoo-Maigaoqiao -
Gu Zhangqin Taoyuan Primary School
1. Read and draw.
Hello, boys and girls. I’m a lovely brown Teddy bear. My head is a big circle. My ears are semicircles. My nose and eyes are both small circles. What shape is my body? Is it a circle? No, it isn’t. It’s an oval. (Oval is the shape of the egg.) I have an orange triangle hat. Can you draw a picture o
Koalas only live in Australia. Because they only eat the leaves of the gums trees. And the gum trees can only live in Australia. Koalas look like (看起来像) bears. But they are not 看起来像) 看起来像 bears. They have pockets.
(写一篇关于动物的小短文,至少5句话。) 写一篇关于动物的小短文, 句话。)
5. Enjoy a story: We shouldn’t waste!
Green Pig like eating ice creams beside the window. He can watch the street at the same time.
( √ ) 2. We should leave our bikes outside the zoo. ( ×3.3. Children arethe green areas. ) Do not go into eleven can go with their friends. ( ×4.4. We can take dogs and cats into the park. ) Please don’t take your pets into the zoo. (√ ) 5. We can’t go into the green areas.
Homework: Reading comprehension.
Ted and Luck
Ted is twelve years old. He has a little dog. It is a present from his parents. Ted likes the dog very much. He calls the dog Luck. Luck is white. It has two big eyes. It’s very lovely. It likes playing with Ted. Every Sunday, Ted takes Luck to the park. They have a walk and play with sticks. They often have a good time there. ( ) 1. Luck is twelve years old. ( ) 2. Ted likes the present from his parents. ( ) 3. Luck’s eyes are big. ( ) 4. Luck doesn’t like playing with Ted. ( ) 5. Every Sunday, Ted goes to the park with Luck. They are very happy.
Guess:What animal am I?
Guess:What animal am I? Some of us are white, some of us are gray. Our ears are long and our eyes are red. We like eating carrots.
Notice to visitors
1. Please do not give food to the animals. 2. Please leave your bikes and skateboards outside of the zoo. 3. Do not go into the green areas. 4. Please don’t take your pets into the zoo. 5. Children under 12 years old must stay with their parents. 6. You can take pictures in the zoo.
Suddenly, his ice cream drops from the window.
He runs down very fast. He thinks, “We shouldn’t waste!”
He catches the ice cream just in time and he is very happy.
Guess:What animal am I?
We are very tall. Our necks are very long.
Guess:What animal am I?
We live in China. We are black and white. We like eating bamboos.
Do you like pandas? Pandas are very lovely. They are white and black. Their eyes look like black glasses. They like eating bamboos.