

TWIN Lite Pro模块使用手册说明书

TWIN Lite Pro模块使用手册说明书

无锡睿思凯科技股份有限公司地址: 江苏省无锡市缘溪道3号,中秀科技园C栋四楼联系我们: ******************技术支持 (QQ): 424709968TWIN Lite Pro 模块使用手册无锡睿思凯科技股份有限公司地址: 江苏省无锡市缘溪道3号,中秀科技园C栋四楼联系我们: ******************技术支持 (QQ): 424709968 无锡睿思凯科技股份有限公司地址: 江苏省无锡市缘溪道3号,中秀科技园C栋四楼直接点击屏幕或使用导航按键进入【射频系统】菜单。

选择外置模块TWIN Lite Pro支持24通道。



当创建模型的时候,系统会给你自动分配一个Model ID。

(模型匹配Model ID可以设置范围从0-63默认为1)第三步:设置模型匹配(Model ID)当弹出“接收机已连接”页面时选择【注册】,当显示注册完成后关闭接收机。

(当您有多个接收器绑定时,在同一模型下 系统会给你自动分配不同的UID)在TW MODE模式下,选择【注册】遥控器会进入注册状态,然后按接收机对码按钮并给接收机通电。




TWIN Lite Pro模块最高支持500mW。



将TWIN Lite Pro射频模块协议改成【ELRS】。

第一步:注意:● 如果未设置Failsafe,则模型将始终以信号丢失前的最后工作状态工作,使用时请注意潜在的损 害风险。

Cascade E和F系列叉头位器操作指南说明书

Cascade E和F系列叉头位器操作指南说明书

cascade®corporationCascade is a Registered Trademark of Cascade Corporatione & F-seriesManual Number 688261-r3Fork positionerIntroduction i Safety Rules 1 Daily Inspection 3 Fork Positioner Operation 4 Safe Operation and Maintenance 5 OHSA Regulations 5i This guide describes operating instructions for the Cascade E and F-Series Fork Positioners. It will help you avoid common errors which often cause damage to the equipment or product being handled.Read this manual thoroughly before operating the attachment. Be sure you know and understand all operating procedures and safety precautions. If you have any questions, or don’t understand a procedure, ask your supervisor.Emphasize Safety! Most accidents are caused by operator carelessness or misjudgement. You must watch for hazardous situations and correct them.F-SeriesSideshift CylinderValve1RAMPSNo loadWith load23Check items each day. Report problems to yoursupervisor. See service manual for maintenance and repair procedures.4GA0005.epsFORK POSITIONER WITH STaNDaRD ValVEA Sideshift LeftB Sideshift RightC Forks OutD Forks InFORK POSITIONER WITH SOlENOID ValVEA Sideshift LeftA Forks Out (press knob button)B Sideshift RightB Forks In (press knob button)Tilt forwardFP0016.epsA BAABBFP0016.epsABCCDD(a) General Requirement(4) Modifications and additions which affect capacity and safeoperation shall not be performed by the customer or userwithout manufacturers prior written approval. Capacity,operation and maintenance instruction plates, tags or decalsshall be changed accordingly.(5) If the truck is equipped with front-end attachments otherthan factory installed attachments, the user shall requestthat the truck be marked to identify the attachments andshow the appropriate weight of the truck and attachmentcombination at maximum elevation with load laterallycentered.(6) The user shall see that all nameplates and markings are inplace and maintained in a legible condition.(e) Safety Guards(2) If the type of load presents a hazard, the user shall equipfork trucks with a vertical load backrest extension inaccordance with (a)(2) following.(a)(2) All new powered industrial trucks acquired and usedby an employer after February 15, 1972 shall meet thedesign and construction requirements for powered industrialtrucks established in the “American National Standard forPowered Industrial Trucks, Part II, ANSI B56.1-1969”, exceptfor vehicles intended primarily for earth moving or over-the-road hauling.(l) Operator TrainingOnly trained and authorized operators shall be permitted tooperate a powered industrial truck. Methods shall be devised to train operators in the safe operation of powered industrial trucks. (m) Truck Operations(1) Trucks shall not be driven up to anyone standing in front of abench or other fixed object.(2) No person shall be allowed to stand or pass under theelevated portion of any truck, whether loaded or empty.(3) Unauthorized personnel shall not be permitted to ride onpowered industrial trucks. A safe place to ride shall beprovided where riding of trucks is authorized.(4) The employer shall prohibit arms or legs from being placedbetween the uprights of the mast or outside the running linesof the truck.(5i) When a powered industrial truck is left unattended, load engaging means shall be fully lowered, controls shall beneutralized, power shall be shut off and brakes set. Wheelsshall be blocked if the truck is parked on an incline.(5ii) A powered industrial truck is unattended when the operator is 25 feet or more away from the vehicle which remains in hisview, or whenever the operator leaves the vehicle and it isnot in his view.(5iii) When the operator of an industrial truck is dismounted and within 25 feet of the truck still in his view, the load engagingmeans shall be fully lowered, controls neutralized and thebrakes set to prevent movement.(6) A safe distance shall be maintained from the edge of rampsor platforms while on any elevated dock or platform orfreight car. Trucks shall not be used for opening or closingfreight doors.