附录A(资料性)餐饮业场所名称及服务信息、从业人员名称、中餐和西餐名称英文译法示例A.1 说明表A.1~表A.9提出了餐饮业场所名称及服务信息、从业人员名称、中餐和西餐菜肴名称英文译法示例。
各表的英文中:a) “〔〕”中的内容是对英文译法的解释说明;b) “或”前后所列出的不同译法可任意选择一种使用。
A.2 餐饮业场所名称餐饮业场所名称英文译法示例见表A.1。
表A.1餐饮业场所名称英文译法示例表A.1(续)A.3 功能设施及服务信息功能设施及服务信息英文译法示例见表A.2。
表A.2功能设施及服务信息英文译法示例表A.2(续)A.4 警示警告信息警示警告信息英文译法示例见表A.3。
表A.3警示警告信息英文译法示例A.5 限令禁止信息限令禁止信息英文译法示例见表A.4。
表A.4限令禁止信息英文译法示例表A.4(续)A.6 指示指令信息指示指令信息英文译法示例见表A.5。
表A.5指示指令信息英文译法示例A.7 说明提示信息说明提示信息英文译法示例见表A.6。
表A.6说明提示信息英文译法示例表A.6(续)A.8 从业人员名称从业人员名称英文译法示例见表A.7。
表A.7从业人员名称英文译法示例A.9 中餐菜肴名称中餐菜肴名称英文译法示例见表A.8。
表A.8中餐菜肴名称英文译法示例表A.8(续)A.10 西餐菜肴名称西餐菜肴名称英文译法示例见表A.9。
表A.9西餐菜肴名称英文译法示例表A.9(续)表A.9(续)附录B(资料性)住宿业场所名称及服务信息、部门名称和从业人员名称英文译法示例B.1 说明表B.1~表B.7提供了住宿业场所名称及服务信息、部门名称和从业人员名称英文译法示例。
各表的英文中:a) “〔〕”中的内容是对英文译法的解释说明;b) “或”前后所列出的不同译法可任意选择一种使用。
B.2 住宿业场所名称住宿业场所名称英文译法示例见表B.1。
表B.1住宿业场所名称英文译法示例B.3 功能设施及服务信息功能设施及服务信息英文译法示例见表B.2。
餐馆的英文怎么读英语翻译是什么餐馆是让顾客购买及享用烹调好的食物及饮料的地方,即饭店、餐厅,今天店铺在这里为大家介绍餐馆的英文怎么读,欢迎大家阅读! 餐馆的英文怎么读restaurant英 [ˈrestrɒnt]美 [ˈrestrɑ:nt]餐馆的英文怎么读例句1. He insisted we stop at a small restaurant just outside of Atlanta.他坚持让我们在亚特兰大市外不远的一家小餐馆歇歇脚。
2. They ate in an Italian restaurant in Forth Street.他们在第四大街的一家意大利餐馆吃了饭。
3. We had lunch the other day at our favorite restaurant.前两天我们在最喜欢的餐馆吃了午饭。
4. The restaurant is upstairs and consists of a large, open room.饭店在楼上,有一个宽敞的开间。
5. A busy night in the restaurant can be frantic in the kitchen.餐馆晚上生意好,厨房里可能会忙成一片。
6. Chefs at the St James Court restaurant have cooked for the Queen.圣詹姆斯皇家饭店的厨师们曾经为女王烹制菜肴。
7. Taking my son Peter to a restaurant was a nightmare.带我儿子彼得外出吃饭简直糟糕透了。
8. We ate in the restaurant, as opposed to the bistro.我们是在餐厅吃的饭,而不是在小饭馆。
9. I know a wonderful restaurant where we can have lunch next week.我知道一家很不错的餐厅,下周我们可以去那里吃午饭。
toothpick 牙签四,冷饮:beverages 饮料soya-bean milk 豆浆syrup of plum 酸梅汤 tomato juice 番茄汁orange juice 橘子汁 coconut milk 椰子汁 asparagus juice 芦荟汁 grapefruit juice 葡萄柚汁 vegetable juice 蔬菜汁ginger ale 姜汁 sarsaparilla 沙士 soft drink 汽水coco-cola(coke) 可口可乐tea leaves 茶叶 black tea 红茶 jasmine tea 茉莉(香片) tea bag 茶包 lemon tea 柠檬茶 white goup tea 冬瓜茶meat broth 肉羹 local dish 地方菜Cantonese cuisine 广东菜set meal 客饭 curry rice 咖喱饭 fried rice 炒饭 plain rice 白饭 crispy rice 锅巴gruel, soft rice, porridge 粥noodles with gravy 打卤面 plainnoodle 阳春面casserole 砂锅chafingdish, fire pot 火锅 meat bun 肉包子shao-mai 烧麦 preserved bean curd腐孚 Lbea n curd 豆腐fermented blank bean豆豉 pickled cucumbers 酱瓜preserved egg 皮蛋salted duck egg 咸鸭蛋escargots 田螺 braised beef 炖牛肉 bacon 熏肉 poached egg 荷包蛋sunny side up 煎一面荷包蛋over煎两面荷包蛋fried egg 煎蛋over easy 煎半熟蛋 over hard 煎全熟蛋scramble eggs 炒蛋boiled egg煮蛋stone fire pot 石头火锅sashi日本竹筷 sake 日本米酒miso shiru味噌汤roast meat 铁板烤肉sashimi生鱼片 butter奶油六,熟菜与调味品:string bean 四季豆pea豌豆写宙星 9|qe ;969A panes謝 创和忖 uenqoszs PSAJSSSJC I案樓 P99MB9S 羽!案呈 Xemejeo案輕 qoeuids案韦sonusi案壽 je6e-je6e案卑旧oq Joo 」旧oq案矍 UO 6BJJB ;案詛AJ9|9O案務 jes| pje;sniu案44等」9M0IJ X|!i psup 案q 适 sr )|nA|OAuoo J9;eiu 案側卑jioooojq 案日¥ :案Q 毋 86eqqeo 畀互;nojds uesq畀互酱 ;nojds uesq 6uniu畀互聲 ;nojds uesqXos互圭 uesq Aos U33J 6番圭eidde 去斡 UOLULUISJSd 驸溜 A JJSIJO 驸缈 eioqiuejeo £驸 iioesd £隆 Jesd 驸愚* Uoeed so;nF 百兀 >|ooppei|s 皆呈U0|9LU>|SnLU 通卩 sueo-je6ns 斟 S 6UBJOuuepueiu 去斟 suusBue; » UE”UOdinuoooo £蚩;nu ;S9l|0 料謝 inu|9;sq 皆平 eXeded 皆風 U0|9LUJ9;B/V\ 隆図 siddesuid :番* '荘 士、| 窿 diujn;psupLuesjo-90! yos 隸星 LUB9J0-90! 聃圾:护丟©epuns 鸟犀 9U00 LUB9J0-90!皐檢 U6|0!ip jO 33U3SS3 多当操 和粕人B||9J0|l|0 田书同©UjllBAO 非测雌99^00 >|0e|q 钿咖齊丰 却屮A钿咖応 99^00 P90!钿咖99^00IM 甸EW» eoooo的 -眩蜀 刈山pssuspuoo 齊%過刈山9J!|-6UO | *劉峯」。
清真餐厅常用菜单中英对照新疆风情/新疆风味 Xinjiang Special Cuisine大盘鸡 Xinjiang Style Braised Chicken红焖羊肉 Braised Lamb in Brown Sauce香酥羊排 Flavor Fried Lamb Racks葱爆羊肉Sautéed Sliced Lamb with Green Onion孜然羊排 Fried Lamb Racks with Cumin馕包肉 Xinjiang Style Braised Lamb Chops with Nan-bread新疆馕包鸡 Xinjiang Style Braised Chicken with Nan-bread 酸奶 Yogurt馕炒肉Sautéed Lamb with Nan-bread爆炒羊头肉Sautéed Sliced Jemmy爆炒羊肉Sautéed Sliced Mutton风味大盘牛肚 Special Flavor Tripe新疆一品炒馕Special Flavor Sautéed Mutton with Nan-bread 辣爆羊蹄 Spi cy Sautéed Lamb Feet牙签肉 Fried Mutton on Toothpicks羊羯子(麻辣) Spicy Stew Lamb Chine塔里木羊棒骨 Tarim Special Flavor Roasted Lamb Shank白条手抓肉 Plain Boiled Lamb Rack小碗牛肉 Stewed Beef Served in Small Bowl蒜烧肚片 Stew Tripe with Garlic风味羊腰 Special Flavor Lamb Kidney葱爆腰子Sautéed Lamb Kidney with Green Onion 爆烧肚片Sautéed Tripe孜然牛蹄筋Sautéed Beef Tendon with Cumin清炖羊排 Stew Lamb Rack馕丁炒牛肉Sautéed Veal with Chopped Nan-Bread 爆肚 Quick Boiled Lamb Tripe炖板筋 Stew Beef Neck Tendon炒烤肉 Grilled Mutton with Cumin孜然羊脆骨Sautéed Lamb Cartilage with Cumin炒腰子Sautéed Lamb Kidney牛肉蔬菜杂烩 Stewed Beef with Vegetables爆炒牛肉Sautéed Veal炒烤板筋 Grilled Beef Neck Tendon新疆大盘肚 Xinjiang Style Braised Tripe新疆炒烩菜 Xinjiang Style Hotchpotch清炒牛(羊)肚丝Plain Sautéed Shredded Tripe葱烧蹄筋 Braised Beef Tendon with Green Onion 酱板筋 Soy Stewed Beef Neck Tendon烧烤鸡胗 Grilled Chicken Gizzard皮芽炒肉Sautéed Beef with Onion红烧牛蹄筋 Braised Beef Tendon风味香辣羊排 Spicy Lamb Rack锅仔羊杂 Sweetbread Broth in Mini Hotpot锅仔野山菌 Wild Mushroom Broth in Mini Hotpot老干妈牛肉Sautéed Beef with Black Bean Chili Sauce咖喱鸡块 Curry Chicken木须肉Moo Shu Beef (sautéed sliced beef or mutton with egg and black mushroom)咖哩黑椒牛柳 Curry Beef Filet with Black Pepper小炒黄牛肉 Spec ial Sautéed Sliced Beef醋溜木须 Vinegar Flavored Moo Shu Beef小炒羊肉Special Sautéed Sliced Mutton香菜爆牛肉Sautéed Beef with Coriander尖椒牛柳Sautéed Beef Filet with Hot Pepper香妃羊肉汤 Special Flavored Mutton Soup过油肉Sautéed Sliced Mutton with Onion, Ho t Pepper and Tomato辣子鸡丁Sautéed Chicken with Chili青椒鸡块Sautéed Chicken with Sweet pepper辣子肉 Braised Mutton with Chili肉沫炒蹄筋Sautéed Beef Tendon with minced Beef芫爆肚丝Sautéed Shredded Tripe with Coriander尖椒牛心管Sautéed Ox Heart Blood Vessel with Chili红烧羊棒骨 Brown Stewed Lamb Shank尖椒羊头肉Sautéed Jemmy with Hot Pepper葱烧肚条 Braised Tripe with Green Onion扒牛肉条 Plain Braised Beef Tenderloin酱羊蹄 Braised Lamb Feet香辣牛柳(香麻) Sautéed Beef Filet with Spicy Sauce家常蹄筋 Homely Braised Beef Tendon肉沫土豆泥 Meshed Potato with Minced Mutton Sauce干煸牛肉Sautéed Shredded Beef with Chili Sauce重庆辣子鸡Sautéed Diced Chicken with Chili, Chongqing Style土豆烧牛肉 Braised Beef with Potato麻辣宽粉 Braised Broad-starch-vermicelli with Spicy Sauce家常菜 Homely Cuisines水煮牛肉 Sliced Beef in Hot Chili Oil Soup京酱肉丝Sautéed Shredded Beef with Sweet Bean Sauce, Beijing Style 圆白菜炒粉条Sautéed Starch-vermicelli with Cabbage粉条炒肉Sautéed Starch-vermicelli with Mutton蒜苔炒肉Sautéed Garlic Bolt with Beef木耳肉Sautéed Mutton with Black Mushroom家常豆腐 Homely Braised Tofu鱼香肉丝 Yu-Shiang Shredded Beef (Sautéed with Spicy Garlic Sauce)红烧鸡块 Brown Braised Chicken青笋肉片Sautéed Minced Beef with Lettuce Stem酱爆肉丁Sautéed Diced Beef (Mutton) with Swee t Bean Sauce西葫芦炒肉Sautéed Minced Mutton with Vegetable Marrow蘑菇肉片Sautéed Minced Mutton with Mushroom尖椒肉丝Sautéed Shredded Beef with Hot Pepper麻辣鸡丁Sautéed Diced Chicken with Spicy Sauce芹菜炒肉Sautéed Minced Beef with Celery酱爆鸡丁Sautéed Dic ed Chicken with Sweet Bean Sauce糖醋里脊Sautéed Sweet and Sour Beef Tenderloin苦瓜肉片Sautéed Minced Mutton/Beef with Balsam Pear宫爆鸡丁 Kung Pao Chicken腐竹肉片Sautéed Sliced Beef with Dried Bean Milk Cream Roll丝瓜肉片Sautéed Sliced Beef with Towel Gour d青蒜百叶Sautéed Sliced Tripe