警察与赞美诗 中英文剧本

The Book Report
The Cop and the Anthem
By O.Henry
About the Author
• 3. Soapy decides to clean up his life after hearing an anthem. But alas, he is sentenced to three months in prison.
苏比看见一所高级餐馆,刚 迈进餐馆的门。服务生领班的目 光就落到他的旧裤子和破皮鞋上, 然后就把他推到人行道上去了。
时髦的文雅娴静的女子在看商品。 苏比打算以一个好色之徒的身份 走过去调戏她,旁边的警察正看 着他们。想不到这位女子却转身 亲热地搂着他,说跟他走之前要 他给自己买一杯啤酒,然后苏比 在拐弯处懊丧地甩掉了女子。
警察与赞美诗 中英文剧本

The cop and the anthem (警察与赞美诗)SCENE 1At the gate of a prison Thief PolicemanP: (pulling the thief out of the gate) Ah, Mr. Black! It’s time to say goodbye! T: But officer! I want to stay here in prison. It’s too cold, and I have no place to stay. Let me stay here in prison! (Walking into the gate)P: (pushing him away) Get out! You lazy thief! Go and look for a job! You’ll have some food and a room to live in.T: But what can I do? I can’t do anything.P: That’s your problem. We can’t help you. (The wind starts to blow hard and the thief trembles with cold.)SCENE 2Outside a shop Thief PolicemanT: Oh, here’s a shop. The shop window is large and bright. I know what to do. (He picks up a stone and throws it at the window. The window is broken. Then he walks about with his hands in his pocket and whistles)P: (Running to the window) Hey! What’s happening? Who broke the window?T: I did!P: What? You? You broke the window?T: Yes, of course, my dear policeman, I broke the window a minute ago.P: Go away! What do you think I am?T: I think you are a policeman and you should catch me! I am the one who broke the window.P: If you had broken it, you wouldn’t be standing here now! Get out of my way! (pushing him away)T: (running after him) But I did it! I did it! (sighing) Oh, he is gone. It’s no use. I have to try again.SCENE 3Near the chair in a park Thief Old man Policeman(An old man is sleeping in a chair. The thief notices him, walks near him and takes away the bag from him.)O: (jumping up) Hey! What are you doing? That’s my bag!T: Yes, your bag. Now it’s in my hand. Go and tell the policeman!O: (Getting back his bag and catching the thief) Come with me to the police station! T: Thank you, sir. Thank you.O: (surprised) What?T: You know I have no food and no home. And it’s getting colder and colder. So I want to stay in prison. Please help me.P: (Feeling pity for him) Oh, what a poor man! Let me help you. I have some bread and some money. Don’t be a thief anymore. Poor man, poor man! (He gives the thief some bread and some money, then leaves)T: (worried) But what should I do? Where should I go this evening?SCENE 4In a Restaurant Thief WaitressW: Good morning, sir! T: Good morning!W: Sit down, please. Here’s the menu. What will you have?T: At first, I’d like a bowl of vegetable soup.W: (writing down) A bowl of vegetable soup.T: Then I’ll have some steak and chicken. At last, I’ll have a cup of coffee and a cigar.W: Steak, chicken, coffee and a cigar. Er, excuse me, but this is a very big meal. Do you have enough money?T: What?! What did you say? Do you often ask such questions?W: I’m sorry. I’ll bring your food right away.(Later, the thief eats up all his food)W: Was everything all right, sir?T: The food was very nice. I like it very much.W: Thank you, sir. Here’s your bill, sir. Twenty dollars, please.T: Very well, but now, I want to tell you that I haven’t twenty dollars. I don’t even have forty cents.W: I see, will you come with me, please?T: (standing up and following the waitress) Of course. The policeman is waiting for me, isn’t he?(Two men appear suddenly and walk to the thief)T: I… I… don’t understand. Who are they?)“We are the people you are waiting for!”(They give the thief a good beating.)SCENE 5In front of a church Thief Policeman Blind man(The thief stands outside of the church and listens to the music of “Silent Night”) T: What beautiful music! I often listened to it when I was a boy. Ah! How different my life is! But look at me now! What am I? Who am I? Oh, I don’t want to be a thief!I want to be a good man now. I’m not old. I’m going to work. I can help the others.(A blind man appears. The thief helps him walk across the street.)B: It’s very kind of you. (A lady drops her purse. The thief picks it up and gives it back to her.)(Later, a policeman comes)P: Hey! You! What are you doing here?T: Nothing, just listening to the music.P: Listening to the music?T: Yes, I’m just standing here and listening to the music.P: Oh, no. Didn’t I see you this morning? Of course! You are the one who was standing near that broken window. I think you broke the window after all!(The thief runs away quickly. Two other policemen run after him and catch him by thearm.T: (shouting desperately) But officer! I’ not a thief now! I don’t want to be a thief any more! I’m a good man now! I’m a good man!(The music of “silent night” echoes on the stage.)警察与赞美诗第一幕出场人物:索比 Soapy(索比急躁不安地躺在麦迪逊广场的长凳上,辗转反侧。

