






由于分子生物学方法的建立和发展,特别是16S rRNA寡核苷酸的序列分析,改变或修正了对细菌人为地传统分类的概念,进入了细菌系统发育和自然进化的研究阶段。


在确认了16S rRNA中标志性的寡核苷酸保守序列后,真细菌被划分为12个独特的类群。




16S rRNA寡核苷酸序列分析表明它们是生物总系统发育中一个重要的域,包括:产甲烷古生菌、极端嗜热S0代谢菌、极端嗜盐古生菌、无细胞壁的热原体和还原硫酸盐古生菌5个类群。

古生菌的发现为人们利用古生菌中的嗜热酶(例如:Taq、Pfu DNA聚合酶)、产甲烷辅酶及其他参与碳、氮物质代谢的酶类,进行分子生物学研究和进行酶法水解、酶法转化制取有用产品提供了丰富的微生物资源。






《分⼦⽣物学》期末试卷及答案(B)《分⼦⽣物学》期末试卷(B )、术语解释(20分,每题2 分)1、操纵⼦2、启动⼦3、信号肽4、顺式作⽤兀件5、转录因⼦6、基因表达7、有义链8、复制叉9、增强⼦ 10、转座⼦、选择题(20 分)1.真核与原核细胞蛋⽩质合成的相同点是()A.翻译与转录偶联进⾏B. 模板都是多顺反⼦C. 都需要GTPD. 甲酰蛋氨酸是第⼀个氨基酸2.下列有关Shine-Dalgarno 顺序(SD-顺序)的叙述中错误的是:()A. 在mRNA 分⼦的起始密码⼦上游 7-12个核苷酸处的顺序B. 在mRNA 分⼦通过SD 序列与核糖体⼤亚基的 16s rRNA 结合C. SD 序列与16s rRNA 3'端的⼀段富含嘧啶的序列互补D. SD 序列是mRNA 分⼦结合核糖体的序列 3. 原核⽣物中起始氨基酰-tRNA 是:() A.fMet-tRNA B.Met-tRNA C.Arg-tRNAD.leu-tRNA4. 下列有关TATA 盒(Hognessbox )的叙述,哪个是错误的:() A. 保守序列为TATAAT B. 它能和RNA 聚合酶紧密结合 C. 它参与形成开放转录起始复合体 D. 它和提供了 RNA 聚合酶全酶识别的信号5.⼀个mRNA 勺部分顺序和密码的编号是 140 141 142 143144 145 146CAG CUC UAU CGG UAG AAC UGA以此mRNA^模板,经翻译⽣成多肽链含有的氨基酸为:()A.141B.142C.143D.1446. 下列哪个是翻译延长所必需的(B )A 、 mRNAb 的密码⼦与tRNA 上的反密码⼦不⼀定严格配对B 、转肽酶C 、酯键D 磷酸化酶7. DNA 聚合酶III 的描述中哪条不对:() A. 需要四种三磷酸脱氧核苷酸作底物 B. 具有5'⼧3'外切酶活性 C. 具有5'⼧3'聚合活性D.是DNA 复制中链延长反应中的主导 DNA 聚合酶.天冬氨酸和天冬酰胺A :半衰期短B :存在多顺反⼦的形式C : 5'端有帽⼦结构D : 3 '端没有或只有较短的多聚A.结构14 .真核细胞中的 mRNA i ⼦结构是()A. 7-甲基鸟嘌呤核苷三磷酸B. 7-甲基尿嘧啶核苷三磷酸C. 7-甲基腺嘌呤核苷三磷酸D. 7-甲基胞嘧啶核苷三磷酸15 .下⾯哪⼀项是对三元转录复合物的正确描述()A. Z 因⼦、核⼼酶和双链 DNA 在启动⼦形成的复合物B. 全酶、模板DNA 和新⽣RNA 形成的复合物C. 三个全酶在转录起始点形成的复合物A.第⼀个(B )第⼆个(C )第⼆个(D )第⼀个与第⼆个三、选择填空(10分,每题0.5分)8.与mRNA 勺GCI 密码⼦对应的tRNA 的反密码⼦是:() 16.F 列哪组氨基酸只有⼀个密码⼦?(A.CGAB.IGCC.CIGD.CGI ?苏氨酸、⽢氨酸 9.组蛋⽩在⽣理pH 条件下的净电荷是:( .脯氨酸、精氨酸 A.正 B . 负 C. 中性 D. ⽆法确定 ?丝氨酸、亮氨酸 10 .转录需要的原料是 .⾊氨酸、甲硫氨酸 B. dNDP 17 .tRNA 分⼦上结合氨基酸的序列是(C. dNMP .CAA-3'D. NTP .CCA-3' 11. DNA 模板链为5 ' A. 5 '-GACTTA-3 ' D .ACA-3'B.5 '-CTGAAT-3 ' E .AAC-3'C. 5'-UAAGUC-3 ' 18 . 下列关于遗传密码的知识中错误的是()D. 5 '-CUGAAU-3 ' A . 20种氨基酸共有64个密码⼦:. D NA M 制和转录过程有许多相冋点,下列描述哪项是错误的?() B . 碱基缺失、插⼊可致框移突变.转录以 DNA ⼀条链为模板,⽽以DNA 两条链为模板进⾏复制 C . AUG 是起始密码,其转录产物是:() -ATTCAG-3 ' .AAC-3' C .⼀个氨基酸可有多达 6个密码⼦ D 12 A 在这两个过程中合成均为 5、-3、⽅向B. C. 复制的产物通常情况下⼤于转录的产物19 .F 列不是蛋⽩质⽣物合成中的终⽌密码是 D. 两过程均需RNA 引物(A ) UAA B.UAU C.UGA D.UAG13 . F ⾯那⼀项不属于原核⽣物 mRNA 勺特征( 20 .反密码⼦中哪个碱基对参与了密码⼦的简并性。

分子生物学考试复习资料 山东大学

分子生物学考试复习资料 山东大学


不同点:底物不同分别是dNTP和NTP ;酶不同分别是DNA聚合酶和RNA 聚合酶;模版不同,分别是整个染色体双链DNA和部分基因模板链转录;产物不同,分别是子代双链DNA和mtrRNA ;引物分别是需要和不需要;碱基配对分别是A=T,GC和A=UT=AGC2.转录的过程:模板DNA原料:NTP(ATP,GTP,CTP,UTP)酶:RNA聚合酶(RNA-pol)其它蛋白质因子:如ρ因子,转录因子(TF)等. A转录起始过程,RNA聚合酶全酶结合,DNA双链解开,在RNA聚合酶作用下发生第一次聚合反应,形成转录起始复合物b转录延长,伽马o亚基脱落,核心酶变构,与,模版结合松弛,沿着DNA模板前移在核心酶作用下,NTP不断聚合,RNA链不断延长,合成方向沿5-3进行c终止转录RNA聚合酶在DNA模板上停止前进,转录产物RNA链在转录复合物上脱落下来。

