

商务英语毕业论文范文篇一[摘要] 文章探讨商务谈判人员的合作与竞争、人格决定作用、中西谈判理论思想的关系等三个理念。
[关键词] 商务谈判科学理念理念是人脑中的高位意识形态,是指导和影响人们行为的基础观念,理念的形成是由人的知识、经验、思维方式等因素的影响决定的,而理念一旦形成,又对人们的行为产生指导和影响。



商务英语专业的毕业设计范文In the realm of global business, the significance of effective intercultural communication cannot be overstated. Business English, as a specialized field, plays a pivotal role in bridging cultural divides and facilitating successful cross-border transactions. This paper delvesinto the nuances of intercultural communication in business English, with a focus on its application in cross-border negotiations.Firstly, it is essential to recognize that business communication is not merely about exchanging information but also about understanding and respecting cultural differences. In cross-border negotiations, parties often hail from diverse cultural backgrounds, each with its unique norms, values, and communication styles. These differences can either enhance or hinder the negotiation process, depending on how well the parties are able to adapt and respond to them.For instance, some cultures may prefer direct and assertive communication, while others may favor a more indirect and subtle approach. Understanding thesedifferences and adapting one's communication style accordingly is crucial for building trust and fostering a positive negotiation atmosphere.Moreover, the use of language in business English is highly specialized and often laden with cultural implications. Words and phrases that are commonplace in one culture may carry entirely different meanings in another. Therefore, it is imperative for business professionals to be aware of these nuances and to choose their words carefully to avoid misunderstandings or offense.To illustrate the importance of intercultural communication in business English, this paper presents a case study of a cross-border negotiation between a US-based company and a Chinese firm. The negotiation centered around a potential joint venture in the technology sector. Both parties had their own set of cultural norms and expectations, which significantly influenced the negotiation process.For example, the US company tended to be more direct and assertive in their approach, emphasizing efficiency and results. In contrast, the Chinese firm exhibited a morecautious and consensus-oriented style, valuingrelationship-building and long-term partnerships. These differences in communication styles initially caused some friction, but as the negotiation progressed, both parties learned to adapt and compromise.The US company recognized the importance of showing respect and patience, while the Chinese firm appreciated the Americans' focus on efficiency and results. Through a series of culturally sensitive exchanges, the two sides were able to bridge their differences and reach a mutually beneficial agreement.This case study highlights the crucial role of intercultural communication in business English,particularly in cross-border negotiations. It demonstrates that success in such negotiations often hinges on theability to understand and adapt to cultural differences, rather than simply relying on technical expertise or negotiation skills.In conclusion, business English professionals must possess a deep understanding of intercultural communication to excel in the global business environment. They must beable to navigate cultural nuances, adapt their communication styles, and use language effectively to build trust, foster understanding, and achieve successful outcomes in cross-border transactions.**商务英语中跨文化交流的重要性:以跨国谈判为例** 在全球商业领域,有效的跨文化交流的重要性不言而喻。

1. 商务英语及商务英语翻译的概括商务英语涉及范围很广,包括的种类也十分多。


Promoting Dynamic Interplay between Studyand Research in ELT PracticeWu BenhuAbstract: This paper first explores the significance of research in comparison to the other two sources of human knowledge (i.e. experience and reasoning) in the context of ELT practice in China. It then elaborates the four kinds of study: receptive study,productive study, critical study and creativestudy, and proposes a practice of ever-advancing integration of various types of study with different levels of depth of information processing. It finally discusses possible relationships between study and research and suggests research-based studyand study-oriented research as two potential approaches tomutual stimulation between study and research in ELT practice in China.Key words: study; research; English language teaching摘要: 本文首先结合中国英语教学实际探讨了研究在教学中的重大作用,指出它是人类知识三大来源中最重要的一项;然后阐述了学习的四个层次,即接受性学习、运用性学习、评析性学习和创造性学习,还提出英语学习的全过程应当是一个在学习层次上包容性不断提高的实践,即能够融汇越来越多高层次学习的过程;最后讨论了学习与研究间的关系,并提出了在英语教学中实现学习研究相互促进的两种途径,即以研究为基点的学习和以学习为前导的研究。


毕业英语论文范文范文一:商务英语毕业论文Implication of Cultural Differences on International Business NegotiationsAbstractBusiness negotiations under different cultural conditions are cultural negotiations. With the development of economic globalization and frequent business contacts,cultural differences havebecome very important. If they are neglected, they could cause unnecessary misunderstanding,or even undermine the result of business negations. Therefore, it is of great significance to know different cultures of different countries as well as ways to avoid cultural conflicts in the context of international business negotiations. The paper begins with the definition of culture,analyzes the causes of cultural differences and explains the impact of cultural differences on international business negotiations from three perspectives of communication process,negotiation style and values concept. Finally,it analyzes effective ways to deal with the problem arising from cultural differences in the negotiation process. The paper stresses that in business negotiations between different countries negotiators should accept the other party's culture, try to make him be accepted and make a correct evaluation with help of effective communications. In a word,for successful cultural negotiations,cultural differences need to be perceived,accepted and most importantly played down.Key words:culture cultural difference business negotiation impactContents1. Cultural difference (4)1.1 The definition of culture (4)1.2 The causes of cultural differences (4)1.2.1 Geographical differences (4)1.2.2 Ethnic differences (4)1.2.3 Political differences (4)1.2.4 Economic differences (4)1.2.5 Religious differences (4)1.2.6 The concept of difference (5)1.3 Importance of international business negotiations on Cultural differences (5)2. Cultural differences on the impact of international business negotiations (5)2.1 Communication process (5)2.2 Negotiating style (8)2.3 Values (8)2.3.1 Ethics (8)2.3.2 Sense.............................................................................. (8)2.3.3 Concept of Collective (8)2.3.4 Concept of time (8)3. How to deal with international business negotiations and culturaldifferenc es (9)3.1 To learn more about the former in the negotiations of the cultural differences that may arise (9)3.2 In the negotiations necessary to correctly handle the cultural differences (9)3.3 Negotiations to do a good job of follow-up for the exchange of cultural differences (10)4. References (11)Business negotiation in interpersonal relationships as a special form, relate to different geographical, ethnic, social and cultural exchanges and contacts, which have taken place in cross-cultural negotiations. In cross-cultural negotiations,the different geographical, ethnic, cultural differences will affect the thinking of those negotiations,the negotiation style and behavior,thus affecting the entire negotiation process. Therefore, to engage in business activities, especially for the cross-border business activities must understand and master the links between different cultures and differences. Conducting negotiations with the organization,also have to understandthat cultural differences impact on the negotiations, only the face of such a positive impact on the desired objectives can be achieved1. Cultural differences1.1 the definition of cultureNational culture is a country-specific