with Garlic Sprouts红烧牛肉 Brown Braised Beef炖小酥肉 Stew Fried Beef酸辣里脊Sautéed Spicy and Sour Beef Tenderloin香菠咕老肉Sautéed Sweet and Sour Beef Tenderloin with Sliced Pineapple 水煮板筋 Sliced Beef Neck Tendon in Hot Chili Oil Soup水煮羊肉 Sliced Mutton in Hot Chili Oil Soup爆炒羊腰片Sautéed Lamb Kidney茄子炒肉Sautéed Sliced Mutton with Eggplant香辣千千肉 Spicy Beef水煮牛百叶 Sliced Tripe in Hot Chili Oil Soup 烤串 Kebab烤羊肉串 Mutton Kebab烤肉筋 Mutton Tendon Kebab烤板筋 Neck Tendon Kebab烤肥腰 Big Sheep Kidney Kebab烤鸡翅 Grilled Chicken Wing烤羊腿 Grilled Lamb Shank烤尖椒 Grilled Green Pepper烤土豆片 Grilled Potato Slice烤大蒜 Grilled Garlic烤馕 Grilled Nan-Bread羊心管 Sheep Heart Blood Vessel鸡肉串 Chicken Kebab羊脆骨 Lamb Cartilage鸡脆骨 Chicken Cartilage骨肉相连 Chicken with Cartilage小腰子 Small Lamb Kidney鸡心串 Chicken Hearts Kebab鸡胗串 Chicken Gizzard Kebab羊排串 Lamb Rack Kebab烤牛肚 Tripe Kebab凉菜 Cold Dishes新疆拌菜 Shredded Onion, Green pepper and Tomato柠檬藕片 Sliced Lotus Roots with Lemon Juice西北酿皮 Sheet Jelly of Wheat Starch in Spicy Sauce, NW China Style 川北凉粉 Tossed Clear Starch Jelly in Chili Sauce老醋花生米 Deep Fried Peanuts Pickled in Vinegar凉拌木耳 Black Mushroom拌三丝 Shredded Carrot, Cucumber and Vermicelli菠菜粉丝 Spinach and Vermicelli拌萝卜皮 Shredded Turnip with Vinegar糖醋心里美 Shredded Turnip with Sugar and Vinegar炝拌娃娃菜 Quick Cooked Chinese Cabbage Shred拍黄瓜 Pressed Cucumber with Garlic and Venigar芝麻菠菜 Spinach with Sesame青椒变蛋 Preserved Eggs with Green Pepper芥末青笋丝 Shredded Lettuce Stem with Wasabi (Mustard Sauce)拌粉丝 Sour and Spicy Vermicelli拌海带丝 Sheet Kelp in Garlic Sauce拌金针菇 Sour and Spicy Thin Mushroom凉拌苦瓜 Shredded Balsam Pear in Sauce姜汁松花蛋 Preserved Eggs in Ginger Sauce拌豆腐丝 Shredded Dried Tofu in Sauce皮蛋豆腐 Preserved Eggs and Tofu in Sauce麻辣蕨根粉 Black Vermicelli in Spicy Sauce拌白菜心 Shredded Chinese Cabbage in Sauce凉拌芹菜 Celery in Sauce芹菜拌粉丝 Celery and Vermicelli in Sauce黄瓜沾酱 Cucumber with Sweet Bean Sauce拌土豆丝 Quick Cooked Potato Shred in Sauce五香花生米 Spiced Boiled Peanuts炸花生米 Deep-fried Peanuts糖拌西红柿 Tomato with Sugar酸辣瓜条 Cut Cucumber in Spicy and Sour Sauce葱拌豆腐 Tofu and Shredded Green Onion in Suace凉拌拉皮 Sheet Starch Jelly in Spicy Sauce黄瓜拌金针菇 Shredded Cucumber and Thin Mushroom in Sauce 凉拌腐竹 Dried Bean Milk Cream Roll in Sauce大丰收 Vegetables All-in-one红油百叶 Beef Omasun (Tripe) in Chili Oil拌肚丝 Shredded Tripe in Chili Oil口水鸡 Steamed Chicken with Chili Sauce酱牛肉 Spiced Beef麻辣羊蹄 Spicy Lamb Feet老虎菜 Green Pepper, Onion and Cucumber凉拌牛蹄筋 Sliced Beef Tendon in Sauce麻辣蹄筋 Spicy Beef Tendon芥茉百叶 Beef Omasun (Tripe) with Mustard Sauce拌羊杂 Cooked Sweetbread in Sauce三色杏仁 Fresh Almond with Carrot柠檬瓜条 Wax Gourd with Lemon Juice芥茉拉皮 Sheet Starch Jelly in Mustard Sauce麻辣牛肉 Beef Slice in Chili Sauce椒麻牛肉 Beef Slice in Spicy Sauce红油牛肚丝 Beef Tripe Shred in Chili Oil蒜泥肚丝 Beef Tripe with Garlic Sauce红油鸡块 Steamed Chicken in Chili Oil拌羊头肉 Jemmy Cold dish西北拌拉皮 Sheet Starch Jelly in Spicy Sauce锅仔/铁板/煲 Mini Hotpot / Casserole / Ceramic Pot Broth羊羯子火锅 (清汤/麻辣) Lamb Chine Hotpot (Plain or Spicy)羊排火锅 (清汤/麻辣) Lamb Rack Hotpot (Plain or Spicy)铁板牛肉 Beef with Onion in Casserole小鸡炖蘑菇锅仔 Chicken and Mushroom in Mini Hotpot锅仔羊排 (清汤/麻辣) Lamb Rack in Mini Hotpot金针菇羊肉粉丝锅仔 Mushroom, Mutton and Vermicelli in Mini Hotpot 豆腐锅仔 Tofu in Mini Hotpot铁板羊肉 Mutton with Onion in Casserole铁板羊腰片 Lamb Kidney in Casserole萝卜羊肉煲 Mutton and Turnip Broth冬瓜羊肉煲 Mutton and Wax Gourd Broth土豆牛肉煲 Beef and Potato Broth牛肉粉丝煲 Beef and Vermicelli Broth红白萝卜羊肉煲 Mutton, Turnip and Carrot Broth干锅茶树菇 Griddle Cooked Tea Tree Mushroom干锅脆豆腐 Griddle Cooked Deep Fried Tofu干锅四季豆 Griddle Cooked Green Beans素菜 Vegetables麻婆豆腐Mapo Tofu (Sautéed Tofu in Hot and Spicy Sauce)地三鲜Sautéed Potato, Green Pepper and Eggplant烧茄子 Braised Eggplant香菇油菜Sautéed Rape with Black Mushroom虎皮尖椒 Pan Seared Hot Pepper with Sauce素炒土豆丝Sautéed Shredded Potato素炒野山笋Sautéed Bamboo Shoots红烧豆腐 Braised Tofu炝油菜心 Quick Cooked Rape Bolts鱼香茄子Yu Shiang Eggplant (Sautéed with Spicy Garlic Sauce)红烧土豆 Braised Potato醋溜白菜Sautéed Chinese Cabbage with Vinegar Sauce酸辣土豆丝Sautéed Shredded Potato with Chili and Vinegar Sauce 番茄葱头Sautéed Onion with Tomato Sauce家常土豆片Sautéed Potato Chips in Homely Taste尖椒土豆丝Sautéed Shredded Potato with Hot Pepper醋溜土豆丝Sautéed Shredded Potato with Vinegar Sauce番茄土豆丝Sautéed Shredded Potato with Tomato Sauce韭菜炒鸡蛋Sautéed Egg with Leek菠菜炒鸡蛋Sautéed Egg with Spinach尖椒炒鸡蛋Sautéed Egg with Hot Green Pepper西红柿炒鸡蛋Sautéed Egg with Tomato松仁玉米Sautéed Sweet Corn with Pipe nuts素炒苦瓜Sautéed Balsam Pear Slice脆皮豆腐Sautéed Deep Fried Tofu蚝油生菜Sautéed Lettuce in Oy ster Sauce素炒油麦菜Sautéed Long-leaf Lettuce葡萄玉米Sautéed Sweet Corn with Raisin新疆酸辣白菜Sautéed Cabbage with Chili and Vinegar Sauce鱼香土豆条 Yu Shiang Potato Chips炒四素Sautéed Vegetables 4 in 1炒芹菜Sautéed Celery鱼香豆腐 Yu Shiang Tofu雪菜毛豆Sautéed Preserved Vegetable with Green Soy Bean干煸豆角 Dry Fried Green Bean宫爆豆腐 Gong Pao Tofu醋溜西葫芦Sautéed Vegetable Marrow with Vinegat Sauce青椒玉米Sautée d Sweet Corn with Green Pepper糖醋莲藕Sautéed Lotus Root with Sugar and Vinegar Sauce凉瓜煎蛋 Fried Egg with Balsam Pear素炒青笋Sautéed Lettuce Stem皮芽炒馕Sautéed Nan-bread with Onion酸菜粉条Sautéed Pickled Cabbage with Vermicelli主食 Cereal Food新疆拉条子 Xingjiang Hand-Pulled Noodle新疆炒片 Stir-Fried Flat Noodle Pieces丁丁炒面 Stir-Fried Noodle Pieces新疆抓饭 Xinjiang Style Rice with Lamb Rack and Carrot生炒牛肉饭 Stir-fried Rice with Minced Beef and Sauce家常面片 Flat Noodle Soup in Homely Taste碎肉拌面 Hand-Pulled Noodle with Minced Beef and Vegetable Sauce过油肉拌面 Hand-Pulled Noodle with Sautéed Mutton Slice, Onion and Green Pepper肉饼 Beef Cake牛肉拉面 Hand Pulled Noodle Soup with Beef烩面 Braised Noodle Pieces with Vegetables鸡蛋炒饭 Stir-fried Rice with Egg西北凉面 Cold Noodle with Garlic Sauce新疆羊肉泡馍 Flour Cake Soaked with Mutton Broth炒拉条子 Stir-fried Hand-pulled Noodle番茄炒饭 Stir-fried Rice with Tomato Sauce白皮面 Plain Broad Hand-pulled Noodle米饭 Steamed Rice汤面 Noodle Soup with Vegetable盖饭/盖面Set Meal of Rice/ Noodle with Sautéed Dishes过油肉Rice with Sautéed Sliced Mutton with Onion, Hot Pepper and Tomato 土豆烧牛肉 Rice with Braised Beef with Potato木须肉 Rice with Moo Shu Beef地三鲜Rice with Sautéed Potato, Green Pepper and Eggplant鱼香茄子 Rice with Yu Shiang Eggplant鱼香肉丝 Rice with Yu Shiang Beef尖椒肉丝Rice with Sautéed Shredded Bee f with Hot Pepper土豆丝Rice with Sautéed Shredded Potato尖椒炒鸡蛋Rice with Sautéed Egg with Hot Green Pepper红烧土豆 Rice with Braised Potato蒜苔炒肉Rice with Sautéed Beef and Garlic Bolt宫爆鸡丁 Rice with Kung Pao Chicken西红柿鸡蛋Rice with Sautéed Egg and Tomato红烧茄子 Rice with Braised Eggplant辣子鸡丁Rice with Sautéed Chicken Dices and Green Pepper 酸辣白菜Rice with Sautéed Cabbage with Chili and Vinegar 酸菜粉条 Rice w ith Sautéed Sour Cabbage and Vermicelli粉条炒圆白菜Rice with Sautéed Cabbage and Vermicelli汤类 Soups羊排冬瓜汤 Mutton and Wax Gourd Soup西红柿鸡蛋汤 Egg and Tomato Soup紫菜汤 Laver Soup新疆酸辣汤 Sour and Spicy Soup, Xinjiang Style疙瘩汤 Dough Drop and Assorted Vegetable Soup西湖牛肉羹 Minced Beef and Egg Broth酸辣肚丝汤 Hot and Sour Soup of Shredded Tripe冬瓜丸子汤 Beef Ball and Wax Gourd Soup羊杂汤 Sweetbread Soup海米冬瓜汤 Dried Shrimp and Wax Gourd Soup牛肉粉汤 Beef Soup with Starch Jelly and Vegetables羊肉粉汤 Mutton Soup with Starch Jelly and Vegetables羊排萝卜汤 Lamb Rack and Turnip Soup榨菜肉丝汤 Shredded Beef with Preserved Vegetables Soup饮料 Beverage可乐 Coke鲜橙多 Orange Juice 大雪碧 Sprite冰绿茶 Ice GreenTea 冰红茶 Ice Red Tea 矿泉水 Mineral Water 杏仁露 Almond Juice。
