























医疗行业-FDA如何进行无菌药品生产检查 精品

医疗行业-FDA如何进行无菌药品生产检查 精品
C 对原料药及制剂生产的系统性检查计划 对原料药及制剂生产审计的系统性计划由以下方面构成:
C1 质量系统
该系统是为了保证全面符合cGMP和内部程序及规格标准的要求。 该系统包括质量控制和其所有的评审和批准职责(如,变更控制,返 工,批放行,年度评审报告,验证方案和报告等)。它包括对所有产 品失败的评估和对退回和回收制剂的评估。
2.3 两种性质的检查 B 达标检查 达标检查包括目标性检查。目标性检查是为了检查某些已引起了FDA 关注的特殊问题而采取的达标检查。这些问题可由现场预警报告 (FARs),企业投诉,召回,产品欠缺等反映出来。也可以把这些内容 纳入其它达标程序内,然而,每一次GMP检查范围的增加要先行报告。 随着需求的增加目标性检查也可以纳入本检查中。
该程序适用于所有的药品生产运作。该检查是一种对2个或多个系 统进行的审计性检查,质量系统是强制性的检查内容。检查中对要检 查系统数量的选择取决于检查的目的。
B 系统性检查----检查方法 对药品生产企业的检查及对结果的报告应按照系统性方法来进行。
性、持续性以及质量符合规定水平;可以发现明显趋势,做出正确分析 和评价,便于改进;可以使FDA掌握企业年度产品质量动态及质量管理 效果,总结经验提高质量管理效率。
目录 3. FDA药品生产检查通则



FDA检查员指导手册CP 7356.002:药品生产检查程序目录对现场报告的要求 (35)第一部分背景 (36)第二部分执行 (36)2.1.目的 (36)2.2.策略 (36)2.2.1.对生产企业两年一度的检查(包括重新包装商、合同实验室等) (36)2.2.2.系统性检查 (37)2.2.3.对原料药及制剂生产的系统性检查计划 (38)质量系统 (38)厂房设施与设备系统 (38)物料系统 (38)生产系统 (38)包装和贴签系统 (38)实验室控制系统 (39)2.3.程序管理指导 (39)2.3.1.定义 (39)监督性检查 (39)达标检查 (40)受控状态 (40)药品工艺 (40)药品生产检查 (41)第三部分检查 (41)3.1.检查活动 (41)3.1.1.总则 (41)3.1.2.检查方法 (42)全面性检查的选择 (43) 简略性检查的选择 (43)综合性检查围 (43)3.1.3.系统性检查围 (43)质量系统 (44) 厂房设施与设备系统 (44)物料系统 (45)生产系统 (46)包装和贴签系统 (47)实验室控制系统 (48)3.1.4.取样 (49)3.1.5.检查组组成 (49)3.1.6.报告 (49)第四部分分析 (50)第五部分法律性/行政性策略 (50)5.1.质量系统 (51)5.2.厂房设施和设备 (51)5.3.物料系统 (51)5.4.生产系统 (52)5.5.包装和贴签系统 (52)5.6.实验室控制系统 (52)对现场报告的要求作为法律行动的一部分,所有针对因在执行cGMP方面有缺陷而采取的检查,均要向药品评价和研究中心的达标办公室呈交一份现场检查报告(EIR)。



FDA检查员指导手册CP 7356.002:药品生产检查程序对现场报告的要求 (35)第一部分背景 (36)第二部分执行 (36)2.1. 目的 (36)22 策略 (36)221. 对生产企业两年一度的检查(包括重新包装商、合同实验室等) (36)2.2.2. 系统性检查 (37)2.2.3. 对原料药及制剂生产的系统性检查计划 (38) 质量系统 (38)2.2.32 厂房设施与设备系统 (38)2.2.33 物料系统 (38)2.2.34 生产系统 (38) 包装和贴签系统 (38) 实验室控制系统 (39)2.3. 程序管理指导 (39)2.3.1. 定义 (39) 监督性检查 (39) 达标检查 (40) 受控状态 (40) 药品工艺 (40) 药品生产检查 (41)第三部分检查 (41)3.1. 检查活动 (41)3.1.1. 总则 (41)3.1.2. 检查方法 (42) 全面性检查的选择 (43) 简略性检查的选择 (43) 综合性检查范围 (43)3.1.3. 系统性检查范围 (43)3.131. 质量系统 (44)3.1.32厂房设施与设备系统 (44) 物料系统 (45) 生产系统 (46) 包装和贴签系统 (47) 实验室控制系统 (48)3.1.4. 取样 (49)3.1.5. 检查组组成 (49)3.1.6. 报告 (49)第四部分分析 (50)第五部分法律性/行政性策略 (50)5.1. 质量系统 (51)5.2. 厂房设施和设备 (51)5.3. 物料系统 (51)5.4. 生产系统 (52)5.5. 包装和贴签系统 (52)5.6. 实验室控制系统 (52)对现场报告的要求作为法律行动的一部分,所有针对因在执行cGMP方面有缺陷而采取的检查,均要向药品评价和研究中心的达标办公室呈交一份现场检查报告(EIR) 。



GUIDE(1) TO INSPECTIONSOF FOREIGN PHARMACEUTICAL MANUFACTURERS BACKGROUND背景There has been a significant increase in the number of foreign inspections of pharmaceutical manufacturing plants in the past few years. This trend is attributable mainly to the increase in the number of pre-approval inspections although the increase has been noted in other areas such as routine GMP inspections and compliance follow-up activities. Considering the resource-intensive nature of the foreign inspection program, it has become clear that effective and efficient inspectional coverage is crucial to the successful management of the program and that can be achieved only through maintenance of consistency and uniformity of inspection and enforcement activities.在最近几年医药制造厂外检查数量显著增加。




