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In troduct ion and Chapter 1

Basic Concepts of Words and Vocabula

ry (练习 1)

1. Each of the stateme nts below is followed by four alter native an swers. Choose the one that would best complete the stateme nt.

1. Morphology is the branch of grammar which studies the structure or forms of words, primarily through the use of _______________ con struct.

A. word

B. form

C. morpheme

D. root

2. ______ is traditi on ally used for the study of the orig ins and history of the form and meaning of words.

A. Sema ntics

B. Lin guistics

C. Etymology

D. Stylistics 3. Moder n En glish is derived from the Ian guage of early ____ tribes.

A. Greek

B. Roma n

C. Italia n

D. Germa nic 4. Sema ntics is the study of meaning of differe nt ________ l evels: lexis, syn tax, uttera nee, discourse, etc.

A. li nguistic

B. grammatical

C. arbitrary

D. sema ntic 5.Stylistics is the study of style . It is concerned with the user ' choices of lin guistic eleme nts in a particular ________ for special effects

A. situati on

B. con text

C. time

D. place 6. Lexicography shares with lexicology the same problems: the form meaning, origins and usages differe nee.

and academic areas.

8. _______________ r efers to the specialized vocabularies by which members of particular arts, scie nces, trades, and professi ons com muni cate among themselves.

A. Sla ng

B. Jarg on

C. Dialectal words

D. Argot 9 . ________ belongs to the sub-standard Ianguage, a category that

seems to sta nd betwee n the sta ndard gen eral words in clud ing in formal ones available to every one and in-group words.

A. Jarg on

B. Argot

C. Dialectal words

D. Sla ng 10. Argot gen erally refers to the jarg on of ______ .Its use is confined to the sub-cultural groups and outsiders can hardly un dersta nd it.

A. workers

B. criminals

C. any person

D. policema n

11. ______ are words used only by speakers of the dialect in questio n.

A. Argot

B. Sla ng

C. Jarg on

D. Dialectal words

of words, but they have a _____________ A . spell ing B. sema ntic 7. Terminology consists of _________ C. pronun ciati on D. pragmatic terms used in particular disciplines A. tech ni cal B. artistic C. differe nt D. academic

12. Archaisms are words or forms that were once in ________ use but

are now restricted only to specialized or limited use.

A. com mon

B. little

C. slight

D. great 13. Neologisms are n ewly-created words or expressi ons, or words that have take n on ____ meanin gs.

A. new

B. old

C. bad

D. good 14. Content words denote clear no ti ons and thus are known as ______ words. They in clude nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs and nu merals. A. fun cti onal B. no ti onal C. empty D. formal 15. Fun cti onal words do not have no ti ons of their own. Therefore, they are also called _________words. Prepositions, conjunctions, auxiliaries and articles bel ong to this category.

A. content

B. no ti onal

C. empty

D. new

II. Complete the followi ng stateme nts with proper words or expressi ons accord ing to the course book.

16. Lexicology is a branch of linguistics, inquiring into the origins and of words. 17. English lexicology aims at investigating and studying the ______________ structures of English words and word equivalents, their semantics, relatio ns, ___ developme nt, formatio n and _____ . 18. English lexicology embraces other academic disciplines, such as morphology, _____ ,etymology, stylistics, _______ . 19. There are gen erally two approaches to the study of words , n amely synchronic and ______ .

20. Language study involves the study of speech sounds, grammar and

III. Match the words or expressi ons

in Column A with those in Column B accord ing to 1) basic word

stock and non basic vocabulary 2) content words and fun ctio nal words 3) n ative words and borrowed words 4)characteristics of the basic word stock.


21 . Stability ( )

22. Collocbility( ) 23. Jargo n( ) 24. Argot (


25. Notio nal words( ) 26. Neologisms ( )

27. Alie ns (


28. Sema ntic-loa ns( ) 29. Archaisms ( ) 30. Empty words ( ) IV. Study the following words or expressions and identify 1) characteristics of the basic word stock 2) types of non

basic vocabulary.


A. E-mail

B. aught



D. upon

E. hypo

F. at heart

G. man

H. dip

I. fresh

J. emir

31. dog cheap (

) 32 a cha nge of heart (