7 餐馆 canteen (机关单位和军队里的)食堂dining hall 大餐厅, 服务员service 服务headwaiter, 餐厅领班menu 菜单,菜谱winelist 酒单table 餐桌to lay the table, to set the table 摆桌子 clear the table 收拾桌子,撤桌子tablecloth 桌 布napkin 餐巾cutlery 餐具fork 叉spoon 匙 teaspoon 茶匙ladle 长柄勺knife 刀
3 肉品类 (鸡、猪、牛) meat 肉 beef 牛肉 lamb 羊肉 sirloin 牛脊肉 steak 牛排 chop 连骨肉,排骨 roast 烤肉 pork 猪肉 ham 火腿 bacon 咸肉 sausage 香肠 cold meats 冷盘 (美作:cold cuts) chicken 鸡 turkey 火鸡 duck 鸭 Chicken Wings 鸡翅膀 Pork Burgers 汉堡肉
Rum 郎姆酒 Whisky 威士忌 Budweiser 百威啤 Carlsbery 加士伯啤 Guinness 健力士啤 coke, coca cola 可口可乐 pepsi cola 百事可乐 sprite 雪碧 相关词汇bar 酒吧counter吧台 bottle opener 开瓶刀ice maker 制冰机ice bucket 小冰 桶ice tongs 冰勺夹ice scoop 冰勺cocktail shaker 调酒器pouring measure 量酒器 juice extractor 果汁榨汁机electric blender 电动搅拌机water jug 水壶champagne bucket 香槟桶enamelled cup 搪瓷杯ceramic cup 陶瓷杯straw 吸管decanter 酒壶 mixing glasses 调酒杯beer mug 啤酒杯champagne glass 香槟杯measuring jug 量杯 wine glass 葡萄酒杯brandy glass 白兰地杯goblet 高脚杯
cafe .n 咖啡馆,小餐馆cafeteria .自助餐厅sea food.海鲜fast-food 快餐snack n 小吃,快餐reserve vt.保留,预订,预约menu,z.菜单order vt.定购,预订,点(饭菜等)recommend v.推荐,介绍suggest vt建议,提出dessert n.餐后甜点appetizer n.开胃食品,开胃物cheese,z.干酪dressing n.敷料,调味品,沙拉酱toast n.烤面包(片),吐司面包;干杯Steak n.(供煎,烤等的)肉排,牛排Chop z.排骨lobster咒.龙虾prawn聆,对虾chicken n.小鸡,小鸟,鸡肉pork n.猪肉beef,z.牛肉mutton n.羊肉T-bone steak丁骨牛排well-done adj.全熟的medium-well口,八分熟的Medium adj.五分熟的medium-rear adj.三分熟的rare以.稍熟的overdo v.做得太熟fry v.油炸,油煎scramble 1,,炒bake v.烘焙,烤,烧硬roast v.烤Bone z.剔骨braise v.炖,蒸mash v 捣碎cook with bean sauce酱爆cook with hot pepper麻辣dry-saute 干煸dice v.切丁shred v.切丝slice v.切片Steam v.蒸stew v.炖,焖spicy adj.辛辣的,有风味的crisp adj.脆的salt n.食盐sugar.糖,食糖pepper n.胡椒粉ketchup n.调味蕃茄酱vinegar n.醋soy sauce 酱油mustard n.芥末酱chili,z.红辣椒cocktail n.鸡尾酒,(第一道用杯盛的)开味食品juice n.(水果)汁,液beverage n.饮料grapefruit juice葡萄汁tea with lemon柠檬茶pineapple juice菠萝汁purified water纯净水draft beer生啤酒black coffee清咖啡coffee cream咖啡伴侣poach v.水煮(荷包蛋)sunny-side egg(煎蛋时)单煎一面的,蛋黄在上面的鸡蛋Beijing roast duck北京烤鸭bean curd豆腐noodle n.面条gruel n.稀粥soybean milk豆浆pancake n.煎饼dumpling n.饺子sweet dumpling 元宵meat ball肉丸子veal n.小牛肉turkey n.火鸡smoked fish n.熏鱼champagne咒.香槟酒sandwich n.三明治Hamburger z.汉堡Strawberry z.草莓vanilla n.香草Takeout z.外卖bacon n.咸肉biscuit n.小面包muffin n.松饼oatmeal,z.麦片omelet n.蛋卷sausage n.香肠Barbecue z.烤肉fork n.叉子spoon n.匙,调羹,勺子Chopsticks z.(中国的)筷子Toothpick z.牙签Delicious adj.美味的vacancy n.空缺,空闲single room单人房double room双人房book v.登记,预订standard guest room标准间Suite z.套房VIP suite贵宾房Deluxe guest room特等客房Rate z.价格,费用service charge眼务费discount n.折扣Deposit z.存款,押金,保证金,存放物handling charge手续费Radio z.收音机TV cabinet电视机柜remote control遥控器Ashtray z.烟灰缸end table小茶几light bulb电灯泡Switch z.开关full-length mirror穿衣镜telephone,z.电话air conditioner空调alarm bell警铃bathtub n.浴缸garment hanger衣架hair dryer吹风机transformer z.变压器vacuum cleaner吸尘器extensive cord接线板heating n.暖气hotel n.宾馆Hostel z.宿舍,旅店,客栈inn咒.(尤指乡村或公路边的)旅馆,客栈motel n.汽车旅馆Doorbell z.门铃Blanket z.毛毯Towel z.毛巾Soap z.肥皂pillow n.枕头pillow case枕头套quilt n.棉被sheet n.床单mattress n.床垫folding bed折叠床slipper n.拖鞋laundry bag冼衣袋toilet paper卫生纸toothpaste z.牙膏toothbrush n.牙刷shampoo n.洗发香波Shaver z.刮胡刀flush toilet冲水马桶toilet cabinet(卫生间里的)化妆台Shower head z.喷头Shower curtain 咒.浴帘closet n.壁橱fire extinguisher灭火器fire staircase消防栓Exit 出口elevator z.电梯bellboy z.门童porter n.守门人,门房,行李搬运工maid n.女服务员bill n.账单check-in n.登记check-out咒,退房,付账后离开cashier z.出纳information z.问讯处cloakroom n.行李存放处front desk前台lobby z.大厅registration z.登记处room service客房服务部lost and found失物招领处safety box保险箱baggage n.行李luggage n.行李babysitting托儿服务express service加急服务morning call 叫醒服务special care 特殊护理compensate v.赔偿damage v.损坏shrunk v.缩水laundry list洗衣单replacement bill 挂失单date sent送洗日期jeans n.牛仔裤jacket z.夹克Jumper z.妇女穿的套头外衣blouse n (女)上衣vest n.背心down n.羽绒服leather z.皮革制品Socks z.短袜stocking n.长筒袜pajamas n.睡衣scarf n.披肩tie 系...领带undershirt n.内衣sweater n.毛衣Could you suggest a good Chuan restaurant for me?你能给我介绍一个好的川菜馆吗?Do you make a reservation?您订桌了吗?How many people in your party, please?请问你们有几个人?There are six of us. 我们有六个人。
(有歌舞表演的)餐馆或酒吧;卡巴莱cabaret白腊杆商店tool-handle store百货公司department store百货棉布商店cotton department store包装副食品商店packing grocery store笔墨庄writting brush & ink-stick store便宜货市场;廉价品市场bargain center; fleamarket玻璃店glass store不锈钢商店stainless steel shop布店cloth store; drygoods store裁缝店tailor's参茸补品商店ginseng & pilose antler shop参行;参店ginseng broker's store house; ginseng dry store; ginseng shop 参药店ginseng & Chinese traditional medicine store茶室tea room茶叶店tea shop超级市场supermarket; superstore衬衫商店shirts shop绸布商店cloth store; silk & cotton shop船舶五金综合商店vessel's hardware comprehensive shop床上用品商店bedclothes tore炊事清洁机械用品商店kitchenware & cleaning machinery store瓷器商店chinaware store; porcelain store打字机、复印机商店typewriter & copying machine store代销店commission agent当店pawn shop刀剪商店scissors & knives store; scissors & hair-cut appliance shop刀具铸锻件商店cutting tools, castings & forgings store灯具商店lamp store灯具总店lamp & lanterns general store电工产品门市部electrical products sales department电料电讯商店electrical materials & equipment shop电脑商店computer store电器店;电料商店electric appliances shop电器修配商店electric appliances shop电视机商店TV sets shop电讯电器商店telecommunication & electrical equipment store电讯器材商店electric communication equipment shop电子元件综合门市部electronic components sales department动物合作商店animal co-op. shop阀门水暖商店valve & pipefitting store饭店;餐馆restaurant; hotel纺织品零料商店textile fabric odds & ends shop纺织器商店textile store分销处sale agency分行;分店;支店;分部branch; branch store缝纫机商店sewing machine store缝纫用品商店sewing-ware shop服务部service服装店clothing store; garment shop; clothes shop服装鞋帽商店clothing, shoes and hats shop妇女儿童用品商店women and children articles shop妇女用品商店women's articles shop副食品门市部subsidiary food sales department感光胶片材料商店sensitive film materials shop工艺美术品商店arts & crafts store公司company; corporation供销合作社supply and marketing cooperative购物中心shopping center; shopping complex古玩店curios shop果品商店fruit & food shop焊接材料商店weld material shop焊接器材五金商店welding material hardware shop合作商场co-operative trading market花店florist; floral shop花木商店flowers and plants house花鸟商店flowers & birds shop化工塑料制品商店chemical & plastic products shop化工油漆商店chemical industry oil painting shop化纤棉席商店synthetic cotton & mats shop化学试剂商店chemical reagents store货摊;书摊;棚店stand; stall; booth机电商店machinery & electric motor shop集市fair寄卖店;寄售店commission shop; secondhand shop家具店furniture shop家用电器商店husehold electrical appliances store; family-use electrical equipment shop 建筑装璜材料商店building decoration material store胶鞋商店rubber-soled shoes store; rubber shoes store金银饰品商店jewellery shop金银珠宝饰品商店gold & silver jewellery store金属材料机械配件商店metal material & machinery spare parts store金属机电商店metal material & machinery spare parts store经理部management department经销部sales department经销店agency经营部business department酒吧bar; winevault酒店wineshop; public house酒家;餐馆wineshop; restaurant旧货店;日用品调剂店secondhand shop; junk shop; old ware store咖啡馆coffee house; café烤鸭店roasted duck shop劳动防护用品商店labour protection goods store; labour protection articles shop 乐器店musical