A New York City hobo named Soapy,who sets out to get arrested so he can avoid sleeping in the cold winter as a guest of the city jail.Soapy's ploys伎俩include swindling诈骗a restaurant into serving him an expensive meal, breaking the plate-glass window of a luxury shop, repeating his eatery exploit at a humble简陋的diner, sexually harassing a young woman, pretending to be publicly intoxicated喝醉to make troubles, and stealing another man's umbrella.However, all of these attempts are quickly exposed as failures.Based on these events, Soapy despairs of his goal of getting arrested and imprisoned.As O. Henry describes events, the small church has a working organ机构and a practicing organist风琴演奏者. As Soapy listens to the church organ play an anthem圣歌, he experiences a spiritual epiphany 神灵显现then he resolves决定to cease停止to be homeless, end his life as a tramp afflicted苦恼with unemployment, and regain his self-respect.As Soapy stands on the street and considers the plan for his future, however, a policeman taps him on the shoulder and asks him what he is doing. When Soapy answers “Nothing,” his fate issealed未知: he has been arrested for loitering闲荡. In the magistrate’s法官court on the following day, he is convicted定罪of a misdemeanor行为不端and is sentenced to three monthsin Blackwell's Island, the New York City jail.。
警察与赞美诗 英文读书报告

《警察与赞美诗》读书报告The Cop And The Anthem was just a very short novel I read in the middle school. I have no memory of this classical novel except its ridiculous ending, which the writer, O Henry ’s best at.By accident,professor Zhong reminds me of the novel in his class. It’s real lucky I think of this novel when I have to finish a reading report this week, especially in autumn. It’s getting colder and colder, so winter is near.The Cop And The Anthem is a story that happened in a cold winter. Soapy is a vagrant who is homeless and jobless. Because of the coming bad weather, he may live uneasily outside and there is a comfortable and warm place for him, Blackwell prison. For years the hospitable Blackwell prison had been his winter refuge.Three months of assured board and bed and good company, safe from north winds and policemen, seemed to Soapy the most desirable thing. Soapy had made his arrangements for his annual journey to the island. He committed crime on purpose so that he can be put into prison in winter. However, things didn't go as he expected. But when he made up his mind to give up evil and return to good, he was arrested.That funny ending impressed me very much. At first, I shew great sympathy to this poor man. He had to put himself into the prison, where his freedom was limited, in order to live himself. But after he stirred up trouble for six times and still didn’t get arrested, he was put into the once dreamed prison because he wanted to be a good man. It’s an entirely incredible ending, but it also became the highlight of this novel. O. Henry's short stories are famous for their surprise endings, his wit, wordplay and humor. And where there is humor, there always is specific implication.His black humor is present in various places from this short novel. Soapy, the vagrant who had committed a crime for six times, was eager to go to prison. But he was always out of luck and got policeman's forgiveness. When Soapy was touched by the anthem and decided to be a good citizen, he was arrested for groundless reasons. This comparison between Soapy’s before and after expresses the social reality profoundly. Although I can’t help laughing when I read this surprise ending, I also feel pity for his miserable life. This kind of black humor not only appears in the ending, it’s used in lots of plots of this novel and often make a contrary to my expectation.Soapy stole an umbrella from well-dressed man when he had expected the umbrella’s owner could send him into the prison. But the umbrella also didn’t belong to that neatly dressed man,anupper class gentleman who had a beautiful appearance. When he sang drunken songs at the top of his voice, danced, and howled on the sidewalk. The policeman mistook him into one of Yale lads celebrating their victory of football game over the Hartford College.He thought Soapy was only noisy but no harm. The funniest one is, when he molested a beautiful lady in front of a policeman, the lady joyfully answered his flirtation. The gentleman and lady who had beautiful appearances, even the policemen all expose one dirty and unrational society to us. It’s a fact beyond our imagination that the noble upper class may hide their dirty heart under good appearance. This sick society caused many poor people’s present like Soapy. But it’s these people that easily could be touched and moved by the simple anthem and decided to give up the evil and be a good man. They were so kind but regarded to be abnormal when they behave peaceful outside the church.O.Henry uses a number of comparison and black humor to fully display the character's wretched fate and cruelty of capitalist society. He is famous for short novels that are skillful with these writing techniques and is also good at describing American society. The story in this novel ironize and reveal the realistic of New York’s society at that times. That ridiculous play happened in a cold late autumn, like now. Hope this winter won’t be so cold because of people’s warm heart.。

