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(考试时间:2018年1月31日下午300-500 满分:150分)




1. Where was the woman’s phone yesterday?

A. At her home.

B. In a restaurant.

C. In her office.

2. What did the woman lie about the coat?

A. The quality.

B. The color.

C. The design.

3. Why does the woman than the man?

A. He attended her party.

B. He got her nown to his friends.

C. He found a new school for her.

4. What’s the relationship between Lia and the woman?

A. Neighbors.

B. Classmates.

C. Sisters.

5. Which neclace will the woman buy?

A. The red one.

B. The blue one.

C. A clear one.




6. What are the speaers mainly taling about?

A. How to get to the Train Station.

B. How to go to the bus stop.

C. How to save money.

7. Which bus should the woman tae first?

A. Bus No. 6.

B. Bus No. 7.

C. Bus No. 8.


8. How much did the man pay for his TV?

A. $700.

B. $800.

C. $1,500.

9. What does the woman thin about the man?

A. Interesting.

B. Unrealistic.

C. Clever.


10. Why does Cindy loo for a job?

A. To get some eperience.

B. To pay for her school.

C. To save money to travel.

11. What will Cindy do this afternoon?

A. Go to the community center.

B. Send emails.

C. Buy concert ticets.

12. What’s Tom’s summer vacation plan?

A. Do some part time job.

B. Have a concert.

C. Practice his guitar.


13. What time is it now?

A. 800a.m.

B. 9 00a.m.

C. 600p.m.

14. What was the man doing when the woman called him?

A. He was in a shower.

B. He was woring.

C. He was sending a pacage.

15. Where will the speaers meet after wor?

A. At the man’s company.

B. At the theater.

C. At the post office.

16. Who will give a dancing show?

A. The woman’s brother.

B. Th e woman’s sister.

C. The woman.


17. How many gold medals did Simone win in 2016 Olympics?

A. 3.

B. 4.

C. 5.

18. Who is Aimee Boorman?

A. Simone’s mother.

B. Simone’s teammate.

C. Simone’s coach.

19. When did Simone first tae part in the World Championships?

A. 2004.

B. 2013.

C. 2016.

20. What do people thin about Simone’s personality?

A. She is optimistic.

B. She is shy.

C. She is tough.





Create A Card

March 26

930 am-1230 pm

Create a painting with Rachel and Creative ids Care, Inc.! Creative ids Care, Inc. is a non-profit organiation aiming to improve the lives of children through the creative acts of children. During this special event, children can create a painting or colored drawing and add their first name and age to the finished masterpiece. The artwor will be
