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买年货:special purchases for the Spring Festival 儒家文化 Confucian culture

红包:red packets / red envelope 道教 Taoism

佛教 Buddhism 象形文字 pictographic characters 文房四宝(笔墨纸观)the Four Treasures of the Study (brush, ink stick, paper, and ink stone)

木偶戏puppet show 杂技 acrobatics

刺绣 embroidery

火药gunpowder 印刷术printing

造纸术 paper-making 指南针 the compass

舞狮:lion dance 舞龙:dragon dance

除夕:Chinese New Year’s Eve/ Eve of the Spring Festival

春晚:Spring Festival Gala

烟花爆竹:fireworks and firecrackers 守岁:staying-up

拜年:give New Year’s greetings/ New Year’s visit

去晦气:get rid of the ill-fortune

压岁钱:gift money/ money given to children as a lunar New Year gift

除旧岁:bid farewell to the old year 春联:(Spring Festival) couplets

年画:New Year painting 庙会:temple fair

元宵节:Lantern Festival 元宵:Tangyuan/ sweet rice dumpling

灯谜:lantern riddle 全家团圆:family reunion

《三字经》The Three-Word Chant 《三国演义》Three Kingdoms

《西游记》Journey to the West; 《红楼梦》Dream of the Red Mansions

中国画traditional Chinese painting 书法calligraphy

水墨画Chinese brush painting; 中国结Chinese knot

旗袍Cheongsam 京剧人物脸谱Peking Opera Mask

相声comic crosstalk 皮影戏shadow play;

说书story-telling 武术martial art

阳历solarcalendar 阴历lunarcalendar

剪纸:Paper Cutting 书法:Calligraphy

针灸:Acupuncture 太极拳:Tai Chi

儒家文化:Confucian Culture 孟子:Menciu

北京烤鸭:Beijing Roast Duck 烧饼 clay oven rolls 皮蛋 100-year egg 火锅:Hot Pot 扬州菜Yangzhou cuisine


宏观经济macro economy 经济全球化 economic globalization

社会主义市场经济socialist market economy

网络经济Internet-based economy 经济规律law of economy

大规模生产mass production 生产力productive forces

生产关系relations of production 公有制public ownership

国有企业state-owned enterprises (SOEs) 私营企业private business

民营企业privately-run business 中小企业small and medium enterprises (SMEs) 连锁企业franchise / chain business

国民生产总值(GNP) 国内生产总值(GDP)

实际增长率growth rate in real terms

年均增长率average growth rate per annum

可持续增长sustainable growth 泡沫经济bubble economy

经济效益economic returns 关税tariff 纳税人tax payer

投资回报率rate of return on investment

衰退recession 小康水平 a well-off standard

宏观调控macro control

提高经济效益enhance economic performance

优化经济结构optimize economic structure

扩大内需expand domestic demand

国计民生national interest and people’s livelihood

经济特区special economic zones

“十三五规划“the 13th Five-Year Plan for National and Economic and Social Development 风险投资venture investment 经济繁荣economic boom

发达国家developed countries 不发达国家underdeveloped countries

经济交流economic exchange 跨国公司multinational corporation

利用外资utilization of foreign capita 知识产权intellectual property rights

版权copyright 专利patent

商标trademark 互通有无mutual exchange of needed products 法治rule of law 综合国力 overall national strength

平等互利equality and mutual benefit 不结盟non-alignment

电子商务e-business 信用卡credit card

政治思想教育 political and ideological education


烽火台 beacon tower 兵马俑 Terracotta Warriors and Horses 丝绸之路the Silk Road 敦煌莫高窟 Mogao Grottoes

故宫 the Imperial Palace 天坛 the Temple of Heaven

保存完好well-preserved 工艺精湛exquisite workmanship
