森格电子 SDS-B048-015-2023 型无刷电机驱动板使用说明书
2技术指标额定电压:48V连续堵转电流:≤15A峰值堵转电流:≤30A2.1驱动板2.1.1技术要求环境适应性要求:-40℃~70℃,相对湿度:~90%RH;2.1.2设计指标电源输入:直流48V母线电流:提供母线电压和电流采集功能;输出电流:额定15A,峰值30A;旋变接口:1路双通道旋变接口,励磁频率2000Hz,变压比为0.5;增量式编码器接口:1路通用增量式编码器接口,+5V、GND、A±、B±、Z±、U±、V ±、W±(预留);电机接口:1路三相无刷电机(U、V、W);通讯接口:1路RS422/隔离,波特率不小于2Mbps;通讯接口:1路CAN/隔离,波特率不小于1Mbps;调试接口:2路RS485接口;电机制动器控制接口:1路(驱动能力不小于1A,预留);外部制动电阻接口:1路(驱动能力不小于15A,预留);包络尺寸:长135mm宽85mm高40mm。
3电气交联关系3.1连接器接口3.1.1电源接口J3电路板上插座型号为:J30J-02P020S000W,2P 大电流电连接器接点号接点定义信号内容信号方向备注2/B +48V +48V 电源输入输入电源输入1/A+48V_G电源地公共3.1.2抱闸和制动接口J1电路板上插座型号为:J30J-04P040S000W,4P 大电流电连接器接点号接点定义信号内容信号方向备注1/A ZDDZ+制动电阻正端输出制动电阻2/B ZDDZ-制动电阻负端公共3/C ZDQ+抱闸器正端输出电机抱闸器4/DZDQ-抱闸器负端公共3.1.3通讯接口J9电路板上插座型号为:J30J-21TJW-J 接点号接点定义信号内容信号方向备注2RS422R+RS422接收信号+输入RS422通讯控制接口SCIA 1RS422R-RS422接收信号-输入13RS422T+RS422发送信号+输出12RS422T-RS422发送信号-输出3RS422G RS422信号地公共141CANH CAN 通讯信号+双向CAN 通讯控制接口CANA/隔离151CANL CAN 通讯信号-双向4GANG CAN 通讯信号地公共171RS485A 1RS485通讯信号+/A 双向RS485通讯接口SCIC/非隔离161RS485B 1RS485通讯信号-/B 双向5DGND RS485通讯信号地公共RS485通讯信号地192RS485A 2RS485通讯信号+/A 双向RS485通讯接口SCIB/非隔离182RS485B 2RS485通讯信号-/B 双向72CANH CAN 通讯信号+双向CAN 通讯控制接口CANB/预留62CANL CAN 通讯信号-双向9DGND 信号地公共升级跳线8BOOT 升级跳线输入10、20+12V +12V 控制板电源正端输入/输出控制板调试电源(内部预留)11、21+12V_G+12V 控制板电源地公共3.1.4电机接口J2板上插座型号为:J30J-03P030S000W,3P大电流电连接器。
Hi-Tech Industrial Park North, Nanshan, Shenzhen, Guangdong,P.R.China)
电 话 (Tel) :(86)(755)26982158
传真(Fax):(86)(755)26982786 邮政编码(Postcode):518057
第 3 章 接线 .................................................................................................................................7
3.1 RS232 .....................................................................................................................................7 3.2 USB ........................................................................................................................................7 3.3 综合端子 J3 ...........................................................................................................................7 3.4 编码器端子 ..........................................................................................................................11 3.5 电源、电机端子 ..................................................................................................................11
Pole Count
12 20 32(2)
Notes: (1) For i-Drive applications, the logic voltage is supplied by the i-drive when using matching sensor cable. (2) For i-Drive applications, certain parameters would be specially set based on 16 poles due to 24 pole maximum. Certain user application parameters may require corresponding adjustment due to 32 poles actual.
100 100 75 130
150 150
78 180
200 200 100 230 100 10
G (mm)
85 125 160
(mm) Tap (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 M5 60 5.5 9.5 25 5
95 6.5 11.2
Direct Drive Rotary Table
III. Mechanical Specifications
Mechanical Specifications
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
E (mm)
F (mm)
144V 10kW 说明书使用版(标准)
电动汽车用电机主驱系统EV MOTOR DRIVE SYSTEM使用手册深圳市大地和电气有限公司本电机驱动系统专为电动汽车主驱系统而设计,主要由两部分组成—主驱电机及其控制器。
目录1.初步了解你的系统2.配线3.电路原理图4.安装方法5.通信协议6.保护功能7.维护与检查8.故障及对策附录A 系统参数附录B 电机外形尺寸图附录C 控制器外形尺寸图本系统主要由电机及控制器两部分组成,下面分别就主要构成作一介绍。
1.1 主驱电机本系统电机采用异步调速电机,自然冷却。
1.1.1 定子定子由机壳和绕组铁心组成。
1.1.2 转子转子由转轴和笼形转子铁心采用重型过盈配合热套装配而成。
1.1.3 端盖前端盖上布有安装外止口,后端盖上布有螺纹孔可供安装速度传感器用。
1.1.4 速度传感器及其保护盖电机后端安装有速度传感器,其固定在后端盖上,转子安装在转轴上。
1.1.5 三相引出线三相硅电缆引出线接至电机定子三相线圈绕组,通过保护套从电机后端盖引出。
1.1.6 电机出厂编号每台出厂电机只有一个唯一的编号,编号位置见下面的附图。
1.2 电机控制器本系统控制器采用异步调速电机控制器,强迫风冷。
1.2.1 散热器系统散热器系统由散热风扇2只、铝质散热器及风扇罩组成。
1.2.2 机箱机箱由钢板折弯成型,外表喷粉处理,起保护内部电路器件的作用。
九号电动轻便摩托车E70C 使用说明书
Auto 键
开机状态下,连续双击开座桶,长按关机;当 APP 感应解锁功能开启时,接近车辆按住此键开机。
危险警示 按下此键,车辆左右转向灯同时闪烁亮起,警示行人和其它车辆
28 电门锁(钥匙孔)* 以下图示仅示意单独用钥匙操作
OFF 档 车辆处于断电停车状态
ON 档 车辆处于通电启动状态
OPEN 档 开启坐桶
搜索结果 1 设备
ON 档
注册 登录
3. 激活车辆后的开机 / 关机方式 * 对于有龙头锁配置的车型,开机时,智能龙头锁同步解锁;关机时,智能龙头锁同步上锁。
a. 遥控器:按下开机 / 关机键解锁并开机;按下锁车键,关机并锁车。【详见 31 遥控器功能介绍】 b. 钥匙:钥匙插进钥匙孔向右旋转至 ON 档位开机,向左旋转至 LOCK 档位锁车。【详见 28 电门锁(钥匙孔)】 c. Auto 键【详见 12 组合开关】
定速巡航键 按下启动定速巡航,车辆以当前速度前行;再次按下、拧油门转把、制动均可解除定速巡航
档位键 大灯键
后轮毂电机 - 直驱式
后轮毂电机 - 直驱式
续航里程 *
蓄电池类型及数量 电池扩展
CASC-DW54×900技术说明2010年3月北京航天宜达特直驱风机销售有限公司地址:北京市朝阳区新源南路1-3号平安国际金融中心B 座1602C 室目 录1 概述 ............................................................. 1 2技术参数 ......................................................... 2 2.1 机组数据总表 .......................................................................................... 2 2.2 风机规格 ................................................................................................. 4 2.3 塔架规格 ................................................................................................. 4 2.4 功率曲线和推力系数曲线 ........................................................................ 5 3技术说明 ......................................................... 6 3.1 叶轮 ......................................................................................................... 6 3.2 主轴承 ..................................................................................................... 6 3.3 发电机 ..................................................................................................... 6 3.4 机舱 ......................................................................................................... 7 3.5 偏航系统 ................................................................................................. 7 3.6 功率变频器 .............................................................................................. 