(10) A load backrest extension shall be used whenevernecessary to minimize the possibility of the load or part of itfrom falling rearward.(n) Traveling(4) The driver shall be required to slow down and sound thehorn at cross isles and other locations where vision isobstructed. If the load being carried obstructs forward view,the driver shall be required to travel with the load trailing.(7i) When ascending or descending grades in excess of10 percent, loaded trucks shall be driven with the loadupgrade.(7iii) On all grades the load and load engaging means shall be tilted back if applicable, and raised only as far asnecessary to clear the road surface.(o) Loading(1) Only stable or safely arranged loads shall be handled.Caution shall be exercised when handling off-center loadswhich cannot be centered.(2) Only loads within the rated capacity of the truck shall behandled.(3) The long or high (including multiple-tiered) loads whichmay affect capacity shall be adjusted.(4) Trucks equipped with attachments shall be operated aspartially loaded trucks when not handling a load.(5) A load engaging means shall be placed under the load asfar as possible; the mast shall be carefully tilted backwardto stabilize the load.(6) Extreme care shall be used when tilting the load forwardor backward, particularly when high tiering. Tilting forwardwith load engaging means elevated shall be prohibitedexcept to pick up a load. An elevated load shall not betilted forward except when the load is in a deposit positionover a rack or stack. When stacking or tiering, only enoughbackward tilt to stabilize the load shall be used.(p) Operation of the Truck(1) If at any time a powered industrial truck is found to be inneed of repair, defective, or in any way unsafe, the truckshall be taken out of service until it has been restored tosafe operating condition.(q) Maintenance of Industrial Trucks(1) Any power-operated industrial truck not in safe operatingcondition shall be removed from service. All repairs shall bemade by authorized personnel.(5) All parts of any such industrial truck requiring replacementshall be replaced only by parts equivalent as to safety withthose used in the original design.(6) Industrial trucks shall not be altered so that the relativepositions of the various parts are different from what theywere when originally received from the manufacturer, norshall they be altered either by the addition of extra parts notprovided by the manufacturer or by the elimination of anyparts. Additional counter-weighting of fork trucks shall notbe done unless approved by the truck manufacturer.(7) Industrial trucks shall be examined before being placed inservice and shall not be placed in service if the examinationshows any condition adversely affecting the safety of thevehicle. Such examinations shall be made at least daily.When industrial trucks are used on a round-the-clock basis,they shall be examined after each shift. Defects whenfound shall be immediately reported and corrected.5Do you have questions you need answered right now? Call your nearest Cascade Service Department.Visit us online at AMERICASCascade CorporationU.S. Headquarters2201 NE 201stFairview, OR 97024-9718 Tel: 800-CASCADE (227-2233) Fax: 888-329-8207Cascade Canada Inc.5570 Timberlea Blvd.Mississauga, OntarioCanada L4W-4M6Tel: 905-629-7777Fax: 905-629-7785Cascade do BrasilRua João Guerra, 134Macuco, Santos - SPBrasil 11015-130Tel: 55-13-2105-8800Fax: 55-13-2105-8899EUROPE-AFRICACascade Italia S.R.L. European Headquarters Via Dell’Artigianato 137050 Vago di Lavagno (VR) ItalyTel: 39-045-8989111Fax: 39-045-8989160Cascade (Africa) Pty. Ltd. PO Box 625, Isando 1600 60A Steel Road Sparton, Kempton Park South AfricaTel: 27-11-975-9240 Fax: 27-11-394-1147ASIA-PACIFICCascade Japan Ltd. 2-23, 2-Chome, Kukuchi Nishimachi Amagasaki, Hyogo Japan, 661-0978 Tel: 81-6-6420-9771 Fax: 81-6-6420-9777Cascade Korea121B 9L Namdong Ind.Complex, 691-8 Gojan-DongNamdong-KuInchon, KoreaTel: +82-32-821-2051Fax: +82-32-821-2055Cascade-XiamenNo. 668 Yangguang Rd.Xinyang Industrial ZoneHaicang, Xiamen CityFujian ProvinceP.R. China 361026Tel: 86-592-651-2500Fax: 86-592-651-2571Cascade India MaterialHandling Private LimitedNo 34, Global Trade Centre1/1 Rambaugh ColonyLal Bahadur Shastri Road,Navi Peth, Pune 411 030(Maharashtra) IndiaPhone: +91 020 2432 5490Fax: +91 020 2433 0881Cascade Australia Pty. Ltd. 1445 Ipswich Road Rocklea, QLD 4107 AustraliaTel: 1-800-227-223Fax: +61 7 3373-7333Cascade New Zealand15 Ra Ora DriveEast Tamaki, AucklandNew ZealandTel: +64-9-273-9136Fax: +64-9-273-9137Sunstream IndustriesPte. Ltd.18 Tuas South Street 5Singapore 637796Tel: +65-6795-7555Fax: +65-6863-1368© Cascade Corporation 2007 6-2007 Part Number 688261-R3 c。



f r s k y睿斯凯X D设置说明使用说明书IMB standardization office【IMB 5AB- IMBK 08- IMB 2C】睿思凯X9D设置说明希望这个也兼容PLUS;由于此控为开源,固件不断更新,设置也有所不同。

