concepts and value systems,which constitute the concept of people's lives and work behavior. The nations of the world as a result of specific historical and geographical and gradually formed its own unique cultural traditions and cultural patterns. As the difference of Chinese and Western traditional customs,values,religious beliefs , different ways of thinking, etc, making the different performance of Chinese and Western cultures.1.2 the causes of cultural differencesCultural diversity caused by many reasons, T o sum up, the main source of cultural differences are in the following areas:1.2.1 geographical differencesRefers to the geographical differences in different geographic regions due to the geographical environment, the level of economic development and traditional differences in habits,people often have different language,lifestyle and hobbies. And these will affect their behavior. For example, the West and the American people in some countries treat Christmas important, but in areas such as near the equator do not have snow all the year round, the people of some African countries may not have the concept of Christmas because the best modified Christmas is snow, as to the people in the region that are not long-term snow ,there is little concentration of Christmas than American States.1.2.2 national differencesEthnic differences is the different ethnic groups in the development of long-term process, the formation of their own language,customs and preferences,habits. Their diet,clothing,accommodation,festivals and rituals,such as material and cultural life of their own characteristics. Take the history of our country and our Hun Han, the Xiongnu people are valiant, characteristics of typical nomads. And we tame the Han character,the typical characteristics of farming nation. Which led to the Huns in the diet, clothing, accommodation,festivals and rituals,such as material and cultural life are different with Han.1.2.3 the political differencesPolitical differences are due to the political system and the policies and regulations on people's behavior with the role of a standardized, so that all peoples in the political aspects on the concept of the existence are differences. Take the United States and France as example, the United States by the Constitution the powers of the President of the severe restrictions on the two major powers with other institutions of Congress and the Supreme Court of strong constraints. While France also had to set was ready to royalist restoration of the monarchy of the Third Republic to amend the Constitution a little further expand the powers of the president.1.2.4 economic disparitiesEconomic differences are result of the economic factors of a reflection of cultural differences. For example, the people in the Western developed countries are rich lives and high level of education, people will pay more attention to the quality of life,security means more generally. And economic backwardness of the Third World, people care more about food and clothing.1.2.5 religious differencesReligion is the development of human society to a certain stage of historical phenomenon, Religion has its own (Catholic) Major epidemic in Western Europe and South American; Islam is the scope of the whole of the Middle East and North Africa. Buddhism is more prevalent in Asian countries. The world has three major religions: Christianity,Buddhism and Islam. Christian (Protestant) is major epidemic in Northern Europe,North America and Australia; people in many parts of Asia believe in Buddhist. Different religions have different cultural tendencies and precepts,which affect the way of people understand things, codes of conduct and values.1.2.6 the concept of Values differenceValues are means of objective evaluation criteria of things. It includes the concept of time, wealth, the attitude towards life,the attitude to risk and so on. Different societies’ people to the same things and problems will come to different and even opposite conclusions.Geographical differences,ethnic differences,political differences,economic differences,religious differences and differences in concepts have the impact on people's penetration in the food, clothing, accommodation, festivals and rituals,such as material and cultural life in all its aspects. Thus affecting people's behavior,values,religious beliefs and modes of thought have a lot of difference, Finally has formed the various countries and areas of cultural differences.1.3 cultural differences on the importance of international business negotiationsPractice in the negotiations, many negotiators often do not understand,or took note of the cultural importance of thesignificant impact on negotiations. Negotiating parties for foreign culture,some negotiators may have noticed some of the other negotiations, "different" or "hard to understand" the concrete manifestation of negotiations,but that is not important. Some people blindly believe that negotiation is the use of foreign-related facts and figures to speak, and the facts and data are common. Similarly,some foreign countries’ negotiators to negotiations with each other to maintain harmonious relations, they will notice the similarities between both cultures, while ignoring their differences. Let's look at an example.In 1992,negotiators from China and other 12 experts of different professions to form a delegation to the United States purchases about 30 million U.S. dollars of chemical equipment and technology. The US naturally does everything possible to satisfy them. One of them is negotiations in the first round of the delegation sent to each of them a small souvenir. The Souvenirs packaging is very particular is a beautiful red box,red for advanced. But when the delegation was pleased to open the box when face-to-face in accordance with the Americans,Everyone's face appears very not the nature actually--there is a golf cap,but the color is green. American businessman's intention is: after signing the contract,and everyone to play golf. But they don’t know the "be a cuckold" is the biggest taboo in Chinese men. Finally the delegation did not sign the contract,not because the Americans "insult" people,but because they work careless,and even don’t know the common sense that Chinese men taboo "be a cuckold". How can we feel free to tens of millions of dollars project to them? It can be seen that the failure of the Americans negotiation is due tothey do not understand the Chinese culture.From the above examples,we can learn in business negotiations,if we do not attach importance to each other's cultural differences, the negotiations are likely to lead to failure.2. Cultural differences on the impact of international business negotiationsThe impact of culture on negotiations is extensive and profound,and different cultures will naturally divided people into different groups, this region, the difference between their respective groups are bringing people of different cultural groups tend to alienate each other; On the other hand, different cultural communication and exchanges between people are also obstacles. Therefore,the requirements of the negotiators to accept each other's culture, but also by cultural differences,unmistakably reveals that the purpose of understanding of each other's behavior,and they have been accepted by the other party, and ultimately reach a consensus agreement.Overall, the impact on culture negotiations are in following several aspects:2.1 the communication processCultural differences on the communication process of the negotiations,first of all is the performance of the communication language in the negotiation process. Language is a bridge of any country, any region and any nation. States companies, individuals to conduct business negotiations, we must first have the language to this. The differences language of international business activities is the most direct and clear. Such as China's "white elephant" brand batteries,to the English "White Elephant" it would cause bad associations.Because