7 3.7 控制系统 ................................................................................................. 8 3.8 运行和安全系统 ....................................................................................... 8 3.9 接地与防雷 .............................................................................................. 9 3.10 低电压穿越 ............................................................................................ 9 4补充说明 ........................................................ 11 4.1 特殊机型 ............................................................................................... 11 4.2 塔架 ....................................................................................................... 11 4.3 风电机组安装必备条件 .......................................................................... 11 4.4 电网导则(节选) ................................................................................. 12 附录1:CASC ─DW54×900风电机组三维装配图 (13)1 概述本手册简要介绍了CASC─DW54×900kW直驱风机(以下简称“DW54×900”)的性能,该风机适用于IECⅡ/Ⅲ类风场。
juki 7810e一体机节能单直驱使用说明书
一体机节能单直驱使用说明书All-in-one Direct Drive Instruction Book欢迎使用本公司产品,制衣行的正确投资选择!Welcome to use the our products,it is the right investment choices in garment industry!本说明书为本公司新研发的“一体机节能单抬压脚直驱控制箱”产品参考手册,请认真阅读此手册以更好运用本公司产品。
一、安全说明:General Safety Instructions1:电机电控接通电源时(开机状态)请不要把脚放在脚踏板上Do not put your feet on the pedals when the control box and motor is switched on(boot status)2:本产品请专业人士安装调试Let professionals to install and debug this product3:严禁在通电时打开控制箱与电机端盖Do not open the control box and the motor cover when energized4:换针,穿线或更换底线时请关闭电源Please turn off the power when changing the needle,threading or replacing the bottom line5:安装,拆卸维修时请拔掉电源插头During installation and removal service,please turn off the power and pull the plug6:翻抬缝纫机时请关闭电源Please turn off the power when turn lift sewing machine7:使用本产品请远离高频电磁波和电波发射器等,以免所产生的电磁波干扰伺服驱动器而发生错误动作。
630kw永磁直驱电动机说明书1️⃣ 产品概述630kw永磁直驱电动机是一款高性能、高效率的电动机产品,专为需要大功率、低维护和高可靠性的工业应用设计。
2️⃣ 技术规格与特点2.1 技术规格额定功率:630千瓦(kW)额定电压:根据客户需求定制,通常为380V或400V额定频率:50Hz或60Hz额定转速:根据具体应用调整,通常在1500rpm至3000rpm之间效率:≥96%功率因数:≥0.952.2 主要特点高效节能:永磁体直接驱动,减少了能量传递过程中的损失,提高了能源利用效率。
3️⃣ 安装、调试与维护3.1 安装确保电动机安装基础平整、坚固,避免振动和位移。
3.2 调试在启动前,检查电动机的绝缘电阻、接线和接地情况。
3.3 维护定期检查电动机的轴承、润滑系统和冷却系统,确保其正常运行。
851-528 Rev. BInstallation, Maintenance& Parts ManualTable of ContentsWarnings − General Safety 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Introduction 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Product Description 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Specifications 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gearmotors 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3200 Belt Speeds 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Installation 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Required Tools 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mounting 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Preventive Maintenance & Adjustment 8. . . . . . . . . . . Required Tools 8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Timing Belt Tensioning 8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Timing Belt Replacement 8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Drive or Driven Pulley Replacement 9. . . . . . . . . . . Motor Replacement 9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Service Parts 11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bottom Mount Drive Package 11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gearmotors 13. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Return Policy 14. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IntroductionIMPORTANT: Some illustrations may show guardsremoved. Do NOT operate equipment without guards.Upon receipt of shipment:D Compare shipment with packing slip. Contact factoryregarding discrepancies.D Inspect packages for shipping damage. Contact carrierregarding damage.D Accessories may be shipped loose. See accessory in-structions for installation.Dorner 3200 Series conveyors are covered by patentnumbers 5156260, 5156261, 5203447, 5265714 andpatent applications in other countries.Dorner LPZ Series conveyors are covered by patentnumbers 5156260, 5156261, 5203447, 5265714,5875883 and patent applications in other countries.Dorner’s Limited Warranty applies.Dorner reserves the right to make changes at any timewithout notice or obligation.Dorner has convenient, pre−configured kits of Key ServiceParts for all conveyor products. These time saving kits are easyto order, designed for fast installation, and guarantee you willhave what you need when you need it. Key Parts and Kits aremarked in the Service Parts section of this manual with thePerformance Parts Kits logo .Warnings − General Safety3200 & LPZ Series Bottom Mount Parallel Drive Package for Standard Load 60 Hz Gearmotors IMPM851-528 Rev. B2Dorner Mfg. Corp.3200 & LPZ Series Bottom Mount Parallel Drive Package for Standard Load 60 Hz Gearmotors IMPMDorner Mfg. Corp.3851-528 Rev. BRefer to Figure 1 for typical components.A ConveyorB Mounting BracketC GearmotorD Timing Belt TensionerE CoverF Timing BeltG Drive Pulley HDriven PulleyTypical ComponentsFigure 1AF GCBH DSpecificationsGearmotor Mounting Package Models:Example:S = Standard Load Driven Pulley (see Table 2, 3 & 4)− = flat belt, A through J = cleated belt )Table 1: Gearmotor SpecificationsSingle PhaseThree Phase DCVariable Speed VFDVariable Speed Power/Gear Ratio hp (kW)hp (kW)hp (kW)hp (kW)5:1.08 (.06).17 (.13).12 (.09).17 (.13)10:1.17 (.13).17 (.13).25 (.19).17 (.13)20:1.33 (.25).38 (.28).25 (.19).38 (.28)30:1.33 (.25).38 (.28).25 (.19).38 (.28)60:1.33 (.25).38 (.28).33 (.25).38 (.28)180:1.33 (.25).38 (.28)N/A .38 (.28)Input Voltage 115 VAC 230 VAC 130 VDC 230 VAC Input Frequency60 Hz60 HzN/A10 to 60 HzProduct DescriptionTable 1: Gearmotor Specifications ContinuedSingle Phase Three Phase DCVariable Speed VFD Variable SpeedInput Current/Gear RatioFLA FLA FLA FLA 5:1 1.2 1.0 1.0 1.0 10:1 1.9 1.0 1.8 1.0 20:14 1.9 1.8 1.9 30:14 1.9 1.8 1.9 60:14 1.9 2.3 1.9 180:14 1.9N/A 1.9 Motor RPM1725172525001725Power/Ratio Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled Totally EnclosedNon−Ventilated Totally Enclosed Fan CooledTable 2: Belt Speeds for Fixed Speed Parallel Shaft 60 Hz GearmotorsStandard Load Gearmotors Belt Speed DrivePulley DrivenPart Number RPM In-lb N-m Ft/min M/min Pulley62M180PS4vpFn1022625.57.6 2.3161662M180PS4vpFn1022625.511.4 3.5241662M060PS4vpFn2923726.822.97.0161632M030PS4vpFn5814216.045.814.0161632M020PS4vpFn86788.868.620.9161632M020PS4vpFn86788.8103.031.4241632M010PS4vpFn17341 4.6137.341.9161632M010PS4vpFn17341 4.6171.652.3201632M010PS4vpFn17341 4.6205.962.8241632M005PS4vpFn34541 4.6274.683.7161632M005PS4vpFn34541 4.6343.2104.6201632M005PS4vpFn34541 4.6411.9125.62416(vp) = voltage and phase11 = 115 V, 1-phase23 = 208–230/460 V, 3-phaseTable 3: Belt Speeds for Variable Speed Parallel Shaft VFD Gearmotors Standard Load Gearmotors Belt Speed Drive Driven Part Number RPM In-lb N-m Ft/min M/min Pulley Pulley62M180PS4vpFn1022625.5 1.3−7.60.4−2.3161662M060PS4vpFn2923726.8 3.8−22.9 1.2−7.0161632M030PS4vpFn5814216.07.6−45.8 2.3−14.0161632M020PS4vpFn86788.811.5−68.6 3.5−20.9161632M020PS4vpFn86788.817.2−103.0 5.2−31.4241632M010PS4vpFn17341 4.622.9−137.37.0−41.9161632M010PS4vpFn17341 4.634.4−205.910.5−62.8241632M005PS4vpFn34541 4.645.9−274.614.0−83.71616Specifications3200 & LPZ Series Bottom Mount Parallel Drive Package for Standard Load 60 Hz Gearmotors IMPM851-528 Rev. B4Dorner Mfg. Corp.32M005PS4vpFn34541 4.657.3−343.217.5−104.6201632M005PS4vpFn34541 4.668.8−411.921.0−125.624163200 & LPZ Series Bottom Mount Parallel Drive Package for Standard Load 60 Hz Gearmotors IMPMDorner Mfg. Corp.5851-528 Rev. B3200 & LPZ Series Bottom Mount Parallel Drive Package for Standard Load 60 Hz Gearmotors IMPM851-528 Rev. B 6Dorner Mfg. Corp.Table 4: Belt Speeds for Variable Speed Parallel Shaft DC GearmotorsStandard Load GearmotorsBelt SpeedDrive PulleyDrivenPart Number RPM In-lb N-m Ft/minM/minPulley62M180PSD3DEN 1422625.5 1.3−11.10.4−3.4161662M180PSD3DEN 1422625.5 2.0−16.60.6−5.1241662M060PSD3DEN 4223726.8 4.0−33.2 1.2−10.1161662M030PSD3DEN 8314216.08.0−66.3 2.4−20.2161662M020PSD3DEN 125788.811.9−99.5 3.6−30.3161662M020PSD3DEN 125788.817.9−149.2 5.5−45.5241662M010PSD3DEN 25041 4.623.9−199.07.3−60.7161662M010PSD3DEN 25041 4.629.8−248.79.1−75.8201662M010PSD3DEN250414.635.8−298.510.9−91.02416NOTE: For belt speed other than those listed, contactfactory for details.InstallationRequired ToolsD Hex key wrenches:2 mm, 2.5 mm, 3 mm, 5 mm D Straight edge D Torque wrenchMountingInstallation Component ListE CoverF Timing BeltG Drive PulleyH Driven PulleyI Bottom Mount Drive Assembly J Cover Screws K KeyL M6 Socket Head Screws (4x)M M8 Socket Head Screws (2x)NT ensioner1.Typical components (Figure 2)Figure 2LHEFG K MIJ NNOTE: Cleated belt mounting package shown, flat beltmounting package similar.2.Locate drive output shaft (Q of Figure 3). Removetwo (2) M8 screws (P) and four (4) M6 screws (O)and discard.Figure 3QPOSpecifications3200 & LPZ Series Bottom Mount Parallel Drive Package for Standard Load 60 Hz Gearmotors IMPMDorner Mfg. Corp.7851-528 Rev. B3.Attach bottom mount drive assembly (B of Figure 4)with two (2) M8 screws (M) and four (4) M6 screws (L). Tighten M6 screws (L) to 146 in −lbs (16.5 N −m)and M8 screws (M) to 288 in −lbs (32.5 N −m).Figure 4BML4.Install key (K of Figure 5).Figure 5FG5.Wrap timing belt (F) around driven pulley (H) anddrive pulley (G). Install driven pulley (H) onto conveyor shaft.ing a straight edge (R of Figure 6), align drivenpulley (H) with drive pulley (G). Tighten driven pulley taper-lock screws (S of Figure 7).Figure 6HGFigure 77.Depending on conveyor belt travel (direction 1 or 2),locate timing belt tensioner (N of Figure 8) as shown.Tension timing belt to obtain 1/8” (3 mm) deflectionfor 6 lb (3 Kg) of force at timing belt mid-point (T).Tighten tensioner screw to 110 in-lb (12 Nm).Figure 8T8.Install cover (E of Figure 9) with four (4) screws (J).Tighten screws to 35 in-lb (4 Nm).Figure 9EJJInstallationRequired ToolsD Hex key wrenches:2 mm, 2.5 mm,3 mm, 5 mmD Adjustable wrench (for hexagon head screws)D Straight edgeD Torque wrenchTiming Belt Tensioning1.Remove four (4) screws (J of Figure 9) and removecover (E).2.Loosen tensioner (N of Figure 10).Figure 10N3.Depending on conveyor belt travel (direction 1 or 2),locate timing belt tensioner (N of Figure 8) as shown. Tension timing belt to obtain 1/8” (3 mm) deflection for 6 lb (3 Kg) of force at timing belt mid-point (T). Tighten tensioner screw to 110 in-lb(12 Nm).4.Install cover (E of Figure 9) with four (4) screws (J).Tighten