3.基因克隆的步骤:目的基因的获取;目的基因与载体的拼接,将重组体导入受体细胞,重组体筛选和鉴定,扩增和表达a获取,从基因组文库中制备,从CDNA 文库中制备,PCR扩增目的基因,人工合成目的基因b目的基因片段与适当的载体经限制性内切酶剪切后,再在DNA连接酶的催化下即可相互连接形成人工重组体,粘性末端连接,平端连接,同聚物加尾连接,人工头连接c氯化钙法,电穿孔法,脂质体转染法,显微注射法d遗传学法,分子杂交法,免疫化学筛选法,PCR筛选法e重组体的扩增与表达。






答:原核生物启动子:Pribnow box(-10序列):共同序列TATAAT,-4~-13bp之间。

决定转录的方向,是RNA pol的牢固结合位点,称为结合位点。

Sexfama box(-35序列):共同序列TTGACA,TTG十分保守,RNA pol全酶依靠σ因子的起始识别位点,也称识别位点。

真核生物启动子:TATA box:TATAAAA,两侧富含GC,位于-26~-34,-30左右,决定转录起始的选择。

CAAT box:GGC/TCAATCT,位于-75,-70~-80,开头两个G的重要性等于CAAT部分,非常保守,可能是真核生物RNA pol II的结合部位,决定转录起始的频率。

GC box:GGGCGG,位于-80~-110,GC区与sp1等转录因子结合,可提高转录起始的频率。

2.试比较原核生物和真核生物基因转录的差异①RNA pol的差别:原核生物只有一种DNA pol负责转录所有类型的RNA;而真核生物有三种RNA pol(RNA polⅠⅡⅢ),负责不同类型基因的转录,合成不同类型的RNA。











分子生物学试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. DNA分子的双螺旋结构是由谁提出的?A. 沃森和克里克B. 达尔文C. 孟德尔D. 摩尔根答案:A2. 以下哪个不是DNA聚合酶的功能?A. 合成DNA链B. 修复DNA损伤C. 催化RNA转录D. 校对新合成的DNA链答案:C3. 真核生物的mRNA帽子结构位于其5'端,其主要功能是什么?A. 促进翻译B. 保护mRNA不被降解C. 促进mRNA的剪接D. 促进mRNA的运输答案:B4. 以下哪种RNA分子在蛋白质合成中不直接参与?A. mRNAB. tRNAC. rRNAD. snRNA5. 基因表达调控中,转录因子的作用是什么?A. 提供转录所需的能量B. 识别并结合到特定的DNA序列上C. 催化DNA复制D. 促进DNA修复答案:B6. 以下哪种技术用于研究基因功能?A. PCRB. DNA测序C. 基因敲除D. DNA指纹分析答案:C7. 以下哪个不是DNA复制的特点?A. 半保留复制B. 需要引物C. 双向复制D. 需要逆转录酶答案:D8. 以下哪个不是RNA干扰(RNAi)的作用机制?A. 降解特定的mRNAB. 抑制基因表达C. 促进基因突变D. 沉默特定基因答案:C9. 以下哪个是真核生物中常见的非编码RNA?B. siRNAC. tRNAD. rRNA答案:A10. 以下哪个是原核生物和真核生物共有的基因表达调控机制?A. 转录后修饰B. 转录因子调控C. mRNA剪接D. 核糖体结合位点调控答案:B二、填空题(每空1分,共20分)1. DNA分子的基本组成单位是_______,而RNA分子的基本组成单位是_______。

答案:脱氧核苷酸;核糖核苷酸2. 在DNA复制过程中,_______酶负责解开双链DNA,而_______酶负责合成新的DNA链。

答案:解旋酶;DNA聚合酶3. 真核生物的基因表达调控主要发生在_______水平,而原核生物的基因表达调控主要发生在_______水平。


(12)RNAi:RNA干涉;是利用双链小RNA的高效、特异性降解细胞内同源mRAN; 从而阻断体内靶基因表达;使细胞出现靶基因缺失表型的方法。
(13)polymerase chain reaction (PCR):聚合酶链式反应;是体外酶促合成特异
DNA片段的一种方法;由高温变性(92~97C)、低温退火(45~55°C复性)及适温 延伸(72C、Taq酶)等几步反应组成一个周期;循环进行;使目的DNA得以迅速 扩增。
(14)Southern blot:DNA印迹杂交;指利用具有一定同源性的两条核酸单链在一 定的条件下;可按碱基互补的原则形成双链;此杂交过程是高度特异的。由于核 酸分子的高度特异性及检测方法的灵敏性;综合凝胶电泳和核酸内切限制酶分析 的结果;便可绘制出DNA分子的限制图谱;此即DNA印迹杂交。
Kozak sequenee存在于真核生物mRNA的一段序列;核糖体能够识别mRNA上的这段序列;并把它作为翻译起始位点。
(5)Operator:操纵基因;与一个或者一组结构基因相邻近;并且能够与一些特 异的阻遏蛋白相互作用;从而控制邻近的结构基因表达的基因。
Operon:操纵子;是指原核生物中由一个或多个相关基因以及转录翻译调控 元件组成的基因表达单元。包括操纵基因、结构基因、启动基因。














(2)Promoter:启动子,与基因表达启动有关的顺式作用元件,是结构基因的重要成分,它是位于转录起始位点5’端上游区大约100~200bp以内的具有独立功能的DNA序列,能活化RNA 聚合酶,使之与模板DNA准确地相结合并具有转录起始的特异性。

(3)ρ-independent termination不依赖ρ因子的终止,指在不依赖ρ因子的终止反应中,没有任何其他因子的参与,核心酶也能在某些位点终止转录。

(强终止子) (4)SD sequence:SD序列(核糖体小亚基识别位点),存在于原核生物起始密码AUG上游7~12个核苷酸处的一种4~7个核苷酸的保守片段,它与16SrRNA3’端反向互补,所以可以将mRNA的AUG起始密码子置于核糖体的适当位置以便起始翻译作用。

Kozak sequence:存在于真核生物mRNA的一段序列,核糖体能够识别mRNA上的这段序列,并把它作为翻译起始位点。






(7)cis-acting element:顺式作用元件,存在于基因旁侧序列中能影响基因表达的序列,包括启动子、增强子、调控序列和可诱导元件,本身不编码任何蛋白质,仅仅提供一个作用位点,与反式作用因子相互作用参与基因表达调控。


