原料药生产检查(药物质量保证)目录现场检查汇报规定 (55)第I部分背景 (56)第II部分实行 (57)第III部分检查 (58)第IV部分分析 (63)第V部分法规/行政方略 (65)第VI部分参照资料,附件和联络接触方式 (68)第VII部分中心旳职责 (69)附件A (69)附件B (72)现场检查汇报规定工艺专论汇报在API检查时,要使用下列旳分类进行汇报所检查旳工艺状况1.Non Sterile API by Chemical Synthesis CSN化学合成非无菌原料CSN2.Sterile API by Chemical Synthesis CSS化学合成无菌原料药CSS3.Non Sterile API by Fermentation CFN发酵生产旳非无菌原料CFN4.Sterile API by Fermentation CFS发酵生产旳无菌原料CFS5.Plant/Animal Extraction API CEX植物/动物提取原料药CEX6.Biotechnology API CBI生物技术生产旳原料药CBI第I部分――背景至八十年代后期以来,美国食品与药物管理局以强化了其对原料药(API)生产企业旳检查内容。




FDA长期以来一直认为,收载在制剂药物生产质量管理规范规定(21 CFR 210 and 211)中旳CGMP概念对原料药生产工艺同样有效。


FDA检查员指导手册: 7356.002F中文版

FDA检查员指导手册: 7356.002F中文版

Food and Drug AdministrationCompliance Program Guidance ManualFDA检查员指导手册:7356.002F56002F- Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient Process Inspections (Drug QualityAssurance)56002F-原料药生产检查(药品质量保证)目录现场检查报告要求 (55)第I部分背景 (56)第II部分实施 (57)第III部分检查 (58)第IV部分分析 (63)第V部分法规/行政策略 (65)第VI部分参考资料,附件和联系接触方式 (68)第VII部分中心的职责 (69)附件A (69)附件B (72)现场检查报告要求工艺专论报告在API检查时,要使用下列的分类进行报告所检查的工艺情况1.Non Sterile API by Chemical Synthesis CSN化学合成非无菌原料CSN2.Sterile API by Chemical Synthesis CSS化学合成无菌原料药CSS3.Non Sterile API by Fermentation CFN发酵生产的非无菌原料CFN4.Sterile API by Fermentation CFS发酵生产的无菌原料CFS5.Plant/Animal Extraction API CEX植物/动物提取原料药CEX6.Biotechnology API CBI生物技术生产的原料药CBI第I部分――背景至八十年代后期以来,美国食品与药品管理局以强化了其对原料药(API)生产企业的检查内容。






FDA对原料药的检查流程一、概述“FDA”是美国食品药物管理局(Food and Drug Administration)的英文缩写,它是国际医疗审核权威机构,由美国国会即联邦政府授权,专门从事食品与药品管理的最高执法机关。

FDA 是一个由医生、律师、微生物学家、药理学家、化学家和统计学家等专业人事组成的致力于保护、促进和提高国民健康的政府卫生管制的监控机构。


FDA检查主要分为三类:一是批准前的现场检查(Pre—approval Inspection),即我们通常说的“FDA检查",对新药和仿制药品的生产采取的检查行动;二是定期检查(Biennial),对批准后的药品进行定期的合规性检查,通常两年进行一次;三是基于投诉、召回或不良反应FDA临时决定进行专门的检查或监督.FDA检查的依据起源于是美国国会1938年颁发的联邦食品、药品和化妆品法案(常缩写为FFDCA,FDCA,或FD&C),该法案赋予美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)监督监管食品安全、药品、及化妆品的权力.关于药品方面,主要是受“食品、药物及化妆品法案”第501款(a)(2)(b)的管制,即所有药物的制造、加工和包装,均要严格符合cGMP的要求。

GMP制度在联邦法规(code 0f Federal Regulations)中的第210和第211条款中有具体规定。











2001年,FDA在人用药物注册技术要求国际协调会议(ICH)上与其他政府监管部门共同努力,采用了针对API行业cGMP的国际性指南,也就是ICH Q7A,活性药物成分的药品质量管理的指南。

ICH Q7A正体现了FDA对于原料药现行GMP体系的要求。



在本程序中所使用的术语“活性药物成分”(原料药)的含义与ICH Q7A 中的定义一致。

在ICH Q7A中活性药物成分被定义为“旨在用于药品生产的任何物质或混合物,当用于药品生产时,这些物质即成为药品中的活性成分。




FDA检查员指导手册CP 7356.002:药品生产检查程序目录对现场报告的要求……………………………………………………3 5第一部分背景……………………………………………………………………36第二部分执行…………………………………………………………………362.1.目的……………………………………………………………………362.2.策略……………………………………………………………………362.2.1.对生产企业两年一度的检查(包括重新包装商、合同实验室等)…362.2.2.系统性检查……………………………………………………………372.2.3.对原料药及制剂生产的系统性检查计划……………………………382.2.3.1.质量系统………………………………………………………………382.2.3.2.厂房设施与设备系统…………………………………………………382.2.3.3.物料系统………………………………………………………………382.2.3.4.生产系统………………………………………………………………382.2.3.5.包装和贴签系统………………………………………………………382.2.3.6.实验室控制系统………………………………………………………392.3.程序管理指3导…………………………………………………………92.3.1.定义……………………………………………………………………392.3.1.1.监督性检查……………………………………………………………392.3.1.2.达标检查………………………………………………………………受控状态………………………………………………………………药品工艺………………………………………………………………药品生产检查…………………………………………………………41第三部分检查……………………………………………………………………413.1.检查活动………………………………………………………………413.1.1.总则……………………………………………………………………413.1.2.检查方法………………………………………………………………423.1.2.1.全面性检查的选择……………………………………………………433.1.2.2. 简略性检查的选择……………………………………………………433.1.2.3.综合性检查围………………………………………………………433.1.3.系统性检查围………………………………………………………433.1.3.1.质量系统………………………………………44……………………… 厂房设施与设备系统…………………………………………………443.1.3.3.物料系统………………………………………………………………453.1.3.4.生产系统………………………………………………………………463.1.3.5.包装和贴签系统………………………………………………………473.1.3.6.实验室控制系统………………………………………………………483.1.4.取样……………………………………………………………………493.1.5.检查组组成……………………………………………………………493.1.6.报告……………………………………………………………………49第四部分分析……………………………………………………………………5第五部分法律性/行政性策略…………………………………………………55.1.质量系统………………………………………………………………515.2.厂房设施和设备………………………………………………………515.3.物料系统………………………………………………………………515.4.生产系统………………………………………………………………525.5.包装和贴签系统………………………………………………………525.6.实验室控制系统………………………………………………………52对现场报告的要求作为法律行动的一部分,所有针对因在执行cGMP方面有缺陷而采取的检查,均要向药品评价和研究中心的达标办公室呈交一份现场检查报告(EIR)。