警察与赞美诗过冬计划 苏⽐躺在麦迪⽣⼴场他那条长凳上,辗转反侧。

9:42 AM
However, the spread of Marxism brought big shocks to the American society. Some authors, influenced by the workers' movement, were attracted by the Socialist ideal and took part in the workers’ movement by themselves
O.Henry is an American writer of short stories, best known for his ironic plots twists and surprising endings.
O. Henry
9:42 AM
Early times
9:42 AM
All his attempts fail, he passed by a church and heard the Sabbath anthem(安息日赞美诗 安息日赞美诗).The 安息日赞美诗 influences about the old church wrought a sudden(猛然间) and wonderful change in (猛然间) his soul. Soapy decided that on the very next day he would seek out this potential mentor 良师) (良师)and applied for employment(谋职) (谋职)

16、自己选择的路、跪着也要把它走 完。 17、一般情况下)不想三年以后的事, 只想现 在的事 。现在 有成就 ,以后 才能更 辉煌。
18、敢于向黑暗宣战的人,心里必须 充满光 明。 19、学习的关键--重复。
20、懦弱的人只会裹足不前,莽撞的 人只能 引为烧 身,只 有真正 勇敢的 人才能 所向披 靡。
31、只有永远躺在泥坑里的人,才不会再掉进坑Байду номын сангаас。——黑格尔 32、希望的灯一旦熄灭,生活刹那间变成了一片黑暗。——普列姆昌德 33、希望是人生的乳母。——科策布 34、形成天才的决定因素应该是勤奋。——郭沫若 35、学到很多东西的诀窍,就是一下子不要学很多。——洛克
《警察和赞美诗》(整理版) (1)

从一个侧面反映了美国下层 人民的生活和扭曲的心灵。显示 了法律在现实生活中的窘迫和宗 教对人的感化作用。告诉人们在 任何社会人都 需要精神的寄托。
为非作歹竟无人过问, 有心从善却关进牢门。
4. 根据故事情节将小说分为哪四部分?
故事开端(1-6)苏贝为逃脱严冬的威胁,策划着 冬居的计划。 故事发展(7-38)苏贝屡次惹是生非,都没有达到 被捕入狱的目的。 故事高潮(39-47)苏贝良心发现,突然被捕。 故事结局(48)苏贝被判监禁三个月。
苏贝躺在麦迪逊广场的长凳上,辗转反侧。当夜晚雁群引吭高 鸣,当没有海豹皮大衣的女人对她们的丈夫亲热起来,或者当苏贝 躺在广场的长凳上辗转反侧的时候,你就知道冬季已经逼近了。
一片枯叶飘落到苏贝的膝头。那是杰克·弗洛斯特的名片。杰 克对麦迪逊广场的老房客倒是体贴入微的,每年要来之前,总是预 先通知。他在十字街头把他的名片交给 “北风” ——“幕天席地 别墅”的门房——这样露天的居民就可以有所准备。
当苏比决心重新做人时,按常理应该有一个好的结局, 然而作品却安排苏比被判入狱。这样的结局便是欧亨· 利式的结尾,谈谈你对这种结尾的认识。(4分) 震撼人心。 反映社会冷酷现实,具有真实感。 悲剧的审美效应。 情节大起大落,曲折,出人意料之外又在意料之中。
《警察与赞美诗》是美国短篇小说家欧亨利短 篇小说的代表作,作者以辛酸讽刺的笔调,从一个 流浪汉的悲惨遭遇提出了美国社会普遍存在的一个 尖锐的问题——何为幸福和苦难,什么是恶行和善 良?课文真实的反映了当时美国社会是非颠倒、黑 白混淆的客观现实。
憎恶 (zēng wù ) 泥淖(nào )
英国文学论文 警察与赞美诗 英文版