the "White Elephant" In addition to the name ofanimals that have two meanings: "The owner did not use, but may be useful to others; do not reuse things." Solve the language problem is very simple,you can hire a translator or use a common third language to talk. While the negotiators of the language used in a variety of cultures with higher fitness, but no matter what, the difference is obvious. Such as Japan, Brazil and France Culture,the Japanese style of business communication is the most polite, more positive commitment to the use of recommended and guarantees,and less use of threats, commands and warnings of freedom of speech, their manners of speech style, The most prominent is that they do not often use "no", "you" and facial gaze, but to maintain a period of silence; Brazilian businessmen to use "no" and "you" at the higher frequency,their negotiation style seems more presumptuous, and it seems not lonely in the negotiations, to gaze at each other and touch each other from time to time; French businessmen negotiating style is all the most presumptuous, in particular, their use of threats and warnings at the highest frequency,in addition,they are still very frequent use of interrupted, facial gaze, as well as "no" and "you". It can be seen, only to clarify these differences that can avoid the reticent Japanese,Brazilian over enthusiasm or the French’s misunderstanding of the threat, which achieved the success of international business negotiations.Cultural differences impact on the negotiation process not only in the process of language communication, but also in the process of non-verbal communication. Cultural differences will lead to different countries or regions in the body language of negotiations, the use of action language significantly different,or even the same language of action is diametrically opposed tothe transfer of information. For example, the vast majority of countries are in favor of nod his head for agree. But in India,Nepal and other countries that are certainly shaking his head,that is, shaking his head and smiling, that is positive meaning,some people just do it diagonally on the rise is still a good way,some people are a population frequency said "You are right! You are right!" but a continuously shaking his head,often make others do not know its true psychological and full of doubt. But negotiators shape, movement, language, awareness and use of the differences, also create an obstacle for the negotiations in communication.Cultural differences also can lead to the negotiators of the differences in communication. People of different cultures have their preferences and habits of communication and cross-cultural negotiations in the negotiating parties often belong to different cultures, have their own customary means of communication. Accustomed to different means of communication between the parties to conduct a more depth in communication, often cause a wide range of issues. From countries with a high culture of the negotiators and those from countries with low culture of the negotiators may be in different ways of expression during the negotiation process. From countries with a high culture of the negotiators may be chosen euphemism,indirect ways to express their meaning. While from low culture of the negotiators preference for using oral expression to negotiate,direct or receive a clear message,straightforward means to express themselves. These two negotiators from different cultures during the negotiations,the party think the other side is often too rough,while the other may think that the other side lack of good faith in negotiations, or misunderstanding the silence ofeach other's conditions for its approval.2.2 the negotiation styleThe negotiation style is the main bearing and the attitude which displays in the negotiations activities. the style of negotiations in the course of negotiators’ behavior, conduct and control of the negotiation process of the method and means. Negotiators negotiations Style with a deep cultural stigma. Culture not only determines the Ethics Code of Ethics for negotiators,but also affects the way of thinking negotiators’ behavior and personality,so that make the negotiators of different cultural backgrounds form a very different style of negotiation. Negotiating style of the negotiation process for the negotiations between the two sides approach the relationship,contacts, and even the structure of the negotiations has a direct impact.Adhere to cultural differences,negotiating styles can be divided into two types: the negotiation style of Oriental and Western style negotiations. Oriental style is based on negotiations as the background of oriental culture of Asian countries negotiation styles,with Japan,South Korea for a typical representative:Japanese business men are conservative,attention to status-oriented,credit and the initial cooperation,co-dependent relationship between stress and good at negotiating. Japanese attached great importance to the negotiations in the transaction to establish harmonious interpersonal relationships. If there had been contacts with Japanese,before the negotiations should be recall the past exchanges and friendship between the two sides,which will be beneficial to the next negotiations. They did not support and habit the direct, purelycommercial activities. If it is the first time to establish trade relations with Japanese, the party responsible for higher status in charge visits in opposite party enterprise at the same level status person in charge is extremely important,it attached great importance to Japanese companies and the trading relationship with you. When negotiations with Japan,it’s the best to send staff rank and status at high-level than the other side. This will facilitate the conduct of the talks. It should also be noted that Japanese women's status in society is lower,generally they not allowed to participate in the operation and management of large companies activities,the Japanese are also in a number of important occasions of non-female. Therefore, when encountered formal negotiations generally not appropriate to allow women to participate in, or else they may be skeptical, and even expressed dissatisfaction.Korean character stubborn, often stuck to their own views in the negotiations and will not easily compromise. In this case we must grasp the strategy, it is necessary to adhere to argue,but also common sense to master a certain sense of propriety,and sometimes also need to be patient. On the other hand,South Korea in the negotiations seldom to express the views directly, often need the other side to try to figure out, in order to accurately understand the meaning of each other,South Korea may ask the same question repeatedly,so that when making decisions to ensure the correctness. And South Korea signed a contract does not mean that their success will not be changed, for other reasons they would seek to amend or re-start negotiations with you.Western-type style of negotiation is based on Western culture of Europe and the United States as the background styleof negotiations. The main representatives are the United States and United Kingdom.Americans often talk about "Business is Business" (business to the business) means doing business need to not recognize one's own closest relatives, insist on the principle of things not for people. "Time is money","money is everything" is the unswerving credo of American. Their business activities is often straightforward,be anxious for success,business came straight to the point, they always picking up the phone to talk,sit down and get straight to the point,They calculate the progress by the hour and the number of days, their opponents often feel pressure from them. American businessmen do not like the use an agent or participate in negotiations with the consultant,give others the impression that they can say on behalf of the company. They like to sit down to do business immediately. In addition,the United States businessmen attached great