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Unit 16.

Text A

III. 1.

1)identity 2) section 3) local 4) dignity 5) nonsense 6) aboard 7) bowed 8)

tilted 9) Lord 10) Bless 11) describe 12) was bursting


1)make any difference 2) at their disposal 3) held in 4) fix up 5)set eyes on

6)turned …inside out

IV. 1) I don’t think so.

2) Yes, I think so.

3) I believe so.

4) I’m afraid so.

5) I suppose so.

V. 1. There is nothing but half a bottle of milk in the refrigerator.

2. He did nothing but complain.

3. For a few months I thought and talked of nothing but the coming trip to the Amazon.

4. He had nothing but coffee for breakfast.

5. The pet dog has brought us nothing but trouble.

VI. translation

1.餐厅经理一看到百万富翁来用餐,就顾不得和我们讲话了,满脸放光地迎了上去。The moment the restaurant manager set his eyes on the millionaire, he cut us short and heated for the latter, his face lighting up.


Welcome aboard our plane. The business class section is upstairs and the economy class is right on this floor.


You must say “Excuse me “after sneezing and “Bless you” when someone else has sneezed.


1.The sign for Room “NO. 6 ” has been turned upside down into “NO.9 ”, Fix it up



Many small stores have closed with the arrival of supermarkets.

Text B

I 1 reputation 2 count on 3 blew cover 4 reward 5 fainted 6 knocked…out 7 authority

8 been occupied 9 beamed 10 look…up 11 stare 12 enjoyed ourselves 13 hold your

tongue 14 honored

II 1. 他很爱交际,喜欢绘声绘色的故事,是个相当有名的恶作剧者。

2. 上火车之后他们注意到服务生看他们的眼神很特别。而且他每次在过道里从他们身


3. 一路上老跟那些记者打交道我受不了,所以我们才隐瞒身份进行这次旅行。我能指


4. 这一回沃尔特相信迪克做得太过分了。他在下火车前一言不发,但一下火车就爆发