709202212学号:辽宁师范大学海华学院美国文学论文专业:英语年级:09级2班姓名:孙晓琳论文题目:"The Cop and the anthem "in the view of interpersonal functionMajor Writing Style——Humor人际功能角度分析《警察与赞美诗》完成时间2012年6月9日Abstract:The interpersonal function is one of the three functions of the functional grammar, interpersonal function, mood, modality and evaluation system to analyze the "Cop and the Anthem" Writing Style - humor, interpersonal function to the understanding of the text can be seen provide an important means and appreciation.摘要:人际功能是功能语法的三大元功能之一,根据人际功能的语气、情态和评价系统来分析《警察与赞美诗》的主要写作特色——幽默,可以看出人际功能可以给文本的理解与欣赏提供重要手段。
Keywords:interpersonal functions; tone; modality; evaluation关键词:人际功能;语气;情态;评价A three meta-functions, one of the interpersonal function according to Halliday's Functional Grammar, Functional Grammar. Interpersonal function refers to the language through the exchange of words the role of other members of society with them to establish or maintain interpersonal relationships, in order to influence the behavior of others.Interpersonal function tone system, the modal system and, later, Martin added, and the proposed evaluation system to achievedialogue and sole functional analysis of human from "The Cop and the anthem " (A)the Soviet with the first police“Where’s the man that done that?”inquired the officer excite dly.“Don’t you figure out that I might have had something to do with it?”said Soapy,not without sarcasm,but friendly。

英文+中文版警察与赞美诗 -

One nightSoapy, thorpe slept on his bench near the spurting fountain in the square, with the three newspapers, Sunday in the top cover, wrapped in ankle, thigh, still shiveringThe second day morningThe two men lay anxiously on the bench in the square, tossing and turning旁白:冬天快要到了,他们得想想办法去岛上呆上三个月,多年来,好客的布莱克韦尔岛的监狱一直是两人冬天的寓所。
那样的生活多好啊~!Narrator: winter is coming, they have to think of a way to stay on the island for three months, for years, the hospitable blackwell prison island has always been two people's home in the winter. Does not require a cruise in the Mediterranean, also went to the south does not require the sun bask in a coma, had to eat a live, there are like-minded partners, nor the intrusion of the north wind and the police. That's a good life. 索比:(小声说)哼,那些以公益设施对城镇穷苦人没有一点作用,早点拆了才好,让我遭受精神的折磨,还不如法律来的好呢。