7、获得微生物同步生长的方法主要有两类:① ______,如______等;② ______,如______等。











一、术语解释(20分,每题2分)1、操纵子2、增强子3、启动子4、内含子5、外显子6、顺式作用元件7、反式作用因子8、转录因子9、单顺反子mRNA 10、多顺反子mRNA二、选择题 (20分)1.指导合成蛋白质的结构基因大多数为: ( ) A.单考贝顺序 B.回文顺序 C.高度重复顺序 D.中度重复顺序2. 下列有关Shine-Dalgarno 顺序(SD-顺序)的叙述中错误的是: ( )A.在mRNA 分子的起始密码子上游7-12个核苷酸处的顺序B.在mRNA 分子通过SD 序列与核糖体大亚基的16s rRNA 结合C.SD 序列与16s rRNA 3'端的一段富含嘧啶的序列互补D. SD 序列是mRNA 分子结合核糖体的序列 3.原核生物中起始氨基酰-tRNA 是: ( ) A.fMet-tRNA B.Met-tRNA C.Arg-tRNA D.leu-tRNA4.下列有关TATA 盒(Hognessbox)的叙述,哪个是错误的: ( ) A. 保守序列为TATAAT B.它能和RNA 聚合酶紧密结合 C. 它参与形成开放转录起始复合体 D.它和提供了RNA 聚合酶全酶识别的信号 5. 一个mRNA 的部分顺序和密码的编号是 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 CAG CUC UAU CGG UAG AAC UGA以此mRNA为模板,经翻译生成多肽链含有的氨基酸为: ( )A.141B.142C.143D.1446. DNA双螺旋结构模型的描述中哪一条不正确:( )A.腺嘌呤的克分子数等于胸腺嘧啶的克分子数B.同种生物体不同组织中的DNA碱基组成极为相似C.DNA双螺旋中碱基对位于外侧D. 维持双螺旋稳定的主要因素是氢键和碱基堆集力。

7. DNA聚合酶III的描述中哪条不对:( )A.需要四种三磷酸脱氧核苷酸作底物B.具有5′→3′外切酶活性C. 具有5′→3′聚合活性D. 是DNA复制中链延长反应中的主导DNA聚合酶8.与mRNA的GCU密码子对应的tRNA的反密码子是: ( )A.CGAB.IGCC.CIGD.CGI9.组蛋白在生理pH条件下的净电荷是:()A. 正 B . 负 C. 中性 D. 无法确定10.转录需要的原料是( )A. dNTPB. dNDPC. dNMPD. NTP11.DNA模板链为 5’-ATTCAG-3 ’, 其转录产物是: ( )A. 5 ’ -GACTTA-3 ’B. 5 ’ -CTGAAT-3 ’C. 5 ’ -UAAGUC-3 ’D. 5 ’ -CUGAAU-3 ’12.DNA复制和转录过程有许多相同点,下列描述哪项是错误的? ( )A.转录以DNA一条链为模板,而以DNA两条链为模板进行复制B. 在这两个过程中合成均为5`-3`方向C. 复制的产物通常情况下大于转录的产物D. 两过程均需RNA引物13.下面那一项不属于原核生物mRNA的特征() A:半衰期短 B:存在多顺反子的形式C:5’端有帽子结构 D:3’端没有或只有较短的多聚A.结构14.真核细胞中的mRNA帽子结构是()A. 7-甲基鸟嘌呤核苷三磷酸B. 7-甲基尿嘧啶核苷三磷酸C. 7-甲基腺嘌呤核苷三磷酸D. 7-甲基胞嘧啶核苷三磷酸15.下面哪一项是对三元转录复合物的正确描述()A.σ因子、核心酶和双链DNA在启动子形成的复合物B.全酶、模板DNA和新生RNA形成的复合物C.三个全酶在转录起始点形成的复合物D.σ因子、核心酶和促旋酶形成的复合物16.下列哪组氨基酸只有一个密码子?() A.苏氨酸、甘氨酸B.脯氨酸、精氨酸C.丝氨酸、亮氨酸D.色氨酸、甲硫氨酸E.天冬氨酸和天冬酰胺17.tRNA分子上结合氨基酸的序列是()A.CAA-3′B.CCA-3′C.AAC-3′D.ACA-3′E.AAC-3′18.下列关于遗传密码的知识中错误的是() A.20种氨基酸共有64个密码子B.碱基缺失、插入可致框移突变C.AUG是起始密码D.一个氨基酸可有多达6个密码子19.下列不是蛋白质生物合成中的终止密码是( )。