importance to economic benefits, they have a slang called: "Bang for Buck", that is, with minimum capital investment to obtain the greatest benefit.British merchants engaged in commercial activities pay more attention to informal traders than other countries in the world,but also more conservative. Even today, the world has entered the electronic information age, in the UK by telephone to talk about business is unacceptable. British businessmen are more willing to make full preparations in advance, and then face-to-face talks. As long as they do not believe that the details of a settlement will not solve, they will never sign, all must have to do as rule. As a result of the British very great importance to the position, the title is also very important to them. Therefore,the selection status of the person as a broker of highly influentialbusiness,political forces and the role of trade unions in the business also can not be neglected.Of course,it also must pay attention to the actual negotiations process, although the same cultural background of the negotiators, the talks there was a clear difference, but subject to sub-culture,as well as other factors,the same cultural background of individual negotiators, the negotiations style can be very different.2.3 Cultural valuesCultural values is measure the consequences of people's behavior and standards. They affecting the way of people understanding the problems and will give rise to a strong emotional impact. In different cultures,values will be very different. Culture in a very appropriate behavior in another culture may be seen as immoral. For example,Americans believe that nepotism is immoral, however it as an obligation at the majority of Latin American culture. Therefore,the Understanding of a certain society in popular as well as these ideas in the personal behavior the degree which respects is very important. Our discussions here will focus on those activities is essential to understand the socio-economic values,more specifically,is these for promote the cross-cultural communicative competence and the values is worth noting.2.3.1 EthicsChina has heavier ethics. "Acquaintance" and "relationship" has its own special meaning and significance, once the relations have been established,the two sides have become acquaintances or friends, and generous concessions to help the situation appear, and the degree of trust and tolerance will be improved,so the Chinese people have more oral agreement.Americans is not the case,they do not pay attention to cultivating the feelings of both sides, and attempts to separate business and friendship. To deal with the problem, often used the legal means, lawyers come forward to solve the problem is common,it is flexible and not rigid,we should clearly recognize this point. However,once sign the contract,they are very much focused on the legal contract, the performance of the contract is higher. The Chinese delegation to the West,maybe a long time no one could entertain,and this misunderstanding of the people are not interested in their visit; Europeans come to China, No matter what they do may find that there are people who accompanied,and this misunderstanding of the people lack of trust in them. Of foreign visitors, a senior care too much, not to mention dinner, often mistakenly believe that this expressed his company's products or have a preference, this in fact is the Chinese hospitality, This can lead to subsequent disappointment, and even complain.2.3.2group awarenessIn the course of the Chinese and Western cultural traditions and different cultural values, on the negotiations issues tend to have a confrontation or misunderstanding. China's national character has a very remarkable phenomenon, that is Settles on the face or the dignity. At the negotiating table, if make a choice from "decent" and "interest", both the Chinese people will often choose to "decent." Why do the Chinese people want to save face at all costs? Because of the ideological core of Chinese culture is a group consciousness. In accordance with the sense that each one is not a separate person,but living in a certain social relations, and no face will not the face of others, there is no face on the people and will not be able to live in the social andgroup life,and may even be abandoned by society and the groups. But not like Westerners,they value the interests of negotiations,they will not hesitate to choose interest from "decent" and "interest" of the two. Chinese people regarding negotiations result whether can bring honor for their face, looks extremely important,as well as some Western negotiators in their works cautioned China in the talks, we must note that use of China's national character. It is clear that only a correct understanding and properly grasp the existence of Chinese and Western differences in national character, can effectively help us in a timely manner to correct our own shortcomings and strengthen our own advantages and use of other's shortcomings to collapse of other's strengths.2.3.3 the concept of collectiveChina's concept of collective a stronger emphasis on collective responsibility,Therefore the negotiations pattern basically is the collective, but to make the final decisions are a decisive one, and even the decisive one simply has not entered the stage. This is known as the cultural experts of "high from the right to culture",in the event of difficult issues more complicated, the negotiators on the difficult decisions; and the Western culture of Jurists which was referred to as "low from the right to culture",on the surface is one or two people out,negotiators have been given the appropriate permissions,or assisted in its decision-making think-tank,which in the negotiations,the sole responsibility of the negotiations were heavier, higher and more flexible.2.3.4 the concept of timeConcept of time and how it decided the people's action plan for international business negotiations has a broad impact of theinvisible. The daily negotiations behavior manifests observes the difference aspect of time may be is the most obvious results of the performance. Jewish businessmen attached great importance of time. They always believe that time is not money, time and goods, is the capital to make money. Money can borrow, but time can not be borrowed,the time is more valuable than money. A wealthy Jewish income of 200,000 US dollars monthly have been considered such an account: his daily wage is 8 1000 U.S dollars,then about 17 U.S. dollars per minute. If he had been disturbed and waste 5 minutes, then is the equivalent of stolen 85 U.S. dollars in cash. Strong concept of time improved the efficiency of the Jews, they are often at work in seconds and every second counts. On the Jewish people, never appear leave early,late,or to stall for time and so on. In the business activities of the Jews "Uninvited guest" is almost as the same as the “unwelcome person”,because uninvited guests will disrupt the timing of the original, and waste everybody's time. For the time extremely mean of the Jewish,in the time to discuss the concept of time is stronger. Before Jews in the negotiations, the time must have been agreement. They agreed not only in a certain period of a day,but also appointment "from the starting points to a few minutes to talk about." During the meeting, in addition to polite greetings outside, the Jews immediately to discuss business, this is have good manners and good performance, at the same time that mean respect of each other.3. how to deal with the cultural differences on international business negotiationsOnly recognize and accommodate cultural differences can take the whole process of negotiations in response to。