The cop and the anthem( 警察与赞美诗)At the gate of a prison(P: policeman 1 T: thief )P: (pulling the thief out of the gate)Ah, Mr. Black! It’s time to say goodbye!T: But officer! I want to stay here in prison. It’s too cold, and I have no place to stay. Let me stay here in prison! (walking into the gate)P: (pushing him away) Get out! You lazy thief! Go and look for a job! You’ll have some food and a room to live in.T: But wh at can I do ? I can’t do anything.P: That’s your problem. We can’t help you.( The wind starts to blow hard and the thief trembles with cold.)Outside a shopT:Oh, here’s a shop. The shop window is large and bright. I know what to do. (He picks up a stone and throws it at the window. The window is broken.. Then he walks about with his hands in his pocket and whistles)P: (Running to the window)Hey! What’s happening? Who broke the window? T: I did!P: What? You? You broke the window?T: Yes, of course, my dear policeman, I broke the window a minute ago.P: Go away! What do you think I am?T: I think you are a policeman and you should catch me! I am the one who broke the window.P:If you had broken it, you wouldn’t be standing here now! Get out of my way! (pushing him away)T: (running after him)But I did it ! I did it! (sighing) Oh, he is gone. It’s no use. I have to try again.Near the chair in a park(An old man is sleeping in a chair. The thief notices him, walks near him and takes away the bag from him.)O: (jumping up) Hey! What are you doing? That’s my bag!T;Yes, your bag . Now it’s in my hand. Go and tell the policeman!O: (Getting back his bag and catching the thief) Come with me to the police station!T: Thank you, sir. Thank you.O: (surprised) What?T: You know I have no food and no home. And it’s getting colder and colder. So I want to stay in prison. Please help me.P: (Feeling pity for him) Oh, what a poor man! Let me help you. I have some bread and some money. Don’t be a thief anymore. Poor man, poor man! ( He gives the thief some bread and some money, then leaves)T: ( worried ) But what should I do ? Where should I go this evening?In a Restaurant(W: waitress T: Thief)W: Good morning, sir!T: Good morning!W:Sit down, please. Here’s the menu. What will you have?T:At first, I’d like a bowl of vegetable soup.W: (writing down) A bowl of vegetable soup.T: Then I’ll have some steak and chicken. At last, I’ll have a cup of coffee and a cigar.W: Steak, chicken, coffee and a cigar. Er, excuse me, but this is a very big meal. Do you have enough money?T: What?! What did you say? Do you often ask such questions?W:I’m sorry. I’ll bring your food right away.(Later, the thief eats up all his food)W: Was everything all right, sir?T: The food was very nice. I like it very much.W:Thank you, sir. Here’s your bill, si r. Twenty dollars, please.T: Very well, but now, I want to tell you that I haven’t twenty dollars. I don’t even have forty cents.W: I see, will you come with me, please?T: (standing up and following the waitress) Of course. The policeman is waiting for me, isn’t he ?(Two men appear suddenly and walk to the thief )T:I… I… don’t understand , Who are they?)“ We are the people you are waiting for ! ”(They give the thief a good beating.)In front of a church( The thief stands outside of the church and listens to the music of “Silent Night”T:What beautiful music! I often listened to it when I was a boy. Ah! How different my life is! But look at me now! What am I? Who am I? Oh, I don’t want to be a thief! I want to be a good man now. I’m not old. I’m going to work. I can help the others.( A blind man appears. The thief helps him walk across the street.)B:It’s very kind of you.( A lady drops her purse. The thief picks it up and gives it back to her.)(later, a policeman comes)P: Hey! You! What are you doing here?T: Nothing, just listening to the music.P: Listening to the music?Y: Yes, I’m just standing here and listening to the music.P: Oh, no. Didn’t I see you this morning? Of course! You are the one who was standing near that broken window. I think you broke the window after all!(The thief runs away quickly. Two other policemen run after him and catch him by the arm..T: (shouting desperately) But officer! I’ not a thief now! I don’t want to be a thief any more! I’m a good man now ! I’m a good man!(The music of “silent night” echoes on the stage.)。

警察与赞美诗原文(The police and the hymn)他在麦迪逊广场的长椅索比急躁不安地。

警察与赞美诗《警察与赞美诗》(剧本)(2003年)编剧:邢艳丽朱寅陈璐吴玉婷剧中人物:流浪汉苏贝侍者领班甲警察甲赶车人侍者乙阿康那人警察乙主教牧师一群基督徒老板囚犯若干银行职员一名主要场景:1、麦迪逊广场 2、饭馆 3、铺子 4、小饭店5、雪茄烟铺6、教堂7、监狱8、苏贝办公室第一幕一、地点:麦迪逊广(苏贝上)冬天。

” 那娘们像常春藤⼀样紧紧攀住苏⽐这棵橡树,苏⽐好不懊丧地在警察⾝边⾛了过去。
警察让警棍打着旋,⾝⼦转过去背对苏⽐,向⼀个市民解释道: “这是个耶鲁的⼩伙⼦在庆祝胜利,他们跟哈德福学院赛球,请⼈家吃了鸭蛋。
” 苏⽐怏怏地停⽌了⽩费⽓⼒的吵闹。
” 伞主⼈放慢了脚步,苏⽐也放慢脚步。
“当然,”伞主⼈说,“嗯……是啊,你知道有时候会发⽣误会……我……要是这伞是你的我希望你别见怪……我是今天早上在⼀家饭店⾥捡的……要是你认出来这是你的,那么……我希望你别……” “当然是我的。