Hello,Thank you for joining the Alfred family. We wrote this to make sure your smart lock is as easy to set up as it is to use. Alfred owners are provided with security, peace of mind, and ease of use. Here are a few quick tipsto get you started:INSTALLATIONInstalling Alfred is easy. With our partnership with mobile app BILT you are able to get step by step visual installationprocedures which you can follow along on your phone. TheBILT app will show you how to install your latch and how to set your handing switch correctly. Go to the Apple App Storeor Google Play to download BILT and search “Alfred”.TOP POST Your Alfred lock may have a 3rd top post installed in the box. This extrapost is provided for extra security or to overcome some door defects where your door face might not be perfectly straight. This 3rd top post iseasy to remove with a pair of pliers if you do not wish to drill anyadditional holes in your door, or don’t fi nd it is required. For instructions, please refer to the BILT installation videos or refer to the instructionsmanual included with your device.SMART HOME TOUCHSCREEN DEADBOLTDB2 SERIES DB2SER CONTACT US Need any assistance with your Alfred smart lock? Call us toll-free at 1-833-4-ALFRED (1-833-425-3733).Or, email us at *********************.ALFRED HOME APP Controlling and Programing your Alfred Lock is simple with the Alfred Home App. Make sure to Download the Alfred Home App on your iOS or Android device.QUICK START GUIDEDB2 Series You can also lock your door from inside by pressing the inside multi-function button, or turning thumbturn toward the door edge. rm.turning thumbturn away from the door edge.Still have Questions about your new Alfred Smart Lock?Please don’t return it to the store!Let us help you fi rst!CALL 1-833-4-ALFRED (1-833-425-3733).OR, EMAIL US AT *********************。

FrSky TANDEM X20 HD 使用说明书

FrSky TANDEM X20 HD 使用说明书

With ETHOS Suite, you can update the radio bootloader, firmware, SD card, flash, and also convert image format and audio format. Find the latest infomation and download the ETHOS Suite at /.ETHOS SuiteNote: To use the ETHOS Suite application with a FrSky radio, please always keep the radio bootloader with the latest version.How to upgrade firmware for the video receiver module3221Make sure the HD radio is connected to the [ETHOS Suite] program.Enter the [FRSK Flasher] tool and move to the [HD Video Component] tab;Click the [Flash] button of the corresponding radio model to upgrade the firmware. 312V1V2V1V2FrSkyElectronicCo.,Contactus:******************Add:F-4,BuildingC,ZhongxiuTechnologyPark,No.3YuanxiRoad,Wuxi,214125,Jiangsu,ChinaTechnicalSupport:********************FrSkyElectronicCo.,Contactus:******************Add:F-4,BuildingC,ZhongxiuTechnologyPark,No.3YuanxiRoad,Wuxi,214125,Jiangsu,ChinaTechnicalSupport:******************** S TEP2: Channel Range SettingTD-ISRM Internal RF module supports 24 channels(CH1-8 / CH1-16 / CH1-24).The channel range is configurable by pressing thechannel bars, please also make sure of the channelconfiguration before using the module.STEP3: Model ID SettingThe system assigns the receiver a number for thereceiver (Model ID) automatically while creating a newmodel. ( The Model ID can be set from 00 to 63, withthe default ID being 1.)FrSky TANDEM X20 HD (UpKit) ManualNote:● If the failsafe is not set, the model will always work with the last working status before the signal islost. That could cause potential damage.● When the failsafe is disabled on the RF module side, the failsafe set on the receiver side will beapplied.● SBUS port does not support the failsafe setting in No Pulses mode and always outputs signal.Please set "Hold" or "Custom" mode for the SBUS port.There are 3 failsafe modes when the setting is enabled: No Pulse, Hold, and Custom mode.● No Pulses Mode: On loss of signal, the receiver produces no pulses on any channel. To use this mode, select it in the menu and wait 9 seconds for the failsafe to take effect.● Hold Mode: The receiver continues to output the last positions before the signal was lost. To use this mode, select it in the menu and wait 9 seconds for the failsafe to take effect.● Custom Mode: Pre-set to required positions on the lost signal. Move the cursor to the failsafe mode of thechannel and press Encoder, then choose the Custom mode. Move the cursor to the channel you want to set How to set FailsafeA pre-flight range check should be done before every flight, in case the signal loss is caused by the reflection of the signal by the nearby metal fence or concrete, and the shading of the signal by buildings or trees during the actual flight. Under normal circumstances, in Range Check mode, the RSSI at 150m is about 45-50.1. Place the model at least 60 cm (2 feet) above the non-metal contaminated ground (such as on a wooden bench). The receiving antenna should be in a vertical position.2. Ener the ETHOS system, move to the "RF System", scroll the Encoder to select "RANGE" mode andEncoder. In range check mode, the effective distance will be decreased to 1/30.Range CheckSTEP4: RegistrationFor TD Mode as an example, select the Set [Register] for getting the radio into Registration status in the RF System-Internal Module tool, then press the F/S button on the receiver and power the receiver on.When the "RX Connected" page pops up, press the [REGISTER] to complete the Registration procedure and then power the receiver off.(The system automatically assigns the receiver a UID differently in the same model when you have several receivers to bind at the same time.)STEP6: RF Power SettingThe TD-ISRM internal RF Module can offer multiple RF power options which can achieve a further controlling range. Open the Power menu bar and select the desired power level according to usage.STEP5: Automatic Binding (Smart Match)Move the cursor to RX1 [BIND], press it and repower the receiver.Click the RX to complete the binding after the receiver window pops up, the system will confirm "Bind succeed".Reset: Registration procedure is not requiredto repeat anymore after the receiver was once registered even though the receiver is deleted. Pressing the [Reset] and repower the receiver can have the bound recovered.Version1.0FrSky TANDEM X20 HD (UpKit) Manual Then turn the state of Internal RF to On. Set the binding mode for the Internal RF module correspond-ing to the receiver (ACCST D16, ACCESS, TD MODE).Model Setup Procedure - Internal Module STEP1: Enable RF ModuleEnter the RF system menu by the touch-screen or use the navigation encoder key. Choose the Internal Module.STEP 2:Configure the model the model and set the model picture. Enter into Model Select, then select the model type.Create a new model.。