第一篇:商务英语英文版毕业论文Putting Aside Some Money for the RainyDayEnjoying a Safely Happy LifeFrom People's Insurance Company (group) of China enlarge to the whole insuranceMajor: Business EnglishClass:Class 2 of 2007 Grade Name:xxxStudent ID:xxxxxxAbstractThe old said: “Nothing is so certain as the unexpected.”When people faced misfortune,sickness and disaster befallen all of a sudden that always made us feel quite alone and helpless mean a while. However, after the world’s development of insurance business, we can build a shelter for ourselves on the trip of our life to help us keep out the wind and rain, meanwhile, which can confirm our confidence. When I entranced into the insurance, firstly, I attended the training for the clerk freshly and acquired the qualification of insurance agent. Secondly, I went out of my company and started to touch the market, followed the charge to “run business”and familiar the basic process of insurance operation. At last, I should achieve to invite the customers, explained them the knowledge about insurance and identify the insurance policy. On this text I gave the truth state and feeling of affairs and which I realized and obtained to apperception the main idea of the specialized train and the treasure of group spirit. From these, I had my personal ability promotion and grasp human affairs of our society, to make a good beginning for the trip of my work.Key words: insurance;training; study; insure; invite the customers; written permissionFor the first time I entered my career to attend the meeting in the morning, I was attractive deeply by the atmosphere in the field of the meeting that their persistence and pursuit of insurance attract me greatly. They taught me by precept and example, the ship which I took which named IPCC started on its journey. I started my journey of insurance followed them and to experience the wonderful life in the world of insurance. The insurance is a piece of love and possession the awareness of insurance is become the necessary survival capability of our modern society. The former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill said: “I am convinced, for sacrifices so small, families and estates can be protected against catastrophes which would otherwise smash them up forever.”The journey of our life can’t be smoothly every times, though we are in the society which material civilization and scientific and technological civilization had extremely development, we still can’t avoid the nature of order that such matters as birth, death, illness and old age. Meanwhile we should overcome the accident which came unexpectedly and faced the fiercely pressure of competition. However, if we took insurance, that just like we sowed the beautiful flower of happiness which could bring us the harvest of fortune. She would open an umbrella for us before the cloudy and rainy coming to reduce the risk to us. Insurance is not the symbol of fortune but its safeguard. Buy the bills of insurance is not the consumption but the investment that could make your future better.My business knowledge had great improved by studying and training during a term, so I made a decision to myself that I must achieve brilliant achievements in this splendid industry. Work on the insurance must got the certificate about insurance agent which we should learn the basic law of insurance seriously and pass the examination. It’s a huge challenge and breakthrough to me because my major is English in my college times. I get up very early every morning then hurry to company and attend the training class for freshly to study the course seriously. When I back home every night I should revision the course seriously which I learnt during the day. Then I would fulfill the homework and sample examinations. When I come across the difficulty such as some professional words I would make a mark in the book and toask the teacher the next day. All the teachers explained to me patiently and take examples to make me understand deeply which make me had great progress.After that I attended a exam about the certificate about insurance agent which organized by the administration of insurance agent. I entered the exam room nervous in a hot summer for this time only could success and couldn’t be failing to me as it’s the conclusion of this period study. After two hours later, I got the excellent marks—90 to pass the exam, meanwhile, I got the certificate about insurance agent. The period of training is over. The manager arranged me to the Personal Insurance Department to exercise my market ability and got to the goal that combined the theory with practice. I visited the consumers with my charge everyday to found out their demands and how much they perceive the insurance during which I realized several basic processes that our company operation. That’s made me great mirror and promotion during my following work. I also learnt to invite some consumers to attend the product explaining meeting of our company. I combined what I had learnt with the imitation last several days showed the basically items to the consumers and explained patiently when they were understood a little that made the consumers very satisfied to me. However, not all of them recognized insurance for the first sight and invitation, even to sign bills in the first meeting. That need us to visit them more times, told them the knowledge and profit of the insurance. Everyday I worked hard to visit the consumers till list a bill totally by myself successful. In my opinion, that would be OK and I could take a breath, however, I never thought that consumer’s ID card would over date in two years. The consumer’s considered whether his profit could got easily in the future, he asked to changed his data information. Because the materials about him were handed on to the department concerned to check out by basic process of our company. In this circumstance, he should went to the Police government for I asked the cheeked guarantee department specially that they said he went to list a proof about his ID card wouldn’t use in two years. But he still couldn’t set his heart at rest and insisted on to changed the information materials which means that all of his billswould rewrite meanwhile all his materials should rechecked one by one. It brings me many troubles in my work.In our service industry we should make all our efforts to make consumers satisfied and think about them all the times. So I handle insurance procedure for him again, according to his mind, changed the beneficiary’s information which made him very satisfied with my service and he said “thanks a lot”to me. Heard this, I felt very excited though I was tired for the consumers’approved my work.I learnt that in service industry we should establish the consumer is first and think before customers were thinking, anxious before customers anxious, try our best to make the service better could win therespect ,understanding, trust and supporting. Thereby express the head effecting and the expansion of service work make the road extender and broader. In insurance is like this, so does others. Only experience the practical inthe society can people master the gnosis and enhance their abilities. That is to say, read a lot and make trip further. Through the contact with customers, I learnt the way how to get along with others, enhance the accomplishment, realized that before we are doing something should we get along with people quite well at first. Meanwhile, I learnt the life is not easy and work is hard. Only as busy as a bee is the truth and no one can successful in a haphazard fashion.The accident of BaiJing Bay caused civilian pay great attention on it, meanwhile it provide the companies of insurance great opportunity. Almost all of the news media reported the event, thus the leader of our company received the invitation from The First Time came to the scene of the accident and replied the journalists’report in which he gave a detail descriptions on the knowledge of family property’s insurance, then answered the questions that civilian misunderstands. By the survey of the civilian, we can know that most of them didn’t know the insurance at all; some of them even didn’t know the existing of this kind of insurance. Our company threw great promotion to propaganda by clerks of us, some of the citizens gradually have the conscience and demand to buy the insurance of family property in PICC. Some people lived in the strict that houses had damaged said that if they had known the accidentwould happened they should bought the insurance at first, but it’s late. Things do like this, no one will know the accident would happen. But when it happened, it was fried egg whites with black mushroom and ham to the one who bought the insurance. However, the accident to a family who didn’t buy the insurance were a huge burden just as add insult to injury. In this moment, the valuable of insurance is reflected totally.Through the experience of the internship in the insurance company, I enhanced in all directions and acquired great achievement. That gave me a basic experience to my work in the future. I am firmly confident that the road of my career would become broader and broader ensuring me a bright future.第二篇:商务英语毕业论文浅谈听说法在商务英语教学中的运用摘要:在经济全球化的进程中,我国与世界各国的经济合作越来越频繁,国际商务领域日益广泛,商务英语已成为重要的交流工具。