With the young woman playing the clinging ivy to his oak Soapy walked past the policeman overcome with gloom. He seemed doomed to liberty. At the next corner he shook off his companion and ran. He halted in the district where by night are found the lightest streets, hearts, vows, and librettos. Women in furs and men in greatcoats moved gaily in the wintry air. A sudden fear seized Soapy that some dreadful enchantment had rendered him immune to arrest. The thought brought a little of panic upon it, and when he came upon another policeman lounging grandly in front of a transplendent theatre he caught at the immediate straw of “disorderly conduct.” On the sidewalk Soapy began to yell drunken gibberish at the top of his harsh voice. He danced, howled, raved, and otherwise disturbed the welkin. The policeman twirled his club, turned his back to Soapy and remarked to a citizen: “’Tis one of them Yale lads celebratin’ the goose egg they give to the Hartford College. Noisy; but no harm. We’ve instructions to lave them be.” Disconsolate, Soapy ceased his unavailing racket. Would never a policeman lay hands on him? In his fancy the Island seemed an unattainable Arcadia. He buttoned his thin coat against the chilling wind. In a cigar store he saw a well-dressed man lighting a cigar at a swinging light. His silk umbrella he had set by the door on entering. Soapy stepped inside, secured the umbrella and sauntered off with it slowly. The man at the cigar light followed hastily. “My umbrella,” he said sternly. “Oh, is it?” sneered Soapy, adding insult to petit larceny. “Well, why don’t you call a policeman? I took it. Your umbrella! Why don’t you call a cop? There stands one on the corner.” The umbrella owner slowed his steps. Soapy did likewise, with a presentiment that luck would run against him. The policeman looked at the two curiously. “Of course,” said the umbrella man—“that is—well, you know how these mistakes occur—I—if it’s your umbrella I hope you’ll excuse me—I picked it up this morning in a restaurant—If you recognise it as yours, why—I hope you’ll—“ “Of course it’s mine,” said Soapy viciously. The ex-umbrella man retreated. The policeman hurried to assist a tall blonde in an opera cloak across the street in front of a street car that was approaching two blocks away. Soapy walked eastward through a street damaged by improvements. He hurled the umbrella wrathfully into an excavation. He muttered against the men who wear helmets and carry clubs. Because he wanted to fall into their clutches, they seemed to regard him as a king who could do no wrong. At length Soapy reached one of the avenues to the east where the glitter and turmoil was but faint. He set his face down this toward Madison Square, for the homing instinct survives even when the home is a park bench. But on an unusually quiet corner Soapy came to a standstill. Here was an old church, quaint and rambling and gabled. Through one violet-stained window a soft light glowed, where, no doubt, the organist loitered over the keys, making sure of his mastery of the coming Sabbath anthem. For there drifted out to Soapy’s ears sweet music that caught and held him transfixed against the convolutions of the iron fence. The moon was above, lustrous and serene; vehicles and pedestrains were few; sparrows twittered sleepily in the eaves —for a little while the scene might have been a country churchyard. And the anthem that the organist played cemented Soapy to the iron fence, for he had known it well in the days when his life contained such things as mothers and roses and ambitions and friends and immaculate thoughts and collars. The conjunction of Soapy’s receptive state of mind and the influences about the old church wrought a sudden and wonderful change in his soul. He viewed with swift horror the pit into which he had tumbled, the degraded days, unworthy desires, dead hopes, wrecked faculties, and base motives that made up his existence. And also in a moment his heart responded thrillingly to this novel mood. An instantaneous and strong impulse moved him to battle with his desperate fate. He would pull himself out of the mire; he would make a man of himself again; he would conquer the evil that had taken possession of him. There was time; he was comparatively young yet; he would resurrect his old eager ambitions and pursue them without faltering. Those solemn but sweet organ notes had set up a revolution in him. Tomorrow he would go into the roaring down-town district and find work. A fur importer had once offered him a place as driver. He would find him to-morrow and ask for the position. He would be somebody in the world. He would— Soapy felt a hand laid on his arm. He looked quickly round into the broad face of a policeman. “What are you doin’ here?” asked the officer. “Nothing’,” said Soapy. “Then come along,” said the policeman. “Three months on the Island,” said the Magistrate in the Police Court the next morning.。
警察与赞美诗 剧本