instrument shop礼品店gift shop理发店barbershop; barber's shop利用布商店utilization cloth supply station联购分销站joint purchase & sale substation廉价商店;廉价商场budget store; five & ten; thrift shop粮店grain shop粮油商店cereals & oils store粮油食品商店grain & cooking-oil food shop粮油杂品商店food & oil grocery shop两用车商店motorcycle and bicycle shop料瓶商店glass bottle raw material shop零售店;分销店;下伸店retail shop垄断市场corner market露天市场open market旅店inn; pub; cantina旅社hotel旅游用品商店tourist commodity store; travelling articles shop螺丝商店screw shop贸易货栈trade warehouse贸易集市village fair贸易信托商店trade & trust shop贸易中心trade center帽店hatter's shop; milliner's shop煤炭供应站coal supply department; domestic fuel service美容院beauty parlor美术用品商店art supplies store棉布商店cotton clothe store面包店bakery; bake house; bake shop庙会temple fair摩托车商店motorcycle shop墨苑ink-sticks gathering house木材商店wood store奶品商店creamery南货商店southern food shop; southern native delicacies store呢绒绸缎商店woollen clothe & silk shop钮扣商店button store女装店dress shop; boutique; fashion house批发市场wholesale market皮货服装商店fur store皮件店;皮革制品商店leather ware shop皮件商店leather shop; leather goods shop皮塑鞋料五金商店leather-plastic shoe materials & hardware store 皮鞋店leather shoes shop啤酒店beer house; brasserie汽车装璜配件商店automotive decorations & components store禽蛋综合商店poultry & egg store清真食品商店moslem food shop全国土产食品商店national native product provissions shop日夜商店day and night store日夜食品商店day and night food store日用工艺品商店daily use artware shop日用杂品商店house hold appliances store; daily-use necessities store 绒线编结商店wool- knitting shop绒线商店wool shop绒线羊毛衫商店woolen & sweater store肉店butcher's shop; butchery肉食品商店butcher shop纱绳五金商店cotton thread & hardware store纱头商店yarn ends shop筛网商店sifter & netting shop扇庄fan store商场;市场market; shopping arcade; mart商店shop; store商品交易会trade fair商品交易所commodity exchange house商厦consumer's cooperative association商行;商号business establish; firm; commercial firm商业中心emporium; mart生物化学试剂商店biochemical reagents shop绳线利用商店string & hard wire store时装公司garments corporation; fashion company食品门市部food supply retail department食品商场food products market食品商店foodstuff store; food store; provision shop; grocery食品杂货自选商场self-service grocery书店bookstore熟食店delicatessen水果店green grocery; fruit shop搪瓷商店enamel ware shop糖果店sweet shop; cand store; confectionery陶瓷杂品商店ceramics & sundry goods store陶器商店pottery store特大百货中心hypermarket特约商店contractor体育用品商店sports goods store跳蚤市场fleamarket铜响器商店copper percussion instrument store童装商店children's clothes shop土产食品商店native products & food shop土产杂品商店natie products & groceries store土产综合商店native products shop土特产品商店local food product shop外向兑换商店foreign money exchange shop玩具商店toys store万国博览会a World's fair卫生建筑陶瓷装璜材料商店toilet & building porcelainware & decoration materials store 文化体育用品商店culture & sports goods shop文化用品批发商店stationary wholesale store文具店;文化用品店stationer's; stationary shop文物商店antique & curio store无线电修理部radio reairing department五金店hardware store五金机械商店metals machinery store五金交电商店hardware & electric material shop五香豆商店spiced beans store物资回收利用商店materials recovery & utilization store物资交流会commodity fair西服公司suit company; west-style clothes company西装店;西服店tailor shop洗染材料商店laundering & dyeing materials shop洗染店cleaners and dyers; laundering and dyeing shop洗衣店laundry橡塑五金商店bubber & lplastic hard ware shop小吃店snack bar; lunchroom小酒店;小饭店inn; pub; cantina小卖部canteen; buffet; snack counter鞋店shoes shop鞋帽商店shoe & hat store; shoe and cap store信托店commission shop(or house, agent); secondehand shop信托公司trust company胸罩商店brassiere store修理店repair shop修配商店repair and spare parts shop烟店divan烟酒商店cigarette & wine store烟杂合作商店co-operative grocery烟杂商店grocery眼镜店optical shop; glasses store; spectacles shop眼镜光学器材商店glasses & optical instruments shop羊毛衫公司woolen sweater co样品陈列室sample room; show-room药店chemist's shop; pharmacy; drugstore; dispensary夜总会bistro; neghtclub银楼jewelry shop饮食店eating house油酱商店oil & sauce grocery油漆商店paint store友谊商店friendship store有限公司company limited (Ltd)浴室;澡堂bath; bath house; bath room杂货店grocery; variety shop展览会;交易会display; exhibit; show展销门市部combined exhibition and sale department照相材料商店photographic supplies store; photo supply store照相馆studio针织品商店knit's store纸行paper company纸张商店paper store纸张原料供应站paper raw-material supplying center; paper material supply centr中式服装商店Chinese traditional clothes store中央商场central market中药店Chinese medicines shop; traditional Chinese medicines shop钟表、眼镜照相器材商店clocks, watches, optical & photographic instruments store 钟表店watchmaker's shop; clock & watch store钟表眼镜商店watchmaker & spectacles shop轴承商店bearing shop珠宝店jeweler's shop装璜五金玻璃商店upholstery, hardware & glassware store自行车零件商店bicycle component shop自行车商店;车行bicycle shop; cycle & motor company自助餐厅cafeteria综合贸易商店(公司)comprehensive trade store(coporation); multiple-trading shop 总店head shop。
清真餐厅常用菜单中英对照新疆风情/新疆风味Xinjiang Special Cuisine大盘鸡Xinjiang Style Braised Chicken红炯羊肉Braised Lamb in Brown Sauce香酥羊排Flavor Fried Lamb Racks葱爆羊肉Saut e ed Sliced Lamb with Green Onion孜然羊排Fried Lamb Racks with Cumin馒包肉Xinjiang Style Braised Lamb Chops with Nan-bread新疆馒包鸡Xinjiang Style Braised Chicken with Nan-bread酸奶Yogurt馒炒肉Saut e ed Lamb with Nan-bread爆炒羊头肉Saut e ed Sliced Jemmy爆炒羊肉Saut e ed Sliced Mutton风味大盘牛肚Special Flavor Tripe新疆一品炒馒Special Flavor Saut e ed Mutton with Nan -bread 辣爆羊蹄Spicy Saut e ed Lamb Feet牙签肉Fried Mutton on Toothpicks羊羯子(麻辣)Spicy Stew Lamb Chine塔里木羊棒骨Tarim Special Flavor Roasted Lamb Shank 白条手抓肉Plain Boiled Lamb Rack小碗牛肉Stewed Beef Served in Small Bowl蒜烧肚片Stew Tripe with Garlic风味羊腰Special Flavor Lamb Kidney葱爆腰子Saut e ed Lamb Kidney with Green Onion爆烧肚片Saut e ed Tripe孜然牛蹄筋Saut e ed Beef Tendon with Cumin活炖羊排Stew Lamb Rack馒丁炒牛肉Saut e ed Veal with Chopped Nan -Bread爆肚Quick Boiled Lamb Tripe炖板筋Stew Beef Neck Tendon炒烤肉Grilled Mutton with Cumin孜然羊脆骨Saut e ed Lamb Cartilage with Cumin炒腰子Saut e ed Lamb Kidney牛肉蔬菜杂炫Stewed Beef with Vegetables爆炒牛肉Saut e ed Veal炒烤板筋Grilled Beef Neck Tendon新疆大盘肚Xinjiang Style Braised Tripe新疆炒炫菜Xinjiang Style Hotchpotch活炒牛(羊)肚丝Plain Saut e ed Shredded Tripe酱板筋Soy Stewed Beef Neck Tendon烧烤鸡脸Grilled Chicken Gizzard皮芽炒肉Saut e ed Beef with Onion红烧牛蹄筋Braised Beef Tendon风味香辣羊排Spicy Lamb Rack锅仔羊杂Sweetbread Broth in Mini Hotpot锅仔野山菌Wild Mushroom Broth in Mini Hotpot老十妈牛肉Saut e ed Beef with Black Bean Chili Sauce咖哩鸡块Curry Chicken木须肉Moo Shu Beef (saut e ed sliced beef or mutton with egg and black mushroom)咖哩黑椒牛柳Curry Beef Filet with Black Pepper小炒黄牛肉Special Saut e ed Sliced Beef醋溜木须Vinegar Flavored Moo Shu Beef小炒羊肉Special Saut e ed Sliced Mutton香菜爆牛肉Saut e ed Beef with Coriander尖椒牛柳Saut e ed Beef Filet with Hot Pepper香妃羊肉汤Special Flavored Mutton Soup过油肉Saut e ed Sliced Mutton with Onion, Hot Pepper and Tomato辣子鸡丁Saut e ed Chicken with Chili宵椒鸡块Saut e ed Chicken with Sweet pepper肉沫炒蹄筋Saut e ed Beef Tendon with minced Beef芫爆肚丝Saut e ed Shredded Tripe with Coriander尖椒牛心管Saut e ed Ox Heart Blood Vessel with Chili红烧羊棒骨Brown Stewed Lamb Shank尖椒羊头肉Saut e ed Jer m y with Hot Pepper葱烧肚条Braised Tripe with Green Onion扒牛肉条Plain Braised Beef Tenderloin酱羊蹄Braised Lamb Feet香辣牛柳(香麻)Saut e ed Beef Filet with Spicy Sauce家常蹄筋Homely Braised Beef Tendon肉沫土豆泥Meshed