商务英语毕业论文范文With the rapid development of globalization, the importance of business English has been increasingly recognized. As a bridge for communication and cooperation between different countries and regions, business English plays a crucial role in international trade, finance, and management. Therefore, it is essential for business students to master business English skills in order to succeed in the global business environment.Firstly, business English proficiency is vital for effective communication in international business. In the era of economic globalization, many companies have expanded their business to the international market. In this context, the ability to communicate in business English becomes a basic requirement for employees. For example, when negotiating with foreign clients, it is necessary to use business English to discuss terms, conditions, and contracts. Without a good command of business English, misunderstandings and conflicts may arise, which could hinder the progress of business negotiations.Secondly, business English is essential for accessing and utilizing global business information. In today's digital age, most business information is presented in English. Whether it is market research reports, financial statements, or industry analysis, the ability to understand and analyze business information in English is crucial for making informed business decisions. Moreover, with the rise of e-commerce and online trading platforms, the ability to communicate and negotiate in English is essential for participating in global business activities.Furthermore, business English proficiency is important for career development and advancement. In many multinational companies, a high level of business English proficiency is a prerequisite for career advancement. For example, employees who can communicate effectively in English are often given opportunities for overseas assignments, which can broaden their international business experience and enhance their professional skills. Additionally, in today's competitive job market, candidates withstrong business English skills are more likely to stand out and succeed in job interviews and assessments.In conclusion, business English is an indispensable tool for success in the global business environment. It facilitates effective communication, access to global business information, and career development. Therefore, it is crucial for business students to prioritize the development of their business English skills in order to thrive in the international business arena. By mastering business English, students can enhance their competitiveness and seize opportunities in the global market.。

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附件20:广东外语外贸大学商务英语本科毕业(学位)论文( 20 届 )论文题目Promoting Dynamic Interplay between Study (英文) and Research in ELT Practice论文题目在英语教学中力求学习与研究的相互促进(中文)继教(公开)学院商务英语自考成绩 作者姓名 专 业 学院 班级 指导老师 完稿时间 准考证号A4纸打印,两端对齐,行间距1.25倍,左边距3厘米,右边距2.5厘米,上下边距2.5厘米。
Promoting Dynamic Interplay between Studyand Research in ELT PracticeWu BenhuAbstract: This paper first explores the significance of research in comparison to the other two sources of human knowledge (i.e. experience and reasoning) in the context of ELT practice in China. It then elaborates the four kinds of study: receptive study,productive study, critical study and creativestudy, and proposes a practice of ever-advancing integration of various types of study with different levels of depth of information processing. It finally discusses possible relationships between study and research and suggests research-based studyand study-oriented research as two potential approaches tomutual stimulation between study and research in ELT practice in China.Key words: study; research; English language teaching摘要: 本文首先结合中国英语教学实际探讨了研究在教学中的重大作用,指出它是人类知识三大来源中最重要的一项;然后阐述了学习的四个层次,即接受性学习、运用性学习、评析性学习和创造性学习,还提出英语学习的全过程应当是一个在学习层次上包容性不断提高的实践,即能够融汇越来越多高层次学习的过程;最后讨论了学习与研究间的关系,并提出了在英语教学中实现学习研究相互促进的两种途径,即以研究为基点的学习和以学习为前导的研究。
1. Introduction (82)2. Three sources of knowledge (82)2.1 Experience (82)2.2 Reasoning (83)2.3 Research (84)3. Four types of study (85)3.1 Receptive study (86)3.2 Productive study (86)3.3 Critical study (87)3.4 Creative study (87)4. Promoting dynamic interplay between study and research (88)4.1 Some possible ways of ELT practice concerning study and research (88)4.2 Two approaches to mutual stimulation between study and research in ELT (89)5. Conclusion (89)Works Cited (90)and Research in ELT PracticeGuangdong University of Foreign Studies 2001 XXX1. IntroductionStudy and research are two ofthe most confusing terms used ineducational settings because they can sometimes use quite interchangeably while on other occasions they may refer to something remarkably different. When we say, “We‟re doing a study into how much time middle sc hool students spend learning English”, we mean that we are doing research into this issue. However, in the sentence “After six years of study in school, he successfully entered Zhejiang University at the age of 17”, Nowadays, it is reasonably acceptable to say that students can not only study but also research. Researchers need to study in the course of research. To be teachers, they should do some research while continuing their study of what they are teaching in further education. In order to promote English language teaching (ELT) in schools and colleges in China, this paper will first discuss the role of research in the acquisition of knowledge, then examine the kinds of study, and finally explore the dynamic interaction between study and research in terms of educational theory and practice in ELT settings.2. Three sources of knowledgeResearch is one of the three major means for human beings to acquire knowledge of the environment including the natural world and our human society. The other two are “experience” and “reasoning”(Cohen and Manion 1). The role of research in the acquisition of human knowledge can hardly be understood fully without being studied in connection to that of experience and reasoning. For the purpose of achieving a better understanding of research, the role of experience and reasoning will beExperience is a kind of development of personal knowledge of the world. It isregarded as an individually accumulated body of knowledge (Cohen and Manion 1). In a problem-solving situation, people tend to resort to personal experience first. However, where solutions to problems clearly lie beyond this body of personal experience, it is often helpless to resort to personal experience.In the case of foreign language learning, the learner‟s native language often interferes with or facilitates the learning of the target language. This can be considered as a clear indication of the learner‟s reliance on the personal experience in his or her first language. It is arguable that the personal experience is by no means reliable although it is sometimes helpful because it cannot guarantee smooth progress and success in foreign language learning.As for English language teaching, our experience