screws to 35 in-lb (4 Nm).Timing Belt Replacement1.Remove four (4) screws (J of Figure 9) and removecover (E).2.Loosen tensioner (N of Figure 10).3.Remove timing belt (F of Figure 11).NOTE: If timing belt does not slide over pulley flange, loosen driven pulley taper-lock screws (S of Figure 7 & 11) and remove pulley with belt (F). For re-installation, see steps 5 and 6 on page 7.Figure 11FS4.Install new timing belt.5.Depending on conveyor belt travel (direction 1 or 2),locate timing belt tensioner (N of Figure 8) as shown. Tension timing belt to obtain 1/8” (3 mm) deflection for 6 lb (3 Kg) of force at timing belt mid-point (T). Tighten tensioner screw to 110 in-lb(12 Nm).6.Install cover (E of Figure 9) with four (4) screws (J).Tighten screws to 35 in-lb (4 Nm).Preventive Maintenance and Adjustment3200 & LPZ Series Bottom Mount Parallel Drive Package for Standard Load 60 Hz Gearmotors IMPM851-528 Rev. B8Dorner Mfg. Corp.3200 & LPZ Series Bottom Mount Parallel Drive Package for Standard Load 60 Hz Gearmotors IMPMDorner Mfg. Corp.9851-528 Rev. BDrive or Driven Pulley Replacementplete steps 1 through 3 of “Timing BeltReplacement” section on page 8.2.Remove taper-lock screws (S of Figure 12). Insert one(1) of taper lock screws (S of Figure 12) in remaining hole (U). Tighten screw (S) until pulley is loose.Remove pulley and taper hub assembly.Figure 12NOTE: If drive pulley (G of Figure 5) is replaced,wrap timing belt around drive pulley and complete step 3.plete steps 5 through 8 of “Installation” sectionbeginning on page 7.Motor Replacement1.For single phase motor, unplug power cord fromoutlet.2.For three phase and VFD variable speed motor:a .Loosen terminal box screws (V of Figure 13) andremove cover (W).Figure 13b .Record incoming wire colors on red, black andblue leads. Loosen wire nuts and remove incoming wires.c .Loosen cord grip and remove cord.Preventive Maintenance and Adjustment3200 & LPZ Series Bottom Mount Parallel Drive Package for Standard Load 60 Hz Gearmotors IMPM851-528 Rev. B 10Dorner Mfg. Corp.3.For DC variable speed motor, unplug motor cord atdisconnect (X of Figure 14).Figure 144.Remove the drive pulley see steps 1 and 2 of “Driveor Driven Pulley Replacement” section on page 9.5.Remove four (4) screws (J of Figure 15). Detach motor (C) from the mounting plate (B). Retain motor output shaft key (K).Figure 15CBKJ6.Install new motor using the four (4) mountingscrews (J of Figure 15).7.Re −install the drive pulley reverse step 2 of “Driveor Driven Pulley Replacement” section on page plete steps 5 through 8 of “Installation” section beginning on page 7.9.Replace wiring:D For a single phase motor, reverse step 1 on this page.D For a three phase or VFD variable speed motor, re-verse step 2 on this page.D For a DC variable speed motor, reverse step 3 on this page.Preventive Maintenance and Adjustment3200 & LPZ Series Bottom Mount Parallel Drive Package for Standard Load 60 Hz Gearmotors IMPMDorner Mfg. Corp.11851-528 Rev. BNOTE: For replacement parts other than thoseshown on this page, contact an authorized Dorner Service Center or the factory. Key Service Parts and Kits are identified by the Performance Parts Kits logo. . Dorner recommends keeping these parts on hand.3200 Series Conveyors Bottom Mount Parallel Drive Package for Standard Load Industrial Gearmotors12341110912131415176851677Item Part Number Description 1300871Drive Cover300349Drive Cover (Flat Belt)2301076Drive Tensioner Slide 3301152Mounting Plate301154Mounting Plate (Flat Belt)4301153Tensioner Bearing Assy5811−123Driven Pulley, 14 Tooth, Taper Lock TL1108811−126Driven Pulley, 16 Tooth, Taper Lock TL11086811−126Drive Pulley, 16 Tooth, Taper Lock TL1108811−127Drive Pulley, 18 Tooth, Taper Lock TL1210811−135Drive Pulley, 20 Tooth, Taper Lock TL1210811−136Drive Pulley, 22 Tooth, Taper Lock TL1610811−137Drive Pulley, 24 Tooth, Taper Lock TL1610Service Parts3200 & LPZ Series Bottom Mount Parallel Drive Package for Standard Load 60 Hz Gearmotors IMPM851-528 Rev. B 12Dorner Mfg. Corp.7811−288Taper Lock Bushing, 20MM, TL1108811−289Taper Lock Bushing, 20MM, TL1210811−290Taper Lock Bushing, 20MM, TL16108814−059Timing Belt, 1.0” W x 27.0” L 814−060Timing Belt, 1.0” W x 28.0” L 9902−130Cap Head Screw 1/4−20 x 0.62”10911−013Flat Washer11920843M Flange Socket Head Screw M4 x 16mm 12920608M Socket Head Screw M6 x 8mm 13920620M Socket Head Screw M6 x 20mm 14920835M Socket Head Screw M8 x 35mm 15961645M Socket Head Screw M16 x 45mm 16980632M Square Key 17991610MHex Jam Nut M16Service Parts3200 & LPZ Series Bottom Mount Parallel Drive Package for Standard Load 60 Hz Gearmotors IMPMDorner Mfg. Corp.13851-528 Rev. B3200 Standard Load Parallel Shaft Industrial GearmotorsFigure 1621ItemPart No.Part Description162M180PS411FN Motor, 0.08hp (0.06Kw), 115 Volts, 60 Hz, 1-Phase62M180PS411FR Motor, 0.08hp (0.06Kw), 115 Volts, 60 Hz, 1-Phase with Reversing 62M180PS423FN Motor, 0.17hp (0.13Kw),208−230/460 Volts, 60 Hz, 3-Phase 62M060PS411FNMotor, 0.17hp (0.13Kw), 115 Volts, 60 Hz, 1-Phase62M060PS411FR Motor, 0.17hp (0.13Kw), 115 Volts, 60 Hz, 1-Phase with Reversing 62M060PS423FNMotor, 0.17hp (0.13Kw),208−230/460 Volts, 60 Hz, 3-Phase 62M030PS411FN Motor, 0.33hp (0.25Kw), 115 Volts, 60 Hz, 1-Phase62M030PS411FR Motor, 0.33hp (0.25Kw), 115 Volts, 60 Hz, 1-Phase with Reversing 62M030PS423FN Motor, 0.38hp (0.28Kw),208−230/460 Volts, 60 Hz, 3-Phase 62M020PS411FN Motor, 0.33hp (0.25Kw), 115 Volts, 60 Hz, 1-Phase62M020PS411FR Motor, 0.33hp (0.25Kw), 115 Volts, 60 Hz, 1-Phase with Reversing 62M020PS423FN Motor, 0.38hp (0.28Kw),208−230/460 Volts, 60 Hz, 3-Phase 62M010PS411FN Motor, 0.33hp (0.25Kw), 115 Volts, 60 Hz, 1-Phase62M010PS411FR Motor, 0.33hp (0.25Kw), 115 Volts, 60 Hz, 1-Phase with Reversing 62M010PS423FN Motor, 0.38hp (0.28Kw),208−230/460 Volts, 60 Hz, 3-Phase 62M005PS411FN Motor, 0.33hp (0.25Kw), 115 Volts, 60 Hz, 1-Phase62M005PS411FR Motor, 0.33hp (0.25Kw), 115 Volts, 60 Hz, 1-Phase with Reversing 62M005PS423FNMotor, 0.38hp (0.28Kw),208−230/460 Volts, 60 Hz, 3-Phase62M180PSD3DEN Motor, 0.12 (0.09 Kw), 130 Volts DC 62M060PSD3DEN Motor, 0.25 (0.19 Kw), 130 Volts DC 62M030PSD3DEN Motor, 0.25 (0.19 Kw), 130 Volts DC 62M020PSD3DEN Motor, 0.25 (0.19 Kw), 130 Volts DC 62M010PSD3DEN Motor, 0.33 (0.25 Kw), 130 Volts DC 62M180PS423EN Motor, 0.17 (0.13 Kw), 230 Volts, 60Hz, 3−Phase VFD62M060PS423EN Motor, 0.17 (0.13 Kw), 230 Volts, 60Hz, 3−Phase VFD62M030PS423EN Motor, 0.38 (0.28 Kw), 230 Volts, 60Hz, 3−Phase VFD62M020PS423EN Motor, 0.38 (0.28 Kw), 230 Volts, 60Hz, 3−Phase VFD62M010PS423ENMotor, 0.38 (0.28 Kw), 230 Volts, 60Hz, 3−Phase VFD2917−078Key, Square, 0.188” x 0.75” LReturn PolicyNo returns will be accepted without prior written factory authorization. When calling for authorization, please have the following information ready for the Dorner Factory representative or your local distributor: and address of customer.2.Item(s) being returned.3.Reason for return.4.Customer’s original order number used when ordering the item(s).5.Dorner or distributor invoice number.A representative will discuss action to be taken on the Returned items and provide a Returned Goods Authorization Number to reference.There will be a 15% restocking charge on all new items returned for credit where Dorner was not at fault. These will not be accepted after 60 days from original invoice date. The restocking charge covers inspection, cleaning, disassembly, and reissuing to inventory.If a replacement is needed prior to evaluation of returned item, a purchase order must be issued. Credit (if any) is issued only after return and evaluation is complete.Dorner has representatives throughout the world. Feel free to contact Dorner for the name of your local representative. Our technical sales and service staff will gladly help with your questions on Dorner products.For a copy of Dorner’s Limited Warranty, contact factory, distributor, service center or visit our website at .。
旋变解码器磁编直驱电机驱动器 磁阻式旋变测试系统 使用说明书
ABB 690+电机驱动器操作手册说明书
690+Q u i c k S t a r tAssociated Literature690+ Installation Manual HA465492Uxxx 690+ Software Manual HA465038UxxxV I E W L E V E L SThere are three View Levels to the menuOperator – A very simple level . No setup allowed Basic – Default mode of the menu. Allows quick setup, save, restore and full diagnosticsAdvanced - Allows full access to the comprehensive set of function blocks in the Setup menu and more choices in the System menu to choose Language defaults and moreView Levels may be selected from the Quick Setup menu, under View LevelM AC R O SThe 690+ comes packaged with several Macros, which are preconfigured schemes. Current macros includeBasic speed control - Load this to return to factory default parametersRaise/Lower – Pushbutton ramp using increase/decrease inputsPID – Provides closed loop process controlSPW – Speed program winder (closed loop trim) PRESET SPEEDS – Provides 8 preset speeds To load a Macro, go to SYSTEM\RESTORE CONFIG and select the macro you wish to loadf r a m e B1 – 10 H P 0.75-6 k W•3-phase supply to L1, L2, L3. On sin-gle phase units use L1, L2/N•Motor connections to M1, M2, M3 •Brake resistor between DC+, DBR Flux Vector Sensorless VectorVolts/HertzT E C H N O LO G Y B OX E SThe 6053 series of Technology boxes are available to communicate with protocols such as DeviceNet, PROFIbus, ModBus, RS485 serial comms, CAN bus and LON works. These are fitted in place of the key-pad. If the keypad is required, it can still be used with a remote mounting kit 6052.Networking a standard 690+ to LINK is done with the LINK techbox. This has a built-in proc-essor that can be configured using DSD, the LINK configuration software.I N T E R NA L L I N K SUnder SETUP\LINKS, you may connect and dis-connect internal block diagram connections, to use special functions like PID, winder blocks, diameter block, etc., and to tag analog and digital I/O to se-lected points inside the drive to suit your applica-tion needs. Specify sources and destinations to 50 internal links.Visit us at USA: (704) 588-3246 UK: +44 (0)1903 737000HA470631U100 Issue 63 phase power~motorbraking thermistorresistor*HA470631U100-06*•Speed potentiometer across 1(low), 9•Jumper 19 and 20 if no external trip contact ACMOTOR DRIVEDIAGNOSTICSMenu at Level 1QUICK SETUPMenu at Level 1OPERATORMenu at Level 1The 690+ can also be calibrated using the programming tool software ESCAPE ONE LEVELENTER MENUSCROLL SCROLL •••The following is a list of the relevant parameters that you may need to check before starting the drive. Several of these may not need adjustment if you are running a standard 60Hz, 460V 1800 RPM induction motorS T A R TJ O GR E V D I RH E A L T H N .O .C O N T A C TR U N N I N G N .O .C O N T A C TSPEEDREFERENCEE X T .T R I P+24V D C。