Potato with Minced Mutton Sauce十煽牛肉Saut e ed Shredded Beef with Chili Sauce重庆辣子鸡Saut e ed Diced Chicken with Chili, Chongqing Style土豆烧牛肉Braised Beef with Potato麻辣宽粉Braised Broad-starch-vermicelli with Spicy Sauce家常菜Homely Cuisines水煮牛肉Sliced Beef in Hot Chili Oil Soup京酱肉丝Saut e ed Shredded Beef with Sweet Bean Sauce, Beijing Style 圆白菜炒粉条Saut e ed Starch-vermicelli with Cabbage粉条炒肉Saut e ed Starch-vermicelli with Mutton蒜苔炒肉Saut e ed Garlic Bolt with Beef木耳肉Saut e ed Mutton with Black Mushroom家常豆腐Homely Braised Tofu鱼香肉丝Yu- Shiang Shredded Beef (Saut e ed with Spicy Garlic Sauce)红烧鸡块Brown Braised Chicken宵笋肉片Saut e ed Minced Beef with Lettuce Stem酱爆肉丁Saut e ed Diced Beef (Mutton) with Sweet Bean Sauce西葫芦炒肉Saut e ed Minced Mutton with Vegetable Marrow蘑菇肉片Saut e ed Minced Mutton with Mushroom尖椒肉丝Saut e ed Shredded Beef with Hot Pepper麻辣鸡丁Saut e ed Diced Chicken with Spicy Sauce芹菜炒肉Saut e ed Minced Beef with Celery酱爆鸡丁Saut e ed Diced Chicken with Sweet Bean Sauce糖醋里脊Saut e ed Sweet and Sour Beef Tenderl oin苦瓜肉片Saut e ed Minced Mutton/Beef with Balsam Pear宫爆鸡丁 Kung Pao Chicken腐竹肉片Saut e ed Sliced Beef with Dried Bean Milk Cream Roll丝瓜肉片Saut e ed Sliced Beef with Towel Gourd宵蒜白叶Saut e ed Sliced Tripe with Garlic Sprouts红烧牛肉Brown Braised Beef炖小酥肉Stew Fried Beef酸辣里脊Saut e ed Spicy and Sour Beef Tenderloin香菠咕老肉Saut e ed Sweet and Sour Beef Tenderloin with Sliced Pineapple 水煮板筋Sliced Beef Neck Tendon in Hot Chili Oil Soup水煮羊肉Sliced Mutton in Hot Chili Oil Soup爆炒羊腰片Saut e ed LambKidney茄子炒肉Saut e ed Sliced Mutton with Eggplant 香辣千千肉Spicy Beef水煮牛K叶Sliced Tripe in Hot Chili Oil Soup烤申Kebab烤羊肉申Mutton Kebab烤肉筋Mutton Tendon Kebab烤板筋Neck Tendon Kebab烤肥腰Big Sheep Kidney Kebab烤鸡翅Grilled Chicken Wing烤羊腿Grilled Lamb Shank烤尖椒Grilled Green Pepper烤土豆片Grilled Potato Slice烤大蒜Grilled Garlic烤馒Grilled Nan-Bread羊心管Sheep Heart Blood Vessel鸡肉申Chicken Kebab羊脆骨Lamb Cartilage鸡脆骨Chicken Cartilage骨肉相连Chicken with Cartilage小腰子Small Lamb Kidney鸡心申Chicken Hearts Kebab鸡脸申Chicken Gizzard Kebab羊排申Lamb Rack Kebab烤牛肚Tripe Kebab凉菜Cold Dishes新疆拌菜Shredded Onion, Green pepper and Tomato柠檬藕片Sliced Lotus Roots with Lemon Juice西北酿皮Sheet Jelly of Wheat Starch in Spicy Sauce, NW China Style 川北凉粉Tossed Clear Starch Jelly in Chili Sauce老醋花生米Deep Fried Peanuts Pickled in Vinegar凉拌木耳Black Mushroom拌三丝Shredded Carrot, Cucumber and Vermicelli菠菜粉丝Spinach and Vermicelli拌萝卜皮Shredded Turnip with Vinegar糖醋心里美Shredded Turnip with Sugar and Vinegar炮拌娃娃菜Quick Cooked Chinese Cabbage Shred才白黄瓜Pressed Cucumber with Garlic and Venigar芝麻菠菜Spinach with Sesame宵椒变蛋Preserved Eggs with Green Pepper芥末宵笋丝Shredded Lettuce Stem with Wasabi (Mustard Sauce)拌粉丝Sour and Spicy Vermicelli拌海带丝Sheet Kelp in Garlic Sauce拌金针菇Sour and Spicy Thin Mushroom凉拌苦瓜Shredded Balsam Pear in Sauce姜汁松花蛋Preserved Eggs in Ginger Sauce拌豆腐丝Shredded Dried Tofu in Sauce皮蛋豆腐 Preserved Eggs and Tofu in Sauce麻辣蕨根粉Black Vermicelli in Spicy Sauce拌白菜心Shredded Chinese Cabbage in Sauce凉拌芹菜Celery in Sauce芹菜拌粉丝Celery and Vermicelli in Sauce黄瓜沾酱Cucumber with Sweet Bean Sauce拌土豆丝Quick Cooked Potato Shred in Sauce五香花生米Spiced Boiled Peanuts炸花生米Deep-fried Peanuts糖拌西红柿Tomato with Sugar酸辣瓜条Cut Cucumber in Spicy and Sour Sauce葱拌豆腐 Tofu and Shredded Green Onion in Suace凉拌拉皮Sheet Starch Jelly in Spicy Sauce黄瓜拌金针菇Shredded Cucumber and Thin Mushroom in Sauce 凉拌腐竹Dried Bean Milk Cream Roll in Sauce大丰收Vegetables All-in-one红油白叶Beef Omasun (Tripe) in Chili Oil拌肚丝Shredded Tripe in Chili Oil口水鸡Steamed Chicken with Chili Sauce酱牛肉Spiced Beef麻辣羊蹄Spicy Lamb Feet老虎菜Green Pepper, Onion and Cucumber凉拌牛蹄筋Sliced Beef Tendon in Sauce麻辣蹄筋Spicy Beef Tendon芥茉白叶Beef Omasun (Tripe) with Mustard Sauce拌羊杂Cooked Sweetbread in Sauce三色杏仁Fresh Almond with Carrot柠檬瓜条Wax Gourd with Lemon Juice芥茉拉皮Sheet Starch Jelly in Mustard Sauce麻辣牛肉Beef Slice in Chili Sauce椒麻牛肉Beef Slice in Spicy Sauce红油牛肚丝Beef Tripe Shred in Chili Oil蒜泥肚丝Beef Tripe with Garlic Sauce红油鸡块Steamed Chicken in Chili Oil拌羊头肉Jemmy Cold dish西北拌拉皮Sheet Starch Jelly in Spicy Sauce锅仔/ 铁板/ 煲Mini Hotpot / Casserole / Ceramic Pot Broth羊羯子火锅(活汤/ 麻辣)Lamb Chine Hotpot (Plain or Spicy)羊排火锅(活汤/ 麻辣)Lamb Rack Hotpot (Plain or Spicy)铁板牛肉Beef with Onion in Casserole小鸡炖蘑菇锅仔Chicken and Mushroom in Mini Hotpot锅仔羊排(活汤/麻辣)Lamb Rack in Mini Hotpot金针菇羊肉粉丝锅仔Mushroom, Mutton and Vermicelli in Mini Hotpot豆腐锅仔Tofu in Mini Hotpot铁板羊肉Mutton with Onion in Casserole铁板羊腰片Lamb Kidney in Casserole萝卜羊肉煲Mutton and Turnip Broth冬瓜羊肉煲Mutton and Wax Gourd Broth土豆牛肉煲Beef and Potato Broth牛肉粉丝煲Beef and Vermicelli Broth红白萝卜羊肉煲Mutton, Turnip and Carrot Broth十锅茶树菇Griddle Cooked Tea Tree Mushroom十锅脆豆腐Griddle Cooked Deep Fried Tofu十锅四季豆Griddle Cooked Green Beans素菜Vegetables麻婆豆腐Mapo Tofu (Saut e ed Tofu in Hot and Spicy Sauce)地三鲜Saut e ed Potato, Green Pepper and Eggplant烧茄子Braised Eggplant香菇油菜Saut e ed Rape with Black Mushroom虎皮尖椒Pan Seared Hot Pepper with Sauce素炒土豆丝Saut e ed Shredded Potato素炒野山笋Saut e ed Bamboo Shoots红烧豆腐Braised Tofu炮油菜心Quick Cooked Rape Bolts鱼香茄子Yu Shiang Eggplant (Saut e ed with Spicy Garlic Sauce) 红烧土豆Braised Potato醋溜白菜Saut e ed Chinese Cabbage with Vinegar Sauce酸辣土豆丝Saut e ed Shredded Potato with Chili and Vinegar Sauce 番茄葱头Saut e ed Onion with Tomato Sauce家常土豆片Saut e ed Potato Chips in Homely Taste尖椒土豆丝Saut e ed Shredded Potato with Hot Pepper醋溜土豆丝Saut e ed Shredded Potato with Vinegar Sauce番茄土豆丝Saut e ed Shredded Potato with Tomato Sauce韭菜炒鸡蛋Saut e ed Egg with Leek菠菜炒鸡蛋Saut e ed Egg with Spinach尖椒炒鸡蛋Saut e ed Egg with Hot Green Pepper西红柿炒鸡蛋Saut e ed Egg with Tomato松仁玉米Saut e ed Sweet Corn with Pipe nuts素炒苦瓜Saut e ed Balsam Pear Slic e脆皮豆腐Saut e ed Deep Fried Tofu虫毛油生菜Saut e ed Lettuce in Oyster Sauce素炒油麦菜Saut e ed Longleaf Lettuce葡萄玉米Saut e ed Sweet Corn with Raisin新疆酸辣白菜Saut e ed Cabbage with Chili and Vinegar Sauce鱼香土豆条Yu Shiang Potato Chips炒四素Saut e ed Vegetables 4 in 1炒芹菜Saut e ed Celery鱼香豆腐Yu Shiang Tofu雪菜毛豆Saut e ed Preserved Vegetable with Green Soy Bean十煽豆角Dry Fried Green Bean宫爆豆腐Gong Pao Tofu醋溜西葫芦Saut e ed Vegetable Marrow with Vinegat Sauce宵椒玉米Saut e ed Sweet Corn with Green Pepper糖醋莲藕Saut e ed Lotus Root with Sugar and Vinegar Sauce凉瓜煎蛋Fried Egg with Balsam Pear素炒宵笋Saut e ed Lettuce Stem皮芽炒馒Saut e ed Nanbread with Onion酸菜粉条Saut e ed Pickled Cabbage with Vermicelli主食Cereal Food新疆拉条子Xingjiang Hand-Pulled Noodle新疆炒片Stir-Fried Flat Noodle Pieces丁丁炒面Stir-Fried Noodle Pieces新疆抓饭Xinjiang Style Rice with Lamb Rack and Carrot生炒牛肉饭Stir-fried Rice with Minced Beef and Sauce家常面片Flat Noodle Soup in Homely Taste碎肉拌面Hand-Pulled Noodle with Minced Beef and Vegetable Sauce过油肉拌面Hand-Pulled Noodle with Saut e edMutton Slice, Onion and Green Pepper肉饼Beef Cake牛肉拉面Hand Pulled Noodle Soup with Beef炫面 Braised Noodle Pieces with Vegetables鸡蛋炒饭Stir-fried Rice with Egg西北凉面Cold Noodle with Garlic Sauce新疆羊肉泡馍Flour Cake Soaked with Mutton Broth炒拉条子Stir-fried Hand-pulled Noodle番茄炒饭Stir-fried Rice with Tomato Sauce白皮面Plain Broad Hand-pulled Noodle米饭Steamed Rice汤面Noodle Soup with Vegetable盖饭/ 盖面Set Meal of Rice/ Noodle with Saut e ed Dishes过油肉Rice with Saut e edSliced Mutton with Onion, Hot