加拿大国际袋鼠数学竞赛试题 -2004年















这样算下来,小兔子就能得到30 - 10 - 6 = 14个果子啦。




















1. 利用代数方法解答:



设袋鼠身高增加后的身高为x,则有,x = 1/4h + Δh(Δh为身高增加的值)。

根据题意可得,1.2w = 2w (x/h)^3(袋鼠体重的增加与身高的关系)。

整理方程得,(x/h)^3 = 0.6。

解方程可得,x/h ≈ 0.843。


2. 利用比例方法解答:

设袋鼠的身高增加后的身高为x,根据比例可得,x/h = 1.2。

解方程可得,x = 1.2h。


3. 利用图形方法解答:








1. 如果一只袋鼠一年跳300次,那么五只袋鼠跳多少次?
A. 1500次
B. 1400次
C. 1300次
D. 1200次
E. 1100次
2. 在一个等边三角形中,一个顶点到一个对边的中点的
A. 3米
B. 4米
C. 5米
D. 6米
E. 8米
3. 一个圆和一个扇形的半径相等。

A. 72度
B. 108度
C. 180度
D. 360度
E. 720度






选择题在袋鼠思维数学竞赛中,若一个等差数列的前n项和为S_n,且S_3 = 6,S_6 = 21,则S_9等于:A. 45B. 54(正确答案)C. 63D. 72竞赛题目:设f(x) = x3 - 3x2 + 2x,则f(f(x)) = 0的实数根个数为:A. 3B. 4C. 5(正确答案)D. 6袋鼠思维数学竞赛中,若一个直角三角形的两条直角边长度分别为a和b,且满足a2 + b2 = 100,c为斜边,则c的取值范围是:A. (0, 10)B. [10, +∞)C. (10, 10√2](正确答案)D. [10√2, +∞)竞赛中,若一个圆的半径为r,内接于一个边长为a的正三角形中,则该圆的面积与正三角形面积之比为:A. π/3B. π/4C. π/(3√3)(正确答案)D. π/6在袋鼠思维数学竞赛的数列问题中,若数列{a_n}满足a_1 = 1,a_{n+1} = a_n + 2n,则a_10等于:A. 81B. 90C. 99D. 100(正确答案)竞赛题目:若一个长方体的长、宽、高分别为a、b、c,且满足a + b + c = 6,则长方体的体积V的最大值为:A. 8B. 27/8C. 27/4D. 27(正确答案)在袋鼠思维数学竞赛的几何问题中,若一个等腰三角形的底边长为2a,底角为θ,则三角形的面积S关于θ的表达式为:A. a2sin(θ)B. a2cos(θ)C. a2sin(2θ)/2(正确答案)D. a2cos(2θ)/2竞赛中,若一个函数的图像在x轴上方,且其导函数在x=0处取得极小值,则该函数在x=0处:A. 一定有拐点B. 一定有极值点C. 可能有拐点也可能有极值点(正确答案)D. 既无拐点也无极值点在袋鼠思维数学竞赛的组合数学问题中,从1到9的九个数字中任选三个不同的数字,组成一个没有重复数字的三位数,且这个三位数是3的倍数,这样的三位数共有多少个?A. 120B. 168(正确答案)C. 216D. 288。



2. How many ways can 8 mutually non-attacking rooks be placed on the 9 × 9 chessboard (shown here) so that all 8 rooks are on squares of the same colour? [Two rooks are said to be attacking each other if they are placed in the same row or column of the board.]
Solution 2 Consider rooks on black squares first. We have 8 rooks and 9 rows, so exactly one row will be without rooks. There are two cases: either the empty row has 5 black squares or it has 4 black squares. By permutation these rows can be made either last or second last. In each case we’ll count the possible number of ways of placing the rooks on the board as we proceed row by row. In the first case we have 5 choices for the empty row, then we can place a rook on any of the black squares in row 1 (5 possibilities) and any of the black squares in row 2 (4 possibilities). When we attempt to place a rook in row 3, we must avoid the column containing the rook that was placed in row 1, so we have 4 possibilities. Using similar reasoning, we can place the rook on any of 3 possible black squares in row 4, etc. The total number of possibilities for the first case is 5 · 5 · 4 · 4 · 3 · 3 · 2 · 2 · 1 = (5!)2 . In the second case, we have 4 choices for the empty row (but assume it’s the second last row). We now place rooks as before and using similar logic, we get that the total number of possibilities for the second case is 4 · 5 · 4 · 4 · 3 · 3 · 2 · 1 · 1 = 4(5!4!). Now, do the same for the white squares. If a row with 4 white squares is empty (5 ways to choose it), then the total number of possibilities is (5!)2. It’s impossible to have a row with 5 white squares empty, so the total number of ways to place rooks is (5!)2 + 4(5!4!) + (5!)2 = (5 + 4 + 5)5!4! = 14(5!4!).

