山东大学 分子生物学 相关资料

山东大学 分子生物学 相关资料

Section A - Cells and macromolecules1.The glycosylation of secreted proteins takes place in the . . .A mitochondria.B peroxisomes.C endoplasmic reticulum.D nucleus.2.Which of the following is an example of a nucleoprotein?A keratin.B chromatin.C histone.D proteoglycan.3.Which of the following is not a polysaccharide?A chitin.B amylopectin.C glycosaminoglycan.D glycerol.4. Transmembrane proteinsA join two lipid bilayers together.B have intra- and extracellular domains.C are contained completely within the membrane.D are easily removed from the membrane.Section B - Protein structure1. Which of the following is an imino acid?A proline.B hydroxy lysine.C tryptophan.D histidine.2.Protein family members in different species that carry out the same biochemical role are described as . . .A paralogs.B structural analogs.C heterologs.D orthologs.3. Which of the following is not a protein secondary structure?A α-helix.B triple helix.C double helix.D ß-pleated sheet.4.In isoelectric focusing, proteins are separated .A in a pH gradient.B in a salt gradient.C in a density gradient.D in a temperature gradient.5.Edman degradation sequences peptides . . .A using a cDNA sequence.B according to their masses.C From the C-terminus to the N-terminus.D from the N-terminus to the C-terminus.Section C - properties of nucleic acids1.The sequence 5'-AGTCTGACT-3' in DNA is equivalent to which sequence in RNA?A 5'-AGUCUGUGACU -3'B 5' -UGTCTGUTC -3'C 5' -UCAGUCUGA-3'D 5'- AGUCAGACU-3'2. Which of the following correctly describes A-DNA?A a right-handed antiparallel double helix with 10 bp/turn and bases lying perpendicular tothe helix axis.B a left-handed antiparallel double-helix with 12 bp/turn formed from alternatingpyrimidine-purine sequences.C a right-handed antiparallel double helix with 11 bp/turn and bases tilted with respect to the helixaxis.D a globular structure formed by short intramolecular helices formed in a single-strand nucleicacid.3. Denaturation of double stranded DNA involves.A preakage into short double-stranded fragments.B separation into single strands.C hydrolysis of the DNA backbone.D cleavage of the bases from the sugar-phosphate backbone.4. Which has the highest absorption per unit mass at a wavelength of 260 nm?A double-stranded DNA.B mononucleotides.C RNA.D protein.5. Type I DNA topoisomeraes ...A change linking number by士2B require ATP.C break one strand of a DNA double helix.D are the target of antibacterial drugs.Section D - Prokaryotic and eukaryotic chromatin structure1.Which of the following is common to ·both E. coli and eukaryotic chromosomes?A the DNA is circular.B the DNA is packaged into nucleosomes.C the DNA is contained in the nucleus.D the DNA is negatively supercoiled.2.A compl of 166 bp of DNA with the histone octamer plus histone HI is known as a . . .A nucleosome core.B solenoid.C 30 nm fiber.D chromatosome.3.In what region of the interphase chromosome does transcription take place?A the telomere.B the centromere.C euchromatin.D heterochromatin.4.Which statement about CpG islands and methylation is not true?A CpG islands are particularly resistant to DNase I.B CpG methylation is responsible for the mutation of CpG to TpG in eukaryotes.C CpG islands occur around the promoters of active genes.D CpG methylation is associated with inactive chromatin.5.Which of the following is an example of highly-repetitive DNA?A Alu element.B histone gene cluster.C DNA minisatellites.D dispersed repetitive DNA.Section E - DNA replication1.The number of replicons in a typical mammalian cell is . . .A 40-200.B 400.C 1000-2000.D 50000-100000.2. In prokaryotes,the lagging strand primers are removed by . . .A 3' to 5' exonuclease.B DNA ligase.C DNA polymerase I.D DNA polymerase III.3. The essential initiator protein at the E. coli origin of replication is . . .A DnaA.B DnaB.C DnaC.D DnaE.4. Which phase would a cell enter if it was starved of mitogens before the R point?A G1.B S.C G2.D G0.5. Which one of the following statements is true?A once the cell has passed the R point, cell division is inevitable.B the phosphorylation of Rb by a G1 cyclin-CDK complex is a critical requirement for entry into Sphase .C phosphorylation of E2F by a G1 cyclin-CDK complex is a critical requirement for entry into S phase.D cyclin D1 and INK4 p16 are tumor suppressor proteins.6. In eukaryotes, euchromatin replicates predominantly...A in early S-phase.B in mid S-phase.C in late S-phase.D in G2-phase.7. Prokaryotic plasmids can replicate in yeast cells if they contain a cloned yeast. . .A ORC.B CDK.C ARS.D RNA.Section F - DNA damage, repair and recombination1. Per nucleotide incorporated, the spontaneous mutation frequency in E. coli is . . .A 1 in 106.B 1 in 108.C 1 in 109.D 1 in 1010.2. The action of hydroxyl radicals on DNA generates a significant amount of . . .A pyrimidine dimmers.B 8-oxoguanine.C O6- methylguanine.D 7-hydroxymethylguanine.3. In methyl-directed mismatch repair in E. coli, the daughter strand containing the mismatchedbase is nicked by . . .A MutH endonuclease.B UvrABC endonuclease.C AP endonuclease.D3' to 5' exonuclease.4. Illegitimate recombination is another name for . . .A site-specific recombination.B transposition.C homologous recombination.D translesion DNA synthesis.5. The excision repair of UV-induced DNA damage is defective in individuals suffering from ...A hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer.B Crohn's disease.C classical xeroderma pigmentosum.D xeroderma pigmentosum variant.Section G - Gene manipulation1.The presence of a plasmid in a bacterial culture is usually determined by . . .A blue-white screening.B growth in the presence of an antibiotic.C a restriction enzyme digest.D agarose gel electrophoresis.2.The enzyme alkaline phosphatase. . .A the take-up of a plasmid into a bacterium.B the expression of a gene in a bacterium.C the take-up of a bacteriophage into a bacterium.D the isolation of a plasmid from a bacterium.3.Transformation is . . .A the take-up of a plasmid into a bacterium.B the expression of a gene in a bacterium.、C the take-up of a bacteriophage into a bacterium.D the isolation of a plasmid from a bacterium.4. T4 DNA ligase . . .A requires ATP.B joins double-stranded DNA fragments with an adjacent 3'-phosphate and 5'-OH.C requires NADH.D joins single-stranded DNA.5. In agarose gel electrophoresis . . .A DNA migrates towards the negative electrode.B supercoiled plamids migrate slower than their nicked counterparts.C larger molecules migrate faster than smaller molecules.D ethidium bromide can be used to visualize the DNA.Section H - Cloning vectors1. Blue-white selection is used. . .A to test for the presence of a plasmid in bacteria.B to reveal the identity of a cloned DNA fragment.C to express the product of a cloned gene.D to test for the presence of a cloned insert in a plasmid.2. A multiple cloning site . . .A contains many copies of a cloned gene.B allows flexibility in the choice of restriction enzymes for cloning.C allows flexibility in the choice of organism for cloning.D contains many copies of the same restriction enzyme site.3. Infection of E. coli by bacteriophage λis normally detected by . . .A resistance of the bacteria to an antibiotic.B the growth of single bacterial colonies on an agar plate.C the appearance of areas of lysed bacteria on an agar plate.D restriction digest of the bacterial DNA.4.Which vector would be most appropriate for cloning a 150 kb fragment of DNA?A a plasmid.B a λvector.C a BAC.D a YAC.5.Which vector would you chqose to express a foreign gene in a plant?A a baculovirus vector.B a retroviral vector.C a Yep vector.D a T-DNA vector.Section I - Gene libraries and screening1.Which two of the following statements about genomic libraries are false?A genomic libraries are made from cDNA.B genomic libraries must be representative if they are to contain all the genes in an organism.C genomic libraries must contain a minimum number of recombinants if they are to contain all thegenes In an orgamsm.D the DNA must be fragmented to an appropriate size for the vector that is used.E genomic libraries made from eukaryotic DNA usually use plasmid vectors.2.Which statement correctly describes sequential steps in cDNA cloning?A reverse transcription of Mrna second strand synthesis cDNA end modification ligation to vector.B mRNA preparation cDNA synthesis using reverse transcriptase second strand synthesis usingterminal transferase, ligation to vector.C mRNA synthesis using RNA polymerase reverse transcription of mRNA, second strand synthesis,ligation to vector.D double stranded cDNA synthesis restriction enzyme digestion addition of linkers ligation to vector.3. Which one of the following is not a valid method of screening a library?A hybridization of colony / plaque-lifted DNA using a nucleic acid probe.B using antibodies raised against the protein of interest to screen an expression library.C screening pools of clones from an expression library for biological activity.D hybridization of colony/plaque-lifted DNA using an antibody probe.Section J - Analysis and uses of cloned DNA1. A linear DNA fragment is (100%) labeled at one end and has 3 