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Class: Name: Marks: 满分(150)




1. Only third of the students thought lecture was easy to understand.

A. a; the

B. a; a

C. the; a

D. the; the

2. I hope the meeting will be a success and our guests will enjoy your stay in Beijing.

A. simple

B. ordinary

C. partial

D. complete

3. — What do you draw from the experiment?

—Iron doesn‟t rust in dry air.

A. reactions

B. conclusions

C. aims

D. descriptions

4. When we heat a metal, it expands, while it as it gets cooler.

A. floats

B. dissolves

C. contracts

D. reacts

5. 100℃ is the boiling point of water. In other words, water at 100℃.

A. boils

B. boiled

C. is boiling

D. has boiled

6. This beer, when with orange juice, will taste better. How about having a try?

A. mixed

B. mixing

C. mix

D. is mixed

7. Do you think is possible to finish the work on time without anybody to help him?

A. this

B. it

C. he

D. that

8. Take a short walk. It will give you twice energy as a candy bar does.

A. so many

B. as many

C. so much

D. as much

9. — Cathy, here a letter and two books for you.

— Thank you very much.

A. is

B. has

C. are

D. have

10. — How are you feeling today?

—better, thanks.

A. Very

B. No

C. Much

D. So



Andrew woke up and smiled. It was a 11 day. His family was going to have a yard sale!(庭院旧货出售)He walked outside with Dad. Mom had already 12

long tables. Andrew was going to sell some of his old 13 . He was excited. He had some ideas of 14 toys he wanted to buy.

Andrew put his toys on the 15 . The n he saw a beautiful red sign. “What‟s that?” Andrew asked. Mom smiled and said, “Your grandpa used to be a sign maker. He 16 signs on glass for the townspeople.”

Mom left the table to talk to someone. Andrew picked up the sign. Just then, a little girl 17 to look at his toys. Maybe he would make his 18 sale! Andrew dropped the sign and turned around. But the sign fell off the table and 19 into two pieces! Andrew looked around. Nobody was 20 . Nobody would know who did it. He 21 the broken sign.

Andrew sold his toys, but he felt 22 all afternoon. He didn‟t tell Mom about breaking Grandpa‟s sign. The yard sale 23 . Andrew and Mom went inside. Soon, Dad walked in carrying Grandpa‟s broken sign.

“Look what I 24 under a bush!” Dad said. “Someone broke it and hid it.”

Andrew looked down at his 25 . “I broke it, Dad,” he said in a low voice. “I didn‟t mean to. I was wrong. I made a big 26 .”

“Yes, you did,” Mom told him. “Well, next time will you be more careful and honest?”

Andrew 27 his head. After dinner, he helped Dad 28 the sign. Mom brought out some other signs Grandpa had made. This time Andrew was very careful!

Something 29 happens when you do the wrong thing. Even if you don‟t get 30 , there is a result.

11.A. sad B. cold C. quiet D. special

12.A. set up B. handed out C. taken back D. cut up

13.A. books B. toys C. clothes D. pictures

14.A. new B. necessary C. secret D. expensive

15.A. wall B. road C. ground D. table

16.A. used B. kept C. painted D. put

17.A. helped B. rememberedC. agreed D. stopped

18.A. same B. only C. first D. next

19.A. went B. developed C. came D. broke

20.A. looking B. listening C. following D. smiling

21.A. finished B. hid C. dropped D. sold

22.A. lonely B. bad C. hungry D. weak

23.A. ended B. worked C. left D. continued

24.A. placed B. found C. heard D. carried

25.A. food B. bed C. shoes D. gifts