(A) 12
(B) 8
(C) 4
(D) 2
(E) 0
3. Which of the dresses has less than seven dots, but more than five dots?
Grade 1-2
Year 2013
4. A lot of babies were born in the zoo last year: two baby lions, three baby dolphins and four baby eagles.
tulips. They started at 9:00 in the morning. At what time will they finish planting all 20 tulips?
(A) At 9:10
(B) At 9:20 (C) At 9:40
(D) At 9:50
(E) At 10:00
(C) 2 and 0
(D) 6 and 9
(E) 7 and 1
2. There are twelve books on a shelf and four children in a room. How
many books will be left on the shelf if each child takes one book?
(A) 16
(B) 30
(C) 50
(D) 52
(E) 70
18. In a park there are babies in four-wheel strollers and children on two-wheel bikes. Paula counted wheels and the total was 12. When she added the number of strollers to the number of bikes, the total was 4. How many two-wheel bikes are there in the park?



袋鼠数学数学竞赛中文试题袋鼠数学数学竞赛中文试题Ⅰ.选择题(每题2分,共10分)1. 下列哪个数是一个素数?A. 25B. 31C. 42D. 502. A、B、C三个人分别携带了2本、3本、5本书,他们总共带了多少本书?A. 6B. 10C. 9D. 73. 一些苹果在3个篮子中平均分配,每个篮子得到10个苹果,若再将这些苹果平均分配到6个篮子中,则每个篮子得到多少个苹果?A. 5B. 10C. 15D. 204. 甲、乙、丙三个人分别花费400元、600元、800元购买了一些物品,他们所花费的总金额是多少元?A. 800B. 1200C. 1800D. 16005. 若9+4x=25,则x的值是多少?A. 4B. 3C. 5D. 2Ⅱ.填空题(每题3分,共15分)1. 一个整数减去两个负整数之和能是正整数吗?为什么?________________________________________________2. 一个多边形的内角和是2160°,这个多边形有多少个角?________________________________________________3. 甲、乙两个容器分别装有2升和3升的水,如何只用这两个容器倒水,可以得到1升的水?________________________________________________4. 如果一个数的平方加上这个数的2倍等于18,求出这个数。

________________________________________________5. 某树在一年内的生长长度是150厘米,第一季度它的生长长度是前两个季度长度之和的1.5倍,第二季度它的生长长度是前两个季度长度之和的0.5倍,求出第三季度它的生长长度。

________________________________________________Ⅲ.解答题(每题10分,共30分)1. 中国的国旗是由什么颜色组成的?每种颜色的面积占比是多少?________________________________________________2. 一辆火车从A站出发,以每小时100千米的速度前进,过了1小时到达B站。
























阅读理解题:这是1、2年级的题目,你让孩子读一下,看看能否看得懂题目?第一遍看这个题目的时候有点懵,再仔细看题目、看图案,才发现,原来每只瓢虫身上都有圆点,而圆点的数量也各不一样,因此文中强调了一句“in the order of increasing number of dots”,必须要理解这句话,才能明白需要根据圆点的数量来连接瓢虫的道理。





建模能力题:我们看下面这道3、4年级的题目,有4个球,分别是10g、20g、30g和40g,根据图里面的天平指示,问哪个球是30g?这道题目就需要孩子能根据图像所示建立一个数学模型,否则这道题目TA是做不出来的!这个数学模型应该是下面这个样子:第一个模型是:A+B > C+D,这对应于第一张图,表示A和B的重量比C和D的重量重。

第二个模型是:B+D = C。





袋鼠数学竞赛历年真题中文一、2008年1、给定4个正整数a,b,c,d,请解决:$$\frac{a}{b}+\frac{c}{d}=?$$2、证明:若正整数m,n满足$m \cdot n= 85$,则$m + n \le 19$二、2009年1、圆锥曲线的方程为$${x^2} + {y^2} = 16{x^2},$$试求它的渐近线的方程?2、已知正方形ABCD的面积为36,点E在BC边上,DE=4。

求正三角形ABE的面积?三、2010年1、设$a,b \in R$,试证明下列结论:若$a^2+b^2=1$,$a \ne 0$,则$\frac{1}{a}+\frac{1}{b} \ge 2$2、三棱锥的一边角为$\frac{\pi }{3}$,其余直角三角形的斜边长分别为1,2,3,求这个三棱锥的体积。

四、2011年1、在正四面体ABCD中,AB=a,BC=b,AD=c,则其表面积为____2、若$a$,$b$,$c$为不相等的正数,$a+b+c=1$,请证明:$a^3+b^3+c^3 \ge abc$五、2012年1、设$m, n$是正整数,$m \ge n$,试证明:$m+n \le m^2-mn+n^2$2、设正方形$ABCD$中,$B(-3,2)$,$AD=8$,试求$ABCD$的外接圆的方程?六、2013年1、求函数$f(x)=x^2(x-1)^2$的最大值?2、求$\frac{1}{2}x(x+1)(x-1)$的三个零点的和?七、2014年1、已知变量$x,y$满足$x+y=100$,试求$f(x,y)=20x^2-44xy+90y^2$的最大值?2、设函数$f(x)=\frac{1}{{1 + 2x}} + 3e^x$的定义域为$[2,3]$,试求$f(x)$在定义域中的最小值?八、2015年1、若$x,y,z\in R^+$,满足$x^2+y^2+z^2=14$,求证:$xy+yz+zx \ge 6\sqrt {3}$2、若$ab+bc+ca=36,a \ge b \ge c$,求$a,b,c$的值?九、2016年1、求函数$y=\frac{x^2+15x+50}{x^2+10x+25}$的零点?2、若$a,b,c$满足$2a^2+b+c=15$, $b+c\ge 9$,求证:$bc \ge 6$?十、2017年1、若$3x^2+2xy+7y^2-13xy=0$,求$x,y$的最大值?2、圆锥曲线$x^2+y^2=16x^2$的双曲线半径为___?。