思凯维 F800 PRO 用户手册说明书

思凯维 F800 PRO 用户手册说明书








THINKWARE 对事故造成的任何损失不承担责任,也不负责提供与事故结果相关的任何支持。

依据车辆配置或运行状况,例如遥控门锁设备的安装、ECU 设置或 TPMS 设置,产品的某些功能可能不被支持,且不同的固件版本可能影响产品的性能或功能。

备注: 下列使用说明/安装说明仅为举例说明,安装在室内时可咨询产品售后人员或专员。


本用户手册仅适用于 THINKWARE F800 PRO 型号,可能包含技术错误、编辑错误或缺少信息。

版权本指南中的内容和地图的所有权利均由 THINKWARE 保留,且受版权法保护。

未经 THINKWARE 书面同意,禁止未经授权地复制、修改、发布或分发本指南,否则可能获得刑事起诉。



联邦通讯委员会 (FCC) 声明本设备符合 FCC 规则第 15 部分的要求。

本设备的操作受以下两种状况的影响:(1) 本设备不应导致有害干扰,及 (2) 本设备必须接受所接收之任何干扰,包含可能导致意外操作的干扰。

本设备已通过测试,并符合 FCC 规则第 15 部分关于 B 级数字设备的限制规定。



睿思凯24GHz 无线电控制系统 V8 系列产品安装说明书

睿思凯24GHz 无线电控制系统 V8 系列产品安装说明书

睿思凯2.4GHz 无线电控制系统V8系列产品安装说明书感谢您购买睿思凯V8 2.4GHz 无线电控制系统。


1.主要特点◆ 先进的跳频技术 (ACCST 系统是世界最先进的跳频的技术之一, ACCST 2.4GHz系统能实现每秒几百次的跳频,这意味着极低的信号冲突和中断。

),◆ 快速对码连接◆ 快速重连◆ 双天线切换◆ 所有通道有效容易设置失控保护◆ 反应灵敏◆ 舵机移动平滑◆ 距离(1.5km-2.5km).2.睿思凯V8 2.4GHz 无线电控制系统如果您是Futaba 或者JR 用户,而且想要升级你的无线电系统到2.4GHz,睿思凯V8 系统会是您最好的选择。

2.1睿思凯不同的发射模块兼容以下发射机:V8FT (Futaba模块):Futaba: 3PM, 3PK, 7U, 8U, 8J, 9C, 10C, 9Z and FN series, T10C, FC-18, FC-28Hitec: Optic 6, Eclipse 7, Prism 7.WFLY: WFT09, WFT 08.V8JT (JR 模块 ):JR: 347/388/783/U8/PCM10/PCM10S/PCM10SX/PCM10IIS/8103/J9303/MX-22/MX-24S/PX/9XIIV8JT-G (Graupner模块): Graupner :MC—18/ MC—20/ MC—242.2接收机规格:型号:V8FR-HV;V8R7-HV;V8R4;V8R7-SP工作电压范围:3.2V-7.6V 3.0V-16V (高压)工作电流:30mA分辨率:3072延时:22ms规格:V8FR-HV(8通道,14g, 49mm×24.5mm×15mm, 1.5km-2.5km),V8R7-HV (7通道, 7.5g, 40mm×21mm×10mm, 1.5km-2.5km), V8R4 (4通道, 2.6g, 34.5mm×19.5mm×8mm, ≥500m), V8R7-SP( 7通道, 9g, 49mm×23mm×12mm, 1.5km-2.5km)2.3发射模块规格:工作电压范围: 6.0V-13.0V工作电流: 50mA输出功率: 60mW分辨率: 3072尺寸: 63.9mmX48.5mmX36.5mm (V8JT); 58.5mmx37.5mmx22mm (V8FT)有效的控制范围是指发射机和接收机清除阻塞后的距离。