Pepper and Tomato土豆烧牛肉Rice with Braised Beef with Potato木须肉Rice with Moo Shu Beef地三鲜Rice with Saut e ed Potato, Green Pepper and Eggplant鱼香茄子Rice with Yu Shiang Eggplant鱼香肉丝Rice with Yu Shiang Beef尖椒肉丝Rice with Saut e ed Shredded Beef with Hot Pepper土豆丝Rice with Saut e ed Shredded Potato尖椒炒鸡蛋Rice with Saut e ed Egg with Hot Green Pepper红烧土豆Rice with Braised Potato蒜苔炒肉Rice with Saut e ed Beef and Garlic Bolt宫爆鸡丁 Rice with Kung Pao Chicken西红柿鸡蛋Rice with Saut e ed Egg and Tomab红烧茄子Rice with Braised Eggplant辣子鸡丁Rice with Saut e ed Chicken Dices and Green Pepper 酸辣白菜Rice with Saut e ed Cabbage with Chili and Vinegar 酸菜粉条Rice with Saut e ed SourCabbage and Vermicelli 粉条炒圆白菜Rice with Saut e ed Cabbage and Vermicelli 汤类Soups羊排冬瓜汤Mutton and Wax Gourd Soup西红柿鸡蛋汤Egg and Tomato Soup紫菜汤Laver Soup新疆酸辣汤Sour and Spicy Soup, Xinjiang Style疙瘩汤Dough Drop and Assorted Vegetable Soup西湖牛肉羹Minced Beef and Egg Broth酸辣肚丝汤Hot and Sour Soup of Shredded Tripe冬瓜丸子汤Beef Ball and Wax Gourd Soup羊杂汤Sweetbread Soup海米冬瓜汤Dried Shrimp and Wax Gourd Soup牛肉粉汤Beef Soup with Starch Jelly and Vegetables羊肉粉汤Mutton Soup with Starch Jelly and Vegetables羊排萝卜汤Lamb Rack and Turnip Soup榨菜肉丝汤Shredded Beef with Preserved Vegetables Soup饮料Beverage可乐Coke鲜橙多Orange Juice大雪碧Sprite 冰绿茶Ice GreenTea冰红茶Ice Red Tea矿泉水Mineral Water杏仁露Almond Juice。
restaurant是什么意思restaurant中文意思-用法-短语restaurant是什么意思 restaurant中文意思-用法-短语每逢过年过节,父母经常要带英伦国际信誉高不高上饭馆(Restaurant),英伦国际信誉高不高3个孩子就吵闹着要上西餐馆,因为吃西菜使刀叉,很好玩。
restaurant【释义】英 ['restrɒnt] 美 ['restrɑːnt]n.餐馆;饭店【变形】restaurateur restaurants【词组短语】Restaurant Empire 奇迹餐厅 ; 餐饮业帝国 ; 餐厅帝国 ; 秘籍Restaurant Romance 餐馆整蛊泡美女 ; 餐馆恶整泡正妹Star Restaurant 明星餐厅 ; 明星餐厅繁体中文版 ; 星光饭店Rincos Restaurant 片 ; 蜗牛餐厅 ; 英文片名Restaurant Service 餐饮服务用语 ; 餐厅服务 ; 餐饮服务 ; 饭店服务Restaurant Waiter 饭店服务员 ; 餐厅服务员 ; 西餐厅服务员 ; 旧时称饭馆Jesse Restaurant 吉士酒家 ; 新吉士酒楼 ; 虹桥店 ; 浦东店Sunset Restaurant 日落餐厅 ; 落日餐厅Staff Restaurant 员工餐厅 ; 职工餐厅 ; 员工食堂 ; 员工饭堂【词义辨析】restaurant, café, cafeteria这组词都可指“饭店”“饭馆”。
其区别是:restaurant所指范围最广,可指各类的餐厅、饭馆; café指那些只供应咖啡或无酒精饮料及简单糕点的餐馆,在欧洲常指露天吃饭、饮酒之处; cafeteria指快餐店,客人自行在柜台上购取食物,然后回餐桌用餐,也可指自助餐厅或食堂。
例如:There is an outdoor café near my house.在我家附近有一家露天的饮食摊。
天山天池风景区英语公示语翻译错误调查研究作者:轩慧芳,贺继宗来源:《吉林省教育学院学报·上旬刊》 2012年第8期基金项目: 2010年昌吉学院研究生研究基金项目(2011SSQD005);本文是昌吉学院院级课题(2011SSQD005)产出论文。
《公共服务领域英文译写规范》第9部分:餐饮住宿Guidelinesfor the use of English in public service areasPart 9: Accommodation andcatering附录A餐饮业、住宿业场所和机构名称英文译法示例说明1、“〔〕”中的内容是对英文译法的解释说明,“()”及其所包含的内容是译文的组成部分,使用时应完整译写;2、“或”前后所列出的不同译法可任意选择使用,“;”前后所列出的不同译法应根据相关解释说明区分不同情况选择使用。
A.1 餐饮业场所和机构名称英文译法示例1 餐馆;饭店; 食府Restaurant2 餐饮广场; 美食城Food Court 或Food Plaza3 美食街Food Street4 火锅店Hot Pot Restaurant〔Restaurant可以省略〕5 烧烤店Grill House 或Barbecue Restaurant〔Restaurant 可省略〕6 清真餐馆Halal Restaurant 或Halal Food〔Halal 也可Muslim〕7 快餐店Snack Bar 或Fast Food Restaurant〔Restaurant 可以省略〕8 连锁快餐店Fast Food Chain9 饮食店; 餐饮店;小饭馆Eatery10 食品店Food Store11 面馆Noodle Restaurant 或Noodles〔用于Restaurant 省略时〕12 小吃店Snack Bar 或Snacks13 西餐馆Western Food Restaurant〔Restaurant可以省略〕14 酒吧Bar 或Pub15 小酒吧Mini-Bar16 咖啡馆; 咖啡厅Coffee Shop 或Café17 茶馆Teahouse18 茶室Tearoom19 面包房Bakery20 西饼屋Pastry Store〔Store可以省略〕或BakeryA.2 住宿业场所和机构名称英文译法示例 accommodation1 宾馆;酒店; 旅馆Hotel2 连锁酒店Chain Hotel3 招待所Guesthouse4 客栈Inn5 快捷酒店Budget Hotel6 青年旅社Youth Hostel附录B餐饮业服务信息英文译法示例说明1、“〔〕”中的内容是对英文译法的解释说明,“()”及其所包含的内容是译文的组成部分,使用时应完整译写;2、“”表示书写时应当换行的断行处,需要同行书写是“”应改为句点“.”;3、“”表示使用时应根据实际情况填入具体内容;4、“或”前后所列出的不同译法可任意选择使用,“;”前后所列出的不同译法应根据相关解释说明区分不同情况选择使用。
以下内容由整理发布,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注!西餐 Western-style food; Western-style cuisine; Western-style dish西式⾃助餐 Western buffet西式冷餐 Western buffet冷餐 buffet1.冷菜 cold dish1)沙拉 salad沙拉 salad⾊拉 salad⽕腿沙拉 ham salad鸡沙拉 chicken salad鸡脯沙拉 chicken-breast salad鸡丝沙拉 shredded chicken salad鸡蛋沙拉 egg salad鱼⽚沙拉 fish salad虾仁沙拉 shrimp salad⼤虾沙拉 prawn salad蟹⾁沙拉 crab salad素沙拉 vegetable salad蔬菜沙拉 vegetable salad鲜蔬菜沙拉 fresh vegetable salad黄⽠沙拉 cucumber salad鲜黄⽠沙拉 fresh cucumber salad奶油黄⽠沙拉 cucumber salad with cream西红柿黄⽠沙拉 cucumber salad with tomato西红柿沙拉 tomato salad甜菜沙拉 beetroot salad红菜头沙拉 beetroot salad沙拉油 salad dressing; mayonnaise沙拉酱 salad dressing; mayonnaise2)⾁ meat冷杂拌⾁ cold mixed meat冷什锦⾁ cold mixed meat冷⽕腿蔬菜 cold ham with vegetables什锦⾁冻 mixed meat jelly肝泥 mashed liver; live paste⽜肝泥 mashed ox liver; ox liver paste⽜脑泥 mashed ox brain; ox brain paste冷烤⽜⾁ cold roast beef冷烤⾥脊 cold roast fillet冷烤羔⽺腿 cold roast lamb leg冷烤猪⾁ cold roast pork冷烩茶肠 cold stewed sausage冷茶肠 cold sausage奶酪 cheese3)鱼 fish红烩鱼⽚ stewed fish slices with brown sauce茄汁烩鱼⽚ stewed fish slices with tomato sauce 鸡蛋鲱鱼泥⼦ minced herring with eggs鸡蛋托鲱鱼 herring on eggs熏鲱鱼 smoked herring熏鲤鱼 smoked carp沙丁油鱼 sardines鱼⾁冻 fish jelly酿馅鱼 stuffed fish红鱼⼦酱 red caviar⿊鱼⼦酱 black caviar⼤虾泥 minced prawns蟹⾁泥 minced crab meat4)家禽 poultry鸡⾁冻 chicken jelly; chicken in aspic⽔晶鸡 chicken in aspic鸡⾁泥 minced chicken meat; chicken paste鸡肝泥 minced chicken liver; chicken liver paste 鸭肝泥 minced duck liver; duck liver paste酿馅鸡蛋 stuffed eggs奶酪酿馅鸡蛋 stuffed eggs with cheese冷烤油鸡蔬菜 cold roast chicken with vegetables冷烤⽕鸡 cold roast turkey冷烤⼭鸡 cold roast pheasant冷烤野鸡 cold roast pheasant冷烤鸭 cold roast duck冷烤野鸭 cold roast wild duck烤鸭冻粉 roast duck jelly冷烤鹅 cold roast goose冷烤野鹅 cold roast wild goose5)素菜 vegetable dish什锦蔬菜 assorted vegetables红烩茄⼦ stewed egg-plant brown sauce酿青椒 stuffed green pepper酿西红柿 stuffed tomato酸蘑菇 sour mushrooms酸黄⽠ sour cucumbers; pickled cucumbers泡菜 pickled cabbage; sour and sweet cabbage2.热⼩菜 appetizers奶油烩⾹肠 stewed sausage with cream红烩灌肠 stewed sausage with brown sauce红酒汁烩腰花 stewed kidney with red wine; kidney with red wine 奶油烩腰花 stewed kidney with cream; kidney with cream芥末煎⽕腿豌⾖ fried ham and peas with mustard奶油煎⽕腿豌⾖ fried ham and peas with cream奶油汁煎⽜肝 fried liver with cream sauce; liver with cream sauce 鸡蛋汁煎鲱鱼 fried herring with egg sauce奶酪⼝蘑烤鱼 fish au gratin奶酪⼝蘑烤蟹⾁ crab meat au gratin奶油奶酪⼝蘑烤蟹⾁ crab meat au gratin with cream清煎鸡蛋 fried eggs⽕腿煎蛋 fried eggs with ham; ham and eggs⽕腿蛋 fried eggs with ham; ham and eggs咸⾁煎蛋 fried eggs with bacon; bacon and eggs⾹肠煎蛋 fried eggs with sausage; sausage and eggs⾹肠炒蛋 sausage omelette/omelet⽕腿炒蛋 ham omeletter/omelet番茄炒蛋 tomato omelette/omelet菜花沙蛋 cauliflower omelette/omelet豌⾖炒蛋 green peas omelette/omelet; omelette/omelet with green peas 鲜蘑炒蛋 mushroom omelette/omelet; omelette/omelet with mushrooms 果酱炒蛋 jam omelette/omelet; omelette/omelet with jam3.鱼虾 fish and prawn炸桂鱼 fried mandarin fish⼟⾖炸桂鱼 fried mandarin fish with potatoes番茄汁炸鱼 fried fish with tomato sauce奶油汁炸鱼 fried fish with cream sauce鞑靼式炸鱼 fried fish with Tartar sauce鞑靼汁炸鱼 fried fish with Tartar sauce清煎鲤鱼 fried carp⽕腿汁煎鱼 fried fish with ham sauce俄式煎鱼 fish a la Russia罐焖鱼 fish a la Duchesse罐焖桂鱼 mandarin fish a la Duchesse⽕锅鱼⽚ fish podjarka⽕锅鱼虾 fish and prawns podjarka⽕锅⼤虾 prawns podjarka炭烧鱼串 fish shashlik炭烧鱼段 fish chips shashlik铁扒桂鱼 grilled mandarin fish铁扒⽐⽬鱼 grilled turbot奶油汁烤鱼 baked fish with cream sauce鱼排 fish steak奶油⼝蘑烤桂鱼 mandarin fish au gratin奶酪⼝蘑烤鱼虾 fish and prawns au gratin⽩汁蒸鱼 steamed fish with white⽩酒汁蒸鱼 steamed fish with white wine红酒蒸鱼 steamed fish with red wine番茄汁蒸鱼 steamed fish tomato sauce鸡蛋汁蒸鱼 steamed fish with egg sauce⼝蘑汁蒸鱼 steamed fish with mushroom sauce红汁蘑菇蒸鱼 steamed fish with mushrooms and brown sauce番茄汁蘑菇蒸鱼 steamed fish with mushrooms and tomato sauce 波兰式蒸鱼 steamed fish a la Poland⼟⾖煮鱼 boiled fish with potatoes黄油汁⼟⾖煮鱼 boiled fish and potato with butter sauce炸⼤虾 fried prawns炸明虾 fried prawns软煎⼤虾 soft-fried prawns黄油汁煎⼤虾 fried prawns with butter sauce罐焖⼤虾 prawns a la Duchesse奶酪⼝蘑烤⼤虾 prawns au gratin⽕腿奶酪炸⼤虾 fried prawns with ham and cheese铁扒⼤虾 grilled prawns⼤虾蛋奶酥 prawn souffle4.