38TURNTABLESATPL120Direct Drive Turntable SystemA high performance three speed, high torque (1.6 kgm/cm), direct drive, variable (+/-20% )speed professional DJ turntable with built in stereo preamp, and an ATP-2 cartridge included.Features a cast aluminum platter with slip mat,pop-up stylus light, receptacle for extra head-shell, 45 RPM adapter, forward and reverse play,and strobe speed indicator. Remote start/stop via 2 conductor 1/4" connector. The shock mount feet are adjustable for leveling, and the dust cover is hinged and removable. LIST ATPL120................Turntable ............................399.00CALL FOR PRICEATPL50Automatic TurntableA two speed fully auto-matic belt drive turntable with DC servo-controlled motor, aluminum platter andeasily accessible front controls. It includes a built-in pre-amp and a integral dual magnet™stereo cartridge with replaceable stylus mounted on a balanced tone arm with soft damping con-trol. 5.3 lbs. LIST ATPL50..................Turntable ............................149.00CALL FOR PRICETT-01 &TT02TurntablesGemini’s TT-series turn-tables come equippedwith a straight tone-arm system for superior tracking and skip-free performance. It has a heavyweight aluminum platter with finger grooves on the edge, and a variable pitch slider capable of +/-10%. LIST TT01......Belt drive turntable ..............................169.95TT02......Direct drive turntable............................249.95CALL FOR PRICETT01TT1600/TT1650TurntablesThe latest additions to the Numark turn-tableline, these two feature club/battle style designs,removable target light (optional), interchange-able tone arm (s-shape standard) and detachable power and audio connections.LIST TT1600MKII ..Belt drive turntable ....................159.00TT1650..........Direct drive turntable ................249.00CALL FOR PRICESL1200/SL1210Professional Direct Drive TurntablesClearly the industry standard for several years,Full Compass offers these exceptional direct-drive turntables to the industry professional. The classic MKII features an S-shaped tone arm, +/-8% pitch control, and a high torque motor. The MK5 has a significantly updated tone arm, pop-up LED worklight and custom brake speed con-trols. The 1210M5G “Grand Master” features +/-16% pitch control, exchangeable pitch slider,stylus kick-cancel, quartz lock zero-pitch, blue LED stylus illuminator and 2-levels of pitch adjustment – switchable. All of these high quali-ty turntable are Quartz lock Direct Drive and include a slipmat and dust cover.LIST SL1200MK2-SILVERWith High Torque Motor..............549.95SL1200MK2PK-BLACKWith High Torque Motor..............549.95SL1200MK5....With Custom Brake Controls ......599.95SL1210MK5....Black version of the 1200MK5....599.95SL1210M5G ....Skip-less tonearm/6g anti-skate..699.95CALL FOR PRICETD800Series ManualTurntablesThe TD800 series are two-speed manual turnta-bles with tone arm and power supply. The chas-sis of the TD 800 is made of 19mm thick high-density wood standing on three polymer-damped adjustable feet. The chassis is de-coupled and isolated from the mounting surface. The 6 lb platter turns on a maintenance-free silent run bearing made of two sinter bushes with a pol-ished stainless steel axle running inside. The low noise AC-motor is driven from an electronic motor drive unit for consistent speed accuracy.The supplied tonearm is the TP250 with vertical tracking alignment. The TD810 adds a 3/16"steel plate to the chassis for further reduction of vibrations, and features a 9 lb platter. At the top of the line, the TD850 has a very heavy chassis consisting of a 1/2" steel plate sandwiched between thick wooden plates and comes with the model TP300 tonearm. The 800 series does not come with cartridges. LIST TD800..............................................................1799.00TD810..............................................................1999.00TD850..............................................................2299.00CALL FOR PRICETD170 andTD190 Fully Automatic TurntablesThe TD170 and the TD190 are belt drive units with three speed opera-tion, electronic DC controlled motors and mechanicalswitch-off and lift. Theyare supplied with an OrtofonOMB10 phono cartridge for 45 and 33 rpm play.The TD170 has a TP18 tonearm, a 9 lb platter.The TD190 has a TP19 tonearm with a 1.3 lb non-magnetic platter. Both come in a silky matte black/silver finish. LIST TD170................................................................499.00TD190................................................................599.00CALL FOR PRICETD295MK1V Two SpeedManual TurntableA perfect sounding and elegant precision turntable coupled with a beautiful, high gloss furniture finish in mahogany, light wood or piano black finish. The technical requirements and sound quality have been achieved by using a solid wood chassis in a sandwich technology along with a massive 5 lb aluminum platter to get enough inertia and weight to make sure vibra-tion is absorbed and speed fluctuation is very low. The motor is a fully electronic regulated synchronous motor using a belt to drive the plat-ter. The new TD 295MKIV stands on decoupling rubber feet and offers both speeds 33 1/3 and 45 rpm by electronic speed selection. The TP 42 tonearm is