restriction sites for EcoRI. If it ispartially digested by EcoRI so that all possible fragments are produced how many of these fragments will be labeled and how many will not be labeled?A 4 labeled; 6 unlabeled.B 4 labeled; 4 unlabeled.C 3 labeled: 5 unlabeled.D 3 labeled; 3 unlabeled.2.Which of the following are valid methods of labeling duplex DNA?A 5'-end labeling with polynucleotide kinase.B 3'-end labeling with polynucleotide kinase.C 3'-end labeling with terminal transferase.D 5'-end labeling with terminal transferase.E nick translation.3.Which one of the following statements about nucleic acid sequencing is correct?A the Sanger method of DNA sequencing involves base specific cleavages using piperidine.B the Maxam and Gilbert method of DNA sequencing uses a DNA polymerase and chain terminatingdideoxynucleotides.C enzymatic sequencing of RNA uses RNases A, T1, Phy M and B. cereus RNase.D enzymatic sequencing of DNA uses a primer which is extended by an RNA polymerase.E enzymatic sequencing of RNA uses RNases T1, U2, Phy M and B. cereus RNase.4.Which one of the following statements about peR is false?A the PCR cycle involves denaturation of the template,annealing of the primers and polymerizationof nucleotides.B PCR uses thermostable DNA polymerases.C ideally PCR primers should be of similar length and G+C content.D PCR optimization usually includes varying the magnesium concentration and the polymerizationtemperature.E if PCR was 100% efficient, one target molecule would amplify to 2n after n cycles.5.Which two of the following statements about gene mapping techniques are true?A S1 nuclease mapping determines the nontranscribed regions of a gene.B primer extension determines the 3'-end of a transcript.C gel retardation can show whether proteins can bind to and retard the migration of a DNA fragmentthrough an agarose gel.D DNase I footprinting determines where on a DNA fragment a protein binds.E the function of DNA sequences in the promoter of a gene can be determined if they are ligateddownstream of a reporter gene and then assayed for expression.6. Which one of these statements about mutagenesis techniques is false?A exonuclease III removes one strand of DNA in a 5' to 3' direction from a recessed 5'-end.B exonuclease III removes one strand of DNA in a 3' to 5' direction from a recessed 3'-end.C mutagenic primers can be used in PCR to introduce base changes.D mutagenic primers can be used with a single stranded template and DNA polymerase to introducebase changes.E deletion mutants can be created using restriction enzymes.7. Which one of these statements about the applications of gene cloning is false?A large amounts of recombinant protein can be produced by gene cloning.B DNA fingerprinting is used to detect proteins bound to DNA.C cloned genes can be used to detect carriers of disease-causing genes.D gene therapy attempts to correct a disorder by delivering a good copy of a gene to a patient.E genetically modified organisms have been used to produce clinically important proteins. Section K - Transcription in prokaryotes1. Which two of the following statements about transcription are correct?A RNA synthesis occurs in the 3' to 5' direction.B the RNA polymerase enzyme moves along the sense strand of the DNA in a 5' to 3' direction.C the RNA polymerase enzyme moves along the template strand of the DNA in a 5' to 3' direction.D the transcribed RNA is complementary to the template strand.E the RNA polymerase adds ribonucleotides to the 5' end of the growing RNA chain.F the RNA polymerase adds deoxyribonucleotides to the 3' end of the growing RNA chain.2. Which one of the following statements about E. coli RNA polymerase is false?A the holoenzyme includes the sigma factor.B the core enzyme includes the sigma factor.C it requires Mg2+ for its activity.D it requires Zn2+ for its activity.3. Which one of the following statements is incorrect?A there are two α subunits in the E. coli RNA polymerase.B there is one β subunit in the E. coli RNA polymerase.C E. coli has one sigma factor.D the βsubunit of E. coli RNA polymerase is inhibited by rifampicin.E the streptolydigins inhibit transcription elongation.F heparin is a polyanion, which binds to the β’subunit.4. Which one of the following statements about transcription in E. coli is true?A the -10 sequence is always exactly 10 bp upstream from the transcription start site.B the initiating nucleotide is always a G.C the intervening sequence between the -35 and -10 sequences is conserved.D the sequence of the DNA after the site of transcription initiation is not important for transcriptionefficiency.E the distance between the -35 and -10 sequences is critical for transcription efficiency.5. Which one of the following statements about transcription in E. coli is true?A loose binding of the RNA polymerase core enzyme to DNA is non-specific and unstable.B sigma factor dramatically increases the relative affinity of the enzyme for correct promoter sites.C almost all RNA start sites consist of a purine residue, with A being more common than G.D all promoters are inhibited by negative supercoiling.E terminators are often A-U hairpin structures.Section L - Regulation of transcription in prokaryotes1. Which two of the following statements are correct?A the double stranded DNA sequence that has the upper strand sequence 5'-GGATCGATCC-3' is apalindrome.B the double stranded DNA sequence that has the upper strand sequence 5'-GGATCCTAGG-3' isapalindrome.C the Lac repressor inhibits binding of the polymerase to the lac promoter.D the lac operon is directly induced by lactose.E binding of Lac repressor to allolactose reduces its affinity for the lac operator.F IPTG is a natural inducer of the lac promoter.2. Which one of the following statements about catabolite-regulated operons is false?A cAMP receptor protein (CRP) and catabolite activator protein (CAP) are different names for thesame protein.B when glucose is present in the cell cAMP levels fall.C CRP binds to cAMP and as a result activates transcription.D CRP binds to DNA in the absence of cAMP.E CRP can bend DNA, resulting in activation of transcription.3. Which one of the following statements about the trp operon is true?A the RNA product of the trp operon is very stable.B the Trp repressor is a product of the trp operon.C the Trp repressor,like the Lac repressor, is a tetramer of identical subunits.D the Trp repressor binds to tryptophan.E tryptophan activates expression from the trp operon.F the trp operon is only regulated by the Trp represso4. Which two of the following statements about attenuation at the trp operon are true?A attenuation is rho-dependent.B deletion of the attenuator sequence results in an increase in both basal and activated levels oftran- scription from th~ trp promoter.C the attenuator lies upstream of the trp operator sequence.D attenuation does not require tight coupling between transcription and translation.E pausing of a ribosome at two tryptophan codons in the leader peptide when tryptophan is inshort supply causes attenuation.F a hairpin structure called the pnti-terminator stops formation of the terminator hairpin, resultingin transcriptional read-through into the trpE gene, when tryptophan is scarce.5. Which two of the following statements about sigma factors are false?A the E. coli RNA polymerase core enzyme cannot start transcription from promoters in the absenceof a sigma factor subunit.B different sigma factors may recognize different sets of promoters.C sigma factors recognize both the -10 and -35 promoter elements.D heat shock promoters in E. coli have different -35 and -10 sequences and bind to a diverse set of17 heat shock sigma factors.E sporulation in B. subtilis is regulated by a diverse set of sigma factors.F bacteriophage T7 expresses its own set of sigma factors as an alternative to encoding its own RNApolymerase.Section M - Transcription in eukaryotes1. Which one of the following statements about eukaryotic RNA polymerases I, II and III is false?A RNA Pol II is very sensitive toα-amanitin.B RNA Pol II is located in th~ nucleoplasm.C RNA Pol III transcribes th~ genes for tRNA.D eukaryotic cells contain other RNA polymerases in addition to RNA Pol I, RNA Pol II and RNA PolIII.E each RNA polymerase contains subunits with homology to subunits of the E. coli RNA polymeraseas well as additional subunits,which are unique to each polymerase.F the carboxyl end of RNA Pol II contains a short sequence of only seven amino acids which is calledthe carboxyl-terminal domain (CTD) and which may be phosphorylated.2. Which two of the following statements about RNA Pol I genes are true?A RNA Pol I transcribes the genes for ribosomal RNAs.B human cells contain 40 clusters of five copies of the rRNA gene.C the 185, 5.85 and 285 rRNAs are synthesized as separate transcripts.D RNA Pol I transcription occurs in the nucleoplasm.E RNA Pol I transcription occurs in the cytoplasm.F rRNA gene clusters are known as nucleolar organizer regions.3. Which one of the following statements about RNA Pol I transcription is false?A in RNA Pol I promoters the core element is 1000 bases downstream from the upstream controlelement (UCE).B upstream