素菜 vegetable dish奶酪⼝蘑烤蔬菜 vegetables au gratin黄油菜花 cauliflower with butter黄油杂拌蔬菜 mixed vegetables with butter菠菜卧果 spinach with poached egg奶油汁烤⼝蘑 baked mushrooms with cream sauce黄油炒⼝蘑 fried mushrooms with butter黄油炒菠菜 fried spinach with butter黄油炒豌⾖ fried peas with butter黄油炒青⾖ fried green peas with butter炒茄泥 fried mashed egg plants炸茄⼦⽚ fried egg-plant slices炸番茄 fried tomato清煎⼟⾖饼 fried potato cake酿馅西葫芦 stuffed bottle gourd焖洋⽩菜卷 braised cabbage rolls家常焖洋⽩菜卷 braised cabbage rolls烩茄⼦ stewed egg plants扁⾖炒蛋 omelette/omelet with green beans咖哩素菜 curry vegetables5.鸡鸭 chicken and duck烤鸡 roast chicken烤油鸡 roast chicken素菜烤鸡 roast chicken with vegetables棒棒鸡 bon bon chicken煎鸡 fried chicken炸笋鸡 fried spring chicken炸鸡 deep-fried chicken炸鸡⾁串 fried chicken shashlik鸡肝串 chicken liver shashlik通⼼粉煮鸡 boiled chicken with macaroni奶汁煮鸡 boiled chicken with cream sauce铁扒笋鸡 grilled spring chicken焖鸡 braised chicken家常焖鸡 braised chicken in home style黄油焖鸡 braised chicken with butter黄油焖笋鸡 braised spring chicken with butter 黄油焖鸡腿 braised chicken legs with butter红焖鸡块 braised chicken chips⽕锅鸡 podjarka chicken罐焖鸡 chicken a la Duchesse罐焖笋鸡 spring chicken a la Duchesse⾼加索焖鸡 chicken a la Caucasus⽐利时烩鸡 Belgian stewed chicken奶油烩鸡⽚ stewed chicken slices with cream ⽶饭烩鸡鸭 stewed chicken and duck with rice 奶油烩鸡饭 stewed chicken and rice with cream 咖哩鸡饭 curry chicken with rice细⾯条⽩汁鸡腿 chicken legs with spaghetti鸡⾁蛋奶酥 chicken souffle烤鸭 roast duck酸菜烤鸭 roast duck with sour cabbage黄油汁煎鸭肝 fried duck liver with butter sauce烤野鸭 roast wild duck酸菜烤野鸭 roast wild duck with sour cabbage蔬菜烤鸡鸭 roast chicken and duck with vegetables6.野味 game黄油焖鸽⼦ braised pigeon with butter; braised dove with butter 苹果汁烤⽕鸡 roast turkey with apple sauce咸⾁焖⼭猫 braised hare with bacon⼭鸡串 pheasant shashlik酸菜烤野鹅 roast wild goose with sour cabbage烤仙鹤 roast crane焖沙鸡 braised partridge焖⼭鹑 braised partridge7.通⼼粉 macaroni通⼼粉 macaroni⾁丝炒通⼼粉 fried macaroni with shredded meat番茄汁炒通⼼粉 fried macaroni with tomato sauce黄油炒通⼼粉 fried macaroni with butter鸡⾁⽕腿炒通⼼粉 fried macaroni with chicken and ham⾁汁炒通⼼粉 fried macaroni with meat sauce⼤虾鸡蛋炒通⼼粉 fried macaroni with prawns and eggs奶酪⼝蘑烤通⼼粉 macaroni au gratin奶酪烤通⼼粉 baked macaroni with cheese⾁丝番茄烤通⼼粉 baked macaroni with shredded meat and tomato 细通⼼粉 spaghetti意式⾯条 spaghetti鸡⾁⽕腿炒⾯ fried spaghetti with chicken and ham鸡丝番茄炒⾯ fried spaghetti with shredded chicken and tomato⼤虾⾁炒⾯ fried spaghetti with prawn and meat⼤虾番茄炒⾯ fried noodles with prawn and tomato⼤虾番茄烤⾯条 baked noodles with prawn and tomato8.炒饭 fried rice炒饭 fried rice⾁末炒饭 fried rice with minced meat番茄鸡丁炒饭 fried rice with tomato and chicken cubes 鸡蛋炒饭 fried rice with eggs鱼丁炒饭 fried rice with chopped fish⼤虾炒饭 fried rice with prawns黄油炒饭 fried rice with butter9. ⾯包 bread⾯包 bread⾯包⼲ rusk磨⽛⾯包⼲ teething rusk⾯包屑 bread crumbs; crumbs⾯包渣⼉ bread crumbs; crumbs新烤的⾯包 freshly baked bread不新鲜的⾯包 stale bread陈⾯包 stale bread未烤透的⾯包 soggy bread受潮的⾯包 soggy bread⽔泡的⾯包 soggy bread佐餐⾯包 loaf⾯包⽚ sliced bread; slice of bread⼀⽚⾯包 a slice of bread烤⾯包⽚ toast奶酪烤⾯包⽚ cheese toast⽆黄油烤⾯包⽚ dry toast抹黄油的⾯包 bread and butter⾯包抹黄油 bread and butter黄油⾯包 butter bread⽆黄油⾯包 dry bread⽩⾯包 white bread⿊⾯包 black bread; brown bread; rye bread*麦⾯包 rye bread粗*麦⾯包 pumpernickel⾃然发酵⾯包 self-rising bread死⾯⾯包 unleavened bread姜饼 ginger bread⼩圆⾯包 bun⼩甜⾯包 bun奶油⾯包 cream bun果酱⾯包 jam bun红肠⾯包 hot dog热狗 hot dog⾯包卷 roll奶酪⾯包卷 cheese roll咖啡⾯包卷 coffee roll⽺⾓⾯包 crescent-shaped roll; crescent; croissant ⽜⾓⾯包 crescent-shaped roll; crescent; croissant 新⽉形⾯包 crescent-shaped roll; crescent; croissant 短棍⾯包 baton棒状⾯包卷 baton roll法式⼩⾯包 French roll油炸⾯包丁 croutonsa.三明治 sandwich夹⾁⾯包 sandwich三明治 sandwich⽕腿三明治 ham sandwich⾹肠三明治 sausage sandwich杂⾁三明治 mixed meat sandwich鸡⾁三明治 chicken sandwich总会三明治 club sandwich奶酪三明治 cheese sandwich炒蛋三明治 omelette/omelet sandwich10.馅饼 pie馅饼 pie饼 pie排 pie派 pie⼩馅饼 patty⾁馅饼 meat pie; patty⽜⾁馅饼 hamburger patty; hamburger薄荷糕 pepper mint patty苹果饼 apple pie; apple tart苹果排 apple pie; apple tart苹果馅饼 apple pie; apple tart⽔果馅饼 fruit pie; fruit flan果馅饼 tart; flan巧克⼒馅饼 chocolate pie巧克⼒饼 chocolate pie巧克⼒排 chocolate pie柠檬饼 lemon pie柠檬排 lemon pie⾹蕉饼 banana pie⾹蕉排 banana pie奶昔饼 milk curd pie奶昔排 milk curd pie法式甜馅饼 French pastry11.⾁饼 cutlet⽜⾁饼 minced beef cutlet清煎⼩⽜⾁饼 natural fried veal cutlet蔬菜猪⾁饼 minced pork cutlet with vegetables⼟⾖泥拌⾁饼 minced meat cutlet with mashed potatoes葱头⾁饼 meat cutlet with onion奶酪⼝蘑烤鸡排 chicken cutlet au gratin炸鸡排 fried chicken cutlet炸鸡⾁饼 fried minced chicken cutlet蔬菜鸡⾁饼 chicken cutlet with vegetables⼟⾖泥清煎鸡⾁饼 fried chicken cutlet with mashed potatoes 炸鱼⾁饼 fried fish cutlet炸鱼虾饼 fried fish and prawn cutlet⼟⾖泥煎鱼饼 fried fish cutlet with mashed potatoes鲜豌⾖饼 fresh pea cutlet12. 饼卷 pancake roll⾁馅煎饼卷 fried pancake roll with meat filling炸⼝蘑鸡卷 fried chicken roll with mushrooms炸龙虾鸡肝卷 fried lobster roll with chicken liver 炸奶酪虾卷 fried prawn roll with cheese炸⼝蘑虾卷 fried prawn roll with mushrooms炸鸭肝馅虾卷 fried prawn roll with duck liver filling 炸枣咸⾁卷 fried bacon roll with dates烤⽕腿鸭卷 roast duck roll with ham⾹肠⾁卷 sausage roll奶油卷 cream roll鸡蛋卷 crispy egg roll; egg roll蛋卷 egg roll。
餐厅的英文说法1:restaurant英 [ˈrestərənt] 美 [ˈrɛstərənt, -təˌrɑnt]餐厅的英文说法2:dining room英 [ˈdaɪnɪŋ ru:m] 美 [ˈdaɪnɪŋ rum]餐厅相关英文表达:自助餐厅 buffet restaurant餐厅经理 banquet manager餐厅侍者 messboy餐厅领班 headwaiter餐厅英文说法例句:1. She checked the seating arrangements before the guests filed into the dining-room.在客人们鱼贯进入餐厅之前,她核实了一遍座位安排。
2. Whenever I get the chance I go to Maxim's for dinner.我一有机会便去马克西姆餐厅吃饭。
3. At lunchtime, MPs are spoilt for choice in 26 restaurants and bars.到了午餐时间,议员们有26家之多的餐厅和酒吧可供选择。
4. Owners of restaurants would have to equip them to admit disabled people.餐厅老板将必须在餐厅里配备能够接纳残疾人的设施。
5. We ate in the restaurant, as opposed to the bistro.我们是在餐厅吃的饭,而不是在小饭馆。
6. I know a wonderful restaurant where we can have lunch next week.我知道一家很不错的餐厅,下周我们可以去那里吃午饭。
第二十一课对话在学生餐厅—这建筑物是什么?—这是学生食堂,在我们大学有四个食堂,第一食堂,第二食堂,第三食堂和清真食堂—你通常在哪个食堂用餐?—我通常在第一食堂用餐—在这个食堂里地食物你满意吗—是地我非常满意,在他里面又各种各样地可口食物—你每天吃几顿饭?(هف在食堂)—我每天吃三顿饭.—你什么时候吃早餐—我早上七点一刻吃早饭.—你什么时候吃午餐?—我中午地十二点吃午饭.—你什么时候吃晚餐?—我晚上点半吃晚饭.—早餐你喜欢吃什么?—早餐我吃一块面包、一个鸡蛋和一杯牛奶.—午餐你喜欢吃什么?—午餐我吃米饭,肉、鱼、青菜—你喜欢在午饭后吃水果吗?—是地,我非常喜欢吃水果—你喜欢吃面条玛?—不,我不喜欢吃面条,因为我是南方人.尼罗河餐厅—喂,哈米德先生在吗?—是地,我就是,你是谁啊?(说话地人是谁?)—我是穆斯托法,我想请你去尼罗河餐厅吃埃及风味地饭菜—非常好,太感谢了!—那么,我将开车经过你那里,晚上点在学生城大门口等我.—好地,再见!—再见!(到了餐厅)—你好,你们请—谢谢,哈米德!你看一下菜单,选一下你喜欢吃地食物.—你俩喜欢什么?—我想要鱼、色拉、米饭.—我喜欢鸡肉或烤肉加面条.—难道你们不想要甜点和水果吗?—我想要冰激凌,哈米德!你想要什么?—饭后我想点喝素咖啡(饭后)—劳驾,结账—请,这是账单.—这是埃镑.—给你我钱.—这是给你小费.—谢谢,我经常会为你服务课文:在饭店餐厅里优素福是商业公司代表,优素福经常出差,他从一个国家到另一个国家,从一座城市到另一个城市.当优素福出差时,经常下榻于宾馆,他喜欢在饭店里吃饭,他现在在开罗地尼罗河清真餐厅,现在是七点四十五分,有各种各样可口美味地现成食物,他可以选择他喜欢地食物,三餐如下:文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习早餐从早上地七点到十点,早餐有果汁、面包、牛奶、果酱、黄油、茶或咖啡、奶酪或豆子. 午餐是从十一点到下午三点,午餐有汤、凉拌菜、肉或鱼、青菜、面包、黄油,大米饭或面条、水果或甜点,茶或咖啡文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习晚餐是从晚上六点到九点,晚餐有像午餐一样地食物.在桌子上有叉子、刀子、勺子、大大小小地盘子和玻璃水杯.优素福看了一下菜单,然后对服务员说:—劳驾.—是地,你需要什么帮助?—我想要西红柿汤,凉拌菜,面包和烤肉—你想要甜点还是水果?—劳驾、我想要水果、香蕉和橙子.—你喝什么?—劳驾,柠檬果汁.—优素福喝完柠檬果汁用叉子、刀子、勺子吃完食物.—然后说:劳驾,要一杯茶,服务员为他端来了茶—优素福喝了最后优素福看了账单,付了钱,谢过了服务员,离开了。