supplied plug & play ready with an AT1895 cartridge. The semiautomatic switch-off is made with opto-electronic devices that adds no extra mass to the tonearm. LIST TD295MKIV ........................................................999.00CALL FOR PRICETD170MM001 Phono PreampComplete your Thorens turntable package with a high-quality Thorens phono preamp with RIAA-equalizer for moving-magnet (MM) phono car-tridges. It has been designed to feed the aux inputs of high-level preamplifiers or integrated amplifiers which lack a built-in phono stage. A pair of excellent RCA signal leads and an exter-nal power supply are provided with the unit.LISTMM001........Stand alone phono preamp............169.00CALL FOR PRICETTX Fusion Series TurntableThis breakthrough designed turntable features a unique shape-changeable tone arm of die cast aluminum, a3.7cfm 2 component high-torque motor, inter-changeable Pitch Fader & Button cartridge, and a ultra high noise and vibration rejecting 4 layer chassis. It also has digital out, reverse, bright white LED, blue illuminated display w/ 10,20 &50% pitch range. This turntable is bound to set the standard for quality and performance. LIST TTX ....Fusion series turntable............................629.00CS1....Carl Cox edition cartridge – high fidelity ..139.00CX1....Tony Touch edition cartridge – for heavyduty scratching ......................................119.00CALL FOR PRICE39CARTRIDGESSC35C Spinning CartridgeThe Standard of Clarity and reliability for scratch,mix, and spin.LIST SC35C ................................................................60.00SS35C ......replacement stylus light blue............31.00CALL FOR PRICEM97xE AudiophileVery High Accurate, very low mass, dynamic stabiliz-er brush, elliptical stylus geometry.LISTM97XE ............................................................140.00N97XE ......replacement stylus ..........................75.00CALL FOR PRICEM35SDJ CartridgeDance Rich, warm, and tight with high skip resistance.LISTM35S ................................................................75.00N35S ......replacement stylus chartreuse............39.00CALL FOR PRICEM44GProfessional CartridgeDetailed sound reproduction,extreme skip resistance, lowest record burn.LIST M44G ..............................................................100.00N44G ......replacement stylus gray......................47.00CALL FOR PRICEM44-7Competition CartridgeTurntablist – Expression, Extreme skip resistance, lowest record burn, ultra high output (9.5mV).LIST M44-7............................................................115.00N44-7....replacement stylus white....................55.00N44G ......replacement stylus gray......................47.00CALL FOR PRICEWhite Label DJ/Club CartridgeWhite Label features soniccharacteristics including solid drop bass, flat mids, and accented highs. It delivers higher trackability, lower tone-arm resonance, and bet-ter skip resistance. It also includes an adjustable stylus overhang, reliable electrical contact, and improved stylus visibility.LIST WHLB-WHITE-LABEL ........................................175.00CALL FOR PRICEM25C DJ Phono CartridgeWell-suited for virtually any DJ application, the new M25C phonocartridge from Shure is a fundamental, mix/spin nee-dle capable of delivering high output, solid bass, and transparent midrange performance.LIST M25C ................................................................35.00CALL FOR PRICE500 ALThe workhorse of the pro DJ industry. The spherical diamond is designed to fit firmly in therecord groove, minimizing miscuing while back-cuing, scratch-mixing and even mishandling.LIST500AL-II ........Cartridge with stylus......................45.00D5100AL ........Replacement stylus ......................29.00CALL FOR PRICE680 EL IIThe 680 EL II is the latest gener-ation in Stanton’s popular 4 coilstandard mount stereo cartridgeline. It continues the renownStanton ruggedness balanced with total musicalresponsiveness. Elliptical sylus. Suggested track-ing force of 2 to 5 grams. LIST 680EL-II ........Cartridge with elliptical stylus..........80.00D6800EL-II ....Replacement stylus........................54.00CALL FOR PRICE681EEE-MKIIIThe Stanton 681 EEE Mk III is the latest of the legendary 681 products. With the latestin low mass moving iron design, it gives accurate and clean reproduction of sound on any system.The precision response gives a bright clean sound legendary among audiophiles. The Stanton “Longhair” brush, super high polished diamond and low tracking force gives greatest record protection and longest tip life possible.Recommended tracking force .75 to 1.5 grams.LIST681EEE-MKIII ....Cartridge with elliptical stylus....147.00D6800EEE-III ....Replacement stylus ..................120.00CALL FOR PRICE890SAUltimate DJ CartridgeThe 890 SA is a high end per-formance cartridge for the ScratchArtist. With the collaboration of DJ Focus and DJ B-Side, Stanton has improved and re-issued one of the best cartridges from their past. LIST 890SA ........Cartridge with spherical stylus............99.00D8900SA ....Replacement stylus ..........................55.00CALL FOR PRICEDiscmaster II Competition DJ CartridgeFat, funky and fabulous, the Discmaster II will dazzle you with its superior groove holding capa-bilities, as well as its high output and terrific