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1bring sb. sth /bring sth. to sb.把某样东西给某人带来

2.look cool 看上去酷的

3.feel cool with nothing on(adv.) 什么也不穿感觉凉爽的

4. Which season do you like best?

Which season is your favourite?

What’s your favourite season?

Which is your favourite season?


5.discuss four season s of the year讨论一年四季

6.in the different season s在不同的季节里

7.the best time to do sth.做某事的最好时间

8.play football outside在户外踢足球

9. enjoy(eat) ice cream享受(吃)冰淇淋

10.the seasons of the year一年四季

11.be full of /fill with充满,用…填满

12.fly far away飞向远方

13.find a warm and sunny day找到一个温暖明媚地方的时候

windy and bright 风和日丽

14.a perfect time(place)to do sth.做某事的极好时间或地点

15.fly a kite/fly kites放风筝

16.play among flower s在花丛中玩

17.hide from the April shower s躲避四月的阵雨

18.sweet memor ies of summer day s夏日甜蜜的回忆

19.by quiet stream s and tree s and shade在安静的小溪、树和树荫旁

zy afternoon懒懒的下午

21.by a pool 在水池旁

22.the leaves turn brown(green)树叶变枯黄或变绿

23.fall into piles upon(on) the ground落地成堆

24.a pile of…一堆的

pile s of…成堆的

25.harvest crop s收获庄稼

26.the snowy(rainy) season有雪或有雨的季节

27.once again又一次,再一次

28.sth. rhyme with sth. …与…押韵

29.brown leaves枯黄的树叶30. fall on the ground掉落在地上

31.fly away to a warm and windy place飞到一个温暖有风的地方

32.describe the weather in spring描述春天的天气

33.cloudy and bright多云晴朗的

34.on a hot summer afternoon在一个炎热的夏天的下午

35.How does the weather change when autumn comes?秋天来临时天气如何变化呢?

36.cover the whole earth覆盖整个地球

37.drop below zero降到零度以下

38.A windy day is perfect for flying a kite有风天对放风筝来说是极好的。

39.under(in)the shade of trees在树荫下

40.be busy harvesting crops忙于收获庄稼

41.There is not a cloud in the sky.

There are no clouds in the sky.


42.make breakfast for sb.为某人做早饭

43.wake up 醒来

wake sb. up叫醒某人

44.New Year’s Day元旦

Chinese New Year/the Spring Festival春节45.give me nice presents/give nice presents to me 给我漂亮的礼物

46.fall from morning till(to) night从早下到晚

47.hate rainy days讨厌下雨天

48.see sb. doing sth. 看到某人正在干某事

see sb. do sth.看到某人做某事

49.kick the ball踢球

play football(basketball,badminton,tennis…)


50.catch(have) a bad cold患重感冒

51.have a high fever发高烧

52.cough a lot咳嗽得厉害

53.take sb. to the hospital 带某人去医院

54.an awful day 糟糕的一天

55.in the late afternoon在傍晚或在下午晚些时候

56.drop(rise) to降至或升至

57.turn more cloudy 变得比较多云

58.during the day/in the daytime在白天