加拿⼤国际袋⿏数学竞赛试题-2013年Grade 1-2International Contest-Game MATH KANGAROOPart A: Each correct answer is worth 3 points. 1. Which digits are missing?Year 2013(A) 3 and 5 (B) 4 and 8(C) 2 and 0(D) 6 and 9(E) 7 and 12. There are twelve books on a shelf and four children in a room. Howmany books will be left on the shelf if each child takes one book?(A) 12(B) 8(C) 4(D) 2(E) 03. Which of the dresses has less than seven dots, but more than five dots?(A)(B)(C)(D)(E)Grade 1-2Year 20134. A lot of babies were born in the zoo last year: two baby lions, three baby dolphins and four baby eagles. How many legs do all these babies have altogether?(A) 20(B) 18(C) 16(D) 14(E) 125. Several students want to plant 20 tulips in the school garden. It takes ten minutes for them to plant five tulips. They started at 9:00 in the morning. At what time will they finish planting all 20 tulips?(A) At 9:10(B) At 9:20 (C) At 9:40(D) At 9:50(E) At 10:006. How many more bricks are there in the larger stack?(A) 4(B) 5(C) 6(D) 7Part B: Each correct answer is worth 4 points.(E) 107. Ann has. Barb gave Eve. Jim has. Bob has. Who is Barb?(A)(B)(C)8. There is a path with square tiles.(D)(E)How many tiles fit in the area inside?(A) 5(B) 6(E) 9Grade 1-2Year 20139. Cat and Mouse are moving to the right. When Mouse jumps 1 tile, Cat jumps 2 tiles at the same time.On which tile does Cat catch Mouse?(A) 1(B) 2(C) 3(D) 4(E) 510. I am a number. If you count by tens you will say my name. I am not ten. If you add me to 30, you will get anumber less than 60. Who am I?(A) 20(B) 30(C) 40(D) 50(E) 6011. There is a house on each corner of the streets. The housesare shown on the map. Two new houses will be built oneach street between the corner houses. How many houseswill there be in all?(A) 8(B) 12(C) 16(D) 20(E) Other answer12. Kasia has 3 brothers and 3 sisters. How many brothers and how many sisters does her brother Mike have?(A) 3 brothers and 3 sisters(B) 3 brothers and 4 sisters(C) 2 brothers and 3 sisters(D) 3 brothers and 2 sisters(E) 2 brothers and 4 sistersPart C: Each correct answer is worth 5 points.13. Ania makes a large cube from 27 small white cubes. She paints all the faces of the large cube. Then Ania removes four small cubes from four of the corners, as shown. While the paint is still wet, she stamps each of the new faces onto a piece of paper. How many of the following stamps can Ania make?(A) 1(B) 2(C) 3(D) 4(E) 514. Ann has a lot of these pieces:She tries to put them in the square, as many as possible. How many cells shall be left empty?(A) 0(B) 1(C) 2(D) 3(E) 4Grade 1-215. In a game it is possible to make the following exchanges:Year 2013Adam has 6 pears. How many strawberries will Adam have, when he trades all his pears for juststrawberries?(A) 12(B) 36(C) 1816. Sophie makes a row of 10 houses with matchsticks. In the picture you can see the beginning of the row. How many matchsticks does Sophie need altogether?(A) 50(B) 51(C) 55(D) 60(E) 6217. A square box is filled with two layers of identical square pieces of chocolate. Kirill has eaten all 20 pieces in the upper layer, which are along the walls of the box. How many pieces of chocolate are left in the box?(A) 16(B) 30(C) 50(D) 52(E) 7018. In a park there are babies in four-wheel strollers and children on two-wheel bikes. Paula counted wheels and the total was 12. When she added the number of strollers to the number of bikes, the total was 4. How many two-wheel bikes are there in the park?(A) 1(B) 2(C) 3(D) 4(E) Other numberGrade 3-4Year 2013International Contest-Game MATH KANGAROOPart A: Each correct answer is worth 3 points. 1. In which figure is the number of black kangaroos bigger than the number of white kangaroos?(A)(B)(C)(D)(E)2. Aline writes a correct calculation. Then she covers two digits which are the same with a sticker:Which digit is under the stickers?(A)(B)(C)(D)(E)3. Monica arrived in the Kangaroo Camp on July 25th in the morning and left the camp on August 3rd inthe afternoon. How many nights did she sleep in the camp?(A) 7(B) 9(C) 10(D) 30(E) 84. How many triangles of all sizes can be seen in the picture below?(A) 9(B) 10(C) 11(D) 13(E) 125. In London 2012, the USA won the most medals: 46 gold, 29 silver and 29 bronze. China was secondwith 38 gold, 27 silver and 23 bronze. How many more medals did the USA win compared to China?(A) 6(B) 14(C) 16(D) 24Grade 3-4Year 20136. There are three families in my neighbourhood with three children each; two of the families havetwins. All twins are boys. At most how many girls are in these families?(A) 2(B) 3(C) 4(D) 5(E) 67. Vero's mother prepares sandwiches with two slices of bread each. A package of bread has 24 slices.How many sandwiches can she prepare from two and a half packages of bread?(A) 24(B) 30(C) 48(D) 34(E) 268. About the number 325, five boys said:Andrei: "This is a 3-digit number"Boris: "All digits are distinct"Vick: "The sum of the digits is 10"Greg: "The units digit is 5"Danny: "All digits are odd"Which of the boys was wrong?(A) Andrei(B) Boris(C) Vick(D) Greg(E) DannyPart B: Each correct answer is worth 4 points. 9. The rectangular mirror was broken.Which of the following pieces is the missing part of the broken mirror?(A)(B)(C)(D)(E)10. When Pinocchio lies, his nose gets 6 cm longer. When he tells the truth, his nose gets 2 cm shorter. When his nose was 9 cm long, he told three lies and made two true statements. How long was Pinocchio's nose afterwards?(A) 14 cm(B) 15 cm(C) 19 cm(D) 23 cm(E) 31 cmGrade 3-4Year 201311. John is 33 years old. His three sons are 5, 6 and 10 years old. In how many years will the three sons together be as old as their father?