fda 对食品工厂的检查流程

fda 对食品工厂的检查流程

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CHAPTER 56 - DRUG QUALITY ASSURANCESUBJECT:STERILE DRUG PROCESS INSPECTIONS IMPLEMENTATION DATE *Upon Receipt*COMPLETION DATE9/30/93DATA REPORTINGPRODUCT CODES PRODUCT/ASSIGNMENT CODESIndustry codes 560O2A 54, 56,and 60-66 inclusive.FIELD REPORTING REQUIREMENTSForward a copy of each Establishment Inspe ction Report to H#-30O Attention: Division of Drug Quality Evaluation. Copies of Samples of Collection Reports and Analyst Worksheet for all samplesexcept those which are classified "1"should also be sub m itted.(This material will be used in evaluating the program).*As soon as the district becomes aware of any significant adverse inspectional, analytical, or other information which could orshould affect the agency's new product approval decisions withrespect to a firm, the district should i mm ediately notify HFC-120, Medical Products Quality Assurance Staff, via EMS or fax,and they will, i n turn, convey the information by fax orequivalent expeditious means to the appropriate Center regulatory units.*NOTE: Districts should assure that each operation performed bydirection of of this program circular is entered against thecorrect Product Code and Program/Assignment Code (P/AC).*Current Changes*TRANSMITTAL N#.90-68 (03/05/90)PARTI-BACKGOUND*This program is intended to cover the manufacture of all sterile drug products, including sterile bulk drugs, ophthalmic and o phthalm tic dosage forms, S mall Volume Parenteral (SVP) products, La rge Volume Parenteral ( LVP) products, and any other drug products required to be sterile.Biologicals, veterinary drug products, and bioassay drugs are excluded from coverage under this program.**Current Change*PART II - IMPLEMENTATIONOBJECTIVES*To provide guidance for conducting inspections of manufacturers of sterile bulk and finished dosage form drug products todetermine compliance with the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act andthe Good Manufacturing Practice Regulations (GMPs), Title 21, CFR Parts 210 and 211.*To initiate appropriate action against those manufacturers found to be out of compliance.To obtain information on key practices, to identify practiceswhich need correction or improvement, and to evaluate currentgood manufacturing practices in the #sterile drugs industry.PROGRAM #AGEMENT INSTRUCTIONS*I nspections of sterile product manufacturing firms will beperformed as either Full Inspections or Abbreviated inspections.In the Abbreviated Inspection, coverage will be directed to keypoints in the major systems affecting the production of thesterile drug product. If the information collected indicatesthat the firm's practices are in compliance with C GM Ps, theinspection may be concluded at this point.It should be pointed out that inspectional coverage under thisoption is not intended to limit the investigator ' s initiativein any way. If questionable practices are observed in areasoutside of the systems delineated under this option, theinvestigator is urged to expand the inspection to cover theseareas to his/her satisfaction.The Full Inspection Option involves an in depth inspection of key manufacturing systems and processes and their validation in order to maintain surveillance over the firm's activities.See Part III - inspectional and Attachment A for a completediscussion of the coverage requested under these inspectionoptions.*Current Change*This program is to be carried out when firms are inspected aspart of the regular statutory inspection cycle in accordance with the current ORA workplan. If the sterile drug products to beinspected are radioactive drugs, then CP735G.OO2C, "Radioactive Drugs", should be followed as supplementary guidance.*o Consider using a team approach in conducting theseinspections, utilizing investigators familiar with theseprocesses, and chemists, microbiologists, and engineers, asappropriate.o*Investigators or team members should be well qualified in sterile product production experience and preferably havecompleted formal training courses in parenteral drugmanufacture, sterilization methods, procedures andequipment. Microbiologists involved should have experiencein sterility/pyrogen testing and some experience in sterileproduct inspections.**Current Change*PART III - INSPECTIONAL*Refer to CP 7356.002, Drug Process inspections, for generalinformation on CGMP inspections. Refer to CP 7356.OO2C,"Radioactive Drugs" for supplemental instructions specific tora d iopharmaceutical drug products.Foreign inspections should be conducted using the guidance inthis program, taking into account the time limitation on theseinspections.This program provides two inspectional options: an Abbreviatedinspectional Option and a Full Inspectional Option. To determine which option should be used an evaluation of the following isappropriate:1. Review and EvaluationA full inspection should be conducted for initial inspections andmay also be conducted on a surveillance basis at the District 's discretion. Although it is not anticipated that full inspections will be conducted every two years, they should be conducted atless frequent intervals, perhaps at every third or fourthinspection. Also, whenever information becomes known which would question the firm's ability to produce quality products, anappropriate in-depth inspection should be performed.An abbreviated inspection should not be conducted for the initial inspection of a facility, nor when the firm has a past history of fluctuating into and out of compliance. The District shouldutilize all information at their disposal such as past historyresults of sample analyses, complaints, recalls, etc. todetermine if coverage under the abbreviated inspectional optionis appropriate for the specific firm.a. Determine if changes have occurred by comparing currentoperations against the EIR for the previous full inspection.The following type of changes are typical of those thatwould warrant the Full Inspection Option:1.New potential for cross-c ontamination arising throughchange in process or product line.e of new technology requiring new expertise,significantly new equipment or new facilities.