S: No, no, no....Please! Don’t come close! I’ll call the police! No! Help!
P: You such a lying ass!! Don’t run! I’m excellent! Trust me!!
Scene Three
S: And that cute fat cop will catch me, and accuse me, for molesting a woman! Well! Hello! The bed in jail. I’m coming!
S: Hi, Babe, Have you ever seen me before? You just look so familiar! Wanna a chat? Or, come to my place? En hen? We can go deep inside to our topic. Hahahaha!
S: I don’t even know Obama, I only know you…
G: whatever, stop nagging me, or I will treat you as your neighbor Zang Tianshuo, possibly a life time in prison…
Soapy:Oh no, sir, I did it, seriously! I did it! : Don't go~
Police:Get away! :
Soapy:Uncle Cop, show mercy on me, I : wanna go to the jail, 555555555~~~
Soapy:…A shop window! Haha~ I will call up my : cop brother with your anthem of cracking~
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The cop and the anthem (警察与赞美诗)SCENE 1At the gate of a prison Thief PolicemanP: (pulling the thief out of the gate) Ah, Mr. Black! It’s time to say goodbye! T: But officer! I want to stay here in prison. It’s too cold, and I have no place to stay. Let me stay here in prison! (Walking into the gate)P: (pushing him away) Get out! You lazy thief! Go and look for a job! You’ll have some food and a room to live in.T: But what can I do? I can’t do anything.P: That’s your problem. We can’t help you. (The wind starts to blow hard and the thief trembles with cold.)SCENE 2Outside a shop Thief PolicemanT: Oh, here’s a shop. The shop window is large and bright. I know what to do. (He picks up a stone and throws it at the window. The window is broken. Then he walks about with his hands in his pocket and whistles)P: (Running to the window) Hey! What’s happening? Who broke the window?T: I did!P: What? You? You broke the window?T: Yes, of course, my dear policeman, I broke the window a minute ago.P: Go away! What do you think I am?T: I think you are a policeman and you should catch me! I am the one who broke the window.P: If you had broken it, you wouldn’t be standing here now! Get out of my way! (pushing him away)T: (running after him) But I did it! I did it! (sighing) Oh, he is gone. It’s no use. I have to try again.SCENE 3Near the chair in a park Thief Old man Policeman(An old man is sleeping in a chair. The thief notices him, walks near him and takes away the bag from him.)O: (jumping up) Hey! What are you doing? That’s my bag!T: Yes, your bag. Now it’s in my hand. Go and tell the policeman!O: (Getting back his bag and catching the thief) Come with me to the police station! T: Thank you, sir. Thank you.O: (surprised) What?T: You know I have no food and no home. And it’s getting colder and colder. So I want to stay in prison. Please help me.P: (Feeling pity for him) Oh, what a poor man! Let me help you. I have some bread and some money. Don’t be a thief anymore. Poor man, poor man! (He gives the thief some bread and some money, then leaves)T: (worried) But what should I do? Where should I go this evening?SCENE 4In a Restaurant Thief WaitressW: Good morning, sir! T: Good morning!W: Sit down, please. Here’s the menu. What will you have?T: At first, I’d like a bowl of vegetable soup.W: (writing down) A bowl of vegetable soup.T: Then I’ll have some steak and chicken. At last, I’ll have a cup of coffee and a cigar.W: Steak, chicken, coffee and a cigar. Er, excuse me, but this is a very big meal. Do you have enough money?T: What?! What did you say? Do you often ask such questions?W: I’m sorry. I’ll bring your food right away.(Later, the thief eats up all his food)W: Was everything all right, sir?T: The food was very nice. I like it very much.W: Thank you, sir. Here’s your bill, sir. Twenty dollars, please.T: Very well, but now, I want to tell you that I haven’t twenty dollars. I don’t even have forty cents.W: I see, will you come with me, please?T: (standing up and following the waitress) Of course. The policeman is waiting for me, isn’t he?(Two men appear suddenly and walk to the thief)T: I… I… don’t understand. Who are they?)“We are the people you are waiting for!”(They give the thief a good beating.)SCENE 5In front of a church Thief Policeman Blind man(The thief stands outside of the church and listens to the music of “Silent Night”) T: What beautiful music! I often listened to it when I was a boy. Ah! How different my life is! But look at me now! What am I? Who am I? Oh, I don’t want to be a thief!I want to be a good man now. I’m not old. I’m going to work. I can help the others.(A blind man appears. The thief helps him walk across the street.)B: It’s very kind of you. (A lady drops her purse. The thief picks it up and gives it back to her.)(Later, a policeman comes)P: Hey! You! What are you doing here?T: Nothing, just listening to the music.P: Listening to the music?T: Yes, I’m just standing here and listening to the music.P: Oh, no. Didn’t I see you this morning? Of course! You are the one who was standing near that broken window. I think you broke the window after all!(The thief runs away quickly. Two other policemen run after him and catch him by thearm.T: (shouting desperately) But officer! I’ not a thief now! I don’t want to be a thief any more! I’m a good man now! I’m a good man!(The music of “silent night” echoes on the stage.)警察与赞美诗第一幕出场人物:索比 Soapy(索比急躁不安地躺在麦迪逊广场的长凳上,辗转反侧。