(A) 4(B) 6(C) 8(D) 10(E) 1212. On the map, white lines represent streets. There are pictograms on some intersections (for example, trafic light, basket, tram). Ann started walking at the beginning of the middle vertical street in the direction of the arrow. At every intersection of streets she turned either to the right or to the left. First she turned right, then left, then again left, then right, then left, and finally again left. Which of the landmarks did Ann approach in the end?(A)(B)(E)13. Schoolmates Andy, Betty, Cathie and Dannie were born in the same year. Their birthdays were on February 20th, April 12th, May 12th and May 25th, not necessarily in this order. Betty and Andy were born in the same month. Andy and Cathie were born in the same day of different months. Who of these schoolmates is the oldest?(A) Andy(B) Betty(C) Cathie (D) Dannie (E) impossible to determine14. In the Adventure Park, 30 children took part in two of the adventures. 15 of them participated in the "moving bridge" contest, and 20 of them went down the zip-wire. How many of the children took part in both adventures?(A) 25(B) 15(C) 30(D) 10(E) 515. Which of the five pieces in the answers fits with the piece in the separate picture, so that together they form a rectangle?(A)(B)(C)(D)(E)16. Children in the school club had to arrange fitness balls according to their size from the biggest to the smallest one. Rebecca was comparing them and said: the red ball is smaller than the blue one, the yellow one is bigger than the green one, and the green one is bigger than the blue one. What is the correct order of the fitness balls?(A) green, yellow, blue, red (D) yellow, green, blue, red(B) red, blue, yellow, green (E) blue, yellow, green, red(C) yellow, green, red, blueGrade 3-4Year 2013Part C: Each correct answer is worth 5 points.17. In the shown triangle, first we join the midpoints of all the three sides. This way, we form a smaller triangle. We repeat this one more time with the smaller triangle, forming a new even smaller triangle, which we colour in red. How many triangles of the size of the red triangle are needed to cover completely the original triangle, without overlapping?Note: Midpoint of a side is the point that divides the side in two parts of the same length.(A) 5(B) 8(C) 10(D) 16(E) 3218. There are oranges, apricots and peaches in a big basket. How many fruits are there in the basket if the peaches and the apricots together are 18, the oranges and the apricots together are 28 and 30 fruits are not apricots?(A) 46(B) 20(C) 40(D) 38(E) 2919. In December Tom-the-cat slept for exactly 3 weeks. Which calculations should we do in order to find how many minutes he stayed awake during this month?(A) (31 – 7) × 3 × 24 × 60(B) (31 – 7 × 3) × 24 × 60(C) (30 – 7 × 3) × 24 × 60(D) (31 – 7 ) × 24 × 60(E) (31 – 7 × 3) × 24 × 60 × 6020. Basil has several domino tiles, as shown in the figure. He wants to arrange them in a line according to the well-known "domino rule": in any two tiles that are next to each other, the squares that touch must have the same number of points. What is the largest number of tiles he can arrange in this way?(A) 3(B) 4(C) 521. Cristi has to sell 10 glass bells that vary in price: 1 euro, 2 euro, 3 euro, 4 euro, 5 euro, 6 euro, 7 euro, 8 euro, 9 euro, 10 euro. In how many ways can Cristi divide all the glass bells in three packages so that all the packages have the same price?(A) 1(B) 2(C) 3(D) 4(E) Such a division is not possible.Grade 3-4Year 201322. Nancy bought 17 cones of ice-cream for her three children. Misha ate twice as many cones as Ana. Dan ate more ice-cream than Ana but less than Misha. How many cones of ice-cream did Dan eat?(A) 4(B) 5(C) 6(D) 7(E) 823. Peter bought a carpet 36 dm wide and 60 dm long. The figure shows part of this carpet. As seen, the carpet has a pattern of small squares containing either a sun or a moon. You can count that along the width there are nine squares. When the carpet is fully unrolled, how many moons will be seen?(A) 68(B) 67(C) 65(D) 63(E) 6024. Beatrice has a lot of pieces like the grey one in the picture. At least how many of these grey pieces will she need to makea grey square?(A) 3(B) 4(C) 6(D) 8(E) 16Grade 11-12International Contest-Game MATH KANGAROOPart A: Each correct answer is worth 3 points.Year 20131. Which of the following numbers is the largest?(A) 2013(B) 20+13(C) 2013(D) 2013(E) 20 × 132. Four circles of radius 1 are touching each other and a smaller circle as seen in the picture. What is the radius of the smaller circle?(A) 2 ?11 (B)23 (C)43 (D)47 (E)163. A three-dimensional object bounded only by polygons is called a polyhedron. What is the smallestnumber of polygons that can bind a polyhedron, if we know that one of the polygons has 12 sides?(A) 12(B) 13(E) 244. The cube root of 333 is equal to(A) 33(B) 333 ?1(C) 323(D) 332(E) ( 3)35. The year 2013 has the property that its number is made up of the consecutive digits 0, 1, 2 and 3.How many years have passed since the last time a year was made up of four consecutive digits?(A) 467(B) 527(C) 581(D) 693(E) 9906. Let f be a linear function for which f(2013) – f(2001) = 100. What is f(2031) – f(2013)?(A) 75(B) 100(C) 120(D) 150(E) 1807. Given that 2 < x < 3, how many of the following statements are true?4 < x2 < 94 < 2x < 96 < 3x < 9 0 < x2 ? 2x < 3(A) 0(B) 1(C) 2(D) 3(E) 48. Six superheroes capture 20 villains. The first superhero captures one villain, the second capturestwo villains and the third captures three villains. The fourth superhero captures more villains thanany of the other five. What is the smallest number of villains the fourth superhero must havecaptured?