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Unit 16 Integrating Skill

Animal Experiment

Hello, everyone. Today I am very pleased to have an opportunity to talk about some of my teaching ideas. My topic is integrating skills “Animal Experiment” taken from Unit16, and it is made up of 4 parts.

Animal Experiment

I Teaching aims:

1. Knowledge aim: understanding the reading material, grasp relative words and expressions.

2. Ability aim: learn to use relative expressions to express their different ideas and analyze the advantages and disadvantages of things. Write an argumentative article and its basic frame.

3. Emotional aim: Instruct students to analyze the things from two aspects, encourage them to put up different ideas and develop their creative spirit.

II Key points and Difficult points:

Key points:

①Teach students to talk about a topic from two aspects and analyze which aspect is more important.

②Encourage students to use relative expressions to express their ideas. Instruct them to explain their thought in the writing clearly and after learning they should be more familiar to the argumentative essay.

Difficult points:

① Grasp some key words and expressions such as make/do an experiment on, comfort, conduct, charge, a great of, prove, tear, sharp, pick out, test on, doubt and so on.

② how to write an argumentative essay fluently and clearly.

III Methods &Aids

Communicative approach, Multimedia, blackboard

IV Teaching steps:

Step 1: Warming up. (lead-in)

Show pictures about animals killed by humans and ask questions:

Q1: Why do people kill so many animals?(Can it be avoided?)

Q2:Why do scientists do experiments on animals?

Q3: What would often be the result? Can it be avoided?

Step2: Reading

Task1: Individual work

Q1: Can scientists make experiments on animals to test new products? People have different opinions about the problem. Let's read such a passage now.

Q2: How many questions are mentioned? (Does animal test work? Do people have the right to use animals?)

Task2: Individual work

Prepare to make a short speech and speak it out-----If you were an animal, what do you think would say to humans?

Task 3: group work

In this part, I need every 4students to make a group. One is a reporter who will interview second student-a scientist and the third one-an animal activist and, the fourth one will be the one who only make suggestions and take notes.

Do the report and share your conclusions with the whole class.

Task4: group work: Discussion
