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The Designing Of Medium Plate 2800 Hot Straightening Main Drive System


Rolling production has become the metallurgical industry in the production of steel billets made important production processes, with the yield, variety, is the degree of mechanization and automation of many of the advantages of higher domestic production process, it is an important technology to meet the national production needs. The design of the leveler was 11 roll straightener main drive system. The first step in analyzing the straightening technology development status at home and abroad, analyzes the use classification, and the different types of leveler straightening machine; the second step, a detailed comparison of the advantages and disadvantages between the two programs, select the the main transmission system optimal solution, and were selecting the motor, reducer, gear housing, couplings and other components; the third step, identified a number of basic parameters and power leveler energy parameters, such as: basic parameter determines the roll diameter, roll away, roll number, roll speed and roll body length, force and energy parameters determined its Straightening and straightening moment; the fourth step, conducted a roller bearing areas such as the strength of the school does not feed ah Collar nuclear determine choice involved and not into the ah safety performance and whether it meets the requirements; Finally, the selection of lubrication, the economic feasibility analysis, environmental analysis and so on.

Keywords:medium and heavy plate; Surface quality;main transmission system;motoer;reducer


摘要........................................................... I Abstract....................................................... II 1绪论.. (1)

1.1选题背景及意义 (1)

1.2国内外发展现状 (1)

1.3设计的主要内容 (3)

2设计方案选择 (4)

2.1矫直机的方案选择 (4)

2.1.1矫直机的选择 (4)

2.1.2矫直方案的选择 (5)

2.2主传动系统的方案选择 (5)

2.2.1方案选择 (5)

2.2.2电机的初步选择 (7)

2.2.3减速器的选择 (7)

2.2.4齿轮箱的选择 (8)

2.2.5联轴器的选择 (8)

3基本参数的确定 (9)

3.1辊距t和辊径D的确定 (9)

3.2辊数n的确定 (11)

3.3辊身长L的确定 (12)

3.4矫直速度V的确定 (13)

4力能参数的确定 (14)

4.1计算理论依据 (14)

4.2 矫直力的计算 (17)

4.3矫直力矩的计算 (18)

4.4矫直机驱动功率的确定 (22)

5主要零部件的校核计算 (24)

5.1电机的选择及过载校核 (24)

5.2矫直辊强度校核 (24)

5.2.1第三辊的传动力矩 (25)

5.2.2第三辊上弯曲力矩和支反力的确定 (25)

5.2.3矫直辊强度计算及校核 (32)

5.3工作辊轴承的校核 (34)