AFL FlexScan FS300 四通道 OTDR 说明书

AFL FlexScan FS300 四通道 OTDR 说明书

O T D R s a n d T r o uFlexScan ® FS300 Quad OTDRAFL’s FlexScan FS300 Quad OTDR is an all-in-one solution for detecting, identifying, locating and resolving single-mode and multimode optical network issues. It is designed for both novice and expert technicians working in a range of environments from data centers to fiber-to-the-home, as well as local and wide area networks. The FlexScan FS300 automates test setup, shortens test time and simplifies results interpretation, improving efficiency and reducing costs.All-in-one test capability: The FlexScan FS300 includes an integrated VFL, power meter and light source. It can be easily paired to AFL’s award-winning FOCIS family of inspection scopes for single-fiber and/or MPO and OptiTip ® multifiber inspection, ensuring technicians have everything they need to locate and resolve optical network issues.Performance-packed: With SmartAuto automated multi-pulse acquisition, 37 dB dynamic range and best-in-class dead zones, FlexScan Quad OTDRs test multimode and single-mode networks – including FTTH PONs and POLANs up to 1:64 split ratio – while still detecting and measuring events <2 meters apart.User-friendly: The FS300 enables both expert and novice technicians to quickly and accurately detect, locate, identify and measure optical network components and faults. It applies industry-standard or user-set pass/fail criteria and displays results using LinkMap color-coded icons that immediately show the health of the network.Pocket-sized: The FlexScan FS300’s small form factor still delivers 12-hour battery operation plus a large, bright, indoor/outdoor, 5-inch 800 x 480 touchscreen display that doesn’t need a stylus.Multiple Reporting Options: Reports can be generated directly from the unit using Print-to-PDF feature or files can be transferred wirelessly or uploaded via USB to the included Windows ® compatible TRM ® 3.0 Test Results Manager software.Features•Multimode and Single-mode OTDR, including PON test •SmartAuto ® 1-button automated testing for fast results •Pocket-sized, weighs less than 1 pound, 12-hour battery •LinkMap ® color-coded icons for easy troubleshooting •Integrated Source, Power Meter and VFL •Robust reporting including Print-to-PDF Applications•OTDR and insertion loss test and reporting•Fast, accurate Pt-to-Pt and PON verification and troubleshooting •Locate faults exceeding industry or user pass/fail thresholds •Visually pinpoint location of macrobends or breaksBe ready for anything with this all-in-one solutionFlexScan ® FS300 Quad OTDRDramatically Reduces Test TimeIn SmartAuto mode, FlexScan OTDRs automatically analyze and test the network using a variety of network-optimized settings to precisely locate, characterize and identify network events with one button push. Loss and reflectance are measured for connectors, splices, splitters and macro-bends. FlexScan even checks for live fiber and verifies OTDR launch quality before initiating a test.Simplifies Network TroubleshootingLinkMap ® color-coded icons enable even novice users to easily and accurately troubleshootoptical networks. LinkMap clearly identifies fiber start, end, connectors, splices, PON splitters, and macro-bends.A LinkMap Summary provides end-to-end link length, loss and ORL. Loss and reflectance of detected events is compared to industry-standard or user-defined pass/fail thresholds and displayed with clear pass/fail indications. Users can instantly toggle between LinkMap and Trace views.Multimode and Single-mode plus PON Testing in One OTDR FlexScan Quad OTDRs are the ideal test tool for verifying and/or maintaining both single-mode and multimode networks. Unlike most Quad OTDRs, FS300 OTDRs test both point-to-point networks and FTTH PONs/Passive Optical LANs (POLANs).ConnectivityFlexScan OTDRs easily pair with AFL's ward-winning FOCIS ® family of connector inspection probes for fast, easy single-fiber and/or multi-fiber connector end-face inspection. Images and pass/fail results can be transferred to the FlexScan for display and/or archiving with OTDR results.FlexScan results can be transferred wirelessly via the free FlexScan App to a smart device for real-time reporting using the included Windows-based TRM ® 3.0 Test Results Manager software. Monitoring test results in real-time can detect mistakes while the tech is still in the field, preventing future truck rolls.OTDR, OLTS, and VFL Testing with a Single ToolFlexScan optionally includes a Wave ID optical light source (OLS) and optical power meter (OPM). With Wave ID, the OPM auto-synchronizes to a single or multi-wavelength Wave ID optical signal transmitted by an AFL light source. The OPM reports detected wavelengths and measures power and loss at each wavelength, saving significant test time and eliminating setup errors.The integrated Visual Fault Locator’s eye-safe red laser enables users to visually pinpoint the location of macro-bends and fiber breaks often found in splice closures and fiber cabinets.O T D R s a n d T r o u b FlexScan ® FS300 Quad OTDRSpecificationsaNotes:a. All specifications valid at 25 °C unless otherwise specified.b. FDA 21 CFR 1040.10 & 1040.11, IEC 60825-1: 2014.c. Measured with laser in CW mode at 23 °C ±3 °C.d. SNR=1, longest range and pulse width, 3 minute averaging.e. Maximum distance between two points 1.5 dB down each side of a reflective peak caused by an event with a -45 dB (or smaller) reflectance. Test pulse width is 3 or 5 ns.f. Maximum distance from the start of a trace spike caused by an event with a -45 dB (or smaller) reflectance, to the point where the trace returns to and stays within ±0.5 dB of backscatter. Test pulse width is 3 or 5 ns.g. Recovery to within 0.5 dB of backscatter after 1:16 splitter (≤13 dB loss) using 100 ns pulse width.FlexScan® FS300 Quad OTDR SpecificationsaNotes:a. All specifications valid at 25 °C unless otherwise specified.b. FDA 21 CFR 1040.10 and 1040.11, and IEC 60825-1:2014.c. Typical maximum deviation over 15 minute after 15 minute warm-up.d. Typical maximum deviation over 8 hours after 1 hour warm-up.e. 15 minutes after 30 minutes warm-up.f.8 hours after 1 hour warm-up.Accessories and Connector AdaptersFlexScan ® FS300 Quad OTDRFlexScan FS300 models are available in five kit configurations: Basic, PLUS, PRO, BIPM, and MPO. All kits include FS300 with AC charger, battery, carry strap, SC/2.5 mm connector adapters, TRM ®3.0, quick reference user guide, and carry case.Ordering InformationFS300-325 Basic, Plus, PRO, BIPM kits Order Entry: FS300-325-[KIT]-[Pn]-[Wn]-[C]-[CC]-[LNG]-[AC]-[SMFR]-[MMFR]-[TIP] FS300-325 MPO kits (SMF and MMF) Order Entry: FS300-325-[MKIT]-P1-[Wn]-[LNG]-[AC]-[MPOC] where:Notes:a. Results can be transferred from FlexScan to TRM ® 3.0 using USB cable, or performed wirelessly (W1 option) after downloading FlexScan App from 'Google play' or 'App Store'.b. FlexScans equipped with Bluetooth option (W1) support Bluetooth transfer of results via FlexScan App for remote reporting using TRM 3.0.c.Basic kit always ships with S1 (Standard Soft Case); MPO kit always ships with MPO-specific soft case.FlexScan ® FS300 Quad OTDRQualificationsContact ******************* to schedule a demonstration or learn how to buy.Visit /Test to learn more about FlexScan FS300 OTDR.International Sales and Service Contact Information available at /Test/ContactsRecommended ProductsFOCIS Flex and FOCIS Lightning (Multi-Fiber) Connector Inspection • Self-contained, tether-free, hand-held inspection solution• Auto-focus and auto-centering for fast, easy inspection • IEC, IPC and user-defined pass/fail analysis• FOCIS Lightning: extremely fast multi-fiber auto-analysis for datacom and telecom inspection applicationsOFI-BIPM Optical Fiber Identifier • World class signal sensitivity• Trigger lock, positive stop for optimum detection• Integrated optical power meter optionTest Management and Reporting Software。