binding factor (UBF) binds to both the UCE and the upstream part of the core elementof the RNA Pol I promoter.C selectivity factor SLl stabilizes the UBF-DNA complex.D SL1 contains several subunits including the TATA-binding protein TBP.E in Acanthamoeba there is a single control element in rRNA gene promoters.4. Which two of the following statements about RNA Pol III genes are true?A the transcriptional control regions of tRNA genes lie upstream of the start of transcription.B highly conserved sequences in tRNA gene coding regions are also promoter sequences.C TFIIIC contains TBP as one of its subunits.D TFIIIB is a sequence specific transcription factor on its own.E in humans 5S rRNA genes are arranged in a single cluster of 2000 copies.5. Which one of the following statements is true?A RNA Pol II only transcribes protein-coding genes.B the TATA box has a role in transcription efficiency but not in positioning the start of transcriphon.C TBP binds to the TAT A box.D Enhancers typically lie 100-200 bp upstream from the start of transcription.6. Which one of the following statements about general transcription factors is false?A TFIID binds to the T ATA box.B TFIID is a multi protein complex consisting of TBP and TAF II s.C TBP is a common factor in transcription by RNA Pol I, RNA Pol II and RNA Pol III.D TFIIB stabilizes the TFIID-DNA complex.E TFIIE, TFIIH and TFIIJ associate with the transcription complex after RNA polymerase binding.F TFIIH phosphorylates the CTD.Section N - Regulation of transcription in eukaryotes1. Which two of the following statements about transcription factors are true?A the helix-turn-helix domain is a transcriptional activation domain.B dimerization of transcription factors occurs through the basic domain.C leucine zippers bind to DNA.D it is often possible to get functional transcription factors when DNA binding domains and acti-vation domains from separate transcription factors are fused together.E the same domain of a transcription factor can act both as a repressor and as an activationdomain.2.Which two of the following statements about transcriptional regulation are false?A SP1 contains two adivation domains.B steroid hormones regulate transcription through binding to cell surface receptors.C phosphorylation of Stat1α leads to its migration from the cytoplasm to the nucleus.D HIV Tat regulates RNA Pol II phosphorylation and processivity.E the MyoD protein can form heterodimers with a set of other HLH transcription factors.F the homeobox is a conserved DNA binding domain.Section 0 - RNA processing and RNPs1. Which of the following terms correctly describe parts of the E. coli large (50S) subunit?A stalk central protuberance valley and cleft.B upper third lower third valley and stalk.C cleft valley stalk and small protuberance.D stalk polypeptide exit site valley and central protuberance.2. Which ribonucleases are involved in producing mature tRNA in E. coli?A RNases A, D, E and F.B RNases D, E, F and H.C RNases D, E, F and P.D RNases A, D, H and P.3. Most eukaryotic pre-mRNAs are matured by which of the following modifications to their ends?A capping at the 3’-end cleavage and polyadenylation at the 5'-end.B addition of a GMP to the 5'-end,cleavage and polyadenylation to create the 3'-end.C addition of a guanine residue to the 5'-end cleavage and polyadenylation to create the 3'-end.D addition of a GMP to the 5'-end,polyadenylation,then cleavage to create the 3'-end.4. Which one of the following statements correctly describes the splicing process undergone bymost eukaryotic pre-mRNAs?A in a two-step reaction, the spliceosome removes the exon as a lariat and joins the two intronstogether.B splicing requires conserved sequences which are the 5ιsplice site,the 3' -splice site thebranch-point and the polypurine tract.C the U1 snRNP initially binds to the 5'-splice site,U2 to the branchpoint sequence and then thetri-snRNP, U4, US and U6 can bind.D in the first step of splicing the G at the 3'-end of the intron is joined to the 2’-hydroxyl group ofthe A residue of the branchpoint sequence to create a lariat.Section P - The genetic code and tRNA1. Which of the following list of features correctly apply to the genetic code?A triplet degenerate nearly universal, comma-less, nonoverlapping.B triplet universal comma-less, degenerate, nonoverlapping.C overlapping, triplet, comma-less, degenerate nearly universal.D overlapping comma-less nondegenerate nearly universal triplet.2. Which of the following statements about tRNAs is false?A most tRNAs are about 76 residues long and have CCA as residues 74, 75 and 76.B many tRNAs contain the modified nucleosides pseudouridine dihydrouridine ribothymidine andmosme.C tRNAs have a common L-shaped tertiary structure with three nucleotides at one end able to basepair with an anticodon on a messenger RNA molecule.D tRNAs have a common cloverleaf secondary structure containing three single stranded loopscalled the D-, T- and anticodon loops.3.Which three statements are true? The aminoacyl tRNA synthetase reaction...A joins AMP to the 3’-end of the tRNA.B is a two step reaction.C joins any amino acid to the 2'- or 3' -hydroxyl of the ribose of residue A76.D is highly specific because the synthetases use identity elements in the tRNAs to distinguishbetween them.E joins AMP to the amino acid to produce an intermediate.F releases PPi in the second step.Section Q - Protein synthesis1. Which statement about the codon-anticodon interaction is false?A it is antiparallel and can include nonstandard base pairs.B inosine in the 5' -anticodon position can pair with A,C or U in the 3'-codon positionC inosine in the 3’-anticodon position can pair with A, C or U in the 5’-codon position.D A is never found in the 5'-anticodon position as it is modified by anticodon deaminase.2.Which one of the following statements correctly describes initiation of protein synthesis in E.coli?A the initiator tRNA binds to the Shine-Dalgarno sequence.B three initiation factors are involved and IF2 binds to GTP.C the intermediate containing IF1, IF2, IF3, initiator tRNA and mRNA is called the 30S initiationcomplex.D binding of the 50S subunit releases IF1, IF2, GMP and PPi.E the initiation process is complete when the 70S initiation complex is formed which contains theinitiator tRNA in the A site of the ribosome and an empty P site.3.Which statement about elongation of protein synthesis in prokaryotes is false?A elongation can be divided into three steps: peptidyl-tRNA delivery peptide bond formation andtranslocation.B the peptidyl transferase center of the large ribosomal subunit is responsible for peptide bond for-mation.C in the EF-Tu-Ts exchange cycle EF-Tu-GTP is regenerated by EF-Ts displacing GDP.D EF-G is also known as translocase and uses GTP in its reaction.4.E. coli release factor 1 (RF1) recognizes which codons?A UAA only.B UAG only.C UGA only.D UGA and UAA.E UAG and UAA.F UAG and UGA.5.Which two of the following statements about initiation of eukaryotic protein synthesis are true?A eukaryotes use a mRNA scanning method to locate the correct start codon.B there are at least nine eukaryotic initiation factors (eIFs).C eukaryotic initiation uses N-formylmethionine.D the 80S initiation complex completes the initiation process and contains the initiator tRNA base-paired to the start codon in the A site.E ATP is hydrolysed to AMP and PPi during the scanning process.F the initiator tRNA binds after the mRNA has bound to the small subunit.6.Which of the following protein synthesis factors are not equivalent pairs in prokaryotes and eukaryotes?A EF-G; eEF2.B EF-Tu; eEF1α.C RF1 and RF3; eRF.D EF-Ts; eEFαβ7.Which statement about post-translational events is false?A some mRNAs encode polyproteins.B protein targeting involves signal sequences in the nascent polypeptides.C signal peptidase removes one or two amino acids from the amino terminus of some proteins.D proteins can be modified by acetylation phosphorylation and glycosylation.Section R - Bacteriophages and eukaryotic viruses1. Which one of the following statements about viruses is false?A viruses can only replicate in a host cell.B some viral envelopes contain host cell proteins.C viral genomes may be double stranded or single stranded DNA or RNA.D replication-defective viruses may be replicated through complementation.E all viruses are dependent on the host cell replication and transcription machinery.F some viruses use disease symptoms to aid their transmission between hosts.2.Which one of the following statements about M13 bacteriophage is true?A bacterophage M13 has a double stranded DNA genome.B the M13 phage particle enters the E. coli host cell following binding to the sex pili.C multiple copies of the M13 replicative form (RF) are produced by normal double stranded DNAreplication using RNA priming.D M13 phage particles are released by cell lysis.F there is a highly variable amount of DNA in different M13 phage particles.3.Which three of the following statements abo ut bacteriophage λ are true?A the bacteriophage λ has a double stranded DNA genome.B λ phage particles bind to receptors on the E. coli outer membrane and inject the viral DNA into。