(A) 7(B) 6(C) 5(D) 4(E) 3Grade 11-12Year 20139. In the cube to the right you see a solid, non-transparent pyramid ABCDS with base ABCD, whose vertex S lies exactly in the middle of an edge of the cube. You look at this pyramid from above, from below, from behind, from ahead, from the right and from the left. Which view does not arise?(A)(B)(C)(D)(E)10.Whena certainsolid substancemelts,itsvolume increasesby1 12.By how much doesitsvolumedecrease when it solidifies again?(A)1 10(B)1 11(C)1 12(D)1 13(E)1 14Part B: Each correct answer is worth 4 points.11. The diagram shows two squares of equal side length placed so thatthey overlap. The squares have a common vertex and the sides make anangle of 45 degrees with each other, as shown. What is the area of theoverlap as a fraction of the area of one square?1 (A)21 (B)2(C) 1? 1 2(D) 2 ?12 ?1 (E)212.How many positive integers n exist such that bothn 3and 3nare three-digit integers?(A) 12(B) 33(C) 34(D) 100(E) 30013. A circular carpet is placed on a floor of square tiles. All the tiles which have more than one point in common with the carpet are marked grey. Which of the following is an impossible outcome?(A)(B)(C)(D)(E)14. Consider the following statement about a function f on the set of integers: "For any even x, f(x) is even." What would be the negation of this proposition?(A) For any even x, f(x) is odd(B) For any odd x, f(x) is even(C) For any odd x, f(x) is odd(D) There exists an even number x such that f(x) is odd(E) There exists an odd number x such that f(x) is oddGrade 11-12Year 201315. How many pairs (x,y) of positive integers satisfy the equation x2 y3 = 612 ?(A) 6(B) 8(C) 10(D) 12(E) Another number.16. Given a function W (x) = (a ? x)(b ? x)2 , where a < b. Its graph is in one of the following figures. In which one?(A)(B)(C)(D)(E)17. Consider a rectangle, one of whose sides has a length of 5. The rectangle can be cut into a squareand a rectangle, one of which has the area 4. How many such rectangles exist?(A) 1(B) 2(C) 3(D) 4(E) 518. Assume that x2 ? y2 = 84 , where x and y are positive integers. How many values may theexpression x2 + y2 have?(A) 1(B) 2(C) 3(D) 5(E) 619. In the triangle ABC the points M and N on the side AB are such that AN = ACand BM = BC. Find ∠ACB if ∠MCN = 43°.(A) 86°(B) 89°(C) 90°(D) 92°(E) 94°20. A box contains 900 cards numbered from 100 to 999. Any two cards have different numbers.Fran?ois picks some cards and determines the sum of the digits on each of them. At least how manycards must he pick in order to be certain to have three cards with the same sum?(A) 51(B) 52(C) 53(D) 54(E) 55Part C: Each correct answer is worth 5 points.21. How many pairs (x,y) of integers with x ≤ y exist such that their product equals 5 times their sum?(A) 4(B) 5(C) 6(D) 7(E) 822. Let f (x), x ∈ R be the function defined by the following properties: f is periodic with period 5 andf (x) = x2 when x ∈[?2,3) . What is f(2013) ?(A) 0(B) 1(C) 2(D) 4(E) 923. We have many white cubes and many black cubes, all of the same size. We want to build a rectangular prism composed by exactly 2013 of these cubes so that they are placed alternating a white cube and a black cube in all directions. If we start putting a black cube in one of the eight corners of the prism, how many black squares will we see on the exterior surface of the solid?(A) 887(B) 888(C) 890(E) It depends on the dimensions of the prism(D) 892Grade 11-12Year 201324. How many solutions (x,y), where x and y are real numbers, does the equation x2 + y2 = x + yhave? (A) 1(B) 5(C) 8(D) 9(E) Infinitely many.25. There are 2013 points marked inside a square. Some of them are connected to the vertices of thesquare and with each other so that the square is divided into non-overlapping triangles. All markedpoints are vertices of these triangles. How many triangles are formed this way?(A) 2013(B) 2015(C) 4026(D) 4028(E) impossible to determine26. There are some straight lines drawn on the plane. Line a intersects exactly three other lines and lineb intersects exactly four other lines. Linec intersects exactly n other lines, with n ≠ 3, 4 .Determine the number of lines drawn on the plane.(A) 4(B) 5(C) 6(D) 7(E) Another number.27. The sum of the first n positive integers is a three-digit number in which all of the digits are thesame. What is the sum of the digits of n?(A) 6(B) 9(C) 12(D) 15(E) 1828. On the island of Knights and Knaves there live only two types of people: Knights (who always speak the truth) and Knaves (who always lie). I met two men who lived there and asked the taller man if they were both Knights. He replied, but I could not figure out what they were, so I asked the shorter man if the taller was a Knight. He replied, and after that I knew which type they were. Were the men Knights or Knaves?(A) They were both Knights.(B) They were both Knaves.(C) The taller was a Knight and the shorter was a Knave.(D) The taller was a Knave and the shorter was a Knight.(E) Not enough information is given.29. Julian has written an algorithm in order to create a sequence of numbers as a1 = 1,am+n = am + an + mn , where m and n are natural numbers. Find the value of a100.(A) 100(B) 1000(C) 2012(D) 4950(E) 505030. The roundabout shown in the picture is entered by 5 cars at the same time, eachone from a different direction. Each of the cars drives less than one round and notwo cars leave the roundabout in the same direction. How many differentcombinations are there for the cars leaving the roundabout?(A) 24(B) 44(C) 60(D) 81(E) 120Year 2013Grade 1 and 2 DBACCB DEDABE DACBDBGrade 3 and 4 DDBBCDBE BDBADEBD DDBCEBBBGrade 5 and 6 ECCBEBBECD CCDBADDACD ADBABDBBDBGrade 7 and 8 DBACEECEAC DEBCBAABBC AEDCCABDBCGrade 9 and 10 DBCCBAECBC DBDADDBCEB DCCEEDCCBBGrade 11 and 12 CABDCDEBED DAEDEADBEC ADCED*CBDEB*Answer E was also accepted as correct for Q25 Answers。