**Current Change**b.Review the firm's complaint file, DPPRs, annual product reviews, etc. and determine if the pattern of complaints(or other information available to the District) as well asthe firm's records of internal rejection or reworking ofbatches warrant expanding the inspection to the pu11Inspection Option to look for weaknesses in the firm'sprocesses, systems or controls.c. If no significant changes have occurred and no violativeconditions are observed, the Abbreviated Inspection Optionmay be adequate.d. If significant changes have occurred, or if violative orpotentially violative conditions are noted, the inspectionshould be expanded to the Full Inspection Option to provideappropriate coverage.e. If an inspection needs to be expanded to the Full InspectionOption, it need be expanded only for the applicable generalproduct or process area in question.2.Abbreviated Inspection OptionThis option involves a more limited inspection of themanufacturer to maintain surveillance over the firm'sactivities. An Abbreviated Inspection as described below isadequate for routine coverage and will satisfy the biennialinspection requirement. The use of this option will saveinspectional and clerical resources.a. Inspections performed under this option should cover thoseitems delineated under the Fu11 Inspection Option with theexception that validation need not be covered for thosesystems and processes that have previously been coveredunder the Full Inspection Option.Perform an inspection of the firm's manufacturing facilityincluding a review of a representative number of Master andBatch Production Records (minimum of 5 batches) on productsmanufactured by the firm. Products that appear in thefirm's inspectional history of previous problems should beincluded. A brief inspection of the laboratory shouldinclude a spot c heck of a limited number of test records (atleast 10) to assure that batches are being subjected toadequate testing for conformance to specifications.**Current Changes**Special note should be taken of the firm's packaging andlabeling controls. Any observation of inadequate controlswill indicate that a Full inspectional Option should beperformed. If the following type of procedures areencountered, in-depth inspectional coverage should be givento the firm's Labeling systems:- The use of labels which are similar in size, shape,and color for different products.- The use of cut labels which are similar in appearancewithout some type of 100 percent electronicverification system for the finished product.- If the use of gang printing of cut labels is notminimized as required by current regulations.- If the firm has had more than one mislabeling recallin the past two years.- If the firm fills product into unlabeled containerswhich are later labeled under multiple private labels.If the abbreviated inspection reveals no significantobjectionable conditions, and there are no other factorsrequiring the use of the Full Inspection Option, use of theAbbreviated Inspection Option 18 adequate.Refer to the "Guide to Inspection of Bulk Pharmaceutical Chemical Manufacturing" for guidance on the applicability of CGMPs to bulk operations.3. Full Inspection OptionThe Full Inspection Option will be implemented when: (1) this is the initial inspection of the drug firm; (2) this is the firstinspection performed following a regulatory action against thefirm; or (3) the information collected under the AbbreviatedInspection indicates that the firm's practices are or may bedeficient in one or more system areas. An in-d epth inspection of all manufacturing, support, and documentation systems at the firm in question should be initiated. However, this in-depthinspection may be limited - at the discretion of the investigator - to only that system area that appears to be deficient.It is not expected that inspections performed under this optionwill necessarily result in the preparation of regulatory actionrecommendations. **INSTRUCTIONSThe inspection will focus on the major systems that impact on the safety and effectiveness of all sterile products manufactured by the firm:-sterilization procedures applied to the drug product;components; container/closures; product contact equipmentand surfaces- water systems- air handling- environmental monitoring- handling of incoming components- packaging and labeling- laboratory- lyophili z ation (where applicable)2.It is suggested that one drug product be selected and followedthroughout; if the firm utilizes more than one type of drugproduct sterilization process, one drug product representing each type of sterilization process should be selected.When selecting a drug product for review, drugs that are thesubject of DPPRs or listed in the firm's complaint files shouldbe considered.Drug product information to be reported:A. Name of Selected DrugB. Dosage SizeC. StrengthD. itch sizesE. Nu mber of batches per yearDescribe what type of sterile drug products are manufactured bythis firm:F. SVP6. LVP#. O p hthalmicsI. Sterile OticsJ. Sterile BulkK. Other (identify)Please indicate whether any of these products are lyophilized.The report should include separate sections for each unique drug product and sterilization process investigated.3.Attachment A has been provided as a reference guide for the typeof information that should be evaluated in a sterile processinspection.SAMPLE COLLECTIONCollect *documentary or physical* samples, including 'in-process samples where possible, to document any suspected adulterationand misbranding problems encountered during the inspection.If microbiological contamination is suspected, document wherepossible the conditions which could contribute microbiologicalcontamination to the product *both by collecting records andphysical samples taken aseptically at points where suchcontamination might occur, such as from the WFI system. Products found positive on initial sterility testing should also beconsidered for sampling.Physical samples should not be collected if the estimated levelof microbial contamination is low.*Collect samples for particulate matter contamination whereinspectional observations indicate poor manufacturing practiceshave possibly contributed to the introduction of particulatematter into these products or where finished product controls are inadequate to assure rejection of such units.Sample SizeFor guidance in determining sample sizes for endotoxin andsterility evaluation, refer to the respective Drug SurveillanceRequest (DSR). Such sampling may be accomplished to meet District obligations under that program, a s appropriate.Reporting*The investigator will utilize sections 590, 591, and 592 of the IOM for guidance in reporting inspectional findings.For inspections made pursuant to specific assignments from HFD-33G, all appropriate program areas should be fully reviewed andreported for all firms inspected, regardless of EIclassification.Attachment of standard operating procedures (SOPs),specifications, or other documentation in response to a question and/or to illustrate a deficiency is acceptable provided theresponse/deficiency is clearly described in all accompanyingnarrative.*Notify supervisors immediately if potentially serious healthhazards exist.