《分子生物学》考试试题B课程号:66000360 考试方式:闭卷考试时间:一、名词解释(共10题,每题2分,共20分)1. SD 序列2. 重叠基因3.ρ因子4.hnRNA5. 冈崎片段、6. 复制叉(replication fork)7. 反密码子(anticodon):8. 同功tRNA9. 模板链(template strand)10. 抑癌基因二、填空题(共20空,每空1分,共20分)1.原核基因启动子上游有三个短的保守序列,它们分别为____和__区.2.复合转座子有三个主要的结构域分别为______、______、________。


4.生物界共有___个密码子,其中__ 个为氨基酸编码,起始密码子为__ _______;终止密码子为_______、__________、____________。

5. DNA生物合成的方向是_______,冈奇片段合成方向是_______。




( )2.在DNA生物合成中,半保留复制与半不连续复制指相同概念。

( )3.大肠杆菌核糖体大亚基必须在小亚基存在时才能与mRNA结合。

( )4.密码子在mRNA上的阅读方向为5’→ 3’。

( )5.DNA复制时,前导链的合成方向为5’→ 3’,后随链的合成方向也是5’→ 3’。










③C值:真核生物单倍体基因组所包含的全部DNA含量称为该生物的C 值。

用皮克表示(1pg=10-12g, 属于质量单位)④C值矛盾(C值悖理):C值矛盾指真核生物中DNA含量的反常现象。







-35区(Sextama box),是σ因子识别的重要部位,突变降低了RNA聚合酶的结合速率。










3.CAP:环腺苷酸(cAMP)受体蛋白CRP(cAMP receptor protein ),cAMP与CRP结合后所形成的复合物称激活蛋白CAP(cAMP activated protein )4.回文序列:DNA片段上的一段所具有的反向互补序列,常是限制性酶切位点。








11.上游启动子元件:是指对启动子的活性起到一种调节作用的DNA序列,-10区的TATA、-35区的TGACA 及增强子,弱化子等。









A.染色体DNAB.cDNAC.质粒DNA和病毒DNA (噬菌体DNA)D.线粒体DNA和叶绿体DNA3.下列哪些项属于原核生物操纵子的结构()。



()2.用Hin d III单酶切,载体用磷酸酯酶脱去磷酸,可有效提高重组率。






分子生物学章节习题第一章核酸的结构与功能一、选择题1.不参与构成DNA的物质是A.dAMPB.dTMPC.dUMPD.dGMPE.dCMP2.核酸分子一级结构的连接方式是A.2′,3′-磷酸二酯键B.3′,5′-磷酸二酯键C.2′,5′-磷酸二酯键D.糖苷键E.氢键3.含有较多稀有碱基的核酸是A.rRNAB.mRNAC.tRNAD.核仁DNAE.线粒体DNA4.已知某双链DNA的一条链中A=30% G=24%,其互补链的碱基组成,正确的是A.T和C 46%B.A和T 46%C.A和G 54%D.T和G 46%E.T和C 54%5.作为第二信使的核苷酸是A.cAMPB.cCMPC.cUMPD.cTMPE.AMP6.核酸分子中储存、传递遗传信息的关键部分是A.戊糖构象B.碱基的旋转角C.碱基序列D.戊糖磷酸骨架E.磷酸二酯键7.用寡聚dT从总RNA中分离mRNA,是利用mRNA分子的哪一种特点A.5′端的帽子结构B.沉降系数小于25SC.分子量小D.3′端多聚AE.分子中有发夹样结构8.构成核小体的基本成分是A.RNA和组蛋白B.RNA和酸性蛋白C.DNA和组蛋白D.DNA和酸性蛋白E.rRNA和组蛋白9.参与hnRNA的剪切和转运的RNA是A.SnRNAB.mRNAC.HnRNAD.tRNAE.rRNA10.不是核酸与蛋白质复合物的是A.核糖体B.病毒C.端粒酶D.核酶E.端粒11.连接两个核小体核心颗粒的组蛋白是A.H1B.H2AC.H2BD.H3E.H412. NAD+、FAD、CoA三种辅酶在组成上的共同点是A.均含有泛酸B.均含有尼克酸C.都是腺苷酸的衍生物D.分子中都含有半胱氨酸E.都含有磷酸核糖焦磷酸的核糖基13. 下列碱基对中,氢键数目正确的是A.A=T G=CB.A=T G≡CC.A≡T G≡CD.A≡T G=CE.A≡U G≡C14. 关于核酸电泳的叙述,错误的是A.泳动速度与分子大小有关B.泳动速度与分子构象有关C.聚丙烯酰胺电泳的分辨率最高D.分子泳动的方向与净电荷有关E.不能分离核酸或寡核苷酸混合物15. 核酸在260nm处有最大光吸收的原因是A.嘌呤环有共轭双键B.嘌呤和嘧啶环均有共轭双键C.核酸中具有磷酸二酯键D.核苷酸中具有N-糖苷键E.戊糖的呋喃型环状结构16. 关于RNA的叙述,正确的是A.电泳时泳向负极B.通常以双链形式存在C.主要有mRNA、tRNA、rRNA三种D.tRNA含量最多E.链内双螺旋以A-T、G-C互补17.维持DNA双螺旋横向稳定的力是A.碱基堆积力B.碱基对之间的氢键C.双螺旋内的疏水作用D.磷酸二酯键E.二硫键18. DNA的二级结构是A.α-螺旋B.β-片层C.β-转角D.超螺旋E.双螺旋19. 合成DNA的原料是A.NTPB.NDPC.dNTPD.dNMPE.dNDP20. 可与单链DNA 5'-GCGTA-3'杂交的RNA是A.5'-CGCAU-3'B.5'-CGCUU-3'C.5'-UACGC-3'D.5'-AUCGC-3'E.5'-UAGGC-3'二、名词解释1. DNA的变性与复性(denaturation and renaturation of DNA)2.核酸分子杂交(hybridization of nucleic acids)3.增色效应与减色效应(hyperchromic effect and hypochromic effect)4.Tm三、问答题1.简述Watson-Crick DNA双螺旋结构模型的要点。