加拿大国际袋鼠数学竞赛试题 -2008年

加拿大国际袋鼠数学竞赛试题 -2008年

International Kangaroo Mathematics Contest 2008Ecolier Level: Class (3 & 4)Max Time: 2 Hours3-point problems1)We eat 3 meals a day. How many meals do we eat in a week?A) 7 B) 212)An adult ticket to the ZOO costs 4 rupees, the ticket for a child is 1 rupee cheaper. How many rupees must a father pay to enter the ZOO with his two children?A) 6 B) 10 3)We make a sequence of figures with tiles. The first four figures have 1, 4, 7 and 10 tiles, respectively.How many tiles will the fifth figure have? A) 13 B) 144)Ayesha has 37 CDs. Her friend Aniqa said: “If you give me 10 of your CDs, we will both have the same number of CDs.” How many CDs does Aniqa have?A) 17 B) 27 5)How many stars are inside the figure?A) 95 B) 100Rabia has drawn a point on a piece of paper. She now draws four straight lines that pass through this point. Into how many sections do these lines divide the paper?A) 4 B) 87)In six and one half hours it will be four hours after midnight. What time is it now?A) 21:30 B) 10:308)The storm made a hole in the front side of the roof. There were 10 roof tiles in each of 7 rows. How many tiles are left on the front side of the roof?A) 57 B) 599)Ejaz is making figures with two triangular cards shown. Which figure he cannot get?A) B)Ahmad multiplies by 3, Nasir adds 2, and Tahir subtracts 1. In what order can they do this to convert 3 into 14?A) Ahmad, Nasir, Tahir B) Nasir, Ahmad, Tahir11)Usman is taller than Noman and shorter than Salman. Who is the tallest?A) Usman B) Salman12)Abida made the figure on the right out of five cubes. Which ofthe following figures (when seen from any direction) can shenot get from the figure on the right side if she is allowed tomove exactly one cube?A) B)13)Which of the following figures is shown most often in the above sequence?B) All of them are shown equally often14)In a hotel, how many two-bed rooms should be added to 5 three-bed rooms to host 21 guests?A) 3 B) 615)There are three songs on a CD. The first song is 6 minutes and 25 seconds long, the second song is 12 minutes and 25 seconds long, and the third song is 10 minutes and 13 seconds long. How long are all the three songs together?A) 29 minutes 3 seconds B) 31 minutes 13 seconds16)We have a large number of blocks of 1 x 2 x 4 cm. We will try to put as many of these blocks as possible in a box of 4 x 4 x 4 cm so that we can close the box with a lid. How many blocks fit in?A) 8 B) 1017)Shaheen shoots two arrows at the target. In the drawing we see that her score is 5. If both arrows hit the target, how many different scores can she obtain?A) 6 B) 318)A garden in the shape of a square is divided into a pool (P) a flowerbed (F) a lawn (L) and a sandpit (S) (see the picture). The lawn and the flowerbed are in the shape of a square. The perimeter of the lawn is 20 m, the perimeter of the flowerbed is 12 m. What is the perimeter of the pool?A) 12 m B) 16 m19)Zahid has as many brothers as sisters. His sister Zahida has twice as many brothers as she has sisters. How many children are there in this family?A) 3 B) 7 20)How many two-digit numbers are there in which the digit on the right is larger than the digit on the left?A) 26 B) 36_______________________________GOOD LUCK !。













