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Lecture 2

1.What is the begonia’s secret of surviving on the dim forest floor?

The secret of the begonia’s surviving lies in the leaves which we call red undersides.

2. How do leaves reduce the problem of water lying on their surface?

1)The leaves should be tough to withstand(承受住) the pounding.

2)The leaves should have gutters to carry away the water lying on their surface.

3)They have pointed tips at the end to drain away the water rapidly completely.

4)They have dense hairs to keep the pore free from water.

3. What is the dramatic solution the mimosa possesses to defend itself?

One touch makes it fold its leaflets ,another tap and it flops to the ground.

Lecture 3

1. What are the three factors causing the collision between our civilization and the Earth?

(1)Population (2)The scientific and technological revolution (3)Our way of thinking.

2.(OPEN)How to balance the economy and the environment?

3. (OPEN)What should we do to solve the climate crisis, to secure our future or to save our planet Earth?

Discussion 1

1.What might be the major cause of the Big Freeze?

1)volcanic eruptions 2)global warming 3)changes in the ocean currents

2.(Please name the five ways…)What are the five ways in which we are damaging life's diversity?

(1)Over-harvesting (2)the introduction of alien species (3)the destruction of habitats (4)island-isation


Lecture 4

1. What is the natural selection?

Any trait that increases the possibility of a younger surviving will be passed on in its genes.

2. There is an enormous variety of life on the planet. How did it begin?

①3 billion years ago—single-cell living things;

②670 million years ago—cells pulling together;

③around 570 million years ago —animals’ soft bodies turned hard.

Lecture 5

1.What are the good reasons for life to get into air?

Wings provide animals with extra strike power, flying is the fastest, most efficient way to travel. It allows you to find food, explore new territory or escape from danger.

2.Why do we say caterpillars are munching machines?

Because their only purpose is to eat and grow , and they can balloon to 2000 times its starting weight incredibly.

3.Why do we say that the predators and prey are locked in an intense relationship?

Because when predators find better ways to catch and kill their prey has to improve their self-defense. That is to say neither can afford to be left behind.

Lecture 6

1. What is phobia?

Fear plays a vital part in our survival. When fear gets out of control, we call it phobia.

2. What is the percentage of people with phobias?


3. Do we inherit specific phobias from our parents?


Lecture 7

1. What are the differences between men and women?

Men are more things oriented while women are more people oriented.

2. What are the two reasons for the marriage to end in divorce?

The first reason is unfaithful to your spouse. The second reason is constant arguing.

3. Why people say “love makes people blind”?

The reward system floods with feeling good chemicals, and another part of the brain used for critical thinking switches off.


1.What was found at the bottom of the ocean in 1985 by some scientists?

Shrimps which can live in boiling hot water and live without sun’s energy were found in 1985.