*Current ChangePART IV - ANALYTI CA L*ANALYZING LABORATORIES1.Routine chemical analyses : all District laboratories exceptW#C and M L MI.2.Sterility Testing:Region Examining LaboratoryNE, MA NYK-RLSE SE-RLMW MLMISW, PA SAN-DO3.Other microbiological examinations : WEAC, NYK-RL (FOR NYKand BUF), SJN, BLT, SE-RL, CIN (for NWK and CIN), LOS, SAN,SEA, DAL and DEN (for DAL and DEN).Salmonella Serotyping Lab : MLMI.4.Chemical cross-contamination analyses by mass spectrometry(MS) : NYK-RL, DAL, SE-RL, DET, DEN, and LOS. Non-massspectrometry laboratories should call one of their ownregional MS labs and/or Division of Field Science (HFC-142)to determine the most appropriate MS lab for thedeterminations to be performed.5.Chemical cross-contamination analyses by Nuclear MagneticResonance (NMR) spectroscopy : SE-RL, NYK-RL, PHI and DET.Non-NMR laboratories should call one of their own regionalNMR labs and/or Division of Field Science (HFC-142) todetermine the most appropriate NMR lab for thedeterminations to be performed.6.Antibiotic Analyses:Examining Laboratory Drug ProductDEN-DO TetracyclinesErythromycinsNYK-RL PenicillinsCephalosporinsDivision of Drug All Other AntibioticsBiology, AntimicrobialDrugs Branch, HFD-178*7.Bioassys : Division of Research and Testing (HFD-470)8.Particulate Matter in Injectables: MLMI (HFD-470).**Current Change*ANALYSIS1.Samples are to be examined for compliance with applicablespecifications. Check analyses will be by the officialmethod, or when no official method exists, by othervalidated procedures. See CPG 7152.012.The presence of cross-contamination must be confirmed by asecond method. Spectroscopic methods, such as MS, NMR, UV-visible, or infrared are preferred. However, a secondchromatographic method may be employed, provided thechromatographic mechanisms are different (e.g., ion-pairingvs. conventional reverse phase HPLC).3.Sterility testing methods should be based on USP XXI and theSterility Analytical Manual, 1981. Other microbiologicalexaminations should be based on appropriate sections of USPXXI and BAM, 6th Edition, Chapter VII, Salmonella andcurrent supplement*Current Change*PART V - REGULATORY/ADMINISTRATIVE S#TEGYThe therapeutic significance of the drug product and thepotential adverse effect of the GMP deviation on the finishedproduct must be considered in determining whether or not aregulatory action and/or administrative action (e.g., withholding NDA/##, G#QAP non-acceptance) is indicated.When the nature of the deviations is considered in relation tothe therapeutic significance of the product(s) and it isdetermined that they pose a minimal risk to the consumer,voluntary correction by management should be sought as theprimary action. *However, this is not to imply that regulatoryaction will never be taken in such cases.* The district shouldrequire that all comm u nications for achieving voluntarycompliance by firm management be submitted in writing and containa time schedule for completion. *The field should determine ifthe schedule is a reasonable time frame and should monitor their progress.*When voluntary action is not accomplished or when the deviations observed pose a threat to the consumer, formal regulatory and/or administrative action should be recommended. When deciding thetype of action to recommend, the initial decision should be based on the seriousness of the problem and the most effective way toprotect the consumer (i.e., when non-sterile injectables arefound, injunction/recall would be the action(s ) of choice ).Outstanding instructions in the Regulatory Procedures Manual(RPM) should be followed.NOTE:The lack of a violative physical sample is not a bar to pursuing regulatory and/or administrative action providingthe GMP deficiencies have been well documented. Physicalsamples found to be in compliance likewise are not a bar topursuing action under UP charges.*The following list represents examples of deficient practiceswhich the Center believes could warrant regulatory and/oradministrative action:1.Contamination with filth, objectionable microorganisms,toxic chemicals or other drug chemicals ; or a reasonablepotential for contamination by same, with demonstratedavenues of contamination such as contact with uncleanequipment or through airborne contamination.2.Failure to assure that each batch conforms to establishedspecifications, such as NDA, USP, customer specifications,and label claims.3.Distribution of product which does not conform toestablished, specifications.**e of test methodology which is not adequate or validated.5.Deliberate blending for the purpose of diluting and hidingpyrogenic, microbiological or other noxious contamination, or where blending of a non-standard batch with one meeting specifications results in one blended batch meeting minimum specifications.6.Failure to assure that each batch is of uniform characterand quality (homogeneous).7.Conducting packaging and labeling operations in such amanner as to introduce a significant risk of mislabeling,for example, the use of cut labels which are similar inappearance without some type of 100 percents electronicverification system for the finished product.8. Failure to keep adequate records, including:o Date(s) of manufactureo QU antity manufacturedo Lot numbero T e st results and dateso L a beli i ng records and specimen of label usedo signature of person(s) responsible for accomplishing significant steps including:(1) determining yield(2)examining labeled containers for correctness oflabel(3)testing for conformance to specifications(4)blending, if required(5)assuring conformance with established manufacturingproc e dure(6)reviewing production and testing records andauthorizing release for distribution9.Failure to record distribution by lot n umb er in a mannerwhich would permit prompt recall.10.Failure to have any information which would establishstability for the intended period of use.*PART VI - REFERENCES, ATPACHMENTS, AND PROGRAM CONTACTS REFERENCES OR AIDSA.Inspection Operations Manual, Chapter 5, Part 542.58 - SterileProducts.B.Proposed CGMP's For Large Volume Parenterals published in theFederal Register, June 1, 1976.C.United States Pharmacopeia, latest revision and its supplements.D.*"Guideline on Validation of the Limulus Amebo cy te Lysate T e st asan End-Product Endotoxin T e st for Human and Animal ParenteralDrugs, Biological Products, and Medical Devices," December,1987.*E.Inspectors T e chnical Guide, Number 1, 1/9/13, "SterilizingSymbols (D, z,F."Understanding and Utilizing Values", Akers, Attia and Avis,"Pharmaceutical Technology", May 1978, pages 31-35.G.*Inspectors T e chnical Guide, Number 5, 6/9/72, "Ethylene Oxide aSterilizations, I. Calculation of Initial Gas Concentration". H.*Principles and Methods of Sterilization in Health Sciences,Charles C. Thomas Co., (1969), p. 508.*I.