面积增加了(1.21πr² - πr²) / πr² = 0.21,即增加了21%。







袋鼠数学竞赛试题及答案1. 基础计算题:计算下列各题的结果。

- 题目一:\( 56 + 78 - 39 \)- 题目二:\( 48 \times 25 \)- 题目三:\( 3200 ÷ 40 + 76 \)2. 逻辑推理题:小明有5个不同颜色的球,他想从这些球中选出3个来玩。

请问小明有多少种不同的选法?3. 几何题:一个正方形的边长为10厘米,求其周长和面积。

4. 应用题:一家商店出售T恤衫,每件T恤衫的进价是50元,标价是100元。

如果商店决定打8折销售,那么每件T恤衫的利润是多少?5. 数列题:一个等差数列的首项是3,公差是2,求这个数列的第10项。

6. 概率题:一个袋子里有5个红球和3个蓝球,随机抽取一个球,求抽到红球的概率。

7. 组合题:一个班级有30个学生,需要选出5个学生代表班级参加比赛。

如果不考虑顺序,有多少种不同的选法?8. 代数题:解下列方程:\( 3x - 7 = 26 \)9. 统计题:一组数据是:4, 7, 2, 9, 5, 8。


10. 智力题:一个数字去掉第一位是42,去掉最后一位是32,这个数字是什么?答案1. 基础计算题- 题目一:\( 56 + 78 - 39 = 95 \)- 题目二:\( 48 \times 25 = 1200 \)- 题目三:\( 3200 ÷ 40 + 76 = 95 \)2. 逻辑推理题:小明有5个不同颜色的球,选择3个球的选法是\( C(5, 3) = 5! / (3! \times (5-3)!) = 10 \) 种。

3. 几何题:正方形的周长是 \( 4 \times 10 = 40 \) 厘米,面积是\( 10 \times 10 = 100 \) 平方厘米。

4. 应用题:打8折后,T恤衫售价为 \( 100 \times 0.8 = 80 \) 元,利润是 \( 80 - 50 = 30 \) 元。



袋鼠数学国际数学竞赛题摘要:一、袋鼠数学竞赛简介1.袋鼠数学竞赛的起源2.竞赛面向的年龄段和级别3.竞赛的宗旨和目标二、袋鼠数学竞赛的特点1.题目趣味性强2.题目涉及多个领域3.鼓励学生用不同方法解题三、袋鼠数学竞赛的题目类型1.选择题2.填空题3.解答题四、袋鼠数学竞赛的评分标准1.正确率2.解题过程3.创意性解题五、参加袋鼠数学竞赛的意义1.提升数学能力2.培养逻辑思维3.激发学习兴趣正文:袋鼠数学国际数学竞赛(Kangaroo Mathematics Competition)是一项在全球范围内举办的青少年数学竞赛,起源于澳大利亚,现在已经发展成为一个国际性的数学竞赛。















袋鼠竞赛考试题目和答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 袋鼠是澳大利亚特有的动物,以下哪个选项是袋鼠的特征?A. 有翅膀,能飞行B. 有袋,能育幼C. 有尾巴,能游泳D. 有角,能攻击答案:B2. 袋鼠的繁殖季节一般在什么时候?A. 春季B. 夏季C. 秋季D. 冬季答案:B3. 袋鼠的跳跃能力非常强,以下哪个选项是袋鼠跳跃时的动力来源?A. 前肢B. 后肢C. 前肢和后肢D. 尾巴答案:B4. 袋鼠的寿命一般为多少年?A. 5-10年B. 10-15年C. 15-20年D. 20-25年答案:B5. 袋鼠的主食是什么?A. 肉类C. 植物D. 昆虫答案:C6. 袋鼠的耳朵有什么作用?A. 保持平衡B. 散热C. 捕捉声音D. 储存食物答案:B7. 袋鼠的尾巴有什么作用?A. 保持平衡B. 攻击敌人C. 储存食物D. 捕捉声音8. 袋鼠的跳跃速度可以达到多少?A. 10-20公里/小时B. 20-30公里/小时C. 30-40公里/小时D. 40-50公里/小时答案:C9. 袋鼠的跳跃高度可以达到多少?A. 1-2米B. 2-3米C. 3-4米D. 4-5米答案:B10. 袋鼠的跳跃距离可以达到多少?B. 10-15米C. 15-20米D. 20-25米答案:B二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)11. 以下哪些是袋鼠的种类?A. 红袋鼠B. 灰袋鼠C. 树袋鼠D. 袋熊答案:ABC12. 以下哪些是袋鼠的天敌?A. 鹰B. 狼C. 狮子D. 袋獾答案:AD13. 以下哪些是袋鼠的繁殖方式?A. 卵生B. 胎生C. 胎生后育幼D. 胎生后独立答案:C14. 以下哪些是袋鼠的生活环境?A. 草原B. 森林C. 沙漠D. 山地答案:ABCD15. 以下哪些是袋鼠的保护措施?A. 建立保护区B. 限制狩猎C. 人工繁殖D. 无为而治答案:ABC三、判断题(每题1分,共10分)16. 袋鼠是澳大利亚的国宝,也是澳大利亚的象征。

