2.1 开始运行仪表
1、长按开机键 3 秒。听到“滴”一声后,系统进入开机画面;
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iPA 系列无源互调仪操作指南、基站测试流程
图4 2、按下电源按钮,仪表进入启动程序。当仪表可以使用时,界面如下: 记录测试值
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iPA 系列无源互调仪操作指南、基站测试流程
测量互调失真在某个频段内的变化规律。扫频测试的频率要求在 F1/F2 频率范围,可任意配 置 F1 和 F2 的起点和终点。如下图所示:
图9 频谱模式:方便上站之前对外场环境进行排查;如图所示:
图 10 故障定位模式:可以定位最主要的互调故障点有几个,互调分别是多少 dBm,故障点距离 工程师多少米;可以定位最主要的回波损耗有几个故障点,分别是多少 dB,故障点距离工 程师多少米;也可以同时显示“互调+回损”曲线;使用回波损耗测量定位辅助互调故障点 的定位;
I USA | Australia | China | United Kingdom
iPA 系列无源互调仪操作指南、基站测试流程
1 简要介绍 ............................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 结构组成与面板设计..................................................................................................... 1

菲尔士华尔 Philips Avent Smart 宝宝监控器说明书

菲尔士华尔 Philips Avent Smart 宝宝监控器说明书

Philips Avent Smart baby monitorWith SafeConnect Technology For smartphone and tablet Compatible with iOS & Android Try the free app nowSCD860Connecting you to your baby, wherever you are With SafeConnect TechnologyThe Smart baby monitor enables you and your beloved ones to watch over your little one, from wherever you are. The app automatically switches between networks and optimizes audio & video quality for the best connection to your baby.SafeConnect Technology•Works across all networks for the optimal connectionA secure and private connection•Supports multiple cameras/viewers, invite your beloved ones•Monitoring performance dependent upon Wi-Fi connection•Simply use the QR code to set up and download the app•Up to 720p HD day & night vision quality•Background mode with reduced power consumptionPersonalized to your needs•Personalize settings, monitor the way you want•A selection of lullabies for calm, contented sleep•Multi-color nightlight to soothe your baby to sleep•Reassuring TalkBack function•Room humidity and temperature monitoring and recording•Snapshot to capture your baby's special momentsSafeConnect Technology The Philips Avent Smart baby monitor app uses SafeConnect Technology to work across available networks (3G/4G/Wi-Fi). The app automatically matches bandwidth and provides you with the optimal connection to your baby. When the quality of your internet connection decreases, the app will automatically adjust its audio & video quality so that you can keep watching over you little one. In case your internet connection drops, the monitor will constantly reconnect and notifies you if your connection cannot be restored.Secure and private connection The connection is completely secure and private. You can invite your beloved ones to watch-in, from wherever you or they are. Up to 10 accounts in total, and with privacy mode so that you can decide if and when others can tune in. The app supports up to 10 cameras, with 3 simultaneous viewers per camera.Wi-Fi connectivityBoth, the monitor & app need to be connected to the internet. The monitor connects to the internet via Wi-Fi, which makes the performance of the monitor directlydependent upon the performance of your Wi-Fi connection. Please make sure the Philips Avent Smart baby monitor is located in close range of the Wi-Fi router, or use Wi-Firepeater / powerline adapter with integrated Wi-Fi to boost the Wi-Fi signal near themonitor. Your smart device can be connected to the internet either via 3G, 4G or Wi-Fi, enabling you to watch over your little one from wherever you are.Personalized to your needsAll settings and notifications for the smart baby monitor and the app can be completelypersonalized, so you can choose and receive exactly the frequency and type of updates you would like. Additionally, you can set theproduct features how and when you would liketo. Whether it for instance is the color of the nightlight, or a specific lullaby.Easy set upThe Philips Avent Smart baby monitor isincredibly easy to set up. Simply download the app and use the in-app QR code to connect the camera to your local Wi-Fi network. The app includes a first time user guide, which will support you and explain the buttons and features of the app.Day & night visionSee and hear your baby during the day & night. The camera offers superior video and audio quality, with up to 720p HD day & night vision. Full color by day and infra red black and white by night.Philips Green LogoPhilips Green Products can reduce costs, energy consumption and CO2 emissions. How? They offer a significantenvironmental improvement in one or more of the Philips Green Focal Areas – Energy efficiency, Packaging, Hazardous substances, Weight, Recycling and disposal and Lifetime reliability.Issue date 2016-12-26 Version: 9.0.1EAN: 08 71010 36586 34© 2016 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.What is included•Smart baby monitor•Wall mount•AdapterFeatures•Monitor multiple cameras: 10•Multiple viewers: 3 simultaneously •Automatic night mode: Infrared •Humidity monitoring: 10% - 80% RH •Humidity history: Last 24 hours •Temperature monitoring: 0°C - 40°C •Temperature history: Last 24 hours •Soothing lullabies: 10•Night light: Multi color•Day & night vision•Talkback function•Snapshot•Easy QR code set up•Background listening•Noise detection: Variable threshold setting •Adjustable viewing angle•Digital zoom and pan: Yes, in app feature Power•Voltage: 100-240 V•Rated Frequency: 50-60 Hz Video Quality•Resolution: up to 720p HD (1280 x 720)•Video codec:H.264•White Balance: Automatic•Exposure: AutomaticCameras•Camera WiFi: 802.11 b/ g/ n (2.4 GHz, not compatible with 5GHz)•Sensor: 1.3 Megapixel camera sensor•Focus mode: Fixed•Focus Length: 0.2 - 3 meters•View angle: Landscape 57.7°, Portrait 44.9°•Ambient light sensor•Aperture:F2.8Software•Installation: via Apple App store or Google Play store•Automatic App update: Automatic camera firmware update•Android compatibility: version 4.1 & above (phone/ tablet)•iPad compatibility: Version iOS7 & above, iPad 2 and newer•iPhone compatibility: Version iOS7 & above, iPhone 4S and newer•iPod compatibility: Version iOS7 & above, iPod Touch 5th gen and newer。