of English examinations can be resorted to when we help our students prepare for the college entrance examination of English. However, it is difficult for us to resort to our previous personal experience when we are facing the problem of how to motivate middle school students in communicative language teaching as many of them can hardly see any chance to communicate directly with native speakers of English.2.2 ReasoningReasoning is the act of forming conclusions, judgements or inferences by thinking in a logical manner. There are two basic types of reasoning: one is inductive reasoning and the other is deductive reasoning.Inductive reasoning begins with observations and evidence of empirical regularities or empirical relationships (Howard 8). This is a mental process from a number of specific cases to a general idea underlying them. When a learner of English comes across expressions such as “three books”, “many ships”, “two minutes”, he or she may form a hypothesis that “-s” is used to indicate the idea of “two or more”. It is not difficult to see that inductive reasoning in foreign language learning often leads to hypothesis formation.Deductive reasoning begins with basic beliefs, theories, assumptions, propositions, and so on, the validity of which is assumed and untested (Howard 8). This is a mental activity from a general idea to specific cases. In foreign language learning, if we learn a grammatical rule or a word-formation rule first, then we apply it to make a sentence or to coin a new word. For example, according to the English word-formation rule that the prefix “un-” and an adjective may combine to form another adjective with negative or opposite force in it: “un-” and “happy” go tog ether to form “unhappy” with the meaning of “not happy”.There is an obvious limitation in reasoning as an activity. According to Cohen and Manion, “it [reasoning] was no longer related to observation and experience and became merely a mental exercise” (3). That is to say, the credibility of reasoning, whether inductive or deductive, will be questionable once reasoning is not connected to the reality. Now consider the hypothesis that “-s” used with a countable noun indicates the idea of “two or more” again. As noted by Quirk and his co-authors, “unlike some languages where plural implies …two or more‟, English makes the division after …more than one‟: one half day, one day But: one and a half days, two days, one or two days” (297). Here, it is clear that reasoning itself cannot guarantee its self-correction. Similarly, the application of the word-formation rule in the previous paragraph cannot prevent learners from making unacceptable adjectives such as “*unhonest”, “*unactive”. When such errors occur, they are considered as cases of overgeneralization reflecting the limitation of inductive reasoning.Although reasoning has its weaknesses, its contributions to the human knowledge are enormous. As Cohen and Manion state, the role of reasoning in the acquisition of human knowledge is threefold: 1) the suggestion of hypotheses; 2) the logical development of these hypotheses; and 3) the clarification and interpretation of scientific findings and their synthesis into a conceptual framework (4). The implication of their remarks hints that reasoning not only directs but also constructs the development of human knowledge, including our knowledge of language and language learning and teaching.2.3 ResearchResearch can be defined from different perspectives. From the view of information processing, research refers to the process of obtaining and analysing information (Hitchcock and Hughes 5). Considering its design features, research “has been defined by Kerlinger as the systematic, controlled, empirical and critical investigation of hypothetical propositions about the presumed relations among natural phenomena (Cohen and Manion 4).Cohen and Manion elaborate the three advantages of research in comparison to experience and reasoning: First, research is systematic and controlled because its operations are based on reasoning whereas experience cannot be systematic and self-correcting because of its haphazard manner in dealing with a problem. Second, research is empirical because it resorts to experience for validation whereas reasoning is not empirical because of its subjective nature. Third, only research is self-corrective.This self-corrective functioning is guaranteed in two ways. On the one hand, the scientific method of research has built-in mechanisms to protect researchers from error. On the other hand, the researcher‟s procedures and results are open to public examination by fellow professionals (Cohen and Manion 4). (See Table 1)Cohen and Manion‟s elaboration reveals that research combines the strengths of both experience and reasoning while avoiding their weaknesses. Therefore, research can be regarded as the most powerful means to acquire new knowledge. It is beneficial for both teachers and students to integrate research into their study and teaching of English.Table 1. A Comparison between Experience, Reasoning and ResearchWhen we combine experience and reasoning through research, we can reflect on experience to form hypotheses through reasoning and, at the same time, obtain empirical evidence through experience to test and modify the hypotheses derived from reasoning. For example, when a learner first resorts to inductive reasoning to form the hypot hesis that “-s” indicates the idea of “two or more”. Later, the learner may happen to produce output such as “*one and a half hour” through deductive reasoning on the basis of the existing hypothesis and get the corrective feedback from the teacher. With such feedback as negative empirical evidence, he or she would modify the existing hypothesis to reach the conclusion that “English makes the division after …more than one‟” (Quirk et al. 297).3. Four types of studyIn a generally accepted sense, study refers to the mental activities in acquiring knowledge. According to The Random House Dictionary of the English Language, “study” means “application of the mind to the acquisition of knowledge, as by reading, investigation, or reflection” (“Study,” def. 1888). From this definition, we can identify two kinds of study: one is receptive study mainly through reading and the other is critical study through investigation or reflection.More types of study can be recognised when we make reference to different educ ational theoretical sources. “Productive study” is proposed here to develop the educational idea “Use what you have just read to learn what you have just read” (Biehler and Snowman 438). “Creative study” can be a potential direction ineducation when we ac cept Sternberg and Williams‟s advice “You can learn and teach creative thinking” and “develop creativity in yourself, in your students, and in your colleagues and staff members” (1).In this section, these ideas will be tentatively developed in the ELT context.3.1 Receptive studyReceptive study occurs when you receive information from the outside world. In the case of foreign language learning, successful receptive study is expected to be based on Krashen‟s “more comprehensible input” (39) and Ausubel‟s “meaningful reception learning” (Hohn 224). Here, meaningful communication is the key to success. In receptive study, you select and take in what is new and meaningful to you.3.2 Productive studyProductive study occurs when you use what you have learned. This is more demanding because it results from your recalling what you have learned. For example, if you want to retell a story in English, you have to memorise enough words and sentence patterns as well as the plot of the story. In receptive study, you may try some informed wise guesses with the help of the context of communication. However, guessing techniques are of little use in language production.In foreign language learning, there is a kind of special production for memorisation rather than for communication: it occurs when you recite a new text by repeating it