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Back to All Problems Page
Level of Grades 3 - 4
3 points each
1. 2001+ 2002 + 2003 + 2004 + 2005 =
A) 1,015 B) 5,010 C) 10,150 D) 11,005 E) 10,015
2. Marek was 4 years old when his sister was born. Today he blew out all 9 candles on his birthday cake. What is the difference between Marek’s and his sister’s age today?
A) 4 years B) 5 years C) 9 years D) 13 years E) 14 years
3. The picture below shows a road from town A to town B (indicated by solid line) and a detour (marked by a dash line) caused by renovation of the section CD. How many kilometres longer is the road from town A to town B because of the detour now?
A) 3 km B) 5 km C) 6 km D) 10 km E) This cannot be calculated.
4. Which of the results below is not identical to the difference 671 – 389?
A) 771 – 489 B) 681 – 399 C) 669 – 391 D) 1871 – 1589 E) 600 –318
5. There were some birds sitting on the telegraph wire. At one moment, 5 of them flied away and after some time, 3 birds came back. At that time there were 12 birds sitting on the wire. How many birds were there at the very beginning?
A) 8 B) 9 C) 10 D) 12 E) 14
6. Which numbers are inside a rectangle and inside a circle but not inside a triangle at the same time?
A) 5 and 11 B) 1 and 10 C) 13 D) 3 and 9 E)
6, 7 and 4
7. Buildings on Color Street are numbered from 1 to 5 (see the picture).
Each building is colored with one of the following colors: blue, red,
yellow, pink, and green. It is known that:
– The red building neighbours with the blue one only.
– The blue building is between the red one and the green one.
What is the color of the building numbered with 3?
A) Blue B) Red C) Yellow D) Pink E) Green
8. How many white squares need to be shaded so that the number of
shaded squares equals exactly to half of the number of white squares?
A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D) 6 E) It is
impossible to calculate it.
4 points each
9. Five identical sheets of a plastic rectangles were divided
into white and black squares. Which of the sheets from A to E
has to be covered with the sheet to the right in order to get
totally black rectangle?
A: B: C: D:E:
10. The scales in the pictures had been balanced. There are pencils and a pen on the arms of the scales. What is the weight of the pen in grams?
A) 6 g B) 7 g C) 8 g D) 9 g E) 10 g
11. I notice four clocks on the wall (see the picture). Only one of them shows correct time. One of them is 20 minutes ahead, another is 20 minutes late, and the other is stopped. What is the time at the moment?
among them. There are 14 students on Mathew’s left, and Maria is among them. There are 7 students between Maria and Mathew. How many students are in this class?
A) 37 B) 30 C) 23 D) 22 E) 16
20. The sum of the digits of the 10-digit number is 9.What is the product of the digits of this number?
A) 0 B) 1 C) 45 D) 9 x 8 x 7 x…..x 2 x 1
E) 10
21. Out of 125 small, white and black cubes, the big cube was formed (see the picture). Every two
adjacent cubes have different colors. The vertices of the big cube are black. How many white cubes
does the big cube contain?
A) 62 B) 63 C) 64 D) 65 E) 68
22. A lottery-ticket was 4 dollars. Three boys: Paul, Peter, and Robert made a contribiution and bought two tickets. Paul gave 1 dollar, Peter gave 3 dollars, and Robert gave 4 dollars. One of the tickets they bought was worth 1000 dollars. Boys shared the award fairly, meaning, proportionally to their contributions. How much did Peter receive?
A) 300 B) 375 C) 250 D) 750 E) 425
23. In three soccer games the Dziobak’s team scored three goals and lost one. For every game won the team gets 3 points, for
a tie it gets 1 point, and for the game lost it gets 0 points. For sure, the number of points the team earned in those three games was not equal to which of the following numbers?
A) 7 B) 6 C) 5 D) 4 E) 3
24. In every white section of a diagram, the products of two numbers from grey sections – one from
above and one from the left – was placed (for example: 42 = 7 • 6 ). Some of these products are
represented by letters. Which two letters represent the same number?
A) L and M B) T and N C) R and P D) K and P E) M and S
back to all problems page。