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二、核酸的一级结构基本要点:1.DNA和RNA的一级结构四种核苷酸或脱氧核苷酸按照一定的排列顺序以3’,5’磷酸二酯键(phosphodiester linkage)相连形成的多聚核苷酸链或脱氧核苷酸(polydeoxynucleotides), 称为核苷酸序列(也称为碱基序列)。



2.RNA与DNA的差别戊糖成分是核糖不是脱氧核糖; 嘧啶为胞嘧啶和尿嘧啶而不含有胸腺嘧啶, U代替了DNA的T。














DNA双螺旋分子存在一个大沟(major groove)和一个小沟(minor groove),目前认为这些沟状结构与蛋白质和DNA间的识别有关。


2.DNA结构的多样性B-DNA(Watson-Crick模型结构)Z-DNA A-DNA3.DNA的超螺旋结构DNA在双链螺旋式结构基础上,进一步折叠成为超级螺旋结构,在蛋白质的参与下构成核小体(nucleosome),再进一步折叠将DNA紧密压缩于染色体中。






DNA双螺旋分子缠绕在这一核心上构成了核小体的核心颗粒(core particle)。

核小体的核心颗粒之间再由DNA (约60个碱基对,bp)和组蛋白H1构成的连接区连接起来形成串珠样的结构(图3-10)。

在此基础上,核小体又进一步旋转折叠,形成纤维状结构及襟状结构、最后形成棒状的染色体,将近l m长的DNA分子容纳于直径只有数微米的细胞核中。

DNA双螺旋分子→组蛋白八聚体→DNA双螺旋分子缠绕(核心颗粒)→串珠样的结构→维状结构及襟状结构→棒状的染色体5.DNA的功能基因(gene)就是DNA分子中的某一区段,经过复制可以遗传给子代,经过转录和翻译四、RNA的空间结构与功能基本要点:1.信使RNA的结构与功能细胞核内合成的mRNA 初级产物比成熟的mRNA大得多,这种初级的RNA被称为不均一核RNA (Hetergeneou nuclear RNA,hnRNA),它们在细胞核内存在时间极短,经过剪接成为成熟的mRNA并移位到细胞质(见十二章)。

成熟的mRNA由编码区和非编码区构成,它的结构特点(图3-11)如下:①大多数的真核mRNA转录后在5'-端加一个7-甲基鸟苷,同时第一个核苷酸的C'2也是甲基化的,这种m7G ppp N m结构被称为帽子结构(cap sequence)。


②在真核mRNA的3'末端,有一多聚腺苷酸(poly A)结构,通常称为多聚A尾。


poly A是RNA生成后加上去的。

poly A与mRNA从核内向胞质的转位及mRNA的稳定性有关。

各种mRNA的长短差别很大, mRNA分子的长短,决定翻译的蛋白质分子量的大小。

各种RNA 分子中, mRNA的半衰期最短,由几分钟到数小时不等,是细胞内蛋白质合成速度的调控点之一。


mRNA分子上每3个核苷酸为一组,三联体密码(triplet code)。

2.转运RNA的结构与功能转运RNA (transfer RNA,tRNA)是细胞内分子量最小的一类核酸, 100多种tRNA都由70至90个核苷酸构成。


tRNA的结构特点:①分子中含10%~20%的稀有碱基(rare bases)。

稀有碱基是指除A、G、C、U外的一些碱基,包括双氢尿嘧啶(DHU)、假尿嘧啶(ψ,pseudouridine)和甲基化的嘌呤(m G,m A)等(图3-12)。




tRNA形成三叶草形(cloverleaf pattern)二级结构。



例如负责转运酪氨酸的tRNA(tRNA Tyr)的反密码子5'-GUA-3'与mRNA上相应的三联体密码子5'-UAC-3'(编码酪氨酸)呈反向互补。




3.核蛋白体RNA的结构与功能核蛋白体RNA(ribosomal RNA,rRNA)约占RNA总量的80%以上。


真核生物的核蛋白体小亚基由18S rRNA及30余种蛋白质构成;大亚基则由5S、5.8S、及28S 三种rRNA加上近50种蛋白质构成(表3-3)。

真核生物的18S rRNA的二级结构呈花状(图3-14),形似40S小亚基,其中多个茎环结构为核蛋白体蛋白的结合和组装提供了结构基础。



第十一章 DNA的生物合成(复制)(5学时)基本要求:1.掌握与DNA复制、DNA损伤与修复、逆转录过程有关的基本概念。








(3)RNA指导的DNA合成,即反转录合成,是RNA 病毒的复制形式,以RNA为模板,由逆转录酶催化合成DNA。




复制开始时,亲代双链DNA分子解开,分别作为模板,在DNA依赖的DNA聚合酶催化下,按照碱基配对的原则,将四种脱氧核苷酸连接成DNA大分子,合成产物的碱基序列与模板DNA 的碱基序列是互补的,子代DNA双链分子中,一条来自亲代的模板链,另一条为新合成的链,故称半保留复制,是生物体最主要的DNA合成方式;合成过程中,自5’→3’连续合成一条领头链,不连续地合成一些片断,而后连成一条随从链,所以DNA合成是半不连续合成。








