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Word building (词形转换) 十道题目,10%

Vocabulary and structure (词汇与结构) 三十道题目,30%

Reading comprehension (阅读理解) 三篇文章,30%

Cloze (完型填空) 十或二十道题目,10%

Translation (翻译)五句句子,20%

ⅠWord Building 构词法

1. She has been a doctor since her __graduation _ from school. (graduate)

2. Young people rush to big cities to enjoy its__ convenience __. (convenient)

3. The only true _ punishment __ for him is death. (punish)

4. Much _ improvement _ has been made in their English. (improve)

5. The Mountain attracts thousands of _ tourists _ every year. (tour)

6._ Friendship _ is very important. (friend)

7. She seldom_ complains _. (complaint)

8. Women tend to be more _ emotional _ than men. (emotion) adj.情绪化的

9. None of us was _ confident _ of winning the final game. (confidence)

10. remember my teacher for his _ valuable _advice (value)

11. live with the _ continuous _ changes in our life (continue)

12. She is always at _ peace _ with everyone. (peaceful)

13. _ Personally _, I don’t think it possible to finish the work within three days. (person)

14. The plan aims to _ strengthen _the friendship. (strong)

15. What are the advantages and _ disadvantages __ of having a car of your own ? (advantage)

ⅡVocabulary & Structure 词汇与结构


1. shade vs. shelter

in the shade of the tree 在树荫下

found a shelter from the rain 找到避雨的地方

2. pattern vs. style

pattern of blue and white squares蓝白格子的图案

his style of writing 他的写作风格

3. purpose vs. process

for the purpose of 为了……目的

in the process of 在……过程中

4. major vs. majority

a major operation 大手术

an English major 英语专业学生

the majority of students 大多数学生

5. means vs. meanings

various means of transport 各种交通方式

different meanings不同的意思

6. contest vs. conflict

speech contest演讲比赛

conflict between study and work 工作与学习的冲突

7. Attempt vs. temptation

attempt to climb the mountain登山的打算

temptation of smoking 抽烟的诱惑

8. solution vs. resolution

solution to the problem 问题的解决方案

resolution to quit smoking 戒烟的决心

9. contented vs. involved

be contented with 对……感到满足

be involved in 卷入…….

10. embarrassed vs. ashamed

seemed embarrassed by the question 面对这个问题显得尴尬

feel ashamed of lying 由于说谎而感到惭愧

11. low vs. lower

in a low voice 低声地

lower the prices 降低价格

12. gather vs. collect

gather in the hotel lobby 在宾馆大厅集合

collect stamps 收集邮票

13. Disturb vs. bother

disturbed by the letter 看信后感到不安

sorry to bother you 对不起打扰一下

14. Connected vs. combined

two cities connected by the bridge 一座桥连接了两个城市

small bookstores combined to make a large one 小书店合并成大书城15. prove vs. improve

proved to be wrong证明是错的

improve the working conditions 改善工作条件

16. efficient vs. sufficient

an efficient assistant 高效率的助手

sufficient supply 充足的供给

17. strict vs. hostile

be strict with students 对学生严格

be hostile to the foreigners 对外国人不友好

18. ready vs. prepared

be ready to help others 乐于助人

be prepared for the test 为测验做好准备

19. worthy vs. worth

be worthy of praise 值得称赞

be worth reading 值得一读


1. Before I ____ Tom a week he tried to borrow money from me.

A. had been knowing

B. had known

2. If you had heard it, you _____ by the love story hundreds of years ago.

A. would have been moved

B. was moved
