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With the improving quality of life as well as the ever-accelerating pace of life, the quality of people's food needs and rate also changing.In order to meet the needs of society
• 教学重点:学习演唱《银杯》加深对蒙 古族音乐的认识。
• 教学难点:歌曲中装饰音(前倚音、下 滑音)在演唱中的运。 用。
With the improving quality of life as well as the ever-accelerating pace of life, the quality of people's food needs and rate also changing.In order to meet the needs of society
With the improving quality of life as well as the ever-accelerating pace of life, the quality of people's food needs and rate also changing.In order to meet the needs of society
With the improving quality of life as well as the ever-accelerating pace of life, the quality of people's food needs and rate also changing.In order to meet the needs of society
赛勒日外咚 赛
↗ │

粗犷、豪放 细腻、热情
With the improving quality of life as well as the ever-accelerating pace of life, the quality of people's food needs and rate also changing.In order to meet the needs of society
With the improving quality of life as well as the ever-accelerating pace of life, the quality of people's food needs and rate also changing.In order to meet the needs of society
With the improving quality of life as well as the ever-accelerating pace of life, the quality of people's food needs and rate also changing.In order to meet the needs of society
With the improving quality of life as well as the ever-accelerating pace of life, the quality of people's food needs and rate also changing.In order to meet the needs of society
第三单元 草原牧歌 《银杯》
With the improving quality of life as well as the ever-accelerating pace of life, the quality of people's food needs and rate also changing.In order to meet the needs of society
饮食:烤羊肉、奶茶 蒙古象棋
娱乐风俗:赛马 With theimproving qualityoflife aswell asthe ever-accelerating pace oflife, thequalityof people's food needsand rate alsochanging.Inorder tomeet theneeds of society
• 歌曲《银杯》流传在鄂尔多斯草原的一 首短调民歌,每当节日集会,招待宾客 时,都会载歌载舞的演唱,歌词多为珍 重友谊,尊老爱幼,提倡团结的格言警 句。
With the improving quality of life as well as the ever-accelerating pace of life, the quality of people's food needs and rate also changing.In order to meet the needs of society
With the improving quality of life as well as the ever-accelerating pace of life, the quality of people's food needs and rate also changing.In order to meet the needs of society
With the improving quality of life as well as the ever-accelerating pace of life, the quality of people's food needs and rate also changing.In order to meet the needs of society
• 教学目标: • 知识与技能:有感情的演唱蒙古族祝酒歌银
杯》。 • 过程与方法:欣赏《美丽的草原我的家》、
《天边》加深对蒙古族音乐的认识,拓宽其 文化视野。 • 情感态度与价值观:体验蒙古族的歌曲风格, 了解民歌的长调和短调。族祝酒歌《银杯》,并
有感情的演唱歌曲。学习音乐知识,前倚音、滑音 及一段体、短调。了解民歌与创作歌曲的区别。
With the improving quality of life as well as the ever-accelerating pace of life, the quality of people's food needs and rate also changing.In order to meet the needs of society
你对蒙古族 了解多少呢?
With the improving quality of life as well as the ever-accelerating pace of life, the quality of people's food needs and rate also changing.In order to meet the needs of society
With the improving quality of life as well as the ever-accelerating pace of life, the quality of people's food needs and rate also changing.In order to meet the needs of society
With the improving quality of life as well as the ever-accelerating pace of life, the quality of people's food needs and rate also changing.In order to meet the needs of society
• 《天边》是一首具有浓郁蒙古族 音乐风格的创作歌曲,其旋律从蒙古 族长调中汲取了丰富的养料。
• 歌曲虽然用情歌的方式在倾诉, 但它的意蕴要比情歌更深远。表达了 远离草原家乡的游子对故乡深切的思 念和怀恋知情的。
短调是指字多腔少、结构短小 规整、节奏整齐匀称、具有叙述性 特征的蒙古民歌。
擅长骑马 With the improving quality of life as well as the ever-accelerating pace of life, the quality of people's food needs and rate also changing.In order to meet the needs of society
With the improving quality of life as well as the ever-accelerating pace of life, the quality of people's food needs and rate also changing.In order to meet the needs of society
With the improving quality of life as well as the ever-accelerating pace of life, the quality of people's food needs and rate also changing.In order to meet the needs of society
With the improving quality of life as well as the ever-accelerating pace of life, the quality of people's food needs and rate also changing.In order to meet the needs of society
With the improving quality of life as well as the ever-accelerating pace of life, the quality of people's food needs and rate also changing.In order to meet the needs of society
• 歌曲为五声调式。4/4拍,有两个乐句组 成的一段体,又称单乐段结构,音乐具 有欢快、热烈的情绪特征。每两句有6小 节,前4小节为实词,后2小节为衬词, 结束音落在主音“6”上,给人一种十分 稳定的明朗舒适感。同时在歌曲中多次 出现四度、五度、八度大跳,使音乐情 绪更加高昂、兴奋,也突显了歌曲的蒙 古草原风格和蒙古民族的豪情。
文字居住Βιβλιοθήκη With the improving quality of life as well as the ever-accelerating pace of life, the quality of people's food needs and rate also changing.In order to meet the needs of society
With the improving quality of life as well as the ever-accelerating pace of life, the quality of people's food needs and rate also changing.In order to meet the needs of society