*Inspectors T e chnical Guide, Number 6, 4/28/72, "Leak-TestingSealed Am puls of Parenteral Solutions"*J.*"Parenteral Preparations", Avis, Chapter 36, pp. 498-524 in Remington's Pharmaceutical Sciences; Edit. Martin; MackPublishing Co., (1965).*K.*Inspectors Technical Guide, Number 24, 7/30/76, "Air Velocity Meters".*L.*Inspectors Technical Guide, Number 25, 9/1/76, "Ethylene Oxide Sterilizations, II. Graphical Aid to Determine GasConcentration".*M.*Inspectors Technical Guide, Number 32, 1/12/79, "Pyrogens, Stilla Danger".*N.Inspectors Technical Guide, Number 36, 10/21/80, "Reverse Osmosis".0.*Inspectors Technical Guide, Number 41, 10/18/85, "ExpirationDating and Stability Testing for Human Drug Products".*P.*Inspectors Technical Guide, Number 43, 4/18/86,."Lyophilization of Parenterals".*Q.Federal Standard 209, #current revision,*R.Remington's Pharmaceutical Sciences, *Current Edition*S.*"Guideline on Sterile Drug Products Produced by Aseptic Processing, # June 1987.*T.*"Guideline on General Principles of Process Validation," May 1987.*U.*Regulatory Procedures Manual, Part 8.*V."Guideline to Inspection of Bulk Pharmaceutical Chemical Manufacturing, Revised November 1987.ATTACHMENTSA-Reference points to be covered as appropriate to thetype of inspection being performed, and the type ofproduct and/or manufacturing system being evaluated.B-To be completed for each type of Biological Indicator and/or Product.CONTACTS*The area code for commercial calls to all headquarters contacts is 301.* A. ORA1.Jay S. AllenInvestigations Operations Branch/DFI/ORO (HFC-l33) Telephone: FTS 443-33402.Methods InquiryDivision of Field Science/ORO (HFC-l40), #lephone: FTS443-*3007*B. CDER*Manufacturing Surveillance Branch (HFD-336)Division of Drug Quality EvaluationTelephone: 8-295-8107**Current Change*PART VII - CENTER RESPONSIBILITIESThe Division of Drug Quality Evaluation (HFD-330) will evaluate all reports. Results 0f these evaluations will be shared with the field, ORA, and interested headquarters units.*Current Change*GUIDE TO EVALUATION OF STERILE PROCESS INSPECTIONSThe following reference questions are provided for evaluation of specific drug products, manufacturing systems, and quality control procedures.The points have been numbered for easier reference in the EIR narrative.COMPONENT STORAGE AND PREPARATION1.Does the firm have adequate written procedures describing thereceipt, handling, that are represented to be sterile and/orpyrogen free? (per 21 CFR 211.80 - 211.94; 211.184)2.Have these procedures been followed for the selected drugproduct?3. Are any colorants used (none are permitted)?4.Does the firm have written control procedures that adequatelydescribe the receipt, storage, sampling, issuance, andreconciliation of labeling and packaging materials? (per 21 CFR211.122 - 130; 211.134 and 211.137).5.Does the firm use cut or rol1 labels?6.Are the labels similar in color, shape, size and format fordifferent products or potencies?7.Does the firm use any type of electronic label verificationsystem (bar codes, machine vision systems, etc.)? Describe8.Is the label verification on receipt, on line, or both?9.Is any printing done on line of label text, lot number,expiration date, etc.?10.Does the firm use dedicated packaging lines?11.Are the samples of labels used for acceptance (proofing) oflabels from vendors based on a statistical plan? Describesampling plan.12.Are labels printed by the firm or by an outside vendor?13.Have these procedures been completely and accurately followed forthe subject drug product?EVALUATION SYSTEMS14.Does the firm have an SOP on vendor audits?15.Has the firm audited the (a) component, (b) container, (c) closure, and (d) label vendors? Report the dates of last audits.16.Does the firm have written procedures for the production andprocess control of drug products? (per 21 CFR 211.100, - 211.115;211.186; 211.188; 211.192)17.Have these production and process control records been approvedby the firm's quality control unit and by designatedorganizational units?18.Have these process control records been completely and accuratelyprepared for the subject drug product?19.Briefly describe the firm's procedures for changing any of thestandard operating procedure documents described above.20.Does the firm have written procedures for the review and approvalof all drug production and control records before release of the batch for distribution? (21 CFR 211.192)21.Were these procedures followed in the review of the selected drugproduct?22.What are the firm's procedures for the investigation to be madefollowing any unexplained discrepancy found in batch productionrecords, or the failure o f a batch or any of its components tomeet specifications? (21 CFR 211.192)23.Were these procedures followed accurately and thoroughlyconcerning any batch discrepancies/failures of the selected drug?24.Does the firm have written laboratory control mechanisms,including change control procedures, which describe conformanceto established specifications and standards for the selected drug product? (21 CFR 211.160-167)25.Were all specified in-process and end product tests performed onthe selected drug product?26.Were all specifications met?*Current Change*MAJOR SYSTEMS AND PROCESSESMonitoring of Environment27.Is the air supplied to critical areas (exposed product/fillingareas) filtered through HEPA filters under positive pressure? 28.Is the air flow in critical areas laminar when delivered to thepoint of use? At what velocity? Is velocity determined at thecritical area or at the filter face?29.How is the air filtered that is s upplied to controlled areas(where unsterilized product, in-process materials, andcontainer/closures are prepared)?30.What are the firm's air quality classifications for:a.exposed product areasb.filling areac.surrounding plant areas31.Is room classification system based upon Federal Standard 209d orother?32.Are HEPA filters efficiency tested?33.How often are HEPA filters integrity tested? What test method isused?34.How often are air flow velocities checked for each HEPA filter?35.Does the firm have a written monitoring program for classifiedareas that included a scientifically sound sampling schedule that describes sampling locations, their relation to the workinglevel, and frequency? Describe the basis for the samplingprogram. (21 CFR 211.160)36.Are both viable and non-viable particulate samplings performed inall classified areas during production?37.Report the frequency of viable sampling using "active" samplingmethods for:a.exposed product areasb.filling areasc.surrounding areas38.Report the limits used, length of sampling period, and ifsampling is done during production or at rest.39.Report the type of viable sampling equipment use (STA,Centrifugal sampler, etc.)。

