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3、罗马百科全书作者Anlus Cornelius
Now a surgeon should be youthful or at any rate nearer youth than age; with a strong and steady hand which never trembles; and ready to use the lefthand as well as the right; with vision sharp and clear, and spirit undaunted; filled with pity, so that he wishes to cure his patient, yet is not moved by his cries, to go too fast, or cut less than is necessary; but he does everything just as if the cries of pain cause him no emotion.
▪ 1304年---Luzzi进行人体解剖
▪ 1337年---中国,危亦林,中药麻醉 ▪ 1543年---比利时,Vesalius《人体结构》 ▪ 1565年---英国女王同意对犯人的尸体进
▪ 1640年---Severino,冰雪低温麻醉
1、古埃及草纸文稿(Edwin Smith)有内、外、 产、妇、兽问题记载,公元前1600年记载了 48个病例,多为外伤,从头到足顺序排列, 此即传统排列方法。
5、16世纪中期,Thomas Vicary (mid-
sixteenth century surgeon and author?)
Now then to know what properties and conditions this man must have before he be a perfect chirurgien. I doe note four things most specially that every chirurgien ought so to have: the first, that he be learned; the second, that he be expert; the third, that he be ingenious; the fourth, that he be well mannered.
1、相关交叉,各种疗法应用,诊断 2、随时变换 3、不断创新,介入科。
第二节 外科学的发展
▪ The reader should keep in mind always that surgery’s history is as old as that of humans on earth.
第一节 外科学的范畴
A、定义: Surgery:拉丁文Chirugia,由希腊文cheir(手) 和ergon(工作)组合而成。 以手术或手法为主要疗法的疾病为对象,进 行预防、诊断、治疗和研究的一门科学。
1、以病因分类,a、损伤,b、感染,c、肿 瘤,d、畸形,e、其他如器官梗阻、血液循 环障碍、结石、内分泌功能失常、寄生虫。 2、现代观点:除了预防、诊断、治疗,还研 究这些疾病的发生和发展规律。 3、总论;各论 。
By the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries surgery was looked down upon and avoided by physicians, who had received their education in the universities that were now arising all over Europe.
▪ 旧石器时代-----中国,砭石治伤 ▪ 新石器时代(公元前5000-3000年)----中国,
▪ 公元前3500年---美索不达米亚,有医生,治战 伤
▪ 公元前3400年---埃及,制作干尸 ▪ 公元前1300年---中国商代,甲骨文,人体解剖
▪ 公元前1066-481年---中国周代,分科-疡科,
▪ 公元前400年---中国,《内经》 ▪ 公元130-210年---古罗马,Galen,动物基础的
▪ 141-203年---华佗,麻沸散,死骨剔除、剖腹 术
▪ 190年---中国,《难经》,人体解剖详细描述 ▪ 1045年---中国,解剖刑犯内脏《五脏图》
▪ 1241年---古罗马,Frederich二世允许人体解 剖
“The things related to surgery are,” the Hippocratic author wrote around 400 B. C., “the patient; the operator; the assistants; the instruments; the light; where and how; how many things; and how; where the body, and the instruments; the time; the manner; the
▪ 公元前950年---荷马史诗《伊里亚特》,迷信 的外科伤病
▪ 公元前685年---印度和中国,外科论著。
▪ 公 元 前 500-300 年 --- 亚 历 山 大 医 科 学 校 , Herophilus和Erasistratus,解剖
▪ 公元前500年---中国,扁鹊抢救尸厥(休克), 毒酒麻醉
On the Surgery: Here the author described what it was the surgeon should know, how he should proceed with the treatment, and what general qualifications he should possess.