restaurant的用法总结大全restaurant的意思n. 饭店,餐馆,饭馆,菜馆restaurant用法restaurant可以用作名词restaurant的基本意思是“饭店”“餐馆”,指可供餐饮的场所,小的可指只有一个卖饭的柜台和几张桌子的小饭馆,大的可指设有雅座或包间,出售多种食品或专于一国风味的餐厅。
restaurant用作名词的用法例句This restaurant gets three stars in the guidebook.这家餐馆在旅游指南中标有三颗星。
There are many streamers in front of the restaurant.饭店门前有许多长条旗。
I had my breakfast in the small restaurant.我在一家小饭馆里吃了早饭。
restaurant用法例句1、He insisted we stop at a small restaurant just outside of Atlanta.他坚持让我们在亚特兰大市外不远的一家小餐馆歇歇脚。
2、They ate in an Italian restaurant in Forth Street.他们在第四大街的一家意大利餐馆吃了饭。
3、We had lunch the other day at our favorite restaurant.前两天我们在最喜欢的餐馆吃了午饭。
家庭餐厅:restaurant的用法介绍Oh, she just graduated, and she wants to be something in cooking, or food, or.... I dont know. Anyway, I told her you had a restaurant.——Friends对了,她刚刚毕业,她想要在烹饪还是食品还是什么……我不知道了。
效劳性机构的英语翻译效劳性机构的英语翻译书店 books store 粮店 grain store食品点 food store 煤店 coal store食品杂货(副食品)店 grocery 酱园 sauce and pickles shop肉店 meat (butcher's) shop 酒店 wine shop水产店 aquatic products shop 家禽店 fowl shop豆腐店 bean curd shop 烤肉店 roast meat shop卤味店 sauced meat shop 饮食店 food and drink shop小吃店 eating house (snack bar) 饭店 restaurant冷饮店 cold drinks shop 蔬菜店水果店 green grocery (green grocer's)蔬菜店 vegetables shop 鞋帽店 shoes and hats store百货公司 department store 百货商场 general merchandise market服装店 clothing store 成衣店 ready-made clothes shop呢绒绸布店 wool, silk and cotton fabrics store 药店(美:杂货店) drug store (pharmacy)儿童用品商店 children's goods shop 妇女用品商店 women's goods shop钟表店 watch and clock ship 文具店 stationer's (stationery shop)日用杂货店 daily-use sundry goods shop 炊事用具商店 cooking utensils shop家用器具商店 household utensils shop 五金商店 metal products shop家具店 furniture shop 眼镜店 eyeglasses store玻璃礼品店 glass gifts store 爆竹鞭炮店 fireworks shop电器商店 electrical appliance shop 油漆店 paint shop化工油漆染料店 chemicals, paint and dyestuffs shop 地产建材商店 native building materials store照相馆(摄影室) photographic studio (photographer's) 旧货店 second-hand goods store (used goods store)寄卖商店 mission shop 综合修理店 general repair shop (service)工艺美术效劳社 arts and crafts shop 花店 flower shop古玩珠宝店 antiques and jewelry shop 香烟店(摊) cigarette shop (stall)售报亭 newspaper and magazine stand 茶馆 tea house理发店 barber's shop (hairdresser's) 洗澡堂 bath house旅店/旅馆 inn/ hotel 邮局 post office。
diningroom造句一、中文翻译“dining room” 常见释义为“餐厅;饭厅”。
例如:“We have dinner in the dining room every evening.(我们每天晚上在餐厅吃晚餐。
通常指对外营业的餐饮场所,而“dining room” 可指家庭内部的饭厅。
例如:“We went to a fancy restaurant for our anniversary.(我们去一家高档餐馆庆祝周年纪念。
例如:“Students line up in the canteen to get their meals.(学生们在食堂排队打饭。
例如:“There's a new eatery around the corner.(街角有一家新开的小饭馆。
)”三、用法“dining room” 作为名词短语,可在句中作主语、宾语、表语等。
四、十条双语造句1.The dining room is the best place to enjoy family meals.(餐厅是享受家庭聚餐的最佳场所。
)- 例子:My family loves to gather in the dining room every Sunday. We talk, laugh, and share the delicious food cooked by mom. It's not just about eating, but also about the warm family time. There's a big table in the middle, and the whole family can sit around it comfortably. Can you think of a better place for a family to bond? In my opinion, the dining room is like the heart ofa home where family love is served on a plate.2.They decorated the dining room with beautiful paintings.(他们用漂亮的画装饰餐厅。
dining room翻译
![dining room翻译](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/4f83a784534de518964bcf84b9d528ea81c72f91.png)
dining room翻译基本解释●dining room:餐厅●/ˈdaɪnɪŋruːm/●n. 用餐的房间变化形式●n. 复数形式:dining rooms具体用法●n.:o用餐的房间o同义词:eating area, dining area, refectory, mess hall, banquet hallo反义词:kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, living room, studyo例句:●The dining room was beautifully decorated for the holidaydinner, with candles and flowers adorning the table. (餐厅被精美地装饰为节日晚宴,桌上装饰着蜡烛和花朵。
)●We usually have breakfast in the kitchen, but dinner is alwaysserved in the dining room. (我们通常在厨房吃早餐,但晚餐总是在餐厅供应。
)●The large windows in the dining room allow plenty of naturallight to flood the space, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. (餐厅的大窗户让大量自然光涌入空间,营造出温暖宜人的氛围。
)●The dining room table was set with fine china and crystalglasses for the special occasion. (餐厅的桌子上摆放着精美的瓷器和水晶杯,以迎接特别的场合。
)●After the renovation, the dining room became the mostelegant room in the house, perfect for hosting dinner parties.(装修后,餐厅成为房子里最优雅的房间,非常适合举办晚宴。
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The old saying goes: "the world is rich in Ningxia Yellow River" in the flow of gold, dripping with silver, of the Yellow River has one known as "Frontier South," said the Muslim village, Aqua City – Wuzhong.
Wuzhong is an active trade distinctive city, the Hui people are hardworking heritage of traditional skills.Wuzhong has earned its reputation as a Gourmet city ,Commercial City and the World Market.
Wuzhong Was awarded the "Chinese halal food base", "Chinese Muslim halal food products industry base", "Chinese Hui building cultural village" and "hometown of Chinese halal food."
Opportunities for China in the implementation of the western development strategy,Wuzhong with"China-Arab States Economic and Trade Forum” and “Wuzhong halal Food Festival”to the world.
Wuzhong Halal food has a long history,great variety of dishes, colorful, and unique,and the dishes has traditional local characteristics and unique style of Islamic national culture. It’s a Blooming flower of Chinese Muslim culinary.
"Eating in Wuzhong"has already famous in Chaina. There are two good examples to proved it.Chinese halal food is in Ningxia,Ningxia Halal cuisine is in Wuzhong.
Wuzhong has more than 600 kinds of halal food,each dishes material has Fine selection, nutrient-rich, with reasonable and distinctive features. The Hand-Grabbed Lamb, Shredded Chicken, Yellow River Catfish, Cooked Chopped Entrails of Sheep, and The Eight Treasures Tea and so on are very famous in Wuzhong.
JinSI Muslim Food Restaurant is a landmark in Wu Zhong. JinSI Muslim Food Restaurant inherited the Hui culture, comply with the virtues of Islam,and the decoration has national characteristics and Islamic style. JinSI Muslim Food Restaurant has become a shining pearl of catering enterprises in Wuzhong. It has its own National characteristics service,and a variety of regional dishes ,everything is Unique flavor in here. JinSI Muslim Food Restaurant reflects the ethnic flavor characteristics of pure and honest.
There has Wedding reception, Travel team reception, and Friends and family gatherings reception, so here is an ideal place for Muslim friends to enjoy the Halal food.
My dear friends ,China Wuzhong JinSI Muslim Food Restaurant WELCOMES YOU!。