bass performance. Unlike most other cartridges used for competition, the new Discmaster II from Stanton is designed to operate at relatively light tracking forces (2 to 5 grams, optimal at 4grams) so it won’t wear out your records. LIST DISCMASTER-II ....................................................99.00DM-II-DP ....Replacement stylus (3 pack)............89.00CALL FOR PRICEGroovemasterII-Pro-4Each of these cartridges is hand selected and hand built to give you the “best-of-the-best” in DJ cartridges. The spheri-cal tip has a Super High Polish diamond tip to reduce vinyl burn and give longer tip life. No other DJ cartridge in the world can make these claims. The gold finish and gold connector will set you apart from the crowd in appearance and the performance will allow you to be the best.Sold in matched pairs. LIST GROOVEMASTERII-PRO-4Matched pair of cartridges ................299.99GII-PRO ....Replacement stylus ............................64.00CALL FOR PRICE CX-1Scratch CartridgeDesigned specifically to take the punishment ofheavy scratching. The CX-1 has a recommended tracking force of 3-6g. LIST CX1-NUMARK ....................................................119.00CALL FOR PRICECS-1 Club andMobile DJ CartridgeThe CS-1 offers phenomenal out-put and superb tracking and is ideal for the most demanding dance-oriented applications.Has a unique rubber grip handle with spherical diamond stylus designed for 3-6g tracking force.LISTCS1-NUMARK ....................................................139.00CALL FOR PRICE。
直驱节能电机使用说明(v4.0 2020-03)
直驱节能电机使用说明(v4.0 2020‐03) 一、 操作板说明名称 说明显示区域 四位参数及运行状态显示参数键 参数及停针功能设置设置键 参数设置加键 参数设置及速度加减键 参数设置及速度减二、 常用功能设定方法1.速度设置在待机界面下,通过和可以快捷调节速度,调节步长为100针/分。
三、 系统参数说明类别序号范围 出厂值参数说明常规参数P‐01 100~900400 启动速度和停针速度。
P‐02500~50003000 踏板踩到底能达到的最高速度。
P‐03 0~1 0 自动停针位。
P‐04 OFF~ON ON 定针器功能开关。
P‐05 OFF~ON OFF 电机反转功能开关。
技术员参数P‐06 1~9 6 加速度。
P‐08 0~5 1刹车制动模式。
P‐09 0~24 22 上针位位置调整值。
P‐10 0~24 10 下针位位置调整值。
P‐11 OFF~ON OFF 速度锁功能开关。
P‐12 10~90 20定针功能打开时,停下针位后反踩提针的动作时间。
P‐13 1 1 定针器类型。
P‐14 1~3 1补针动作模式。
P‐15 0~2 0电机运行时动态速度显示模式。
700K/700L分体式包缝直驱说明书1、电机安装步骤1.1安装步骤1图1-1表1序号 物料名称 数量 说明1 缝纫机转动主轴 12 波形垫圈 1 客供或机器上原有配件3 主轴油封螺圈 1 客供或机器上原有配件4 主轴油封螺圈用密封圈A 1 客供或机器上原有配件5 轴承止动盖密封圈B 1 客供或机器上原有配件6 转接板 1 安装时需把机器上原有的轴承止动盖取下7 螺钉SM11/64(40),长10mm 3 客供或机器上原有配件安装步骤1说明:一、把零件2、3套进缝纫机转动主轴1上,零件2紧贴轴承外圈,零件3紧贴轴承内圈;O型密封圈A放到零件3对应的位置 ;二、把O型密封圈B放到转接板6对应的位置;三、零件3和转接板6一起配合,紧固3颗螺钉7,紧固螺钉7后的效果是缝纫机转动主轴1可以自由转动1.2 安装步骤2图1-2表2序号 物料名称 数量 说明8 电机定子 19 Φ5/平垫圈 410 Φ5/弹簧垫圈 411 螺钉,M5*40内六角圆柱头螺钉 4安装步骤2说明:一、把电机定子8放到与转接板6的对应的同心位置;二、安装4颗螺钉11,配合4颗平垫圈9和4颗弹性垫圈10 然后紧固。
1.3安装步骤3图1-3 图1-4表3序号 物料名称 数量 说明12 电机转子 1 1213 Φ6/平垫圈 1 1314 Φ6/弹簧垫圈 1 1415 螺钉,M6*75内六角圆柱头螺钉 1 15安装步骤3说明:一、电机转子12与转动主轴1配合,电机转子平面向上,转动主轴的键槽位置向上,见截图1-4;二、安装1颗螺钉15,配合1颗平垫圈13和1颗弹性垫圈14然后紧固。
1.4安装步骤4图1-5表4序号 物料名称 数量 说明M3*8/十字槽盘头螺钉,416弹簧垫圈和平垫圈组合件17 Φ8.5橡胶塞 218 M5*6/内六角平端紧定螺钉 2 编码器本身自带19 编码器 120 手轮 121 M5*6/内六角平端紧定螺钉 2 手轮本身自带安装步骤4说明:一、 编码器19套入电机转子12;二、 4颗螺钉16,把编码器的弹性片固定在电机定子8的上、下两侧面上,并紧固;三、 2颗螺钉18,按图示先紧固1颗螺钉到电机转子平面向上的位置,再紧固另外1颗;四、 2颗螺钉21,按图示先紧固1颗螺钉到电机转子平面向上的位置,再紧固另外1颗。
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LED 灯显示。
显示:电机的工作状况由三色 LED 灯的不同的闪烁次数组合显示,如下表所示
操作开关状态 显示内容
停止 运行
用 LED 的不同闪烁次数来显示设定的速度值 当在电机运行时进行速度调整,结束调整后的一分 钟之内,LED 显示速度值
AC220V AC220V AC220V
AC220V AC220V
输出功率( W )
速度范围( rpm )
ADபைடு நூலகம்M02 直驱电机使用手册 电气接线图
20A 漏电断路器 L N PE
红 蓝 黄绿
ADDM02 直驱电机
备注 1:确保黄绿线和电机外壳接地; 2:如果电机的接线太长,可能会因为主回路电缆的压降而使电机输出转矩降低。考虑到电压降会多达2%以上,请选用较大线径
ADDM02 直驱电机使用手册
● 直接驱动技术,无需减速箱,免维护 ● 超低转速 ● 大输出扭矩 ● 宽调速范围 ● 机电一体化设计 ● 操作简单
ADDM02 是佛山市禅城区无刷直流电机厂出品的直驱电机,它是一种 运行在 AC220V 电网的中功率低转速无刷直流电机(BLDCM)。 ADDM02 在设计中采用了先进直接驱动(Advance Direct Drive)和机电一体化技术,使它与现有的交流、直流以及变频驱动方 式相比,具有无需减速箱、超低转速、大输出扭矩、 宽调速范围、操作简单的特点,可以为工业和商业的驱动应用带来更佳的 技术竞争优势和商业价值。
的电缆; 3:电机运行时,电源主回路电流中包含有谐波成分,可能干扰电机附近的通讯设备如AM收音机; 4:运行后改变接线的操作,必须在电源切断10分钟以上。断电后一段时间内电机电容上仍然有危险的高压电:
ADDM02 直驱电机使用手册 外形尺寸
245 255
结构框图 外型
140 92
无刷直流电机 (BLDCM)
直接驱动控制器 (ADDC)
操作和设置开关 三色 LED 显示灯
状态显示 LED 灯
电源输入及操作 开关接线
速度设置开关 -4-
输出扭矩( NM ) 一体化设计
额定输入交流频率 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 50/60HZ 额定输入交流电压 …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 单相,AC220V,±10% 调速范围 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9_199 rpm 控制方式 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… PWM 恒速控制 运行功能 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 正转/停止/反转 输出信号 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………三色 LED 指示灯 操作输入 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 按键/开关,设定记忆
ADDM02 直驱电机使用手册 非常感谢您使用ADDM02直驱电机 本使用手册是以更进一步使用ADDM02直驱电机为目的而编写的 错误使用会引起意想不到的危险和问题,所以使用前请务必熟读本使用手册
▲ 为了更好地使用和维护您的机器,请仔细阅读并妥善保存本手册 ▲ 本电机的安装、调试和维护必须由有相应资格的人员进行 ▲ 本手册的内容可以被您的产品说明书部分或全部引用 ▲ 请勿拆开或改装 ADDM02 直驱电机的任何部分
冷却方式 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 自然风冷 保护报警功能 …………………………………………………………………………………………… 过载/过温保护,电压过低保护
保存温度 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 20°C 65°C 周围湿度 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 90 RH以下不结露 周围温度 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10°C 50°C 不冻结 周围环境 ……………………………………………………………………… 室内使用,没有腐蚀气体、易燃气体、油雾、尘埃等 大约重量 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 43kg
1.检查供电主回路;2.检查操作开关及其接线;3.检查负载 1. 检查操作开关及其接线 1.检查负载;2.查看 LED 显示,电机是否过载保护 1.负载是否变化;2.检查主回路接线是否太长 1. 检查电机安装方向,以保证电机散热器处于自然对流方向;2. 检查工作环境温度
在速度设置时,显示速度设置的方向,当 LED 由闪 烁变成长亮时,表示速度设置已经达到最大或最小 速度
内部继电器故障 供电低电压
闪烁三次 闪烁二次
电机不转 电机旋转方向相反 速度与设定值相差很大 速度波动 过热保护