FDA 制剂生产厂检查指南

FDA 制剂生产厂检查指南

Dosage Form Drug Manufacturers cGMPs (10/93)FDA 制剂生产厂检查指南GUIDE TO INSPECTIONS OF DOSAGE FORM DRUG MANUFACTURER'S- CGMPR'SNote: This document is reference material for investigators and other FDA personnel. The document does not bind FDA, and does no confer any rights, privileges, benefits, or immunities for or on any person(s).注:此指南是FDA检查官和其工作人员的参考资料。


I. 简介This document is intended to be a general guide to inspections of drug manufacturers to determine their compliance with the drug CGMPR's. This guide should be used with instructions in the IOM, other drug inspection guides, and compliance programs.A list of the inspection guides is referenced in Chapter 10 of the IOM. Some of these guides are:该文件旨在为检查药品生产厂家提供一个总体性的指导,以决定他们是否符合药物生产的cGMP法规。

该指南应该与IOM(Investigations Operations Manual,即检查操作手册),其他的药品检查指南,及法规符合性程序中的指导一起使用。



F D A检查员指导手册C P:药品生产检查程序LEKIBM standardization office【IBM5AB- LEKIBMK08- LEKIBM2C】FDA检查员指导手册CP :药品生产检查程序目录对现场报告的要求……………………………………………………35第一部分背景……………………………………………………………………36第二部分执行…………………………………………………………………36.目的……………………………………………………………………36.策略……………………………………………………………………36对生产企业两年一度的检查(包括重新包装商、合同实验室等)…36系统性检查……………………………………………………………37对原料药及制剂生产的系统性检查计划……………………………38质量系统………………………………………………………………38厂房设施与设备系统…………………………………………………38物料系统………………………………………………………………38生产系统………………………………………………………………38包装和贴签系统………………………………………………………38实验室控制系统………………………………………………………39.程序管理指导…………………………………………………………39 定义……………………………………………………………………39 监督性检查……………………………………………………………39 达标检查………………………………………………………………40 受控状态………………………………………………………………40 药品工艺………………………………………………………………40药品生产检查…………………………………………………………41第三部分检查……………………………………………………………………41.检查活动………………………………………………………………41 总则……………………………………………………………………41 检查方法………………………………………………………………42 全面性检查的选择……………………………………………………43 简略性检查的选择……………………………………………………43 综合性检查范围………………………………………………………43 系统性检查范围………………………………………………………43 质量系统………………………………………………………………44 厂房设施与设备系统…………………………………………………44 物料系统………………………………………………………………45 生产系统………………………………………………………………46 包装和贴签系统………………………………………………………47 实验室控制系统………………………………………………………48 取样……………………………………………………………………49 检查组组成……………………………………………………………49 报告……………………………………………………………………49第四部分分析……………………………………………………………………50第五部分法律性/行政性策略…………………………………………………50.质量系统………………………………………………………………51.厂房设施和设51备……………………………………………………….物料系统………………………………………………………………51.生产系统………………………………………………………………52.包装和贴签系统………………………………………………………52.实验室控制系统………………………………………………………52对现场报告的要求作为法律行动的一部分,所有针对因在执行cGMP方面有缺陷而采取的检查,均要向药品评价和研究中心的达标办公室呈交一份现场检查报告(EIR)。

FDA检查员指导手册 原料药生产检查(药品质量保证)

FDA检查员指导手册 原料药生产检查(药品质量保证)







2001年,FDA在人用药物注册技术要求国际协调会议(ICH)上与其他政府监管部门共同努力,采用了针对API行业cGMP的国际性指南,也就是ICH Q7A,活性药物成分的药品质量管理的指南。

ICH Q7A正体现了FDA对于原料药现行GMP体系的要求。



在本程序中所使用的术语“活性药物成分”(原料药)的含义与ICH Q7A中的定义一致。

在ICH Q7A中活性药物成分被定义为“旨在用于药品生产的任何物质或混合物,当用于药品生产时,这些物质即成为药品中的活性成分。




FDA检查员指导手册CP 7356.002A:无菌药品工艺检查目录第一部分背景 (4)第二部分实施 (4)2.1 目的 (4)2.2 程序实施指南 (4)第三部分检查 (5)3.1. 审核和评估 (5)3.2. 简略性检查 (5)3.3. 全面性检查 (6)3.4. 附录A (7)3.5 样品采集 (7)3.6 样本大小 (8)3.7 报告 (8)第四部分分析 (8)4.1 分析内容 (8)4.2 分析 (8)第五部分法律/行政策略 (9)第六部分中心的职责 (10)无菌工艺检查的评估指南 (10)A. 组分的储存和准备 (10)B. 评估系统 (11)C. 主要系统和工艺 (12)a. 环境监测 (12)b. 设备清洁/消毒 (13)D. 生产设施 (13)a. 更衣 (13)b. 冻干 (13)c. 冻干验证 (14)E. 辅助系统 (15)F. 除热原 (15)G. 容器和封口材料的完整性 (16)H. 灭菌系统 (17)a. 总则 (17)b. 蒸气灭菌 (17)c. 蒸汽灭菌验证 (18)d. 干热灭菌(不包括除热原) (19)e. 化学灭菌/消毒/ (21)f. 化学灭菌验证 (21)g. 环氧乙烷气体灭菌 (21)h. 环氧乙烷验证 (23)i. 辐射灭菌 (24)j. 辐射灭菌验证 (25)k. 无菌除菌系统 (26)l. 无菌灌装验证 (28)I. 实验室 (29)a. 稳定性和有效期 (29)b. 无菌测试 (29)c. 热源检测 (30)d. 环境 (30)e. 校正 (30)I. 计算机 (30)J. 生物指示剂的用法 (30)该程序适用于所有无菌药品的生产,包括无菌原料药,眼科用药,小容量注射剂(SVP),大容量注射剂(LVP)以及其它无菌制剂。











欧美对原料药的称呼有以下几种:Bulk Pharmaceutical Chemical简称BPC。

现常用:Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient简称API,或Drug Substance。





欧美常把制剂药称作:Finished Pharmaceutical,Finished Product,Dosage Form,Finished Dosage Form或Drug product。