again and again silently or aloud to yourself or when you write it for several times.Productive study can help learners consolidate the knowledge of the target language and develop fluency and accuracy. However, it is not very helpful for the development of learners‟ analytical skills and creative potentials if the learners are satisfied with such reproductive fluency and accuracy. In the classrooms of many middle schools, it is not difficult to see a student flip through the pages to find out the answer to the teacher‟s question and read it aloud.Table 2 Comparing the Components of Study Plans between Successful and Unsuccessful Learners of English (Adapted from 文秋芳58)3.3 Critical studyCritical study comes from your analysis of what you have learned. Your analysis is essentially characterised by critical thinking. As elaborated by Wood, critical thinking does not mean to criticise or find fault. It means “to use a variety of mental activities to acquire greater un derstanding and insight” and “these mental activities include asking why, making comparisons and contrasts, analyzing causes and effects, or looking for problems and solutions” (Wood 305). In a class of study skill training, the teacher presented the research findings as shown in Table 2 and then asked the students to use a pair of adjectives opposite in meaning to describe the major difference between the successful learners‟ study plans and those of unsuccessful learners. It was difficult for the students to indicate the difference with antonymous adjectives. So the teacher had to give one adjective to elicit the other from the students. This shows the demanding nature of critical thinking.3.4 Creative studyCreative study leads you from the stage of receiving and using knowledge to the stage of discovering new knowledge by research started from critical thinking. It is characterised by creative thinking, a combination of divergent thinking and convergent thinking.According to Encyclopaedia Britannica, divergent thinking is “an activity that leads to new information, or previously undiscovered solutions, rather than to a predetermined, correct solution” (“Divergent Thinking”). It is a kind of mental activity considering different perspectives and discovering the underlying implicit relationships between the factors involved. In foreign language learning, when the learner wants to find out the relationship between forms and function of the target language, he or she will be engaged in discovering how a linguistic form can be used to perform different communicative functions or how a communicative function can be performed with different linguistic forms.Convergent thinking is an activity which resorts to “one‟s abilities to assemble and organize information” and tries to reach “a defined goal in the achievement of an effective solution to a problem”by making use of “the components of one‟s past andpresent experience in organizing or directing one‟s response” (“Convergent Thinking”). In the case of using the target language, the learner may select the most appropriate linguistic means from his or her interlinguistic repertoire to perform a certain communication task such as organising his or her arguments in a challenging debate.Junior 1Junior 2Junior 3Senior 1Senior 2Senior 3College 1College 2Figure 1. The Ever-advancing Integration of Different Types of StudyIn the problem-solving situation, divergent thinking will result in new information and a number of previously undiscovered solutions. And subsequently, convergent thinking will play its role to analyze and synthesize such newly-acquired information in the context of the existing knowledge and work out one practical solution on the basis of the enriched or restructured knowledge system which integrates the new information with the previously existing knowledge base.Considering the foreign language learning experience as a developmental process, we can reasonably argue that this process is one of the ever-advancing integration of different types of study. (See Figure 1)4. Promoting dynamic interplay between study and research4.1 Some possible ways of ELT practice concerning study and researchBefore we propose the action of promoting dynamic interplay between study and research, we need first to consider three possible ways of ELT practice: 1) “study without research”, 2) “research without study”, and 3) “study plus research”. If our ELT practice is a kind of study without research, it will consequently prevent us from becoming efficient advanced learners and users of the target language. If it is one of research without study, it will subsequently prevent us from achieving greater progress or success in research. Only with an ELT practice in the mutual stimulationof study and research can we eventually become more efficient advanced learners of English and highly successful researchers in English language learning and teaching.4.2 Two approaches to mutual stimulation between study and research in ELTYou may start either with study or with research. Whatever you start with, you are expected to follow the principle “Do not forget research while studying and do not abandon study while doing research”. This principle suggests two approaches to mutual stimulation between study and research: one is research-based study and the other is study-oriented research.When you are engaged in research-based study, you are advised to take the following guidelines into consideration:(1) Go on independent thinking to find problems whenever you study.(2) Resort to critical thinking to analyse the problem wherever you have one.(3) Start creative thinking to solve the problem however difficult it is.When you are conducting study-oriented research, you will be benefited from the following tips:1) Return to study when you are not clear about some facts in research.2) Resume your study when you have no guiding principle in research.3) Further your study when you have accomplished your research project.5. ConclusionThe above discussion of study and research and the relationship between them is by no means comprehensive but it can serve our purpose to improve ELT practice as a point of departure. The idea of “promoting dynamic interplay between study and research” is one the author has cherished for a long time and let the in-service teachers of English share when they come to refresh themselves in their further education programmes. The purpose of this paper is to demystify the lofty term “research” and help our fellow teachers of English to integrate their study and teaching with research.89Works CitedBiehler, Robert F., and Jack Snowman. Psychology Applied to Teaching. 5th ed.Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1986.Cohen, Louis, and Lawrence Manion. Research Methods in Education. 4th ed.London: Routledge, 1994.“Divergent Thinking.” Encyclopaedia Britannica. 1996 ed. CD-ROM. Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica Inc., 1996.Hitchcock, Graham, and David Hughes. Research and the Teacher: A Qualitative Introduction to School-Based Research. 2nd ed. London: Routledge, 1995. Hohn, Robert L. Classroom Learning and Teaching. White Plains, NY: Longman, 1995.Howard, George S. Basic Research Methods in the Social Sciences. Glenview, Illinois: Scott, Foresman and Company, 1985.Krashen, Stephen D. “Application of psycholinguistic research to the classroom.” Ed.Long, Michael H., and Jack C. Richards. Methodology in TESOL: Book of Reading. New York: Newbury House, 1987. 33-44.Quirk, Randolph, et al. A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language. London: Longman, 1985.Sternberg, Robert J., and Wendy M. Williams. How to Develop Student Creativity.Alexandria, Virginia: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 1996.“Study.” The Random House Dictionary of the English Language. 2nd ed. New York: Random House, 1987.Wood, Nancy. V. Strategies for College Reading and Thinking. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1991.文秋芳. 英语学习策略论. 上海: 上海外语教育出版社, 1996.90。