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1.The Smiths live in[ ],[ ], [ ],[ ] house on the corner .

2.There are [ ],[ ],[ ],[ ] buildings in the city .

3. He has bought [ ],[ ], [ ],[ ],[ ] car .

4. What [ ],[ ],[ ],[ ] coat is!

5. Why not throw away [ ], [ ],[ ],[ ] < geography,this.old,useless> book ?


1.If you go ---------[ high,highly ] enough above the earth , you’ll find the air is too thin .

2. They tried--------[ hard,hardly] and succeed .

3. H e was ------------[ deep,deeply] moved by the words .

4. He left-------[direct,directly] after lunch .

5.Could y

ou speak a little -------------[slow/slowly]?

动词【1】[P22, TEXTBOOK;]



8种时态【常见】;1.一般现在时 2.一般过去时,3.一般将来时4.过去将来时5.现在进行时6.过去进行时7.现在完成时8.过去完成时





He lives in Nanjing .

She is 17 years old .

2] 客观事实,真理

The earth goes round the sun .


Verbs;[ arrive , begin, go ,leave, start, be.]

When does the train arrive?


If it is fine tomorrow, we will go on a picnic .

B. 一般过去时

常跟过去时间的状语【then, at that time,3 days ago, just now:】

He died 3 years ago .

H e went out just now .


时间状语【soon, next week, tomorrow```

Next month, she will be 18 .

形式;will + be/ do,

1] be going to do 最近打算做

The wall is going to be painted white .

2] be to do [计划发生]

We are to meet at the school gate .

3] be about to do [即将,正要做]

Harvest is about to start .


1】would /should + do

2] was/were going to do

I asked him when he would come here again .

He said he was going to try again .

E. 现在进行时【am/is/are + v+ing 】

They are having a meeting now .

E.过去进行时【was/were + v


W e were talking about you a moment ago .

F.现在完成时【过去发生的对现在有影响】【过去持续到现在】【时间状语;yet,already,never, before, recently, just, lately, ever,】

e.g. I have been to Shanghai many times .

[ since, so far , in recent years , for … years .表延续动词]

H e has lived here since 1990 .

I have studied English for 2 years

G.过去完成时【had+ done】[时间状语;by the end of …, before…., no sooner ….than , hardly…when ,….]

He had learned Chinese before he came to China .

B y the end of last year , I had worked in the school for 20 years . Exs of p58.

Exs of tenses .

1. Where are you? I [ ][be] upstairs . I [ ] [have] a bath .

2. I hope they[ ][repair] the road by the time we [ ][come] back next year .

3. Tom was sure he [ ][get] the job . then a letter[ ][arrive] which he [ ][not expect].

4. If you [ ][wait] longer before you[ ][make] up your mind, it [ ][be] too late .

5. I ‘’m sorry we’re late .[ ]you [ ][ wait] long?

6. E veryone [ ][read] when suddenly the door [ ][burst] open and

a stranger [ ][rush] in .

7. I think Tom [ ][know] the answer .

8. The man [ ][ die] ., send for a doctor quickly .’