FLIR DNR300系列QCG前端网络摄像头系统用户指南说明书

FLIR DNR300系列QCG前端网络摄像头系统用户指南说明书

Les informations contenues dans ce document sont indiquées CD(logiciel et guide de l'utilisateur inclus)Guides de démarragerapideAdaptateur d'alimentation (x 2)Câble EthernetSouris USBEnregistreur de vidéosurveillance en réseauSérie DNR300Guide de connexion rapideBrancher les caméras à un Routeur* /proPour obtenir du soutien, visitez l'adresseLes plus récents logiciels et guides de l'utilisateur sont disponibles à l'adresse :/proCliquez deux fois un canal pour le visualiser en Cliquez pour ouvrir une option de menu.Utilisation de la sourisRéglage de la date et de l'heure123Enregistreur de vidéosurveillance en réseauSérie DNR300Guide de connexion rapide3. Cliquez sur Recherche IP .4. Cliquez sur OK .À l'aide des menus déroulants, sélectionnez les canaux que vous souhaitez lire. Cliquez sur les options d'affichage () pour lire plusieurs canaux en même temps. Cliquez à l'intérieur de la Cliquez à l'intérieur de la barre pour choisir l'heure de lecture.4. Sélectionnez la caméra, ou les caméras, que vous souhaitez ajouter et cliquez sur Ajouter .Si l'indicateur d'état est rouge, cliquez sur . Au besoin, mettez à jour les renseignements suivants.Mot de passe : Entrez le mot de passe de la caméra.Utilisateur : Entrez le nom d'utilisateur de la caméra.Fabricant : Choisissez le fabricant de votre caméra IP .Port HTTP : Entrez le port HTTP de la caméra. Port RTSP : Entrez le port HTTP de la caméra.Cliquez sur OK . Cliquez sur OK de nouveau pour sauvegarder les changements.REMARQUE : Consultez le guide de l'utilisateur fournit sur le CD pour obtenir plus d'information concernant laREMARQUE : Consultez le guide de l'utilisateur pour obtenir plus d'information sur le nom d'utilisateur et le mot de passe par défaut ou les ports utilisés.5. Si l'indicateur d'état est vert, la caméra est connectée et aucune configuration supplémentaire n'est requise. Cliquez sur OK pour sauvegarder les changements.。



Enterprise Development专业品质权威Analysis Report企业发展分析报告睿思凯(无锡)电子商务科技有限公司免责声明:本报告通过对该企业公开数据进行分析生成,并不完全代表我方对该企业的意见,如有错误请及时联系;本报告出于对企业发展研究目的产生,仅供参考,在任何情况下,使用本报告所引起的一切后果,我方不承担任何责任:本报告不得用于一切商业用途,如需引用或合作,请与我方联系:睿思凯(无锡)电子商务科技有限公司1企业发展分析结果1.1 企业发展指数得分企业发展指数得分睿思凯(无锡)电子商务科技有限公司综合得分说明:企业发展指数根据企业规模、企业创新、企业风险、企业活力四个维度对企业发展情况进行评价。