无菌药品FDA检查员指导手册FDA检查员指导手册无菌药品工艺检查目录第一部分背景 (4)第二部分实施 (4)2.1 目的 (4)2.2 程序实施指南 (4)第三部分检查 (5)3.1. 审核和评估 (5)3.2. 简略性检查 (5)3.3. 全面性检查 (6)3.4. 附录A (7)3.5 样品采集 (7)3.6 样本大小 (8)3.7 报告 (8)第四部分分析 (8)4.1 分析内容 (8)4.2 分析 (8)第五部分法律/行政策略 (9)第六部分中心的职责 (10)无菌工艺检查的评估指南 (10)A. 组分的储存和准备 (10)B. 评估系统 (11)C. 主要系统和工艺 (12)a. 环境监测 (12)b. 设备清洁/消毒 (13)D. 生产设施 (13)a. 更衣 (13)b. 冻干 (13)c. 冻干验证 (14)E. 辅助系统 (15)F. 除热原 (15)G. 容器和封口材料的完整性 (16)H. 灭菌系统 (17)a. 总则 (17)b. 蒸气灭菌 (17)c. 蒸汽灭菌验证 (18)d. 干热灭菌(不包括除热原) (19)e. 化学灭菌/消毒/ (21)f. 化学灭菌验证 (21)g. 环氧乙烷气体灭菌 (21)h. 环氧乙烷验证 (23)i. 辐射灭菌 (24)j. 辐射灭菌验证 (25)k. 无菌除菌系统 (26)l. 无菌灌装验证 (28)I. 实验室 (29)a. 稳定性和有效期 (29)b. 无菌测试 (29)c. 热源检测 (30)d. 环境 (30)e. 校正 (30)I. 计算机 (30)J. 生物指示剂的用法 (30)。




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FDA检查员指导手册CP :药品生产检查程序目录对现场报告的要求……………………………………………………3 5第一部分背景……………………………………………………………………36第二部分执行…………………………………………………………………36.目的……………………………………………………………………36.策略……………………………………………………………………362.2.1.对生产企业两年一度的检查(包括重新包装商、合同实验室等)…362.2.2.系统性检查……………………………………………………………372.2.3.对原料药及制剂生产的系统性检查计划……………………………382.2.3.1.质量系统………………………………………………………………382.2.3.2.厂房设施与设备系统…………………………………………………382.2.3.3.物料系统………………………………………………………………382.2.3.4.生产系统………………………………………………………………382.2.3.5.包装和贴签系统………………………………………………………382.2.3.6.实验室控制系统………………………………………………………39.程序管理指导…………………………………………………………392.3.1.定义……………………………………………………………………392.3.1.1.监督性检查……………………………………………………………392.3.1.2.达标检查………………………………………………………………受控状态………………………………………………………………药品工艺………………………………………………………………药品生产检查…………………………………………………………41第三部分检查……………………………………………………………………41.检查活动………………………………………………………………413.1.1.总则……………………………………………………………………413.1.2.检查方法………………………………………………………………423.1.2.1.全面性检查的选择……………………………………………………433.1.2.2.简略性检查的选择……………………………………………………433.1.2.3.综合性检查范围………………………………………………………433.1.3.系统性检查范围………………………………………43………………质量系统………………………………………………………………443.1.3.2.厂房设施与设备系统…………………………………………………443.1.3.3.物料系统………………………………………………………………453.1.3.4.生产系统………………………………………………………………463.1.3.5.包装和贴签系统………………………………………………………473.1.3.6.实验室控制系统………………………………………………………483.1.4.取样……………………………………………………………………493.1.5.检查组组成……………………………………………………………493.1.6.报告……………………………………………………………………49第四部分分析……………………………………………………………………5第五部分法律性/行政性策略…………………………………………………5.质量系统………………………………………………………………51.厂房设施和设备………………………………………………………51.物料系统………………………………………………………………51.生产系统………………………………………………………………52.包装和贴签系统………………………………………………………52.实验室控制系统………………………………………………………52对现场报告的要求作为法律行动的一部分,所有针对因在执行cGMP方面有缺陷而采取的检查,均要向药品评价和研究中心的达标办公室呈交一份现场检查报告(EIR)。







FDA已开发出了两项基本策略:1)通过对企业的检查,包括采集和分析相关样品,来进行评估原料药和制剂生产、包装、检测和储存的条件和方法,2) 通过一系列监督活动如从销售渠道抽取和分析样品来监督原料和制剂的质量。



制剂监督程序(CP 为后一个策略提供指导。





2) 为决定是否批准某企业的新药申请提供cGMP评估意见。

3) 为接受检查中的企业提供法规达标水平的信息输入。

4) 延伸FDA在判定药品生产符合cGMP方面的专业化水平,也是FDA cGMP政策和指导性文件的继续。




每两年一度的检查要按照下列程序来进行:1)减少劣药进入市场的危险;2)增强企业与FDA之间的沟通;3) 对企业内部的生产操作提供及时的评估;4)为FDA与企业之间就企业符合GMP要求的持续情况提供有序的反馈渠道。












2.2.2. 系统性检查对药品生产企业的检查及对结果的报告应按照本监督程序中的系统性方法来进行。

















2.2.3. 对原料药及制剂生产的系统性检查计划对原料药及制剂生产审计的系统性计划由以下方面构成:质量系统该系统是为了保证全面符合cGMP和内部程序及规格标准的要求。



见CGMP 规定,21 CFR 211分录B, E, F, G, I, J, 和 K。厂房设施与设备系统该系统包括为药品生产提供适宜的环境和资源。



见CGMP规定,21 CFR 211分录B, C,D和J。物料系统该系统包括对产品,组分(包括水和气体)、容器和封口材料进行控制的措施和活动。


见CGMP规定,21 CFR 211分录B, E,H和J。生产系统该系统包括对药品的生产、加工、配制、过程取样和测试、工艺验证等进行控制的措施和活动。


见CGMP 规定,21 CFR 211分录B,F和J。包装和贴签系统该系统包括对药品包装和贴签进行控制的措施和活动。