1.2 企业画像类别内容行业空资质增值税一般纳税人产品服务技术服务、技术咨询;电子元器件、电子设备、1.3 发展历程2工商2.1工商信息2.2工商变更2.3股东结构2.4主要人员2.5分支机构2.6对外投资2.7企业年报2.8股权出质2.9动产抵押2.10司法协助2.11清算2.12注销3投融资3.1融资历史3.2投资事件3.3核心团队3.4企业业务4企业信用4.1企业信用4.2行政许可-工商局4.3行政处罚-信用中国4.5税务评级4.6税务处罚4.7经营异常4.8经营异常-工商局4.9采购不良行为4.10产品抽查4.12欠税公告4.13环保处罚4.14被执行人5司法文书5.1法律诉讼(当事人)5.2法律诉讼(相关人)5.3开庭公告5.4被执行人5.5法院公告5.6破产暂无破产数据6企业资质6.1资质许可6.2人员资质6.3产品许可6.4特殊许可7知识产权7.1商标7.2专利7.3软件著作权7.4作品著作权7.5网站备案7.6应用APP7.7微信公众号8招标中标8.1政府招标8.2政府中标8.3央企招标8.4央企中标9标准9.1国家标准9.2行业标准9.3团体标准9.4地方标准10成果奖励10.1国家奖励10.2省部奖励10.3社会奖励10.4科技成果11 土地11.1大块土地出让11.2出让公告11.3土地抵押11.4地块公示11.5大企业购地11.6土地出租11.7土地结果11.8土地转让12基金12.1国家自然基金12.2国家自然基金成果12.3国家社科基金13招聘13.1招聘信息感谢阅读:感谢您耐心地阅读这份企业调查分析报告。

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请使用者根据固件版本的不同,请选择性使用!!!另外此文在整理中难免有误,请模友们多多指教,最1.sounds2.文件夹3.4.6.7.frmware 8.ccpm舵机的正反设置可以在第二个页面选择三个混控通道的正反向。


下面的三个9.10.11.012345678 是每个模型设置的8个状态,可以修改每个状态的中点、偏移、舵量等,可以在一个模型设置里放8个不同的飞机或8个相同类型的飞机,比如两架固定翼,可以用0 和1 分开设置,飞机A,在装配调试的时候副翼中点要偏移一点,但是飞机B不用偏移,设置好后选择0就飞A飞机,选择1就飞B飞机。


12.要改手就选择那个reta aetr ater arte等等。



15.在5通道上设置控制原为sa,三段数据分别为-100,0,10016.17.opentx 18.er9x增加了可编程的部分。




上传的这个"FRSKY TELEMETRY PROTOCOL.PDF"文档是frsky djt和dft外置模块的串口数据说明,可以用来接别的遥测设备,可以把另外的发射端数据由这个21.遥控器上有语音播报,信号差的时候或者电压低的时候会有语音提示,如果外接传感器,可以播报电池电压、高度、速度、转速、温度……等一切可以监测的数据。




47. d4fr接收机说明里的图,cppm输出18ms,sbus应该更快吧。

















看rssi输出0-3.3v 模拟信号,由外接AD转换成数字比例信号,0-3.3V的ad转换哦,各种外接都好用。









71.72.73. 不要管绿箭头那里的显示。


大小舵角也可在servos里设置78.79.是渐进、81.这个是IN就是输入延时, mode就跟切换模型差不多。





89.计时器的设置:90.persistent 是保存时间,关控不清零,persistent打勾,关机时,时间不清零。

91.minutes call 是每分钟播报92.countdown 是倒计时,不选是正计时93.94.AETR,这是美国手设置,长按menu,第一页按AETR,摇杆控制RTEA。










弄错了,ele 50,ail 还是100红箭头是摇杆,蓝箭头是开关,两个通道上都要设置开关,这样可以SF打开带俯仰,关闭纯副翼。

6通道要和1通道一样的设置,如果两个舵机ail是1+1-,那两个ele都是+或-,如果ail是相同的+-,ele就是1+ 1- 。

2 1+1-就是一正一负。





100. X9D是ACCST制式。

101. X8R要D16才行,目前D16只支持X8R,老接收机都用D8。


每个D8,不同时工102.ppm 改PPM输,来满用户103.字信号,就是数据总线,sbus的设备靠数字ID区分通道。




104.四轴简单,复杂的工作都由飞控来干,遥控设置最简单,用模的simple 4-c,然后添加6段开关就行。

群共享里有6段开关现成的文件,105.内置高频头没有dsm2的选项,只有外置高频头的选项里才有dsm2 ,并且x9d要装dsm高频头才可以直接跟DSM接收配套使用。


106.x9d 如果要換自己做的圖片要212*64 4bit大的bmp 。

如果不是4 bit,保存成4bit就行了。






ppm 是一个通道一个通道的方波,用一段时间发出去。




109.111.然后在自定义功能里设置,第一条是每30秒播一次总电压(可以不设置)112.第二条的意思是,当CS1开,就播放声音,这个声音可以自定义113.433114.main frquency 指定主频率115.hopping chanels 是跳频选择三个跳频值,step是自动跳频的步长值。

RF Header(ID)猜想可能是数据包头,通讯握手用的116.telemetry Mode 是双向模式选择,这上面目前是关闭状态X9Dstsw软件。

companion9x 下载最新固件刷机。

120.multpx (multiplex),指的是,你当前设置的这个参数或者通道信号,是以何种形式叠加到同组信号里去,里面有相加,相乘,或者替换。

121.四轴简单,复杂的工作都由飞控来干,遥控设置最简单,用模的simple 4-c,然后添加6段开关就行。





123.熄火开关的设置用混控,在失控保护里选择手动设置把这个勾打上,所有行程就是+-125%了这里要设置最小的量这里面可以通过推广设定行程. 先改成-125 ,设置失控保护后,回来再改成-100。
